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Protecting Its New Interests, US Foments Anti-Russian Paranoia In Europe

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Protecting Its New Interests, US Foments Anti-Russian Paranoia In Europe

Former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi

Written by  Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Anti-Russian paranoia is leading the EU to unnecessarily expand its military concerns. The European Parliament is about to schedule a closed-door meeting to discuss issues related to the EU’s defense industry. The aim is to increase the sector’s production and logistical capacity across the continent, as European countries are apparently not satisfied with their current defense capabilities.

According to Politico, European parliamentarians are organizing a series of discussions based on a document prepared by former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi. The document outlines the “need” for the European bloc to reassess its defense policies in light of the current conflict in Ukraine. It is believed that the current war also implies the emergence of a real “Russian threat”, in the face of which European states need to be prepared to act at any time.

According to media reports, the main concern of parliamentarians at the moment is the inability of the European defense industrial base to work satisfactorily amidst a scenario of growing tensions. It is believed that Europeans need to overcome a series of “structural challenges” in various areas, such as production capacity, technological progress and military industrial know-how. Draghi stated in his document that Europe has lost competitivity with the military powers of the rest of the world, being at disadvantage.

It must be emphasized that the document presented by Draghi was requested by the President of the European Commission herself, Ursula von der Leyen – who is known for her warmongering and anti-Russian stance. There are more than 400 pages pointing out alleged problems in the European defense industry and proposing solutions through a “systemic review” of military industrial spending. The document is expected to be discussed in secret, thus avoiding possible leaks of strategic plans – which indicates the high level of security concerns on the part of the Europeans.

One of the points included in Draghi’s report is a “change of focus” in American military priorities. Apparently, the Europeans fear that Washington is becoming less concerned about Europe, given the emergence of other strategic priorities – among which it is possible to mention the war in the Middle East and the tensions in the Asia-Pacific. Therefore, Draghi calls on the Europeans to act more responsibly at the present time, relying less on foreign aid and expanding their own capabilities.

It is curious to see how the Europeans are taking measures that could be understood as necessary and reasonable, but using wrong justifications and premises. In fact, Europe needs to depend less on American aid and start focusing on its own military development. However, there is no urgent need to improve the bloc’s defense capabilities, since there is simply no imminent threat.

In the current context, the expansion of the European defense industry is favoring only the interests of the Americans themselves, not the Europeans. Washington is experiencing a series of military problems given the exhaustion of the West with two years of successive defeats in Ukraine. With the irrational war waged by Israel against the Palestinians and pro-Iranian militias, the American military situation becomes even more complicated, having many simultaneous responsibilities.

In this context, it is in the US’ interest that the Europeans obtain the burden of “taking care of themselves” – which means, in the current narrative, continuing to arm Ukraine. Washington promotes the tale that if Russia defeats Kiev, Europe will be the “next target.” So, in desperation, European states invest in defense industries to send more weapons to Ukraine and thus delay a Russian victory – supposedly “preventing the invasion of Europe”. In the meantime, the US eases its military burden and can focus on other strategic objectives – such as protecting Israel and provoking China.

Military development is undoubtedly a positive factor. However, Europeans need to understand that they are desperate in vain. There is no imminent threat to Europe other than the domestic problems of each European state. Instead of holding useless military discussions behind closed doors, European parliamentarians should think about economic and social development policies to improve the lives of the European people.


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Captain Miroslav

“it may be dangerous to be america’s enemy, but to be america’s friend is fatal.” this quote is attributed to henry kissinger.


america is pragmatic. they have their own problems but they have capable military which feels like a big hammer in their hand and russia is a shithole country daring to oppose so they feel like a perfect nail to be smashed. so they are smashing them. they don’t pretend anything. it is not personal. it is rational. what is not rational is putin and lavrov and their lies about western “partners” and having “deals” with them. it is not only embarrassing, cowardly and stupid, it is disgusting.

Captain Miroslav

“to be wrong, and to be carefully wrong, that is the definition of decadence.”

g. k. chesterton


moral purity will not feed you, especially when you are only little dirty asshole pretending moral purity to fool your own nation, like the scumbag putin.


Last edited 6 months ago by houhout
Captain Miroslav

“moral issues are always terribly complex for someone without principles.”

gilbert k. chesterton


hey guy, you are lost. i can explain you everything if you have at least iq50. 1st of all, normal pople give shit about smart ideas. they want a house, car, children, maybe grandchildren, bread and games, no wars. 95 percent of people are ok with any government that can provide that. if the government consist of soccer players and give everything i mentioned, they will even start play soccer and will be ok that their children must memorize all soccer players since the last century


the problem was that janukovych government in ukraine was unable to provide basics , understand? and they were pro-russian. and cia used that and manipulated ukraine start thinking that russia is to be blamed, not their laziness. and cia told them that after the revolution they will have living standards as in germany, so maidan happened. and it was putin’s fault he allowed that. his responsibility as a russian leader was curb cia revolution but he failed.

