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MARCH 2025

Putin: After Defeat Of Terrorists In Southern Syria, Situation In Golan Heights Must Be Brought In Compliance With 1974 Agreement

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After defeat of terrorists in southern Syria, the situation in the Golan Heights “must be brought in full compliance with the 1974 disengagement of forces agreement between Syria and Israel,” Russian President Vladimir Putin told a news conference after a face-to-face talks with US President Donald Trump on July 16.

He said that Russia is interested in peace in the area and Israel’s security and this move will allow to return security to the region and a ceasefire between Damascus and Tel Aviv.

“Mister President [Trump] has paid specific attention to this today. I want to confirm that Russia is interested in such development of the events and will adhere exactly to such position,” Putin said.

Currently, the Syrian Army is carrying out a wide-scale military operation against militants aiming to restore control of the entire area east of the Golan Heights and to reach the contact line with Israel. Considering the speed of the advance, this may become reality soon.

Putin: After Defeat Of Terrorists In Southern Syria, Situation In Golan Heights Must Be Brought In Compliance With 1974 Agreement

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leon mc pilibin

But they still have to give back the occupied GOLAN HEIGHTS.Thats what international law says.

Feudalism Victory

Israel doesnt want and no one wants to fight them for it like with their own lives.

leon mc pilibin

Are you saying that SYRIANS would not fight for their own land??

Feudalism Victory

Thats my assessment in regard to the golan heights because they need more allies and the allies wont risk it. Maybe later? Anything is possible.

S Melanson

I think you and Feudalism are both correct in a way and that is because of Israel’s possession of nukes. Syria and allies I think are prepared to go to war with Israel but the potential for nuclear war presents a quandary. This is why in the end the Golan will be resolved by diplomacy.


I would think so and for that to happen, Israel will need to be further reviled by most of the world. A regime change in Israel is a likely precursor for diplomacy in the fullness of time.

S Melanson

A big factor will be the position the US takes. If it becomes clear Syria and allies will go to war with Israel over Golan, and there is real possibility of Israeli defeat, the US will put pressure on for a diplomatic solution – US knows this would represent intolerable risk of Israel going nuclear.

So the US could be a positive factor.

Peter Jennings

I cannot see the US committing troops at this time to defend a tiny strip of land which is internationally recognised as being unlawfully occupied. They may well play a best bluff ever, since the last one, but sending american troops to die for a tiny strip of land stolen by isreal seems unlikely, no matter how patriotic US media will make is sound.

The isreali regime would need to produce a better excuse for detonating their nuclear devices, if they truly have them, than purporting to protect their ill gotten gains from being returned to their rightful owners. Syria should take it now before the isreali regime build a wall around it.

American’s are catching on fast. When the critical mass come to accept just who caused their last ‘Pearl Harbour’, it might be US troops making their way west across the Golan.

Promitheas Apollonious

israel knows if it use nuclear, it be instantly eliminated from the face of the earth, so been nuclear or not, does it no good.

S Melanson

Yes, I thought that to but what if Israel’s very existence was threatened. Russian military doctrine states right to use nuclear weapons when Russian existence threatened. Israel has similar under Samson Plan.

Even if retaking the Golan is the sole objective, there is considerable risk the objective could be expanded to take down Israel which could trigger the Samson Plan. The US would be cognizant of this risk – remember MacArthur wanted to take the war into China during the Korean War, and Patton wanted to keep going to Moscow.

Promitheas Apollonious

Russia same as US are vast countries and they can take a hit and survive at least Russia can Us doubtful.

On the other hand israel is just a small sh*thole, of a space that is seating on a nuclear bomb itself and the location is very well known. You think if israel use nuclear against in Syria, with out Iran retaliate and not only sending to that location all the missiles they have and its two major towns?

You dont need nuclear to turn israel into ashes just hit their nuclear facilities and game is over with israel becoming a big black hole. And yes they have the samson plan and have threaten even europe as their target when they try to blackmail few years back if memory serve me well.

In my expiriense is one thing farting, something jews and their side kicks in US do none stop, like any cowardice bully will do, prime examples Iran and NK, but soonest someone stand up to them, suddenly they change their tune. We have been in the international game for a life time, we see this farting game, happening over and over again. I am sure you have also. So do the maths.

as for israels existence, is already on its way out, unless Russia bail US and by extension nato out. But that it also means dissolving SCO and all countries it make treaties with and I dont see this happening. West already lost the game on all levels and they know it better than I do. So unless they plan a mass suicide and want to start WW3, they will back down and live to cheat another day.

All the info coming to us, very strongly suggest that, but maybe I am wrong, as shit happens sometimes, where you least expect it.

S Melanson

You are not wrong.

