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Putin: Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Started With Brutal Crimes Against Armenian People

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Putin: Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Started With Brutal Crimes Against Armenian People

President Vladimir Putin

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict started with “brutal crimes” against Armenian people, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said on October 22 in a televised speech in “Valday” Discussion Club.

“This conflict started not as an interstate conflict or a struggle for territories, but as an ethnic confrontation,” the Public Radio of Armenia quoted the Russian President as saying, “unfortunately, this is a fact when cruel crimes were committed against the Armenian people in Sumgait and then in Nagorno-Karabakh.”

Putin added that no one is interested in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict more than Russia. Moreover, he noted that Russia doesn’t share Turkey’s stand on the issue.

The Russian President also revealed that almost 5,000 people have died since the outbreak of the clashes in Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27.

“According to our data, the number of deaths on both sides is almost 2,000, the total number of deaths is already nearing 5,000,” Putin said.

Putin said he is in constant communication with both Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev.

The Russian capital, Moscow, is hosting direct talks between the foreign ministers of Armenian and Azerbaijan. Two humanitarian ceasefires have been agreed upon, thus far. Both collapsed within a few days.

Russia is playing a leading role in Nagorno-Karabakh peace talks. Nevertheless, a settlement doesn’t appear to be near.


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The idiot Armenia just mis-quote Putin’s statement.

Putin never wants to get involved with the N-K conflict. Putin wants to play balancing game. He is a weapon dealer.



Europe hates America

But at the end the isis turk is right. U really believe putin cares about armenian? And why he was waiting for so long for a statemant?

Ishyrion Av

Putin cares about Russia security, as it is normal. And all actions of Russia should be understood from this point of view. Now and here, Russia security means no muslim jihadists on the borders or even inside the federation. This means Turkey is on thin ice already. Let’s not forget that Russia movements were all the time unexpected and decisive. Rather than fix the pain, it goes directly to the disease. And in this situation, disease is instability and hegemonic plans Turkey tries to implement on several fronts.

Tommy Jensen

quite right

Tommy Jensen

…………….and my grandma’s butt is a waterplane.


Well well well guess who woke up?


Bacon, Why the hell do you sleep all day. Did you get drunk at the bar last night ?


The bar was my home, since covid quarantine, I’m homeless.


Kudos to the bar owner for giving you their wi-fi password.


I bet all the clients see only ads on Russian vodka.


Not your cup of tea I guess… You are the one who ruins whiskey with redbull$hit. I should’ve known there’s still communist residue in you when you confessed your fondness of the “red” bull!


I feel the need to mention in my defense that I don’t mix/ruin drinks, but I so miss the club that I would literary mix and snort anything from any part of any hooker’s body.


In that case, move aside and count me in!


october surprise


just steamroll and rolfstomp till baku mr putin!! time to try the ARMATA

Tudor Miron

SouthFront, This world is much bigger than NK and two countries with no sovereignty to speak about, wasting lifes of their people for this territory. Yes, it (NK) is an integral part of the world but only part of it. Todays Putin’s speech touched areas way more important and global. Picking narrow points doesn’t help your audience to see the bigger picture that actually determines what happens in each and every part of the world.

Ishyrion Av

It is an article about Armenian-Azeri war, not about Putin speech and worlds problems. Pay more attention.

Tudor Miron

Having problems reading the title of the article? I will reiterate – seeing and realising the bigger picture leads to better understanding of local events. Picking the words out of context and concentrating on them solely, without seeing the bigger picture leads to poor understanding of both local and global events. This article above gives wrong impression on Russia’s stance in the conflict. Putin reiterated that both Armenian and Azerbaijani people are of the same great importance for Russia. Russia says that there’s no military solution to this conflict and will do everything possible to find a diplomatic solution to end the bloodshed. My personal remark – CCCP showed that Armenians and Azeri’s can peacefully coexist together in this region.

Ishyrion Av

I read the title and the article. Is about Armenia-Azeri war, not about Putin vision of the world. As for the sides, you are still confused with the soviet era discourse. Russia has security issues, not sides in the wars. Of course coexistence is the perfect solution, but there is no perfection here and especially there.

S Melanson

Very good comment. Also just wanted to give you a heads up that I published another analysis piece and the link is below. Any feedback is appreciated, Cheers, Stewart.


