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Prominent Russian War Correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky Killed In Terrorist Attack

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Prominent Russian War Correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky Killed In Terrorist Attack

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The Kiev regime committed another terrorist attack in Russia. The target of Kiev’s terrorists was the famous military reporter from the Donbass Vladlen Tatarsky. The Ukrainian Nazis failed to defeat him during the battle on the front line, so they cowardly killed him in the rear.

Vladlen Tatarsky was a symbol of the free Donbass, a man who raised his voice for the freedom of the people. He is described as an uncompromising man, tough, direct, a real Russian man.

War correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky (real name — Maxim Fomin) was killed in an explosion in a cafe in St. Petersburg, where he met with his readers during the evening dedicated to his public activities. Tatarsky told “what it’s like to report from hot spots while under a hail of bullets” and explain “what it means to be a war correspondent.”

“On April 2, 2023, at 18.13, the Vasileostrovsky district police received information that an explosion had occurred in a cafe on the University embankment house 25. As a result of the incident, one person was killed, he turned out to be a war correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky” Ministry OF Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation reported.

The cafe was full of visitors. According to eyewitnesses, up to 100 people attended the event. The cafe belongs to the company “Concord catering” of Evgeny Prigozhin, who is also the founder of the PMC “Wagner”. Meetings of the discussion club “Cyberfront Z” have been held there for a year. Like-minded people gathered in cafes on weekends to discuss the events that are taking place in the Donbass, Ukraine and in the world.

“At the moment, 25 people were wounded, 19 of them were hospitalized. The city’s hospitals provide all the necessary assistance,” Governor of St. Petesburg Alexander Beglov claimed.

Some of the injured are in critical condition.

Russian media reported, citing sources in security forces, that the power of the detonated explosive device was up to 300/450 g in TNT equivalent. The explosive device was detonated remotely.

Prominent Russian War Correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky Killed In Terrorist Attack

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There are two main versions of the explosion. It is likely that the explosive was hidden in a statuette which was offered to the victim a few minutes before the explosion. A woman brought a box with this statuette and presented it to Vladlen. The explosion occurred at a height of 60 cm from the floor to the right of the military reporter.

Russian media reported that the woman was detained on suspicion of murdering. She is a resident of St. Petersburg, Daria Trepova, born in 1997. The investigation has reason to believe that Trepova brought to the cafe a box with the statuette filled with explosive. In February 2022 she was reportedly detained twice during “anti-war” rallies. There is also information that the detainee had previously transferred money to Ukrainian militants.

Prominent Russian War Correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky Killed In Terrorist Attack

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Prominent Russian War Correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky Killed In Terrorist Attack

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Prominent Russian War Correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky Killed In Terrorist Attack

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According to the second version of the incident, the explosive device was planted in the room in advance by unknown saboteurs.

The prosecutor’s office has launched an investigation into the incident. The Investigative Committee launched a criminal case under the article on murder.

“The harassment of journalists from Russia occurs while ignoring international structures – this can be interpreted as a compromise, and the lack of reaction from London, Washington and Paris speaks for itself. Until recently, the West was fighting terrorism in defense of journalists, now the situation is completely different,” Spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry wrote.

Prominent Russian War Correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky Killed In Terrorist Attack

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Maxim Fomin was a famous Russian war correspondent, writer and blogger. He was born on April 25 in 1982 in Makeyevka, DPR.  He recalled that he received a patriotic upbringing from his father, a miner. After school, Vladlen followed the example of his father and worked in a mine, but after a few years he launched his business.

In 2014, Maxim Fomin joined the local military formations to defend the independence of the Donbass. He received the call sign Professor. Shortly after, Maxim joined the Vityaz military unit, and then joined the reconnaissance company of the fourth brigade of the People’s Militia of the LPR. Tatarsky fought for a year in the famous Vostok battalion.

Maxim decided to become a war correspondent to show the truth about the war in the Donbass. He took a pseudonym from Vavilen Tatarsky, hero of the famous novel “Generation P” written by Victor Pelevin. The name Vladlen is an abbreviation of the name Vladimir Lenin.

Having started his career as a war correspondent, Vladlen Tatarsky created the group “Terrikony Donbassa” (Spoil tips of Donbass), where he posted daily videos telling about the situation at the front. In 2019, he was engaged in journalistic activities. In 2021 he wrote the books “Running” and “War”. A year later he wrote the book “Meditation”.

