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MARCH 2025

Protests Against US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces Erupt In Al-Hasakah

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On May 26, thousands of Arab took at streets in the districts of Geweran and al-Nashuah in the southern part of al-Hasakah city to protest against the forcible recruitment into ranks of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Baladi News reported.

Local sources said that the protestors had burned tires at the entrance of Geweran and al-Nashuah and managed to expel the SDF’s security forces (Asayish) from the two districts.

In response to the protests, Asayish forces deployed several units around Geweran and al-Nashuah and closed the entrance of the two districts. Several protestors, including minors, were also arrested by Asayish forces, according to Enab Baladi.

Locals of the northern city of Manbij organized a general strike on May 20 also to protests against the SDF conscription law. Back then, Asayish forces opened fire at some closed shops and broke into many others in the districts of al-Saraya and Dwairat al-Hadrah.

According to Syrian opposition activists, the tensions between Arab and the SDF in al-Hasakah are still high and the situation may escalate in the upcoming hours, as the Kurdish-dominated force appears to be willing to impose its conscription law.

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SDF conscription law. How democratic is that ?


as if the assad regime has no conscription law…

Conrad Hunte

Assad controls the official syrian army not some foreign funded terror group like the kurdish SDF are. No arab,turkmen, druze or assyrian are going to ever join the SDF unless they are forced at gunpoint.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

So there is SAA military there in Hasakah. All those young Syrian-Arabs instead of being forced to become soldiers for SDF and Turdes…They should become Assad soldiers instead and problem is solved.

Bill Wilson

They can join the SAA since the Syrian government has kept a presence up there.

Gavin Allen

“No arab,turkmen, druze or assyrian are going to ever join the SDF ” – tough luck, they already have, in their tens of thousands.

Baron Von MuleBanger



Boy, you trolls sure have expanded your ranks. Did the pay go up as well?..or do scum like you do it for the pleasure of Bibi?


Morons like him don’t have a clue. He wouldn’t know the difference between what was legal and what was not, because idiots don’t care as long as they collect their sheckles.


Who the fuck will die for SDF ???? XD.


a lot died allready, but you rather believe conspiracy bullshit i guess


A lot ? XD. Compare it with syrian army. SDF was only swapping uniforms with ISIS.


thats what i mean, rather believing conspiray bullshit, pathetic


If conspiracy theory is wrong, what do you bother ??? XD.

Fact is that you can’t prove this theory is wrong and worst I can prove it right.


no you can not. all you can do is posting links to stupid websites, that is no proof nitwit


You can’t prove wrong.


i met several kurds that were there, that is enough proof for me


Joke of the century. XD.


i feel sorry for the amount of humor in your life

Gavin Allen

“SDF was only swapping uniforms with ISIS.” – LOL. Of course they were. I have to guess you’re turkish. It’s the stupidity which gives you away.


Guess what your comments say about you? Same shit, different dumb-ass.


Well, sorry but a lot died FOR MONEY, even by the AMERICANS ;).. “Blackwater”, for example)

leon mc pilibin

Fuck off,scumbag


look in the mirror :)


Hopefully lots of Americans :)

Bill Wilson

They don’t want to die for the SAA either!

Gavin Allen

Anyone who wants a free, democratic Syria. Now back to your cave, Abu Hajaar, your goats are calling…


Actually, Assad never used a draft, it’s considered one of the reasons the Syrian army fell apart in 2013-14; understaffed.


never? So how comes i personally met 5 syrians that fled the country, because they didn’t want to join the syrian army??? I am talking about 2016

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The US are INVADERS and will be kicked out like all INVADERS.


The “Assad regime” is the official Syrian government which, in accordance with the law that has been adopted for decades, has the right to recruit citizens to fulfill the obligation to serve a military service. On the other hand, SDF is yet another terrorist / treacherous group supported by the Trump regime.


the law of a bloody regime…..no difference , they are ALL a bunch of MURDERERS!!!!


Not more than most other governments, and yet incomparably less compared to those governments that are praised to be the most democratic and who think that God has given them the right to impose an opinion on others. We are judging the governments that have been placed in the public eye and whose leaders are placed on the pillar of shame, and again in those same media, we observe that American presidents regularly win the Nobel Peace Prize, although they are all responsible for more murder and destruction than all ” bad “leaders together, which also devalues the sense of the Nobel Prize and the purpose of journalism, which, from the idea of a neutral and impartial source of information, has become yet another one weapon in the hands of the rulers. I do not dispute that the Syrian government is “bunch of MURDERERS!!!!”, but I do not confirm this either, because it is necessary to look at all the available “information” and put forth an opinion that has the support, and not just furiously swoop because somebody has been pushing us with thunderous lies.


