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MARCH 2025

Protests Ramp Up In Gaza And Jordan Following “Deal Of The Century” Announcement

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Protests Ramp Up In Gaza And Jordan Following "Deal Of The Century" Announcement

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Protests in the Gaza Strip ramped up after US President Donald Trump announced his “Deal of the Century” peace plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Demonstrations had been going for most of January 28th, with protesters carrying a banner that read “Palestine is not for sale”, and burned photos of Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Following the announcement, the protests simply ramped up, with thousands going out to demonstrate in Ramallah.

There are also protests in Jordan against the deal.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas immediately released a televised statement condemning the deal calling it a “conspiracy” that “will not pass”.

Prior to that on January 27th, Abbas spent a fair share of the day calling Trump a dog and a son of a dog.

“They called me from Washington and I did not pick up the phone,” Abbas said. “I said no and I will continue to say no… We are going for difficult days and we are beginning to bear the consequences of the refusal. Resistance must be escalated at all points of friction. All young people must be encouraged.”

Abbas further claimed that “I was told I’ll pay a heavy price for my foolish behavior. I do not have much longer to live and I will not go down as a traitor. It’s either dying like martyrs or flying the Palestinian flag on the walls of Jerusalem.”

He further warned that the day Trump presents the deal would be a day of rage and it appears so.

There appear to be reports of even Orthodox Jews protesting against the deal.

Turkey also expressed its position regarding the deal. Deputy chairman of Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party  reacted to U.S. President Donald Trump’s statements on Jerusalem as “undivided capital” of Israel.

“No, Trump! Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinian state and the heart of the Islamic world!” Numan Kurtulmus said.

Russia issued a statement saying that Israel and the Palestinians should negotiate directly. Netanyahu is to travel to Moscow to lobby for the pardon of Israeli citizen Naama Issachar, who was sentenced to 7.5 years prison for drug smuggling, after 10 grams of drugs were found in her luggage at a Russian airport.


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King Cliff

Yet in his television announcement he didntd criticize the Arabs and Muslim nation around the world for selling out they 3rd holy sites.

Free man

Every peace plan will have opponents. What’s the alternative? The Arabs are too weak to impose better conditions on Israel.

Free man

1. Netanyahu will probably lose the election. At least I hope so. 2. The Israelis are not stupid, they will not give citizenship to Palestinians in the West Bank. 3. In the past, the Israelis offered the Palestinians almost all the territories occupied in 1967. But the Palestinians refused. Since then the Arabs have weakened greatly and Israel has grown stronger.

Free man

The Arabs in Israel are Israeli citizens.


So? 20% of Israelis are non-Jewish Arabs and 75% are Jews.


So? It won’t help the Palestinians. Because they give similar importance to minor symbolic things like that, they will remain losers.

Ricky Miller

Losers who refuse to sell out their souls in betraying the millions of Palestinians who are refugees from Israel’s creation and under all Western deals recently proposed would have no right of return or compensation for what has been stolen from them. Most people around the world would have caved in, sold their brothers down the river for any deal that brought them some relief. They have lost in this conflict until now, but my mother was born in 1942, when Jews were a considerable minority inside Palestine and there was no Jewish state. I just had dinner with her. In the space of a single lifetime Israel was created, sponsored by a superpower and has grown ascendant in the region. But seventy five years from now, things can be dramatically different. Turkey and Egypt have better than average chances of throwing off the shackles imposed on them by AmericaWorld(TM) and with a combined population of better than 250 million could put Israelis into reservations, or send them back to Europe. Things change.


Well maybe. But if they ever tried that, it would spell the end of both countries in a blaze of radioactive glory. So back to your pipe dream and stop wishing mass death in so many millions of people. Israel is there to stay. But most likely, especially with Israel’s natural gas and advanced world class technology, both Turkey and Egypt will want to make an economic accommodation with Israel, the Palestinians be damned. And you damn well know that is a way more likely future.


It won’t be 75 yrs…lmfao!

10 years tops. Simply because most of your citizens have dual citizenship and will not stay. Cmon brah, you know better. Lol Either you don’t read and have not much in the realm of strategy or demographics. Or simply you’re an idiot.

Free man

Some of the Israeli Arabs, according to you, define themselves as Palestinians. What’s the problem with that?

Free man

me too.