Prominent Russian War Correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky Killed In Terrorist Attack

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Maksim Fomin became the second victim of the terrorist attack of the Kiev regime, which targeted Russian public figures. In 2022, Daria Dugina was assassinated by a Ukrainian woman, who was serving in the 12th brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard, which also includes the notorious Ukrainian Nazi Azov regiment. The Main Intelligence Governorate of Ukraine was behind the assassination of a young Russian journalist and philosopher. LINK, LINK

No matter how the terrorist Kiev regime tries to hide the truth and deny its responsibility for the terrorist attacks. There can be no doubt that the Ukrainian Nazis, coordinated by their terrorist patrons from the United States, are behind the killings aimed at threatening the Russian population, including war correspondents who show the world the truth about the war in Ukraine. The truth is dangerous for Kiev and Washington. The Russian military is the only force that must punish the perpetrators and destroy terrorist regimes.





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Yet another terrorist attack by the terrorist bandit regime in Kiev. How about finally striking “decision making centers”? Recognize the SBU and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine as terrorist organizations, fully equating them with ISIS. Move on to systematic work to eliminate persons involved in the Zelensky’s regime, identical to the work to eliminate persons involved in ISIS terrorist cells. They are exactly like ISIS, perhaps even worse.

Last edited 1 year ago by Valens

ISIS and MaidanISIS have the same masters

Icarus Tanović

Oh yes, that is right.

AM Hants

Anti-fa, BLM, ISIS, Ukraine Nanzis, Climate Change Protesters, IRA etc, etc, etc – notice how they all wear the same uniforms, use the same body language, carry the same style banners and all work to the same script?


Old Trotskyists put on neoliberal clothing going from red to pink?


Not sure about IRA but otherwise, you have a point.

Florian Geyer

Very well said and accurate, AM.


The descision making centers are in washington d.c. and what makes you think putin will do what no one has dared before not even the germans and japanese in world war two dared to attack the us homeland despite preparing it. They knew that attacking washington d.c. would have resulted in the extermination of their people and so does putin. The russians have been attacked three times in a row by forces who wanted to exterminate them and after defeating them they let them live. Something no other empire in histroy would do. Let your enemy live to attack you again and again that’s why the us is sure even if they do not manage do defeat russia they will not pay a high price for trying.


japanese attacked U.S. mainland with incendiary balloons tho


The US is now paying in loss of dollar dominance and Saudi dominance. That’s a high price right there and very unlikely to ever come back. US was wrongfully considered a giant with clay feet up until the very end of world war II. With the energy transition in full swing the US is becoming exactly that in Eurasia, with itself and it’s allies in Eurasia mistakingly believing it’s still the world’s only juggernaut.

China and Russia may not have the capalities today, but the energy transition is moving fast.


Attacking the Dollar is to attack their real homeland and much more effective than any silly missiles against American continent could ever be.


“In February 2022 she was reportedly detained twice during “anti-war” rallies. There is also information that the detainee had previously transferred money to Ukrainian militants.”

they arrested her twice and they just let her go… in ukraine they would eat her alive if she sent money to Russian army…. another proof that Russia is 100x more democratic and tolerant than entire NATO combined.

that’s actually not a good thing especially not in war.


we can call this a Nato attack because they control the Nazi gestapo/SBU.


I think of them as the US proxy regime.

Caliph of Kiev

Enough with useless attacks on some shitty electrical transformers. Bomb Zelencocainsky’s residence, bomb Rada, bomb SBU, bomb all ministries of Ukroterrorist abomination ‘state’.

Exterminate Ukroterrorist filth!

Yisrael V

You wish. Russia will not harm our assets.


That is what the globalists want you to feel. Resist. Watch for example “Best in Hell”, the movie made with help of Wagner PMC. How both Russian and Ukrainian soldier respect the icon and where the movie teach courage and perseverance but not hate. That is the path of the true warrior. That is the path to victory.

Johan P

My sincere condolances to his family. Though I never heard from him before I definitely will be looking for hisxwork now, even though it may be hard as here, in the so-called free western world, news from Russia and Russian reporters often is blocked. The lengths to which western leaders go to hide and distort information is truly appaling, as is their endless support of the nazi regime in Ukraine.


