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Psychological Coercion : Methods Of Conducting “Color Revolutions”

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Psychological Coercion : Methods Of Conducting "Color Revolutions"

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Written by Prof.Dr. Vladimir Prav exclusively for SouthFront

As one of the main methods of conducting “Color Revolutions” in conditions of hybrid warfare, psychological coercion requires greater scrutiny. The success of a hybrid war requires the creation and functioning of “networks”, but a network-centric war, unlike wars of previous periods, is waged not by states or even by blocs, but by global structures. These can be either institutionalized structures, or shadowy groups dedicated to subversion and terrorism.

The network-centric operation ensures the ability to comprehensively manage all the active players in international relations. The introduction of the “network” solves the problem of depriving the country, armies and governments of independence, sovereignty and subjectivity, by striving to turn them into tightly controlled objects. First of all, the geopolitical aggressor consolidates control over the entire set of resources of the enemy country. The “transfer” of control of these resources to the aggressor is carried out largely voluntarily and willingly, since it is innocently perceived not as aggression, but as a pathway to development. A network-centric operation also operates in the mental cultural arena, with the goal of destroying the traditional values of a given nation, to be replaced by those of an alien culture which can be manipulated for hybrid warfare purposes.

Network-centric operations include “Color Revolutions”, the idea of which is to gain full control over the state and its territory, if possible, without the use of armed violence. The “Color Revolution” is the process of changing the ruling government of the state through nonviolent actions by citizens with the support of, and in the interests of, the homegrown opposition, backed by an external international actor. It creates the illusion of legitimacy of decisions and actions taken under crowd pressure, and also masks the illegal activities of foreign residents and the betrayal of the national interests of the state by elite groups.

“Color Revolutions” have a “latent” character and usually are not perceived as a threat by the entire host societies. Detecting acts of “Color Revolutions” is the task of the special services, in order to render them visible to the elite. The use of adequate retaliatory measures is a function of an alert political elite.

Psychological Coercion : Methods Of Conducting "Color Revolutions"

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An effective tactic of psychological coercion used during “Color Revolutions” is the method known as “pincer grip”. The object of influence, the government or another public administration body, comes under psychological pressure from both shadowy and legitimate centres of power, simultaneously “from above” and “from below”.

This tactic is implemented using the following steps:

  1. Formation of an organizational environment of psychological pressure:
  • “from above” (agents of influence at various levels of government, counter-elite, “fifth column”);
  • “from below” (creation of socio-political structures – parties, movements, foundations, centers, mass media; introduction of their representatives into public organizations, control over the media, organization of mass protests, creation of a coordination center).
  1. Practical implementation of psychological pressure “from below”:
  • arousing mass indignation and discontent among the population with the activities of the government;
  • creation of public opinion, which is the basis for legitimizing regime change;
  • preparation and launch of protests and acts of mass disobedience.
  1. Practical implementation of psychological pressure “from above” – lobbying for a profitable (necessary) version of a political decision made by the government:
  • bringing negative information about current events to political figures, including through an informal environment (relatives, friends);
  • activities aimed at convincing members of the government that there is no alternative to the proposed political solutions.
  1. Making a political decision. Coming under pressure from “above” and “below”, the government begins to make poor decisions. If these decisions do not satisfy the organizers of the Conspiracy, then the psychological pressure increases. If the decision corresponds to the interests of the organizers of the Conspiracy, then there is transition to the next step.
  2. The removal of psychological pressure. If the decision is welcomed and approved by the population, then psychological pressure is lifted from the government, whilst provocative activities to arouse mass discontent and protests are curtailed. The situation is normalised.

The effectiveness of the above process is influenced by many factors, including the psychological characteristics of the population whose consciousness is being manipulated, the real social conditions in which this population is located, their mass expectations, as well as the cohesion and professionalism of the members of the organizational environment team under psychological pressure “from above” and “from below”.

Psychological pressure on the military-political leadership of the state – “pincer grip” – is launched on three levels:

  1. International level (external Conspiracy forces);
  2. elite groups of the center;
  3. elite groups of the periphery.

