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MARCH 2025

Putin: Enemies Want To Put Russia Under External Control, But They Will Fail

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Putin: Enemies Want To Put Russia Under External Control, But They Will Fail


Russia has become a target of the ongoing ‘containment’ and ‘provocations’ campaign, President Vladimir Putin stated on February 24 speaking at the Russian Federal Security Service panel.

“There is a targeted information campaign against us, with opinionated groundless accusations related to a whole range of issues. They are already resorting to absurd, I would even say anecdotal conspiracy theories. For example, we have recently witnessed attempts to cast discredit on our medical achievements, including in the fight against coronavirus,” Putin said.

According to the Russian president, “some countries are not even trying to conceal their unfriendly approach, as they pursue information campaigns based on conspiracy theories.”

“We are…facing the so-called Russia containment policy. Actually, this has long been a well-known fact. I am not referring to competition, which is natural in international relations, I am talking about a consistent aggressive policy aimed at hampering our development, bringing it to a halt, … provoking domestic instability and undermining values that unite the Russian society,” Putin told the Russian Federal Security Service.

At the same time, he stressed that many countries are friendly towards Russia’s results in the epidemiological area and are ready for cooperation and Moscow welcomes this.

The president repeated his often statement that it is possible to solve global problems only by joining forces. However, he said many attempts at provocations are being made abroad.

“They do not even try to hide the unfriendly attitude towards Russia and a number of other independent sovereign centers of world development. But the matter is far from such aggressive rhetoric, but real practical actions,” the head of state stressed.

Putin emphasized that Russia is facing a consistent and aggressive policy aimed at disrupting the country’s development and creating problems along its perimeter. Putin added that this is being done to “ultimately weaken Russia and put it under external control.”

The campaign against Russia includes not only permanent informational aggression but also active actions of foreign special services.

Putin reminded that in December 2020, security forces eliminated the last organized militant group in the North Caucasus was liquidated. During the year, 72 terrorist attacks were prevented in the country.

Nonetheless, the Russian leader pointed the need to intensify efforts to uncover contacts between terrorists and foreign special services that use them for their own purposes.

In 2020 only, Russian security services uncovered and neutralized actions of 72 regular foreign intelligence officers and 423 agents.

The situation is also complex in the cyberspace. The number of large and dangerous cyber attacks Russian private and government resources has increased 3.5 times, according to the president. Therefore, Russia will develop and updated the strategy to protect national interests in the digital sphere.

Among the most important remarks, Putin once again recalled that the current Western strategy towards Russia that includes provocations and other hostile actions has no real prospects and will not work.

By this statement, the Russian leader demonstrated that his country is ready to continue protecting its national interests at any cost and further.


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He who laughs last laughs best

In their tongue, he is “наш президент”……. Our president

Harry Smith

LOL. Are you sure about tongue?

He who laughs last laughs best

It’s a Skyrim Trailer reference.

Trap Is Not Gay

Just name the Jews.

Supreme Blyat

The list is too long

Supreme Blyat

Stating the obvious for the simple people.

Harry Smith

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

George Orwell, 1984

Supreme Blyat

How about “it’s a rich men’s world” – Abba

Harry Smith

Not in this particular case.

Supreme Blyat

Ok, in this case it’s a poor men’s world.

Harry Smith

Stuck in the middle with you is the right song for the situation I think. LOL

Supreme Blyat

You are too funny.

Harry Smith

Thank you. ROFL.

Supreme Blyat

You forgot to say the medicine joke.

Harry Smith

It was not joke but concern about your mental health.

Supreme Blyat

That sounds so Russian, being concerned about other people lifes.


Russia should take the gloves off,should start by throwing all Diplomats and NGOs out of the Country who stick their nose into Russian internal matters.

Steve Standley

Putin is quoted as saying (i paraphrase), “if the behavior of the West continues, war is inevitable.” the only question is when he should take the gloves off. My guess is, because I believe he’s very prudent, he will take the gloves off when it is critical to his country to do so. We can all debate when that might be, but Putin would know best.


Well said.


I hope you are right,i am British and know just how devious some of our politicians and Intel services are,they managed to destroy Jeremy Corbyn with lies and propaganda,they claim to be democrats but they are crypto fascists.

Steve Standley

I believe Putin WILL take the gloves off, but fairmindedness and prudence in leadership looks like dithering sometimes, I think. You are definitely right about the NGOs. they have served one purpose, that is to sow the seeds of destruction in countries throughout the world. Jeremy Corbyn was a good man; it was pretty obvious even in the US. My impression of Corbyn, however, is that HE never really took the gloves off, so I can see your worry.


