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MARCH 2025

Protests Against Jaysh al-Islam Erupt In Eastern Ghouta’s District Of Duma (Video)

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On March 28, dozens of civilians took at the streets in the Duma district in the northern part of the Damascus subrub of Eastern Ghouta to protest against Jaysh al-Islam militants that control the district.

The Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Enab Baladi reported that the protestors had headed towards the house of Abu Abd al-Rahman Ka’ka, the main religious scholar of Jaysh al-Islam, where they had called on the armed group to reach an agreement with the Damascus government.

Negotiation between Russia and Jaysh al-Islam have been ongoing for few weeks without any result. So far Jaysh al-Islam has refused many Russian offers that would allow its fighters to withdraw to the northern governorate of Idlib. Syrian opposition sources said that Jaysh al-Islam had feared that it will be eliminated in Idlib by its two main foes: Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the Ahrar al-Sham Movement.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces have started taking offensive positions around Duma, according to pro-government sources.

A source in the SAA told SouthFront that the SAA and its allies are ready to launch their attack on positions of Jaysh al-Islam in Duma, if the negotiation witness no progress.

According to some pro-government experts, the Jaysh al-Islam leadership will not likely change its decision before receiving a military defeat, similar to what happened with many other armed groups, including the Ahrar al-Sham Movement and Faylaq al-Rahman.

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the civils from douma will be “AMOK”

matew ivanson

Douma will be fcuked if usa and nato not intervene, Haley dont shit and empty talk, help rebels in Douma, fcuk you and your deal with Erdogan, What you waiting??

Rüdiger Preiss



are you having fun ? i am.


What do you think about this: Bring the UN resolution on the protection of Indians on the soil of America. Allow them the freedom to separate from America and form their own state. Military intervenes if America interferes with their interests.

matew ivanson

you missed century, dont shit about human rights 200 years ago, maybe you want back in time homo neandertalis, this is 2018


You must be from the United States, because I can expect such an arrogance and impudence, even in correspondence, only from the Americans. You missed the point of my comment. You’re talking about a righteous rebel fight, and would you say so if that happens in your country? I did not miss the century, but you obviously do not know what is called the hypothetical situation. And, please, do not answer, because I do not want to spend one second more on you.

Concrete Mike

Check mate!!! Good job buddy


He doesn’t admit that his human rights issue 200 years ago is impacting the lives of Native Americans even today. Typical zionist imperial denial.




Matew ignore these trolls, but there are two things to consider: First is that the US can put political pressure on the Russians to rein in their allies, but neither party will risk war with the other. The second thing is that the Rebels aren’t any better than the SAA, in fact they’re just as likely to kill each other as anyone else.

Boris Kazlov

Who should they rein in? the legal Syrian government? They are fighting to liberate their country, see how the oppressed people under terrorist control greet their liberators. It is idiotic to draw a parallel between SAA and terrorists. Jut like comparing Putin to the imbecile leaders of the “West”, and saying they are the same, they are not.

Tudor Miron

Tell me what happened to the rest of civilians of Eastern Ghouta? Saving them by having them to live another couple of years under terrorists sharia law? Is that what you Americans want to impose on Syrians? Look at civilians that US wanted to “save” in Aleppo – they are back home and city is actively restoring. Now look at Mosul and Raqqa with corpses are still rotting under what’s left after humanitarian and democratic bombing by USAF. Are you really such uninformed, or just trolling?


WOW, I terrorists supporter. It is good to know it.


Psst, dude, replace “I” with “A”. With “I ” you are bragging about being a terrorist supporter!


It seems that the SAA’s threats and indiscriminate bombings are having their intended effect. I agree with South Front’s assessment that the Rebels won’t collectively change their minds by the time the situation collapses for them.

Concrete Mike

Yup indiscriminate barrel bombs filled with sarin am I right?

Your such a zio tool


Who said anything about sarin? (Besides Rebel propaganda) And that messy bombardment, with all those videos of Stalingrad style destruction, what do you want to call that? It sure wasn’t a surgical strike, but it was justifiable because it did the job.

Concrete Mike

You went too fast to see the sarcasm. I’m laughing at you and your amateurish trolling that’s all.

Urban warfare ain’t pretty sadly. The militants are as much to blame as saa, and they regularly shell Damascus neighbourhoods with no military objective anywhere near. That’s the truth my son.


Your arrogance offends me, bug off.


watch mosul and raqqa dumb fuck

Concrete Mike

Awwwhh i hurt your feelings mac? Too bad , I am arrogant you know why? Because you come on this forum and you pollute it with lies, its disengenuous( spelling???) I for one dont tolerate that crap very much. The people you are advocating for are animals…did you see how they treat their women, the jaish al jerksla and jabhat al toilet ( trudin ;))). How the fuck do you look at your mother aftee all that?

Anyways, zorry for coming on hard, im very passionate about stuff.

Lets keep it amicable. Redneck out!!

Ariel Cohen

You are the perfect fast-food media consumer bud. If all the world was like you, the global manipulators and their distorted media would have a walk in the park with their twisted lies, sinister innuendos, overt nuances and creepy video footage . .


Cut the insults. Are you saying that there was no bombardment? Are you trying to make an excuse for yourself as why my opinion doesn’t count? Or is this targeted harrassment?

Ariel Cohen

Of course there was a bombardment. There is no denying it. But the point is, all you can think of right now is the bombing of E. Ghouta, while the ruins of Raqqa and Mosul lie black and smoldering. Don’t you see how your perceptions have been manipulated, even without your being aware of it? This is mind control and brainwashing. Most people like you are completely unaware that many of your conclusions and perceptions were actually implanted by those that have a malevolent agenda. Btw, no insult to you intended…it’s the idea that the comment was directed at. You just happened to be the mouthpiece . .


