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MARCH 2025

PSYOP Operation Launched To Convince Public That Terrorists In Moscow Were Muslims

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PSYOP Operation Launched To Convince Public That Terrorists In Moscow Were Muslims

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The large terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall in Moscow was accompanied by large media campaign. Likely Ukrainian/NATO PSYOP forces shared numerous fake reports aimed to hide the culprits.

The main goal of the ongoing informational operation is to assure the Russians that the attackers were muslims. For example, the photos of several natives of Ingushetia who are allegedly being searched by the Russian special services. It turned out that the photos showed terrorists liquidated in recent Russian anti-terrorist operations in early March.

PSYOP Operation Launched To Convince Public That Terrorists In Moscow Were Muslims

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PSYOP Operation Launched To Convince Public That Terrorists In Moscow Were Muslims

The list of terrorists destroyed in Ingushetia on March 3

Another fake report was shared on the social media. A ‘mother’ of a wounded men hastened to share her comments:

PSYOP Operation Launched To Convince Public That Terrorists In Moscow Were Muslims

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“My son miraculously survived!”

The main points of the fake message included:

  • there were at least 10 barbed militants;
  • they spoke likely Arabian;
  • they had the same symbols (chevron) similar to mosque.

Another fake claimed, ISIS took responsibility for the attack.

PSYOP Operation Launched To Convince Public That Terrorists In Moscow Were Muslims

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The main voice of American propaganda, CNN reported that ‘since November, there has been “fairly specific” information that ISIS in Afghanistan wanted to carry out terrorist attacks in Russia. US intelligence warned Russia about this’.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians began phone terror. They are using fake numbers to call the 112 hotline number in order to sow panic. Mass fake calls claim alleged shootings and armed attacks in different public places, including shopping centers, schools etc.

The culprits of the terrorist attack are yet to be identified; but the ongoing coordinated informational operation indicates that someone is trying to hide behind the ‘Muslims’. WAshington has already hindered that there are a


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didn’t someone say lately, that there will be nasty surprises to russians? just saying…

CEO of Yapping

“we will win because we are stronger and russia will pay for supporting….bla bla bla” – remember that interview from rt?

some telegram channels saying isis claims responsibility for it… lmfao… they zionists and yanquis never let isil/isis die.

oh it look bad for “israel” and the us because the statements and hints they drop… isis have their backs, isis is always there to save “israel” and the us.

p.s nord stream… hello

Last edited 11 months ago by CEO of Yapping

why would they? they have used the same supposed leader dying like 20 times over and over and barely anyone notices because they frankly don’t care about the truth. the theater is there to give people the lame excuse to believe something, anything no matter how stupid, other than the truth. their pathetic egos cling to the lie until they are branded and starving. the funniest joke will be on the people orchestrating the lie.

محمد مصاصة الديك

work of our brothers allakhu akhbar!!! 💪🇸🇦


disgusting pig


your a zionist jew. your name means in english muhammed is cocksucker. moreover you prenounced akbar just like you prenounce hamas (khamas). so clearly your native tongue is hebrew. so i agree, you are right. israel is behind all of this. your nazi brothers from tel aviv did this.

Last edited 11 months ago by Algerian
Icarus Tanović

your mother was raped by jewish people?

Smart Person

one day, the russian people will understand that the austrian painter was right.

AM Hants

isr*el secret intelligence service. have you noticed how many nations have sis divisions?

Florian Geyer

the 1000 pound question could well be, ‘ when will a brit false flag erupt in london?

AM Hants

1/3 do you remember westminster bridge? funny how the polish politician just happened to be there, the same one who congratulated the us on a good job, with regards ns2 and the same one who was a witness, when yanukovic stepped down. he videoed the event. the strange thing, st thomas’ hospital is the other side of westminster bridge, a 5 minute walk from the houses of parliament/palace of westminster.

AM Hants

2/3 so why was an air ambulance at the ready, before it kicked off? why were there no security on the gates, when the prime minister was in attendance for a vote? why were the crisis actors laid out for hours after the event, on westminster bridge, when a major teaching hospital was a couple of minutes away?

