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MARCH 2025

Protests Against GNA In Libya, As Egypt And LNA Reject Demilitarized Sirte And Al-Jufra

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Protests Against GNA In Libya, As Egypt And LNA Reject Demilitarized Sirte And Al-Jufra

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On August 20th, protests took place in al-Zawiyah, west of Tripoli, by citizens unhappy with the Government of National Accord’s (GNA) leadership.

To quench the protests, an unknown group shot live rounds in their direction. There’s a video of the incident.

This is not surprising, since the GNA, being incapable of enforcing its own authority, employs all sorts of militants to “assist” it, so it is no surprise if terrorists shoot at protesters to “restore calm.”

In Sirte, supporters of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi were demonstrating on the street, and nobody shot at them in the city under Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar’s forces control.

There is still no fighting for Sirte, all anywhere around Libya currently. Libyan National Army (LNA) spokesperson Brigadier General Ahmed al-Mesmari said that Qatar and Turkey were hard at work recruiting extremists to be deployed and fight in Libya.

He warned that if actions weren’t taken, the Libyan conflict could be a regional war.

Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar recently met with the Egyptian head of Military intelligence Brigadier General Khalid Mogawer.

It is unclear what the discussion was, but LNA spokesperson al-Mesmari said that the Haftar’s forces would not accept to turn Sirte and al-Jufra into a demilitarized zone.

Egypt reportedly also told Haftar that it is against any separation of Libya and turning any areas into demilitarized zones to separate West from East, and that sovereignty and integrity must be kept.


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Turk wet dreams will explode in their face. Sultan the Magnificent Nothing from Ankara

should wake up to the reality that he is pushing against to many different countries in the same time.

Mustafa Mehmet

Other way round. in sirte people protesting against hafter LNA whatever you call him. Check before you post anything

Servet Köseoğlu

Uae sponsored shit-show… financing Lgbt in Europe is easier,resultable option..what has changed?

Ishyrion Av

In Europe lgbt is 0.5%. Even if jewish owned media coverage is huge. But I couldn’t say the same thing about homosexuality in muslim countries. You’ll see Pakistan, Turkey, Saudistan, trend on Google search on homosexuality.

Servet Köseoğlu

”While Iran is in a state of defense, economically military and socially”…thats okay ı would be insulted if you didnt try….

The Objective

Iran first attacked, and now it’s in retreat


I don’t know…you guys at least pretend to have everything under the control. Being over ambitious doesn’t make you convincing just hastier running into the trouble.

UAE finances same kind of terrorists invading EUrope just like Turkey..

But not LGBTQ fag’s that is Jew activity bullshit department. So between you all, it is really difficult for Europe to decide who is worse ! For Europeans you all belong on the same black list of countries

Servet Köseoğlu

we are determined to protect our interests nothing more,nothing less and we will but this doesnt mean that we are not negotiable. Europe,well,they act more like a cockroach than a proper,civilised union. Left to their own devices they would cover the world in their filth. I can’t stand their kind. ps:today is a big day,pretty cool resources at black sea will be revealed.


Many of you “can’t stand their kind” yet you are all over Europe! For me the Western Europeans are insane and suicidal to have you there, together with those false “emigrants” ex terrorists Turkey sends to EU. I find you personally hypocrite and plain arrogant. Many of you live in EU.

Compering to Europe net worth of Turkey represents literally nothing. Turkey can’t pretend to be equal or in position to impose anything because EU will get rid of you one way or another.

Servet Köseoğlu

feelings are mutual…”you are all over Europe”..ı know you can barely see,perceive anyhing…ı was born in a town that was straight out of a fairy tale and when ı walked away,ı held hands with my other self..to me it seemed like we were the only two people in the whole world..as long as we are under the same sky,we shouldnt be sad..ı dont buy Eu filthy,nazi,gay shit..not for me..never was and never will be..

The Objective

He is only trying to get a few Muslim countries to unite in a NATO style alliance. And he’s making progress. So cut the bull. Turkey doesn’t have to rule the Muslim world. Uniting a few countries is enough for now. If Erdogan can achieve a breakup of the OIC, that’ll be great. With Pakistan in the mix, Russia cannot wave it’s nukes in our faces.


What turkey is trying to do is already defined by many experts and even ordinary people on this forum me included… Turkey and above all Erdogan is only after re-creation of the Otoman Empire.