SF had a few articles, he was a smart guy. More than Russian generals.


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Erik Nielsen

The best way to end the war for Russia, is simply to do nothing! Wait for tomorrow what you could have done today. Sun Tzu: “When your enemy think you will attack go to sleep, and you will win the war”!


Doing nothing in war is certainly *not* the best strategy 😐

olaf b

Are you serious or just joking ? Sun Tzu is a bit overrated and that quote is completely out of context. You always must be active in war, not just reactive, certainly not passive.

Always seize the initiative. Not necessary means always attacking , sometimes you can defend and keep the initiative & control but you still must be active.

Last edited 1 year ago by olaf b

Except the Chinese is on the Russian side now. They’re ready to wipe you globohomos off the planet.


It seems you should read Sun Tzu again , and this time try to understand


Sun Tzu: “I never said that, you are just trolling”.


he was so right


He sure was. I really don’t understand why they don’t destroy bridges over Dnieper? Is that so difficult? they don’t even destroy weak pontoon bridges over Oskol or whatever is called that little river in the NE (east of Kharkov), entire AFU group near Svatovo/Kremina /sorry for spelling is supplied by 2-3 pontoon bridges. Destroy fcking bridges, the first objective in every war since Roman times.


I read a couple of his articles. This was not a “smart guy” but rather a chilling example of a mindset after 20 years of Russian nationalist propaganda. He more or less recommended a genocide of the Ukrainian nation. And one more thing: SF does not mention the possibility of an inside job due to internal quarrels among Russian eliten. He was sometimes critical on how things were done which is not very healthy in Russia.


Be distrusful!


The question is how such a relatively powerful country like Russia with one of the best secret agencies in the world can afford these endless killings of their officals and prominent figures. How many of them has been killed since the beginning of conflict? It’s really embarrassing that they don’t have a proper response and they are incapable of proteticing their own people.


Strelkov explained it all:

What’s wrong with St.Petersburg? An ordinary peaceful city. Far from war. Absolutely unprepared for the situation of total war waged against us by the enemy. It was only a matter of time, but that’s what happened. And more will happen.

Those who write this should understand a simple thing – it is impossible to protect yourself from a terrorist war while being on the defensive. No measures built only on defense will bring the proper result. The enemy will still find a gap, a weak spot, costing a minimum of resources himself, but forcing you to spend huge resources on security – and hit there. Security must be active and preventive.

I have no doubt that before carrying out a terrorist attack, the dill sent agents to the same creative meetings, analyzed the videos from these meetings, looked at security measures, considered options, planned, looked at communication in the audience, at the reception of gifts. We were getting ready. When planning a direct action, its form, escape routes. All by science.

You need to pay attention to this – because right now they are collecting information for other purposes. Calmly and imperceptibly. But it is precisely the opposition at this phase that is the most important.

On the second point about the “inhuman terrorist attack.” If you use such terminology after 9 years of war, it means that you have not understood anything. And you probably won’t understand. Since 2014, at least they have been waging an all-out war of annihilation against you – wanting to destroy on a national basis. By any means.

What “inhumanity” are we talking about?? The enemy wants the genocide of the people of Russia – has it still not reached you? What planet have you spent the last 9 years on?

An adequate person, looking at what happened today, will say: this is outrageous!! It’s outrageous… that we didn’t do it. That it was not we who made such an action in Kyiv, Krivoy Rog, Lvov, Dnepropetrovsk. It is outrageous that it was not we who demonstratively and “socially dangerous” killed members of the highest political and military leadership, opinion leaders of the Ukronazi state. It is outrageous that it is not their relatives who are collecting them in parts on the asphalt – it is outrageous that it is not at this moment that we will carry out a second action in order to finish off all those services that came to deal with the consequences of the first – as they do according to science and the correct methodology. It is outrageous that the enemy has been waging an all-out war with us for almost 10 years – and we are answering him with half a shot.

But we can, we know, we can! Or no longer? I now know the answer, which would lead many into apathy. But nothing is lost yet. The main thing is to set the right people the right tasks – and consistently achieve their fulfillment. And everything can be achieved. Victory loves preparation.