I completely agree with you, and President Putin has even more reason to do that, after the leaked British state documents describing the British tactics to destabilise the Russian population. President Putin is a patient leader who is perfectly aware of the Western ‘fake news’ tactics, BUT now the world is aware of this.

Now is the opportunity to clean out all of the Western ‘agent provocateurs’ in all the nations that suffer this interference, and to publicly expose any future Western James Bond types :)

A nice touch would be to publicly repatriate any dead Western agents to a neutral country with their national flags respectfully draped on on the coffins, together with the names of the dead, and to insist that this respectful return of Western dead was broadcast on all the MSM media throughout NATO and the world , with the details of the Western operation :)

Steve Standley

BTW I agree Russia should throw the NGOs out right now. These have been used over and over to foment social discord in various countries. No reason to keep them around.

Ricky Miller

Russia has been looking for some time for a kind of short, intense confrontation with the Americans and British, some issue they can make an example of. But they need the conflict to be short and intense, with guard rails up to limit it from becoming a broad and sustained exchange of fire. So far, they have not been able to find that sort of cul-de-sac confrontation. Ukraine could provide it, if they’d actually take some kind of armed step against Russia, especially during the enabling visit of an American or British warship to the Black Sea. I would sure love to be privy to some of the conversations and calculations going on in the Kremlin as to what situation would arise where they could hammer somebody enough to bring Westerners to a new attitude, without blasting all of civilization into the danger zone.


I would love to hear the conversation between the Russian military leaders,i am sure they would like to be unleashed to teach the lesson thats coming,like you say could be Ukraine,but i think it could and should be Syria where those US gangsters are stealing oil.


Or both, to liberate the Ukraine and US occupied Syria :)


If those Uki Nazis attack again Russia should enter ukraine to save lives,thousands have died in Donbas,i am thinking Biden wil lgive them a green light to attack,next time Russia should finish it.


I wonder why Putin has not switched off yet Facebook, Twitter, Google.

Seems to me a bit strange.


With business and partnership with terrorist Ziocorporate globalists as one of Putin’s foreign and economic policy priorioties there’s nothing strange about it at all.

Everything short of an overt military offensive against Russia can be tolerated by the Kremlin’s strategy.

Concrete Mike

What does it matter? Its a communication tool, its free..use it!

Steve Standley

Putin has already laid the groundwork for isolating Russia’s internet from the world. Russia is capable of pulling the plug on all of that. How can you regard something Putin has NOT done as evidence of globalism. This is bad reasoning. Look at what he HAS done. Russia has long been working to isolate itself from the entire western internet. I think the question is, when should he pull the plug on those things? and that is a good question.

Oliver Eitel

why pulling the pulg do it like China with the smartest internet filter…..some sites will be blocked automatically….the Chinese do a real good job in keeping fake news and NGO-Propaganda medias out of their country


Don’t agree with you. It is rather proof of the moral strength, maturity of the democratic political system that is capable to sustain society open to even negative influence of those NGO’s and propaganda of the Western media to the certain extent… Because people (Russians) can see through their true intentions…. But for some Chinese isolationist totalitarianism is more impressive…

Steve Standley

I think that’s why western social media remains, but you must know that Russia has for quite a while been working to make it’s internet independent of the West. Western media claims it’s Russian “censorship”, but there are many reasons to do this, especially in time of war…


I was not talking in absolute terms. In the times of war the war regulations will be applied automatically, of course.

“Russia has for quite a while been working to make it’s internet independent”

Yes…..all that is part of the war preparations. Once they ( U.S. ) cut off the internet and once they cut off Russia from the SWIFT banking payment system, Russia will be literally 5 minutes from hot war ! So Russia has both ; alternative to US controlled SWIFT and US controlled internet ready and waiting.

I didn’t say that there are no active measures of the “censorship” . Many NED (CIA), State Department, Soros created and financed NGO’s are banned from any further activity in Russia . But all that came only as response to the systematic and restless anti-Russian propaganda and Western sanctions. Vest is already for quite some time not hiding at all that they vant color revolution in Russia and regime change. So they didn’t leave any choice to tolerant Russia but to kick them out…


Yes, and in times of war it’s normal for a populace to support defensive wars, especially against a degenerate aggressor , as NATO nations currently are.

