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PUTIN 2024, The Decisive Challenge For A Multipolar World

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PUTIN 2024, The Decisive Challenge For A Multipolar World

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Written by Piero Messina

Who is Vladimir Putin? Why can’t the West understand him? One thing is for sure: Putin represents and will represent one of the longest and most dynamic periods in contemporary history. And not just the Russian one. He is the first politician in Russia after Stalin to be designated “Tsar”.

His umpteenth candidacy to lead the Kremlin has been ratified by “United Russia”. With the support of more than 80 percent of the Russian population, his fifth term will come soon after mid-2024, right after elections set for March 15-17. Vladimir Putin has been elected to the Russian presidency four times — in 2000, 2004, 2012 and 2018. In 2018, Putin won the Russian presidential election with 76.69% of the vote.

Heartland will confirm its symbolic commander, while on the other side of the world confusion will reign supreme until November, due to yet another electoral dispute between Biden and Trump – in relation to which judicial twists and political reversals cannot be ruled out. A great advantage to face with full powers the simultaneous geopolitical crises of a world held in check by martial influences.

Putin, of course, doesn’t need history lessons. The Russian president knows very well, as we also know, that he is venerated as a prophet sent by God by many, while just as many detest and hate him as a messenger of the demonic hosts. Vladimir Putin, however, is simply a man. His story, like the story of every man fighting for power, is contradictory, with exciting pages and dark places. From Baskov Alley in St. Petersburg, where he was born, Putin learned the difficult art of survival:

“I went through very demanding street universities, you cannot offend a person without reason, you cannot behave with arrogance and contempt.”

This is his philosophy of life.

At the United Russia Congress, awaiting his umpteenth proclamation as a candidate for the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin spoke alternating the pragmatism and ethical strength of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn with the poignant irony of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov.

Speaking at the congress, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia will either be a self-sufficient sovereign power or it will not exist at all. Words that sound like yet another warning to NATO’s progressive encirclement action around Russia’s borders.

In his speech, Putin also traced the map of a possible multipolarity, clearly evoking the theses introduced into the geopolitical sphere by the philosopher Aleksandr Dugin:

“Together with all the people of Russia, we must defend Russia’s sovereignty, freedom, security, all that is dear to us, our history, culture, values and traditions. To strengthen the economy, social sphere, scientific and technological potential in the interests of people, the well-being of millions of Russian families, and, of course, to work for the consolidation of society”.

“First of all, of course, I want to thank you for your consistent and reliable support. For me it is significant and important. We have overcome challenges together, achieved success together, and together we still have a lot to do in the interests of Russia,” Putin said.

Putin also addressed the military special operation in Ukraine:

“I would like to note that many laws aimed at supporting participants of the special military operation and their families were developed precisely on the initiative of United Russia, and deputies of all factions of the State Duma voted for them, unanimously. And although I am now at the United Russia congress, I nevertheless want to thank them too for this position”

In power for a quarter of a century, Putin admitted to having deluded himself about the possibility of dialogue with the Western world. The president admits that the reality is that Europe does not need such a big country like Russia. Putin also explained  that the West decided “to follow the plan of Zbigniew Brzezinski – to divide Russia into 5 parts and pump resources from them. A divided Russia will lose its sovereignty and will not be able to defend its interests”. Finally, a clear and precise message to the US administration: “the idea that Russia will attack NATO is complete nonsense, and Biden understands this”.

Someone less biased should explain to Western governments and media what the law of life that Vladimir Putin learned in Baskov alley is: “if they have offended you you have to respond and in every fight you have to go to the end and fight as if it were the last The decisive one.”