Nothing else!

That’s why they were participating in destroying Iraq and Syria with their terrorists and their invasions, that’s why they invade Libya also! Not only because of oil but because all that territory was part of Ottoman Empire.

This story about Turk initiative for Muslim NATO is smoke screen specially because Turkey is still far from renouncing NATO and because US would never allow that to happen to have Muslim NATO as some competition

I have noticed your pro Turk position that is based on misjudgment I think. I do respect need of Muslim’ (Sunni) world to be strong enough to resist Neo-colonial US – Zionism. I personally believe that feasible (possible) only as spontaneous unification in Sunni mega state – based on Islam and not on politics and nationalism of confederation of Muslim countries. Turks are VERY nationalistic and they will tel you anything they think you want to hear but all they want is their huge OTOMAN EMIPRE back and other Muslims as their sub servants. That is not something I have concrete proves but my intuition

The Objective

You may be right, but at least Turkey is better than the Saudis and other Arabs. If they seek to unite the Muslim world under their rule, then fine. A unity of sort is definitely better than the current disunity.


Don’t you see what is happening around us?! In 5 years there might not be Saudi Arabia! Dollar is about to implode and US with 25 trillions of debt is on the verge of deep depression in economy that will push whole planet into economic depression! Sunni have great opportunity that all those pro US – Zionist Arab regimes fall and that deep changes strat in Arab and Muslim world in general Turkey as long as Russia and Europe exist will never be permitted to re-create Ottoman Empire. The future of the Arab world must be created by Arabs not the Turks or Iran !

The Objective

Propaganda bullshit. Look at the size of the protest – just a few people. Very poor try by Egypt and LNA to attempt tarnishing the image of the GNA. There has been bigger protests than this against Haftar and his stoges. calling this a meaningful protest is a sign of pure desperation for propaganda food. Neither Haftar nor Sisi or Putin will get their way in Libay. Turkey, Qatar, and the GNA just agreed on more comprehensive military coordination that will see the Turks train a large regular armed forces from among Libyans to protect the country from terrorists like Haftar. I consider this an informal defense pact which will see three Muslim countries ally such that an attack on one is an attack on all, and none will ditch the other. Pakistan’s fall out with the Saudis is a good thing too. Another OIC is about to be formed, run by Turkey, Pakistan, and Malaysia. We’ll see which side the Muslim world chooses between the Saudi hypocrites and the true patriotic Muslim governments of Turkey, Pakistan, and Malaysia.

It’s long past due for a Muslim alliance controlled by Muslims. May Allah keep Erdogan and other Muslim leaders working towards this reality, and give them the wisdom outmaneuver the enemies of Islam both from within and without. Every Sunni Muslim should pray for these leaders and individuals. they face significant challenges from imperialists and opportunists like U.S.A, Russia, and others. the Saudis and their hypocrite allies have stabbed the Muslim world severally in the back. They should be stripped of leadership of the OIC. Only then will that organization serve the interest of Muslims.

Note: Iran cannot be trusted as a genuine member of any new Muslim alliance. They’d like to take advantage to wither off the effects of pressure from the Western world, with whom they did not hesitate to cooperate in murdering hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan and Iraq during the 2001 and 2003 wars. No one should ever be deceived into thinking that Iran will ever defend the Ahlussunnah. They are good at pretending. But we must understand them for who they are: Pretenders.

Ishyrion Av

Your mouth is full of… “propaganda bullshit”. Maybe you see a difference, but there is not any difference between Saudi and Turkey, both terrorist and expansionist countries, invading their neighbors and claiming what they don’t own. And Iran, being a Shia country, of course cannot be trusted by a sunni like you. But who cares, all the world can see that between the muslim countries, sunni are the terrorists (no matter you call them saudis or turks), they blow other people up (including other muslims), they invade other countries, they form the recruiting mass from which US and Israel are collecting their suiciders. While Iran is in a state of defense, economically military and socially, due to the same US-Israel alliance of whores.