Rambling tirade clearly shows you want an excuse to disregard my opinion. You think everyone who disagrees wuth you is either ignorant or malicious. I was clearly speaking about the topic of the article and you can take your arrogance elsewhere (like that family reunion you’re dreading).

Ariel Cohen

What’s with the hyper-sensitivity Smaug? No one is trying to attack you personally. You can’t be too thin-skinned when you make open comments on these type of forums. You are acting like a little boy who hasn’t grown up completely. No family reunions for me, all my family is long gone and I have one decrepit foot in the grave and the other on a slippery banana peel . .


Interesting deflection from a man who has successfully driven away everyone that has ever been important to him. I’m sure your ex-wife can add the juicy details. Scolling through your comment history I see a the vocabulary of someone older but the acronyms of someone younger. I think you’re a man past his prime who wants to appear younger. I don’t want to know if that’s you in the photo but either way you’ve been at this anti-semetism for a long time, prehaps conscripted service would have done you good back in the day or if you went back and finished college. Either way, I’m a disgrunted army vet finishing a degree in military history. Maybe I’ll get a master’s in subject, prehaps soon a war worth fighting will start and I’ll get back in as an officer. But don’t ever call me kid.


Note: ‘scrolling through your comment history’ and then making series of very personal insults at a complete stranger based on this activity, is essentially a form of online stalking. This is what people who cannot respond on-topic and from immediate knowledge of topic will do – search stalk for personal material to then insult with. This is a form of behavior generally associated with weakness.

Ariel Cohen

What’s a “disgrunted” army vet peanut? You’re way to cocky to be a vet buddy. Being in combat tends to knock that cockiness out of you. And which war are you supposedly a veteran of? Are you sure it wasn’t the famous “battle of the laptop to the refrigerator”?


Some of these front lines in E Ghouta have been fought over for many years now. Are you twisting the facts to make people believe this is all recent damage?


Try the other way around, I did not infer that. You can easily compare the bombardment of Gouta to the strategic bombardment of Germany in WWII. Brutal, effective, messy, justified.

Boris Kazlov

There never was any brutal bombardment of East Ghouta, except in Zionist propaganda, just like East Aleppo, and how did that go?


Slavic name, pro-Assad sycophant, historical revisionism, racist against Jews (I looked at your comment history). You expect me to take your word on this? (Rhetorical)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They haven’t bombed for 3-4 days now where do hear these things about bombings in the west maybe , no one can be that stupid?


You already know I was talking about the razing of Gouta.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The “rebels were doing a good enough job on their own with their gang wars there , things are never black and white as the paint them in the west with their propaganda.


What are you talking about? Proof read that and edit, please.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Simple Jaish al Islam has no friends with the other groups and why they are not inclined to leave Douma. Almost every group fights them Faylaq ,HTS, AAS, FSA,Harake and so on , they are Saudi backed no one trusts them.

Tudor Miron

He says that Eastern Ghouta was already devestated in 7 years of west’s war on Syria. Current airstrikes didn’t change much in that regard.


It really all boils down to fact that Jaysh al-Islam, who occupy Douma, fear a negotiated surrender and relocation to Idlib to be along side the rest of the militant factions. Because Jaysh al-Islam fear being wiped out by their more powerful rival, the HTS militant faction – so Jaysh al-Islam have very few options left.

matew ivanson

Haley, loosing Ghouta because you deal with Erdogan mean more russian supporters, where is you fcuking credibility, i cant beleive shiti deal, fcuk usa politic


Mr. Putin knows each foreign criminals that have held Ukrainians hostage. Through Ukraine they want to insecure Russian nation. Ukraine is the part of Modern USSR which is known as Russia. Anglo-Zionists want to keep Ukraine separate from Russia but their this dream would be soon become crumbled.


Not sure if rage writing, or failed attempt at English grammer. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5a0af44eb6a5ab97651f6e9ae51597904c5c17acd7a5c26b144b7f8d7949cdb8.jpg


Erdogan: The pro Trump terrorists SDF, YPG have already lost 3700+ fighters along with Afrin region if they don’t handover Syrian and Iraqi land to their nations then Erdogan will continue his operation until complete liberation of Syrian and Iraqi regions.


Hahahahaha! Liberation, and then planting another terrorist FSA on liberated land?


Yes, but strategically that is ok. They wipe out one terrorist organisation and exhaust themselves in the process.


Yeah, agreed if Turkey can kick US also from there, and “liberate” oil field on Deir Az-Zour. But I can’t believe 100% in Turkey. Don’t forget their reputation on buying oil from ISIS, funding FSA, and backstabbing Russian airforce longtime ago.

I’m muslim, bro. But I speak up against ISIS, FSA, Nusra and their branches. And I will never trust Turkey. True path is SAA – Russia to defend their land from US aggressor and her deceptions.

Concrete Mike

You are a true muslim. All the wahabbis are ruining your good people, but if you and your true muslim brothers speak up loud and clear we will defeat the takfiri.


Thanks bro. I live in the biggest Islam population in the world, Indonesia. And you know, 80% from 250 million people are muslim. We respect other religions here, indeed churches, temples, and mosques are build near each other side by side with harmony and peace.

And hell yeah, here are exists crazy mad takfiris also. They make chaos here and kill indeed muslims mostly also. But thanks to police antiterror detachment, that wipes the cockroaches.


Here we are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-33yjRATbI


In Indonesia, Christians, Chatolic, Buddhists, and Hindu people just our brothers and sisters here. Many my friends are christians, my aunt is chatolic, my teacher in public school was Hindu. So, we live together here with no matter. And so do Indonesians in other places.


It is not possible to trust a terrorists supporter like Turkey.


Just kill them all, and that is.

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