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Protests In Hong Kong Against Extradition Bill and Further Integration Into Mainland China

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Protests In Hong Kong Against Extradition Bill and Further Integration Into Mainland China

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On June 12th, massive demonstrations took place in Hong Kong with protesters blocking key roads and government buildings and police responding to riots with tear gas and rubber bullets at them.

The protest was formally prompted by a decision of the Legislative Council (LegCo) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to discuss and possibly implement amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance. But it is also aimed at preventing further integration of Hong Kong into mainland China.

The bill that would introduce amendments aims to fill loopholes in HKSAR’s existing legal framework concerning mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. It is basically a bill that would allow criminal refugees to be extradited from Hong Kong to mainland China, since currently there is no such scenario.

HKSAR Chief Executive Carrie Lam strongly condemned the violence and called for peaceful expression of different views.

The meeting of LegCo was postponed, but it will only be held at a different date.

Describing what happened as a “sad scene,” Lam called the protest a “riot” and condemned it in a videotaped speech.

The riots which undermined social peace and disregarded laws and regulations cannot be tolerated by any civilized, law-based society. It is very clear that this is no longer a peaceful assembly, but a blatant and organized riot,” Lam said.

“Hong Kong is a free, open and diverse society where people have different views on anything. But there is a bottom line for expressing opinions. If radical and violent means can be used to achieve the goal, these scenes will only become more and more fierce and will certainly bring harm to Hong Kong,” she said.

“I appeal to all the people who love Hong Kong to stay away from violence,” she said, adding that “I am convinced that Hong Kong, a civilized society, can solve any problem in a peaceful, rational and law-abiding manner for the sake of Hong Kong’s overall interests.”

HKSAR government’s Commissioner of Police Stephen Lo said at a briefing in the afternoon that the police has been exercising restraint, but the protesters repeatedly charged the police cordon line, performing life-threatening acts including using sharpened iron poles and bricks to attack police officers.

“Police will take resolute actions to restore social order and protect public safety,” said the statement.

Expectedly, Western ‘democracies’ and NGOs support the protests and claim that they were “peaceful,” while the police are the guilty party and are called brutal.

Amnesty International said that the police’s use of force against protesters in Hong Kong is “a violation of international law,” adding that officers have “taken advantage of the violent acts of a small minority as a pretext to use excessive force against the vast majority.”

“The ugly scenes of police using tear gas and pepper spray against overwhelmingly peaceful protesters is a violation of international law. Police have a duty to maintain public order, but in doing so they may use force only when strictly necessary. Hong Kong’s police have today failed to live up to this standard,” Man-Kei Tam, Director of Amnesty International Hong Kong, said in a statement.

“The police have taken advantage of the violent acts of a small minority as a pretext to use excessive force against the vast majority of peaceful protesters.

Tear gas and projectiles like rubber bullets are notoriously inaccurate and indiscriminate and can result in serious injury and even death. They should only ever be used in a targeted response to specific acts of violence and never to disperse peaceful protesters.

This excessive response from police is fueling tensions and is likely to contribute to worsening violence, rather than end it. We urge the Hong Kong police not to repeat such abuses against peaceful protesters, and instead ensure people can legitimately exercise their rights. We also remind police that using force against protesters already brought under control is unlawful.”

US President Donald Trump himself said that he was impressed by the biggest protest he had ever seen.

“I looked today and that really is a million people. A lot of times people talk about, they had 2,000 people but it was really 1,000 or it was 200. I see it all the time … but when you look at this demonstration, they said it was a million people. That was a million people,” he said, remaining largely impartial, saying: “That was as big a demonstration as I’ve ever seen, so I hope it all works out for China and for Hong Kong.”

