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Protests In Northern Daraa As Syrian Army Braces To Launch Security Operation (Videos)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is still amassing troops and preparing to launch a large security operation in the southern governorate of Daraa, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on May 14.

According to the London-based monitoring group, fresh reinforcements deployed in the following areas:

  • The town of Ibtta in the northern Daraa countryside;
  • The town of Khirbet Ghazaleh in the northern Daraa countryside;
  • The Panorama area in the northern part of Daraa’s city center, known as Daraa al-Mahatah.

Pro-government activists released videos showing a large number of troops and equipment of the SAA’s 4th Division heading to Daraa. The reinforcements included several T-72 Adra battle tanks, which were up-armored especially for urban warfare.

The available information indicates that the town of Tafas, which recently became a hub for radicals in northern Daraa, will be the main target of the upcoming operation. Another target will be the town of Muzayrib, where nine policemen were brutally murdered a few weeks ago.

The reports of a nearing security operation in Daraa led to a state of panic among the few remaining radicals in Daraa and their supporters. Protests were held in the town of Tafas and in the southern part of Daraa’s city center, Daraa al-Balad, late on May 13.

“Long live Syria, Down with Assad,” the protesters chanted.

In March, the SAA launched a security operation in the town of al-Sanamayn. The operation targeted radical militants only. Many were killed or captured. The rest were forced to depart to Greater Idlib.

The new wave of protests in Daraa will not likely affect the SAA’s plans. The army will likely kick off its operation within a few days.


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i hope assad retakes syria and kicks out iran and turkey.Hope he makes peace with israel.Time to destroy the turks and kurds as iranians are weak now but these 2 groups still posses a grave danger to non muslims and to india as they support pakis as well just like the mutah guys from iran.Hopefully turks and kurds kill each other :D

Concrete Mike

More imperial.nonsense.

Divide and conquer, we know your M.O..

Icarus Tanović

That’s right.


SAA’s 4th Division is Iran-led and has Iranian militias, coming to Daraa is a bad idea. The IDF will respond, you are going to die like rats.


idf should finish shia terror asap coz we both(israel and india) need to focus on sunni terrorism


u do know that dealing with sunni terror is gonna b a major pain in the ass


yes pp, Hezbollah shia and Hamas sunnis. Both get help from Iran, long live Israel and India!


palis are sunni right?


Actually, there’s no better place to start WW3 than the south of Syria, the closer to Rothschild neocolony in Palestine, the better, it is a much better option than Iran, Ukraine, Taiwan or Venezuela. Syria must be liberated from Ziowahhabi terrorists or cease to exist, those are the only options.


Bring it on, Russia won’t save you.


Russia needs only provide the weapons. The rest are Zioterrrist Wahhabi delusions of superpower.

Icarus Tanović

Well said. Wahhabi delusion of being invincible.


……………yeah yeah, says the troll who can only get a hard-on when he thinks of maiming Palestinian children. There’s nothing iron about you except your stool Eisen Kott.


Iran will feel our Iron Fist, by air or by ground.


woo hoo, the holy warriors ( Hezbollah ) of Gods army will rip out your charred souls and smash them on the coals of Hell.


There is nothing holy about them, just a filthy Iranian proxy. The 2006 farce will not repeat itself, whole of SL will be targeted. For every dead Israeli we will wipe out 1000 Lebanese.


………………..in your dreams……………………


What will be targeted is northern Israel,next time you will be fighting on your own soil,Hezbollah will take it there.


They can try to attack Israelis in our land, they would be lynched.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Unless you’re an innocent Syrian with a family, they might not agree this is the best place to start a war.


Do fuck off. ” an innocent Syrian with a family” will be anywhere the war starts.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No you f-ck off you total dickhead, if you had your way there wouldn’t be any Syria at all, let alone anything left to liberate. So go start the war you want against Israel but do it in your own country you bloodthirsty psycho, don’t ask Syrian kids to die because you’re too gutless to fight the Israelis yourself. Or better still pack up and move to Iran, you can fight the war against Israel from there. Volunteering other people to fight a war for you, what a fu-king hero you are.