Promitheas Apollonious

:-). I am an analyst sort of semi-retired now, but in special cases still am on call.

S Melanson

Hats off to you. We analysts do work behind the scenes with little complaint and little public recognition (which is how I prefer it any way). I am semi-retired and on call as well. Be interested in trading stories ;)

Promitheas Apollonious

If you ever come around northern Greece, let me know. You are most welcome to stay with me, on my retirement place. My gmail is same as my avatar, just dont separate the name and add @gmail.com.

S Melanson

Thank you for the invite, you are a gentleman. Likewise, if you ever make your way over to Toronto, my door is always open.

Promitheas Apollonious

Thank you very much. The world is getting smaller by the day you never know.


So israhell will destroy itself to hang on to stolen property.?

S Melanson

No, I don’t. I believe that if Israel finds itself on the brink of annihilation, Israel could resort to use of nuclear weapons to take down her enemies – this is basically a doctrine of deterrence generally known as the Samson Option.

This doctrine is no different from that of other nuclear states.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That is where I disagree with you Israel isn’t that stupid because that would force Trump’s hand on reducing Nuclear weapons and a new treaty ensuring Israel is compliant. Gambits galore is what is being sold at this new summit store.

S Melanson

My reasoning is based on a scenario in which Israel faces an existential threat which could trigger the Samson Plan. If events unfolded such that Israel faced imminent destruction, Israeli doctrine under the Samson Plan is to nuke the Middle East and they will not care what Trump’s response would be because there would be no Israel. Note that Russian military doctrine is similar under conditions of existential threat even if the threat is purely conventional.

The Samson Plan is not expected to actually be implemented, as it is a deterrent where if Israel goes down, Israel takes the whole Middle East with them. It is essentially Israel’s version of MAD. But just as human error or miscalculation can cause WWIII, the same holds for the Samson Plan – and this is particularly of concern when diplomacy breaks down and open hostilities begin.

At some future point Syria will initiate negotiations with Israel for return of the Golan. If diplomacy fails and a military operation is initiated to retake the territory, it likely will involve Hezbollah, Iran, Syria and possibly Iraq. Should this coalition succeed in retaking the Golan, there is significant risk hostilities will not be confined to the Golan. Unlike Russia, Israel is a very small country and so could quickly be overrun. Even if hostile forces that have pushed into Israel proper intended to pull back, Israel may see the incursion as invasion with the objective of ‘wiping’ Israel off the map – using one of their euphemisms.

And so the risk is real under such a scenario and such a scenario is plausible based on how events are unfolding in the region. So better to anticipate and plan how to prevent things from getting out of hand such that the Samson Plan will never actually be put into action.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Samson Protocol is largely a bluff at the time they had no ability to develop anything large scale as multiple silos or even nuclear bombs. Jews bluff and why do you think they were kicked out of over a 100+ countries, wasn’t their charm.

S Melanson

I really would like to agree with you that it is bluff, but not in this case. There is practically zero doubt in the intelligence community that Israel possesses a strong nuclear deterrent force of at least 80 warheads not counting small yield tactical.

This deterrent is robust as Israel has developed submarine, land missile mobile launchers and aircraft launched delivery systems completing the nuclear triad. This provides a credible second strike ability with most of the Middle East within range.

I agree there is exaggeration as analysts doubt reports that give high estimates, some as high as Israel possessing as many as 400 warheads. Also, most analysts believe Israel has at most intermediate ballistic missile capability and this cannot target Europe, Russia of China.

As for willingness to go nuclear, Israeli doctrine is no different from Russian doctrine and is actually less aggressive than US doctrine that allows for nuclear first strike even if the US is not facing existential threat.

The danger I point out is that given Israel’s geographic small size, any ground war has the potential of quickly bringing Israel to the brink of destruction which raises the prospect of Israel, in an effort to save herself, going nuclear.

Many commenters have pointed out Israel’s IDF is a paper tiger while Syria, Hezbollah and Iran are battle hardened and can defeat the IDF militarily to take back the Golan. I agree this is a reasonable assessment and so it is also reasonable to consider the risk of Israel resorting to the Samson option. I believe the risk is very high should a military intervention to retake the Golan be initiated and successfully penetrate into Israel proper.

There is nothing controversial in what I am saying. Putin has said as much should Russia be overwhelmed by a conventional attack – Russia will go nuclear to save herself. Israeli doctrine is no different and plausible scenarios exist where, God forbid, the unthinkable could become reality.


The Golan will NOT be solved by diplomacy. IsraHell High schools already teach that it is ‘North Israel’ NOT the Golan Heights. Diplomacy is a stalling tactic designed to drag things out as long as possible so as to entrench the current situation. The only way the Golan Heights will be liberated is via conflict. IsraHell will not withdraw of their own free will. It will need to be taken by force, just as the liberation of Palestine will only occur through the use of force. End of story.

