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Pro-Turkish Militants And Turkish Army Losing Ground In Al-Bab (Map Update)

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Pro-Turkish militant groups and the Turkish Army are losing ground under the pressure from ISIS terrorists in the Syrian city of al-Bab. According to available data, Turkish forces have been pushed to retreat from the al-Bab roundabout between al-Bab and Tadef, and now are clashing with ISIS east of the Youth Housing and the Al-Bab silos.

Pro-Turkish Militants And Turkish Army Losing Ground In Al-Bab (Map Update)

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Maybe Erdogan has changed his mind? Does not want Al Baba after all (it’s to bomb damaged!).


He won’t go into Afrin or Manbji he will just shell it like a coward and carry some raids probably. The raqqa speech is to rally the weak feeble minded Turk civilians, because of the rising body count.


and to collect some points for his April referendum

Mase fah

Urban welfare is completely different style, Erdogon was the one to keep sending everything across border when they were making money selling syrian oil. Once that got bombed and stopped he made the bad mistake.

John William

I think it was a mistake to announce the halt of the tiger forces progress on south Isis flank.


Let the terrorists kill each other, it’s an amusing game it could of lasted all the way into summer if SAA didn’t get involved. Watching Turks get humiliated by some ragtag terrorists groups that gets defeated by kurds that they view as inferior is beyond hilarious.

Gary Sellars

Agreed. I’m greatly enjoying watching ISIS kill teh kebabs and frustrate Erdies “mighty military machine”. Seriously, a gang of drunken bag-ladies would stand a better chance of liberating Al Bab than a Turdkish army comprised of cowards and child molesters.


I cannot share your enthusiasm as it is the civilians payng the price for this “game”. t seem that the city is more or less completely destroyed and hundreds of cilians were kiled.

Mase fah

I think it was the right move, because Al-bab is Syrian land same as Jarabulus. Turkey is invaded country that will move back eventually. Tiger forces need to go south and start librating South Raqqa and get hold of that vital route to Der Ezzor. This war still has another 2-3 years sadly because the diplomatic not going anywhere since Arm dearlers making a $$. But Good will prevail Evil

John Whitehot

every time Turkey is involved, there is an awful number of back and forth movements of the “frontline”. The feeling is that Turkey actually does not fight ISIS and viceversa, and it keeps boots on the ground just in anti-kurdish function. Also, it’s very likely that they are there with the objective of keeping the shitty “FSA” alive, so to exploit any possible political change that could help them in removing Assad. Turkey has been one of the biggest supporter of terrorism in Syria since the start, it spent billions in arming and financing jihadists and I doubt that they are going to settle for an end situation where Assad is still in power.

John William

I think people underestimate Isis.They have modern battlefield exp.Plus they r on drugs and is willing to give their life.They almost remind me of the Japanese during ww2.

Gary Sellars

Agreed. ISIS may be medieval close-minded lunatics, but these guys know how to fight and they are probably the most motivated fighting men on the planet at this time. Not many armies will engage in such bloody-minded hold-at-all costs (Al Bab) or take-and-hold (Deir Ezzor).

They are still wackos and I’ll be glad when they are collectively expunged from this 3rd Rock, but you have to give them some grudging respect.

John Whitehot

there are different types of ISIS militants. There are the completely brainwashed, or deranged kids who get convinced to blow theirselves up to get to heaven. Then there are those that shave their beards, throw their weapons and mix into the civilians at the early signs of danger.


The upper echelon also have number of ex Iraqi military officers who were amongst those summarily mass fired in 2003 by US and who then joined Iraqi insurgency – Al Qeada in Iraq – that is original basis of ISIS. Point being, ISIS’ upper leadership have strategic and tactical officer training in the various military disciplines. Thus for example ISIS are equipped and steal tunneling and engineering equipment wherever they go, as they have officers instructed in military engineering and tactical entrenchment to counter their lack of air cover. This applies to range of other areas – artillery etc – and explains why they are difficult to shift and not simply the salafist rabble that media often suggests. The lowest rung enthusiastic salafist recruits seem to be ones persuaded to self detonate – useful idiots – whilst the upper level ex Iraqi officers are those busily trading oil with Turkish black market dealers, and who will eventually flee with cases full of cash.

John Whitehot

frankly, it’s a comparison that makes me wanna puke. I have tons of respect for the WW2 japanese, zero for ISIS and similar mujahadeens, like the Al-Nusra couple sending their 7 and 9 yo daughters to blow up theirselves in Damascus. Not being able to get the basic differences between this modern garbage and WW2 kamikaze seems to me a sign of being completely detached from principles which should be very clear to people who serves or has served in the military. As a sidenote, kamikazes were not on drugs.