Fuckoff once more, you trash cunt. Your fake preoccupation over the lives of Syrians doesn’t change the fact you need to be ready to join the war wherever you are, and death will always be a central part of life.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s only a central part of life for psycho’s, not normal people, normal people try to avoid death, especially their children’s deaths, they actually think war’s a bad thing.


A pro-terrorist cunt piece of trash like you calling people psychos is quite rich, really hilarious. “Normal people” like you would have us all completely ignore the forces that lead the world down the path it’s followed so far with war and plague as “normal” things to contemplate. Fuck you very much.


Atatürk once said, “War is murder if it is not extremely necessary” Do you see it extremely necessary here. What is your horse here ? Are you so compassionate, so caring for human life and cant endure what is happening on Israel right now? Is that the cause here. Or is does it include some religious background and or codes written on a fresh washed brain ?


Israel is enduring the neocolonization of Palestine by its financially and militarily Western-backed, corporate-backed, nuke-armed occupation and colonization forces in Palestine and no one else in the world is going through horrific bad stuff like that? Poor them! Such suffering, no wonder god chose them. Thanks so much for your Zioterrorist bullshit-free wisdom about cuntpassion…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Go to Iran and see what happens, when they find out you’re actually homosexual they’ll lock you up in one of their Iranian jails, and they’ll know you’re a homosexual when you start swearing for no reason at all, it’s a dead give away. Neither Putin or Xi Jinping like homosexuals you know.


I don’t give a fuck about whatever happens in Iran, because Zioterrorist fuckshits like you and the ones you take money from are trying to start wars not only in Iran, fucking you go to Iran and see if they’ll jail you for being a Zioterrorist fag, if only…


That’s hilarious, I don’t give a fuck about whatever happens in Iran, because Zioterrorist fuckshits like you and the ones you take money from, but not the Iranians, are supporting mercenary terrorist filth and trying to start wars not only in Iran and Syria, thus it’s not only Iranians or Syrians who need to be ready for all of it, so fucking you go to Iran and see if they’ll send you to a gulag for being a Zioterrorist fag, if only we might be saved from your fake preoccupation for Syrian ISIS lives…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Are you frothing at the mouth when you type?


Certainly not as much as you when you think about the word “Iran”, Ziocunt.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Go ask your boyfriend for a cuddle.


Burnt Ziocunt, you got hot over the Mullahs.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m not a Zionist you silly boy lover, you don’t have to be a Zionist to be antagonistic towards Iran.


Lying fucking Ziocunt, you exude it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re so stupid you wouldn’t know the difference, all you can do is say KILL KILL.


Lying fucking Ziocunt, you’re no humanist.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m definitely no humanist, I think people who advocate to start wars in other peoples countries should all be punished severely, I think we should round you all up and send you off to face the families of the people you’re volunteering to start the war with, and they can punish you all in any way they see fit. Let’s see, we’ll start off with George Bush Snr, then George Bush Jnr, then Obama, then you, you’re not American by any chance are you.


Fuck off with your pretension of being an anti-war humanist, Ziocunt fag. Go rescue Iranian gays from the dreaded Mullah’s gulags.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You need to pick up a mirror and take a good look at yourself, what’s the difference between you and any US leader that stars a war in someone else’s country, you’re no different than any US leader and should be treated the same as them, you’re all just mindless murderers no matter what side you back.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Go to Iran and see what happens, when they find out you’re actually homosexual they’ll lock you up in one of their Iranian jails, and they’ll know you’re a homosexual when you start swearing for no reason at all, it’s a dead give away.


Says the guy who recently cheered for ISIS attacks in the desert, kike.


I don’t care about ISIS, in no way Iran will use the Daraa situation to send their proxies to our border.


Thats the problem you don’t know where your border is.

