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Protests In Georgia Revealed Their True Goals

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Protests In Georgia Revealed Their True Goals

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Another Maidan revolution organized by the West, which has already destroyed Ukrainian statehood and led to a full-scale war in Europe, is gaining momentum in Georgia. The ongoing protests in Tbilisi have already shown their real goals, which are far from those officially declared by their leaders from the Georgian opposition. So far, the protesters have stated their unwillingness to know who is being paid from abroad and who is pursuing foreign interests in their country, declaring that they prefer “European ideals” and chimerical Western freedom of speech. More recently, the real political goals behind the ongoing protests have begun to emerge. Starting with riots against a bill aimed at identifying foreign agents in the country, the protesters have already turned to geopolitical issues. Unfortunately, inspired by the puppet opposition, which cares only about its own prosperity and the benefits offered by Western elites, and blinded by the illusory prospect of joining the prosperous “Western garden”, the protesters who are now bravely storming the Georgian parliament clearly do not understand that the only way to get into the “garden” is to sacrifice their own lives for the sake of NATO’s interests in a new war with Russia. The years of war have already claimed the lives of thousands of Ukrainians, but the Kiev regime was still not welcome in the European Union, let alone its membership in NATO. The revolution in Georgia follows the same bloody scenario.

It all started on March 7, when the Georgian Parliament approved a bill on foreign agents aimed at publicizing the work of public figures and organizations who are paid from abroad. Initially, the ruling Georgian Dream party and the Power of the People movement offered two options.

The first, the so-called Georgian option assumes that non-profit legal entities and the media will receive the status of foreign agents if more than 20% of their income comes from abroad. Such organizations must undergo mandatory registration; if they refuse to do so, they will be fined, and the Ministry of Justice will have the right to launch an investigation against them.

The second “American” version of the bill is based on the Law on Registration of Foreign Agents, adopted in the United States in 1938. It reaches not only the mass media and non-governmental organizations, but also other legal entities and individuals. Its violations are fraught with not only administrative, but also criminal punishment. The second version was submitted to parliament after the opposition criticized the first bill, saying that it was based on Russian law. The second bill is aimed at showing how much tougher the American version is.

On March 7, the Georgian parliament approved a softer “Georgian” version, which the opposition called a “Russian” or “Kremlin” law, despite the fact that it was an exclusively Georgian interpretation of the law in force in dozens of countries; and the patron of the “liberal West”, Washington, was a pioneer in this area, adopting such a tough law in the late 1930s.

The Prime Minister of Georgia explained that “until now, no one has considered the possibility of condemning the law on foreign agents in force in the United States. Similar laws apply in other countries. And the Georgian authorities are doing everything to strengthen Georgia’s sovereignty.”

For example, the Asian Development Bank, in a review of the state of the civil sector in Georgia published in 2020, indicated that there is no special legislation on non-profit or non-governmental organizations in the country, but they are registered in the general register of companies, and as of 2019, there were 12.8 thousand non-profit organizations in this list. At the same time, the absolute majority of such organizations rely on foreign funding.

Non-governmental organizations and their members played a decisive role not only in the “Rose Revolution” of 2003, when Mikhail Saakashvili came to power, but also in 2012, when the current ruling Georgian Dream won the elections, the bank’s research notes.



However, accusing the Prime Minister of allegedly adopting a “Russian law”, using populist statements and the image of a “cruel authoritarian Russia” created in the West, the Georgian opposition and foreign powers mobilized thousands of citizens to protest.

The US Embassy in Tbilisi called March 7 a “black day for Georgian democracy,” saying that the new laws were inspired by the Kremlin, despite the fact that the toughest of them is practically a translation of the law in force in the United States. Washington has already threatened Georgia with sanctions for the fact that the Georgian parliament adopted its own analogue of the American law.

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, who is often accused of acting on the orders of America, symbolically made a speech from New York, declaring her support for the protests and condemning the law, which allegedly will bring Georgia “closer to the vicious model of Russia, not Europe.” The President of the country called the crowd, blinded by the specter of European integration, protesting against the right of people to know who is being paid for lying in their country, “a symbol for which Georgia has always fought.”

In his turn, the President of Ukraine Zelensky did not stand aside and wished Georgia the same “victory” that war-torn Ukraine had after the Maidan revolution in 2014. The protests in Tbilisi have a certain “pro-Ukrainian” bias. Oppositionists wave Ukrainian flags, chanting the Ukrainian anthem. This is extremely ridiculous, given that not only foreign agents are banned in Ukraine, but the opposition in the country has been completely “exterminated”.

During the riots on March 7 and 8, during which “peaceful” protesters armed with EU, Ukrainian and US flags threw firecrackers, stones and Molotov cocktails at security forces, set fire to and overturned cars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and damaged the Parliament building, a total of 133 violators of order were detained. Police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowd. Dozens of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were injured.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia noted that the protesters went beyond the norms of expression of freedom of speech and peaceful assembly and caused damage to the parliament building. The protesters damaged the protective structures around the parliament building, broke several windows and threw pyrotechnics into the room. According to the Ministry, the police made attempts to expel the aggressive participants of the rally from the territory around the parliament building, but they did not obey and began throwing Molotov cocktails, stones, sticks and other objects at law enforcement officers.

