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Putin Issues a Ultimatum to the United States to Leave Eastern Europe

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Putin Issues a Ultimatum to the United States to Leave Eastern Europe

Originally appeared at Memoriabg, translated by Borislav exclusively for SouthFront

Vladimir Putin asked the US to remove its defense infrastructure from Eastern Europe and from the territory of new NATO members in the Balkans and the Baltics (Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland) as well as its troops stationed there in recent years. He also insists that Washington’s sanction are lifted and compensation paid for the damage caused by them.

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the termination of the plutonium processing agreement with the US, for hostile action by Washington against Russia and he set several conditions for its renewal – first, a “reduction of military infrastructure and the size of US contingent troops located in NATO countries who became members after September 1, 2000, to the level at which they were on the day of this agreement entering into force.”

“In relation with the radical change of circumstances, a threat to the strategic stability arises as a result of hostile actions of the United States of America toward the Russian Federation, and the inability of the US to ensure the implementation of commitments in the processing of excess plutonium for weapons purposes in accordance with international contracts” is stated in the official document, which terminated the agreement.

The agreement with the US was signed on August 29, 2000, and applies to the processing of excess plutonium for weapons purposes in Russia and the USA. Each party must take action to eliminate plutonium with a total weight of 34 tons.

Sergey Lavrov stated that Moscow sends a signal to Washington with its decision, that the US will not achieve anything by talking with Russia from a position of power, sanctions and ultimatums. This is a forced measure, but the Russian Foreign Minister stated that Russia is not abdicating its responsibilities for nuclear disarmament, according to material published on the website of the Ministry.

Reuters also reported that Vladimir Putin terminated the agreement with the US for the disposal of plutonium from nuclear warheads. The agency notes that this is another indication of the deteriorating relations between Washington and Moscow. The decree noted that the deal was terminated because of “the resultant threat to strategic stability and due to the hostilities of the United States toward the Russian Federation”. The US proved unable to fulfill their obligations to the contract.

The exact reason to terminate the agreement is the American method of processing the plutonium. The agreement call for the nuclear material to be processed “irreversibly”. Since 2010, the US stopped processing “irreversibly” and has only been burying the material, enabling them to produce nuclear munitions uncontrollably.

The draft law to stop the agreement also stated that the agreement will be renewed by decision of President Vladimir Putin, who is also a drafter of this text. But first, the US would have to “remove the causes that led to the fundamental change of circumstances.”

Moscow requires an “end of the hostile policy towards the Russian Federation through”:

– A repeal of the “Magnitsky” Law from 2012, through which dozens of officials deemed responsible for the death of Sergei Magnitsky in prison, are banned from entering the United States.

– A repeal of targeted against Russia provisions, in the Act of 2014 to support freedom in Ukraine.

– A removal of all sanctions introduced by the United States to natural and legal persons from Russia.

– A compensation for the damages caused to the Russian Federation as a result of the imposed sanctions, including damages caused by the (Russian) counter-sanctions.

The bill states: “The crisis in Ukraine is used as a pretext for increasing the US military presence in Eastern Europe. In 2015 were created 6 centers for troop control in Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland. Their main task is to provide operational transfer of large military forces of NATO in Eastern Europe. US military divisions entered the territory of the Baltic countries, and the number of airports for NATO aircraft were increased. US instructors are training personnel from the organization the “Right Sector” which is banned in Russia”.

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I don’t think that Putin’s statements can be considered an “ultimatum”. He has already withdrawn from the plutonium deal and is simply requiring the return of the situation as it was when the agreement was originally signed before resuming the deal. Now if he had threatened war if NATO doesn’t withdraw from Eastern Europe withen 60 days (for example) that would be an ultimatum!

James Grubbs

Dang! Would you like fries with that order sir? For 50 cents extra we can supersize your order.

Jens Holm

If the doctors of Putin strech his dick further we can walk on it.

Remind me of and old Rolling Stones titel : Jumping Jack Flash.