The Objective

Of course their is great difference between Turkey and Saudi Arabia. I will post a link to a comprehensive analysis of Turkey’s current situation. This analysis was published by the “Hudson Institute” – an American organization. Surely, America and Europe don’t see Turkey and Saudi Arabia as similar in any way. it’s a long analysis, but it’s worth the read. https://www.hudson.org/research/15682-where-will-erdogan-s-revolution-stop

No Sunni will ever support Iran if they learnt the truth about Iran’s complicity in the death of hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan and Iran. Iran’s IRGC – particularly Qods force, played a major role in the invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq to help the U.S. murder over a million Muslims. And you expect us to trust Iran? Soleimani deserves what happened to him! http://viableopposition.blogspot.com/2020/01/iran-united-states-and-operation.html

You say Sunni countries are the ones considered terrorists in the world? By whom exactly? America and the Western world see Iran as the largest sponsor of state terrorism. I don’t have to provide any source to validate this claim. I think you’ve heard it over and over again. I don’t agree with them that Iran is the largest state sponsor of terror. But I do agree Iran is the second largest after America. They fund, arm, train, and control over a million militias in 5 countries. They are second only to America!

The current crisis between Iran and America is a well-deserved one. They both have the blood of over a million Afghan and Iraqis on their hands when they cooperated in the invasions. Iran though America was helping it destroy the Sunni communities which the Iranian regime loathes so much. Only to realize they are themselves a target. Now Iran is trying to dodge a far staring them in the face. They know a war will spell the end of the regime even if it did succeed in pushing America out of the Middle East.

So my friend, it’s Iran that’s in big trouble and this is Allah’s punishment for that regime. It will be destroyed along with other enemies of Islam, just like every Shiite regime in history that attempted dominance of the Muslim world was destroyed by Allah.

In a bid to persuade Trump not to launch an attack on Iran, they hurriedly tested missiles and some weapons.

If it be Allah’s wish that you’ll be destroyed via a war with America, no amount of clever maneuver will avert such a war.

Ishyrion Av

Oh, delusional from the beginning till the end. Saudi, Turkey, Israel, US, UAE, Pakistan, all friends together. All terrorists. Some inside, against their own citizens, like Turkey or Pakistan, some expansionists, like Saudistan, Turkistan, Israel and US. Of course US and Israel claim Iran is the largest terrorist sponsor in the world. They need to cover their own tracks from idiots like you who don’t see the facts and hide in denial behind fancy words. Iran must defend from the whores from above, but it seems to do a pretty good job until now. From the religious and the only matter point of view, I wouldn’t advise you to count on your Allah, he is in hell already. So whatever destruction might happen, will be a punishment from God for you because you are pagans, murderers, and pray to devil, for us because we we are losing our faith and wasting our lives.

The Objective

If you think Turkey and the others are the same then please Google this analysis by the Hudson Institute. It’s a long read, but it’ll open your eyes: “Wher will Erdogan’s revolution stop?”

The loss of your faith has only just began. Islam will rule the world and you are the ones who’ll be in hell if you die as non-Muslims.

Ishyrion Av

I don’t need to read Hudson to know what Turkey is. I know Turkey since otomans start to murder and plunder. Nothing has changed. As for out faith, you are not entitled to say anything. Maybe we are weaker in faith than we should be and God will judge us, but you, muslim, pray to the devil. Oh, and I forgot, you worship a pedophile.

The Objective

You worship a human being who ate food and went to toilet like everybody does. We Muslims worship the God who sent your “human god”. We worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The creator, owner, and sustainer of the heavens and earth. If anyone dies worshiping ANYTHING beside him, that person will certainly go to hell.

Ishyrion Av

If you refer to Jesus Christ, He is God Almighty. Your allah is just a demon, even the name comes from an ancient demon.

The Objective

Did Jesus and his mother eat food and defecate like you do or not? How can God eat food and go to toilet? Our God (Allah) neither eat nor defecate. Please just imagine your god easing himself in the toilet like you do.

Ishyrion Av

You, muslims, are so limited in thinking. You deny God the right to be Almighty. Yes, God is the Holly Trinity, Father, Son and Holly Spirit. That is before everything we know, before there was light and darkness. Yes, God made the world from nothing, and made the man from dirt. And gave him life. And yes, man fell and God, the Son, in His endless love to save him, took a human body, made from flesh, was born from a virgin, Maria and from Holly Spirit and showed us the path to Him. The path is not easy, because it leads to the cross. But is beautiful, because it comes to resurrection. And resurrection is the real beginning. We, humans, are called to be sons of God. All of us. Above the angels. But you, muslims, just think how to eat and how to f..k. You think heaven is a big brothel where you can f..k 70 virgins, if you killed enough non-believers. If you are a martyr. You know, martyr for us, Christians, is someone who died for Christ. For his faith in Christ. Not someone who killed 10 or 100 of non-believers! Martyr for us is someone who quits his life now to save it after. Martyr for you is a murderer! You simply don’t understand such a beautiful faith. Everything is freedom, everything is allowed. But not everything is good. You will upset your Father if you do whatever you want. He will allow you to do whatever you want, but He will tell you that some things are not good. And you can choose, freely, to do something or not. You can fall and you are asked to rise again. You can confess your sins and they will be forgiven, but you are asked to try at least not to do them again. Try hard, like your life depends on it. And really depends on it! Instead of that, you just ask: was He farting or not? I find your lack of understanding painful.