Captain Miroslav

you are so retarded. the ukrainian economy before the maidan was actually decent. ukraine today is a failed state. it wouldn’t even be able to pay government officials if it weren’t for the imf loans which are already getting enforced… amidst the war… ukrainians clearly made a deal with the devil and sold their soul. and for what? the country is now owned by the global banking elite. surprise. surprise.


ok you are below iq50, sorry


so vladolf is responsible for that, and should pay for the damage then! of course!


the jesuits as monsanto bought the farm. they own it now.


you can down vote but it doesn’t change the facts. it just exposes your truth


it was all set up.


he was not pro russian. just like tito in yugoslavia back in the day and erdogan right now he was playing both sides. its just that the west descided not obeying them without questions is a crime. we will see how they will react to erdogan wanting to joing brics.


“putin’s fault”????? he lives in different country, are you retarded?

the cia’s armed men, the azovs, were operating in the maidan square. azov has publicly acknowledged that he received weapons from the cia. in addition to everything, there has been a public handwringing in the us congress about the arming of azov, because some of the representatives openly considered the arming of the neo-nazis questionable. maidan would not have been possible without them.


there is no way putin could have prevented these events without taking over ukraine by force.


putin says he had “deals” but this is what he says. hitler said a lot of things as well and i don’t give a shit what dictators are saying. i personally think that putin allowed revolution in ukraine and didn’t send his army prematurely to play the “good one” so he can blame u.s.now when russians are unhappy with their poor living standard.

Captain Miroslav

so now you blame putin for allowing the ukrainians to be influenced by the imbecilic neocons? that’s rich. ukraine is the most authoritarian and corrupt gov in europe and eurasia today. how many people have been tortured and killed for simply disagreeing with the nazi puppet regime? how many christians have been persecuted? how many journalists killed? how many kids and young women raped and trafficked? it’s pure evil. and the world knows now who the perpetrators of this evil are…

Last edited 6 months ago by Captain Miroslav

no they don’t thou shall not get caught is the one commandment. “and in the end times the whole world shall be deceived” the bible shares


if you want to be a superpower you need to be one with your intel and soft power as well or the other will bog you down by setting your region ablaze with their intel and soft power. it was russias fault to let first georgia and then ukraine be turned against them. the west tried in belarus and kasakhstan too short before the ukrainian war. just imagine that not russia could attack ukraine through belarus but the other way around and the kazakhs kicking russia out of bajkonur.


quite honesty i’m rather positive they slipped gorbachev some ecstasy tablets somehow. his behaviour was literally so” dreamy” it’s the only logical explanation. and then the dancing bear was reputedly totally smashed most of the time. you can’t blame any nation for the institutions run by one or two s corruptions or subversion.


adolf is vladolfs biggest inspiration, no doubt. the military church built in russia is a whiteness of pure militarism madness.


foolish completely perverse or simple


he says he was seeking the best outcome for russia but he was deceived by treacherous west. in reality, he was seeking the best outcome for him, screwing 140m russians in the process he did it completely intentionally right from the beginning. now he plays a victim, sending conscripts to die and killing his best generals as he wants to stay in kremlin as long as possible. it feels a bit familiar, is it ? little hint. j.v.stalin was perfectly the same kind of “leader”.

Captain Miroslav

you’re basically blaming putin for everything zelensky is doing. i mean he just fired half his cabinet because he sees the walls closing in… and refuses to save what is left of his country… all because he must finish destroying (and sell ) his own country to his benefactors. i know you are a troll. and you’re arguing in bad faith. hence why i don’t even bother writing detailed explanations. you’re too imbecilic


ahaha. now i’m unmasking your little bastard puttler and you’re so furious. it’s the same as when someone else dared to unmask stalin in 1945, with the only difference: stalin defeated his enemies, but putler couldn’t even identify that his country was under attack and he is still lying about the true scale of “special military operation” and especially how he murdered prygozhin and all wagner’s command in staged “aircrash”.

Captain Miroslav

the nazi junta even outlawed opposition political parties. so not even a semblance of democracy. the most pathetically corrupt government. your benefactors laugh in your face when you speak of eu and nato membership. absolutely disgusting & pathetic. they dangle the carrot in front of you while they lead you towards your doom.

Last edited 6 months ago by Captain Miroslav

yes the captain s not what he seems i know his play book


he’s part of the order out of chaos organisation for the globalists who want the great reset back to autocratic government of the people using faux democracies, stage managed theatre of operations as the velvet glove concealing the iron fist


zeds doing what his handler which is england’s cardinal in vatican city tells him to do the vatican’s agents throughout the west are orchestrating compliance acting as advisors to western government and lawyers.


its not his country and not his people only slavs living on territory his people want for themselves. getting them killed is part of the plan.


the road to hell is paved with good intentions


well he’d know being english from the decadent fallen british empire

Captain Miroslav

“the horror of our ineptness is about to be apocalyptic.”