I know all that, but i personally met several Syrians that survived the torture and killings of Assad. I don’t copy paste the western media, because i know for decades, they are liars most of the time. We could all see what happened with the Iran-gate/ CIA cocaine selling, the first gulf war, 9-11, the second gulf war and many other things. These examples came from my life and my generation, i am too young to have had live experience the lies about the Vietnam war, the killings of M.L.K., the Kennedy’s, Malcom X and the drug policies that made the american poor get addicted to drugs. There are off course many many other stories about the hypocrisy of the west, but in the end, ALL cultures had their share of dirtiness. The problem is that alternative and trustworthy news is scarce. he comments of the majority here is full of stupid simplifications and conspiracy bullshit. I am not saying there are no conspiracies, off course there are many. But the stories about the evil Jewish nature and how they have a grand plan is pathetic. Jews are humans as well, so they ALSO make a lot of mess out of things. The mechanisms in the world are chaotic and uncontrollable by any group. It is a mess and nobody pulls ALL the strings. Every time i read those stupid comments, i just react on it, and yes most people here hate me for that. They are mostly just like any other group or tribe, they cannot handle dissidents and different opinions….


Simply, I agree …




The SDF comprises a differing Kurdish ethnic minority, and non-state militia, attempting to impose full control over traditional Syrian-Arab territories, and forcibly press ganging the localized population into this non state militia, with US military as the real enabling force. This is being done so the SDF-US can claim they are legitimate form of governance in east Syria, as they ‘incorporate’ the local Syrian-Arab population, despite it being done by open threat and use of armed violence. The US exporting more ‘democracy’ overseas.


traditional arab territories????? arabs came from the penninsula


Traditional Syrian-Arab territories within the current Syrian state. Kurdish populations in north-centre and north-east of Syria largely originate from Turkey, hence the Kurdish clustering closely around the border areas. Certainly the territory currently occupied by SDF/US-SOF from Raqqa toward the south-east has long been Arab dominant territory. Do you seriously contest this?


Not agreed, kurds have been living in the area for thousands of years, and even if they came 20 years ago, they still have rights! I despise the nation state concept, humans have been migrants since they left the trees, nationalism is BULLSHIT


Rights? Do these extend to the Kurdish ethnic minority trying to control the ethnic Arab majority, openly opposing the host Syrian state that actually allowed them in, and allying themselves with the hostile foreign-occupation US power against the state ? Let me guess, your an open-borders globalist.


YES, i oppose the nation state, for it is based on LIES, and OPPRESSION


I do not choose sides in ANY war, for war is always dirty and NEVER a battle between good and bad. Only children still believe this simplified truth, and yeah unfortunately a lot of stupid adults as well….


What rubbish, you clearly post anti-Syrian and pro-Kurdish comments.


Not clear, i post pro life, anti nationalist comments

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

100% democratic, because the US says so. That’s how things work with the US/EU/NATO/GCC/Israel gang.

Gavin Allen

As democratic as any other. Every army in the World has conscription in war time.

Promitheas Apollonious

kurdish dogs at work. Kill them all.


Let#s take it slowly, OK? BARZANI, that KURDISH-Führer is a MOSSAD-excr€ment. m And that since the ’70s. But was to 8understand, that the ISRAELIS and HIM had common interrests: to get rid of Saddam Hussein. As THE TURKS and ISRAEL started a “love-story” the MOSSAD delivered Turkey OCHALAN, the PKK-Leader. BARZANI is the kind of “Western-oriented scvmbag”. But the rest of the KURD)ISH PEOPLE ar4en’t guilty taht other COLONIAL BASTARDS around the Globe, TRADE oever their heads and with their land and lives.

By the Kurds is like by the Jews: THE HEADS are rotten. And BTW, the Kurds were there for over 8,000 years, like the Iranians on their territory. And the guy that took Jerusalem from the Crusaders Sallah ad-Din ( Salahadin) [and then fought against the King of England Richard Lionheart.]…. WAS A KURD. Alles klar, overheated minds?

And BTW England and France BS-ed the Kurds in 1821 to fight against the Ottoman Empire and got promised a LAND..

And then the Brits found OIL around MOSUL.. and bye-bye Kurdistan, the BRITS betrayed the Kurds like the Brits ALWAYS do. And NOW PUTIN plays BRITISH “Russia has no friends, has no enemies, Russia has only INTERRESTS”.. The British MOTTO in the Foreign Politics ( that brought Britain “the noble surname” =>

” The Perfidious Albion “..

Promitheas Apollonious

writing your own version of history? How jewish of you.

Baron Von MuleBanger

8.000 years. LMAO Salahadin was an arab and there is no such thing as kurd. No history,no language,no independent state ever,no heritage,no unqiue genetic make up either. There is no such thing as kurd.They are iranians in denial. The language they call kurdish is a mix of stolen Arabic,Turkish and Farsi words.


you are really making up stories here, where the hell did you find the fantasy for that?