The Objective

My questions only highlighted to you the rediculousness of the notion that Jesus is God. About killing people, I want you to know that Christians have killed more people than any other faith. WW1, WW2, slavery, colonialism, imperialism, and much more. America alone has killed more than 20 million people since ww2. It is Christians who lack understanding. They don’t even agree on a single holy book.

Ishyrion Av

You don’t know what are you talking. There are no Christian states today (except Vatican State). All the modern wars were started by people and states, not by Christians. As for the Crusades in the Middle Age, which I not approve, were started by Catholics with the desires of glory and conquest, even against Orthodox faith. But even if you put these in the burden of Christianity, there is no comparison with the islamic conquest, plunder and murder. As for Jesus Christ being God Almighty, I didn’t expect you to understand. If you would understand, you would be Christian today, not muslim. But let me explain you in simple words. God created the word, and the man, by face and resemblance. Man needs to rise himself to resemble God, but instead man fell, and the entire universe with him For His own reasons, bound by love, God wanted to save the man, and sends his Son to rescue him. Jesus Christ is born as a human and as God in the same time. A man without sins, to carry all our sins, to pay for them, to take them into grave, to rise Adam and Eve from hell, to rise all of us from hell. To resurect, showing us the path. Today heaven is open again, for those who believe in God. In True God. As for the division between Christians, it started in 1054 from earthy reasons, like greed and glory, when pope threw himself out from Christian church. Protestants came much later. If you need to know what Christianity is, search Orthodox Church, it remained unchanged since 2000 years ago.

The Objective

Enough of this argument We’ll never agree

Ishyrion Av

Yes, I figure it will be hard.


Not good to label all Sunni as “terrorists”! And to label Iran as example of supreme innocence…. because it simply is not truth ! No nation is perfect ! And by insisting on divide between Sunni and Shia you are supporting (Zionsit and Wahabi = the same thing) forces of evil closed circle with Muslims trapped in! We must HELP Muslims to get out of that vicious Shia-Sunni conflict in which they are locked in so that we all can concentrate on ZIONIST EVIL that is about to destroy us all if we continue like this!

Ther is no Sunni “jihad” but only ZIONIST manipulated false “jihad'”

Zionists are the only true Manipulator and Evil against all humanity and against Muslims also !

Ishyrion Av

I’m not neither sunni neither shiia, but I know you, I and anybody can’t put them together. At some point, they are almost different religions and both calls the other heretic. The separation starts from the beginning. In my opinion, is the punishment which Persians administrated to arabs after the conquer of Persian Empire, 600 years ago. The islamic trojan horse in the heart of islam. As for Iranians today, I know them well. I was there many times and I stayed longer times. They are against their government (most of them), but they will make a wall against any outsiders trying to attack their country. They are fanatic nationalists, in the good way. It is a peaceful country, safe for traveling, safe for staying. When you have a problem, you always find help, even from unknown people. Israel is their archenemy, but they don’t hate jews. They are simply amused. Until there is an obvious threat. And, of course, they are not perfect. Nobody is. As for the other thing, I didn’t mean to say “all sunni are terrorists”, if this came out. I want to say “all terrorists are sunni”. And this is a truth.


I didn’t know that “fanatic nationalists, in the good way” exist. In Europe you go to prison for that and nobody cares if you are “in good way” fanatic naionalist. The rest is OK.

Ishyrion Av

In Europe, soon you’ll go to prison if you are not gay or you don’t allow your children to be educated by pedophiles. Europe is not a standard, UE is a sh..hole empire. In which I still live.


So stop complaining hypocrite, or put some decency in your life… Words repeated too many times become meaningless, just like those who repeat them. If they hide behind them their absence of action.

