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Protesters Destroy Turkish Army Barracks On M4 Highway

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Syrian opposition supporters and militants have destroyed several barracks, which were set by the Turkish military near the M4 highway in Greater Idlib.

On March 21, opposition sources shared a photo showing the destroyed barracks, which were deployed by the Turkish military only a day ago.

Opposition supporters and militants have been protesting on the M4 for more than a week. On March 20 morning, the Turkish military reopened the highway. However, the protesters re-blocked it within a few hours.

In spite of the ongoing protest, the Turkish military was allowed to conduct patrols on a short strip of the M4 on March 21. During one of the patrols, Turkish military vehicles run over a Russian flag that was allegedly laid on the highway by the protesters.

Reopening the M4 highway, which links the coastal city of Lattakia with Aleppo city, is a key condition of the March 5 Russian-Turkish agreement on Greater Idlib.

Turkey has failed to fulfil any of its commitments under the agreement, thus far. This could force the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies to move to open the highway by force soon.


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‘Err-Dog-1’, will have to find a very real and big excuse for the Turkish people if he directs their Army to fight the SAA in Idlib, when the Turks cannot open the M4 highway as agreed to in Moscow on the 5th. While they might have 5 more days in theory to secure the M4. I think Russia and Syria are losing patience. Expect massive onslaught by SAA and allies on the the 26th with massive Russian air cover.


I’m still impressed at how the Syrians can be so patient. If I would lead Syria, I wouldn’t ever give Turkey and its proxies that much time to regroup and fortify their positions and wait for the implementation of some agreements.

Jens Holm

The Damaskus Regime dont represent most of the Syrians at all. You are highly manipulated and only in military power by russian equipment supported by Hesbollah, Rusai and Iran.

Thats wtong. You made those Johadists Yourself and therefore should not be there as violent rulers at al.

You should better thats why USA by the constituion allows all to have own defence against others and the state.


Yeah Jens Holm with his usual fairytales no one takes you serious here and you know this.

AM Hants

You mean they do not represent the CIA terrorists, funded by those who support the White Helmets.


On another note, AM, that amused me greatly. A neighbour asked me to be a signatory for his firearms licence.

I read the questions and burst out laughing. It is reasonable for the cops to know whether the applicant is male or female, in my humble and politically incorrect opinion.

The question had three choices as to gender. Male, Female and ‘I prefer not to say’.

The system is going fucking mad, AM.

I hope you are keeping well and enjoying the ‘ self isolation’. It looks as if we could have 12 months of this. I am fortunate to have a list of ‘jobs to do’, with no self certified excuse not to do them now. :)

I wonder if any Claymore mines are on Ebay. I must look. The Travelling Community will be getting desperate.


and you are Trumps troll


Your first paragraph made some sense from the English language point of view, but then one of your fuses got burned and started your usual self. Israeli bots are really bad quality

Guibus Guib

maybe if you were really leading Syria like Assad, you would be much more reluctant to take decisions that could have irreversible effects and be extremely harmful to your country and its people.

Raptar Driver

It’s is Putin who does this, Assad kneels as he has no choice.

AM Hants

BS. As President Assad stated, ‘You either have a country or you don’ t’, when discussing the intelligence, wisdom and strategic skills of Russia and the immature insanity of the US.

Raptar Driver

So then why isn’t it Assad who controls the negotiations with the Turks?

AM Hants


Raptar Driver

Yes I am sure,It must be all very greasy.


Invitation to a sex club – http://trim4.me/VoE


Hey how come readmiral gets an invitation and i dont

AM Hants

Do you want one? You might find it is a NATO swingers club, for the cross dressing members. No doubt Red Admiral is avoiding it like the plague, haha.


Hey it’s the end of the world im up for anything

AM Hants

Haha, even I would draw the line at that haha.

Baking and watching Shaw shank Redemption. So love the films of yesterday. Reminds me of current times, with us the prisoners and the politicians the prison officers.

