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MARCH 2025

Provocation By Spain And France To Catalan Independence Movement

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Provocation By Spain And France To Catalan Independence Movement

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Written by Jordi Oriola Folch

Spanish President Sanchez has called for a summit with French President Macron in Barcelona. Sanchez has stated that the summit can be held quietly in Barcelona “because he has managed to bring the Catalan independence process to an end.” The independence movement will prove him wrong.

When the European nation-states were formed in the 18th century, Catalonia had everything that constituted a nation (its own language, its own culture, differentiated worldview…), at the same level as nations like Germany, Italy or England. But we were defeated in wars and the Catalan state was not born. We were divided between Spain (the big part) and France (a small part). Thanks to a great will to be, we have maintained our national identity despite the will of annihilation by Spain (and also by France). Spain has been conceived with a Castilian matrix and has tried to eliminate the Catalan identity and language, that is why, for four centuries, the fit has not worked and has been provoking Catalan revolts against Madrid.

Since 2010, Catalan society became mostly convinced that there was no possible solution within Spain and decided to undertake a process of independence that still lasts (52% of the Catalan parliament is pro-independence), with a high point 2017 with a referendum of self-determination organized by the Catalan government that was won by 90%. Catalonia presupposed that Spain would react democratically seeing that the majority of Catalan society wanted a peaceful process of separation. It also trusted that the EU would prevent a violent reaction. But Spain sent 10,000 police to beat up voters who resisted non-violently and the EU said nothing.

Provocation By Spain And France To Catalan Independence Movement

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Now, President Sanchez, boasts that he has pacified Catalonia (as if we were a pacified colony) because there is less pro-independence activity than in 2017. He has taken the 9 political prisoners out of jail (although he has continued persecuting and 400 Catalans await trial) and has convened a negotiating table with the independentism, twice in four years, which seems a mockery.

If there is less mobilization is because the movement had been mobilizing for 12 years, the pandemic forced a halt and the harsh judicial repression has made a part of the independence movement to slow down out of fear of an undemocratic and ruthless state. But as Sánchez has continued to ignore the majority desire of the Catalans (80%) to solve the conflict with a referendum and not with impositions, the desire for independence remains intact and the independentism remains determined to push for an independent Catalan state that can protect the Catalan national minority.


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L du Plessis

Goverments only listen through mass violence/revolutions thats it.


yeah, like euromaidan. smart pants.


Frankly, these sore-ass Catalans can go and you know what themselves. They are ridiculous. First of all, they have the same attitude towards Spanish, as the Ukronazis towards Russians. Second, they don’t even know their own history. And then, of course, Others also must follow suit and declare themselves Catalans voluntarily or under threat: Valencians and the Aragonese. This loser should be happy that the coward “leaders” of Catalan Nazism are out of jail, because the great “president” Sanchez put his trousers down, because he needed their votes in the parliament. They actually committed crimes punishable under the Spanish constitution. This sort of fanatical ultra-nationalists should be hanged from the nearest lamp-post. There is no difference between him and the Ukrainian Nazis. Well, actually, yes. He’s stingy, like all Catalans.


Are you an Yankike, since this rant is so stupid it hurts Nazi, dont you morons have anything else, huh, and I find this rant so silly its downright hillarious, jesus you are stupid, but somehow, South F alowed this rat to write an essay while others cant. I could tell you more but I cant, right now, I have agreed upon our own fight, against the ugh….. Nazi Norwegian sheep felatores about our land, but I guess the response would be like the one above. Russia will winn the war, but loose the peace, I would never trust the Russians, never, ever. And I know where you found this link between Sore-ass and the Catalans, over at the Hurrah Partitiods sites like Faker and MoA, witch some of us destroyed completelly, but do not facts and shit like that destory your ilutions, right, moron. They pimped that, just as they where extantic when Azeris where slaughtering Armenians. But thanks for the enlightement.


now there are lazi-retarded also here, aparently… Our local ukros but fortunately, without NATO weapons 😆

Chris Gr

“Catalans”, “Kosovars” and the so called “Syrian Kurds” need US hegemony … oops I meant independence.

Chris Gr

Yes you are correct. It is just like the SDF/Rojava, a mix of communism, fascism and anarchism.


Vive la France, Une et Indivisible


This article is a joke. Catalonia never had anything that constitute a nation. You are the equivalent of the Ukro Nazis in Western Europe. Imposing your language, victimising at the same time that you are the aggressive side


So what’s the deal with this people. Why are they against the break up of Russia across ethnic lines but the support the seccesionist cause of nazi feudal catalan bourgeois. Can Spain defend it’s historical national integrity from angloprotestant machinations? Do they think they are “left wing” because aesthetics? Have they swallowed hispanophobic propaganda? Do they know the history of how elitist and supremacist Catalanism is? Do they have a retarded ukroKatalan on board? They better wise up this is some strategic failure.


I think for any ethnic minority there can only be two options: either complete autonomy from the majority, or separatism. Canada, Belgium and Switzerland are good examples of how to prevent a multi-ethnic country from falling apart by granting complete autonomy.

What China offers Taiwan is immense autonomy, hence separatism is not justified. (there it is not even about different ethnic groups, but merely different political views)

Ukraine, however, refused to offer Russian speakers autonomy, hence they got separatism and a civil war. Just like Moldova did before.


Part 2:

Catalonia also has its own language and culture and hence deserves complete autonomy, so does the Basque country. Portugal is lucky that it has been strong enough to fight off the Spaniards, else they would be a province of Spain as well now. At the end of the day, it all comes down to strength, if necessary, military strength. There is no natural law which says some people don’t have the right to self-determination.

We should get rid of the idea that borders are untouchable. Borders have changed throughout history. And if it helps prevent a civil war, change them again. Sudan split into two parts and ended a civil war that way.

Chris Gr

See? The US want to break Sudan apart right?


“We should get rid of the idea that borders are untouchable. ” dangerous , I think better accept the borders and give autonomy and live in peace. Federal structures like Switzeland or Belgium. That would have been also the solution for Ukraine… I wish Catalans , Basks , Korsika etc such autonomy , but please no revolutions (mostly with the help of foreign powers)

Chris Gr

However, modern separatism is actually a new and harsher Sykes-Picot agreement.

Sgt. Based

You can’t vote away an occupation

Chris Gr

Please stop the communist propaganda, it is the same with the so called SDF. Rojava is Syria, Catalonia is Spain. Far-leftists cope.


agree , except it is communist propaganda in Catalonia

Chris Gr

Yes and in Rojava also.

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