Ishyrion Av

I don’t understand your words, sorry.


Than lets leave it there, in that case.

The Objective

How do you define a terrorist?

Ishyrion Av

Someone who kills someone else, pretending he is superior.

The Objective

My problem with some of guys is that you want to discuss topics you have no background knowledge on. How can someone ever think Sunnis and Shiites can unite? This conflict has been around for over a thousand years. America’s problem is less than 100 years old. How can one even think that America and Zionists are the cause of Sunni Shiites devide? The Zionists only exploited an already existent divide. Sunnis and Shiites have fought several big bloody battles the likes of which our generation has not seen. The difference is simply too big to unite them. One is the OPPOSITE of the other in believes. Talking about Sunni Shiite unity is just a waste of time. We can have peace treaties but not unity in faith with or without the Zionists.


Than why do you live together at all?!! Why didn’t you try to have Sunni state instead of having Israeli-Zionist planned “Caliphate” that has ruined you! So many dead Sunni for what?

For Israeli plans of destruction of Middle East !?! Sunni must take destiny in their hands!

I didn’t say “Sunnis and Shiites can unite” or “should”. I have said that Sunni should unite in some bigger Arab Sunni state (if you can’t live together with Shia)

So Sunni should try to crate Sunni mega state big enough to resist to Zionists.

America and Zionists are definitely the cause of making that divide even DEEPER and that is all was trying to say!

The Objective

Every Muslim Sunni that understands the situation wants a united Sunni world. But the Saudis are standing in the way and there has been no meaningful challenge to them until recently. Turkey is at the front of this effort to unite Muslim countries. Shiites are historically an alien and very minority sect. They live among Sunnis because Allah made it so. But that doesn’t mean we have to unite. Iran itself is a great enemy of the Sunni faith. Forget their fatwas and denials. They can fool anybody, but certainly not a learned Sunni community.


You definitely speak like Turk (origin) and not Arab Sunni (the way you present yourself) So I have my doubts that you are Turk or Turk origin.

Saudi regime are totally of no importance and they are the same evil for unification of Sunni’s as Turks or other Arab regimes are.

Saudi regime will fall soon I have no doubt about it.

Global economic crisis is about to start, demand for oil will be even worse and Saudis internal economic crises will blow away regime.

It is absurd that you talk to me against Shia, because I am Christian and I hate nobody neither Sunni nor Shia. I just try to suggest something that can help against our common enemy the ZIONISTS.

The Objective

Nearly every religion is an enemy of the other. our world is already fucked up. all hopes of long term peaceful coexistence are lost.


I have no problem with Sunni of Shia Islam ( I would prefer that Muslims destroy Israel and remove Zionists for good )

I respect every bodies religion including authentic Hebrew Semite Judaism and not these converts to Jewish religion would be Jews and Zionists.

I have problem with Turk Otoman Empire ambitions but I see that as Turk nationalism problem and not as problem with Islam.

Ishyrion Av

See, on this I agree with you. I also explained above the same thing. Sunni and shiia cannot be united.

johnny rotten

Remember the story of that poet who had dozens of dogs, one day he felt ill and did not feed them, when after a few days someone went to visit the poet found him dead, the dogs had eaten him and fled in the surroundings, they then had to shoot them all down because they had become a danger, what happens when you collect so many terrorists and then leave them to themselves?


Haftar knows the Muslim Brotherhood only too well and their constant use of deception. The moment Sirte is “demilitarized” , the ‘brotherhood’ and its Al Qaeda affiliates attack. At this point, Haftat controls the oil exports via possession of Sirte. He will keep it. He should run oil exports through Egypt,giving both cash to counter Qatar’s.

The Objective

Quite unlikely. Sirte is heavily contested. If Haftar doesn’t pull his forces from there, expect a fierce fight that ends up destroying the facility. Then where will Haftar get the money to finance his war? Egypt has a debt to GDP ratio of 98%. That’s economic disaster already. Russia is also facing economic difficulty. On the other hand, GNA will develop new oil infrastructure with Turkey’s help. Turkey has a far healthier economy than Egypt.

The wise step for Turkey is to deploy sufficient military power in Libya that both Egypt, Wagner, and LNA combined cannot defeat. And that’s exactly what Turkey seems to be doing.