Black Waters

Both countries were part of the USSR, Russia’s intentions is to stop the conflict not to take sides, anyone trying to put Russia in one side of the conflict is a mossad or cia POS instigating conflict that it doesn’t have a place in reality.


Which is the west and their pashsa’s goal. Chaos on the Russian border…not to mention Iran…a two-fer.

johnny rotten

Putin strongly rebuffed the view of foreign “experts” that the world is counting on the “gradual fading” of Russia, “While strengthening our country, looking at what is happening globally, in other countries … the only thing we’d be worried about is catching a cold at your funeral,” the president said.

Tommy Jensen

The world is tired of Putin’s regime change operations and colour revolutions and interference in free and civilised worlds democratic elections. Pouring gasoline all over ME, robbing gold and landmasses, breaching all International treaties and rules with his hypersonic weapons, using chemical weapons against his political opposition, bombing civilians who only wanted a little freedom and who refuse to vote for dictatorship and gulag. This is what he has been doing!

cechas vodobenikov

quit projecting your LGBT amerikan insecurity tammy—u uncivilized mentally ill moron amerikans=more than 30% diagnosed mentally ill—Russians less than 5% USA= most violent/non violent crime per capita of all nations amerikans most obese, most stupid amerikans can’t feel pleasure (Zizek)–most marijuana, coke, meth, heroin, hallucinogen consumption per capita of all nations “only the least developed nations punish widely, severely” Durkheim USA=only nation in Western Hemisphere w death penalty–65% barbaric gringos support–no nation from Russia to UK permits this…u incarcerate more per capita than any nation in history”the banality of amerika; the radical absence of culture”. J Baudrilliard u fascists do not abide by UN convention law of sea, ICC, conventions that prohibit anti-personnel weapons: Russia does u self uglified amerikans are despise in all nations “the people of amerika accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives nearly without precedent in the history of western civilization”. Yuri Bezmenov the most puritanical, sexually represses, justice freedom hating robots on the planet Koestler compared u to 5th century romans: “a similarly contactless society populated by automatons…a similarly soulless, politically corrupt, everybody for themselves society” now return to your trailer park and meth and sexually assault your mobile phone–

Tommy Jensen

Maybe. But you forget to name who got and get the dollares……………….LOL. So in compensation for not having dollares you praise your honourable feelings as being of higher class than us…………………..LOL.

Everybody is for sale my boy, everybody is running and bowing for a buck, the dollar. Thats why many of your pals came running and sits grinning here in the West, Kasparov, Khodorovsky, Abramovich, Yuliya Samoylova, Litvinenko, Viktor Yanukovych, m.m., and you cant do a shit about it…………………….LOL.

They will keep coming, bowing for dollares………………………LOL.


yeah because you purchase them don’t you? Fuckin suitcases full of countless unmarked $100 bills, a US passport and a house in the US?……it’s a good bribe no?


Is it a real argument as to who is worse?…the payer of bribes or the traitor that takes them?


but that’s how it has always worked zman…….a traitor is born every minute, so is an exploiter.


Yes, when others rant about the criminal excesses of the US and other owned countries, it is interesting that they do not mention those in their countries that TAKE the dollars. It’s all the fault of those paying, not those caught in honey traps or those just wanting to go for the cash. Corruption IS everywhere, there are no golden countries. BTW, you missed Browders gang…and where does the Kazarian mob come from? Rothchilds?

Vox Populi

US hardly the ‘superpower’ it used to be: Putin

It is interesting that Putin also called Erdogan a “reliable partner”.

Asle Runar Borgersen

If Putin really means that Erdogan is a “reliable partner”, he must be stupid. Erdogan is not reliable, he is dangerous – he is the new wannabe-sultan of Turqey, and tries to start a new Ottoman empire. don’t forget he shot down a russian plane in Syria, and he also baks the IS-terrorists in Syria, especial in Idlib, because he wants to buy cheap oil from the terrorists.


he is reliable if you know how mad he is

you can always predict his next move…predicting his mad actions is the reliable thing in this case