S Melanson

My thoughts are not far off from yours.

And hence my concerns over a scenario involving military action to retake the Golan and the risk of Israel resorting to the use of nuclear weapons – the Samson Plan. This is not due to potential military loss of the Golan, but to the potential for the scope of the conflict to expand beyond the Golan and into Israel proper, representing an existential risk.

My hope is they find a way to resolve without resorting to war. While I understand your pessimism, few would have believed possible peace in Ireland or South Africa. It is possible if the will is there to find a way.

leon mc pilibin

Israhell is a sitting duck,its nuclear weapons are a liability,and an easy target.think DIMONA,lol


That is only because of their Samson Option… First Create an Iron Dome around IsraHell… to make sure their Nukes stay in IsraHell… Let them commit Seppuku themselves…it’s in the Best interests of Humanity…Golan Heights should be returned… The Plan of them ZioNazis is to Sacrifice IsraHell anyway…basically the whole World…

The Farney Fontenoy

‘Lord of the Bankers’, Jacob Rothschild, Dick Cheney, the Rockerfellers & others have stakes in ‘Genie Energy’, an oil & gas exploration company, which has found large oil deposits under the Golan Heights, criminals like these aren’t bothered by little things like “international laws”.

Bill Wilson

There’s no oil worth bothering with in the Golan Heights. Genie drilled a few in the south and got a piddling amount from each one. Israel then gave them another exploratory tract further north to drill more. Genie drilled one there that was even worse so packed it up and went home. There’s oil but it’s in tight rock that holds 2-3% oil which isn’t worth extracting due to the high cost of drilling horizontal wells then fracking only to get a minor amount of petroleum. All this blather about the Golan Heights holding billions of barrels of oil was started by an investment firm trying to sell Genie stocks to the gullible public. Genie Energy is an energy trader that dabbles in O & G exploration on the side. They tend to drill where the majors won’t and get the governments to foot the bill since it’s a crap shoot.

The Farney Fontenoy

You take things at face value, do you seriously think BP, Total, exxonmobil any others would dare get involved in such a contencious project? Do you honestly think some of the richest & most powerful businessmen in the world would put their money in a company with little or no chance of getting their money back? If you found a goldmine in a warzone, you wouldn’t tell anyone how valuable it was now would you?

David Parker

I sure as hell wouldn’t surrender commanding artillery positions to Muslims.

Muslims won’t even stop launching rockets from Gaza, even though they know it means retaliatory attacks on the launch sites located on top of hospitals and schools. Muslims are all about killing, not building. They are forever talking about dying for their fictitious “Allah” but not about living to farm and manufacture and trade in an open market.

For some reason, I don’t believe the Muslims will ever stop attacking Israel: It is their religion to kill Jews and lots of Jews live there in the old Promised Land, the only country on earth with the borders mapped out by God, the creator of all.



S Melanson

Yes, you get the implications of full compliance!

Promitheas Apollonious

How about the terrorist in the north and their allies?

S Melanson

I posted above the implications of Lena Jones post which I think is correct.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Peace can only happen when the occupiers have left. All Israeli troops must leave Syrian territory. All UK-solders must leave American soil, and all the places in the world where UK solders can be found must leave. All US troops must leave all other points in the world and only be stationed on the US Canadian and US Mexican borders. All UN troops must be dissolved, for their is no nation called UN. They are only occupiers.

You can call me Al

“All UK-solders must leave American soil, and all the places in the world where UK solders can be found must leave.”…..WHAT ?


I skip her comments.

You can call me Al

Thanks….it got 7 upticks for ***t, unbelievable.


He also up votes himself. LOL

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Like a lot of NATO forces you can find them at US bases Canada ,UK, AUSSIES and NZ you can commonly find on those bases. Canadian Forces are on US bases in Kuwait, Jordan, etc.on deployment to protect from government overthrows from the populace.

You can call me Al

Cheers. I didn’t know our troops were in the US, now I do.

Feudalism Victory

Sounds good to me

Promitheas Apollonious

are you on drugs, or been watching too much sci-fi movies?


This is disinformation, fake news, propaganda.


Yes Palestine is part of Syria, the British when they were playing masters of the universe created Palestine, and Jordan. When the FUKUS countries are finally defeated, they should be forced to pay 30% of their GDP for 100 years in reparations for the damage they have done to the world.


Note: ISIS and ISrael are not states. US and Europe have created and funded them to take lands and Petrol from Middle East.

Any government recognize ISrael mean they are indirectly allied with ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

Feudalism Victory

Be that as it may be. Its the reality on the ground.


Another Islamic state was artificially created in the middle of Europe – Albania. Non-existent entity until 1913.