Baron Von MuleBanger

It’s not me writing fantasy,it’s you and the guy above called Siegfried. “8000 years old kurdish history” is the definition of fantasy. Can you present me with the history of kurds or any artifact that is left from “ancient kurds” ? Or could you point out their language? Or genetic pattern? Last time some guy tried to prove the existence of so called kurds he linked some kurdish blogger with 200 follower who claimed Sumerians were kurds. xD I believe you can do better than that,oh wait you can’t because there is nothing kurdish in history since they do not exist. So come again,you say what?


Were the french called french in 800? The Italians were called, what in the years B.C.??? You just cannot proof your point, the fact is that Kurds speak several Iranian languages (it is a group of languages, like germanic or turkic). Over the centuries, the Medes, Sumerians, Akkadians, Hittites and other civilisations/tribes slowly changed into Kurds, there is enough genetic proof that Kurds always lived in the area

Baron Von MuleBanger

Only “genetic proof” indicates that they are iranians (formerly persians like you childlishly argue) Medes Sumerians Akkaidians Hittites you name it,none of them are kurds. Simply because there is no such thing as kurd.


wrong again! Persians are people within Iran and today the majority, but not in ancient times Aah kurds that call themselves kurd are liars then? they made this up? Why? Go to Those countries and ask around, you will see that thesae people call themselves kurd

Baron Von MuleBanger

hahaha here is their history? Language? And genetic pattern? Who are they? Asking again,you are yet to prove anything. They don’t have a history,likewise they don’t have their language that’s why they speak a mix of Farsi,Arabic and Turkish. And lastly their genetic patterns are identical to Persians with Arab sauce on it. Those subhumans are simply brainwashed.


you are just a pathetic racist, sad…..so i blocked you, racists are a waist of time

Baron Von MuleBanger

Hahaha,tell your kurdish boyfriend who probably steam into your asshole that everything he believes about himself is a lie and delusion.

Conrad Hunte

Why don’t the conscripted just turn their guns on pkk/SDF once conscripted? Also why aren’t assad forces in hasakah airbase stepping in to help locals against Pkk?


SAA outnumbered and encircled there…they are holding ground


Israel have challenged all Muslim countries including Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Russia. Israel have said that we are free to attack any Muslim country but if any country attack us then we will completely destroy that country.

Israel have also warn Russia that don’t give S-300 ADM system to Syria. If Syria use Russian weapons on Israel then we will destroy Russian military bases.

I think Israel have forgotten that they are thieves have committed genocide crime, living on stolen land eating from stolen land and selling from stolen land. This is their status.


You are seeing that it’s not israel who is oppressing these people. The sunnis kurds are doing it.


atheist kurds


kurds are muslims.


not all and some are shia as well


As if shias were not muslims. XD.


you said sunni kurds dumb ass, and yazidis are kurds as well PKK is atheist, read the work of APO


Read carefully dumbass. I said muslim. When I said sunni kurds I was talking about syrian kurds.

Stupid shit.


you are stupid shit, there are syrian atheists, yazidis, shias and sunni kurds, even christian kurds you nitwit


Stupid shit, kurds are muslims. That’s why they are piece of shit.


you are


Well there is this long Relationship between the Kurds & IsraHell…so I think we can consider Kurds & IsraHell as Buddies… https://israelpalestinenews.org/secret-friendship-behind-israels-support-kurdish-independence/


There is no friendship. Friendship is free. israel is using kurd to destroy Syria. kurds betrayed the one who invite them in their country.


Yeah that is what Kurds did too… Steal Syrian Land Together with their adopted Headchoppers & Remnants of ISIS and with the American & French cocks they illegally occupy 1/3 of Syria…to steal Oil…Kick the SDF and their Buddies out of Syria… even if you Bomb them all..who gives a sh*t.. they should not be there… UN…Justice?… they are Nothin’ but a bunch of Traitors working for the Enemy…that ain’t impartial judgement… but a bunch of Paid Corrupted Crooks.. this whole Western System is only becoming more & more a pathetic big Laugh…day by day..very simple

John Mason

Couldn’t have said it any better. Problem with Syria is quite obvious; a deal has been made between the US and Russia and Astana is just a go between to keep Assad and Iran happy. All territory east of the Euphrates goes to the Kurds/Israelis, if that wasn’t the case then Assad would have attacked the SDF/Kurds some time ago.


Incredible isn’t it? So that means that we as Humans just can take the Ground & Assets that we like right? Because that is what they are basically saying…anyone that wants a piece of America is more then welcome to take some…What a Great Message…Astana The Great Capital of the New World Order…

John Mason

Forget about the UN and International Law, both been on extended vacation. What has come about is that 2 major powers, China and Russia are abiding by the UN resolutions and International law, if they don’t then there will be global chaos which is what the US, UK and France want. Don’t know for how long the Russian/Chinese and coalition can stave off a shooting match with the western heathens and to what extent. Don’t think there will be a nuclear war when the US/UK have biological and chemical arsenals.