The protests against the bill, and the larger integration are opposed mostly by:

  • Wester-funded civil rights activists, who claim that anybody in Hong Kong was under threat of simply being “grabbed” by the Chinese authorities due to political reasons;
  • More than 100 companies said that they would shut down to protest the bill. Trade unions suggested they might join in;
  • The Hong Kong Journalists Association said in a statement that the amendment would “not only threaten the safety of journalists but also have a chilling effect on the freedom of expression in Hong Kong”;
  • Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu tweeted in support of the anti-extradition protests: “I stand shoulder to shoulder with the hundreds of thousands in #HongKong fighting the extradition bill & for rule of law. Please know you are not alone. #Taiwan is with you! The will of the people will prevail!”
  • Representatives from the European Union have met with Hong Long leaders and expressed concern over the bill. Members of the US Congressional-Executive Commission on China have also spoken out against the bill, warning it could “negatively impact the relationship between the United States and Hong Kong.”

And according to MSM, only Hong Kong’s leadership, and mainly Carrie Lam are supporting the bill, together with the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

It is quite apparent, though, the exact same formula is being followed here: the protesters are always peaceful and good, the police and authorities – brutal. Propaganda in MSM is on point, with claims of excessive violence that was actually completely unwarranted by any actions by the demonstrators.

The examples are numerous, in many post-Soviet countries and around the world: from Ukraine to Venezuela.

“The bad guys” are always the side that the Washington-led establishment is dissatisfied with.

Propaganda against the Chinese government is also currently on-going, with posts coming from anonymous Chinese citizens, who permanently reside in the US, the EU, Canada constantly express their opinion of Chinese President Xi Jinping not being their president and so on.

The Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China released a warning to all applicants who wish to continue their studies in the United States, claiming that they may be exposed to unreasonable risks and are more likely to be under observation. They can be deported at any time.


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Toronto Tonto

Leave Hong Kong alone China you can have Siberia .

Ivan Freely

Hong Kong have always been Chinese territory.

peter mcloughlin

If Beijing perceive events in Hong Kong as attempts by foreign powers to destabilize the country – thereby posing an existential threat – the prospects for world peace are very bleak. The pattern of history already suggests we’re on course for another world war. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/


The problem is that China is no stranger to excessive corruption either.


Ivan Freely

No doubts on those trying to ignite a global war. It’s to hide their incompetence of governance from their own citizenry.



AM Hants

Russia hosts President Xi Jinping, who attended the St Petersburg Economic Forum. Announcing Russia and China would be trading in their own currencies, ignoring the $US. What happens next?


Saddam, turned his back on the $US, in order to go with the Euro. What happened next?

Gaddafi, turned his back on the $US, in order to go for the African Gold Dinar. What happened next?

Nobody wants to trade in the $US, owing to the fact the US cannot be trusted. So out comes the students, or should I say ‘paid to protest’ goons, running the old, dated, tired and boring, regime change script. They use is time and time again, when the NWO are either not getting their way, wish to pillage natural resources, or just basically having a ‘hissy fit’. When was the Bilderberg Freebie held? What happened next?

G20 should be interesting. The G7 failing nations, whinging and trying to look important as the other 13 members of the G20 summit, carry on with business and trade, ignoring the arrogant nobodies, in attendance. Guess that is why 13 of the nations are emerging economies and 7 of the nations can be seen to be declining economies.

God help the UK, where I live, Boris appears to have the backing of the ‘easy to coerce and blackmail, owing to lifestyle choices’ politicians in Westminster. Weird, considering the ‘Trojan Horse’ was born in New York.

His stint as Foreign Secretary said it all, including the Skripal fiasco.


The Chinese requirement for criminals who flee to Hong Kong to escape prosecution is as reasonable as it is legitimate. Would the UK allow criminals in England to flee to Scotland and escape prosecution? I think not :)

The Chinese government has even allowed political dissenters in Hong Kong to avoid extradition. This may well change if and when the hands of the UK and US are found to be interfering in Chinese politics. Again.

As for Boris, he will do whatever the US demands I would think.

AM Hants

Boris and his masters who control the ‘City of London’. He so feels he is entitled to the job, but, God help us. Look at his family connections, going back to his Great Brandfather, the Turk, together with where Great Granny came from. Pure AshkeNAZI and with no love for Russia.


