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MARCH 2025

Purge of Lobbysts from White House Transition Team

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Purge of Lobbysts from White House Transition Team

Originally appeared InfoWars

Vice President-elect Mike Pence has purged lobbyists placed in key transition leadership roles by Chris Christie, the former head of Trump’s transition team.

Pence signed a memorandum of understanding Tuesday, formally placing him in charge of the transition team after New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was removed from the position by Donald Trump last week.

During his time heading the transition team, Christie placed a number of lobbyists, former bureaucrats, academics and corporate lawyers in key leadership positions, alienating many Trump allies who felt their inclusion conflicted with Trump’s pledge to “drain the swamp” in Washington, DC.

Upon replacing Christie, Pence immediately ordered the removal of lobbyists and other Christie-appointed figures from the transition team.

The decision “makes good on [Trump’s] vision of how he wants his government constructed,” one source told Fox News.

Mike Rogers, a former Representative from Michigan and chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence recruited by Christie, left his position advising the transition team on national security issues; corporate and foreign government lobbyist Matthew Freedman was also removed.

Frank Gaffney, a former defense official in the Reagan administration, has replaced Rogers in that role, along with California Representative Devin Nunes and former Michigan Representative Pete Hoekstra.

Richard Bagger, Christie’s former chief of staff who had been executive director of the transition, and New Jersey Republican William Palatucci, who served as the transition’s general counsel, were also removed from their positions.

The mainstream media has been quick to pounce on the transition team’s “state of disarray” due to “firings, infighting,” rather than praise Trump’s efforts to purge his transition team of lobbyists placed in positions by an establishment Republican.

The mainstream media’s glee in covering the supposed turmoil in the transition would be less ridiculous had that very same mainstream media not flipped out over Donald Trump’s decision to go for dinner with his family in New York City without first informing the press.

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Good….Christie is an old guard and would never be loyal enough to Trump to be depedable


Be careful in believing this is the reason. Chris Christie prosecuted Jared Kushner’s father and sent him to prison. Kushner is his son in law (married to Ivanka). Kushner’s old man was a swindler and financial con man. Kushner has power with Trump because of Ivanka. Trump wanted to pick Christie for VP, but Kushner and Invanka persuaded him against it earlier in the Spring.

That being said, Trump IS keeping lobbyists out of his administration. Today, Sean Spicer of the RNC, reported that Trump is imposing a lifetime ban on taking a lobbying job for a foreign country for everyone serving in his administration. This is Donald’s doing, not Pence’s. Pence has been controlled by lobbyists his whole career, specifically the Koch Bros. He was pro Iraq War, wanted to attack Assad, etc. He is not a great guy. HOWEVER, Trump’s top advisor is Steve Bannon, who IS a good guy and will keep Trump on track and aware of these snakes. Great news.

Marek Pejović

it might also be possible to rally those in congress who never liked how the things were run to stand behind trump and form a non-lobbyist fraction. this would crack the monolyth from inside. something like how Putin was due to his personal influence able to influence Duma laws before his party had majority in Duma.


Christie is despicable and out only for one person – his hefty self.

Dod Grile

One beached Shamu coming right up! It is hard to feel sorry for the guy, a 23 cent per gallon gasoline tax on the people of New Jersey.

This ought to make Loretta Weinberg very happy, however. Now she gets to beat him over the head with a bat. What goes around, comes around.

Gary Wells

This is encouraging.

888mladen .

Trey Gowdy for the Supreme Court judge my choice.


Joseph Scott

He’d make a pretty entertaining Attorney General.

Peter Jennings

President Trump should just keep his movements and appointments to himself and not inform those in the mainstream media who have publicly shown themselves to be puppets of warmongers and crazies.

Starve them out.

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