I personally think it is pretty arrogant of the West to think they can win from 6 Billion people versus 1.2 Billion Westerners (of whom there are many that know about their Lies)..but perhaps they got some hidden tricks up their sleeve… the worst case scenario will be if China & Russia are in the Plot….

John Mason

Anything is possible, they all could be in on the plot, who knows what really goes on behind the scenes. Best not to have too much faith in individuals but pay attention to what is actually happening. I don’t respect nor trust anybody unless I know them personally.


you should tell this in my kurdish friends face, i will see your teeth fly!


Everyone of you folks is very brave behind his keyboard… but you are nothing… just Empty words & Hollow phrases….send a couple of your Friends Boy…where should I come… Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague… you tell me…


Amsterdam next week friday cafe schuim 22:00! I am 1.93 and bold. My kurdish friend is 1.85 and has black hair. Lets see if you have the guts to show up :)


What you say, Rob, sounds plausible. Is there any authoritative account anywhere of what the hell is going on in Syria re all the changing alliances? Russia seems for example to be partly pro-Syrian, partly pro-Turkish, partly pro-Israel, partly pro-Kurdish … and then to be partly anti- them all at times. Israel seems, as you suggest, partly to want to keep Russia sweet, and then partly to threaten them not to interfere, and be perfectly willing to take on the Russians in Syria if necessary. It doesn’t sound like either Israel or the US are particularly impressed by the Russians militarily. The US is/was partly willing to throw the Kurds to the Turks in Afrin, and then partly to want to support them in Manbij and the North East. I wonder that the genuine participants there like Syrians and Kurds aren’t driven crazy by the crazily changing goals of the invaders – all complicated by a continually coming-and-going Trump.


Why doesn’t Russia use this to bomb SDF ????


Because Russia doesn’t want to anger “..Our Western friends and partners” -like PUTIN calls the USraeli bunch of Colonial powers that organized and ignited the mayhem in Syria push their noses there, STILL TRYING TO IMPOSE A LIBYAN “AIR-CONTROL” in Syria over the VETO of the Chinese and Russians in the UN-Security Council..

IF you dpon’t do so as the J€wish-Zionist Scvmbags want.. just take a look at Ukraine and Syria… The WEST now plays “broken Alliance, US vs The Europeans” and makes PUTIN FALSE -HOPES that he managed to maneuver them like he used to do with SPIES in the Cold-War-times. They foolish him till he gives up ASSAD… They told him now in SOCI what he wanted to hear. But that was what they did with GORBACHEV , too..


USA knows exactly what she is doing. USA has a strategy. USA has planned Civil war, WW1, WW2, 9/11, ISIS, …..

People think that Putin will stop them !!! It’s laughable.


It’s over. Russia is not willing to help Syrians.

Syrians rely on the wrong ally.

As I always say, by definition, you can only be betrayed by your friend or more exaclty by the one you consider a friend.


Dr. Pro. Liv.

Oooh shut up you asshole ! you nagging; crying bitch…. don’t you have a single male bone in your body? why are you howling like dog all the time ?!

I just can’t believe that you are so feminized and wimp so much.. Russia will not baby sit Syria on every tiny problem that affect your pussy character ! Those people stayed FAR away from real war in Syria and avoided any posibility to be enlisted with SAA! And now they are victims of their own game Now they are forcing them to be soldiers for the TURDS ! If they wanted to fight few years ago for Syrian army nobody would stop them and now it is too late to escape! They are guilty themselves in majority cases for the trouble they are in.


Russia help of Syrians a lot but Russia also scare from Israel because Mossad prepare speeches for Trump, May and Macron. Israel uses them like tools to achieves their goals.




I have seen a dream, in which Israel, US and NATO forces have badly defeated, exposed and humiliated and then these foreign forces leaving Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Afghanistan etc. In the dream I asked Netanyahu why Israel leaving Palestine so he replied me that we drop from the sky and stuck in the dates. ———————————- This is true because Israel have migrated from developed countries like US, UK, France etc and stuck in the dates mean stuck in the Arab lands. So now their relations cannot become better with the Arab neighbours on which the country’s security and growth is dependent, that is why now Israel leaving Palestine.

Now why US and NATO forces leaving ME and Afghanistan because US Pentagon and CIA have declared to Trump regime that in Afghanistan and Syria 60% attacks on US and NATO led forces are done from inside army forces to whom they giving training. Lol Second Afghani nation and Syrian nation have taken back 70% land. The Trump regime blame Pakistan and Iran while Jim Mattis blame Trump regime that they have reduced funds for our military operations.


dream on…


Russia is arresting some looters in Damascus. XD.