Putin knows very well erdogan is a monster.. the problem is he is weak and incredibly naive ,and he have the idea that by being friendly and polite with monsters.. like erdogan is.. that he will avoid a war.. what will happen is erdogan will take advantage of putin weakness and continue demanding weapons and technology ,so that he can not only restart the ottoman empire using central asian muslim nations .but also armed with every modern weapon that putin have.. putin have good intentions ,but his tactics are terribly wrong.. and the future of russia is in question with putin in power.. only china can help russia from putin bad decisions. He don’t know that with his weakness he encourage his enemies to attack russia more and disrespect their military.. putin tactics is called to use weakness as power.. to beg , to kneel , to soft talking ,but it will not work.. it never worked.. he have been calling for good relations with americans for 20 years.. already and failing miserably all the time .. it look that his age have stolen all his confidence and leadership.. what will putin do when azeris start bombing armenia capital and they ask for help? he will not be able to stop armenia fighting for their native lands… which are all those they claim.. and so this will cause that azerbaijan start hitting all military bases ,including the russian one.. and what he will do next? he risk facing a much worse war if delay the help to armenia.. because once azeris get at the border with armenia ,their artillery will be at distance of russian base.. so will not be surprising they kick russia from their base in armenia and his military will be very angry with him for not helping armenia.. so putin risk a major civil war or rebelion withing the military ,who wants to help armenia.. and also risk a major civil war too if he lose too many soldiers aiding armenia.. but at least society will understand armenia needs to be helped..


Putin is naive…now I’ve heard it all.


President Putin is actually correct when he and all of us realise that Erdogan is ‘reliably unreliable’.

Such people are easy to understand:)

Black Waters

It’s funny, because most of your paragraphs are a perfect description of the modern U.S, almost like a perfect match, even looks like a projection of the U.S regime. A government that it doesn’t represent their citizens anymore, pushing for conflict based on color skin, a pedo grandpa and a degenerate like trumpstein, sad times for people living in the U.S

You are a perfect depiction of a propaganda troll, sometimes you say things to gain peoples approval, then you write things like this, well at least you gained one enemy forever (me), because before i wasn’t sure of your intentions, now it’s crystal clear.


When you get to know Tommy, you will realize he is constant in his satire of the US, “”the perfect match” indeed.


The guy knows that,what i have to ask what would motivate someone to say that? some people are sick in the head.


To point out the absurdity of the western propaganda view of Russia/Putin? No matter what he/they do, it’s always portrayed as Tommy puts it. Sometimes he’s a little over the top, but I know I’ve been lambasted as well for some of my satire as well. Sometimes it also takes a kick in the head to show how rife the media is with propaganda. Tommy may be a bit strange, but he’s no fool.


The world is tired of the US’s regime change operations and colour revolutions and interference in free and civilised worlds democratic elections. Pouring gasoline all over ME, robbing gold and landmasses, breaching all International treaties and rules with their intermediate-range nuclear weapons, using chemical weapons against their political opposition, bombing civilians who only wanted a little freedom and who refuse to vote for cronyism and poverty. That is what they have been doing!


Pouring gasoline all over you? Sure go ahead.


Are you a bot? Otherwise this phrase has no sense “Putin’s regime change operations and colour revolutions and interference”.

Are you talking about Soros? The US? The NED? The department of state?


You are spot on,except you confused Russia with the US you Moron.


Duh, he knows that.


Ok…now I’m pissed. Been into my acid again, huh? When you come back, you’ll realize it was all a bad trip. Then when you see Trump on TV, you’ll understand it was leaving CNN news on that did it. I prefer the multi-colored sign-off bars myself.

Ishyrion Av

This is the first official real statement of Russia in the matter of the Armenian-Azeri conflict and is good news for Armenians (as it was expected by anyone sane). The key words here are “brutal crimes against Armenian people” and “Russia doesn’t share Turkey’s stand on the issue”.


putin is putting his boots on and is getting ready to kick ass


its about time bro……


You are just like that! You do not belong to yourself! You have always been dependent on someone! Because you are nothing !!!

Ishyrion Av

Says an azeri who is pushed ahead by Turkey and uses arab terrorists as a cannon meat.


Who committed the Khojaly genocide in Karabakh in 1992 with the help of Russian troops? No one helped you, your tail is stuck in the door? Because everyone sees that you are in fact a terrorist.