The elite groups of the center and the periphery pursue similar goals in many ways. In order to increase their pressure “from above” on the top officials of the state, they turn to external political forces, to the international organizers of the Conspiracy.

All the “Color Revolutions” that are taking place in the world, and in particular in the post–Soviet space, are a phenomenon prepared and organized by the United States to establish geopolitical control over those states and territories that were previously in Russia’s zone of influence. Currently, Russia is listed by the United States and NATO countries as one of the main geopolitical rivals. Therefore, the main goal for the geopolitical struggle of Washington is, ultimately, Russia itself, which it never hides.

For states and regimes, “Color Revolutions” carry colonial aspects. When implementing this scenario, the interests of society are completely ignored. The society itself becomes a bargaining chip. The “revolutionaries” themselves are the first to disappear from the political arena, and are sometimes quietly eliminated. People who begin to sincerely believe in the ideals of the “color revolutions”, unaware that these are provoked ideals, in fact, become the expendable fuel of such revolutions. Society itself is being brought out of balance, social foundations are being violated, the authority of the government is falling, discontent is growing, not to mention the functioning of the economy. All these are ideal conditions for imposing and establishing Western models of social structure. Wherever scenarios of “Color Revolutions” have been implemented, today we can observe either a partial or complete loss of sovereignty. Here are two examples.

Psychological Coercion : Methods Of Conducting "Color Revolutions"

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Modern Georgia: lost its sovereignty; the “Rose Revolution” led to serious processes that destabilized society; it also lost about 20% of its territory. Territorial problems are observed in all countries of the post-Soviet space, at one time or another, oriented towards the United States.

Georgia is the most important geopolitical springboard for the United States to consolidate its position in the Caucasus. This is due to the fact that Georgia is a transit country for energy resources from the Caspian region to Europe. Georgia is an element of the Caucasian isthmus, through which Russia can establish direct strategic relations with Iran. Georgia is a springboard for the deployment of military force and political influence to the entire Caspian region, including Russia.

That is why, realizing the main task of US geopolitics related to Russia and the Caspian region, the United States worked hard to remove Georgia from Russia’s sphere of influence, and establish its own control over the country. Thus, Georgia has adopted the Atlanticist vector of development, having completely lost any sovereignty.

Psychological Coercion : Methods Of Conducting "Color Revolutions"

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Since the 2000s, the US-centric world order has been collapsing. A multipolar world has begun to take shape, and the necessary conditions begun to be created in international relations. To ensure leadership in the new world order, the United States began the deliberate creation of chaos, to slow down the consolidation of alternative centres of power, in particular, Russia, China and a United Europe. To solve these tasks, the United States (the collective West) uses Ukraine, with the help of which the main blow is being inflicted on Russia – as part of a hybrid war against Russia, in which there is a large-scale use of armed forces.

In 2014, the collective West (the United States and NATO countries) organized a Color Revolution in Ukraine, the finale of which was an unconstitutional armed coup. Pro-fascist forces came to power, which are still in charge of the United States. This was the beginning of the genocide against the people of Donbass. The coup led to a civil war in Ukraine.

Under these conditions, the collective West began to actively work to form an “anti-Russia” state in Ukraine, whose main goals were:

  1. to establish a springboard for constant military pressure on Russia by creating military bases, integrated intelligence centers, deploying elements of the missile defense system, and the constant presence of warships in the Black Sea. Currently, this bridgehead is being used to wage an armed war against Russia;
  2. the implementation of NATO standards in the Ukrainian army and the supply of modern types of weapons, preparation for combat operations against the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  3. appropriation of the fertile lands of Ukraine to ensure the food security of NATO countries amid the current global food crisis. Ukrainian grain is currently being exported to the world market;
  4. provision of water resources to European countries at the expense of Ukraine, amid rising pressure for fresh water resources on Earth;
  5. indoctrinating the people of Ukraine with a fabricated lineage, dividing them from their Russian heritage and inculcating hatred for Russia and the Russian people, in the Nazi militaristic spirit, thus turning Ukraine into a weapon to be used against the Russian world;
  6. deindustrialization, since only some goods produced in Ukraine are needed by Western countries (they do not need competition).