JW1 did not say kamikazes were on drugs – it is the battlefield results that count not the twisted/perverted ideology. Syria is fighting a defensive war for the nations survival, ISIS jihadis for “Islam ” but for all there is no option of surrender, captured enemy and wounded are shot on the spot and rightly so. This war is not some glorified game with “civilized ” rules, the only principle which counts is to kill the enemy, unlike in WWII where time and again British and Allies would surrender after losing just 10 % or less KIA ! After six years of war how many SAA PWs are held by ISIS ? My only regret is that we did not strike forcefully enough from the start, we completely underestimated the enemy resources and foreign backers. ISIS is well organized, resourced, well trained tough enemy, every last one is to be slaughtered before the war is won.

John Whitehot

i agree, he said ISIS suiciders are on drugs though

John William

The Japanese were just as bad. Ever hear of rape of Nanking ? They throw babies in the air then bayonet them


Exactly so, just because the enemy commits atrocities/war crimes etc. does not mean they are an inferior fighting force – in many ways those who do rape/kill/torture etc… make BETTER fighters because now they have nothing left but a fanatical belief in their “cause “( whatever that may be ) and prefer death to defeat and capture.


If that were the case, why did the Germans lose twice in 2 world wars? They were utter bastards in both of them. Being ruthless does not win you wars. Arguably it only made things worse for them because it got them the Versailles treaty after WWI and they were utterly assraped in WWII. Allies units that got a taste of German ruthlessness made it a sport never to take German prisoners in return and because how the Wehrmacht behaved in Russia the Red Army raped and pillaged its way into Germany in return.

You reap what you sow.

What actually wins wars is fighting skills, leadership, use of intelligence, proper tactical doctrine and correct identification of strategic objectives. And logistics, logistics, logistics. Many of which the Germans sorely lacked in both world wars. Similarly ISIS. They’re decent in fighting and good in terrorizing people. But once they meet someone who is willing to stand up to them and knows how to fight they lose.

Paulo Romero

They are all psychopaths. Their brutality generated fear at a time when both Iraqi and Syrian forces had low morale , poor supply and a corrupt inept command.That’s how Isis got ahead , by generating fear in weak poorly motivated forces. Don’t try and condone their behaviour , they are worse than maggots on shit. Analysing their fighting potential is fine , but they only really improved after the Chechens joined them and instilled some fighting prowess. The Syrians are exhausted and the Turks are incompetent , that’s why it’s slow going at Al Bab. If they are keen to die as martyrs driving Vbied’s or single suicide attacks , then good for them. Their opponents especially the Syrians and Iraqis are keen to kill them , but not as keen to die. The Turks in the other hand are just deplorable.


That’s precisely what they said about the German troops in Belgium during WW1. Turned out to be garbage.

John Whitehot

First of all, it weren’t the kamikazes which committed the Japanese war crimes. Secondly, you’re not getting my point, and I understand it’s not easy to convey, especially over internet comments. I’m talking about the motivations a person can have into the discussed gestures.

How does ISIS and jihadist in general convince ppl to blow themselves up? They take the weakest, most deranged elements of societies (both arab and euro), and indoctrinate them to the point of suppressing the istinct of survival. Those are kids who never knew hope in their lives, jihadist recruiters give them a big hope of paradise, if renounce living and do that in the name of god. They exploit the dissatisfaction and corruption of their lives.

Japanese kamikazes motivations lie more in the field of spirit of sacrifice of soldiers, and their utmost responsibility to dedicate their lives to protect their country and people.

Japanese commanders sacrificed themselves many times, along with their men, and not only on kamikaze missions at the end of ww2. ISIS commanders NEVER blow theirselves up, they send others to do that.

Gary Sellars

Now I understand why the SAA isn’t moving on Tadef. Leave Tadef to ISIS (for the time being) and allow ISIS to bleed the filthy kebabs and their pet FSA orcs, while the SAA flanks further to the East and wraps around to cut off the Turdkish advance.

Raqqa? Sorry Erdie old chap, but thats a no-go. Stay home and stick to fvcking a dead pig.


There is a real struggle going on. The back and forth is because the FSA rats are useless wastes of oxygen and aren’t much different from ISIS mongoloids. Also the Turks want to put as few of their own fighters in danger, so they don’t take over the operation, they still try to get their money’s worth from the FSA mercenaries.