Love the line in the film, ‘You either live to die or live to live’.

So even if end of the world, going with live to live, excluding NATO brothels, haha. Wonder if they also cater for women, to keep the feminists happy?


Yes Shawshank was written by Stephen King my favourite auther but it’s sad what’s happened to him – he’s been imprisoned by the illuminati and forced to write like in misery that book he wrote that’s a fictionalized version of whats happened to him

AM Hants

Must admit I liked his old stuff, but, now try to avoid his recent work. Same with a lot from Hollywood, cannot be bothered with the luvvies or the scripts. Happy to watch the old classics that had a decent script and character based plots.

El Mashi

Is that where you mother works?

good american

Maybe Turkey will save everyone the trouble and obliterate them themselves.


They won’t. Terrorists might have squabbles among themselves but in the end they’re pieces of the same shit (and they know it). Edit: Also would be nice to see these “barracks” before they were “destroyed” cause I doubt there were any barracks there at all.

J Villain

I was thinking the same. Are they barracks or culverts to allow a stream to run under the road. I have never seen a barracks constructed like that. Why wouldn’t you give it a floor? If they are built of concrete to protect forces, why do they break so easy? Why is there no equipment etc inside? Doesn’t make much sense.


Maybe this is Morlocks barracks from HG Wells?

John Wallace

More like culverts aren’t they. Maybe ?? put on their side and filled with dirt for a protection wall .. but .. looks like rammed concrete mix , with nothing to hold it together. Trying hard but in the end , like you , no sense at all.


Its a NATO ‘Virtual Barracks’.

Xoli Xoli

This thinks look like fake barrack shaped none wind resistant structures to impress Putin with Erdogan lies.

Jens Holm

Yes. Erdogan in a corner has no other options to try to dalay anything apart by something like that line. The Jihadistsand others lives there dont accept Turks as well as they certainly never will accept the Damaskus invaders.

People living there prefare their own kind of dark.

Furkan Sahin

just kick jihadist out from Denmark

Jens Holm

I think we do our best. WEedo have jihadists which dont use violence. They are makruh.

The police and the intelligece find some few now and then. We have the security now.

You must understand, we will love to kick those relative few out. Their old counttird frny to them. If they are danish citicen, we cannot

Xoli Xoli

No doubt.


Deadline for Erdomeme is running out. Then the SAA is gonna destroy his rats again. Hopefully the SAA won’t stop after the M4 is liberated. After the M4, the next stop is Idlib city. SAA should make a quick push to surround the city, so that the civilians don’t have to flee their homes, which I really hate to see, then they can easily liberate it.

Jens Holm

We take it again. Russians and Turks and in a lower level Assads font asked the main involved at all.


Jens, everyone ignores you don’t you get it?

Jens Holm

Thats not even my point. I am a part of the rest of the world, where things happens and many many here agree a lot with me.

If I dont write, You dont know because You are not allowed.

For me its entligtning in the Your selfcreated dark. I show You the world outside and of course I get many minusses and plusses.

Like an old joke made not so many Years ago among Vikiings in Iceland: Did You find a new coninent named Ameria. Whats wrong with You. No need. The old ones is good enough.

good american

That’s the thing, we all think we are in the light, some more sure of it than others. Perhaps closer to the truth is that we are all in the dark, especially those certain of their place in the light.

John Wallace

Jans , two Zionist trolls who write only on the weekends because school is out does not make many many agreeing with you. So while saying everyone ignores you is overstretching , the vast majority do because , mostly it is in such poor English that you only understand , it is often a riddle of no meaning except too , again , yourself and mostly absolute non sense even if we could read your version of English. On the odd occasion and I do emphasis odd , it makes sense and agreeable, We wish we didn’t have too read , well mostly I just skip them , your comments you are right , you are allowed to make your comments , alas , but true, For you it maybe enlightening but for most of us , .. well we do ignore you.