Just saddle that pony and ride………….let’s get this s h i t over with!

renda blue

Obama is a FAGOOT usless POS

dale ruff

Come on out of the closet! Thank you for your hatred.


Both of Obama kids are adopted.

dale ruff

That adds critical information to the discussion but raises the question: why did you give up your children for adoption? And why bring it up now, a few months before he leaves office. I respect you, John, for not aborting your black babies but giving them up so the Obama’s (both of whom are transvestites) could have a family. People like you are the heart and soul of America!


First of all I don’t have any kids and i did not give any up for adoption or abortion,and I’m not black. I served in the US Army with a tour In VietNam back in 1966-67 as a Warrant officer with the medical corp. Obama,Bush 41,and 43 and Clinton are the most evil people walking the planet at the present time along with that bitch Hillary. So your really wrong with your vision of me.

dale ruff

Hahahahahahah…gotcha! I peg you as a racist……and I have been proven correct.


The US government need a good kick in the balls. That just might set those Jews straight.


What balls?

dale ruff

Disgusting! We don’t need more bigotry!

Pale Writer

I wouldn’t hold your breath on any of that if I were Putin or Moscow. Because everything requested sounds reasonable.


What did Country Joe sing……”Whoopee we’re all gonna die”. Let’s hope there’s enough White Hat’s in high places to help Trump survive and fire all the neocons crazies before they get us all killed.

dale ruff

Hey, I heard Country Joe sing this song, perhaps for the first time, in Berkeley in 1968 at a little joint that held 80 people. He blew our minds! His Whoopee song was sung with a droll irony……..

BTW, Trump, being totally ignorant of foreign policy, will be led by the nose by the neo-cons. He has already reversed his view on NATO from (Why does it even exist?) to “I am a big fan of NATO.” It seems the neo-cons have already taken over his thinking. If by White Hats, you mean White Helmets, no thanks, since they are part of the ISIS terrorists in Syria, acting as a propaganda front. We don’t want any more terrorists in the US. No thanks!

Doug Brown

Russia does not seek conflict, nor does Russia seek confrontation. Just the contrary, Russia seeks peace, quiet, prosperity, equanimity, yes, a stoic meditative tranquility. Of course, on the other side of the equation you have hair-balls, the sexually ambivalent, the new agers, swarms of atheists, and a rampant military that is probably drugged. These folk simply can not tolerate Russia. They hate her Orthodox Christianity, they hate her hetrosexual mores, and they really loathe the insinuation that the ancient Russian Judeo-Christian social ethic is both revered, prized, and that it will be maintained. This flies in the face of Obama’s Godless homosexual revolution. This isn’t all the picture but it certainly is some of it.

Dod Grile

Don’t blame the war racketeers on Atheism. Many of them are “Church going folk.” In fact many of their early forays for world domination and economic control were done in the name of Jesus, the Cross and the Gospel. Little doubt you have heard of the Crusades haven’t you?

The are not atheists they are “capitalists and imperialists”, period.

As to Obama’s transgender bathroom thing, that will allow male perverts entry to women’s lavatories– so they can photography them and post their pictures on the internet– is merely a diversion.

Doug Brown

Seeing is perhaps more selective than imagined.


The globalists are beholden to no religion, no race, no country and no moral code. They are only beholden to the acquisition of money for the power that brings. In short, they want everything, including our lives. Go Russia!

dale ruff

This sounds like a definition of Donald Trump, who has not loyalties except to his own power and wealth. He claims he will end the corrupt system which made him famous and wealthy. He won’t. People do not undermine the systems which brought them power….they strengthen and defend them.


+Dod Grile… they are the “FILTHY JOO TALMUDIC supremacist scourge of mankind”, period! The FILTHY JOO is behind all this horror. …and you are too afraid to state the truth… or one of their many ROTTEN agents spreading the confusion! Just pay a visit to who is who in SCAM JOOsury BANKING!

dale ruff

You are disgusting.