Last edited 1 year ago by ...
Erik Nielsen

The truth is always simple just in front of you. Why havent Kremlin only acted passively and jeopardizing and even letting some of their best Russian generals and officers be killed? Because they have made a deal already with West. Everything goes after a detailed plan.


sure , and you know this plan LOL

olaf b

He is right, there are hundreds if not thousands of analysis and planers in Pentagon, Langley, Ramstein whose job is to find weak spots and potential targets in Russia.

They are highly educated and intelligent people, not ordinary purple-head obese Americans. They work day and night to destroy Russia. If Russia wants to win they must be a few moves ahead, like in chess. it seems to me that most people in Russia, even in the Kremlin, still don’t understand this. They act like everything is perfectly normal and this is some distant, colonial war in Iraq or someplace, not a war for their very existence.

CIA bot

It’s rather easy actually : your CIA handlers on internet arrange you a delivery point somewhere in the middle of forest on border with Finland (huge border), they send you a package with explosive by a drone from Finland, you take the package, drive to St.Petersburg, place explosive with a timer or activated by a phone, then run away to Estonia (even closer border)

this traitorous cunt and her husband were arrested in February but Russian idiotic court let them go instead to sentence them to 300 years like American courts. the main problem with Russia are its ridiculously lenient judicial system, pity they are nothing like ‘brutal dictatorship’ from nato propaganda

Last edited 1 year ago by CIA bot
Ivan Freely

There’s no such thing as 100% security. Anyone that tells you otherwise is either naive or incompetent. The thing about assassinations is that you only have to get it right once.


However, at the end of that road is Stalinism and stagnation. The losses Russia is taken are worth it to preserve what Russia has strived for the last 20 years. The true answer is courage, fatalism and to honour the fallen as the heroes that they are.

No matter what, some terrorists will always get through. Do not sacrifice the many to a police state to protect the few. Instead honour the few who die to preserve what has been won. Death comes to us all, do not sacrifice life to try to prevent death. Because that is not possible.


A military blogger in St.Petersburg killed. Is this a combat enemy for Kiew to defend it’s borders? It was a military journalist who was at home in Russia. If he was killed in Ukraine okay but being killed out of service is a hardship. After the dead of Dugin’s daughter it is the next injustice against civilians.

To kill an unarmed men at home is killing a civilian and this is a war crime. Where are the EU institutions and Biden asking for a deescalation? Ukraine has lost its senses for honor and respect against it’s enemy. Do they want to get hard retaliation? Maybe they aks to get nuked? Or ask for bombs on their Ukrainian political elite?

In my opinion i have not heard that Russia for sure and with willing has killed a close relative of a politician or a pro Kiew journalist.


Definition of terrorism. Yet, Zelensky is calling Russia “a terrorist state” again and again while his SBU committing blatant terrorist attacks, planting bomb in cafes, under cars, attacking bridges with suicide bombers, setting fires, attacking children, not to mention seizing churches and monasteries, vandalizing statues and monuments, destroying 20 million books… but Russian officials still do not declare maidan-ukraine a terrorist state. Something they should have done back in 2014. and used it as a pretext for an intervention. True War on Terror.

Hakkol Havel

If the theory that the woman did this is correct, then the Ukrainian military might have had nothing to do with it directly.


yeah she made a bomb in her kitchen, she also destroyed Nord stream on her own 😃

Erik Nielsen

She was a professional diver and could easily have done it.

Florian Geyer

Maxim Fomin was a courageous man who will not be forgotten. He documented many Ukie war crimes. Such men are a credit to Russia.

Rest in Peace.

Yisrael V

Rest in pieces


you will rest in piss in your basement soon

Yisrael V

What a foul mouth you have antisemite

IDF War Criminals

You are not even a Semite you degenerate AshKaNAZI, the actual semites are Palestinian.


Zakharchenko? Tolstykh? Pavlov? Ukrainian nationalism has terrorism built in. It’s a feature, not a bug, as the old saying goes. For one hundred years the OUN kooks have been fighting racism by demostrating that as white Europeans they’re more primitive and savage than any tribalist cannibal.


Ukrainian nationalism is a mental disease. Simple as that. Unfortunately, too many people are infected with that virus today. Ukraine is a mental asylum run by psychopaths.

Yisrael V

You are mental disease.

f u c k you

You are a mentally diseased pile of shit.


Yisrael = rectal disease

Yisrael V

Antisemite spotted. Reported to admin.

f u c k you

Shiteating autistic troll spotted. Reported to your mom, she is between my legs.