Are they child butchers like ISrael, ISIS and Al-Qaeda?

Raptar Driver



And many other countries were formed in the last 100 years, what is your point?

Icarus Tanović

Modern Italy too, after Garibaldi.


Stoji, ali moderna italija vuce korene iz Rimskog carstva jer je u pitanju isti narod. Nije tu bilo velikog komesanja. Drzave su se smenjivale ali narod je ostao nepromenjen. Albanci nisu bili nista do gomila poganih arnauta – bandita i lopova koji su bili “verni”onome ko im ponudi dovoljno. Britancima su odgovarali takvi jer im je bio potreban copor besnih pasa da ovo podrucje drze nestabilnim.


Assad should immediately withdraw from any agreement with any terrorist organization including 1974 bullshit and protect Syria and Palestine. I surprise that how these leaders are alive in hundred years captivity of Palestinians.

S Melanson

I think there is some misunderstanding of what the 1974 agreement represents. I discuss this in a post above.


And an excellent post it is. A MUST READ.

Lena Jones

Putin’s mission in Syria always had its geopolitical limits: the task was to evict/annihilate ‘jihadists’, not talmudists (although they’re twins suckling off the same evil teat). Putin has nothing to do with the Syria-israel war: that be Syria and israel’s business – he is an ally of both for strategic and realpolitik reasons and not for ideology. Having said this, Putin has consistently acknowledged that the Golan is legally Syrian territory – he views the israelis as illegal occupiers of the Golan – and for him, it’s an issue that should be dealt with through the UN first and foremost. Maintaining international law is important to Putin, a graduate of international law himself. Well, all this is good and very well, but means nothing to the Axis of Resistance to israel. After ‘waiting’ on international law for five decades and benefiting nothing but endless engineered wars against them by the occupying enemy, they have their own plans now to activate a liberation war (at their own pace and timing), which international law actually allows for (*the occupied have the inalienable right to resist occupation by any means necessary).

Different players are in the game for different reasons. The Syrian war saga never ceases to fascinate with its twists and turns, but one thing is for sure, with or without Russia, with or without the freaking ‘Kushners’, the Axis of Resistance will be fighting its war of liberation again israel on multiple fronts. And all signs are that israel really, really, very, very-really, does not want a war… because it knows it will lose. Otherwise it would have advantageously ‘expanded’ the Syria war into a regional one many, many years ago, and multiple times over by now.

Bernardo Morais

Perfect pointed in all aspects.

S Melanson

Well said


But Netanyahu frequently attacks on Hamim military air base cannot be ignored. Look ISrael, ISIS, Al-Qaeda etc created and financed by US and UK.

Tudor Miron

Well said.

S Melanson

I said the same thing. You are living in Russia is my understanding. I posted above an analysis of the implications of what Lena wrote and I think she is correct. I would like your thoughts on my analysis if you have some time.


Agree totally with you Lena. The IsraHellis really do know their would be annexation of Golan is fast coming to an end. IsraHelli continual targeting of Iranian troops, facilities and the lame propaganda they continue to trot out against Iran reminds me of a frightened house thief who shits in all the rooms because they are so scared. For the first time in living memory we can see the formidable power of this Arab Army as it demolishes its enemies house by house, street by street, town by town. The SAA is remorseless in grinding down the most fanatical resistance. Anyone who really believes the the IsraHelli Regime would want to see the flash of Nukes in their South Eastern sky is little more than a repository of msm propaganda. The Iranians are real allies and have the capacity and the will to erase Hel Aviv off the map with non nuclear ICBMs. While the SAA, Hezbollah, Liwa al Quds, the PLA and many more grind “IDF Le Grande Army” into the desert. “Our day is fast coming”. And the world will rejoice………


Liberate Palestine… soon. They have suffered too much.

Tudor Miron

Lena, I invite you to read my reply to S Melanson below and watch that little video that I posted.

Feudalism Victory

Good post. Time will tell if theres a plan to take the golan.

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabis are monsters created by Zionists.

Vince Dhimos

There will probably be no contact line with Israel, only a contact line with the territory it illegally occupies.

Smith Ricky

I say fuck the agreement !!!!

Empire's Frontiers

Get your pilots in the sky then.

David BlackBeard

what’s the deal with town of MAHAJAH in ths middle of DARAA province ?

S Melanson

Lena Jones posted an excellent commentary that I recommend reading. I provide here some additional commentary that I think is important to consider now that Trump and Putin have had their one on one summit.

First, it is significant that Trump demanded a one on one meeting with Putin to allow for dialog without interruption by his advisors – and privacy to speak openly in confidence if desired. This makes what Putin and Trump have to say post meeting to be of high importance and close attention should be paid. While many topics were covered, I focus on Putin’s statement regarding the 1974 disengagement agreement.

