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Promoting NATO with Lies

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Promoting NATO with Lies

Much to the dismay NATO activists, NATO and EU process are two separated things which exclude one another, it was said in Movement for neutrality of Montenegro.

This article originally appeared at IN4S, translated from Serbian by Slavko Kovačević exclusively for SouthFront

Member of Administrative Board of Movement for Neutrality for Montenegro, Vladislav Dejković said that director Gojko Kastratović who wrote on a internet site of Communication team for membership in NATO that Alliance and membership in EU can enable Montenegro to protect its goods, shows elementary ignorance or he was suggesting that almost 170 countries with China on top, who are not members of this alliance, are unsafe and unhappy.

As Dajković said “After we found out previously from the NATO communication team that even Petrovići and Crnojevići were for NATO, we also saw some great geopolitical analysis from great athletes, who are by the way better in geopolitics than in sport, but the day could not finish without the gentlest of us, our artistic souls”.

That Kastratović is the best at his job, speaks to the fact that he managed to connect the incompatible, what no one could do before, to connect Miroslav Gospel and NATO integration in Montenegro. With the sentence that no society in the world can secure cultural, economical and political safety without membership in NATO, this virtuous director is a fool for suggesting that nearly 170 countries not affiliated with the alliance are not content.

As Dajković said, much to the dismay of NATO activists, NATO and EU process are two separated things which exclude one another. He also said that neutral members of EU are best examples, like Sweden, Finland, Malta, Austria, Cyprus and especially Ireland, which defined its status with Irish clause, paragraph 42/7.

This clause decisively highlights that in case of attack on this militarly neutral country, all members of EU must offer its armed forces and defensive mechanisms, in other words, to defend it and guarantee it’s neutrality. Movement for Neutrality impatiently waits for a new campaign for NATO and advises NATO Communication team that next time ask ballerinas from school “Vasa Pavić” what do they think about NATO.

In Kastratović’s article it is said that Alliance and membership in European Union can enable Montenegro to protect its goods, and to equality among the nations of Europe where it belongs. That is simply imperative for our future. Lets not fool ourselves, no society which cares about it’s own prosperity, in current conditions can provide its cultural, political and economical security without membership in the Alliance – said Kastratović on his blog at nato.montenegro.

He said that there are still many cultural traces which are our heritage and they are all from the long history of Montenegro:

Exceptional results were made in the area of Montenegro, in trecento and quattrocento, in printing, architecture and presco painting, and in the other activities as well. The west European cultural processes affected our cultural code as much as eastern culture, said Kastratović.

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