Kenny Jones ™

Mark my words, Israel’s days are numbered


I know. They can’t win against Iran and Hezbollah. We will see how good the iron dome really is ;)



советский фундаменталист

Israel really thinks its strong… comparing isreal to russia is like comparing a bear to a flea, israel is nothing but an inconvenience for us… stand in the way of our interests and youll feel the fist of our soviet ancestors

Willing Conscience (The Truths

For a start Israel isn’t standing in the way of Russian interests in Syria, go read some Russian or Israeli news and tell me where either party has a conflict of interests in Syria. From everything I read in Russian news or get from government statements it’s actually the opposite, they want Israel to help out in rebuilding Syria after the war is finished, and they also want to curb Iranian influence on Syria and don’t mind using Israeli money to do it. Russia complains about Israel attacking Syrian territory that’s true, but that’s just lip service, does Russia actually do anything to stop Israel bombing Iranian targets in Syria, no they don’t, but they’d blow the hell out of those Israeli jets and their bases if the Israelis did actually do something to harm their interests, but they haven’t yet, which can only mean the Israelis aren’t really hurting Russian interests in Syria at all.

cechas vodobenikov

yeshoa—ya staboy

Our enemy is Iran, but if you’ll send Russian troops to fight us then you’d have to send your entire Ruski army because you won’t be able to use nukes. Think about it, then comment.

советский фундаменталист

why would we send nukes? israel has a population of 8mil, russia has a population of 140m, your army could max be 800k troops, ours can be 20mil recruitable. nukes are used for deterrence. israel is easy to defeat. the only one deffending your war crimes are the US and that wont last for long. plus our army is the best in the world israeli soldiers have to wear diappers so they dont crap when they see children with rocks. we even have a joke about your soldiers here and how coward they are

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Russia may still intervene to stop the bloodshed, they might put their forces in between the Iranians and the protesters to stop things escalating. Who knows, they may even be able to start a dialogue between the Iranians and the protesters, though I’m nearly choking as I write that since I don’t think there’s much chance of it happening. I don’t think your crew will intervene until the Druze become actively involved in the protests, but I’m also hoping the Russian will be able to stop that before it happens, but once the Druze are threatened I’m sure you’re country will become directly involved, which’ll then set off the anti Assad opposition as well, which will then mean the whole lot of the southern territories will erupt in violence again, and unlike most people I know which party will be entirely responsible for that Iran. If it does happen I hope you guys use precision surgical strikes and try your best to avoid killing innocent Syrian civilians and soldiers if you can, sadly they don’t have and say in what’s happening in Daraa, so just kill the enemies you need to and I won’t even complain about it, I see them as the enemy too now, so should Assad.


Thank you man, finally a normal and a logical comment here that also understands our interests in the area. If Russian forces or SAA forces loyal to Assad (5th Division) do that operation then I am fine with it. Stability like pre 2011 should be our goal now, and you’re right as long as the Druze minority stays out of it then we might just attack from the air. Last time the Druze near the border got attacked by Al Nusra forces then we helped to push them back, the Druze in the Golan demanded it. Iran is actively sending forces to the area to tell us “we are not going anywhere”, that is true till we decide to respond harder to their provocations, same goes for Hezbollah.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Not the SAA 5th division, the 5th army corps, the 5th army corps are the ones with the tiger forces militia, the 5th division belongs to the 1st army corps, I know it’s confusing. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd army corps are pro Syria and supported by Iran, the 4th and 5th army corps are pro Syria and backed by Russia, though the 4th army corps has suffered some cuts and alterations. The 4th and 5th army corps aren’t made up the same way the other corps are, they’re both a big mish mash. 1st army corps, 5th, 15th, 7th, 9th divisions. 2nd army corps, 1st,10th, 14th. 3rd army corps, 11th, 3rd, 17th, 18th. I’m not sure if the 4th division is part of the 1st army corps or a separate entity, it may even be attached to Airforce intelligence, I’m not really sure. But as far as your concerned it’s only brigades and units from the 4th and 5th army corps you want in the area, or the 25th division that are now aligned to the 5th army corps, They’re the good guys from your point of view, though the Iranians don’t think they are.


looks like some of daraa locals want to go to heaven or Idlib.

Cronos Sin Apellidos

Siempre será bueno retomar y asegurar la zona, mientras se prepara una nueva ofensiva en Idlib. Hace un buen tapón a la zona de los Altos del Golán, para impedir infiltraciones desde Israel.