Doug Brown

Church going folk? Inane generalizations. I mean really, Church going folk? Putting history into convenient nutshells and then pontificating is nothing but a historical hustle. You only imagine you model intelligence, coherence and accurateness, but it isn’t so.


Going to church doesn’t make one religious any more than standing inside a garage makes me a car.


It’s certainly a large portion of it!

Round House Zulu

The U.S. issues a threat by the mere presence of being stationed in the so called NATO alliance territories. Those U.S. defenses should be deployed here in the United States of America and Europe take care of it own hemisphere.

dale ruff

You are right that Russians want just to make money, but the rest of your post goes off the deep end. Your hatred seeps out………we need more hatred, don’t you think?

Doug Brown

Your sarcastic tonality seeks to camouflage something. Empty-headedness or just base sarcasm? Whatever it is you would do well to attempt making your point.

dale ruff

It is not sarcasm but a direct attack on your hatred, using irony as the vehicle. My purpose is surface: to call you out for your toxic ideas. We do not need more hatred or pollution: no sarcasm intended, no ulterior motives other than to shame you for being so bigoted and releasing such hatred into the public discourse Shame on you!

Doug Brown

You must be a very bored individual. Don’t you have a Nintento or something?

dale ruff

Go fuck yourself. I am a 75 yr old battling cancer, seeking to educate others. Your trolling is pathetic. How bright you are to confuse a senior( with a world class education) with a juvenile. Whichever way you cut it, you are trading in insults, logical fallacies, and making an ass of yourself.

Doug Brown

You are barking up the wrong tree old fellow. Find a more suitable topic. The one you presently fixate on doesn’t suit you.

dale ruff

Ah, you tried to attack me for being young. Now I am “old fellow.” I get it: trolls always have a way to troll. What is your contribution to this discussion which allows you to judge mine.

You provide no support for your empty criticism, other than personal innuendo, so I dismiss you as a troll. I suggest you go fuck yourself, as you may have some talent at that.

Doug Brown



It seems most of the world populations including the populations of the West have had enough of the bully rulers of the West. The bully rulers of the West don’t like it so, they want to blow up things (countries) to get their way. The bully rulers of the West could feel their end (judicial hangings or jail time) are staring them in the face. As well as they might see everything they have stolen from the rest of the world being taken away from them through legal means. A lot of the bullies are old and like the spoiled children (emotionally) they are they throw tantrums with threats of blowing everything they can up, or killing as many people as possible by other ways because if they are going down by god they mean they will do their best to take the rest of the world down with them. What they don’t understand or don’t care to understand is few people would want to live in the Satanic New World Order they are trying to create. So, if we are all going to die if they don’t get to have their way so be it. It’s better than living in their Satanic New World Order Hell. They could feel they have nothing to lose by destroying us because we will destroy them because of their evil. What they could possibly fail to understand is we have nothing left to lose either to amount to anything much because they have already stolen it all. Their actions have put many people in the world in a kill or be killed situation and/or position.

The rulers of the West in the most part are evil, they serve the Devil, and his works they will do. That is why Jesus says unless he comes back no flesh will be saved alive. The prophecies in the Bible are unfolding before our eyes daily with 100% accuracy. When a person reads these prophecies in the Bible it is like reading tomorrows newspaper.

The evil ones causing all the Chaos in the world can read the Bible too. And, like their father the Devil they know their time to continue their rule and reign on earth is drawing short. And, like a roaring lion they roam the earth seeing whom they may devour.


Very perfect analysis maam. The end of everything for the bullies is near!!!


Or perhaps they’re just using bible prophesy to deceive us into thinking that this is God’s will, so all Christians will believe it’s the “End Times” and sit quietly and wait for the end. I say we’re being played for our beliefs. Remember, the best trick the Devil ever pulled, was making people believe that he doesn’t even exist…Think about that.

IF all Christians stood up united, and put on their Armor of God and fought back – it would be all over for them. THE GLOBALISTS WOULD BE DONE.


The russians are airing their grievances in a very public way. All the diplomatic crap has been stripped away. Kerry pointlessly droning away hour after hour must have started to drive them mad.