Free man

The Palestinians in the West Bank cannot obtain Israeli citizenship. They are still under occupation. This is one of the reasons why they should have their own state.


Nahhhhhhhh…this plan doesn’t annex enough areas with enough Palestinians to make a difference. And the Israeli Jews are smart enough to know not to annex it all without first making sure there won’t be many more non-Jewish Arab citizens. So forget your pipe dream.


As I said about some of your other posts, yit’re delusional.

Free man

Annexation means the end of Israel. Annexation will bring about an Arabs majority, and then Israel will be like Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. Another failed Arab state.


Total annexation will only happen with ethnic cleansing. But the Palestinian leadership and their enablers may yet make that acceptable by making war on Israel again. In that case, the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza will have their second Nakba.

Free man

“Total annexation will only happen with ethnic cleansing.” – It can’t be done nowadays.


You are delusional.


So? So the IDF will put down any Arab revolt. You got that right.

Xoli Xoli

Dont spoil two men discussion with insult their are debating professional to iron out differences in option irrespective of their supporting parties.

Free man

I think the extreme Israeli rightists want all of Israel / Palestine as the Palestinian jihadists want all of Israel / Palestine. Each one wants to subdue the other side.

Xoli Xoli

If thats the case what about one state solution.

Free man

It would be a country like Yugoslavia. I think it would be better to have two separate states.

Xoli Xoli

Thank you wise idea base on situation on ground respected.


So? You do know that the Jews in the Mandate were officially listed as “Palestinian”?

Ricky Miller

He can’t. He’s a MSM New World Order troll, either a paid contractor or a Staff Sgt. recently moved to an information warfare unit. They are here to depress any thoughtful conjecture and information exchanges at resistance websites. See if the message board is toxic, the views diminish, the community becomes less robust and the Imperial narrative promoted. If he can’t see your Empire resisting posts he can’t counter them with crafty lie$.

Xoli Xoli

Captain Jakes is open minded. But his reasoning on tribal line makes him outdated.Due to corruption and peaceful oppression worldwide people are fleeing to other countries where their talent and expertise are appreciated for development purpose.Just as USA was formed by different ethnic groups and made powerful in idea sharing and building.Which the greed supremacist,capitalists and Imperialist destroyed.Israel ordinary citizens want unity and peace.But the leadership cause division and self centre ideology which only brings destruction and chaose.


self inflicted gun shot wound. Implosion…civil strife…the end of zionism.

Traiano Welcome

You mean there is *officially* such a thing as “Palestine” and “Palestinians” ?

Your position seems to differ radically from other pro-zionist speakers who insist that there is no such thing as Palestine or Palestinians …


If you missed it, civil war between Jews is a big taboo. Get real. But if the Palestinians who are eligible for Israeli Citizenship take the oath of loyalty, fine. The Jews will still have a supermajority. But they could ally with Lefty Jewish Parties and try to get a more moderate Israel government.


And 75% are Jewish. Israel is a diverse Jewish State and officially and legally the Jewish National Homeland. And that it will remain. So get used to it.


Virtually all the Jewish Ethiopians are now in Israel as full Citizens. Try to get the simplest things correct.


You do need an education. Most all the Ethiopian Jews are now citizens of Israel, some 100,000 or so, after being evacuated from Ethiopia, similar to the Yemeni Jews. Only a few thousand remain in Ethiopia. Oh, and most are actually not Jews but Christians. But there is growing political pressure to allow most to make Aliyah if they have family in Israel who are citizens. Try to get the simplest things correct before spouting.

Jim Allen

This is not a peace plan.


Maybe not if the Palestinians and their enablers make it not a peace plan. Then the next plan they get will be written by the Orthodox Jews which makes the entire area from the River to the Sea a unified Jewish State with a solid Jewish majority and a lot more Palestinians in Europe, Jordan, Egypt, etc.

Jim Allen

That remains to be seen.

Free man

Both Israelis and Palestinians are passive regarding the peace process. Both parties have unrealistic fantasies. So if there is a proposal that will result in the establishment of a Palestinian state, that is a positive thing in my opinion.


But the Palestinian leadership still want it all. They will be ousted or the Palestinians will get nothing but increased suffering.

Free man

I think the Palestinian leadership is afraid to make tough decisions. They seem unable to adapt to reality. Most Arab countries grew tired of them.