Dr. Pro. Liv.

there are no criminals in your Jewnited States huh?…people get assassinated by cops not to mention other daily violence….


You know what the Americans & their Lapdogs do to protesters, once they have put them in their Abu Ghraib Detention Centers….

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/24f856ea6f3596a2d4eacf4a65065a3135ac4ad47907fc163f8207b72dd65a48.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6455bd2b719c32be33d3f617f55578c13e6a681981f977d168f7ac85d4e330c4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aa08e77e545d9d4da71a3f18a2ba14f30f4643a8ac876c99c88a0a4c1f6e5aee.jpg


here comes the boy with his sick pic collection again


Here is Mister AIVD again… what do you care? Those pics are Real… and made possible by your Allies…I keep showing them because they haven’t changed their policies either… your Dutch Government is guilty as fuck too


my allies? hahahahahaaa, silly boy


Go work some more on your MH-17 Report boy… there are sum missing links….


you are pathetic…..all you do is copy paste and you are getting worse every week. i have seen you change from a bit searching an opinion and posting original things sometimes to one of the most aggressive and ridiculous people on this comment section! get a life bro!


Did the Common thread of this whole War change? Nope it is still the same….so I stick for the most part with my narrative…. Everyone is putting a lot of stuff on the internet…. a lot of it just Disinfo, Propaganda, Real facts, Truth, Lies… everything you can imagine… should I follow all this information like a Sheep? I don’t think so…I follow my own “Truth”… added with the Info of people whom I think are very close to the Truth a lot of times…and I even respect people with other opinions.. but I hate Infiltrators that come for trouble…And if there are folks that think they can bully people in here… yeah I tend to get a little agressive… I rather be friendly… but that is not how the World of today Functions obviously…

Dr. Pro. Liv.

Those on the photos are the crimes that will never fade away just like US massacres of civilians in Vietnam. So people should be reminded of true nature of those criminals and psychopaths !

neil barron

And the massacres by the viet cong don’t count then fool.


They were freedomfighters… Foreign Invaders came into their country so they started killing them… which is pretty normal behaviour

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Invaders always have a few problems, dear!


look in the mirror, then look at the tone of your comment ove the last six months and how it changed… you don’t want to admit it, it your problem anyway


I can look in the Mirror…can you…? A lot has changed in Six Moons…things even got clearer then they use to be…


mayebe for you, not for me, its the same crazy world full of stupid humans that are probably get extinct within a century….

Dr. Pro. Liv.

So why are you so upset about those FACTS? Why would anyone care if you like it or not?!? It is no like he is showing some propaganda… like you Americans do all the time on MSM against Russia for example…


YOU americans??? I don’t even like americans

Dr. Pro. Liv.

So why are you complaining about those photos?! Than you are NATO militaristic twat who is very supportive on all that sick sadistic stuff. Being for NATO and all you are their servant…. so what the hell is the big difference?!!


you lack braincells? Or are you just curious? My comment was not for you but for him, stupid

Dr. Pro. Liv.

Why would I care? This is open forum and I talk to whomever I want. I did not like your comment and attitude so I got involved. You want my excuses for speaking my mind?! Tough luck because you do not deserve any!


i want you to go suck your own dick ;)


Is that all you got left mister Architect?


Just come to cafe Schuim…..


I will…. when? Spuistraat Amsterdam…


read the other reply


Amsterdam next week friday cafe schuim 22:00! I am 1.93 and bold. My kurdish friend is 1.85 and has black hair. Lets see if you have the guts to show up :)

Dr. Pro. Liv.

1.93 long turd and his fag Turd “friend”

You can call me Al

As per wanders film of many a year ago – “A 1.93m prick with ears” !!!


Do I recognize you as this man? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d53d8382c4f7fcad8296fddd736f6cd8c60b09c4e2d62b446266947b1f24c2ee.jpg


wow, where did you find that one?


I’ll be there…




Let us know how the face-to-face meeting went, will you?


Sure my friend….:)

You can call me Al

5-1 on for Merijn.


for sure garga


The meeting went just fine! Merijn is a good person! I had to leave because of work, while he was still talking with one of my syrian friends :)))


Went to The Stedelijk Museum Yesterday….for the appointment with Matt… and I can tell you: He is a much Better Man than he pretends to be…:)


Thank you, I’m glad you both had a positive impact on each other. Please tell us what you learnt from the fleeing Syrian/Apoist PKK, perhaps doing it in a new thread? I think very few return to older posts and follow them up.

Well, I found him (or more precisely, his account) very similar to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, as I told him once. Sometimes very charming and refined, cultured and sometimes extremely rude and stiffly ideologically-oriented, to a point I thought maybe 2 different persons use the same account. Anyway, I finally stopped discussing matters with him after one of the rude replies, it’s now limited to sometimes up-voting/down-voting.


