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Protesters Attempt To Tear Down Andrew Jackson Statue, Establish Autonomous Zone In Washington

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Protesters Attempt To Tear Down Andrew Jackson Statue, Establish Autonomous Zone In Washington

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On June 22nd, protesters in Washington, D.C., attempted to take down a statue of former US President Andrew Jackson.

WUSA-TV in Washington reported that police used pepper spray to move protesters out of Lafayette Square, where the Jackson statue is located.

Videos posted on social media showed that the protesters had climbed on the statue and tied ropes around it, then tried to pull it off its pedestal.

Interior Secretary David Bernhardt was at the scene, and issued a statement saying: “Let me be clear: we will not bow to anarchists. Law and order will prevail, and justice will be served.”

Protesters Attempt To Tear Down Andrew Jackson Statue, Establish Autonomous Zone In Washington

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Protesters Attempt To Tear Down Andrew Jackson Statue, Establish Autonomous Zone In Washington

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At the same protest, St. John’s Church (the same one that Trump earlier used for a photo op, with police officers opening up a path to it via pepper spray), was vandalized with a sign reading “Black House Autonomous Zone.”

Demonstrators outside the White House declared the “Black House Autonomous Zone,” in apparent imitation of the secessionist enclave in Seattle.

On June 22nd, officials in Seattle ordered protesters to leave the self-declared Capitol Hill Organized Protest zone after a pair of weekend shootings left one person dead and two injured.

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best told reporters that her department has no firm timeline for returning to an abandoned police station within the zone.

Mayor Jenny Durkan said it wouldn’t be effective to have authorities clear out the roughly six-block area in the city’s Capitol Hill section.

Officials are working with Black-led organizations and “partners in de-escalation” to get the hundreds of people who have occupied the area to leave, she said.

“It’s time for people to go home,” she said, adding that it was time “to restore order and eliminate the violence on Capitol Hill.”

Andre Taylor, who founded of the anti-police-shooting organization Not This Time! after his brother was killed by Seattle police in 2016, said Monday that he had warned protest organizers that the city would need to retake the area because of the violence.

“That CHOP area is attracting this kind of activity and it’s unsafe,” Taylor said in a Facebook video. “I told them, ’All those people that were supporting you guys, they’re going to start walking away from you, especially all those white people that were following you. … They don’t want to be associated with any part of that violence.”

Protesters Attempt To Tear Down Andrew Jackson Statue, Establish Autonomous Zone In Washington

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Protesters Attempt To Tear Down Andrew Jackson Statue, Establish Autonomous Zone In Washington

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Donald Trump slammed the city’s handling of the situation, tweeting:

“Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!”


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Zionism = EVIL

Jew cunts conned the stupid fuckwit Americunts into a delusional “superpower” aiming at insane “global domination” and now both are fucked LOL



so you sucport this insanity From the people You hate? Beware, you will become one yourself.

Zionism = EVIL

Well, the Americunt dumbasses spent $15 TRILLION fighting losing wars for the Zionist cunts and their untenable occupation of Palestine and this was inevitable.


Alberto Garza

this is a coup very much like the one in ukraine performed by the democrats

Zionism = EVIL

Exactly, the old senile cunt Biden is as corrupt as Hillary and worse Jew slave than Trump, who is mostly all bark. If this arsehole Biden get in the Americunts are really up the creek with more Zionist fanned wars. Trump, with his big mouth is just the catalyst in the Americunt collapse, most intelligent people saw this implosion coming decades ago, I am surprised https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/de1923276f3e6f12eb614c7ac3e78e3cec34800cf36b475aff3602df66c0e546.jpg it took so long. AmeriKKKa has been a racist miserable place for a long time and now this boomerang Pimpeovirus just exposed that the “emperor” was buck naked. Any failed state that spends over $2 TRILLION a year on wars and police state and can not even provide basic social safety net and health care to its destitute people will explode and it did. BTW, a poll today confirms the US as the most unhappy place on earth. The Jew parasites have made the rednecks miserable and angry and you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Jens Holm

– https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/03eebfb18c03b1210cd9f7b43de17b0b7c48aa0a67f1d8a17fc30872e9f85f79.jpg As ususal Zionism = Evil is protecting the US taxpayers money, because in his country they are not allowed to do such things unless You insist in going to jail.

But he is excused living in a jewish overcrowded area, where billions and billions of jews are whipping the poor victims doing the jobs for them.

Some famous person told he had a dream, but for Zio here the nightmare is for real 26 hours a day.

Raptar Driver

Agree, Biden the mobster called Serbs illiterate degenerates, baby killers, butcher’s and rapists. also that all Serbs should be put in Nazi style concentration camps. Anyone who votes for this retard deserves what they get, a maniac who hates white Christians .