Let’s consider how Ukraine was turned into an enemy of Russia, into an “anti-Russia” state:

  • The common history of Ukraine and Russia (the history of a single state) was destroyed – the so-called “New Ukrainian History” was invented. The historical spiritual and moral commonality has been broken and the notion of the triune Russian people (Russian-Belarusian-Ukrainian) has been destroyed. This included the provoking of a schism within Orthodoxy, which has led to a religious conflict between the Orthodox in Ukraine and Russia.
  • The values of the Western world, which today are very far from the divine commandments, were imposed on the Ukrainian population. Ukraine has raised an entire generation on the ideas of Bandera, on Russophobia, on chauvinist nationalism. The Russian language, traditions and culture of Russia were scorned. Russian schools, the broadcasting of Russian TV channels and radio, Russian music, and the distribution of written material from Russia are prohibited.
  • Family ties were destroyed. Crimea became part of Russia, whilst the DPR and the LPR did not want to live under the control of the Nazi-Bandera authorities. Social contradictions and the different mentality of western and eastern Ukraine, along with other reasons, led to a civil war, and to the genocide of the peoples of the DPR and LPR.
  • In 1991 Ukraine was a rich, prosperous state with industrial and scientific potential, developed infrastructure and nuclear energy. After independence, the country’s economy was systematically deindustrialized, and much of the national capital stolen and exported to the West. Ukraine began to work only for the oligarchs, and the Western economy. Economic ties with Russia were reduced to zero, and the entire economy of Ukraine was turned against Russia.
  • Organizational and personnel changes were launched in the structures of public administration. Notorious nationalists raised on fascist ideology, with whom it is impossible to conduct diplomatic negotiations, were recruited. Any future negotiations can be based only on complete denationalization and demilitarization.
  • Ukraine has established close ties with military structures and special services of the West, which have provided formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine capable of conducting military operations against Russia.

Thus, “Color Revolutions” are network–centric operations aimed at subverting the existing political establishment in a particular country. They is based on techniques of civil struggle developed by American specialists. The purpose of a “Color Revolution” is to gain full control over the state and its territory, if possible without the use of formal military violence. Armed violence may be the last phase of the Color Revolutions, as clearly manifested in Ukraine in 2014.


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Kurva Math

find and destroy the british terrorists who engineered belgorod massacre

Blass Jaqui



these links refute the bs article you are commenting under:

james a isn’t is real name. he’s estonian with a ukrainian wife:

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“karate buryat”


russia and china and iran need to play by the same rules their demonic adversary uses.


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“karate buryat”


these links refute the bs article you are commenting under:

james a isn’t is real name. he’s estonian with a ukrainian wife:

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these links refute the bs article you are commenting under:

james a isn’t is real name. he’s estonian with a ukrainian wife:

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Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

if you see any double commenting from me, it means the orange text “awaiting approval” disappeared.

“karate buryat ”


1. if you invade another country don’t act surprised when you get bombed in return.

2. soldiers that raided belgorod are from russia. it showed that russia had absolutely no soldiers guarding belgorod oblast’s border with ukraine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

these links refute the bs article you are commenting under:

james a isn’t is real name. he’s estonian with a ukrainian wife:

counter- /currents. com/ author/ james- a /

mega. nzz/ file/ 1wvhyjtb# v1adfrgasm2aypojv9whvkjqdng6o4koabgd4hoppie


they’re not fighting nato in ukraine either, most of the soldiers speak russian or ukrainian. they do not look like any ethnic group from western, or central europe. they don’t look like american whites. this isn’t world war 3, or russia would be attacking actual nato countries. it’s nothing more than a coping mechanism to ignore the fact the russian military struggles to conquer and annex ukraine, which means they cannot defeat nato in a full-scale war.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean
moron sean #1 hillbilly

my senility com from sniff glue—my insecurity cuz i feminized amerikan


these links refute the bs article you are commenting under:

james a isn’t is real name. he’s estonian with a ukrainian wife:

counter- / currents. com/ author/ james- a /

mega. nzz/ file/ 1wvhyjtb# v1adfrgasm2aypojv9whvkjqdng6o4koabgd4hoppie


if you see any double commenting from me, it means the orange text “awaiting approval” disappeared.