Putin confirming commitment to the 1974 disengagement agreement does not in any way mean capitulation to Israel’s 1981 annexation of the Golan. Putin’s statement that the agreement requires full compliance I think was directed at Israel which means no further intervention. But it goes further than that as it sets the stage for return of the Golan Heights to Syria, one way or another.

Lena correctly points out the importance Putin gives to adhering to international law and the central role of the UN. So it is important to examine the 1974 agreement in the context of Security Council documents: UN Resolutions 242, 338/339 – 339 is basically 338 so refer only as 338. What is important about 338 is that it subsumes within its text Resolution 242, meaning recognition that the occupation of lands gained through war are illegal under international law. Note that the Golan were seized by Israel in the 1967 ‘6 Day’ war which Israel initiated but then justified as preemptive defence. The international committee was not sympathetic to Israel’s reasons for starting the war and Resolution 242 was passed Nov. 1967.

The 1973 Yom Kippur War, which Israel very nearly lost, and the oil embargo was Arab response to failure to see any progress on Resolution 242. This definitely got the Worlds attention. Israel also recognized her vulnerability to simultaneous attack along a vast border with hostile states. The US recognized this as well and so supported UN 338 to bring an end to the war and by including commitment to Resolution 242, to initiate a peace process with Israel’s neighbors. But in reality, the intent was to make peace with Egypt which was viewed as the biggest threat. Peace was achieved in 1979 which meant return of the Sinai to Egypt. Also Jordan made peace but the West Bank remained unresolved.

Importantly, Israel and the US have explicitly committed to the disengagement agreement and Resolutions 338/339 meaning commitment also to Resolution 242. The implications are significant. It means Syria is still under a ceasefire as per 338/339 and the 1974 disengagement agreement provides the framework for maintaining the ceasefire as per Resolution 338/339 until Resolution 242 is implemented – by negotiation or other means.

Therefore, when Putin states full compliance to the disengagement agreement, it means:

(1) Israel and Syria will desist from any and all military actions against the other – this also covers the use of proxies. No more air strikes.

(2) The agreement remains in place to facilitate negotiations for return of lands gained though war – the Golan in Syria’s case.

Tudor Miron

I agree with what you and Lena Jones said. I will add a couple of cents. Putin realizes his responsibility in terms of preserving global stability, he reiterated that many times. Open war with Israel conducted by Syria at this point will lead to two outcomes – a) US engages on the side of Israel and that means total distruction of Syria. b) US engages on the side of Israel, Russia engages on the side of Syria and that means total distruction of humanity on this planet. Both outcomes are not in the interests of Syrian nor Russian people. Jumping the gun is fine in Holywood movies but in reality it is different and not funny at all. Time is on the side of Russia and Syria and us – ordinary people of this planet. What Russia is trying to do lately is restoring international law – through multipolar world order. Multipolar world means balance. Putin realizes how frigile this world is (not planet Earth – it’s very robust, but humanity – very thin layer on this planet) and global politics require very careful aproach. Syria went far in restoring its soveregnity in last couple of years but there’s still a long way to go. Running before learning to walk is a sure way to disaster. Sorry for my broken English.

S Melanson

Your English is very good, better than most. You nailed the issue of timing and that fits well with commitment to the 1974 agreement as it enforces stability without imposing some arbitrary deadline to resolve the Golan. But in time it will be resolved, and how resolved is one of those questions intertwined with the fate of humanity.

Tudor Miron

I will add that the way it will be resolved doesn’t really depend on politicians. It all depends on collective awareness which is a sum of personal awareness of each and every human on this planet. Politicians can do only that much as people take as acceptable. That’s we who have to change – grow in our understanding of what’s going on and where it leading us. Being happy at the expense of another human being is futile and ultimately leads to struggle and suffering. I would invite you, Lena Jones and anyone willing to listen to watch this little video and ponder what is said there. https://youtu.be/M_Zs6nyyQP8

Lena Jones

“US engages on the side of Israel and that means total distruction of Syria”.

It also means the total destruction of israel too :D

Whereas Syrian refugee will eventually return home to rebuild their nation post the war, the fake euro jews will not dare show their faces again in the middle east for a millennia – especially if Palestinian refugees in neighboring countries and in Gaza take advantage of the war and start pouring into israel by the millions while israel is preoccupied on a two-front regional war and does not have enough manpower to protect every inch of ALL its borders.

The Axis of Resistance has two options: 1- Do nothing and allow for the israeli jews to continue with their Yinon Plan that would eventually divide up the Arab world thru internal warfare – do nothing and allow for a repeat of the Syria war and see their cities destroyed and their populations mass-murdered again OR:

2- Fight head on against israel and evict it from the region, even at the expense of their cities destroyed.