Here’s a conundrum. Theresa May said shhe would stand down as PM when the new leader of the Conservative was able to command a majority in the House.

Patrick Oborne on the Alex salmond show commented on this, and said that Ms May uses words carefully and could use the ‘ lack of commanding a majority to stay on as PM ‘.

AM Hants

Play on words, that the media and Governments of the day, so love to use.

Never forget, Sir Robert Owen, a High Court Judge, who was appointed Assistant Coroner, led the Litvinenko Inquiry. However, what was his authority, in his role as Assistant Coroner, to come up with the verdict ‘Putin probably approved’?

Since when has that been a legally valid conclusion, when deciding the outcome. Or when did ‘probably’, replace ‘Innocent till proven guilty’, no questions asked.

May was the Home Secretary, at the time, with Cameron the Prime Minister. Not forgetting Cameron, like so many other redundant UK Prime Ministers, including Blair and Brown, plus, the co-alition stooge, Clegg, are all members of ‘Common Purpose’, which seem to run Westminster. Common Purpose, also run our legal system, unofficially.

‘…On 22 July 2014 the Home Secretary, the Rt. Hon. Theresa May MP, announced the Government’s decision to establish an inquiry under the Inquiries Act 2005 to investigate the death of Alexander Litvinenko on 23 November 2006. The inquiry was formally set up on 31 July 2014…’

Stop Common Purpose website:

CP and Climategate CP and Media Control CP Police State CP Civil Service CP Bell Pottinger CP Insider Dealing CP Tax Abuse Seven Principles Who’s Who of CP Find CP Members … http://www.stopcp.com/

Common Purpose, founded by David Bell, whose brother Tim Bell, founded ‘Bell Pottinger’, who were paid over $500,000 to spin the Iraq War, with particular reference to Sadam and his WMDs.


Thanks for the link. I have downloaded it.

AM Hants

Well worth keeping. I am not a member, came across owing to a comment on Disqus. So share the link and when not in lazy mode, the link for each section.

Brothers Bell – one founded Bell Pottinger and the other Common Purpose, where all redundant politicians and Prime Ministers flock to.


It will be interesting where Ms May ends up. Something to do with Soros is my 1st guess.

AM Hants

Loung Kodak, replied to one of my comments, with some interesting articles to read. Also mentioning ‘Operation Timber Sycamore’.

Well, what do you do with a 4* General, who has been caught mishandling classified and above information?

You give him a senior position in an ‘arms trafficking operation’, involving 17 nations.

So if he gets that for his reward, I wonder what May will get. There again, not forgetting her husband, and the investments he handles. No doubt, he will also do well.

AM Hants

She will be like Clinton, and even when the locks are changed on Number 10, will still be trying to break in, believing it to be her home, based on ‘entitlement’.

Can you see her standing down, and happily handing the keys over to Boris, before he officially gets the job? Wonder what she will be like as a back bencher? Wonder how hubby Phillip’s investments will do, with her no longer Prime Minister? There again, Boris should keep him sweet, where chemical weapons and missiles are concerned.

Considering all the ‘skeletons’ in the Johnson cupboard, not forgetting he was born in New York, however was he placed in such a position?

Bullingdon Boys, continue to rule Westminster and what do their initiation ceremonies involve?


(1) the Hon. Edward Sebastian Grigg, the heir to Baron Altrincham of Tormarton and current chairman of Credit Suisse (UK)

(2) David Cameron

(3) Ralph Perry Robinson, a former child actor, designer, furniture-maker

(4) Ewen Fergusson, son of the British ambassador to France, Sir Ewen Fergusson and now at City law firm Herbert Smith

(5) Matthew Benson, the heir to the Earldom of Wemyss and March

(6) Sebastian James, the son of Lord Northbourne, a major landowner in Kent

(7) Jonathan Ford, the-then president of the club, a banker with Morgan Grenfell

(8) Boris Johnson, the-then president of the Oxford Union, now Lord Mayor of London

