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MARCH 2025

Protests In Iraq Continue, More Than 70 Killed By Security Forces In Three Days

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Protests In Iraq Continue, More Than 70 Killed By Security Forces In Three Days

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Protests in Iraq continued on October 25th, 26th and 27th, as more than 74 protesters were killed in clashes with security forces.

The total death toll since the protests started on October 1st and lasted until October 9th, and then returned from October 24th stands at upwards of 230 people.

Protesters stormed and occupied government buildings in Baghdad.

Throughout October 27th security forces fired teargas at groups of young men wearing heavy duty gloves who rushed at the canisters and threw them back. Protesters also barricaded a bridge leading to the capital’s fortified Green Zone.

On the same day, several schools and universities were joining the protests and stopping their activities, many students were protesting on campus, while some went to the main gather spots, such as the Tahrir Square in Baghdad.

A spokesman for the prime minister threatened that any further disruption to schools would earn protesters “severe punishment.”

Iraq’s elite Counter-Terrorism Service said it had deployed in the streets of Baghdad to protect important state buildings “from undisciplined elements.”

Iraqi President Barham Saleh met the United Nations’ top representative in the country Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert to discuss electoral reform and amendments to the constitution, which dates back to 2005.

Earlier, Iraqi Prime Minister Abdel Mahdi proposed a list of reforms including hiring drives, increased pensions and promises to counter corruption.

Some Iraqi members of parliament already resigned over the weekend.

Parliament’s only two Communist MPs and two legislators linked to former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced they were stepping down.

“We are resigning because of the protests and the way they were repressed,” Communist lawmaker Raed Fahmy told AFP.

There have been curfews imposed in many cities, including Baghdad and Basra, but demonstrations continued despite them. Some of the casualties came as a result of attempts by security forces to disperse protests after curfew.

The situation appears to be in a sort of standstill, with security forces responding strongly and killing protesters, while the government and, specifically, Prime Minister refuse to assume responsibility and are distancing themselves from the killings, all the while doing very little to reduce tensions or meet protester demands.


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Toronto Tonto

The streets of Moscow will be like this soon .


The Russians got rid of 95% of you people so that that would never happen again. They need to get rid of the remaining 5%. And the US needs to get started on it. A good place to start would be cutting Israel loose like was just done with the Kurds and UNSC Resolution 2334.


Canada first with that muppet PM of yours!

Toronto Tonto

Jt wont be here long .


at least that was funy


Iraq is run by Mossad and CIA Zionist flunkies who are a big part of the problem in the middle east.


Looks like the empire wants to put in place a more compliant government


the usual suspects at it again- mossad and the unhinged states of A anxious, no, more than anxious, to get rid of the government in bagdad which is far too friendly with iran and allows the pmu groups to exist on iraqi territory. the attacks on those pmu-groupings have subsided lately after that the iraqi general that supplied the coordinates of the pmu-groupings to the squatters were let go of. and thus back to the drawing board and do it all over again, insurrection, unrest and civil disobedience – not likely to succeed but a few deaths and maimings will be the result.

just one thing to do – get rid f the squatters, terminate israel for good and the embedded perpetrators around the world and the world will, in a flash of a second, be a much better place.


I agree with the Jew part. I’m not so sure about the protests though. A lot of people want to see the bill ending the US occupation passed. And the government is stone walling it.

Tudor Miron

US is desperate to keep Iraq under its influence. Current government are actually US puppets (anything different is impossible under occupation) but pressure from Iraqi population makes (from time to time) do things in contrary to their US masters will. What we see is just another US orchestrated regime change attempt. Iraqi people (protesters) dying for US interests against their own country.


A few days ago Iraqi security captured a few snipers and armed “protestors” who were busy shooting at the population and police, Last week there was some similar detention and they found a lot of arms and ammunition in their hide outs. It’s the usual scenario, but interesting is, organized protests in Basra was way smaller and totally unlike other parts, despite its population is more deprived and more angry (they generate about %80 of Iraq’s budget but receive less than %15). Why? Basra is the main producer of oil in Iraq and crisis there will affect the oil prices badly.


Imagine if America did not invade Iraq, imagine if Saddam Hussein was still alive … Surely all this chaos would not exist.

Toronto Tonto

Yo wack job they have been killing each other over there since time began .

Ceasar Polar

The zionist 5th column in irak, lebanon is being active lately, they want to sow discord over the PMU and Hezbollah. The sad part is they are finding stupid irakis to move around and destroy everything. Irakis must be united. Yes they are corrupt politicians, but those same politicians are protected by the US/coalition, 1st send the US forces and mercenaries out, and any foreign military power, after start cleaning house, arrest all corrupt leaders with the military!


Iraq needs to finish removing the US from Iraq.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

if this is a staged revolution by the west, iran, russia, and syria need to nip this in the bud before it gets to a point of no return

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