Jens Holm

As ususal Zionism = Evil is protecting the US taxpayers money, because in his country they are not allowed to do such things unless You insist in going to jail.

But he is excused living in a jewish overcrowded area, where billions and billions of jews are whipping the poor victims doing the jobs for them.

Some famous person told he had a dream, but for Zio here the nightmare is for real 26 hours a day.


Durkan and Islee are US national security threats. Durkan is talking out of both sides of her mouth.


This is the seditionist’s sign at the occupation zone block tonight. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d4e1cffbdc4edf98d996b1bfb332dfd9b1049c34fb1a7125fad8e9edf6aa6599.jpg

Peter Jennings

Shootings are up 400% apparently. Way to go Anifa.

This isn’t anarchy, but a well planned out implemented syop.

Bobby Twoshoes

They’ve certainly had enough practise, something tells me Russia won’t be swooping in to save the day this time though.


These anarchist freaks are making a mockery of the very concept of civilization itself. The worst part about it all is the blatant ignorance of these protester’s/rioter’s views. They literally have no idea whom most of these statues are, they just see something that looks like a piece of heritage and think “RACIST! IT MUST COME DOWN”… even if it’s a statue of some black guy or an abolitionist. Typical subversive tactics – destroy the foundations of your country, then institute a ‘revolution’.

Dark times ahead for America.


– Patriot Groups Announce They Stand Ready to To Retake CHOP Zone In Seattle if Mayor Does Not Act –



Patriot Hat


Raptar Driver

What if a statue of MLK was attacked like that? Or Obama? why is it okay to openly hate white folks and their histoy? This is the same as what the Albanians have/are doing to Serbs in Serbian Kosovo. America has/is fully helping them do this since 1989. Now the chickens come home to roost. Sorry my fellow citizens but we deserve this and much worse.


Every sign or monument which represent racism must dissappear, even Talmud teaching.

Lone Ranger

Last days of the crumbling U.S. Empire. You had it all except for compassion, humility and mercy for others. And thats the result. Now its payback time. U.S. is being destroyed the same way they destroyed other nations. Ironic…


There were two more shootings last after I did a vehicle recon and photographed the “we’re not leaving” roadblock sign. This is the third night in a row that there’ve been shootings in the democrat sedition zone. Islee and Durkin are anti American traitors with American blood on their hands.

“Seattle Fire took one person to the hospital and a possible second shooting victim was rushed by private vehicle to Harborview as Tuesday began with another bout of gun violence on the edges of the Capitol Hill protest camp at Cal Anderson. …

According to Seattle Police radio updates, police were called to the area on the north end of Cal Anderson near residential apartment buildings around 4:45 AM. After staging for about five minutes to gather enough officers to enter the area of the protest camp, police reported finding a man who had been shot screaming on the northwest corner of 11th and Denny. …

During the police and medic response, more gunfire rang out from the area of the Cal Anderson camp around 5 AM. Police did not enter the area of the protesters but were in contact with organizers, according to radio updates. There were reports that an armed person fired a single shot but no immediate reports of victims.

Minutes later, a possible second shooting victim arrived at Harborview via private vehicle, according to SPD radio updates.

Man started screaming “get me to the hospital” over and over. Ambulance was called. Time to get here was longer than usual. While waiting the man kept screaming and some people offered to help him and possibly put him in a vehicle. I could hear it all, not see it. He kept screaming and said “Don’t touch my leg” several times. Police and ambulance finally got here and were able to remove him …

The shooting marks the third bout of gun violence in four nights leaving one dead and three wounded with a possible fourth. …

Early Saturday, one man was killed and another person was critically wounded in a shooting at 10th and Pine. 19-year-old Renton High student Lorenzo Anderson died in an incident that has become a flashpoint of controversy with police restricting their presence in the area following the emptying of the East Precinct headquarters and Seattle Fire’s limited abilities to respond without police presence. Sunday night brought another shooting on the edge of Cal Anderson that sent a 17-year-old to the hospital. …

A brokered meeting between the mayor’s office and camp representatives about clearing the area following the weekend shootings reportedly fell through when the protest group was a no show,”

– After mayor’s vow to peacefully clear camp, another shooting in Cal Anderson protest zone sends man to hospital — Plus, possible second victim –



If the city and state are going to continue allowing this anarchy when they could easily correct the problem but are refusing to do so. Then federal resources need to be brought in to do the job that the city and state refuse to do.


Absolute fkwits,Jackson was the first democratic president of usa,these losers will die by their own knife! Fkn drug addicts,listen to the dumb slut,what a deplorable bushpig (period)See,too much transfat n sht!

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