Choice number one has surrender and indefinite submission to brutal jewish colonialism. Undesirable to any reasonable person with a family to take care of.

Choice number two has resistance in the name of indefinite freedom for the people of the Levant. Desirable to any reasonable person with a family to take care of.

I know for a fact that choice number two is the path already chosen by the native Levanteans, hence the continuing growth of anti-israel resistance groups in the Levant.

Now think of the size of israel and think also of the immense firepower that the Axis of Resistance can presently unleash on tel avi et all, Yes, the Axis of Resistance has a freaking good chance of success. israel knows this and it is doing EVERYTHING it can to avoid a regional war at this point in time.

But the unique feature of the next inevitable regional war in the Levant is that, unlike in the past, israel this time will be dragged into it for real and suffer untold damage and loss, instead of purposely instigating the war, doing a massive hit and run on its neighbors and suffering no consequences as per israel’s norm.

Lena Jones

Thanks Tudor.

You say: “US engages on the side of Israel and that means total distruction of Syria”.

AND it also means the total destruction of israel too :D

Whereas Syrian refugee will eventually return home to rebuild their nation post the war, the fake euro jews will not dare show their faces again in the middle east for a millennia – especially if Palestinian refugees in neighboring countries and in Gaza take advantage of the chaos/fog of war and start pouring into israel en mass while israel is preoccupied on a three-front regional war (with Syria, Lebanon & Palestinian Resistances) and does not have enough manpower to protect every inch of ALL its borders.

The Axis of Resistance has two options: 1- Do nothing and allow for the israeli jews to continue with their Yinon Plan that would eventually divide up the Arab world thru internal warfare – do nothing and allow for a repeat of the Syria war and see their cities destroyed and their populations mass-murdered again OR: 2- Fight head on against israel and evict it from the region, even at the expense of their cities destroyed.

Choice number one has surrender and indefinite submission to brutal jewish colonialism. Undesirable to any reasonable person with a family to take care of.

Choice number two has resistance in the name of indefinite freedom for the people of the Levant. Desirable to any reasonable person with a family to take care of.

I know for a fact that choice number two is the path already chosen by the native Levanteans, hence the continuing growth of anti-israel resistance groups in the Levant.

Now think of the size of israel and think also of the immense firepower that the Axis of Resistance can presently unleash on tel avi et all, Yes, the Axis of Resistance has a freaking good chance of success. israel knows this and it is doing EVERYTHING it can to avoid a regional war at this point in time.

But the unique feature of the next inevitable regional war in the Levant is that, unlike in the past, israel this time will be dragged into it for real and suffer untold damage and loss, instead of purposely instigating the war, doing a massive hit and run on its neighbors and suffering no consequences as per israel’s norm.

S Melanson

I agree that choice two appears to be the current path and I am sure Israel is aware of this – it is good to have this confirmed by someone in the know, thank you. One thing is becoming clear is that path two Is making great strides that has over time put Israel in an ever-weakening and vulnerable position. This is a welcome change from the days when Israel lorded over the Middle East as the US regional enforcer. However, with the good comes new dangers – a consequence in fact of Syria’s success..

Failure in Syria represents a huge setback for Israel’s grand project. Assad maintaining power and reconstituting national border integrity with a battle hardened army is bad enough, but the integration of Hezbollah and Iran with the Syrian military to form a cohesive arc of resistance from Lebanon to Iran is a catastrophe. The result is completion of the Requeim Mass for the now dead in the water Yinon Plan. I would think Bibi must recognize this by now. With the very real possibility of Israeli defeat on the battlefield, Israel’s deterrent doctrine (Samson Option) needs to be factored into policy going forward. A wounded animal is dangerous, especially if cornered.

I do point out that Israel has suffered consequences that resulted in high casualties and military setbacks that shocked the Israeli leadership and public. This would be the 1973 Yom Kippur War that, despite losing the war in the end, exposed IDF vulnerability, dealing a blow to the myth of Israeli invincibility on the battlefield. And I think the disastrous 2006 IDF invasion of Lebanon demonstrated in a most convincing way to the Arab world that the IDF could be decisively beaten on the battlefield.

I have no doubt that Syria will eventually initiate diplomatic efforts for the return of the Golan and without fear of a military solution should diplomacy fail. I really hope that diplomacy prevails when the time comes.

One final observation. Russia under Putin has played a critical role in turning the tide in Syria that has brought us to where we are today, which is a very unhappy place for NetanYahoo and his band of thugs. I think these developments should give serious pause to those who have commented here at Southfront that Putin is a Zionist puppet.

Again, appreciate your insights that have helped me to make better sense of the chaotic and fast moving events in the Middle East.