“karate buryat”

Timothy Buck II

are you severely ret@rded?


denis’ telegram channel features an ex1amination of tesak’s injuries from a fake suicide that involved the russian jail turning off security cameras to hide the russian police murdering him.

does denis look “american” to you? posted june 24, 2023: http: // tinyurl. com/ bdhprz7t

he’s one of the “nazis” in ukraine. he’s originally from russia. he leads the russian volunteer corps.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

these links refute the bs article you are commenting under:

james a isn’t is real name. he’s estonian with a ukrainian wife:

counter- /current s. com/ author/ james- a /

mega. nzz/ file/ 1wvhyjtb# v1adfrgasm2aypojv9whvkjqdng6o4koabgd4hoppie


if you see any double commenting from me, it means the orange text “awaiting approval” disap peared.

“karate buryat”


i discovered only the tinyurl links work after copying and pasting comments i leave in this chat room.

the truth about euromaiden: tinyurl. com/ mpsx27hd

best of jame’s a’s rants: tinyurl. com/ us599vk7

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

these links refute the bs article you are commenting under:

james a isn’t is real name. he’s estonian with a ukrainian wife:

counter- / currents. com/ author/ james- a /

mega. nzz/ file/ 1wvhyjtb# v1adfrgasm2aypojv9whvkjqdng6o4koabgd4hoppie


basically half of the “nazi” community thought that putin is their saviour as an direct result of russia paying them to shill for them.

tinyurl. com/ 3hez9hxd

“charles bausman who owns the pro-kremlin propaganda website, ‘russia insider.’ he is reportedly financed by russian oligarch konstantin malofeev via alexey komov.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean
moron sean #1 hillbilly

bausman is amerikan moron like sean hillbilly


these links refute the bs article you are commenting under:

james a isn’t is real name. he’s estonian with a ukrainian wife:

counter- / currents. com/ author/ james- a /

mega. nzz/ file/ 1wvhyjtb# v1adfrgas m2aypojv9whvkjqdng6o4koabgd4hoppie


malofeev also funds russian separatists in ukraine, and founded/funded aleksandr dugin’s thinktank ‘katehon’ (which is aimed at subverting westerners) and tsargrad tv, on which dugin has a show.

apparently, trs’ national justice party throws events at a barn on bausman’s $450k 5-acre property, which is also home to one of njp’s founders, greg conte.”


these links refute the bs article you are commenting under:

james a isn’t is real name. he’s estonian with a ukrainian wife:

counter- /currents. com/ aut hor/ james- a /

mega. nzz/ file/ 1wvhyjtb# v1adfrgasm2aypojv9whvkjqdng6o4koabgd4hoppie


most of the alt-right talking heads were being funded by russia too. dysgenic liars like mike cernovich and eric striker are in on it as well. richard spencer was married to a fat woman from georgia that shilled for dugin and translated his books into english and published by arktos books.

moron sean #1 hillbilly

typical hillbilly amerikan worship money


if you see any double commenting from me, it means the orange text “awaiting approval” disappeared.

“karate buryat”


these links refute the bs article you are commenting under:

james a isn’t is real name. he’s estonian with a ukrainian wife:

counter- /currents. com/ author/ james – a /

mega. nzz/ file/ 1wvhyjtb# v1adfrgasm2aypojv9whvkjqdng6o4koabgd4hoppie


this is all nonsense as pressure is not coercion. there is no “psychological coercion” (that would be psychotic, i.e. to think there is)… nobody can force you by means of psychology. you can only be manipulated, but that entails your cooperation, hence a decision on your part.


pressure by the government, by people etc. is always there and absolutely normal, yes, necessary. what government can there be without pressure from the sovereign (other than in a dictator’s wet dream)… whereas the government also needs to enforce decisions. the question is: are the goals good or not.


that’s all that matter. it’s not a question of method, but one of good or bad, i.e. useful or not, in the best interest of those involved, morally and ethically sound or not. coercion is always bad… applying pressure not; applying pressure is most necessary and an important tool of the free. don’t confuse the two… that’s insincere.

amerikans are morons

dumb hillbilly in portland


try to understand, then you will see you’re describing yourself. i’m not defending “color revolutions” – networks and pressure are applied, yes, but it’s not just psychological and it’s no real coercion – which is good, bc that means you can do sth. against it!. greetings from the intelligent epicentre.