Mark Dankof

There was great news today from Prigozhin: The Wagner Group has taken Bakhmut/Artemovsk. The flag raised had an inscription dedicated to Vladlen Tatarsky.

There is no substitute for victory, Russia. Win it. For all decent people everywhere. GloboHomo and the New World Order must be trashed on the dustbin of history.

Yisrael V

Fake news.


Fake kike, just a shabat goy moronic troll desperate for attention.

Erik Nielsen

Whattabout Ugledar in Donbass? Have they won that one too, or are Russia still in an argument about it.

Icarus Tanović

From now on Russia should NOT explaining to America anything, including exercise with balistic missiles. Period.

Yisrael V

Stfu terrorist we shoot you again.

Jacob Wohl

Stfu terrorist monkey, go back to Bibi’s asshole and rot there


You should be happy the russians are no terrorists or iran would get anything they need to hit you cause different to russians iranians do not see some kind of brothers in your people.

Yisrael V

Stfu we bomb Iran and you saw how Russo slaves watched. They respect us. They know we neutralise anyone who dares try us.


Not a single russian leader since your biggest brother killed the tzar was your enemy. Not even Stalin who just wanted you out of his way but not dead…

Hope that never ever one who does not worship your lot get’s in charge. I mean to be honest chances of hell freezing are higher then this happening and your people are working tirelessly for that never happening as well. Iran dares to kill us soldiers in other countries but their own. Thats something no one has for decades.

Iraq and yugoslavia just watched them prepare and invade them and only dared to shoot at those immediatly attacking them but iran shot at them in iraq and syria.

They have more guts or are more crasy than the rest of the world combined pick what you want of that.

I have no love for iran but they seem to be no cowards.

Yisrael V

Stfu coward. Iran is one step away from annihilation now a real leader is in charge of Israel. Soon we will redraw the map, you will see and clap.


Can you start with turkey heard they are antisemites too. Thank you.

Yisrael V

Turkey is our friend. Are you Greek whore?

Romanian yankee kurwa

Go to hell, cock sucking filthy fajoo. Iran will soon rain uranium over you’re shithead, dumbfuck psycho retard.

Romanian yankee kurwa

You’re an imbecile. If some lunatics will declare holy Jihad over you’re khazar shithole, a quarter of the fake jews of Jisraeels will die by terrorist attacks. But you’re lucky Iran and Syria have a different approach. Soon Iran will rain nukes over shitpile fajoos. And like the Al-Bab iranian retaliate bombings where some criminal fucking talmudian fajoos were send to theirs masters: Lucifer.


Well that would increase the chances of an incident that could trigger WWIII, so I think the Russians are right to continue communications regarding missile tests.


Death penalty is a must, terrorist get hang or shot no alternative.



Erik Nielsen

Have mercy.

Yisrael V

No one is safe, the long arm of justice is served 🇮🇱💙🇺🇦


ISISrael = naziterrorist like those in ukropistan

Iron Dildo Zion

Well, Banderists butchered your grandpa, cut off his long arms and long nose, and served his remains to Hitlers dogs. It must be the reason why you love them so much huh?

Yisrael V

Lies. Our fathers fought for the promised land. Hitler was a myth. Our destiny was Israel. Our enemies destiny is death by bomb, justice is always served, now you see.

IDF War Criminals

Wow this ‘Jew’ (from Lwow) is a Holowcaust denier. Reported to Mossad.

Yisrael V

I’m a the IDF you moron. Every one of us serves, and we serve you hell if you provoke us our allies, now a real leader is in charge of promised land.

Romanian yankee kurwa

You’re SHIT, motha fucker filthy pig.

Romanian yankee kurwa

Shut up, dog ! You have nothing to do with the real avraamic jews ! You’re a filthy evil demonic talmudian khazar, the plague of the world.


Yisrael V , there are some people here , who have still respect for your country. Don’t play this dirty antisemitic cards , you are here completely out of place. A little bit respect for Vladlen Tatarsky. A great courageous journalist.

Yisrael V

Hahahah, keep licking my ass, we only respect those worthy of our respect, this poor man’s “journalist” is a propagandist. He deserve the meat grinder.

IDF War Criminals

The only ass being licked is your big ugly nose mother by the Trumptard Israel First and EuroTrash brigades.