And that’s why they have turned to the Sunni Arabs’ greatest enemy, Islamist Shi’a Iran. And as always, they make the wrong choice that will only bring more suffering to their People.

Free man

True, Sunni Palestinian jihadists (Hamas and Islamic Jihad) are supported by Shiite jihadists (Islamic Jihadist Republic of Iran).

Xoli Xoli

Undeniable fact and truth.In return their betray Iran to the core as Sunnis support ISIS.

Free man

The jihadists betray one another, this is not new. Hamas had offices in Damascus and when the civil war began they betrayed Assad / Iran and supported Sunni jihadists. Now Hamas and Iran are “friends” again.

Xoli Xoli

Are their still friends after Soleimani betrayal after some Hamas and Iraqi USA puppets pass on coordinates to Israel.

Ricky Miller

Most Arab countries have been bought off to abandon them. The populations of said countries are still very much eager for justice in this fight. One day there will be justice, get used to it. It’s a matter of time. Israel can get ahead of the coming American cultural and economic collapse and cut a fair deal to protect their security or can try and keep all their vast stolen areas and be eclipsed by an aggressive blowback. In twenty years Turkey, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran will all be major nuclear powers with a combined population greater than 375 million people, and have both an economy and technology base far greater than Israel’s. We’ll see how tired the Arab electorate is then of the long story of Palestinian victimization.


All those others will not volunteer to be made into pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor for your delusional Palestinian pipe dreams. Get real.

Ricky Miller

I’m not Palestinian, I’m just someone who has little tolerance for rabid injustice. Volunteers won’t be needed. Israel’s technology and economic position will erode in the fullness of time and her weaknesses will grow. A failing, self absorbed America will leave Israel exposed and isolated. It’s not a fantasy, it’s inevitable. Israel’s advantages are temporary and an accident of history. In the long run Israel’s position in the region is not sustainable. The best path to long term security for Israel would be a fair deal with the Palestinians that removes the issue from the agenda of future regional powers who have incredibly expansive growth potentials.


Maybe. Please check back in a hundred or two hundred years. The world is full of what one or another think are injustices. The only way to satisfy all these conflicting injustices would be when all were dead. Get real and grow up. Oh, and if you missed it, the Palestinian leadership basically wants it all. They want Israel gone as well as the Jews. To them, anything less is an injustice.

Ricky Miller

Stow the crap. The widescale theft and terrorizing of the Palestinians to make way for the Jewish state is a matter of historic record. Menachim Begin wrote a book about his service in the Israeli wolves, strong arming Palestinians into selling or fleeing and killing those who resisted, including British servicemen enforcing migration law. My point, all grown up, thank you is that Israel faces a stark choice. Push her advantage now, bet that her dominance lasts in perpetuity, something that rarely happens in history, or do the honorable thing and compensate the Palestinians for the theft. Without some compensation, humility and honesty the motivation to resist and redress grievances will persist and Israel will have at best an uncertain future, surrounded by a growing Arab world and being steadily left behind in population, growth and technology. This future can come within decades of a change of direction in American politics, a near imminent certainty.


When you grow up in attitude you might be less delusional and not make projections and claims based on wishful thinking. What the hell makes you think Israel will have any significant lack of support in the US Congress any time soon? And what makes you think anything Israel did short of disappearing will satisfy those with attitudes like yours in the Arab world?

Ricky Miller

You truly are an idiot. I laid out in clear and concise language exactly what Israel could do to mitigate the damage they’ve caused to the people living in Palestine when they started and finished the Zionist project. There was nothing delusional about admitting the truth of what happened while both making amends and insisting on security for the Jewish people in Israel moving forward. There’s nothing not grown up about it, people like you just don’t care and don’t want to acknowledge the depth of the crime or recognize the rights of the victims. Or, how about this as a grown up solution? Israel gives up the two state solution, ends apartheid rule and all Palestinians, including the refugees get to vote in the next elections for Knesset. Now that would hit the trifecta; justice, democratic and all grown up, just for you.


Now you’re making sense!

This is what the Irans long term plan is…hit them legally. In international courts while galvanizing military superiority…Win win solution.

Luke Hemmming

Palestinian leadership wants it all including Israel gone? Hmmm that doesn’t seem like too bad an idea at all. I like It! Great idea! Great plan! Now that’s a deal of the century!