I must admit while the guy is an idiot some of the things he comes out with make me laugh but I’ve seen him write perfect English on occasion so im not sure if he’s a real person or a character someone’s created

John Wallace

Yes he can be infuriating at times and other times wonder where his head is at . Trying to either discuss or argue with him is like talking to a brick wall and other times as you say it is like a different person. No matter he is entitled to say as he likes and we are entitled to agree or disagree or like some others as well give up reading after the first sentence. All quiet on the Western Front ,at the moment. Actually tried reading that at school but gave up half way through..

AM Hants

I sometimes wonder, if it depends on the shift and who sits at the computer. Same name, just different colleague.

John Wallace

Never thought of that so maybe as that would explain a lot. Friends just returned to Robin Hood land but I think they would have been safer here. All but two were returning residents or a few tourists . As I said last week or the week before the US is exploding now just behind Spain then only Italy and China to beat to be the best in the world , or No 1 in everything. It is certainly creating a massive mess around the world. Interesting thought someone said about it overwhelming socialist countries but making some rich in America and just adversely affecting the poor who no one cares about. A bit wet and cold , Winter is coming.

AM Hants

Is Robin Hood Land Nottingham?

Over here in the UK nothing makes sense. Certain industries have to close down. Yet, others business as usual. Hotels and take-aways, no problems. Pubs and cafes have to close. Many industries, working as normal, despite employing many, but, you cannot go out for a drink, after work, with your work colleagues. If everybody self isolates, with no contact, what happens when quarentine is over? The virus is still there, but, nobodies immune system has had the chance to find a form of defence. Together with being stuck indoors, unable to achieve vitamin d benefits, that come with being outside. Everything appears to contradict everything.

Plus, the vaccines. How does one create a vaccine without understanding the genetic formation of the virus? Like the Skripals, who were found by an Army medic, who held a senior position at Porton Down, just down the road from Salisbury. How come Porton Down had the anti-dote on a Soviet military strength nerve agent, that was meant to belong to Russia. Who got rid of their chemical weapons? The US took control of all the old Soviet bio-weapon laboratories?

Nothing about it makes sense. Just like nothing about the Skripals made sense.

John Wallace

There was an article the other day , was it anniversary day around now ? , that debunked much of what transpired. I know it has been very quiet on that front for a long time. That hobo who recovered and gave a TV interview I have never heard of again. Mind you he did say he found the perfectly wrapped perfume bottle and had too attach the pump to it spilling the liquid on himself before giving it to his girlfriend who gave herself a spray and promptly died. I often wondered why he was never allowed to give another interview. I did see the interview he gave at the time he was released from hospital and immediately thought that was very nice of the Russian assassin to go and spray it over the doorknob then , I guess , was very careful about disassembling the spray unit and wrapping it all back up very nicely like brand new and throwing it in a dumpster. The Skriptals never heard of again , . I will have a look later and see if I can find that article I read which covered many strange happenings. Why was a Police Inspector sent to attend two presumed drunks on a park bench , the luck of having that nurse who instantly recognised novochok , just joking , it was Boris that spotted that. So many strange events never to be explained. No wonder I sit at home making tin foil hats for the growing numbers of nutcases. I should pop up the road to see if the super rich are arriving to live in their boltholes. No tourista arriving now so it would only be them in their nice jets.

John Wallace

Found it :-)) https://www.anti-empire.com/buying-the-official-skripal-poisoning-story-requires-believing-40-absurd-or-implausible-claims-at-the-same-time/

Jens Holm

You are partly right. There are many dilemmas but in the other hand, thats the only way to go.

By being in non contamination distance the virus will spread slower. WE therefore can handle more better, because it becomes less a day.

And no You are incorrect about the spreading after. You will see – as You write – some more will be infected, BUT they can be handled and are isolated better, because so many are immune.

You forget the selfisolated are immune. IMMUNE. They dont spread.

But as You write there will come even from other countries or parts of forrests of Nattingham.