AM Hants

3/3 it all happened during an exercise, focused on such an event had just finished the day before. just like 9/11 and just like mh17. they always have an exercise, based on the event, running parallel. why is radislaw sikorski always on the scene, or first to comment and congratulate?


the parrot change the nick but spreads the same old song


you are the parrot and troll of sf

Icarus Tanović

yes, wolf change his sking, but never his temper. snakes change their skins but will always stay and forever the same snakes. isil is anglo/american/zionistic organisation to serve their interests. there are no muslims there! no muslims there!

Ernst von Kierleis

keep repeating it and who knows, you might convince yourself. i am in favor of deporting all snackbars!

jens holm

easier to make a list for lovers


nato scum comiting terror attacks brings nothing ppsitive to them and open a synister door against us, civillians, in its dominion….

Icarus Tanović

only zionists can do something like this. blood thirsty monstrosities.

Last edited 11 months ago by Icarus Tanović

they did 911. they kill palestinian civilians all the time based on a whim. once you earn that reputation, they should keep that reputation.

AM Hants

wasn’t her boss, when she was handing out the cookies in kiev, back in 2014, caught visiting downing street just last week? who was visiting kiev, just a few days ago, from the us state department?


russia is the only country in the whole world which have good relationship with muslims,arabs,indians,chinees and blacks.even having them as citizenz.there is no where how lovely muslims will attack russia.it is france,usa and britain and zionist just look israel will soon visit russian to tame putin.foolowed by two tongue snake erdogan and modi.as advise by washington.

CEO of Yapping

i don’t get it… isis is creation of “israel” and the us, at the end… it is still them behind the attack.

remember ukraine attacking russian borders? isis members from idlib were killed with ukrainians… russia has proves (their dead bodies).

i mean this is great for west msm… they can ignore macron the moron and what france is doing in ukraine, they can ignore zionists war crimes in gaza, they can ignore the laughable “ceasefire resolution” at the un…

CEO of Yapping

as of now these terrorists are on the run… these aren’t normal wahhabis, that is all i’m saying.

you should have seen how calm they were (i have seen good amount of terrorists attacks)… i saw the clips and they had plans ready. this attacks remind me of christchurch mosque shootings… that guy also planned his attack and you could feel it… this attack in russia give me the same vibs as that in nz.

محمد مصاصة الديك

where there is terrorism, you will always find muslims. allkhu akhbar!

Last edited 11 months ago by محمد مصاصة الديك
Icarus Tanović

and alexander the jerk.

CEO of Yapping

oh let’s fight over what words mean… have fun with that. you know when talking about war crimes it is alway the same countries that killed more civilians than all “terrorists attacks” and lie about it (wikileaks)… what those that say about those countries? very loving people huh.


your zionist jew. no muslim would name himself muhammed is cocksucker like you did. this is translation of yiur name from arabic.

jens holm

are you yeaterday and with history book.

look how russia lost ww1. thats a good one. it even has pictures and paintings.

CEO of Yapping

hey can some-one tell me where is isil to attack “israel” or the us in iraq, syria, turkey, jordan, egypt?

ohhh what is that? the fsa (free syrian army – ex-isil) that control idlib sent fighters to ukraine to fight russians… and openly tweets they support “israel”…

yeah “israel” and the us created isil/isis is bs story people… the fuk.

AM Hants

do you remember obama bragging about the fact that he created isil who are also known as i sis. sis is an acronym for secret intelligence service. what nation does the i belong to and it is not iraq or iran.

CEO of Yapping

it is so stupid people still coping that isis/isil/daesh had no links with the us or “israel”.

the jews in “israel” was giving them intel, protect them, saved their life, had to forcely take their spies out of syria (white helmets = mi6/cia/mossad)…

you can’t even call isil/daesh a muslim group as they follow wahhabis which get laugh at 24/7 by sunnis ffs.

jens holm

its highly incorrect. for a while isis desperat as a last zone to israel were helped very much.

they were a exent buffer killing many assad syrians and isis too. no jewish graves were digged.

everyone can look up the well described helmelts. its only true israel were happy for them.it was very good they were fightings up there.

you still dont understand so many dont like you. grab a mirror. you have nothing to offer and insist..