Lena Jones

S Melanson,

Great comment from you, sir – thank you.

Geography is not on israel’s side: it would be an easy task to overwhelm its over-hyped missile shields with rockets, missiles and drones. And because of the jewish invader’s amateur experience at city and nation building, they also foolishly headquartered all their vital civilian and military institutions (banking, hi-tech, courts, security, intelligence, army, electricity plants, water, hospitals etc): they located all of the above singularly in tel aviv. All their enemies have to do is, at the outbreak of war, focus non-stop barrages of missiles on high-value targets in tel aviv that would cripple the military and security and crash the shekel overnight. Not forgetting here that should a regional war ignite and high-value targets inside of israel are hit, there is only a single international aiport for the jewish masses to head for. Yeah, really bad urban planning, especially for a people who’re infamously paranoid like the jews are.

Point being, israel indeed has spectacular offensive weaponry, all thanks to our tax dollars – but when it comes to defensive weapons, it’s not really up to par and I reckon the Axis of Resistance can make mince-meat out of tel aviv in a handful of days, despite the pummeling that israel will deal them.

The psychology of the two sides is also interesting: israeli soldiers are afraid to die on the battlefield, while the Resistance fighters find honor and spirituality in dying on the battlefield.

S Melanson

Thank you. I was not aware that high value strategic infrastructure was so concentrated. It is as if they assume no one would dare attack them.

Prophecy foretells the distruction of Israel by a large multinational force. It is a bit surreal that the makings of such a coalition opposing Israel are becoming reality. Unfortunately, the destruction of Damascus is also foretold and that brings to mind the Samson Option. But I am a believer that we can weave our own destiny and choose a different path. And so we should :)

Icarus Tanović

‘But it sets stage for returning of Golan hights.’ Very well said, sir.


Fantastic analysis. This is the sort of breakdown of the situation I come to South Front for. Thank you very much for the insight. I would love to read more on this subject should you have time to post it.

S Melanson

You are welcome and thank you. I will post more for sure if I think I have something that adds to the debate.

S Melanson

I have posted some additional commentary that is complemented by great insights by Tudor Miron and Lena Jones which I highly recommend.

Kire Stojanovski

I have an even better idea: the situation in Palestine to be brought back to the state of 1947, before the Israeli state was created, on the blood of HUNDREDS MILLIONS of people, victims of the both world wars!


I calculated recently a rough approximation of compensation costs for displaced Palestinians, it must run into about 40 years of US aid support to Israel. This would be the rock-bottom minimum but of course cannot compensate for the loss of the whole nation.


Putin: Netaniahoo…please don’t shoot!


Putin surrendering supposed Syrian territory ( Golan Heights)to Israel

Syria and Russia have lost this one.

Israel controls the Golan and Russia/Shiites can only stamp their feet and throw fits about it

Joe Kerr

Booked your ticket to Argentina yet, Jew?

Concrete Mike

The only one stamping their feet here is you and your likes. Answer my fucking question from yesterday you peice of shit.

Tudor Miron

“He said that Russia is interested in peace in the area and Israel’s securit”(c) Who’s writing this articles? Putin didn’t say about being interested in Israel security but he did say about restoring peace in the region.

Concrete Mike

In the western media not a peep about the golan, it was all about the 2016 election and its “rigging”, the press has already passed judgement , putin rigged the election.

I was laughing my head off listening to all the pundits commentating…I wonder if they beleive themselves… its early now, im curious to see what presstitutes say on the old cbc today.

R PLobo

Putin just completely undercut bibi and the war party. Notice that no one has recognized the annexation by the entity of the Syrian Golan. Not even the US will do this. Regardless what Putin is actually saying is that we won and the last chance for the zionists is to be prepared to negotiate a disengagement plan from the entire occupied Palestine. The alternative is of course a war that the iof and its remnant mercs cannot possibly win. The nukes are completely useless for the zionists – any use of them would create an all or nothing war that would lead to the extermination of the entity including civil society. The reality of the situation is that the defeat of the zionists in Syria is the defeat of the zionists in the ME.


i don’t know they have friends in high place all over the world so they have a lot of evil fight left


From the Kremlin website:

“I would also like to note that after the terrorists are routed in southwest Syria, in the so-called “southern zone”, the situation in the Golan Heights should be brought into full conformity with the 1974 agreement on the disengagement of Israeli and Syrian forces.

This will make it possible to bring tranquillity to the Golan Heights and restore the ceasefire between the Syrian Arab Republic and the State of Israel. The President devoted special attention to this issue today.

I would like to emphasise that Russia has a stake in this course of events and will adhere to exactly this position. This will constitute a step towards establishing a just and durable peace on the basis of UN Security Council Resolution 338.”