Roll the Tanks over those rats and grind them into dust.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Sending tanks in to quell anti Assad protest is one thing, sending tanks in to quell an anti Iranian protest is another, so it seems some of us are confused and believe they’re actually the same thing. Anti Assad protesters want to get rid of Assad and replace the government, they are the enemy, but the anti Iranian protesters aren’t, they just don’t want Iran to set up deadly infrastructure in their neighbourhoods, they don’t want their kids stuck in the middle of a potential new warzone between Israel and Iran, they don’t want any part of it.

So we have 2 ways of doing things in Daraa, we have the Iranian way, which is what’s happening right now, or we have the Russian alternative, which I think is much better. The Iranian way of doing things, lump all the anti Iranian protesters in with the anti Assad protesters and treat them all the same, they’re all traitors if they don’t like Iran and should all be dealt with the same way, they’re all the enemy. Or the Russian way of doing things, treat the anti Iranian protesters with respect and listen to their grievances, and if possible come to a compromise, but treat the anti Assad protesters the same way the Iranians would, so there’s not that much difference really, one way is partially productive and the other way is totally self destructive.

I’d like to force all those people on SF that want to start a war against Israel and the US on Syrian soil, to pack up their families up and all go to Syria, and then let the Syrians who don’t want to start a war to go to their homes and live in them, that way you could all be happy, but I’ll bet not one of the people who keep crying out for war would swap places with any Syrian families who don’t want to start a war. You’re hatred of the US and Israel doesn’t give any of you the right to volunteer someone else’s country to start a war, you’re ALL totally sick weirdo’s if that’s what you really want, nothing but sick weirdos. Go put your money where your mouths are and donate to the right causes or go join one of the anti Israeli or US militias if you hate them that much, there’s lots to choose from, but don’t go telling people they have to sacrifice their children’s lives to fight a war you want, go do it yourselves you gutless murderous bastards.

I’m actually hoping the Russians put their foot down this time and stop the Iranians with military force, or at the very least put themselves in between Iran and the protesters, if they don’t all hell will break loose and Assad will most likely loose all the southern territories, which’ll mean the US won’t ever leave Syria and the Turks won’t be driven out either. That’s it Iran, go mow down all the anti Iranian protesters with your old crappy tanks, give the anti Assad opposition even more recruits for their cause, turn all the anti Iranian protesters into anti Assad protesters as well, since you don’t see a difference between the two, but Russia can see a big difference between the two and has tried to treat them very differently, unlike Iran. Sadly Assad may start to see and feel the difference too soon, and then he’ll realize the Russians were right afterall, but unfortunately it’ll probably be too late by then.


Couldn’t have written it better! Very well analyzed comment about the current situation. Let me also say it clearly – We don’t want a war with the SAA, there is no point for it and it would give both sides just death. We want to push back the Iranian militias from Southern Syria for obvious reasons, everywhere they come they set up new infrastructures to hurt us. Russia must step in and stop them, before it’s too late. Gantz is now officialy the DM and he can order any operation he wants, he now has the power to do what he promised for more than a year. My point is, a war between Israel and Syria because of Iran is a true option, which we should remove from the table ASAP.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Surprisingly even though Israel’s been saying they have no problem with Assad remaining in power for 2 years now, some people still think they want him removed, but the fact is Israel actually wants Assad to remain in power now, they’re not just tolerating him anymore, now he’s actually become the good option for Israel and Erdogan’s now become the biggest threat to Israel’s interests in Syria. You’re probably saying hang on, he should’ve said Iran was the biggest threat to Israel, and yes you’re right they are, but they haven’t done all the things they have without someone else’s help, the Turkish tugboats maneuvered Iran into position and then gave them a good shove, and now Iran’s operating under their own steam and it’s full steam ahead. Hopefully your government realizes what’s actually happening and acts accordingly, even if it means holding back when they have every right to attack, there’s an even bigger story that still has to be told. Turkey’s doing exactly the same thing to Iran as Iran’s doing to the Syrian people, Erdogan’s trying to start a war he wants against Israel but doing it in someone else’s backyard, and he’s doing it in Syria and Iran’s yards, not his own. Erdogan’s manipulated Putin and used Iran to that effect, so if your government isn’t careful they may end up with a 75% Turkish controlled Syria next door, and that won’t be good news for anyone. But you’re right, Assad should just kick Iran out full stop, that would solve all the problems and give the US no reason to stay in Syria either, but sadly that’s probably not going to happen, so hopefully your government takes everything into account when it finally makes a decision, afterall defeating Iran and alienating the Syrian people will be the biggest invite the Turks will ever get, so I’m hoping it’s just precision surgical strikes against Iran if things do get to that point.


