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Pro-Government Forces Tihghten Grip On Al-Bukamal, Enter It Again (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Pro-Government Forces Tihghten Grip On Al-Bukamal, Enter It Again (Map, Videos, Photos)

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On  November 14, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Hezbollah secured the town of Suwayah south of the city of al-Bukamal and the town of al-Sukkariya north of the city, according to Syrian pro-government sources.

The pro-government blog al-Masdar News also reported that the SAA entered al-Bukamal again and captured a notable part of of it. However, these claims are yet to be confirmed by an official source.

Earlier on the same day, the Ministry of Defense of Russia announced that T-22M3 strategic bombers hammered ISIS positions near al-Bukamal once again.

From its side, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq announced that ISIS fighters destroyed a battle tank of the SAA west of al-Bukamal. Amaq also released photos of ISIS’ “Tank Hunters” destroying 2 bulldozers and a vehicle of the SAA with Soviet-made Konkurs ATGMs around al-Bukamal.

Pro-Government Forces Tihghten Grip On Al-Bukamal, Enter It Again (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Pro-Government Forces Tihghten Grip On Al-Bukamal, Enter It Again (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Pro-Government Forces Tihghten Grip On Al-Bukamal, Enter It Again (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Pro-Government Forces Tihghten Grip On Al-Bukamal, Enter It Again (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Pro-Government Forces Tihghten Grip On Al-Bukamal, Enter It Again (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Pro-Government Forces Tihghten Grip On Al-Bukamal, Enter It Again (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Pro-Government Forces Tihghten Grip On Al-Bukamal, Enter It Again (Map, Videos, Photos)

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The remaining ISIS fighters inside al-Bukamal will likely try to flee the city through the Euphrates River in the upcoming days unless the ISIS leadership is willing to fight until death in Al-Bukamal, something we only seen before in the Iraqi city of Mosul.

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You can call me Al

Where TF are the PMU ?; have they bottled it ?

Brad Isherwood

There’s probably a break and run for it occuring outside Bukumal. Where the Takfiri go is anyone’s guess. Reminded of Takfiri from Aleppo shave their beards and dress like women.

Am unawares of what air mobile assets PMU have, It’s gotta be lizard plinking in the open desert as the Takfiri flee with hopes of spending that Saudi, UAE,USD $. Bankers probably want them ended….claw back on their accounts : )

You can call me Al

Thanks – I apologise, but my rage boiling now.

Brad Isherwood


Just a heads up about Who** is behind most of History’s wars since the 1700s. The Masonic and the Jewish Bankers on the move.

That’s what Syria is…They have to have a war. US needed another war in the 60s…they chose Vietnam as Korea was already concluded settlement with the Communists. Russia knows the US wants the war in Vietnam….so they played the Masonic Game. The US has to move the conflict to a conclusion as the public cannot endure the body bag count,..so…they withdraw…and support ARVN…who of course lose to the Organized juggernaut facing them.

911 was False Flag and kick off for War on Terror. Russia knows the Game is afoot again. ..and knows…They are forced to play. ( IE Chechnya wars,South Ossetia) Iran knows …they are forced to play. Ask yourself why nations like Russia and Iran endure these humiliations/sanctions, And just Grin like Putin does : )

The game of death/destruction is real……allways was….genocide of humanity is allways hallmark outcome of the Masonic game. They go after certain nations they hate. ..like poor Germany…but Germany is still around, …just not a power to ruin their agenda.

It’s All about Having the War. …weapons manufacture….weapons sales,…Flow of narcotics. So ya….all those Takfiri that have survived the game in Syria….now running for the exits With a huge bag of Captigon pills : )

Tudor Miron

Fresher news from AMN https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-syrian-army-liberates-albukamal-entering-city/

Ice Icegold

Many thanks for the update m8 ! Great news !✌????


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I’m thinking there has to be a lot of tunnels under and/or around the town for daesh to keep popping up again. Unfortunately the RuAF/SyAAF can probably only see the buildings and stuff above them. They should really start using bunker busting/tunnel busting muffins asap!!!

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