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MARCH 2025

Putin Calls To Prepare S-500 Missile System For Mass Production

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Putin Calls To Prepare S-500 Missile System For Mass Production

Source: The Russian Ministry of Defense

The Russian news agency TASS reports (source):

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday further efforts are needed to improve anti-precision warfare tools and called to prepare S-500 missile systems for mass production.

“One of the key tasks is to improve anti-precision warfare means. It is necessary to develop and build up technological groundwork in the area of air defense, to continue modernization of Pantsir systems, to finish the development and preparations for mass production of the S-500 newest systems capable of hitting targets at super-high altitudes, including near-the-earth space,” he said at a meeting with Russia’s top brass and executives of defense-sector enterprises.

The meeting with Armed Forces commanders and defense industry executives was attended by acting Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov and other officials.

Putin also called for continuing modernization of the strategic nuclear forces and rearming 14 regiments with Yars intercontinental ballistic missile systems before the end of December.

“Strategic nuclear forces have key significance for defense and security,” he said. “Pursuant to provisions of the state program for armaments, we’ll continue replacement of the outdated Topol missile complexes with the newest Yars systems and will put them on the tables of equipment at fourteen missile regiments.”

The Russian president also said that Russia’s nuclear triad will be boosted with modernized Tu-95MS and Tu-160 strategic bombers, carrying advanced X-101 and X-102 strategic cruise missiles. He added that the construction of five Borey-class strategic nuclear submarines must continue on schedule.

“In recent years, we have been doing a lot to boost the armed forces,” Putin said. “Their structure and numbers have been optimized, snap checks are being carried out regularly in all military branches, military units receive new weapons and equipment on a regular basis.”

The Russian leader added that this year Russia rolled out advanced weapons systems, unmatched by foreign rivals.

“We know that they are at various degrees of completion. We will keep an eye on those issues,” Putin said.

While delivering his State of the Nation Address to the Federal Assembly, Putin announced the development and tests of new strategic weapons, including the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile, the Kinzhal hypersonic complex, a nuclear cruise missile, as well as an underwater drone capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear weapons.

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Russia is fine tuning its air defense platforms, modernizing and improving the capabilities of Pantsir platform based on accumulated experience in Syria and equipping it with longer range missiles and modular anti drone ammunition. The S500 is getting closer to mass production.

The triad is being modernized with acquisition of Borey subs armed with Bulava SLBMs, more Yars missiles replacing the Topol, and increased capabilities of T95 and T160 carrying long range Kh101 and 102 cruise missiles.

Even with a reduced defense budget, Russia is remodernizing its triad, fine tuning proven conventional weapons and developing cutting edge weapons that give her strong advantage US.


I find it amazing that Russia can continue to make these improvements and still plan to reduce it’s military budget while government slaves within the U.S. MIC cry out in pain toward any talk of cut and demand insane budget inceases. Just shows what can be accomplished when empire building and quarterly profits are not the goal.


I personally think that US has a serious brain drain when it comes to engineering applications, many engineering jobs were outsourced, the emphasis being on a computer program instead of human skill. US thinks by throwing money at the problem, it will have some magic results. Most current weapon platforms were built in the 70’s after the Apollo moon program that released some brain power into the MIC, those people are retired or dead.

paul ( original )

I think you make a very good point and one I have thought myself for quite some time now. It is not just in the USA that these things are occurring, in Europe as well. I will give my take on this for what its worth. There was a time when the educational system sought to identify and develop the people with the highest talent. This was not elitist as they say. Rather it was simply about giving people the opportunity to excel at what they were good at. Now with the feminization of education the purpose is more to produce people with the right social attitudes and I would add twisted sexual attitudes as well. So instead of people of ability all we have now are semi dysfunctional people incapable of doing anything beyond complaining. I realise what I write does not describe every case but it is disturbingly close to the truth.