Ishyrion Av

I do not excuse ANY massacre (it was not a genocide what happened there) and may God rest them in peace. But Armenians are not admitting their guilt and point to some rebel Azerbaijani troops. International observers says it was Armenians and Russians (I, personally, do not trust at all international observers who report to Washington). I do not know what happened there, the facts are that there were many people killed and Azerbaijan and US points the finger to Armenia. If you can show me some more evidence, I’m listening you. Until I have a larger view on something, I try to understand who wins and who loses from that situation (like this one). And for sure, Armenia and Russia are not winners in this situation. Can you take into consideration a provocation from a third party? Just asking.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/79c8dc6e7c7b1db0de5b1ababa87b7a2e2164e1828ab6226220d3c0970fe81c3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dd78824dc44dd11a43803d7d32dd082f337715726db3d6cc5ec6d5625d96bf17.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1cac944dd4cb71616fbbb91aa325ccc25acfc2eacbe48414eb239c6858e53684.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a8fbcab8a2f011af3fb360b005e269efaaeed3cb92a92f8285f3646c8f39fa14.jpg ARMENIANS HAVE LOST THEIR RIGHT TO LIVE IN AZERBAIJAN! – The policy of hostility towards Azerbaijan takes this right away from them! The results of the last 25 days of the Patriotic War are tragic for Armenia. The liberation of strategic military positions and settlements by the Azerbaijani Army and the destruction of thousands of servicemen have caused great frustration, depression and political crisis at home. Political forces and ex-servicemen do not allow Nicole Pashkina to share the responsibility for the disaster with the Armenian society. As a result, he became furious and increased the scale of the losses. The allies have retreated, the Armenian lobby has not yielded any results, and the country’s remaining resources are running out. There is desertion in the army, and young people are evading mobilization in various ways – recently by bribing themselves to register as a patient with COVID. The bandits in Nagorno-Karabakh are begging either Russia or France to stop Azerbaijan. The commanders on the front line also said that it was unwise to kill so many Armenians and demanded that Pashinyan put an end to the stupid resistance. Most Armenians settled in Nagorno-Karabakh fled to Yerevan, and a small number hid in basements in the corner of Khankendi. In short, sick fantasies like “Greater Armenia” are crushed under the boots of Azerbaijani soldiers. The Azerbaijani Army is very close to victory. Analyzing the current battle map, military experts say that the Armenian remnants will have no choice but to surrender in the short term. Armenia is now a lynx, rolling from the top of the mountain to the valley. For 27 years he has been suffering from the terrible pain of not listening to Azerbaijan’s patience and concessions. The losses are not just the destruction of thousands of troops, hundreds of military equipment, billions of dollars in economic damage. Armenia has been deprived of everything it has captured for two hundred years. The high autonomy status offered by Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh only a few months ago is no longer there. In an interview with foreign media, President Ilham Aliyev said that this issue is history, now there are new realities and a strategy will be implemented accordingly. The doors to peace talks are open, but now these gates have been set very low, and the Armenians must bend over and accept all the conditions of Azerbaijan. It is impossible to imagine an alternative. The vast majority of the country’s population no longer considers it de facto possible for Armenians to live in Nagorno-Karabakh. The unanimous opinion is that Armenians have generally lost their right to live in Azerbaijan. Armenia has once again taken this right away from them with its policy of hostility against Azerbaijan for more than a hundred years. From the beginning to the end of the last century, there is no counting the number of Armenian aggression, provocations, betrayals and massacres against Azerbaijani Turks. The facts prove that Armenians are not able to live together with Azerbaijanis, they do not want it. As soon as they get a chance, as soon as they feel strong, they try to infiltrate the Azerbaijani Turks by inflating their fascist ideology. We saw this in the 19th century, at the beginning, middle and end of the 20th century … What has the Azerbaijani people and state not experienced since the Armenians were given a place on their land? The genocide of civilians, tens of thousands of martyrs, wounded, millions of displaced people … Some Azerbaijani Turks have fallen victim to the hated enemy, who at various times in history has also used the power of his patron. Let’s not go too far, it is enough to look at the blows inflicted by the Armenians on the Azerbaijani people and state, the massacres and acts of vandalism committed by Armenians since 1988 to imagine what kind of fascist society we are neighbors with. Only the low-level act of genocide committed in Khojaly shows how poor the Armenians are. The situation in the liberated villages and cities evokes terrible feelings. It is clear from the footage that entire villages have been destroyed, and once closed villages and neighborhoods now resemble ruins. The enemy did not lay stones on about a thousand settlements. President Ilham Aliyev told foreign media that we could not find a safe building to hang a flag in Fizuli. Attempts to erase the history and culture of Azerbaijan, in general, the traces of the people from the historical lands, demonstrate to the world the low, hateful nature of the enemy. Throughout history, all members of this disgusting nation have taken up arms and shot at us and participated in massacres. Their children were raised in the cradle with hatred against Azerbaijani Turks, and at every opportunity they stabbed us in the back. They are in the same situation today. The fact that Azerbaijan has rejected all concessions over the past 30 years also clearly shows the true intention of the Armenians. How has the government changed in Armenia during this period? Which Azerbaijani people and state did he treat? None. Didn’t these governments express the will of the Armenians? Which Armenian condemned the genocides and massacres against Azerbaijani Turks? None. He even wrote works about these massacres, composed songs, and declared those who took part in the massacre against the Azerbaijani people heroes! Let no one deceive himself, it is impossible to live with such an enemy, such a perverse society. Yes, there are many facts in history that warring nations later reconciled and put an end to enmity. But we are facing a completely different, unprecedented tragedy. It is a terrible fact that in the last 100-150 years, several generations have borne the same hatred against the Turks, including the Azerbaijani Turks. This fact alone makes it the number one task of the state to keep Armenians as far away from our borders as possible. Therefore, the absence of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh is the most acceptable option. This is important for the future of the Azerbaijani state, to protect our people from the next disaster. We must learn a good lesson from history! At the same time, we must appreciate the opportunity he has given us and resolve the issue once and for all with a hundred enemies. This is the main condition of Azerbaijan’s national security. The peace options now being discussed on the agenda are about giving cultural autonomy to Armenians. However, the Armenians have proved, and today they show that they cannot live in any country as a representative of a minority. Like a cancer cell, they try to touch the soul of that country, people and state and eat it. It must be cut in time. Now is the time! …