jens holm

it was a very short while and last chance too remove assads.

usa(and uk and france) burned their fingeres in the hard way. kurds became partners and and isis well.

thats the reason for assads still are alive but assisted by russia and iran.

saudis and rich extremist still supported isis but usa stopped it and stopped saudis in many things-thats why the saudis like usa and not love them.

i prefare abba

jens holm

fsa are only at altanf as usa paid guards and isil are syria.

you also kow little about fsa as well as isis in syria. i do.

jens holm

isis being in ukraine only was internal russian propaganda and fake.

they were added nazis running ukraine over even the nazis are few and hardly exist.

usa and uk defeated the nazis and even assisted ussr with some 17 billions needs and tranported and shipped it.

none ignore macron. the french sometimes are one of the kind. i could understand if you named urban as a plant.


when are the israelis going to slaughter their goyim and demolish al-aqsa? is a stray bomb going to ‘accidentally’ destroy al-aqsa, or some israeli ‘extremists’ (ie zio-agents). how much more fake crying is trump going do while he pushes the mark of the beast next? (fun fact: barcodes are banded on the outside edges and middle with 6-6-6, what’s your number going to be?) remember to vote harder kids.

CEO of Yapping

nah they gonna let isis do that ofc, what are you dumb that would make them look bad.

after all, daesh was able to reach the capital of russia, but they failed to carry out more than one effective action in israel. it’s just a coincidence…


it’s likely that israeli jew’s are behind this poster and don’t forget zelensky is also a jew!

AM Hants

zelinsky whose mentors were igor kolomoisky, who was of the same faith, head of the european j ewish community and created and funded the a z o b nanzi battalion. george $oro$ was the other mentor. born in hungary of a certain faith, who bragged on 20 december 1998, on ’60 minutes’ that the greatest time of his life was in 1944 when he was a nanzi collaborator. why do so many km z ionists, support the nanzis?


it’s always about money and control were the jew’s are concerned. but they always overplay their hand and get exposed


mossad moto ‘ by way of deception we shall make war’ the jew’s are always the biggest deceiver s


if you think russian propaganda can’t be any more ridiculous, you’re wrong 😆😆😆

CEO of Yapping

those people were killed 3 weeks ago… what of that is propaganda again?

tldr you didn’t read shit, the story is social media accounts claiming those are the attacks and russia state want them… bla bla bla – like i said these people were killed 3 weeks ago.

ffs read the fuking report or fuking look it up before opening your mouth you lazy fuk.

CEO of Yapping

i love morons like you…

secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine oleksiy danilov indirectly confirmed involvement in the terrorist attack in crocus.

on ukrainian television, he said that “we will give them this kind of fun more often.”

yeah the us is telling others that ukraine was not involved… also forget about failed border attack which we saw dead isil/isis members with dead ukrainians pigs…

CEO of Yapping

to be fair some say the clip is old… but again we saw isis with ukrainians attacking russian borders…

AM Hants

reminds me of north stream. the polish defence minister, radislaw sikorski, who was a witness to the agreement when yanukovic stood down, after ns2 was taken out, he tweeted ‘well done us’, same as liz truss, then uk prime minister, who also tweeted, at exact time it blew ‘job done’.



AM Hants

us national security adviser, jake sullivan covertly went to kiev on 20th march 2024. just like brennan turned up in kiev, just before the odessa tragedy on 2 may 2014. why was obama visiting downing street, just a few days ago? what were the surprises nuland was talking about?

Icarus Tanović

this is laughable to you? this isn’t even done by humans, this is done by wahhabis who are not humans, nor you are.


“amerikunts have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. daniel boorstin

Emperor Gates

“obamas job is to lie to a nation of liars”. kiese laymon, professor unit miss.


it is like saying that rain is not water. all faggy muslims are terrorists. no exceptions.

CEO of Yapping

ah you put that much time on your ego still… lmfao. it is just – and + buddy it means nothing.