Stealing land is injustice all day everyday. Don’t try to justify it with lukewarm philosophy Jake.


Israel is gone. You’re walking the ” Green Miles “…dead man walking. Jews only will exist as minority within Palestine. ..zionism is dead.


I said the exact same…20 years ago. Israel squandered it’s only viable option for legitimacy and endurance. The took the low road, paved by Bibi himself as exposed in the video of him stating such to an Israeli family, circa 1990’s. It’s over, the only option is for jews to exist as a minority within Palestine. Zionism is dead.

Ricky Miller

I agree. It’s a matter of time. A strong belief that overwhelming military advantage allows you to do whatever you want to people just breeds resistance. As time grows and the offense adds up, the resistance becomes more virulent. It’s an inevitable cycle. When the cycle of resistance is paired with the overwhelming advantage of demography it’s unstoppable. Just add time…


Just said the same thing in another reply down this thread.

Free man

Then you advise the Palestinians to wait another 20 years. Apparently people like you think 70 years is not enough.

Ricky Miller

History is replete with examples of much longer. Vietnam was a colony of France for a century before the Japanese liberation. Except for Dien Bien Phu the Vietnamese lost every battle with two Western military powers, France and the United States but preserved through a nightmarish situation to win both wars. The Russians paid off the Mongols/Tatars for two centuries to keep them out of the Muscovy forests before beating them in a pitched battle that led Russia all the way across the Urals to Kamchatka and beyond to Alaska and even coastal California. The Greeks lived under Ottoman rule for four centuries before reclaiming their country and the Mexica outlasted the conquest of the conquistadors of some three centuries, and today there is not a single statue of Cortez anywhere in Mexico City. If the cause is just and the theft unforgivable, fight on. The demographics will tilt economy and energy in favor of the colonized. It’s a template.

Ricky Miller

Mercy me, I left out the most salient example: the Crusader Kingdoms. Same territory, with the ancestors of Israel’s modern day enemies on one side and European Christian crusaders on the other. After two centuries of Crusader kingdoms, reinforced in waves from Europe, the natives won out. The decisive weapons: persistence, demography, and a local economy that the Crusaders couldn’t match, long term. Bursts of energy, patronage, and luck rarely mean a permanent advantage. In the end, entropy and events balance out the equation. Egypt this year is set to surpass a population of one hundred million. Turkey is rapidly expanding her technology base and is catching Israel, now being some decade or so behind. The difference is that the Turks are doing it sustainably and self reliantly whereas Israel has achieved her economic and military superiority by way of patronage of the United States. They’ll have to compete on their own someday soon. Make a deal and issue a mea culpa, ask for understanding. Compensate the Palestinians and maybe Israel can survive longer in this Era than the Crusaders did in theirs.

Free man

I always prefer peace over war. There are also many examples in history of nations that have disappeared and no longer exist. In business there is the concept of “cut your losses” – don’t look at what you have lost, look at what you might lose in the future if you continue the same way.


The reality is a slow but successful removal of the Palestinians from the land where they and their ancestors were born by a extreme right wing ideology called Zionism. How would you adapt? You definitely wouldn’t call yourself Free man.

Free man

There is an unhealthy equation in Israel / Palestine. On the one hand there is a very strong country and on the other there are a very weak conquered people. The trend is that Israel is growing stronger and the Palestinians are weakening, so the Palestinians should reach an agreement as soon as possible.


Yes, well, it’s an unfortunate business.

Raptar Driver

That’s because it is all theirs.


Its not really a state though except in name only – there is no control over borders, airspace, negotiating treaties with other countries. Its more like an enclave or statelet with very restricted autonomy

Free man

I agree. But what is the alternative? The Palestinians should start with something.


Obviously you are not a Palestinian.

Free man

No. Does it matter? Can the Palestinians fight against the whole world? Even if Iran helps the jihadist Palestinians?


Can Israel fight against Hezbolla, SAA, Iraq and Iran? It won’t be long and we will know.

Free man

Syria and Iraq are failed states. Lebanon and Iran are facing bankruptcy. Why do you wish them to fight in Israel? Wouldn’t it be better to focus on rebuilding and strengthening their economy?


Why do you have a death wish for all those millions of Muslims? You must really hate Muslims.


The whole zionist world is what you meant.