I am not sure why exactly, but SF actually cut and gave half of the Putin’s speech. He also said things as “Turkey is a very good neighbour” , “It is easy to find common ground with Erdogan”, “We want to keep cooperation with Ankara”, “Armenia and Azerbaijan are equal partners for us”.

So he is still keeping his “neutral” attitude.


not only that .. putin is delusional , that he believe he can have “good relations” with a monster like erdogan is.. someone who aids alqaeda and isis to kill russian soldiers in syria.. and now moving jihadist to fight armenia. lol.. i think putin will go down in history like one of the worse and most weakest president in russia history. and i feel sorry for his generals and military.. if he thinks he can lure erdogan into “Friendship” with russia he is delusional. and should not be president . erdogan was even saying will help ukraine to get crimea back.. so how is not that a threat of war to russia? you bet putin will lose the war in armenia will fail to help them and erdogan will move to do the same in syria and reverse all the gains of putin there..


What makes you think that Putin is delusional? He only think Russia’s interests. Do you really think that he is no power to stop this conflict? If he wants he can stop this conflict today. He does not care who is Christian, Muslim or Jew, only thing matters to him is the profit for Russia.

Erdogan and Putian are not that different actually. They both are machiavellists from different backgrounds. Eh… well.. one of them is more mouthy and stupid.

Ishyrion Av

like I said above, this is not a game with the kids in the block; Putin uses Erdogan’s greed in its own advantage and stop talking about Russia friendship with Turkey, this does not exist and will not exist ever, as long as turks are what they are if you look in Syria, Russia is patrolling with Turkey in Idlib; but you also see Russian planes attacking Turkish troops when they cross the line; is this telling something to you?

Ishyrion Av

you forgot about… diplomacy Putin doesn’t want to alienate Turkey, but its security comes first if it’s necessary and only if it’s necessary, Russia will confront Turkey that was the message in this matter