9) Harry Eastwood, the investment fund consultant


(1) George Osborne, now the Shadow Chancellor;

(2) writer Harry Mount, the heir to the Baronetcy of Wasing and Mr. Cameron’s cousin;

(3) Chris Coleridge, the descendant of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the son of Lloyds’ chairman David Coleridge, the brother of Conde Nast managing director Nicholas Coleridge

(4) German aristocrat and managing consultant Baron Lupus von Maltzahn,

(5) the late Mark Petre, the heir to the Barony of Petre;

(6) Australian millionaire Peter Holmes a Cour;

(7) Nat Rothschild, the heir to the Barons Rothschilds and co-founder of a racy student paper with Harry Mount

(8) Jason Gissing, the chairman of Ocado supermarkets.

Two figures on left of (6) and (7) were blacked out before the photo was released, causing wild allegations. Their identities are yet unknown. My top contenders (based on the influence in the City, the Athenaeum and their Oxford prominence) include:

(1) the Hon. Michael Gove, Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, former president of the Oxford Union and “one-man think-tank”

(2) the Hon. Adam Bruce, the son of the Earl of Elgin and incumbent Unicorn Pursuivant of Arms

(3) the Hon. Edward Vaizey, the son of Lord Vaizey and the Shadow Minister for Culture

(4) the founder of Think Tank Policy Exchange, and conservative activist Nicholas Boles

(5) Steven Hilton, the director of strategy for Cameron and godfather of Cameron’s children


When the dots are connected as in your photo, the true alliances of the elite are exposed.

The problems are of course that the thought processes of the sheeple that allow the journey to the abattoir’s ,without panic ,after previously being fleeced for all of their existence.

AM Hants

The dots in the photo, Cameron, I believe his initiation ceremony used a pig’s head and no need to explain what Cameron had to do to it.

Osborne, coke, that does not come in a bottle, hookers and a bit of Max Mosely, style fun, in a dungeon, so comes to mind.

Not sure what Boris and Gove had to do, however, no doubt not media friendly actions.



‘…What is the Piers Gaveston Society? “Piers Gav” is highly exclusive, made up of a self-selecting group of 12 undergraduates. The men-only club, named after the alleged male lover of Edward II, king of England from 1307 to 1327, was founded in 1977 and carries the motto: “Fane non memini ne audisse unum alterum ita dilixisse.” It translates to:

Truly, none remember hearing of a man enjoying another so much.

The Mail reports that the club encourages “excess, high camp [and] ostentatious decadence”.

Piers Gaveston members are understood to be given obscure titles such as “Poker”, “Despenser” and “Catamite”, and they all follow the Sicilian code of Omertà – or maintaining silence about the club. In fact, it prides itself on being a clandestine organisation…

…What’s the difference between Piers Gaveston and the Bullingdon Club?

Guardian Today: the headlines, the analysis, the debate – sent direct to you Read more The Bullingdon Club is the other drinking society Cameron was known to be a member of. Most of the sonorous members of the Bullingdon are old Etonians. The prime minister was one such member, as was the London mayor, Boris Johnson.

They wore a bespoke uniform of tailcoats, waistcoats and bow ties, which could cost thousands of pounds, making membership difficult for ordinary students. One MP who was once asked to join the club said he walked out of a gathering in disgust. “What it basically involved was getting drunk and standing on restaurant tables, shouting about ‘f***ing plebs’. It was all about despising poor people,” he told the Daily Mail of the scene reminiscent of film The Riot Club, based on Laura Wade’s play Posh.

There is no evidence that Cameron, Osborne or Johnson were involved in the excesses described by the MP.

The Bullingdon is still banned from meeting within a 15-mile radius of Christ Church after members smashed 400 windows at the college in 1927. When Evelyn Waugh published his novel Decline and Fall the following year, he probably did not expect Oxford’s secret drinking club the Bullingdon, or Bollinger as it is satirised in the book, to still be filling headlines in decades to come.