Free man

Are you trolling? Have you seen who supports Trump’s peace plan? It is true that there has never been such great support for Israel. This is indeed a tragedy for the Palestinians.


Since the basic idea of Zionism is that there be a Jewish State where the Biblical State was is now recognized as Israel in international law and by both the UNSC and UNGA as well as most all countries in the world, most all the world is Zionist.

Arch Bungle

They are not fighting the whole world.

They are only fighting the USA.

The day Uncle Sam walks out on that whore Israel in search new tite booty, there’s gonna be a lot of dead Shlomos piling up at the exits of ben gurion airport …

Jim Allen

It does not. This “deal” is the same deal the Zionist Khazar pretend Jews, offer up periodically, as if it were something new. On this occasion The Zionists have had The City of London’s bully puppet come to present this large amount of nothing. The Impeached standing with the Indicted. Leaders of the two most hated countries on Earth today. Palestine stated what it needed decades ago, clearly. That has not changed, and I get the idea Palestinians are not going to change their minds, given all the Zionist Khazar pretend Jews. have visited upon them since the mid-1940’s. It would appear the Semite’s possess some strength in their character.

Jimmy Jim



The illegal settlements are no different in purpose to the castles built on many strategic hilltops by the Normans after the Norman conquest of England in 1066.

Or as in the Israeli case, the Israeli dogs pissing on hilltops to mark out their territory.


What you puffing on, dude?

Jimmy Jim


Arch Bungle

Jake321’s m.o is to go silent or throw ad hominems when faced with superior facts or reasoning (this happens all the time). Standard hasbara operating methods.


Yep, and the Normans won and stayed.

Traiano Welcome

Actually, my ancestors the Romans, won and stayed. Sadly, they also razed Jerusalem to the ground.


LOL…you really are out of it. Those Orthodox Jews are protesting because they don’t want a Palestinian State of any kind West of the Jordan River. Heck, many don’t want any Palestinians West of the Jordan River. But as usual, the Palestinian leadership and their enablers will say no, engage in more violence. And the next plan they get will be written by those Orthodox Jews. Damn, you are dense. Try to keep up.


LOL…not one of those is in Israel of the Orthodox Jews protesting the creation of a Palestinian State. Try to lie better.


So you divert. So what? There are a small number of insignificant gadflies in all groups. They have zero political power in terms of the current situation. Your friends will reject this plan and the next will be much worse. And the one after that will be still worse. And if the minority Orthodox in Israel who are protesting get their way there will not only be no Palestinian State of any kind but way fewer Palestinians West of the Jordan River, if any.


I never block anyone. And I care a wee bit more about reality than you seem to. I’m here to know my enemy, not to make friends. And to have some fun pointing out silliness, inaccuracies and stupidity.


Nahhhhhhhh…you posted irrelevant, ignorant, diversion.


Nahhhhhhhh…the Orthodox protesting in Israel in terms of the new peace plan are protesting any Palestinian State. The folk in the US you posted, are mostly non-Orthodox Jews with Bernie politics. Try to get the simplest things correct. However, there have always been a minority of Orthodox who for theological reasons don’t believe in a secular Jewish State. And only a very few of them ever protest about it. In any case, neither of these have a thing to do with the current situation. You should get an education before spouting.


Up to you to prove you are right, not me to prove you wrong. Anyway, you did not post a thing about the current Orthodox demonstrations in Israel about the new peace plan.

Traiano Welcome

I think you guys are looking for this video of orthodox jews protesting against Israeli Zionism:



They are a fringe of a fringe of Ultra-Orthodox Jews numbering in the hundreds worldwide and politically meaningless.

Arch Bungle

The Jews in general are a “fringe of a fringe” of the global Slavoid community yet they exert a disproportionate influence on Western affairs. As did the Jews upon the Roman empire. Political meaninglessness has nothing to do with size. This fringe exposes the lie that jews somehow have a birthright to Palestine.

dez nuts

Unity is the only solution. A piece of land belongs to no human being, everyone should come together and worship there beliefs in peace where they want to. So much polarization to pit people against each other. The people are stronger then the leaders who wish to keep us humans divided and killing each other.