It only takes about 60 seconds for me to be climbing the walls looking for the off button…


US “diplomat” John Kerry is playing a Ukraine and Syrian double game. He needs time to get the situation thru till Ms. Clinton sits on the Washington Throne. Then … the war is really on. May our Gods protect us against this … total destruction that will follow.


Shouldn’t take it too light, my good man. When a Russian start talking in this way and this is the Big Chief of the country, you can be assured he is bloody serious. The Atlantists with their North Atlantic Terror Organization should really think twice before doing a next insane move to poke the bear.

Nam Marine



Now get the hell out. It’s about time.

Johnny Canuck

Look at what the Jewish Bolsheviks did to Russia just when that Country was about to take the to the World stage as an important Economic Country. They created the USSR, murdered tens of millions of Russians, starved millions of Ukrainians, enslaved numerous Countries and basically drove the whole shebang into an Economic mess and made Russia the “Bad Guy”.

Now that Russia has shed that wolf’s skin, Russia is once again about to be an Economic Powerhouse, but this time the Jewish Bolsheviks, now called “Zionists”, are in control of the USA, now being called the “USSA”, amongst other derogatory terms and is the “Bad Guy”, whilst Communist/Muslim Obama sinks America into an Economic Blackhole.

If Trump gets in, there is hope of pulling back from this precipice, otherwise, it’s been swell…

Hillary for Prez…


dale ruff

I didn’t realize that Stalin was Jewish. Thanks for setting the record straight. Trump now says he is a big fan of NATO: how is that a pulling back?

Was Stalin orthodox Jew or Reform?

Johnny Canuck

I DIDN’T say Stalin was “Jewish”. In fact he may have been murdered because he was going to clamp down heavily on the “Jews” within the Party. Even so, he perpetrated the Bolshevik penchant for murdering, torturing and incarcerating Russian People.

He may have married a Jewish Woman and had a daughter by her, but there is much mystery around this guy. As you stated, he was not even Russian, but he managed to climb over everybody to become supreme “Comrade” Dictator over the weakened Russians.

Communism is, of course, a “Jewish” concept and it has devastated the World in so many ways. This “ideal” was funded and supported by the Rothchild (Ratchild) clan, a conniving bunch of “Jewish” Banksters and minion, Jacob Schiff.

These people are not even real “Jews”, but usurpers of the Religion, being mostly Khazarians called “Ashkanazis”, most of whom, now make up the majority of ISIS-RA-EL’s “Jews”.

It always comes down to the Banksters, many who are Khazarian Mobsters, for the best description. There are non'”Jews” who readily participate in this business of deceptions, lies and Murder and they are scum too.

Don’t forget who financed both the Communists and the Nazis.

dale ruff

You said: “Look at what the Jewish Bolsheviks did to Russia just when that Country was about to take to the World stage as an important Economic Country. They created the USSR, murdered tens of millions of Russians, starved millions of Ukrainians, enslaved numerous Countries.”

This happened under Stalin, who ruled from 1929 to 1953. He initiated Jewish pogroms, etc. Your anti-semitism is obvious, as you also claim the Jewish Bolsheviks are in charge of the US.

We get it: you are a rabid fascist in denial. WE all hate the banksters but this can be done without bigotry. The largest banks in the world are in China: are they run by Jews? Hank Paulson was CEO of Goldman-Sachs and then ran the Treasury and extorted the bailout. He was raised Christian Scientists.

Most bankers are not Jews; some are, for historical reasons (In Europe, back then, only Jews were allowed to make loans….so their banking history is based on being EXCLUDED from other professions.

When you nakedly introduce bigotry into a critique of the banksters, you serve their purpose to make you look like a racist idiot. So stop doing it.

If I were a corrupt banker, and there was a movement afoot to end the corruption, I would begin to portray the movement leaders as Jewish Bolsheviks, in order to discredit them as racists. Who is paying you to do this? Or are you an honest racist?