For Waugh, the club consisted of “epileptic royalty from their villas of exile; uncouth peers from crumbling country seats; smooth young men of uncertain tastes from embassies and legations; illiterate lairds from wet granite hovels in the Highlands; ambitious young barristers and Conservative candidates torn from the London season and the indelicate advances of debutantes; all that was most sonorous of name and title”…’



Ironic, at the moment, I am watching Dimash, a seriously talented singer from Kazakhstan. Not only does he have a 6 octave vocal range, but, also speaks 12 languages and not even 25. Somebody provided a link to Polina Gagarina, which led to an obsession with the Chinese Singer programme. Which featured Dinash.

When you compare the young singer, together with his manners and respect, to the Bullingdon Boys, you seriously wonder what on earth is happening in the West. We have turned from civilised humans, into something Caligula’s court would be proud of. Uncouth savages, blessed with ignorance, stupidy and an overdose of arrogance.

Meanwhile Eurasia moves on.

The Love Of Tired Swans – Dimash Kudaibergen in Kremlin -Eng sub-… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-BYMBJFH_U


I am not a fan of music at all , I am ashamed to say, but I can appreciate excellence in many things that do not interest me much.

Britain has been governed for far too long by hedonists, perverts,fraudsters,zealots of all colors and privalaged self serving parasites et al.

Depravity these days is worn as a badge of honour.

Its all rather sad.

AM Hants

So true. With Dimash, it was just the difference in characters. A young, disciplined, intelligent and talented young man, compared to the dregs in Westminster. As we dumb down on everything, over here in the UK, unlike over in Eurasia. Do believe they still use the old classical and traditional, schooling methods, over in Kazakhstan and Russia. What a difference that makes.


When I have the misfortune to listen to young adults of the lower orders engaging with each other now, all I hear are nearly intelligible and a rather limited range of grunts that I imagine the Neanderthals communicated with ( or had conversations with in US parlance).

The frightening thing is that such impoverished learning MUST be the intention of our ‘betters’, as people who lack knowledge are easier to manipulate and govern.

AM Hants

Sounds like my youngest son, during his teenage years. I never quite got the hang of translating the wide range of grunts, he articulated. So glad I grew up when I did.

Do believe you are correct, with regards dumbing down education and the ability of critical thought, in future generations, over in the West.

With Dinash, when he was on some ‘high profile’ US singing competition, he got to the finals, but, dropped out, owing to the other two finalists being children. It was against his culture to compete with children, owing to putting them at a disadvantage. The judges, were fuming, but, then one of them was the American Drag Queen Ru Paul, who would not understand the meaning of ‘respect for one’s culture and personal dignity’. The young singer, also does so much for the citizens of his own country, not just via charity work, but, raising the profile of Kazakhstan. Seriously interesting, when you compare his actions, talents and knowledge, with the average Westerner. It just seriously surprised me, mainly owing to his age.


I am confident that there are still many in the UK who are ‘selfless’, yet such people do not fit the style of trashy TV we are all now exposed to.

TV and government approved media today is all about the current Neo Liberal ( Bolshevik ) agenda that the Frankfurt School of Thought described in detail during the 1920’s , as some of us are aware.

Westerners have been schooled to accept that West is Good and all others are backward people who only need a dose of Western Democracy to thrive. Yet in reality it has been the West that has imposed tyrannical dictators onto the foreign lands we have subdued and those we cannot subdue, we use our power to destroy. And then we place a dictator on the ‘throne’ that our masters ‘ Can work with ‘.

Or as Victoria Nuland ( Nudleman) proudly stated in 2014 after the US funded five hundred million dollar project for the coup against the freely elected government of Ukraine, that ‘Yats is the guy ‘.


AM Hants

There are many, including the young.

I find it so refreshing, when you come across toddlers to teenagers, with manners and kindness. Not all is lost.