you are putting too much hopes in putin.. he is very weak president.. and he will not move a finger for nagorno karabah.. because is afraid of a war with turkey and azeris.. what putin risk in this conflict in naive hopes of “continuation” of good relations with turkey and azeris.. is not only encouraging a bigger war ,once azeris reach armenia border , they will want to continue advancing and also create a bridge between azerbaijan and turkey , overrunning armenian main land.. so the war that putin wants to avoid , he face the big risk of getting anyway that war ,with the major difference that it will be now a much bigger conflict .. because a victory of turkey and azeris over armenia , which is a russian ally ,will send a clear message to the world ,that Russia is not a reliable ally and if any nation get in trouble with nato or turkey or israel ,that Russia will be totally useless its help . so putin weakness , teach the world ,that the only way to defend their territory is to become part of NATO. putin even called azerbaijan and armenia “equal partners” today in vaidal forum.. imagine the insult.. that armenia is part of the russia collective security treaty ,which is a nato like alliance but far smaller , and this will be a real disaster for russia future national security to have a victory or turkey and azeris over armenia , it will encourage lots of other muslim nations to become military protectorates of turkey ,and so russia will later have to deal with a nato muslim empire right on its own southern borders something that never happened before. and putin will be the only one to blame.. that not only will block russia in the caspian sea ,but that will also promote major civil unrest in russia caucasus ,because muslim from dagestan to chechenia to kazakistan will want to join an alliance with turkey against russia.. so americans will not have to move a finger to sink russia. turkey creating a new empire will do it alone ..so imagine the syrian conflict but now exported to all the caucasus all the way to kazakistan .. if facing nato was bad for putin ,how about facing 2 natos.. one of american and europeans and another of all central asia and turkey. already russian military is sending the alarm.


The thing I do not understand is: Are the Russian resources drained to the point of rendering Russia incapable of fighting off the danger of having a totally exposed southern flank? As far as I can guess, the Russian population would be much more willing to help their Orthodox Christian brothers of Armenia than to help Assad and Haftar. Did these engagements cost so much money and materiel that Russia just cannot afford helping Armenia? As to the “equally good relations with Armenia and Azerbaijan”, with the Turkish commitment of sending the whole Turkish army, should Baku request so, you are absolutely right that Azerbaijan practically enjoys the advantages of NATO membership – without having any of the obligations. Consequently, the Russian-Azeri relations are likely to go into the direction of the Russian-Turkish ones, with Erdogan proving artistic qualities by smiling Putin into the face while simultaneously kicking his ass. Strangely, Putin wants the public to believe that he is enjoying being subjected to this exercise.

Ishyrion Av

I fully agree with your perspective. Indeed, Russia’s aim here is to protect its southern flank. That’s why is in Syria, that’s why it has an alliance with Iran. And that’s why situation with Turkey is so complicated. Every move Russia does is on a microscope and there are active forces who are ready to play any card to inflict damage to Russia. And these cards are either religious, either nationalistic, either social justice, etc. If Russia helps Armenia, everybody will say it is an Orthodox alliance (Armenians are not really Orthodox, but that is a small detail here) against muslims. If Russia doesn’t help Armenia, Armenians are feeling betrayed and Turkey makes another step to its vicious imperial purposes. When Russia turned against Georgia (who is definitely Orthodox, the western narative was invasion of an independent state, aggression and so on. So you see, I don’t know what Putin will do and is a hard decision, because he has to take in account all consequences. Knowing that Russia security is not negociable. Probably, at some point, he will turn hard against Turkey and will finish this wicked neighbor and end all the problems from south.

Ishyrion Av

My only hope is in God. Regarding Putin, I doubt you have reasons to call him a weak president. Or a fearful one. Just because he doesn’t send his planes and missiles at once when somebody pushes him, makes him strong. Actually, is hard to have a huge arsenal and act so restrained with weak ones. Something US can’t do, for example. Don’t you agree?


,,Brain” resemble Erdogani , also they share same delusional mindset to conquer the world


Captain Freedom

lol he even has the same facial expression ?

Khazarian II (merchant)

Well looks like someones economy gonna turn upside down worse than now thx to our control of global economy.

Lone Ranger

Yes indeed. The crumbling U.S. Empire is going belly up.


Don’t worry… Tommy says this means more whiskey!

Lone Ranger


Tudor Miron



Yes, when Tommy will be forced to work in a brothel, as a whore, he will have whiskey. A lot of whiskey.

Vox Populi

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin suggests that, what he calls, the era of the United States’ “absolute dominance” throughout the international community is far over as the world’s power relations are undergoing important changes.

“The United States, which at some point absolutely dominated, can hardly claim to be exclusive,” Putin told the Valdai Discussion Club, a Moscow-based think tank, via video-link on Thursday.