CEO of Yapping

seek help, your best allies are wahhabis and zionists which have long history of fuking you.

judaism christianity and islam are called the abrahamic religions… what you don’t like the 3rd ver?

also, clown faggy is the name of western countries… that is what they have been pushing for, it is just a fact. it is funny all the countries that against pedos and faggy shit like you get attack by good old proxy army of the west…

western demons true face

you jewish and nato weasels are scum of the earth

Icarus Tanović

of course they are.

Emperor Gates

my peasants worship money—immoral vermin but obedient submissive gullible slave—easy for me to exploit….😜

Icarus Tanović

that is you fucking alexander the own child molester. i know your stamp.


nato scum triying tonopen new fronts against rusia

AM Hants

how many i s i s members, who obama admitted creating, are working with ukraine, which has been confirmed?


tatar terrorist from krim admit this

AM Hants

russia took one of them into custody and no doubt he will be singing like a canary. isr*el secret intelligence service, are working in ukraine, with the nanzis, as the links add up. russia is not stupid and no doubt know exactly who is behind it all. revenge is a dish best served cold. sending deepest sympathies to the people of russia.

western demons true face

no doubt the west is behind this. isis is their tool of terror. the western regimes have lost all legitmiacy, now they are resorting to terrorism as desperation sets in

Last edited 11 months ago by western demons true face
Icarus Tanović

indeed, revelation after revelation.

Last edited 11 months ago by Icarus Tanović

another consequence of babyset war against ukronazi. more of this type of tradegy on the way if russia continues keeping the lives of ukronazi’s decision makers.


well…i guess it’s time for putin to pull a netanyahu and just kill everything moving in ukraine like israel did to gaza after the hamas attack..


nice try jewish fag. both israel and ukraine get weapons from usa, uk and germany. your inside jobs won’t lead you to success anyways, you dirty rats.

Last edited 11 months ago by JamL
Icarus Tanović

this looks much like attack in beslan.

Last edited 11 months ago by Icarus Tanović
AM Hants

same crowd. have you noticed that when you see i s i s or whatever they are called now, nanzies of ukraine, blm, hong kong protesters or any terrorist group, created by the c i a, they all wear the same style uniforms, have the same style body language and not forgetting the same banners and weapons. they also all use the same script, without fail.

Icarus Tanović

yes, something like that.


i dont believe it was isis in afghanistan. they can not even make operations inside afghanistan anymore because they are seriously degraded. even less inside of russia. the people who did this had outside help, namely israel.


this is nothing like beslan, or any attack before. they attacked and went out fast. terrorists in beslan and everywhere keep fighting until they are killed. there is no exception to this from earth history.


yea right packing m4’s fu*k you nazis


as usual, muslim ppl will be blame. nothing new, what else they cannot do untill at the time come, they will self exhausted and the truth will reveal.

Ernst von Kierleis

meh! southfront is run by islamists. putin made the same mistake as our european leaders: he filled moscow with arabs!


british and usa trained terrorists for such attacks, it is their style to hit the vulnerable.


falso messages from kyiv…falso info from kyiv… the moslims did it… and washinton was very fast to mention kyiv is not involved… 1 +1 = 2

AM Hants

back in 2006, russia presented new york the ‘tears of grief’ monument, where clinton and president putin were at the ceremony. it came from russia, to show friendship, compassion, sympathy and grief to the people of america, owing to events of not only 9/11 in 2001 but also the world trade centre in 1993. in 1860 the russian tsar sent a fleet of ships, to anchor off the shores of the us, when britain and france were ready to invade. what does the us send russia, besides hatred?

Last edited 11 months ago by AM Hants

no true muslim would ever launch violence particularly against civilians not soldiers (then only if soldiers attacked them first) during the holy month of ramadan. in fact the timing of this operation tells us that it must have been anyone other than an ‘islamist’. if any types raised in islam were involved they must be apostate mercenaries.


i think the people who did this were trained and brainwashed by israel. when there are puppets involved, where is the puppeteer?


hát én… a gyula… meg a tót ottó…

emperor bill gates

our incompetence notorious—all 11 moron cia idiots arrested now in russian jail…we are terrorist vermin but need lesson from taliban


it would not surprise me if the cia has something to do with it just like 9/11.


al ciaduh…the last gasp of a debauched, dying anglozionazi empire of filth.

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