Johnny Canuck

OK. I just join dots. Ashkanazi Khazarian “Jews” are not “Semites”, so I am not anti-semite. Arabs are Semites.

Here is what Mr. Putin had to say on this subject:




Here is what Solzhenitsyn had to say about the Ukrainian Holomodor and the forced starvation of Rusians as well, all done by “Jewish” Bolsheviks:

The Holodomor

Solzhenitsyn had a speech to AFL–CIO in Washington, D.C. on 30 June 1975, where he mentioned how the system created by Bolsheviks in 1917 caused dozens of problems in the Soviet Union.[89] He described how this system “in time of peace, artificially created a famine, causing 6 million people to die in the Ukraine in 1932 and 1933.” Following this, he stated that “they died on the very edge of Europe. And Europe didn’t even notice it. The world didn’t even notice it – 6 million people!”[89] Solzhenitsyn opined on 2 April 2008 in Izvestia that the 1930s famine in the Ukraine was no different from the Russian famine of 1921 as both were caused by the ruthless robbery of peasants by Bolshevik grain procurements.[90] He claimed that the “provocatory shriek about a ‘genocide’ was started in the minds of Ukrainian chauvinists decades later, who are also viciously opposed to ‘Moskals.'” The writer cautioned that the genocidal claim has its chances to be accepted by the West due to the general western ignorance of Russian and Ukrainian history.”



Here is some info on Jews in China:


Here’s a bit of quick History on the Khazars:


I guess anybody that questions ISIS-RA-EL and the so-called “jews”, which is a word that never existed until the Medieval times, is called a “Nazi”, a “Bigot”, an “Anti-semite”, a “Racist” and whatever else comes to mind.

I just look at this stuff and join the dots, while observing what these people are doing to Countries everywhere. ISIS-RA-EL came into to existance through decades of manipulations, deceptions and Terrorism, the same kind of Terrorism that is now being done by the Western and Israeli-backed and created al Qaeda and ISIS.

The young Turks that did the Armenian Genocide were also “Jews”, BTW and the House of Saud are cousins to the “jews”.

I stand by my statements and I did say that not all Bolsheviks or Banksters were or are “jews”. Corruption knows no bounds.

Terry Williams

I’m not seeing this on tass.ru or sputnik. How credible is this source?


We are almost at a tipping point for a real war! Our country needs to wake up!

dale ruff

Here is the heart of the issue…..US hypocrisy and saber rattling. “Sergey Lavrov stated that Moscow sends a signal to Washington with its decision, that the US will not achieve anything by talking with Russia from a position of power, sanctions and ultimatums. This is a forced measure, but the Russian Foreign Minister stated that Russia is not abdicating its responsibilities for nuclear disarmament, according to material published on the website of the Ministry.

Reuters also reported that Vladimir Putin terminated the agreement with the US for the disposal of plutonium from nuclear warheads. The agency notes that this is another indication of the deteriorating relations between Washington and Moscow. The decree noted that the deal was terminated because of “the resultant threat to strategic stability and due to the hostilities of the United States toward the Russian Federation”. The US proved unable to fulfill their obligations to the contract.

The exact reason to terminate the agreement is the American method of processing the plutonium. The agreement call for the nuclear material to be processed “irreversibly”. Since 2010, the US stopped processing “irreversibly” and has only been burying the material, enabling them to produce nuclear munitions uncontrollably.

The draft law to stop the agreement also stated that the agreement will be renewed by decision of President Vladimir Putin, who is also a drafter of this text. But first, the US would have to “remove the causes that led to the fundamental change of circumstances.”

The US betrayed its commitment so the Russians have terminated the plutonium agreement. This is not an ultimatum from Putin, who frames the termination of the program as a refusal to be controlled by the US through sanctions and ultimatums. He observed the US was illegally using the plutonium in a very dangerous way….and ended the agreement as a result.;

To call this an ultimatum is to use words carelessly. It is a response to US breaking its word on a critical issue.

How sad that we do not have leaders like Putin or a democracy where we could elect such a man.

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