I can introduce you to some syrians that fled assad , are you open for that? So instead of reading crappy websites, you can actualy talk with real people that lived there. Its possible next friday as well


I’ll see you on friday…I’m always open for everything…but it sounds like a different tone then yesterday…


The thing yesterday was about insulting kurds and the fact that i know an apoist that would get really angry with your based on nothing allegations that the PKK serves the interest of israel. Once i got the time to reflect on this rather childish discussion i remember being invited to this next friday at 18:00 https://www.stedelijk.nl/nl/evenementen/stedelijk-x-makers-unite-x-forum-european-culture I can invite people to bring, so you can come if you want! We can meet at the entrance and after we can still go see the apoist


We can discuss that on friday…


Ok, so you come to the museum then? At 18:00?


Will be there.. see you then



Baron Von MuleBanger

Would you be interested in meeting me too? I’m looking for companion,especially for douchebags to chain and beat everyday regularly. xoxoxox


sure, come over as well, show your real face… allready living close by? or will you book a ticket today?

Baron Von MuleBanger

Why am I coming? I can’t get my fun stuff on a plane. You should visit me.


mayebe one day, where do you live?

Baron Von MuleBanger

So you have clearance to leave your momma’s basement?

Promitheas Apollonious

what we have here? a retard claiming to be a stoned neverlander. I meet you kid and cut you down on size need the practice any way. But first I want to make sure you not a midget in body as well you are mentally and waste of my time.


Haaha, a retard….you really think the majority of the neverlanders smoke weed?? Who is the retard here? You chose to sent me a message and “waste your time” talking about retards….

Karo Dndlian



what is your point with this crappy version of history?

Karo Dndlian

Look like you are jew. If you didn’t see what Jews did in Europe and what is next . Good look for you .you keep trust this people .and if you didn’t look for history you will stay slave also your kids


yes, did you see the bald guy pic? its me. Looks Jewish to you? I take that as a compliment ;)))

And if they control us, it means you are also their slave :)))))

You can call me Al

Your comments have shown how bold you are, do you mean bald ?.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

Here LGBT – NATO is receiving new recruits from Russia. Spread your butt-cheeks o mighty NATO !

” Russian Christian TV Offers Sodomites 1-Way Tickets to California – Many Eagerly Apply (Video)”


VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Tone down the language, answer the substantive points, or I will ask you to reproduce with yourself. So, why EXACTLY are you upset with these Abu Graib pictures, the fruits of a violent US invasion of Iraq?


i think it is pathetic to post only pictures of crimes commited by the west. ALL cultures commit crimes

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Really? The West claims to be superior and civilised, the fount of all human wisdom, with the burden to spread democracy around the world. That is why the West aims to reign supreme all over the world. What’s the matter, Matt, can’t stand the ugly reality?


The west is fucking hypocrite, just like any culture that makes those claims.

I understand that perfectly

Jens Holm

We do, You are here.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

You are quite right. I do prefer London to the more limited and backward cities of New York, LA, Chicago, Paris, Moscow, Beijing, Mumbai, New Delhi, Sydney etc. People from every part of the world live, work and get married in this world city to produce lots of mixed-race babies with strong genes. I bet your ilk hates London.

Jens Holm

Very one sided. Many unfortunatly has.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

Name ONE non Western (non-NATO) country that has bombed other countries (that did not attack them) in last 10-15 years? Saudi Arabia with U.S. & U.K. help? Because stooges-friends with main world TERRORIST U.S. The only TERRORIST country that keeps bombing other countries is US and their NATO and non-NATO stooges together with them!


russia, israel, sudan, armenia, azerbaijan, pakistan

Thanx to NATO not that many :)

Dr. Pro. Liv.

Russia doesn’t bomb Syria but Syrian terrorists! But being terrorist yourself how would you know! Sudan?!! Do they have airplanes? Armenia and Azerbaijan did not use airplanes in their conflicts

Israel is just another NATO terrorist part of “stooges-friends” of US !


israel is not a nato member and you don’t need airplanes to bomb someone…. shooting a rocket or a cannon will work just fine and russia did more then that over the last 15 years….

Dr. Pro. Liv.

Israel is NATO member because defended personally by US who is incarnation of NATO We were talking about aggression by air- bombings which are US-NATO terrorist specialty

Russia does not invade countries you filthy stinking criminal NATO liar and bastard. But Russia can kick your faggot LGBT asses whenever that become necessary. You stinking aggressive lowlifes.

Jens Holm

To me they are 10-15 years ago in another country. What about the other horribilities by others. Where are they – For Syria.

Besides that those torture makers has been punished by the US courts. A lot of that in Syria has not – and not only the ISIS style.

A minimum would be to bring things like that from today in Syria, but I still dont see the relations to forced recruitments in Hasakah. I really dont.

Tempting to twist Your words and bring how to make fruit cakes or lokums as important for recruitments and make the Yougstewrs join for more cake…

Dr. Pro. Liv.