Frankfurt School – brings me out in an anaphylactic shock. Went to Uni, as a mature student and just could not believe it. Apart from starting the first semester in October, having a 3 week break for Christmas and then another month off, to allow the tutors to mark your work, before starting the 2nd semester in mid-February, which led to another 3 week break for Easter, and all work in by the beginning of May, for the teachers to mark your work. Don’t think we had a third semester, as they left that for resits. You had 10 hours a week for lectures and social sciences were all part of the course. With a lecturer, who never left the classroom, believing they were a specialist in the subject, in a field they had never worked in. Starting from school, to college/further education/uni BA or BSc, followed by Uni Master’s Post Graduate Degree, into lecturing and then funded for their Uni approved PhD and back in to lecturing. Informing the students, most straight from further education, about the wonders of Marx. Any different view point, well, the electric chair, virtually. The course I was studying, I only wanted a certain module and so once I had took what I needed and finished that module, which was the end of the 2nd year, I left. Having no desire to waste my time, on a dissentation, that had no appeal or positive aspects, to waste time on it.

Funnily enough, before I went, I had no idea that they taught virtually nothing of value, at the local University, besides social science, based courses.

My husband went to Uni, back in the early 80s and was spoon fed his Degree. He knows the subject inside and out, upside down and back to front and is an expert in his field. That was in the days, when education had a value and there was more demand than supply for graduates.


It was in the 90’s ish I think when the US concept that everyone in education has to be a winner, irrespective of how trivial the subjects were. And today trivia is the norm.

It was then that many technical colleges etc were rebranded as ‘Universities’ and with Universities came the US concept of student fees.

I remember my mother I think, saying that what happens in America takes about 10 years to be policy here.

That’s a rather depressing future I think.

AM Hants

I remember, a job I had, during the school holidays and a work place romance went with it. He was going to Uni, but, doing a sandwich course, whilst studying chemistry. Which I got, you learnt your subject, together with studying for it. I think it was one year at a University, not a polytechnic, transposed into a Uni, and the 2nd year was work based. I was only 16 at the time, but, had no interest in University education, apart from respecting the sandwich courses. Do believe they had a different name. Saying that, you could not fault my husband’s course and the way it was delivered.

Think it was in the 80s that they transformed the local polytechnic into University Level and dumbed down graduation. Before looking at the ‘student loan’ being a cash generator for the private, public funded NGOs.

I am not bitter, not sticking around for the graduation, as my personality just does not suit academia. Could never understand why we had to view things, from the perspective of a 19th century sociologist, rather than use independent thought? It just meant, you were never encouraged to move on, from the thought process of the 19th century. Plus, I have a natural allergy to anything relating to Marx. Zero respect for my lecturers, apart from those on the creative side of the course, which was the only part I was interested in.


Sadly today a ‘Sandwich course’, with suitable dressings of course, will be a University course somewhere :)

I started to take more interest in political aspects of power during the 90’s and that is when I came across the Frankfurt School. It was then that political decisions in the UK made more sense, together the power used by pressure groups to alter historical reality.

The internet really sparked into general use in the mid 90’s I suppose, and with it the ability to do research in minutes that in the 80’s would have taken weeks of months at least.

Developing opinions that I had had since the late 60’s about the practicality of much ‘conventional thought ‘ were suddenly vindicated. If claims made by very loud groups make little scientific or practical sense sense, they are probably nonsense. I felt liberated to be able to see through the fog of the propaganda that is still prevalent in the lives today of those who either do not care, or ‘believe the BBC’.

It seems that your road to independent thought was a similar one, and your knowledge and written skills are a credit to your own highly organised investigative abilities and not those of a stenographer .

The path we and other enlightened people take is a lonely one though, and funnily enough, its the election of Trump that has shone a bright light on the 19th century style of state propaganda used to subdue us. This has caused many more to doubt in the accuracy of what our rulers say and do.

AM Hants

Well done for sussing it out, early on. Took me till 2014 to wake from my media induced, zombie diet. Trying to make up for my 20th century ignorance haha.