I live in Britain and I would love to see the ‘Woke’ degenerates ‘cancelled’. INCLUDING the wretched BBC :)

Steve Standley

I live in the United States and it’s quite obvious who the aggressors and liars and schemers are. Our country is literally awash in lies. It’s also being transformed into a tyranny. I pray for the demise of our leadership and the tools it uses both at home and abroad. Many people in the US don’t see it yet because they want to live their lives and not be bothered, but that will change.


Why switched off ?!?! He has those Western options… and he has different Russian alternatives…. They have Russian commercial software programs (equivalent to Facebook, Twitter, Google.) , than Russian specialized programs used only by military and secret service and government (no civilian access to those). They all have different purpose…. Russia will switch off nothing… Westerners will do that !


Russia is a sovereign state capable to brush off these stale foreign tactics. They have very capable intelligence gathering and cyberspace resources.

klove and light


1917 british zionism took control over russia

as far as putin is concearned……he comes from intensive KGB background, a through and through rothshild institution.

putin is a treacherous zionist pig

cechas vodobenikov

writes CIA kurva


everybody’s kurva


No future in fascim nor lgbtq (period) get off the sex change gender food,you nazi pink!


Putting terrorist Ziocorporate globalists in power positions like the City of London’s British Petroleum’ part in Rosneft or the oil fields sold to the likes of Chevron only gives those “enemies” more influence to exert.

A price to pay when you want business and partnernship with the Zioterrorists that you claim are your “enemies”.


yeah but bp’s interest in rosneft is small and chevron’s main interest is the tengiz field in kazakstan with numerous minor interests in different objects. thus no serious interest except the Tengiz field which was a highly corrosive high sulphur crude that chevron had the expertise to develop.


But they’re there and not the only examples either; the likes of Google, Microsoft, Intel, etc., also have branches in Russia, and just like like Ziocorporate Big Oilsuckers, they’re free to braindrain Russians as they like even is a few are intellegence assets. There’s even Mercedes plants as part of hundreds of German operations in Russia. And Germany in 100% a Ziocorporate terrorist asset just like Japan.


Atleast they are stronger than the assfkd debt kweers,zio what? You assume all are the same jews? They fkn well ain’t nwo goimng down Russia stocks up,eugeddon coming soon,then we see whos the better ones!


Quit the imbecilic noise. Go defend Ziocorporatism somewhere else.


is he right? Hell yes, sure as a clucking bell. and at the bottom of the attempts is the treasure trove of russian commodities the western world and its corporations are in desperate need to acquire cheaply or by force. Putin is right to hold on to these commodities and sell them dearly collecting taxes when exporting them and then taxes from the russian labour and corporate taxes from the russian companies that own or has the right to use these commodities. regime change is a far cheaper method for the western world to lay their hands on those commodities than going into a hot confrontation as the western world’s military command knows fully well that they can’t defeat Russia and any attempt will spell ruin for the western world and the end of the NWO – thus pitiful attempts like navalny to cause unrest in the vast russia, to no avail since even the most isolated russian in the very far far north east of russia would recognize a traitor when presented as something else.

however the western world is seriously delusional if they thinkt russia can be regime changed or that putin all of a sudden would turn into an ugly duckling the russian people can’t wait to see th back of.


You are spot on again ,Verner. Well said.


72 terrorist attacks were prevented 72 regular foreign intelligence officers uncovered and neutralized actions

Not a coincidence..

Steve Standley

To all you “Putin is a Globalist” and “Putin is in the pocket of chabad” people, this is yet another example of how you are wrong. Wake up. You can’t assume that EVERY world leader is compromised. It doesn’t make any sense.


I look an what my government is doing in the UK, and its essentially forcing the general population into a globally controlled dystopian hell hole.


Our problem is many of the population have been lobotomized,their heads are full of reality TV and the cult of celebrity,when i left school i wanted to be an engineer not a bloody rock star.


I agree, and there is a huge problem today with millions of working age people who feel that they should have been ‘rock stars’ et al, and who have tinges of bitterness, I think.

Personally, I can think of nothing worse than being a ‘rock star’ and living in a gold fish bowl in 5 star hotels etc.

Fog of War

So is Russia and China. Funny isnt it ?