And yes, making vaccines takes time as well as virus and bakterias can mutate a lot. When normal attacks are spreading, they make wide spread vaccines. Those partly work, so You get sick but less sicj´k and not so many dies. You also give it to selected groups which is hit hard.

Here it semes to be old people already weak. So they are given first. Another selctive choise is seen many times here in Denmark. The vaccine are mainly given to docters, nurces, teachers, police, firemen and and truck drivers transporting food.

When You wonder why not all are home, its because thats impossible. We send everyone home, we can to we reduce the spreding risk. We cant eliminate it.

The Goverment has some money and take some big loans to compensate as much as they can.

You should see it as a sort of DAMAGE CONTROL and no cure. ………………………………………………………………………………

The good thing now is, we know how we gets infected better then ever. Here its manily is by touch and cough.

The infections fx also can be spread by animals, so we have to kill all fogs, hens whatever or put all or boil all clothe and put hot water with soap all over.

Qurantaine is no new thing as well. Denmark as many other countries had small islands having houses, where ships from fx Africa had t stay until all incomming persons seemes to be well.

Ar some of those islands there are big graveyards as well.

So do as asked or demanded. No crowding, wash hands and no cough. Phone Your Grandparents and friends more often instead of visiting even You see the best locums ever seen in the bakery.

I paly chess by internet with a friend of mine. Normally we often visit just for a cup of coffee. We both drink coffee, when we play. We might try to use Skype again. We once did, when it was new.

AM Hants

However, if it is an airborne virus, even those who self isolate and eventually are reintroduced to the environment will not be immune from it, now will they?

Interesting to see how clean the waters of Venice are, thanks to self isolation. Together with the effect of self isolation on smog.

However, cannot understand logic, of half the nation self isolating, whilst the other half gets on with business as usual. It makes no sense.

Ralph London

I have to put some waffle here otherwise this comment gets rejected for already having been posted. Also this: ‘vitamin D supplementation can help protect against acute respiratory infections.’ – https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2017/02/study-confirms-vitamin-d-protects-against-cold-and-flu/

AM Hants

Just read the link with interest. I am seriously enjoying the conversation with you and Mike, finding it seriously informative.

Jens Holm

If it says something like that its no cure for the infection in the lungs. The infection is ON the lung like a new made layer of plastic.

AM Hants

Most chronic lung diseases have no cure, besides removal of lung or part of the lung. The lungs are basically bags of air, filled with air sacs. Then you have diseases of the pleural cavity, which can also be chronic and incurable.

Jens Holm

Its much more effective to hit Yourtself with a hammer on Your foot.

Crap like Yours should give jail right away.

Jens Holm

None of that is correct.

You should read about it instead of inventing the most clever doctor in the whole world below Your bed blanket.

AM Hants

So it is not an airborn virus?

Ralph London

Your number one defence is your immune system, make sure that’s as strong as you can make it. Don’t forget your intestines where about 70% of your immune system is, that is, if it’s healthy.

Jens Holm

I agree. You can optimize Your body and all should.

Your advice is no advice about whats going on right now. You can kill people beacuse some follow advices like that.

AM Hants

Perfectly said.


That? Was perfectly said? LOL Ha ha ha ha

You are both old timers. Probably males. I originally thought that Hants’s writing style identified her as someone from South Asia. Not sure now. It could be that Russian and English grammar are so dissimilar.

What we do know is that the Russian assassins in England were also seen in other areas of Europe. If we know that, we can be sure that there is much more information on Russia’s assassin-cell in Europe.

I suppose this is one reason that Putin refuses to leave office. Assassination may be legal in Russia, but it’s illegal everywhere else.

John Wallace

How do you know the Russian assassins were seen in Europe. Were they wearing a necklace of perfume bottles with Novochok as the label. As we are obviously old timers according to you it is then obviously you are to young to know anything. .. Yes I know I am a boomer and rude and if I fart and burp then must be male..