After two days of fighting, the parliament took a step back and followed the demands of the crowd. According to the official statement, the document caused controversy in society. According to the rulling party, the bill was presented in a false light, as a result of which part of the population was “misled.”

“Its adoption at the first hearing was presented as the fact that the country turned away from the European course… As a ruling force responsible to every member of society, we decided, of course, without any persuasion to withdraw the bill that we supported,” the party said.

As a result:

  • The Speaker of the Georgian Parliament has withdrawn the bill on foreign agents from the Venice Commission, the ruling party of Georgia has reported.
  • All participants of the protest actions at the parliament in Tbilisi on March 7 and 8, who were detained for administrative offenses, have been released, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia reported.

According to several reports, there were Ukrainian citizens detained during the protests, including those who took an active part in escalation of the protests. They were well prepared and launched aggressive actions against the security forces.



However, immediately after all the demands of the protesters were met, the opposition issued another ultimatum and continued the protests. The protesters do not stop the rally, and now demand the resignation of the government of the country, as well as the holding of new parliamentary elections.

Moreover, the crowd chants “Sukhumi” and demands that the authorities “resolve the issue” with Abkhazia, which the Georgians still consider their territory.

Quod erat demonstrandum. The bill on foreign agents in Georgia has become nothing more than a pretext for an attempt to attract part of the population to mass actions of disobedience to the authorities, which refused to sacrifice their population for the sake of NATO interests and open another front against Russia. In general, the current Government of Georgia pursues a pro-Western foreign policy. However, they refuse to support the Kiev regime and try their best to avoid any military conflict with Russia. LINK

Attempts to make another organized coup and bring more loyal puppets to power will only lead to another bloodshed in Georgia, but not to integration into Western organizations such as the EU or NATO.

Washington already attempted another revolution a year ago, when, together with their partners in Kiev, they launched an operation to return Saakashvili to Georgia, but then the coup failed. Today, the US-led opposition is seeking the overthrow of the legitimate government in Georgia. They are inspired by the personal benefits offered in the case of Russia’s defeat in its fight against NATO after a new wave of hostilities breaks out on its southern borders. LINK

The West is not interested in strengthening the sovereignty of a country in which its influence is so great. The law on Foreign Agents would reveal and tighten the work of numerous organizations and public figures funded by the West. Moreover, it would not allow any authorities to pursue an independent foreign policy contrary to their interests.


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This is dumber than the Maidan and Black guard (Hong Kong) failures combined.

I thought that by now people have realized that they have no chance of winning a fight against multiple growing Eurasian powers trying to implement national anti-corruption and pro-sovereignty laws, as the US is losing power as the world transitions away from coal and train transport is relatively getting cheaper than ships again.

But nooooo… “Let’s fight for corrupt US officials again”

Last edited 1 year ago by MParaplu
Nose, Nose

… for Jews again.

There, fixed it for you.


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Last edited 1 year ago by anni44

Ukraine 2.0 the mistake has already been made to allow the NGOs in. Useful idiots and those on a pay scale are the window for the globalists to rape a country. A formula developed and refined by the CIA over many years. America’s “garden” is a garden of evil for other countries.


Correct,i will never know why these Countries even allowed those NGOs in,even Russia did for many years.


in the beginning a country thinks it is subsidised education, charity and entertainment, with cuddly labels like university, college, magazine, NGO, etc. Poor counties will be particularly welcoming. Only when it is too late they learn they are mind control tools.


These people are either very stupid,paid,or Fascists,maybe all three,i hope the Government in Georgia doesn’t make the same mistake as Yanukovych because these arseholes see that as weakness,crush the bastards and if they have to declare a state of emergency,Democratic thinking people don’t storm Parliament they use the ballot box.


Agreed on the end , not on the meaning. You don’t fuel a fire to put it down , you just to starve it. The best way to starve a fire is a counter fire.

jens holm

to be coca-colonized by amerikan mulatto penis has always been my dream


Foreign agents registered in the US? ONLY if they’re not Israeli. Israelis get to do whatever, whenever, wherever they like…as well as write our laws. We’re not even a sovereign country any more and haven’t been for 60 years. The US is no more than a mafia/Israeli run scam.

Last edited 1 year ago by zman

Sellouts, only interested in being under the pay roll of the west, little do they know it’s making, shaking hands with the devils minions.


NGO’s are fronts for all kinds of subversive activities, supported by the CIA and similar western government agencies. If a “Maidan” revolution came to Georgia, Russia will have no choice but to step up to full; scale war.

John Kesich

Georgians in general will not get into “the garden” – only those Quislings who have been bought and paid for by the likes of Nuland.