I have the dubious advantage of being a wee bit older than you. I am 69 this year. The avatar is actually me about 7 years ago I think. The smoke is from a pistol I had just fired at a balloon filled with powder :)

AM Hants

Haha, you still figured it out, pretty quickly.

Nice avatar.


Another subject completely, but I was totally unaware that there were such things as ‘temporary magnetic mooring points’ for marine applications, including rescue boats used by Iran to rescue the tanker crews. Rescue boats are very likely to have such equipment on board.


“The stronger magnets are used for fastening large objects such as oil booms or other types of heavy diving equipment. They can also be used to create temporary mooring points for lighter vessels, for example, a survey boat, barge or similar, to the ship side or to the rig leg.

The neodymium magnetic components of the magnets are coated with epoxy to improve their corrosion resistance in seawater. They are equipped with a mooring lug and breaking lever for easy release and safe operation. Each magnet also contains a rubber filling which creates increased friction and improved usability.”

Is this why the hi tech US camera only provided grainy images ? :)

AM Hants

Brilliant, which makes perfect sense.

Must admit, owing to realising that an Iranian was behind ‘Magrav’ technology, I am seriously curious to the simplicity, but, effectiveness of Iranian technology. Expecting, shock and awe, when they are forced to show what they have in their toolbox.

Not having a scientific brain, but, if memory serves me correct, wouldn’t the magnetic field, ruin high tech surveillance, equipment? Which might be the reason for the grainy images.


Things ‘electrical ‘ have never been my strong point. I can change a plug though.

“Necessity is the mother of invention.” and this is why US/UN sanctions on countries that the US covets are, in the medium to long term, a strength for the targetted nations. Especially if the targetted nations have a far older and developed scientific history.

The US and UK to a great extent live in a Must Have it Now mindset. It is the mindset of a childish brain ,in my opinion. We are all prone to that, and borrowing money to have frivolous goods , such as holidays, is a symptom of such short sightedness.

I have always lived within my means, and because I have not paid interest, I can now spend more than most others can. IF I need something :)

AM Hants

I am lousy with Science, electrics and anything technical. However, do believe the Magrav technology, that is used as an electrical jammer, could be based on using the magnetic field, to full capacity. If Iran has also used a similar style system, to tag on to the container ships, for health and safety reasons, it will be interesting to see what else they have come up with, based on magnetic energy.

Bearing in mind, my knowledge of physics is virtually below zero, I could be wrong.

Your economics, remind me of Russia. Low debt and healthy currency reserves, to back what little debt they have. Russian GDP Debt 20%, meaning that for every $100 the earn, $20 goes to pay the bills, and the rest is for their own enjoyment.

US GDP Debt, runs at 114% and rising. Meaning that for every $100 they earn, they still have to find another $14 for the bills.

What a difference the balance makes, once the bills are paid or not, depending on the nation.

thomas malthaus


I would hope John Bolton and President Trump would become familiar with this technology.

AM Hants

Obama got the chance, but, turned it down.

AM Hants

Thanks Thomas, for the brilliant trinfinity link. I remember, when it happened and loved the thought of non-tactile weapons, which just used humiliation, leaving all lives free from fatality and life changing injuries. That is why Iran and what they have in their toolbox interests me. They have always stated they are against nuclear weapons.

I have posted this video, time and time again, but, posting again, in case you have not seen it. Believe it was a day before the USS Donald Cook, got zapped by the Russian jets, with their whicker baskets. It was trying to storm into Sevastopol, as NATO had desires to kick Russia out of her warm water port and take up residence in the non-NATO nation.

One hour and 24 minutes into the video, you see what happens when the USS Donald Cook meets ‘Bastion’, who was offering a very warm welcome.

EXCLUSIVE: The famous Russian documentary on Crimea with Putin FINALLY with SUBS… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mw4Y9jRwCQ

How Russia Ruined American Plans In Crimea… https://www.fort-russ.com/2016/03/how-russia-ruined-american-plans-in/


I would think that debt is very stressful for honest people . I have always striven to pay bills on time, or before time in most cases. Some people have said to me over time, ‘You don’t give a shit, do you’?