How, dummy? Investigations were conducted. John, if you choose to be rude, I wish you would converse with someone else, please. Dumb-ass.

John Wallace

You talk to me like that and then accuse me of being rude you dumb piece of shit. Who the fuck do you think you are. Look like a blow up doll . I see by you other comments calling people dummy so think it OK to be rude to other people but how dare they be rude back. Fuck you . Go open your mouth where it is useful. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c122909f2997541e39d68a823515d90efc7fe26310c4cd8d24a6e3f261992a1d.jpg


So do you have any thing to back your claim the accused ‘Russian assassins’ were guilty, or were they simply Russian tourists. You have something to connect them to a separate ‘assassination’ per chance.


Oh, you must have mistaken my post. I didn’t investigate that crime against humanity. I’m not with Scotland Yard or MI6. Those chaps, however, did investigate. They have plenty of evidence. I suggest you use the internets for more than your porn portal and K-popstan and find all the research that they’ve made public.

John Wallace

Who would pay to watch you in any porn show but I am sure you think you are good taking 3 at a time.


You are a P-I-G. PIG. You’re also blocked.

John Wallace

P I G . Is that Pretty Incredible Guy. . Thanks you are so nice for a Troll.

John Wallace

Come here being a smartarse abusing people then think they should invite you out to dinner. Silly little girl or whatever you are.

John Wallace

What’s this , one rule for you and rules for everyone else. So it is OK to accuse someone of watching porn but it is not OK to suggest perhaps you are the porn star. What a slag. Claim to be Japanese but sound more like an over entitled American who is exceptional.. exceptional in your eyes anyway.. Who uses a pic of a twelve year old as their avatar.


I’m pretty sure John and Jens are both the same person, sock puppets. Dont waste your time. If you pay attention to the quality of their English they’re both shitty in similar ways.

Imagine having two accounts and talking to yourself on public forums. Embarrassing and profoundly sad.

John Wallace

He is actually my twin brother and we live so far apart this is the only way we can communicate. Don’t take what you see for verbatim..


LOL Do you really think so? How sad.

John Wallace

Not as sad as your output..

Jens Holm

Much like You prefare nice parcels even they are full of dirt.

English is a tool. Mine works fine.

Jens Holm

Its just as John Wallace says. One of use use with the polar bears and one with the pinguins.

A few years we made a whole in the ice and now communicate by cable. When it cross the middle of the earth all become hot news:)

AM Hants

Bill Browder’s Integrity Initiative soundbites of the day.

Not sure why you are so obsessed with where I am from? I have no reason to lie about where I was born or lived, all of my life.

However, if obsessing about my nationality floats your boat, then carry on.


“Floats your boat”? Only someone from the sub continent would use that. Although, again, a Russian that thought this was a mainstream expression might use use.

Your origin is of interest to me for my research. I’m creating bios of all my subjects. I find that most fake newsers on RI are Russians and a few misguided Trumpers. You seem to be different. And it seems that you have at least 3 user identities.

My offer for a Kik chat still holds.

John Wallace

What floats your boat . You talk of fake newsers yet you are as fake as they come.

John Wallace

Nana-Chan has according to RI been someone else who was blocked and returned with a new name. A troll and why is it so interested in finding out where you or anyone else is from is suspect. I see it flits from site to site making antagonising comments to many . Says baiting things to get a response for its agenda .. Not here for a discussion of ideas.

AM Hants

I think he is Edward Mercer, who was an acquired taste a few years ago. I seriously should not feed the trolls, but, sometimes they come in handy, when wishing to post links for others to view. Or just repeat facts, when it is so easy to forget them. Owing to the speed of events.

John Wallace

I don’t know that name but when it started asking or alluding to where you are from I thought something not right here and was too articulate . We have had an explosion (relative to us) but almost all returning from or overseas visitors. I see America is really exploding in numbers so looks like it is out of control there. We are still way behind everyone else at the moment and no shortages of anything. Asking people to restrict unnecessary travel but not closing down yet. Stay well.

