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MARCH 2025

Pro-Iranian Group Claims Responsibility For Another Attack On US Convoy In Iraq

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Pro-Iranian Group Claims Responsibility For Another Attack On US Convoy In Iraq

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On February 10, a convoy carrying supplies and equipment for the US-led coalition came under attack near the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

“An explosive device targeted a logistic supply convoy of the international coalition on the Yusufiya road south of the capital, Baghdad,” an Iraqi security source told the UAE-based al-Ain TV.

According to al-Ain’s source, the explosion in Yusufiya damaged one of the convoy’s trucks. Nevertheless, no human losses were reported.

The Sabereen News, a Telegram channel close to Shiite armed groups in Iraq, said Saryat Qasim al-Jabbarin claimed responsibility for the Yusufiya attack. The group is one of many newly-established formations which attack US forces in Iraq in support of Iran.

The attack highlights the tense situation in in Iraq, which is currently facing several challenges including the growing threat of ISIS in the northern and western regions.

Pro-Iranian Group Claims Responsibility For Another Attack On US Convoy In Iraq

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  • On February 9, ISIS took responsibility for a shooting attack targeting Iraqi Army forces in south Fallujah.
  • On February 9, Iraqi government reportedly hanged five people convicted on terrorism charges in Naseriyah, according to security sources.
  • On February 9, Iranian head of Judiciary Ebrahim Raisi met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi in Baghdad.

Today’s attack was the 21st against US-led coalition supplies convoys in Iraq in the last seven weeks. The coalition is yet to address these attacks.

These attacks are a part of a military campaign launched by Iran allies in Iraq in response to the assassination of Iran’s Quds Force Commander, Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy-Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units, more than a year ago.

The campaign is meant to expel US forces from Iraq. So far, the US-led coalition has withdrawn from several bases and camps in the country.


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Adam Prisbit

And yet these convoy attacks are useless, unlike the powerful and effective Israeli airstrikes that decimate hezbollah weapons shipments, headquarters and missle storage facilities on a weekly basis :)

Lone Ranger

Yet Iran is getting stronger. Iraq lost, Syria lost, Yemen lost, greater Israel Project failed… Oy gevalt…

Adam Prisbit

you try to anger me but no reaction other than piss off Jew hater!

Lone Ranger

I dont hate jews. I hate mossadisis ziorats.

Adam Prisbit

antisemitism is antizionism dont fool me

Lone Ranger

Only according to ziorats like you… In fact zionism is antisemitism pure since you aid and support neonazis and jihadis… Two arch enemies of jews. Better luck next time Trollstoy ?

Adam Prisbit

overuse of same insult? is BORING. now adapt to new change and stop being hater of jews

Lone Ranger

Try to master english ziorat. Stop being a jew hater. Stop supporting neonazis and jihadis…

Adam Prisbit

says the european teenage using TRANSLATE google of yandex!

Lone Ranger

Sounds more like you Trollstoy…

Just Me

100% loser.

Lone Ranger

Indeed he is.


You got smashed by the truth before too,it’s your hell,your lies and all your ideals turns out to devour you,not any of the far better educated here,flog! If you are sexually confused,see a witch doctor,hindu,gates medic?but fix it!

Just Me

This is the same TWATZ with another account. After the ICC Zionist disaster, hasbara has been told to post more crap. This loser is quite dumb and uptight :)



Just Me


Adam Prisbit

like I can never have seen this before for on internet? You son of joke now get worst adn fk off SHET piece of




Yep,busted the flippant don’t even know what sex to be,let alone which kind?

Get into him!!


What about some jewish religious groups who are anti zionist, it makes no sense to call them anti Semite


The orthodox are the biggest baby rapers of them all. They all need to go.

Just Me

Arabs are the only SEMITES.

Adam Prisbit

Jews are god chosen people inheritors of Judea NOW ACCEPT IT

Hind Abyad

Go preach in your Wahhabi Desert.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bd75eaf2fbf459f8f5ebddde4ed50739afe289c4e4c3032e4d960ef0c75ed824.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fbe4786ec1370a29b7d4dcb2a48120f1f4bd7f6d3840b1c824b797bdb0178fbf.jpg


What “god” chose pedophile rapists infecting their victims with venereal disease as his chosen people, the devil?


Adam Prisbit

to hell and kf off YOU SHET FACE HED

John Wallace

Wow , the thought that must have gone into that comment. Did it take a week ;

John Wallace

totally boring now. Same spelling mistakes over and over again

Adam Prisbit

I guess you have to be CORRECT english right?! Not my native tongue for its russkie and yiddish but oh well I am TRI LINGUAL word I had to double check spell since I am not good with english

J Ramirez

ISISRAEL terrorists






Try to get your facts straight and use dictionary English.

Palestinians are Semites. Jews are antisemites.

Adam Prisbit

piece of crap SHET jews are the ONLY semites and true heir to the kingdom of Judea

Hind Abyad

That’s a good one … Adam and Eve


Adam Prisbit

yea ok piec eof shjet payed by the people punisher of semitism!



Adam Prisbit

piece of shet I am ashkenazi ruler of the ancient judae peoples of israel!


No, you’re a depraved headcase.

Adam Prisbit

and to piss of u go! shet hed like I call million other antsemt like urself poo face


You’re sick in the head.