It all started in Georgia in 2008. The EUSA will die on its cross.


Obviously this law on foreign agents came too late, the country is already very deeply corrupted and controlled by foreign agents. All of these protestors are American and Ukrainian agents and terrorists, they should be exterminated on a massive scale, their leaders should be arrested, brutally tortured for information and then executed. Georgians are not Slavs, so if they go to another war with Russia, I think Russia should just exterminate a good part of them, no Slavic brotherly restraint this time.

Peter Jennings

The Georgian President doesn’t seem to understand what’s she is saying because if Georgia is in europe then so is Russia. Let’s see if the people of Georgia are as easily sold as the people of Ukraine. Georgian servicemen could soon be running down the high street plunking out young victims for the nato front.

People of Georgia, consider this. The people of Ukraine were promised EU membership. They were promised membership of nato. They were promised lots of things by the US and its nato poodles. None has come to pass and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian people have been killed and their country ruined. What isn’t ruined now belongs in foreign hands.


Georgians need to understand that the europeans and the americans intend to open a second front against Russia using their country. Don’t wait, act against the traitors now. They aren’t resting, ever, of that you can be assured.

Chris Gr

USA is the new Soviet Union it seems.


You have to look at their age. Rent a color revolution is one thing. SOmetimes they have real greivances know nothing about politics and just show up to try and say something. Political education and centraliation causes problems in small tightly knit countries. Someone shot the national horse or something can trigger some people.

The law itself was a bad one because even the liberal socialist state protects people. Hardcore mob violence, elite riot teams carrying out arrests and targetted assasinations aren’t neccessary if you have the right media and activism.

Plan B – Ill Manors (Prodigy Remix)

Might want to keep an eye out for the pros. no guns you’ll need the bullets later.


Watch football factory and forget that battleship potemkin village. 20,000 dead in riots between unions and gangs in SHanghai. “SOmething about the Kiaser. That was to keep jobs when the immigrants came in from famines…..

GrupoKrovi –


If you heard the stories about those tunnels antural and the ones built by Laventry Beria you’d ban guns and issue them Lightsabers……I heard STalin never believed those stories but covered up the discovery of the Khaarian palace complexes during damn building. WIped out the Templar despite rumours he was a member of some other lodges with Trotsky…….

Red Right Hand – Karliene


Is the Line of David the builder still in play. Heard the day they died stars wept in joy over SPain. Naive then…….now more cynical about doing things like that when he had to…..

Mephistopheles of the Hosts of the stars – Marilyn Manson


Mali by to ustáť. Netreba teraz ďalšie krviprelievanie. Tu je vidieť aký obrovská bola chyba Gorbačova ktorý doviedol CCCP k rozpadu!!! Tým destabilizoval celé regióny a to najhoršie je na tom, že všetky sú na hraniciach RF!!! Darebácky štát USA hneď využil a zneužil situáciu, ešte že Boh pomohol Rusku a dal mu PUTINA!!! Ten zachránil to čo ostalo z trosiek CCCP a začal to znovu skladať a budovať od začiatku. Bola to práca na jeden celý ľudský život!!! Ešte, že Putin sa cítil byť vlastencom a obetoval svoj život a zasvätil ho k novu zrodeniu silného a veľkého Ruska!!! Rusko môže byť vďačné Bohu za vodcu Putina!!!


Something strange going on when people riot and attack the police over a law that normally might cause mild interest among accountants. Aside from the obvious sources of trouble already mentioned, it’s interesting a lot of Russian citizens fled to Georgia and other neighboring countries, that was put down to draft dodgers, but what if there were agitants and dissidents among them intent on causing harm? Anyway if they like the Western approach they might enjoy emulating the Capitol Hill or Canadian Trucker protesters, and be given lengthy jail sentences and / or have their bank accounts frozen.

Last edited 1 year ago by Nobodyinparticular

Water canon the lot after dispersal ultimatum. Who would support free acting foreign ngo agents in a country?


USeful idiots for the angloZionaZi empire of filth need to be weeded out and sent to the evil EUSSR and Slumville USSA. Give them a clean set of underwear and watch them end up jacking up under a bridge with local losers. Failing them dump the trash on the rump ukrap dumpster grill. Selling your ass to NGO scum is worse than infecting your family with syphilis. Z


can russia not ban individual channels on youtube instead of the whole site?


Protesting in favour of the EU is like protesting in favour of the communist Soviet Union.


The strong US influence on Georgia can hardly be denied. The CIA-affiliated organisation USAID started its ‘operation’ in Georgia in 1992 and provided USD 1.8 billion in funds. They themselves claim that Georgia is “an important ally of the United States in the Caucasus region”. We know that the US overthrew the Georgian government in 2003 precisely to avoid a rapprochement with Russia. After 2008, the Georgian army was flooded with weapons, says former US Marine Brian Berletic on his Telegram channel.

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