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putin! going to make russia more american than america and show them how it’s really done.

same ole same ole.

stapo mulatto pene in rectum

used con dom more intelligen than amrerikkunt


amerikan stupid—shit more intelligent


putin is a zionist just like biden.


you are a zionist just like biden. don’t get it twisted.


netanyahu the zionist ( probably your boss) hates putin. he is no friend of his and neither does putin support the genocide of palestinians by the zionist parasites. russia is donating medical equipment to palestine in the tons and is in the process of opening up an open air hospital on the border of gaza/egypt for the injured/maimed.


imho is senile moron like biden


. “the russian president knows very well, as we also know, that he is venerated as a prophet sent by god by many, while just as many detest and hate him as a messenger of the demonic hosts”

you talking about putin or trump?

just proves that russians are the same as americans.


your last sentence reminds me of an article written by margarita simonyan editor – in – chief of rt written some years ago, in that article she talks a lot about american and russian (she has been living for years in us) anyway her main talking point or her thesis is that russian and american are too much alike, that basically russian and american are the same!

Last edited 1 year ago by Daniel

basically zelenski and a horn ox are also the same , but what does that prove?

stapo mulatto pene in rectum

dumb moron amerikan mulatto trash—russian no resemblance to inferior amerikan…’the amerikan people’….the people of great russia….both written by geoffrey gorer

Last edited 1 year ago by stapo mulatto pene in rectum

nice, three idiotic propagandistic comments in sequence. stupid meter broken, congratulations…

Last edited 1 year ago by Dstroj

dumb amerikunty…”just as amerikan society differs so does the amerikan national character differ profoundly from those is europe asia latin amerika”. geoffrey gorer


suppose the ukrainian regime fails, the us decide to back down and throw ukrainian under the bus, and then what? it reminds me of the 1945 potsdam conference and border between nk and south korea. russia shares a 2300 km border with ukraine, imagine all these minefields, wire fences etc. and there will be provocations every day. this is a burden that russia must accept even in the “best scenario”. the 2nd option is confront the usa. maybe indirectly. what about color revolution in mexico?


good points. however, it must be remembered that only zelensky’s puppet government wants war in ukraine. there will be a change of power and the new management will probably make a reconciliation. everyone in ukraine knows that ukraine invaded the east in 2014 when the east declared independence due to persecution.persecution because the east voted “wrongly”.


this is not the “best scenario” , rather one of the worst. i doubt it will end this way. korean example is the next western wet dream after the first one – to conquere and destroy russia – is over. but why should russia accept it? the west gets more and more exhausted , their position gets weaker each month, and the time for such bad compromise for russia is also over. ukraine will be really demilitarised and denazified , i believe that now.


2 many rich powerful ppl. want relations with the west, the way it was before. war was imposed on russia against their will. russia is controlled by liberals and jew oligarchs.


putin (half jew) has always declaring himself “liberal”. the russian attack on ukraine was preventive one, forced hand. the western plan was to make massive attack on donbas 1st. than “liberation” of crimea. putin knew about that plan. and he knew about nato plans to install naval base on crimea. putin’s choice was always to attack 1st. in similar situation.

gpenis germ

jens holm insert multiple pole in rectum to attract gay crazy canuck

jens holm

in my lgbt nursing home gay hillbilly teach us ebonics

jens holm

my lesbian dictator lick camel harris rectum

Daniel Weatherman

russia is shrinking in terms of power. i’d also question if 20th century power structures can achieve much. multi polar at the top chaos on the ground. hybird warfare is less effective than once thought and economic stagnation makes buying off the masses harder. putins big move for this election cycle is more about the kind of influence he can promote vis a vis china and taiwan and the kind of political rebellions he can support in africa.

Mericans Watch And Learn

putin is going to show them all how it is done, big boy style. he is taking the 8 second ride to the end, jumping off the bull like a true cowboy and tossing the 10 gallon hat to the crowd. boss style baby. putin is the best leader in the free world. brics forever, hegemony never again….!

jens holm

now macron admits russia economy thriving—nato defeated…..germ thieves very upset as their economy now look like angola with no oil

jens holm

no write me moron like amerikan


why inferior amerikan species exist? why moron jens holm and cockroach exist?


we are dumb immoral inferior species—please forgive our amerikan monkey morality


czarist russia had manpower and growth potential… ..soviet russia under red army terror and after 26 million deaths…self-destructed went into economic decline and now at the brink of dissolution…

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