– News conference following talks between the presidents of Russia and the United States –


The chances of the baby rapers complying with this are between slim or none. Which quickly brings the situation to the or else stage. Which is the formation of a UN mandated Palestinian protection force bypassing the US UNSC veto with UNGA Resolution 377A procedure resolutions to get the IDF, Mossad, Shin Bet and Jew squatters and land thieves off of Palestinian property. And Lebanon and Syria coordinating with this effort to get the Jews off of Lebanese and Syrian territory as well.


“On June 13, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a Turkish and Algerian-sponsored resolution, condemning Israel for Palestinian civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip.

The resolution, which had been put forward on behalf of Arab and Muslim countries, garnered a strong majority of 120 votes in the 193-member assembly, with 8 votes against and 45 abstentions.

The resolution calls on UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to make proposals within 60 days “on ways and means for ensuring the safety, protection, and well-being of the Palestinian civilian population under Israeli occupation,” including “recommendations regarding an international protection mechanism.”

It also calls for “immediate steps towards ending the closure and the restrictions imposed by Israel on movement and access into and out of the Gaza Strip.””

– Israeli warplanes pound northern Gaza Strip, two Palestinians injured –


Dr. Ronald Cutburth

Congratulations Syria.


The primary problem is Christians accepting Jew crime like raping children 1,000 times a week worldwide and letting Jews get away with it. And allowing Jews to live in Christian nations to commit crimes like 911 and many others. Judaism is a criminal organization that should be outlawed worldwide. The UN should conduct an investigation of Jew mass rape as part of outlawing Judaism and dissolving Israel.


Jew blood sucking pedophile rapists:


Kenneth Hammond


Separation of Forces Agreement Between Israel and Syria; May 31, 1974:

H. This agreement is not a peace agreement. It is a step toward a just and durable peace on the basis of Security Council Resolution 338 dated October 22, 1973.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 338

The Security Council,

Calls upon all parties to present fighting to cease all firing and terminate all military activity immediately, no later than 12 hours after the moment of the adoption of this decision, in the positions after the moment of the adoption of this decision, in the positions they now occupy; Calls upon all parties concerned to start immediately after the cease-fire the implementation of Security Council Resolution 242 (1967) in all of its parts;

Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;

Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force;


It is now official, that the Karem Abu Salem Crossing has been completely closed, allowing into Gaza solely medicine. Food, Fuel, Clothing, Babies Milk and other basic items, are all listed as banned and will be prohibited from entering the Gaza Strip. Them satanic jews always proove me right. Genocide happening in the wide open. Both trump and putin mentioned israel as great friend at least a dozen times yesterday.SOOOO obvious who is in control.Satanic jews.They got them all in their pockets.Sick bastards.

S Melanson

Is Israel precipitating a humanitarian disaster that puts over a million at risk of starvation, as a bargaining chip in dealing with ongoing setbacks in Syria. Using civilian populations as a bargaining tool is not unprecedented but I think it very unwise if this is NetanYahoos Plan – the Yinon Plan has no hope of success and Babi needs to let go and change course.

I agree that this is happening in the wide open – damn right it is. Unlike remote Yemen under blockade with a media blackout that grossly distorts what news gets out to the public, Gaza is in the spotlight of the global media. No amount of spin or propaganda will smooth this over if Israeli actions lead to mass starvation.

To the people of Israel, I ask that you take note of what your government is doing in your name.

If your government enforces a blockade that prevents aid to provide for even the minimum subsistence, then what you have are the conditions for a death camp known as Gaza, where millions may die. The Jewish people have familiarity with death camps and their horrors.

There is a saying that when you fight the monster you become the monster. You can still stop this.


Putin never said that Israel was a great friend once let alone a dozen times. This is the official government transcript:

– News conference following talks between the presidents of Russia and the United States –



racists are full of shit most of the time, but israel has got to be up there with the most foul societies ever

Icarus Tanović



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3a5603f0fc513830a25c151f69c6bbd62f2174af54f2594afd9c9f43cafacc69.png https://undocs.org/S/RES/338(1973) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8fddc3e0b79fca1322bdfca9dfa22e06dabe12ef0b1140b9337985d5dfca0175.png https://undocs.org/S/RES/242(1967)


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8fddc3e0b79fca1322bdfca9dfa22e06dabe12ef0b1140b9337985d5dfca0175.png https://undocs.org/S/RES/242(1967)


Israel should have never been admitted to the UN in the first place. It should be delisted and replaced with Palestine.


Israel force out the United nations peacekeeping forces that separated Israel and Syria. They forced them out by arming Isis to attack the UN personnel, and pressuring them to leave or things will get worse.

Putin is suggesting returning the peacekeepers, not That they can do their job, but to go back to the way things were.

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