Edgar Zetar

agreed. too much propaganda and failed abortions damaged his brain for sure.

amerikans are morons

another american idiot

Edgar Zetar

you are a moron dave, let me put you an example coercion, real life example, they did it on my dead wife, they talk to her using their relatives, their relatives are poor, and they promised to her to help her out with her relatives, offered money, even to help her on to take a surgery. well, she accepted and they killed in the surgery using unprofessional and money seeker surgeons. it was her fault, nope, because they prepared the ground beforehand. it’s how persuasive coercion works.

Taliban superior to amerikan

“amerikans do not converse they entertain each other. amerikans do not exchange ideas they exchange images. the problem with amerikans is not orwellian it is huxleyan—amerikans love their oppression”. neil postman

Edgar Zetar

they have several segments into their society, but most americans (300+ from 350+ millions are dumb, their economy depends on them to be dumb so they system could work) they enlighten fathers, “founding fathers” have secret sects and societies, they developed a system that’s second to none. dave is just the end product of u.s.a. system, just a puppet while their masters are ruling over western world, put zelensky as president of ukraine. even c.i.a and m.i.c are tools

Taliban superior to amerikan

educated in amerikan hillbilly school


dare i ask if you dutifully lined up for your triple covaid$ death squirt and booooooooooooo$t€r?


” nobody can force you by means of psychology ” manipulate , spy, blackmail , threaten , if not enough then provoke “accidents” , terror acts, assasinations , finally they finish you off . the transition from psychological to physical violence is fluid. make no mistakes.


these links refute the bs article you are commenting under:

james a isn’t is real name. he’s estonian with a ukrainian wife:

counter- /currents. com/ author/ james- a /

me ga. nzz/ file/ 1wvhyjtb# v1adfrgasm2aypojv9whvkjqdng6o4koabgd4hoppie

amerikans are morons

we stupid like manipulation


there is real pressure, that comes to bear, like lies and actual violence, that’s far more important.


of course, the writer betrays his fear of the people, that’s for sure. again, maidan etc. were terrible, manipulations, but there is a reason the kreml nomenklatura doesn’t openly give casualty numbers etc. the free – by that i mean an individual free from psychological manipulation and the powers that be; i don’t mean americans. thank you


“the writer betrays his fear of the people, ” the writer explains brilliant how the color revolutions work. it’s a diabolic western way to conquer the world. however it works worse and worse the last years.

Taliban superior to amerikan

“amerikans are not educated to think sociologically or historically…the functional illiteracy and ignorance of amerikans has made us an international joke”. morris berman

jens holm

fugees coerced my waif to do things she usuly dont do wit me, foer exemple arse fuk, i laikedd

tumsaywer moron hillbilly

jens like dildo manipulation

Taliban superior to amerikan

how does jens control diarrhea?

moron sean #1 hillbilly

i best hillbilly—fentanyl and glue good for my senility

Jews rape kids

that’s why any country should purge all jews from decision making positions. sooner or later they’ll create a 5th column, or change the country from within by opening it to external 5th columns. is always the jews

Blass Jaqui


Edgar Zetar

great report! they are a lot of shadow people deployed and very well disguised in the controlled countries, even generations and elite families since the end of world war 2 were deployed by both winner sides, not usa used this techniques also ussr did the same on their side. the thing is ussr felt and then usa attacked the ussr legacy worldwide. now they are attacking russia directly using all kinds of playbooks from cia and even military tactics that were soften in order to use in civil domain.