“Anti Assad protesters want to get rid of Assad and replace the government, they are the enemy” So any Syrian who doesnt want to live under Assad rule and peacefully protests is “an enemy”. Pretty much sums up the entire Syrian Civil War here. How it started, why it started and why more than 10 million Syrians are not currently living under Assad rule.

“Turkish tugboats maneuvered Iran into position and then gave them a good shove, and now Iran’s operating under their own steam and it’s full steam ahead” You serious ? Iran is our rival and we certainly dont want any iranian presence anywhere near us.

“Erdogan’s trying to start a war he wants against Israel but doing it in someone else’s backyard, and he’s doing it in Syria and Iran’s yards, not his own.” Why would we ever want to do that? For what end? We do not even give a single weapon to palestinians unlike Iran’s arming of hezbollah. Dont confuse apples with oranges. Our support to palestinian cause is just political and most of the Turkish people does not even care about palestinian. Dont confuse us with religious nutsack arab countries. They see Turkish way of Islam as infidelity or something. Of course we have fanatics like every other country including christian ones, but thats it. They are minority.

“they may end up with a 75% Turkish controlled Syria next door, and that won’t be good news for anyone.” Do you think we want Syrian land or something? We got 4 million Syrian refugees in the country for God sake. Another 4 million in Idlib which assad tried to push us. We just want them go back. We got more land than we ever need, 8 million Syrians would not be a benefit to us even if we took the entire Syria, trust me. Not economically, not culturally not for anything. We are different in every way except the majority religion.

We are not garbage of baathists, we certainly wont accept this. There is no concept in entire history that alienating more than half of your population and calling it “Fighting with terrorism”. It is a civil war. Period. And we are not obliged to live with the outcomes of that civil war just because we are their neighbour. So, Syria is either have to make the conditions right for those refugees to go back or we have to open them a living space. Turkish people’s interests, wellbeing and stability are not an expendable thing just for the sake of Assad’s chair. He should have ruled better or he should have resigned.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“So any Syrian who doesnt want to live under Assad rule and peacefully protests is “an enemy”

No I didn’t say that, peaceful protesters aren’t a problem for anyone, but there have been about 100 people assassinated in this area over the last 4 months and that has to stop. There are 2 elements to the protests in Daraa, one group have a problem with the heavy Iranian presence in their neighbourhoods, the other group are anti Assaad protesters, but the anti Assad protesters are usually ex FSA, HTS, and Isis supporters, and they’ve already proven to be Assad and Syria’s enemy, even if they’re protesting peacefully they should be locked up and punished. In Turkey you have the PKK that do the same thing too, they’re a designated terrorist because they use the barrel of a gun to force their minority view on the majority consensus, but Turkey doesn’t see all Kurds as PKK does it, it recognises the difference between political discourse and violent extremism, but in Syria the lines are even more blurred. Isis holds protests too you know, and even though some of their protests are peaceful we all know their subsequent actions aren’t, would you tolerate peaceful Isis protests in you neighbourhood, a line has to be drawn somewhere. I do accept that early on between 2011- 2013 a lot of innocent protesters were killed by Assad’s forces, but I don’t think there was ever a case where Assad was responsible for the crimes, it was always one of the governors or independent military commanders that gave the orders to shoot, and a lot of them are no longer in the SAA, some even in jail [for other crimes].

