On December 2, a meeting of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Collective Security Council was held via videoconference. The participants discussed international security and the ways to increase the effectiveness of the organization, as well as the strengthening of inter-parliamentary cooperation.
Russia holds the organization’s rotating presidency this year, and will hand it over to Tajikistan in 2021. Currently, the CSTO consists of six countries: Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
The recent Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the peacekeeping process were actively discussed at the summit. Russian President Vladimir Putin
“At present, the trilateral declaration of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan of November 9 is being consistently implemented. Russian peacekeepers are deployed on the line of contact and along the Lachin corridor,”Putin said at the CSTO summit.

Deployment of Russian peacekeeping forces on December 2, 2020. Observation posts in the northern and southern zones of responsibility are marked with red triangles. Click to see full-size image.
Putin stressed out the necessity to jointly provide humanitarian aid to the citizens of the Nagorno-Karabakh region. He called on his counterparts to provide assistance in the return of refugees and the restoration of destroyed infrastructure, as well as the protection of historical, religious and cultural sites.
In his speech, Russian President pointed out great personal courage of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan that was demonstrated while signing the trilateral ceasefire agreement on November 9.
“He (Nikol Pashinyan) took upon himself this responsibility. And our task is now to support the Prime Minister himself and his team in order to establish a peaceful life, achieve the implementation of all decisions and help people who find themselves in difficult life situation “, – said the President of the Russian Federation.
Nikol Pashinyan in his speech at the CSTO summit also noted Putin’s personal role in the peace agreement. However, technical problems with the microphone did not allow him to start well.
The leader’s exchange of pleasantries took place amid the continuing protests in Armenia, where people continue to require Pashinyan’s resignation.
Putin’s support to Pashinyan and his administration seem to mark a significant shift in the relationship between Moscow and Yerevan. During the last years, the current Armenian Prime Minister actively pursued anti-Russian politics and did everything possible to weaken the close ties between Yerevan and Moscow.
Even today, when Russian peacekeeping forces assure the stability in Nagorno-Karabakh region, Armenian political leadership disrespects its Russian counterparts.
As it seems, finally, mr. the basement, understood his faults and returned to the hands of his country’s eternal, true and only ally, Mighty Russia, and abandoned his pro-european obsessions. This is the only explanation about why Mr. Putin lended his support to him.
Or mr. Midgetus gave up overthrowing Armenia’s PM.
Than why would he support him if he gave “up overthrowing Armenia’s PM”? It is people of Karabakh who wanted Russian protection. Putin doesn’t need Armenia and that Soros prostitute.
That’s projecting. Calling smaller countries, prostitutes when they stop serving the Russian master race, is the straight forward hint on why they don’t want to be friends of Russia.
If the shoe fits, you must acquit.
Russia fits best under NATO’s shoe.
Haha…..mind the spikes then!
Why are you talking about US and using word “Russia” ?
See, US appeared after the dark ages, still Russia calls all NATO countries vassals, that’s another sample of projecting. And that’s all ex communist countries want in NATO because Russians think they are master race.
Seems to be the case. It isn’t easy to overthrow a government backed by 2000+ American personnel on the ground.
Are you saying that are more American soldiers in Armenia than in Syria?
My comment made no reference to Syria.
Where do you have this number of 2000?
There 2000+ American military and civilian personnel in Armenia right now.
Where did you find that?
The Saker blog. He is more pro-Russian than you can ever be.
And you believe whatever he writes because of that?
Was he ever even trying ?
That’s how the war started. Just my oppinion.
In his speech, Russian President pointed out great personal courage of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan that was demonstrated while signing the trilateral ceasefire agreement on November 9.
You need a lot of courage to betray your nation like that.
and the winner for Triple Axels is….
rofl…Diplomacy https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/95b7d53b46289765f08c2e28216d589fcccd049709929654e6f06bea88425eb5.gif
Don’t be stupid, Putin plays in a field designed and set up by Ziocorporate New World Order investors, they literally desgined “democratic” Russia after 1991 just like they developed “communist” China since the 1970s. Taking Pussynyan out risks more sanctions and more NATO ops. and that’s bad for business.
100% right
Helped design, based on US Constitution. Russia’s new Constitution corrects certain aspects. Putin’s support is limited, and designed to distance Russia from the inevitable outcome.
Putin has him under his power, so why change him to something unknown?
The project of a multipolar world, based on the principle of non-interference and respect for cultural, political and religious diversities, as presented by Putin himself in Munich in 2007, must be built not only with words but also with facts, that is with the exemplarity, even when it does not seem convenient, as is the case today, because if the practice collides with ideas the whole project fails, so making the best of bad luck, Russia respects the Armenian choices without interfering, even supporting but only in words a traitor like this silly little man servant of soros and the State Department.