cechas vodobenikov

while there is no evidence that Israel will collapse, many reports demonstrate that there r conflicting views amongst Israelis….you’re efforts to engage w Jackie r misguided—she is a moron

cechas vodobenikov

disagree—history demonstrates that a common enemy produces internal solidarity….the Palestinians serve to unite various ethnic religious factions in Israel, that without this enemy would likely be more antagonistic towards each other

cechas vodobenikov

obviously the USA plays a negative role here. however it is Palestinian disunity that permits the ongoing conflicts. Hamas and the PLA have been unable to cooperate. Having no effective opponent, Netanyahu is able to produce policies independent of Palestinian interests

Xoli Xoli

USA leaders pretends to be the best friend of Saudi Arabia,Turkey,Qatar,UAE ,Jordan and Egypt because 9f their oil and gas.While in the meantime splitting up Arab and Muslim countries of resistance and destroying them.Example Libya,Syria,Lebanon,Iraq,Yemen and Iran.Just by using Israel as oppress country and want it fake safety grounds.Israel is very safe which only want severe pressure on Arab and Muslim countries for their natural resources,gold,silver,cooper,oil and gas.USA,France,Britain,Italy and Germany out hidden agendas want Israel to be only strong superpower in middle east for their natural resources benefit and oil and gas stealing.


there is no deal since a deal requires two parties in agreement. sure there are two parties on one side but the party on the other side, the party you negotiated the deal with, i.e. the palestinians, is missing glaringly and thus NO DEAL however much the main white house moron and his son in law, prime scumbag kushner with his botox bitch, wish that that is the case. thus not to worry.

problem is that the thieving and murdering jews are attempting to snare putin to accept the deal, which would be a disaster since putin ought to be siding with iran, turkey, syria, iraq and hebollah with the ultimate goal to send the jews in palestine all the way to hell. they deserve nothing else than hell.

a true deal of the century would be for the moron in the white house to offer the jewry safe land in the US to settle on. that would secure peace in the middle east which has been missing since the very day lloyd-george allowed the murdering jews to move to palestine (which he had no authority to do and which also is why it is an illegal settlement which must be discontinued).


If you missed it, Putin views Israel as kind of a kindred Russian country (the largest demographic there are Russians and Russian is spoken in large parts of Israel) and he doesn’t like or trust Muslims very much. You lose.


you are delusional and you’re a victim of the jewry’s lies and deception and ought to finish yourself in a timely fashion to avoid having to see the jews kicked all the way to hell.

Xoli Xoli

Expel USANATO from Middle East then peace will prevail.


nah there is no peace in the middle east as long as one single jew remain in palestine, a land that was stolen from the palestinians and must be returned to the palestinans asap. and the jews kicked to kingdom come!

Xoli Xoli

Please help me out on this one.Which country did God give Israelis as promised land.Call Kanaan place of milk and honey.


Matters not. The Victors in two world wars, the UNGA, the UNSC and international law gave the Jews the land for their own state of Israel. And it is legally recognized by most all countries in the world. And damn, it has nailed its legal deed to Israel in a few wars which it won and has a couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles to enforce its claims. Don’t like it? Tough.

Xoli Xoli

Thank atlease for responding.But I need to know were is kanaan the promised land.Which God promised to Israel.


There is no definitive area but was basically what was known as Phoenicia back then. It included areas of were Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria are today.

Xoli Xoli

You have atlease tried your almost best thank you my opponent in coments.


Get to your suicide vest and do more than spout, big man. But do remember to practice a lot.


you’re not only a bore you’re a repetetive bore, no fun no imagination so why don’t you off yourself post haste as a one shot of creative thinking.


You volunteering to do that, kid? How’s your suicide vest practice going?

Xoli Xoli

USA time of bully is over. Everyone knows that USA has the weakest air defences. Threatening with nuclear weapons is their only priority.


There is to be made no compromises for the malignant tumor, Israel. You simply cut it off.


And who will do that? You, junior? Now get fitted for a suicide vest and give it a try. But practice a lot first.

Jimmy Jim



Get fitted with a suicide belt and give it a try, Adolf. But first take your meds and practice a lot.

Jimmy Jim



Does your mama know you do this, kid?


Arrogance, ignorance, pride and delusions. The last throws of an animal, let out its cage sometime ago, being trapped. The animal now has a choice, be declawed or put down!

Zionism is dead!


Time for you to wake up from your delusional wet dream before you drown yourself.

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