Romanian yankee kurwa

Nope, you’re an infected parasite. That event is far less important in terms of war terms than Backmut administrative fall by the hands of the Wagnerite denazificators. Cope with that, cock sucking bitch !


He was clearly killed by the FSB. He was criticising the way the war was going

Jacob Wohl

You are a clearly mentally ill faggot & terrorist worshipper Yisrael V who change his dumb name but still spams the same moronic diarrhea from his dirty mouth.

Yisrael V

I don’t know that poster you POS. What I know is self-hating jews who grovel at the feet, but are proud and we only bend down to aim and shoot our enemies dead, one Terrorist Palestinian at a time

IDF War Criminals

Jacob big nose why don’t you go and sniff Palestinian kids your dirty inbred coward

Erik Nielsen

Cry me a river. BREAKING: Russia has retaliated the terrorist attack by hitting a little Nazi Command Center in the Ugledar village with a precision strike. Take that one Nato.


smells more of MI6 than the US. The Trepova women studied in the UK I believe. Sure more info will surface soon.

Evil Empire

Spot on. Most terrorist attacks in Russia are organized by MI6, they are behind SBU and CIA behind them both. Brits have a long history of international terrorism, they supported every terrorist in Russia since 1850s

John Deer

Murdered by Ukronazies

The Truth

Russians need to purge 5th coloumn in Russia first. They actively serve foreign interests and openly support Maidanazis. No difference between Navalny and Zelensky. Instead the Kremlin still tolerate these parasites, they even tolerate NATO “journalists” only one was arrested a few days ago instead to expel all of them. When everything Russian is banned in the West , why they tolerate western propagandists/spies/agents/saboteurs? They’ll say Russia is a dictatorship? They say it anyway.

IDF War Criminals

So long as Russia is subservient to and bends over for the small hat zionazis, and pays them nice messages like Putin does to Bibi, and allows them to bomb their allies, Russia will remain compromised within and without.

Ivan Freely

Begin the insurgent war.

Isser Harel

Time to end the main nazi: zelensky

Jacob Big Nose Khazzar

Time to end the despotic Israel. That will end all its tumours like Zelensky.


“In February 2022 she was reportedly detained twice during “anti-war” rallies. There is also information that the detainee had previously transferred money to Ukrainian militants.”

and they just let her go… in ukraine they would eat her alive if she sent money to Russian army…. another proof that Russia is 100x more democratic and tolerant than entire NATO combined.

that’s actually not a good thing especially not in war.


You are probably right about how the Ukrainians would have handled it, many Ukrainians have disappeared after allegations that they supported Russia. However it’s not true that Russians can freely speak against the Russia military without consequences either, new laws were passed recently to prevent this.


Los ucranianos hacen lo que quieren DENTRO DE TERRITORIO RUSO. Increible.


Rest in peace hero. i really liked his articles


I always believed that KGB was an extremely intelligent organisation. Impossible that they have become that incompetent..


Since they were created to subjugate the russian people that’s all they ever were good at.

And since fighting Ze would mean fighting the people who created the kgb in the first place it is not gonna happen.

It is like calling the german bnd to fight the us when they gave the green lights to create it in the first place.


In what world… in what parallel sick universe does the Western collective Nazi world live!? Are these Westerners really convinced that all the countries on this planet are like Caribbean banana countries where everything revolves around one figure whose removal brings down the whole system? Are these Westerners aware that in every coherent state such moves only strengthen cohesion and determination to persevere in the fight!?


Well in what world do you live?

It seems to have worked very well for the west in the last couple decades. The only country they invaded or manipulated the elections that are not ruled by pro us guys right now are kuba, venezuela, afghanistan and iran. And only iran of that group is able to more then verbally assault the us. And even their are very limited to do things in their region. The bets on syria are still off. It looks good at the moment for assad, but i am sure they are allready thinking of another way to take syria down perhaps with a joint turkish and israeli attack.

The big questionmark is china but i am sure they will be much more careful after seeing how dedicated the entire pro us world is to support ukraine against russia. I would be interested to see a list of countries, companies and actuall numbers how much stuff ukraine is getting constantly and how this all is organised. This is a huge effort.


The pub owned by the owner of Wagner, protectedby Wagner. Who has the motive and the possibility? Clearly Wagner

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