US education system along with its society has been on a damming down trend for several decades. You take the computer away from the “today’s engineer” he becomes rather useless. Yes, you are right, the “feminization” of education to produce PC students, instead of intelligent students that have real knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry has succeeded. Today’s role models are decadent and perverted movie stars, singers, dancers ….sports figures that contribute to the human identity crisis.

paul ( original )

I will just add a little corollary to this. The belief might be that Russia is not moving in the same direction and is keeping a proper scientific base. I fear that this is only partially true. I don’t have on the ground experience but from what I can judge from a distance thy are not free from the degeneration that we both perceive in the West, though it is less advances.

Don't read butthurt replies

So what do they do with the replaced Topol and anything else that gets replaced?

Dr. Pro Liv

Depending on their size…For example “Satan’s” will be used for launching satellites into the orbit once out of military use. Some of them can be used for target practice. For ABM troops shooting practice on the real targets…. I guess


Sarmat also for Avant’s launch.

Dr. Pro Liv

OK but… He was asking about ” replaced” missiles and “Sarmat” is not even in regular production yet….

Dr. Pro Liv

TU -160 not “T160”

T-95 has ended as “tech demonstrator” being too expensive… so they have built T-14 “Armata” as cheaper version…. Even though relatively new Yars is old news and Bulava doesn’t have great track record so far… You have not mentioned some important and much newer advanced weapons. Like T-14 and SU-57, “Dagger” etc…that are already in production but it’s ok.


I was replying to the contents of the article, ok Tu….instead of T, T14 cost is in rubles, yes they can afford 2000 cutting edge tanks for what Nakhimov, Peter the Great and Kuznetsov refits cost. Yars is newer than anything US ICBMs and is mobile.

Dr. Pro Liv

“T14 cost is in rubles” ?!? Really?! In Russia everything is “in rubles” as far as I know.

“yes they can afford 2000 cutting edge tanks” If you talk about T-14 no they can not. First batch is 100 T-14 tanks only. And after that they will go down to only 20 T-14 per year. Eventually… in not so near future they will replace all other tanks with T-14 by than they will have probably non-maned T-14 robot tanks and similar stuff….

“what Nakhimov, Peter the Great and Kuznetsov refits cost.” If you trying to tell me that Russia has plenty of money reserved for big projects that is distorted picture. They have just given up in building on their super heavy-“Lider”class destroyer(cruiser actually) and aircraft-carrier and pushed them into the future down the road. They will go to “super”-Gorshkov class (Project 22350M (8,000 tons)) instead of Leader because cheaper and faster option. And turn those frigate’s into destroyers practically… They have problems building efficiently very big ships also…they are out of the practice for very long time and know-how has to be renewed… Refit of Nakhimov, Peter the Great is part of the answer to that problem. Actually they might even give up on “Leader” class altogether.


“””T14 cost is in rubles” ?!? Really?! In Russia everything is “in rubles” as far as I know.”””

The quoted price you see for the T14 is in dollars….3.7-4 million dollars, not rubles.

“”””yes they can afford 2000 cutting edge tanks” If you talk about T-14 no they can not. First batch is 100 T-14 tanks only.”””

2000 tanks would cost 7-8 billion dollars, that is 1 billion per year the current rearmament program, it is not prohibitive. Russia will not follow the path it took with the T90, US has the war itch ( even though they cannot afford it or have any stomach for it) Russia will deploy its best armaments.

Dr. Pro Liv

What the hell are you talking about?!? What price? Where? My comment was NOT ABOUT PRICE AT ALL ! I never have had mentioned exact price in dollars or rubles of T-14 or asked for it !… So I do not know what are you talking about?!

—- “2000 tanks would cost 7-8 billion dollars that is 1 billion per year the current rearmament program”

This is too much there you go again with same crap! You are talking pile of NONSENSE instead of sending me a link to confirm your far exaggerated claims ! What 2000 tanks you are talking about?! You talk about T-14?! That is TOTAL RUBBISH !!! Give me the link where Russia in “current rearmament program” intends to buy 2000 tanks T-14 or I will call you a LIAR ! You are one of those guys who pretend to know lot about army but I think you don’t know what are you talking about.