Your leader Erdogan does want Syrian land, and Libyan land, and greek land, he wants to revive the old Ottoman Empire too, luckily most Turks are starting to realize he’s really insane, so apart from the AKP and their one coalition member, every single other Turkish opposition party is opposed to Erdogan’s megalomaniac aspirations. I’ve got nothing against Turkey or the Turkish people in general [I have lots of Turkish and Kurdish friends], but I do have a massive problem with Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood, and any and all of their supporters, I consider them to be the enemy. Ataturk would be rolling over in his grave if he could see what Erdogan’s doing to Turkey now, he was totally opposed to sectarism.

“And we are not obliged to live with the outcomes of that civil war just because we are their neighbour.”

Your leader Erdogan helped instigate the Syrian war which you call a civil war, so Turkey is obliged to suffer all the consequences of Erdogan’s actions. And I do read Turkish news all the time, all your political opposition parties think Erdogan was wrong in all his actions concerning Syria, they don’t agree with anything he’s done there, and they’ll take him to court when he loses power and put him on trial for his actions, so not all the Turks agree with you when you call it a civil war.

“Do you think we want Syrian land or something? We got 4 million Syrian refugees in the country for God sake. Another 4 million in Idlib which assad tried to push us. We just want them go back.”

That’s funny because Assad keeps calling for them to return to Syria, he already has homes for them to return to in most cases, but they don’t want to go home, they want to live in areas of Syria like Idlib, which for all intense purposes has just become Turkey’s first province.

“So, Syria is either have to make the conditions right for those refugees to go back or we have to open them a living space. Turkish people’s interests, wellbeing and stability are not an expendable thing just for the sake of Assad’s chair. He should have ruled better or he should have resigned.”

You do remember your leader was nearly killed in a coup attempt don’t you, but no one’s tried to assassinate Assad have they, and after the coup attempt Erdogan locked up and tortured more than 10,000 Turks, he sacked half the Judiciary, half the military command, half the education faculty, half the police force, and half the everything else he suspected of disloyalty, so don’t think your hero is any better than Assad he’s far far worse.

Over 150,000 foreign fighters have been killed in Syria over the course of the war, and half of them crossed into Syria courtesy of Turkey’s open border. 150,000 foreign Jihadists can’t be killed in a civil uprising and subsequent civil war, you can only kill 150,000 foreign fighters in a foreign orchestrated war.


“but in Syria the lines are even more blurred.” First of all, we both are aware that Assad was constantly winning all the -so called- elections before the civil war with %90 of votes. Dunno how comes half of Syria is a refugee and dont want to come back now if 9 of 10 syrians was an assad supporter. At least we have fair elections in Turkey. Please dont even try to come at me against this, even a baboon can win against this weak opposition in Turkey.

“Your leader Erdogan helped instigate the Syrian war which you call a civil war, so Turkey is obliged to suffer all the consequences of Erdogan’s actions.” No we did not and no we dont. Even it means destroying whole Syria, we certainly wont endure this. This is serious and sorry but unacceptable no matter what the reason is. If do you think these things works as blames, then you should send %90 of those Syrians to USA. Those Syrians are going back no matter what happens. Like i said, we are not trashcan of some Giraffe’s ego.

“That’s funny because Assad keeps calling for them to return to Syria, he already has homes for them to return to in most cases, but they don’t want to go home, they want to live in areas of Syria like Idlib” And why is that ? Could it be forced conscription, hundred thousand of torturing cases, constant bombings ? You keep sayin Idlib, but what about Lebanon ? What about Jordan, Saudi Barbaria ? There were 1 million refugees in Lebanon 5 years ago, that front is silent since years. But in that period, only 90.000 of them returned, more than 300.000 still living in tents, fucking tents but they still dont return. Why is that ? I am not buying your stupid propaganda. It is always like that, some minority gets the throne through military coup. That minority gets the benefit and support blatantly its every savage action. https://data2.unhcr.org/en/situations/syria/location/113

“You do remember your leader was nearly killed in a coup attempt don’t you, but no one’s tried to assassinate Assad have they, and after the coup attempt Erdogan locked up and tortured more than 10,000 Turks, he sacked half the Judiciary, half the military command, half the education faculty, half the police force, and half the everything else he suspected of disloyalty, so don’t think your hero is any better than Assad he’s far far worse.”