“relations to forced recruitments in Hasakah” Is total disrespect not only of sovereignty of any country but also total disrespect for any laws by US and their stooges. Syria is still considered sovereign country and they and their Jihad friends have no authority to do any forced recruitment’s.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

You want so many things ever since your mother left you in dust bin..

Promitheas Apollonious

is this is what you been doing? You really are of defective DNA aren’t you boy. Does your mom and dad join in your acrobatics?

Jens Holm

fertilize carrots and You have a chance.


I thought his comment was pretty good… you are supposed to be Dutch like me right? Why are you bothered so much with me posting those raw images…I just want to show the true nature of Evil… are you personally embarrassed with that?

Jens Holm

And now about nationality. So the forced conscription is Dutch or what.

Why dont You at least opdate Your evil raw pictures. That was 10-15 years ago and another country and not even acceptable for the American court system.


They Destroyed Millions of Tapes and Pictures to Hide Their Evil Motherfucking CIA Torturers & Executioners… they are still Torturing People Worldwide in the same way… they make sure no Pictures or Videos are published to prevent escalation… Rothschild & Friends get them for their Snuffmovie-Collection

Jens Holm

They are old pics several 100.000 has been killed since and we have seen even worse from others and know hidden things, we dont have pictures for.

That tha complaining from me.

Also hard to compare and fit into forced conscritions – for me…

Dr. Pro. Liv.

These pictures serve as replacement, a symbol for all that you have just explained, for all crimes that are committed to the present day.

Rob G

The feelings are mutual..

Jens Holm

I am not upset, but its only one side making USA do or did it too – once in Abu Graib.

What about the others doing the same and here today.


Is this a conspiracy theory ??? XD

Maybe Americans must accept the fact that they are terrorists !!!! Accept yourselfs as you are.

neil barron

No! you are, listen to your diatribe speak loudly as your words are.

Dr. Pro. Liv.

And why is that “sick pic collection”?! The only “sick” here is your comment and the bastards-animals from those photos who torture those people. If you are just another psycho from US with usual patriotic vomit over your endless crimes than you are on the WRONG place pal !


yeah sick pic collection of United States Army personnel committing war crimes.

I completely agree, that is a sick pic collection and the sickest pics of young boys getting anally raped by US uniformed torturers (plus allegedly many Israeli contractors) in front of their mothers have never been released.

The sickness you speak of is the shameful legacy of the US military.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

You deny these events happened? Just imagine the reverse and you will be jumping up and down and screaming for justice. All human life is precious, not just from the master races from the supremacist west.


Diversion much?! Who was responsible for ordering, instructing, and then erroneously recording the criminal torture acts at abu-Graihb prison? Meet the US chain of command; the US executive branch (Cheney held the real Presidential power not the elected show-pony Bush), the CIA and the US grunts.


FU.. those pics are to remind the people of the world what muricunts and affiliates do to innocent around the globe.. F off hasbara..! we don’t need any off ur stupid arguments here when facts is being shown to the world..!


you people that call anyone that doesn’t fit into the pro assad putin format a hasbara troll are SOOOOOO PATHETIC!!!

Gavin Allen

What makes you think anyone wants to see your masturbation pics?


Buzz off Hasbara… it is your people that do shit like this… they must be jerking off on their victims right? Little Cockroach

Dr. Pro. Liv.

What makes you think anyone wants to listen dick like you? Being U.S. bitches you Turds have learned lot about “masturbation” of your U.S. masters.. No wonder you think only about that.


Diversion much?! Who was actually responsible for ordering, facilitating, and then erroneously recording the systematic criminal torture acts at abu-Graihb prison? Meet the US Chain of Command; the US executive branch (state torture policy authorized by Dick ‘water-board’ Cheney who controlled the real Presidential power, not the show-pony Bush), the CIA (long history of torture instruction at the CIA’s School of the Americas), and the US guard-grunts (who gratuitously recorded themselves, providing the actual evidence, and who alone took the eventual judicial fall).

Jens Holm

They have been pubished for that. And what do You compare with. Very dirty picture.


Do you know that one of these Folks is CIA Director now…. DO You? Just Buzz off with your stupid remarks… America is The Biggest Producer of Porn, that You watch on a daily Basis…this is Porn for Satanists… I just Publish it to Keep remembering Folks how Evil they are…and will keep doing that!


Yeah… and this will for sure make the Americans give up the “bridge-heads” on Syrian soil and lose the OIL-FIELDS, right?. There must come 20,000 Syrian Army-boys and the RUSSKIS shall let some 100 bombers and fighters fly over the heads of the Americans, to explain them what’s going on and WHO has the say in syria.. But PUTIN is happy now that all the Western garbage came to hold for his hand in SOC)I. And specially NETANYAHU..