My answer has been , ‘not really, no, I don’t’. The maxim, ‘Do unto others as they do to you’ is a fair one to follow I think. The few that I have stuffed were those who stuffed me. I recall a chap whose cheques bounced for few thousand. I won in court and put a second charge on his house when he still failed to pay. It must have been ten or more years later when I was asked to release the charge as he wanted to sell. I got all my money plus interest. That was a sweet and unexpected day :)

AM Hants

I am happy, my sons are the same. They hate having to pay interest for anything, so use cash for what they want. One has a credit card, which he uses for convenience, when travelling, but, pays off the total amount outstanding, when the bill comes in, so no interest is incurred. Amazing how working that way, keeps their accounts in order. Old fashioned book keeping, ‘incoming expenditure’ and ‘outgoing expenditure’.


Your sons are fortunate to have wise parents.

The social and advertising pressures that encourage debt are huge and the results are little more than serfdom, but with a ‘rolex watch’ on credit :)

AM Hants

Just talking about Nuland, on another comment.

Remember ‘Fu EU’?

“F*ck the EU! – Exactly!” – Victoria Nuland & Geoffrey Pyatt… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CL_GShyGv3o

She moved from working destroying Ukraine, to moving over to Cyprus. Where she was trying to entice Turkey away from Russia’s orbit, owing to Turkstream, and were Russia and Turkey discussing the S-400 back in 2016? Now she is redundant, but, her and her husband, Robert Kagan have moved to Brussels. Isn’t the NATO HQ based in Brussels?

Geoffrey Pyatt, moved over to Crete, from the UN Ambassador to Ukraine, to Greece. Bearing in mind, Henry Kissinger stated, ‘those that control Crete, Cyprus and Malta’ control the world.

Obama, Kissinger and Nuland: Cyprus 1974 – Cyprus 2017 http://www.defenddemocracy.press/obama-kissinger-and-nuland-cyprus-1974-cyprus-2017/

Map of the Greater Israel Project and natural resources that go with it.


Greater Israel Project

Nations in red – losing territory Nations in black – gaining territory Nations in grey – no change in territory.


Shame there is not a map, showing where regime change has failed and hurt the ‘Greater Israel Project’.


Your maps show well , how high the stakes are , an if we consider that the mentality of the Zionists is hand in hand with ISIS, there will likely be a major war if the world does not submit to these vipers.


Those criminals include thought criminals, I don’t trust any country that thinks it should have a “social credit system” with cameras placed everywhere (even in taxis) the secret police and law enforcement can monitor with facial recognition and the intention to “predict” crimes before they happen.

I.e. Excuse to arrest people for dissident beliefs or activities, especially troubling when political dissidents are morally right.

Lazy Gamer

Why dont they prosecute them in Hongkong? This just reveals the level of distrust that the people from HongKong have with the judicial system of mainland China. Until, China successfully harmonizes its Communist, and democratic institutions, these things are bound to happen. On another point, why does China and HongKong need extradition between themselves? Hongkong is within China. lol Or is China accepting the fact that it is dealing with another state? lol One negative result here might be mysterious disappearances will be on the rise.


It is common for offences to first be tried in the localities where the offences occur in most jurisdiction’s around the globe.


those pigs have to be shot on the spot.




^ Wtf?


Free people always love to be sent in reeducation camps – that’s the Russian ideology.

Concrete Mike

Wtf t weird toi? Wrong forum pedo!!

The Han-supremacist-bigots do not have the right to conquer the world. The Han’s have stolen 80% of the lands they occupy today. These bigots are bent on conquering other tribes. They also genocide Muslims and lock them away in reeducation-labor-camps.


Who knows? The fact that western countries (or people like Soros) are funding democracy activists is very suspect these days. One thing is sure, Hong Kong with its special status is high on the list of targets for regime change and counter-intel operations.

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