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MARCH 2025

Pro-ISIS Propaganda Suggests To Use Improvised Biological Weapons For Terrorist Attacks

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Pro-ISIS Propaganda Suggests To Use Improvised Biological Weapons For Terrorist Attacks

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Media channels supporting ISIS circulate an unofficial instruction on how to prepare terrorist attacks with improvised biological and bacteriological weapons, Directorate 4 Telegram channel reported citing the obtained document. The instruction suggests using hantavirus, cholera and typhoid as a tool of attacks.

The instruction proposes ISIS supporters to find animals or people infected by these diseases and obtain their excrements. Then, the obtained materials should be turned into a suspension suitable for spraying or direct application. The document proposes to use this substance at mass events and public places, as well as add it to food and water.

The Directorate 4 report reasonable notes that such instructions could against official ISIS propaganda because they fail to comply with Islamic standards of warfare that ISIS seeks to promote (at least formally). During the active phase of the conflicts in Syria and Iraq, ISIS used improvised chemical weapons. However, the terrorist group has never employed any kind of bacteriological or biological weapons. So, the dissimilation of the abovementioned instruction may even cause a negative reaction of the remaining ISIS official bodies. At the same time, the appearance of this kind of propaganda indicates the radicalization of persons that share ISIS-like ideas and a possible split within the group’s supporters themselves. In the future, this may lead to a further fragmentation of the terrorist group and the growth of lone-wolf terrorism of various kinds motivated by the ongoing radicalization of persons sharing ideas similar to those promoted by ISIS.


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Pave Way IV

“…The instruction proposes ISIS supporters to find animals or people infected by these diseases and obtain their excrements. Then, the obtained materials should be turned into a suspension suitable for spraying or direct application. The document proposes to use this substance at mass events and public places…”

The Democrats already tried this to get rid of the homeless people in San Francisco. They even added in tons of used free hypodermic syringes for that bonus Hepatitis C comorbidity boost. Results? NO discernible effect on either homeless or residents; useless as a biological weapon. Not that I object to head-choppers collecting mountains of poop (preferably by hand) for their feces jihad, but ISIS is finished when the only secret weapon they have left is cloning the failed social policies of the US.

Pave Way IV

“…The instruction proposes ISIS supporters to find animals or people infected by these diseases and obtain their excrements. Then, the obtained materials should be turned into a suspension suitable for spraying or direct application. The document proposes to use this substance at mass events and public places…”

The Democrats already tried this to get rid of the homeless people in San Francisco using the ‘direct application’ method. They even added in tons of used free hypodermic syringes for that bonus Hepatitis C comorbidity boost. Results? NO discernible effect on either homeless or residents. Useless as a biological weapon, but superb at destroying conventions and trade show business.

Not that I object to head-choppers collecting mountains of poop (preferably by hand) for their feces jihad, but ISIS is finished when the only secret weapon they have left is cloning the failed social policies of the US. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1902c508b0fd476f63a10bc707d7b629014ffef6756b125e9dee0b3554288bec.jpg


Ah, but the most dangerous bio-weapon known to man is American ‘Kool.Aid’.

This toxic brew has already poisoned the minds of countless millions , and is responsible for the LGBT++++ pandemic.


Concrete Mike


Id ohhh yeeaahhgg her anyways.dyke.or.not

Hasbara Hunter

I would suggest to throw a couple of Headchopper Carcasses in Idlibistani Watersources…

Icarus Tanović

You always have great ideas.

Pave Way IV

Why, what a coincidence! Syria suddenly has infected cattle in places the SAA is liberating. I’m sure the UN will gather DNA samples right away so the source/lineage of this smallpox strain can be traced. The OPCW has some free time. Why not send those unbiased ‘experts’?

Well played, Soros/CIA cucks. It worked in Acre. So the idea is to blame future outbreaks on Assad, not ISIS. Did I get that right? No matter. I’m sure you’ll be reminding me. Over and over and over… and over again.


Albert Pike

Israels biological warfare…

Hasbara Hunter


Icarus Tanović

Opcw is no where to be find…

Icarus Tanović

Nothing new. Saudis already did this in Yemen. Wahhabis just have no boundaries.

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