Blas de Lezo

How about this. Iran is manufacturing Uranium metal that can only be use for a nuclear weapon and there’s nothing the welfare funded banana republic of Israel can do about it despite the hundreds of billions in welfare checks you have received and all the free state of the art US weapons you got. Biden will not go to war with Iran no matter how hard Netanyahu cries. That only leaves to options: sanctions will be lifted or Iran will go nuclear.

Adam Prisbit

Israel will soon acquire at least $2-3 billion in funding from allies to prepare a MASSIVE air campaign against all iran regime nuclear sites.

Just like in 2007 against Syria, IDF will use very advanced electronic warfare and cyber attacks to turn power off and blind iran radar, so F-35 can come in and drop bunker buster on their noses

Blas de Lezo

Dream on. Israel doesn’t have the attack aircraft, refueling tankers and bunker busters needed to pierce Iran’s underground, hardened nuke sites. Not even a MOAB that can only be carried by B-2s can go through +260 feet of earth and concrete.

Adam Prisbit

MOAB can penetrate 100 meters of concrete which is plenty to destroy irans facilities don’t you doubt not one minute. Plus MOAB can be attached to ballistic missile instead of plane

Blas de Lezo

Wrong. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-nuclear-strike/iran-nuclear-sites-may-be-beyond-reach-of-bunker-busters-idUSTRE80B0WM20120112 P.S. You must mean (MOP) Massive Ordnance Penetrator not (MOAB) Massive Ordnance Air Blast.

Adam Prisbit

now continue crying. When IDF blind iran radar easily a c-130 can drop MOAB. and if not ballistic missile can have MOAB attached nowhere for iran nuclear bunker to hide :)

Blas de Lezo

The MOAB is not for penetration, the MOP is and it ‘s only effective to 61 meters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massive_Ordnance_Penetrator. Iran has facilities at a depth of 90 metes.

Just Me

Talk, talk, talk, no action but crapping in Zionist diapers.

Just Me

LOL, then do it :) same old crap for 42 years and only thing the cowardly diaper clad Zionists have accomplished is killed women and children.


Adam Prisbit

YOU PIECE OF CRAP. All you know is fake picture like this cartoon BullSHIET IDF smash your favorite friend terrorist in iran and BOOM goodbye

J Ramirez

You seam realy interested in penetration ;) But on the serious side. Is it true your people wondered the desert for hundreds of years? Did they ever find that penny ?

Adam Prisbit

piece of shet IDF find the penny in nuclear reactor and when they do BOOM say goodbye to mullah iran 1000 delilah hit syria and iran simultansly

Hind Abyad

Hazbara ‘Defender of Zion’


Adam Prisbit

this is fake media created by an actor this is not real IDF or police peolepl;e you peice of shet!

Hind Abyad

1 He’s not an actor 2 You’re a horrible person 3 Blocked !


Not if North korea puts the final nail in your kweer coffins,cia/femispastic!

Adam Prisbit

in your dream, IDF jericho III can smash north korea to piece!!

Just Me

Beg, beg, beg…Zionist scum.

Just Me


Adam Prisbit

Yeah but 90% of them destroyed by 1000 successful IDF airstrike since 2013! YOU SHET fake photo where this from? TEll Me!!! where from? your hole of anus!



Rhodium 10

Israeli attacks are useless…they dont post satellite images of aftermath because all missile have been intercepted….debris cause some damage in civilians houses.

Adam Prisbit

except ELINT twitter always post satellite photos showing damage! haha buildings decimated and you deny the evidence

Rhodium 10

But they dont post image of the 3 last attacks…because many photos of others attacks was turn out to be fakes photos.

Just Me

Rubbish. The Zionist dud bombs have done fuckall besides embarrassing themselves.

Just Me

What kind of a loser UPVOTES themselves :) ROFLM AO.

Adam Prisbit

IDF won every war though, you are the losing side as history will show


According to the lying Jew media. And we all know how inaccurate that frequently is.

When the evidence indicates that Syria is winning and the Jew World Order is losing.


Another shipment of sex toys, frozen pizzas, and hormone drugs that will never reach the LGBTQWERTYUIOP+-/* troops hunkered down in climate controlled buildings, behind three concentric rings of concrete and earthen barricades

Just Me

These daily attacks are proving very expensive for the US occupation losers and resistance of only bound to increase and so are the costs which have already cost the bankrupt deadbeat US shrinking economy over $14 trillion and now Syria and Afghanistan are heating too. Meanwhile millions of American morons starve to death in despair of jobless, homeless and hopeless.


Looks like cia/ kturds missing out on their shopping spree too,oh well,back to buisness more sales,like as if usa gives a rats arse about kturds or iraqis or iranians anyway,keep raping cia/usa.


The purpose of this kind of UAE propaganda is clear they deliberately insert always the term ‘Iran‘ to suggest Iran is behind it…it’s complete evil-minded HORSESHIT, the more than justified attacks are carried out by the Iraqi Resistance against the Genocidal War-Criminal/World-Terrorist AmeriCunt Invaders/Occupier and their Accomplices.

Hind Abyad

Iran is with Iraq.

erwin vercauteren

and those pathetic Jews and Yanks are so-called doing precision bombing and destroying assets, but honestly, they still not manage to make it happen only in their horny dreams and propaganda Cartoon and CGI networks in reality these scumbags knows they are living on borrowed time the war will be won by the alliance of free nations The Arab world will not betray the Palestine’s it is only their coward politicians who bow for these scavengers, but the people will make it happen and the axis of evil Israeli and Anglo-Americans will be kicked out of this equation

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