Something tells me that Putin sells ASSAD if Crimea will be recognized as Russian by the West, the sanctions applied by the Western-Europe are stopped, despite Washington’s bullying and THE NEXT guy in Damascus guaranties that RUSSIA keeps the 2 bases on the Mediterranean.

But Putin did not see yet “how much worth” are NATO-promises?


The battle is Russia vs USA. They decide the winner. USA is winning and Russia is loosing. So, Russian allies are losing and USA allies are winning.

Simple as that.

Rodney Loder

Partisan warfare is all about reprisals, if you don’t comply you don’t engage and so guaranteed to lose, there are no good Syrian Kurds, they should be segregated and conscripted into reeducation work camps, sure there would be bad publicity so it’s better just to eliminate them and say they moved out to join the SDF, pussys don’t win wars they only participate.


First time I agree with you. XD.

If you don’t completely you don’t engage.

Rodney Loder

I hadn’t noticed that mistake, thanks, I really support real Jews, Rosa Luxemburg types, Netanyahu has a common trait with Trump he wants them eliminated.


I tell you the future.

Putin will let israel and USA target Iran and Hezbollah. When, Iran and Hezbollah neutralized, Putin will let Assad down thinking that the west will let the naval bases. Russia and USA will make a deal.

Then, some years later, USA will come and eject Russia of Syria.


You are so full of BS. XD Did you forget the XD? XD


Russia is specialized on bad deals.

Alaska, URSS, Ukraine, Serbia, Syria, ….


Seriously, You’re a fukin eejet……XD……….Lol

Sebastian Vicente

If the ayashish harm any christian, wait 7 churchs pressure on western

Sebastian Vicente

armenians,assyrians, greeks, catholics, maronites from Lebanon, protestants of USA, Vatican


You know, you are responsible for choosing your doctor and make sure he is not a crook and he is competent. The same goes when you choose your allies.


Everyone should accept the way he is and stop talking for nothing.

Sunnis are stupid. Americans are terrorists. Russians are not reliable.

Good analysis = win.

leon mc pilibin

Fight for your own destruction, NO WAY,to hell with Zionism.


These guys really do squabble over everything. I’m not taking any sides in this dispute but there must be camaraderie if they are to get anything done.

Michał Hunicz

Maybe drop weapons for civilians from helis?

Dr. Pro. Liv.

If they ever wanted to fight they would join SAA long time ago. And…it was so nice to sit there and wait that war finishes up and they would enjoy freedom for which others have fought and die….but their calculations were wrong because TURDS and American turds have different plan for them…


You tell people what will probably happen and the only answer the give you is : “You are stupid”, “It’s shit”, “Go to psychiatric hospital”, “racist”, …. XD.

Well, I was telling that to Arabs and sunnis before. They were saying the same things “You are stupid”, “It’s shit”, “Go to psychiatric hospital”, “racist”, …. XD. Now, they are crying.

Now, Russians tell me the same things. I’m not russian, I don’t care. Russia battle is the grand finale for USA. Don’t think it will end with nuclear blasts. Russia has high level risk of being infiltrated. When Russia will loose all their allies and remain alone, the pressure will be so high that either a war, supported by USA, will start inside Russia or Russia will be inflitrated at high level.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Arabs know the US is going to send them in as cannon fodder in the ongoing operations against Isis after their conscripted. They’ll be forced to fight Isis and capture back their own homelands just to hand it straight over to the US. Some of the Arabs actually prefer Isis over the US anyway so conscripting those guys might even prove to be a problem in the long run. The media would howl if this happened in Africa but say not a word about this atrocity. The US and the Kurds are allowed to conscript the sovereign citizens of Syria into the US controlled SDF against their will, and then forces them to fight a war they don’t want to. Child soldiers will be next SDF recruit’s in this US proxy army I suspect.


The world is beginning to wake up to the painful and honest truth. this was all staged by (((YOU KNOW WHO))) to exterminate the local population. Look at History, Who owned all of the Slave ships? Who gets kicked out of every single country they touch? the modern day corporation is the direct evolution of the corporations that exported almost all of Americas Cotton back in the 1800’s. almost all of the recent (500 years) genocides had leaders of a Certain Ethnicity. Damn right they are Protesting.


Any thing Backed by America is SUSPECT or NOT GOOD

Gavin Allen

Totally fake Turk MIT b/s. Never happened.

Baron Von MuleBanger

Is that fake too? https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=b97_1482055787


Yes, the whole website is fake

Promitheas Apollonious

What really get on my nerves is the use of `democratic`. Democracy it always been, the first step to absolute totalitarian systems, where the few decide for every one else, with out them. Any one in doubt of what I say all it needs to do is think how all this western democracies ending up to be.

The joke of the century is when they self flatter themselves countries like UK/USrashit, calling themselves democratic and trying to impose it to the rest of the world, by force.

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