The turks really want to push forward, they are not faking this war. They have lost men and equipment, they are paying the rebels. They were losing M60 tanks so they brought in the best tanks they have, the Abrams, and are losing them, too.

Have you seen what ISIS did to those two turkish soldiers? And the message they sent to Turkey? Have you seen the terrorist attacks in Turkey?

Turkey is supporting islamists but not ISIS, at least not anymore.

John Whitehot

Yeah I’ve seen, and as usual it’s a staged brutality, so staged that people not retarded or turkish will see that they make those videos for some reasons. This time they wanted to imply that ISIS is so the enemy of Turkey. For what I know, it’s Erdogan himself that ordered the killing of Turkish soldiers. I’ve also seen the vids of Turkish tanks being hit by ISIS atgms with their warheads removed. That shit speaks volumes to those interested in listening.


It is a telling sign that Turkey is unable to take this small city. Seeing this, it is just a joke to propose this Army, even reinforced, marching on for a hunderd miles to take on Raqqah.

First they will not make it to Raqqah, battling either IS or SDF or both, depending on the route taken. As it is known Turkey has logistical problems getting supplies to its forces near Al Bab, how will they supply a much larger force over much longer distances in a hostile environment?

Trump will be wise to keep his distance from these fools and clowns.


Turkey is back to creating “safe zones” and “no-fly zones”. Either Putin is too scared to get into a war with NATO to keep his pledge to Syria and has been convinced to back down or NATO has decided that now that Obama is gone it can go all out to war with Russia. This brinkmanship is starting to get boring – start the friggin war with Russia or get together and end the friggin war in Syria.

John William

Too scared ?Putin more then any other head of state knows what a war in Europe means.At least a huge set back for the global economy n the possible end of modern civilization.war is shit leave the male ego behind n lets make money together


Then Syria shall fall and the US shall incorporate Russia (with its incredible natural resources) as a province of the Anglo-American Empire (as it was becoming under Yeltsin). NATO is playing “hardball” and doesn’t fear war with Russia (whether it should or not). It’s tightening the “noose” around Russia and it believes that soon it’ll be able to nullify Russia’s nukes – thus destroying NATO’s only barrier to the military conquest of Russia. Putin’s “window of opportunity” to resist NATO is rapidly closing and I think that both NATO and Putin see this.

Gary Sellars

“NATO is playing “hardball” and doesn’t fear war with Russia”

Depends what you mean by “NATO”. The people and governments of the NATO nations most definitely DO fear war, and do not want it. The career militarists in NATO want to create a fake confrontation to justify their enormous budgets, and to position themselves for a cushy job in a think tank, MIC lobbyist firm or Elite-financed NGO when their time in uniform is over.


Since when does ANY NATO country care about what its people want?


That’s a silly comment. No one wants a war with Russia. Specially the European people.

Solomon Krupacek

The people are not taken in count.

John Whitehot


Solomon Krupacek

This map surprized me. Almadarnews and SF had articles, that Tadef is under government control. According to map not….

Gary Sellars

The SAA has held their advance short of Tadef. They are content to sit back while ISIS concentrate on killing the kebabs and their LGBT whores in the FSA.

Solomon Krupacek

i dont think so. When SF and AMN does not report, then they lost.


SF has articles about the Russian Defense Ministry’s statement about the defeat of ISIS terrorists in Tadef and de-facto liberation of the site. However, the town was likely no man land because government troops were not advancing further to the north. You can find it here: https://southfront.org/govt-forces-reach-southern-gates-of-al-bab-but-not-going-to-enter-isis-stronghold-russian-mod/, https://southfront.org/turkish-forces-seize-southern-entrance-to-al-bab-syrian-army-holds-ground-at-tadif-map-update/

Solomon Krupacek

Thank you for your answer. I understood wrog the former information.

Eze Enwereuzor

Kebab Army and their cannon fodder got no backbone.


I have to agree with John. Turkey is not very serious about taking Bab, if they were they would have sent 40,000 troops. Instead, what are we looking at? 10,000 ? Plus another 10 or 20 thousand very poor quality FSA soldiers that retreat at the first sound of shooting.


I read turks are 8000 for the whole op and their jihadis count ~3000

Dink Smallwood

They need to stop fighting the Kurds and SAA positions and load up and seriously mount attacks from every angle on Isis with heavy air and artillery support. The videos the Turkish jihadists post, shows their combat skills are minimal.

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