AM Hants

You take care, look after yourself and stay well.

John Wallace

Thanks , no worries , will do. I see we are going into only essential services working and everyone must stay home although allowed to go for walks , bike ride etc. but must remain solo or well apart. Supermarkets , doctors , chemist , petrol stations Police / Fire and similar will work. All backed by doctors and experts as the best option and I do trust my government so I have no problem with it. Also see nana has you as her solo watch list. ?? Definitely more than interested in you .. ?? Says she blocked me so won’t see what I write but others will. Certainly has an agenda but for what or who . who knows.. Keep safe , keep well.

AM Hants

Cheers. Noticed Nana was following me and no doubt for a reason. Was going to block it, but, decided I could not be bothered. Changed my mind now.

Jens Holm

Some less biased should mention the many, which has died in Iran after there has been no lockdown for Qaum.

John Wallace

Some should write about the American sanctions preventing the purchase of medical supplies of all sorts and no just because they don;t target the supplies themselves but the money to purchase doesn’t mean they are not preventing the purchase.

Jens Holm

Well, You could write about American sanctions. .

But the many contaminated and probatly many more dead then we know are not related to medical care apart from few having lack og nutricians and some lack of macines for air.

The main problem is reducing how many got hit, because some est. 2% of the hidden ones die.

The doctors in Iran knows very well how to isolate the virus spreading out, but has been been forbidden to act as all good science says until now. for political and religios reasons.

Some WORST WORST scenaries said 750.000 and 400.000 might be hit. 2% of those bad numbers are 15.000 and 8.000.

Thats a lot for a small country, but we now work hard to avoid those number.

Jens Holm

At least a sober comment. Thanks for that. I agree very much in parts of it and has writtn why.

This is not about understanding english or not. Its about understanding less of the world ouside where You can find very usefull things for needed changes.

In my world we debate about needed changes. You are morte or less right. You are in total in denial in those changes can be founf, theyalready are invented an used here very day and anytime is better then Yours.

You fx conclude here: Structures for a country is of no importance Education by schools in low and hogh level is not important Payment for what You do and not by gender as well Lower rights then Islam, beause You never has written any of it Equal rights based on more sekularisme unites people Leaders should be testet by laws by regularly elections in peace Corruption can be kept down by systems for that Taxsystems as income tax, which You dont have solve a lot Locals know much more what they need and the responsability is for them as well as the tax they have paid.

And several others.

Those are base for Our western economics as well as there are severl other systems in the world You could implement too.


I scroll past Jen’s poasts because they always read like something generated by a computer


So true.

Jens Holm

Danes are well known as among the best to be well organized organizers.

If we still has to be Nato Trainers in Iraq, the danes will take over for a period.

Israel is well organized as computers. So how many times have they hit You hard? Its more then one.

Jens Holm

You should learn from my structures as well as oppinions.

I not even remember, what You have writtten even I probatly has been reading it.

Jens Holm

until now I disnt know sheep named liu were able to type. Which leg was it.


Yeah its always incomprehensible jibberish.

Jens Holm

You confirm, I am not Your father.


Speaking of school, obviously you missed your English classes so perhaps YOUR parents should ask for their money back, unless you spent that on heroin.

Furkan Sahin

Jens = Children love

Jens Holm

In my job before the one I have now, I had big results by children love to make them be well functioning citizens becomming good taxpayers, so they llke to pay my pension even its hard time for them.

In russia the children pay less because russians die 10 years faster then here.

A main thing has been a good and wide languge and understanding, learning to think and act inedependent as well as gaining emphaty.

Less emphaty makes more crimes and other bad things.

Jens Holm

You and some more morons are not everyone just someone.

Fuckturkius Sraloukranius

Turkey must stop supporting terrorists. Instead, Turkey must support Russia and Syria in exterminating the israeli created AQ and Daesh.

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