Edgar Zetar

also, all the winners on the battlefield used this tactics after defeating and occupied their cities of the defeated. even the churches institutions used this techniques over centuries to expand the reign of god, and that’s what we call, development of the western world.


there is only one country that has the expertise to carry out color revolution and thats the uk. their infrastructure is 5 eyes, ngo (soros is british asset as kissinger was), political (most politicians accross the world have been corrupted), financial (blackrock, etc are weaponized from london)… this “pressure” is precisely what trump and american are undergoing now, the message is: surrender, you’ll become a happy slave


deceiver and asset trump is undergoing nothing because he just plays his role same as ah.


the “smo” is the cure for the so-called color revolution in rump ukrapperland. maidan should never have been allowed to happen. the malcontents and agents of the anglozionazi empire of filth were all known in those countries targeted by the zionazis. they should have been “removed” before the first molotov was thrown. as for presstitutes and political hoes….things happen in the night and any functioning intelligence service knows the cure for fanatical traitors.


yes, yanukovich should have never ran away, he should have stood strong and asked putin for help in putting down maidan. but instead here we are now


we do not know what really happened in the background so let’s not judge people too quickly. the globalists were really throwing money at it as victoria nudelmann said in the intercepted telephone call. it also looks that the secret service and the chain of command were corrupted. but indeed the outcome has been a disaster.


i don’t know if the author is trying to sound smart of if it’s a translation thing, but this article is quite obtuse.

color revolutions happen because the us funds organisations, making people depend on their money and isolated from their own nation. it stops working when there’s a big enough energy base in or around that nation (unless that nation is the us). when there’s simply too few businesses directed towards dependence on the us, all the elites gather behind their leader.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu

and this happened in hong kong, belarus, kazachstan and russia. it is currently happening in the middle east. every color revolution of the 21st century is being turned around now due to asian coal (china & india), natural gas and solar panels, with china at the center.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu
hillybilly in california

amerikan no psychology–we all robots…conformist insecure feminized


1. is poroshenko still receiving his “ukrainian pension” despite his relationship with the lpr?


2. are you aware of the treaty the ukraine engaged with the united states regarding its “succession” the treaties the u.s. brokered with the ussr?


3. are you aware of the context regarding the role of georgia — and not belarus — in a “triune” for the “dissolution” of the soviet union” that was contended at the time to be in violation of the soviet constitution?


these three factors are essential in the context of the premise of this article. i do not necessarily disagree with anything it says regarding the alleged tactics, but the context contradicts itself.


do you remember when zelenskii got “hit over the head” by the administrative court after he said what he did about the constitutional court?

the same thing had been occurring in the u.s. for years — only instead of calling it “covid 10” they called it “disability.”

they called it something different in the ussr.

is that the “succession” at stake?

the “contract award” is appropriated through different line items and the libel makes the cost accounting off.


the gallop organization did say that around now “pension obligation” was going to be the major global concern…

do you agree?

how do you “earn” a “pension” in a “revolution?”

the same way the state “coins money.”

Gengisen Jensen

your explaination 9f “color revolution” is a perfect blue print of the george floyd riots all across america

and then how trumps legal, peaceful political protest or possible contesting of a political will of the people was

transformed into an american maidan but trump didn t have enough ukrainian proud boys to transform washington into kiev. 2014.

let’s hope & pray that anglo saxon brits do not burn down the white house again.

Paul Citro

this is excellent information. this kind of nefarious activity can be countered only if it is understood. this article should be saved, studied, and widely disseminated.

Daniel Weatherman

putin and eastern european governments made it easier to enact by making elite networks too strong critical to governance. you only have to clear out 150 or 200 united russia elites and some bankers to take over. in my opinion the color revolution is too soft a means today. the cia is more ready to instigate a civil war or coup than a popular protest. perhaps cyber attacks will change this trend or focus on asia will make them more relevant. kaiser chiefs – i predict a riot


“in my opinion the color revolution is too soft a means today”, the results are worse and worse , yes. nothing really succeeds as the western elites wish. see syria, libya , georgia , ukraine , arminia, kazakhstan, or the chinese uighurs. but i think it’s not the method which fails but the whole western power which is on decline.

Edgar Zetar

another cracker p0t hillbilly american idiot… according to him there are only 200 people heads on russian federation… keep on watching your msm and hollywood movies, someday maybe you will kill all your neurons, go go go brandon!


why has us supreme court restricted abortion? they should be mandatory for inferior species amerikans

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