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MARCH 2025

Prominent Ahrar al-Sham Commander Assassinated North Of Saraqib City

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On February 2, the Ahrar al-Sham Movement’s general commander in the area of the towns of al-Fu’ah and Kafriya, “Osama Kharitah” [also known as “Abu Zaid al-Askari”] was assassinated. According to Syrian opposition sources, al-Askari and his cousin “Tariq Kharita”, also a commander of Ahrar al-Sham, were both killed when an IED hit their car around al-Fu’ah and Kafriya north of the city of Saraqib in the eastern Idlib countryside.

Prominent Ahrar al-Sham Commander Assassinated North Of Saraqib City

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Only hours before the assassination, the Ahrar al-Sham Movement and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) deployed more units around al-Fu’ah and Kafriya and in Saraqib.

Prominent Ahrar al-Sham Commander Assassinated North Of Saraqib City

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Prominent Ahrar al-Sham Commander Assassinated North Of Saraqib City

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Prominent Ahrar al-Sham Commander Assassinated North Of Saraqib City

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Several Syrian opposition activists held the Syrian and Russian intelligence the responsibility for the assassination, especially that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is currently advancing towards al-Fu’ah and Kafriya. However, other sources believe that the assassination was carried out by ISIS or even HTS.

The assassination of al-Askari will likely further complicate the already tense situation in Idlib governorate. Many militant supporters in Idlib are currently blaiming the Ahrar al-Sham Movement and HTS for their inability to stop the SAA advance in the governorate and accusing their leaders of being agents of the Syrian and Russian intelligence.

Some villages in southern and eastern Idlib like Binnish and Ghadfah even witnessed protests against HTS and the Ahrar al-Sham Movement on February 2.

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Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well that’s two less head chopping leaders. The deployment of Harakat should be in building the wall around Idleb , Trump will pay for it. According to the new rebel plan currently being forwarded is to build a wall.


Wall? So they’ll wall up the big idleb pocket? How?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Al Masdar News article even they find it funny.


A wall? What’s next? A moat and draw bridge?

Well, if they want to waste precious resources and manpower on building a wall, then by all means they should go ahead. Although I get the impression that they seem to be thinking of turning Idlib into the next Mosul or Raqqa. Making the SAA bleed for every inch of the city. In which case maybe the wall is more to keep the civilians in as hostages?

Nothing surprises me anymore with these savages.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You forgot Crocodiles,Alligators , and Dragons!! Well was going to add Trolls but don’t think dutch and Jens would volunteer!

Tommy Jensen

Its to keep the mexicans from Aleppo out.


Just a trench .


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Toni Liu

Damn thats a good gear, but they need to use more russian design rather than western multicam camo and helmet

Mustaffa Ashaa

Two down …… Few more to go ….. It is payment time for these terrorists …. For their victims, it is a long over due Justice …. For their fellow terrorists, be assured that you will be next …. and for all their Turks, US, and Gulf Wahabis paymasters, your dirty scheme is failed. Soon, there will be more vacancies in Istanbul’s five stars hotel …. Glory to Syria, its true friends and its leadership.

Ishyrion Av

Virgins are waiting for him. Hope he didn’t lose any …essential part in the process of crossover, or the girls will be very disappointed.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well they will get their 72 olives if the Turks haven’t mucked up the Olive Grove!

Ishyrion Av

You think instead of a virgin he could get an olive??? 72 olives, that’s a big salad for eternity!

Mustaffa Ashaa

According to Ibn Taymiyya, Prior to their meeting with the virgins, he will undergo a thorough cleaning and fumigation to get rid of his lice infestation and his bad breath.Then he will be served an ice-cooled glass of Camel Urine. If any vital organ was damaged, Shaikh Bin Baz Fatwa says that those organs, will be replaced by brand new one plus another spare one inserted in his backside in case malfunction. full details can be found in “Al Shabab wa Jihad el Intisab” Vol 4, 2007 King Salman University Press.

Ishyrion Av

I don’t know if you are serious or you are joking… Tell me that is not real!!!

Igor Dano

drty moslem faces.

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