It is nothing like Assad’s situation, on the contrary, it is exactly opposite. That minority group (Gulen cult), was a CIA asset. And they tried to get control through a military coup just like hafez assad gained his throne. No wonder you support them. Thats what is sick and fucked about in your little minds. You cant endure and accept democracy. If it doesnt fit your narrative, it is bad. It doesnt matter if they have the majority votes. And about the “half of everything” claim. It is fallacy. 1/6 at top. And torture is a very big crime in here. Dont even try to come with that. Even the PKK leader is well fed and treated as a human. Also after the cleansing operation, as you see, we never had a terrorist attack anymore, we did many succesfull operations, everything becama better after the agents of the west gone. And wow, they all got asylum easily, strange right. Even the ones which fled to Greece on the coup night with a MILITARY helicopter, Greece said “There is not enough evidence that they parted in coup, we are not giving them back” :D They gone with a military chopper ffs. But right, it is just Erdoğan sacking unlawfully.

At least Assad can REALLY win elections with %90 votes this time right, cause all the sunnis are out. Like i said, it is not gonna happen. Turkish people’s interests, wellbeing and stability are not an expendable thing just for the sake of Assad’s chair. He either should stop fucking with us or this time he (or thousands of poor Syrians in this case) will face the consequences.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I know both Turkey and Syria hold fair elections, no dispute from me.

Up until august 2018 I would agree with you, send 90% of the Syrian refugees to the US, Saudi Arabia, UAE, England, France, ect, but since those parties all been saying Assad can remain in power since 2018 until now, they’ve all absolved themselves from that responsibility, but Erdogan’s still saying Assad should be removed from power, so he gets to keep all the refugees.

The only coups I agree with are the ones against dictatorships, and I don’t support the Gulan extremists, if I had to choose I think CHP is the party I’d vote for. I saw enough photographic evidence to prove there was torture.

Yes I know Erdogan and Turkey are still a big threat to Syria thanks to Russia and Iran’s two way help, but I can also see what the Arab league are doing now to stop them, so Syria still has a few reliable allies left who don’t work with Turkey.

cechas vodobenikov

Israel is aware they r hated–this is why they rely on their mommy, the US for 3$ billion per year—israeli nukes stolen cannot be used except to obliterate themselves…these insecure bullies, like murikans and turks only challenge the embargoed Palestinians….never Iran….they would destroy Israeli cities and US bases in the ME, mine the hormuz straight and drive these fake economies into rubble –turkeys, amerikans, israelis…the ludicrous anglo binary thinking expressed by posts is farcical


“drive these fake economies into rubble” First of all, both Turkey and Israel’s economies are much more productive, innovative and based on skills of people. Unlike Iran and Russia, we have to buy oil, pay for it. But %70 of Russia AND Iran’s exports are based upon oil and gas. U know what that means ? It means they produce “shit”, occasionally 2 times a day, they eat, drink and produce a giant shit. They contribute their shit to other nations. It means when the oil is over, they will starve but both Turkey and Israel will be in exact same position because they invent on people and technology. “Turks both of whom admire their cruelty directed at Palestinians, Kurds”. Are you ignorant or something ? What horse do we have on Palestinians? What did we ever do except supporting Palestinian cause politically. We do not arm them, we do not opress them, we just want a more compassionate approach from Israel, thats it. And about kurds, what makes you think Turkey has anything about all kurds? We had many kurdish presidents, almost %30 of parliament is kurdish – which is more than their population. We have good ties with Iraqi sunni kurds, we even have base there and training pesmerga. We only have problems with terrorists. I mean the bus stop bombing, village massacring (mostly kurdish), suicide bombing, child kidnapping kinda terrorists. Most of the kurds in Turkey does not even support PKK-YPG. Dont talk on the matters you are not knowlodgeble enough.

AM Hants


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