-american plebs


stupidity is embarrassing


layers he knew what he meant, but because of secrecy the vast majority of the population foolishly think they know what he meant too. they don’t because the truths totally hidden from them. his class or circle or set knew what he was saying. no one else. they were deceived are deceived by propaganda artists acting as information services and education.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

the clown draghi is peddling a bag of horseshit wrapped in plastic gold foil.

Last edited 6 months ago by Dstroj

draghi and gold just don’t go together well. these folks are printing fiat money. they hate gold. they even call it “barbaric relic”.

Last edited 6 months ago by houhout

hence the term “plastic gold foil” u ridiculous imbecile. u must be one of the stupidest fkn rejects yet to appear at sf…

Last edited 6 months ago by Dstroj

even gold plasti foil is not ok. if it was rainbow plastic foil with 136 genders and non-binary identities, i would give it a try.


a clue biden ordered more american dollars to be printed than ever before in history but right now there’s less notes in circulation than before 2022. where are they and don’t forger trumps covid cares act signed before coivid even hit was the biggest spending budget in world history.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

one look at the main article image says, “i would not trust this clown with the change in my sofa”


it is actually russia who betrayed all their allies. what did russians to save yugoslavia ? what they did to save syria ? how on the earth they can expect somebody will be willing to go help them when they were even fucked off from armenia, the country which has bitter experience with turkey but they prefer deals with azerbaijan and turkey then being “protected” by russia. being stupid like lavrov/putin and say that being coward is clever has it’s price


you crew are absolutely so misguided and misinformed your the most deceived people i’ve ever seen


the greatest problem with the european union today is ursula von der lugen, a warmonger with no regard to the democracies making up the union. her will can’t be questioned and when you do she’s quick like a rat to apportion blame and negative consequences, think peace-minded orban who is pro-peace whereas the floosie von der lugen is all for war and more war. it’s her serious nazi background which she can’t keep under wraps – think peter sellers in dr strangelove.


if you look you will find the european leaders are all catholics even if they say they’re not if you look you will find their wife’s and children are they’ll say things like macaroni, oh i was catholic but i’m not now or like the head of the shop who says i’m not catholic but thrn sat’s the only time i experience god is in church. stuff like that they’re all full of it. like blair i’m not catholic but cherie and the kids are etcetera


the head if the shop meaning natos boss who was trained up in the oldest catholic school in europe but claims to not be catholic course since francis has destroyed the church and put legal doctrines into place outlawing anyone from ever restoring it to how it was before he as the first ever jesuit pope has totally transformed it., then now they can all claim to not be catholic in the publics conception of catholicism.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

yes, it’s all the pope’s fault. our dog bit the postman yesterday and he only did it because the pope told him to. nutteryahoo and the chief rabbi are all really catholics to boot. the pope controls everything, and he is really a shape shifting space reptile into the bargain, the head of the lizard people.


your very defensive. people who down vote factually correct legal manouvers such as the pope being declared as the moral authority for rule of law by then president obama as if that position is nt the most powerful position on earth are either stupid naive or complicit.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

usa is telling the hard truth. the ongoing conflict that russia lost is a clear example of good ukraine standing up against evil krimlin. now other countries are helping ukraine since they see the krimlin cancer lump grew big parasitic and need surgery to remove.


tommy sawyer boo hoo boo hoo did huck give you the flick?


zzzzzombie talk


it’s transparently obvious that in. order to have one centralised communist rule of claw you need to weaken any threats. globally.


yes, we need to expand the military forces immediately! otherwise putin will murder us all in our beds!! bring back conscription!! get the press gangs out to round up all the trannies, lgbts, and ethnics they can lay their hands on!! we need more trannie and lgbt cannon fodder urgently!! don’t bother with any white men, though, they’re all completely useless! i don’t know what effect they will have on the dreaded russkis, but they sure as hell frighten me!!


your militaries in england australia america, and no doubt the eu, have all become lessened over time despite consuming far morexmoney than ever. its intentional. never trust anyone. they’re all in it together to deceive the world. to conquer the universe ultimately.


your militaries in england australia america, and no doubt the eu, have all become lessened over time despite consuming far more money than ever. its intentional. never trust anyone. they’re all in it together to deceive the world. to conquer the universe ultimately.


australia’s army hasn’t been so small since pre ww2. and they just spend billions buying a few submarines and a handful of jets all totally useless for this size land mass the whole entire military could possibly defend tasmananian, but that all. but the mining magnates, the steel mill owners,cthe ship builders, aircraft builders all take home hundreds of millions for themselves and then you look at who they are and slowly, over decades the crystal becomes clear.


like the moderators arrangements on soros planet


who are they?


this is the new world order protection policy google, actress :how the doj “convicted my ex cop husband as a chinese spy” on you tube. wake up as madonna said at her song at euro vision.


the moral as i see it is best summed up by the queen mum “never trust anyone” the world is built upon layers of centuries of criminality, murders, lies drug trafficking, arms dealing, spying, espionage, subversion all in it together, all complicit, none are innocent but all try to appear to be. its a world built upon deceit.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous
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