“If Haftar doesn’t pull his forces from there, expect a fierce fight”, Yes as I said, it would be foolish for Haftar to withdraw, as Erdogan will attack with or without Sirte being declared a ‘demilitarized zone’. Thank you for confirming my point. Even if Turkey manages to destroy the oil port in Sirte, there are 2 more to the east. My money is on Haftar and the elected government in Tubruk, Egypt and Greece. Erdogan is financially desperate, and reaching too far.

The Objective

Your bet is on Egypt because that’s the only option you got. A Sunni revolution like what happened in Iran is the worst nightmare for Islam’s enemies today. I don’t expect you guys to support Muslims no matter what they do.

Ishyrion Av

In Iran there was not any sunni revolution, retard.

The Objective

I never said there was a Sunni revolution in Iran. I meant a similar revolution in other Sunni countries like Egypt. This is very likely to happen especially if Sisi invades Libya.


Yes, I only speak for myself, even though I am not Muslim, I do support some Muslims. The Shia and the Sufi and other more moderate Sunnis. There is no chance of a Sunni revolution in Iran, as the Sunni are a very small part of its population.

The Objective

We don’t need a Sunni revolution in Iran. A couple Muslim Sunni countries will be enough. We don’t even want a violent revolution. Just a fe of our leaders coming to their senses is all that it takes. Leader like Erdogan who’s not afraid of openly, verbally, and militarily support Islam. 5 to 10 Muslim countries becoming very pro-Islamic will fundamentally alter the Islamic world.


Libya, Egypt and Turkey are all Sunni predominant nations. Libya (and Egypt) has no need to be forced by Turkey a nation 1360 miles away, into “a Sunni revolution”, that is blatant Conquest of one Sunni nation over another. You are only lying to yourself and the world, this Conquest is no way to unite the Sunni world.


What ” Sunni revolution” bollocks?!? Asian (Uighur) origin Turks want to dominate Arabs again through Ottoman Empire. That’s all ! That is not “revolution” or “Sunni unification” just another Ottoman invasion that would NEVER BE PERMITTED by RUSSIA, US or EU even if the Turks would be able to accomplish it (which they are not) ! Only Sunni ARAB regimes can unite unite in their free will, the moment when all US-Zionist Arab regimes fall (after collapse of the dollar )


I don’t think you support Sunni Muslims either… Just Ottoman Empire that was always anti – Arab (not to mention profoundly anti – Christian ) Turks do NOT want unification of Sunni Muslims, they want only their Ottoman Empire back


You seam to be able to see only other countries economic difficulties. Turkey is in economical troubles already because spending too much on wars and having COVID19 economy in recession. And global economic crises didn’t even start yet !

You are far too much exaggerating Russia economic problems which are MINOR even comparing to the most developed countries. Like France and specially U.S. fr. example.

Russia has NO DEBT and quite lot of gold (5th or 4th in the world) and has huge energetic and all other resources and developed industry. From this comment I think there is no doubt that you are Turk.

The Objective

Russia has no debt?


Russia’s debt is minor and all debt is covered with their foreign currency reserves anyways. If my savings are equal or slightly bigger than my debt than I practically do not have debt. The same goes for Russia.

Also foreign currency reserves are only 20% in dollars to avoid US financial sanctions consequences. Objective is to remove dollar completely from reserves.


GNA are puppets of the Erdoganian AKP regime in Turkey. This is evident by the fact that Erdoganians had to intervene with both their military and their Al Qaeda terrorists to make sure GNA regime continues to exist. While the LNA has received assistance from their allies in UAE, Egypt and maybe a bit from Russia, the LNA didn’t ask for a DIRECT MILITARY INTERVENTION as the GNA puppets did thus they can still claim to be independent, while GNA has absolutely no sovereignty or integrity since they exist purely due to having erdoganian military bases on their territory to keep them from sinking. In 1v1 GNA was losing, now in 2v1 they think they’re doing good.

The Objective

With or without an Egyptian intervention the GNA will win.because majority of Libyans side with them. Egypt can’t overthrow the GNA even if it invades. That’s why it didn’t. On the other hand, Egyptians are almost certain to protest if body bags start piling up at home. Turkey wants to win the cheapest way. That’s why it’ll let diplomacy take its course. A nationwide election in Libya will almost certainly end with the GNA having the upper hand. We’ll see how things wind up, but I don’t think the LNA will accept to hold nationwide elections, or at least they’ll attempt to discredit it.

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