If you are an “expert” you would NEVER mention “T-95” as operational tank… Which can’t possibly happen to the people who have basic knowledge on Russian weapons.


“””Give me the link where Russia in “current rearmament program” intends to buy 2000 tanks T-14 or I will call you a LIAR !”””

“Expert” it was your claim that Russia will not get much more than 100 tanks, and about 20 every year thereafter. Initiall allocation called for 2000 units, whether they get 2000 or 1500 or 1200 will depend on circumstances you and me are unaware of. Russia will not telegraph its procurements openly, your statement is mere wishful thinking. I say, Russia has enough money to procure whatever number of armaments based on the Armata platform.


“””expert” let’s see if we agree on some actual facts, does the refurbishment of Nakhimov cost +1.5 billion? It was supposed to enter active service this year, now it has been postponed until 2020. Why are the Russians spending so much money ….and why is it late?

What about T95?


“””what Nakhimov, Peter the Great and Kuznetsov refits cost.” If you trying to tell me that Russia has plenty of money reserved for big projects that is distorted picture. They have just given up in building on their super heavy-“Lider”class destroyer(cruiser actually) and aircraft-carrier and pushed them into the future down the road. They will go to “super”-Gorshkov class (Project 22350M (8,000 tons)) instead of Leader because cheaper and faster option. And turn those frigate’s into destroyers practically…”””

What I am saying is, the capital ships of the Soviet era will cost +1.5 billion each to retrofit, that is close to what the T14 procurement bill would come up to. Considering efficiency, the super Gorshkov would be similar to an Arleigh Burke, yes, price and capacity to build the Lidder was a concern, they have the Gorshkov platform and they can beef it up by a few thousand tons. The option Lidder destroyers provided was deploying the naval version of the S 500 providing potential intercept capability in early stages against Trident launches from N. Atlantic. Maybe the S 500 can share vertical launchers with the other weapon selection on the super Gorshkov. Peter the Great and Nakhimov most likely will have S400 and S500 missiles in its armament selection.

Dr. Pro Liv

Listen “expert” anybody who has basic knowledge on Russian weapons can parrot those few information’s you have packaged in that fancy talk of yours..

You are comparing ships and tanks and mixing up together… To read your comment is nauseating. I couldn’t even read it all… You do not make much sense in anything you write and that is because you really do not know much on the subject. You just throw random information at people pretending that you know what are you talking about. I know enough on subject to recognize false expert like you. What you have just said anybody can collect from internet very quickly and make stupid analysis like yours… I had enough of you .


Apparently you cannot figure out the anology I made for expenditures allocated for Nakhimov, Peter the Great and the Kuznetsov, and your assertion that Russia cannot afford M14 in significant numbers. If Russia can spend billions on modernizing soviet era capital ships,why could they not spend billions to acquire cutting edge weaponry like T14.

Neo Onh

Russia (like CCCP) always has some 6-7% military expenses “hidden” under other costs, just saying….

Dr. Pro Liv

Say it why not.. What does it mean exactly “6-7% military expenses “hidden” under other costs” More expensive as presented? Or something else….


What happened to your scripted narrative? Can you discuss matters that are not part of your narrative? Or is your narrative the extent of your knowledge regarding Russian armaments and strategy. Contrary to your scripted narrative, every commander would want the best possible weapon on the battlefield. T72B3 and T80 are fine, their kill ratio against M1A2 or Leopard A7, and Challenger in an armored battle is (.7 -1.0 hypotetically), Russia does not rely on WW2 tactics to swarm enemy tanks with cheaper and more basic tanks, deployment of T14 would increase the kill ratio to anywhere from 1.5-3.0 hypothetically.

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