I agree 100%.

cechas vodobenikov

the CIA SCHLUHAS that comment at SF upset


Russia will be put under external control and eventually it will be dismembered. Soon the “partners” will start initiative of the recognition of political independence of all Russian federal republics. It all started with treachery. The Russian complicity in destruction and dismemberment of Yugoslavia is well documented. It supported Croatian fascists, militarily and politically; along with the “partners” it did everything that it possibly could against the Serbs, including their prosecution and ethnic cleansing, theft of their lands, dismemberment of their states and people. It continued with other attested friends and allies, therefore, soon we will be entering the great finale: the last stand of the harlot of the East. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.danas.rs%2Fpolitika%2Fuklanjanje-milosevica-podrzao-i-vladimir-putin%2F https://russia-insider.com/en/natos-hague-inquisition-exonerates-slobodan-milosevic-again/ri21867 https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://stanjestvari.com/2020/10/30/anja-filimonova-ambasador-ruske-federacije-odao-postu-organizatorima-masovnih-ubistava/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8fb7aa7cbae2d4a1a2c999f48546729de57e85516b1d77e64ee18c824ee98b9e.png

Fog of War

Russia’s fair weather friend China is eyeing a big chunk of Eastern Russia.

Band Itkoitko

China is in a considerable strategic disadvantage against Russia. Not truly dangerous for Russia. In fact, apart form nuclear weapons, nobody is existentially dangerous for Russia at this point of time and likely for the next century.

The only thing that is dangerous, I think, is what they (mostly the West) are actually doing – dissembling themselves and the basics of their civilization and rejecting objective truth. Russia can survive attacks, weird interests, and all kinds of things, but most likely it would not be able to sustain if the world simply sinks. However, the “partners” are not only determined to destroy Russia, they are quite invested in their own demise.


Stiff sht,Putin offered opportunities to develop,He also offered Britain the same.


This is not gorbachev era (period) you are retarded over 20 years,besides it were the west whom corrupted and bribed many a orthodox traitors,proimising them lucrative deals to dog on yugolslavia via nato bomings n sht,at the time rissia was very limited,however they did not incite towards bombings like you homosexual problematic rants try to [put vexation towards orthodoxy peoples,woe unto you fascist/cia shills for you rewards in tyranny will surpass your freedoms,whilst beinf so dumbfked insomuch knoweth of consequences,drr!

Russia learns,obviously you accused yet again the wrong peoples,to your shame,fkwit!


Self inflicted; Russia should have made a major attempt to stop it from the beginning instead of taking one slap after another. Instead of complaining do something about it and according to TASS news the current sanctions imposed by the EU will be answered ‘tit for tat’ instead of following through with Lavrov statement of cutting ties with the EU. Maybe Russia should alter their way of thinking and instead of Russia being European how about Europe being a part of Russia!

Fog of War

Chabad Putin dribbles BS out of both sides of his mouth. If the EU, ZioAmerica, and Israhell are Russia’s ” partners ” then who can its enemies be ? Come out and say it Chabd boy. Name them, or is this just more talk ?




Eh,carefull of the sex chage food they give over there:for it ruins logical objectives(period) No future in fascism nor their lgbtq do’minions,dig! No? Ok lets put it this way,this is the holy war anyone who mocks orthodox is a p00f.or has too many p00fs as friends,whoms on the verge to become one itself someday too or just

a gutless atheist though no where near as suicidal as protestant p00fs,nuff fkn said!

You ain’t getting ye fekn war either,prepare therefore to die in shame,no more lies(period) Failed to defend anything you clowns only failed yourselfs,thus no more freedom,for botch!

thomas malthaus


Able Archer from 1983.

Assad must stay

inshallah they fail miserably and russia comes out on topp


I’m not a big fan of world government, particularly of the type that JWO Davos crowd miscreants are trying to get in place with their scamdemic and great reset.

However as a practical matter in terms of assisting our transition into becoming an ET race and civilization ourselves. It makes getting some type of world government in place a prerequisite to improve our ability to develop relations with positive ET civilizations.

Putin would have to be on the list in qualified and competent category.




Right now this is my primary kinetic security equipment for remote wilderness ET contact work where I have to travel any distance from my vehicle on ops. And have it on my person. For a combination of light weight and fire power.

A compact 9 mm handgun and a .40 S&W folding carbine. That can be carried concealed in my pocket and pack. So as to present a diplomatic image without compromising security.


Indeed and the cia/soros/lgbt/fascist trolls will cry in rage,because themselfs destroy own freedom! No more fkn excuses are only just that,war is not the answer,diligent works + infacstructures rule! This is not a world for soros tramps free lunch n travel to bullsht in their wake,they lost,worlds glad!

Tommy Jensen

Its obvious none of you guys here understand that everything we do is about freedom. We do it only for freedom, and you dont understand it!

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