There’s a lot of cognitive dissonance in seeing multipolarity that way, it is bipolar (multipolar?) syndrome in geopolitical thinking.
I agree. Putin is either intending to do a back-flip at some point, or will go along with the agreement he has with the Globalists. But expecting the Globalists to be honest and not stab you in the back is just asking for trouble.
You’re right and Russia fully respect Zionist Israel,
Right but you don’t have to like them.
Putin is smart to keep the leash of Pashinyan….
Armenia is weak … militarily and economically … the train wreck should have been anticipated …. hello?
“There’s a slow, slow train coming up around the bend” Bob Dylan
Armenia DID NOT learn the lessons that were readily available … hello?
Armenia has always been weak….they were able to win the Nk war of 90s…because Russian military staff during drunk Yeltsin knew that NK war could lead that NATO(Turkey and others) troops could be deployed from Turkish-Armenian( AZ autonomous province) border to Caspian sea…then Russia military staff threated Turkey with a devastate war and end of the problem!….30 years after people in Armenia dont mind about the fate of NK…like Ukrainians, Moldovans or Georgians when supported colour revolution knowing the consecuence and the surely lost of territory in a civil war!..they thought that to be part of EU and NATO and working as a cheap labour in EU countries turn them in happy rich millonaires!…thats why Soros colour revolution start with smiles, women, ballons, flags, songs a false happiness to fool naives and fools!
Ok … Armenia needs to examine their OWN actions … as I stressed
Armenia needs to do some ‘navel gazing’
So the project to overthrow Pashinyan has failed and the Kremlin is now resorting to appeasement. I knew that 2000+ Americans stationed in Armenia means America’s candidate will likely retain power, and this seems to be the case.
The Kremlin always has a plan, if they’re supporting this sitting prime minister now that means he is useful in something
Trust the plan Q ?
Trust the plan P(utin)
Maybe you are right. It could also be that Russia is trying to prevent him pulling Armenia out of the CSTO. The fact this virtual meeting is happening goes to reinforce this possibility.
Believe me if Russia wanted to remove this prime minister, they’d do it with a coup or with Novichok. Armenia isn’t going to leave the CSTO
Which other member of the CSTO has 2000+ U.S military and civilian personnel stationed on its soil?
I don’t think America has any military presence in Belarus.
Putin so troll lmao
The Kremlin is looking to protect business and partnership with terrorist Ziocorporate globalism rather than building an alternative after all. The New World Order is going to be Ziocorporate “multipolarity”, a division in unity of purpose. If they won’t have a global digital dollar or a digital euro for everyone, they’ll just add digital ruble and yuan to the basket, national vaccines for the covid-1984 plandemic, and NATO alter egos in SCO. Pashinyan knew well that as a US/EU favorite Putin wouldn’t dare remove him and risk sanctions and more strained relations.
I’m more inclined to believe that now. There was always a lot of murkiness with regard to how the big businesses in Russia, and the Elite behind them, will take to further isolation from the West, and whether they will end up selling out to Globalist’s. Putin is obviously one man intended to represent a small group.
Putin is too polite with that worthless CIA/soros troll.
A diplomatic gesture, but that’s it.
Regime Media: “Joe Biden’s Dogs Have Told This Pet Psychic Their Beloved Master Will Be a ‘Great President” https://antiempire.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/En8ax50UYAAHN0j.jpg https://www.anti-empire.com/regime-media-joe-bidens-dogs-have-told-this-pet-psychic-their-beloved-master-will-be-a-great-president/
So you are a Jew, just like that ‘Random Dude’ poster.
One thing is certain that you are Armenian retard, one of the most stupid I have ever had possibility to talk to.
OK, definitely a Jew.
You are much worse than Turks you miserable peace of s*it ! You are stinking sleazy pro Western traitor just like you spiritual father Pashiniyan. If people like you are majority in Armenia than all of you can go to hell ! Russia will not move even little finger for you, because you don’t deserve it.
He is my other account
Got it, Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
Love the movie and the character. Beautifully played. I see you are a man of great taste.
Smart move by Azerbaijan. They know how to play the Russian and Turkish sides pretty well. They knew that settling mercenaries in those region was a red line for Putin.
I don’t think he “played Russia well” and if he taught he did, he would not bring those Zionist -terrorists in the first place. I think Aliyev have been ordered by Russia to send them back. I would be surprised if Iran didn’t do the same thing as Russia. Aliyev can’t do things that are directly opposed to interests of those 2 countries (and despite Turk “support” ).
It’s called a “useful idiot”, that’s what he is now
Chabad Putin , meet Soros Pashinyan, a match made in heaven.
i rather him support armenia over azeris which are backed by turks
The US deploys private military contractors from Libya to Europe.
Russia-Armenia relation in 20seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHLMSmdKw2E
Pashinyan should resign and let someone else have a go.