China and Germany were advancing in the direction of becoming superpowers of their own, he noted, citing significant increase in their economic and political clout.


you control finance not economy…your empire is made of paper, very old paper

it is collapsing under your eyes, by you are too stupid to even say it

after all it is written that God would have made you fake jews mad and stupid

Khazarian II (merchant)

who controls finance controls economy who controls economy controls country. Only 200 ppl reads it so they will forget what I just said in a few days.


if a country send in the tanks, your finance will go boom

politicians are paid puppets, this is why finance control economy

Servet Köseoğlu

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict started with “brutal crimes” against Armenian people, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said on October 22 in a televised speech in “Valday” Discussion Club.Come on Mr.Botox..its time to play Deus-ex machina just like T-rex coming from nowhere to kill the raptors at the end of Jurassic Park:)))) Just do it…

Rhodium 10

Remember what happened in Libya…GNA and Turkish ready to retake Sirte ( the key to Ras Lanuf hub to export petrol)…and suddenly Russian planes landing in Bengasi and Tobruk….later SU 24 and MIG 29M landing in Al Jufra…airstrikes in Al Wattiya and Misrata vs Turkish military assets…deployment of S-300 in Sirte and Pantsir.=..end of the war!…I wrote here many days ago…Putin is above all a business manager of a country which have a significant Jews and Etnic Turquic Oligarchy but at the same time he Knows that have to preserve the Russian military industrial complex and its deterrence capacity because the pressure of the military staff is more forceful than pressure of the Oligarchs and their business in Turkey and Azerbajan!

Servet Köseoğlu

What happened in Libya? Main goal was accomplished…capturing Tripoli!!!..Sirte was Bonus..Egypt was the main opponent there with Uae-and France..Uae-france co. Mirage 2000-9 striked the airport Not Russians..Now N-k issue what did ı tell you?Territorial loss is 100% but ı am not sure about whole n-k..

Rhodium 10

Capture tripoli?..Tripoli was under GNA since Gadafi fall!…all petrol fields and oleoduct beside petrol hub in ports for export are under control of LNA and Russian PMC!..UAE MIrage ?…dont have enough range to Al Wattiya from east of Bengasi!…beside it would be a UAE declaration of war vs Turkey…the airstrike was carried out by SU 24M and MIG 29M with Russian PMC which have been landed in Al Jufra many days ago!

Servet Köseoğlu

it was under Haftar-uae-france attack..if we didnt sent there any troops,it would be fallen..it is a fact..The air strike was conducted by Mirage 2000-9 uae-france!!!

Rhodium 10

Man! the airstrikes was ordered by Russian military staff just after the ” Pantsir parade in Tripoli”.. a Turkish Hawk AD complex and a Koral EWS were destroyed by KH-31 air to ground Kripton missile

Servet Köseoğlu

Wrong..Bro..1)Even Ministry Of Defence Turkey pointed out Uae after the attack..2)Hawk-ad complex destroyed..okey..There was no Koral there.. Redet was used another ew land based system https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a9900e520145ce9beb856e06a56ca89a90da8a607a8088da8a2803453b20724a.jpg

Rhodium 10

Putin say in other words that Russian peacekeeper forces will enter in NK anytime to avoid that AZ soldiers and Turkish backed terrorist kill people, destroy Churches and Cultural sites….beside massive looting!…

Assad must stay


Jamie Strafford

Yup! Putin needs to man up!!


He just issued a warning, that is something.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Russia sees Armenia, Azerbaijan as equal partners, Putin says NOVO-OGARYOVO, October 22. /TASS/. Russia sees Armenia and Azerbaijan as its equal partners, it has always had special ties with both countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday during a session of the Valdai Discussion Club. “Russia has always had special ties with Armenia. But we have always had special ties with Azerbaijan, as well. There are over 2 mln Armenians living in Russia and about 2 mln Azerbaijani people. These are not just people who come in temporarily for work, these are people that live here on a practically permanent basis. They send billions of dollars to support their families, working in Russia. All these people have stable and close ties with Russia on a humanitarian level – interpersonal, business, humanitarian, family ties. So Armenia and Azerbaijan are equal partners to us,” Putin said. https://tass.com/politics/1215307

Tommy Jensen

Armenia and Azerbaijan are also equal partners to US, and instead of toilet paper they send dollares home to their countries from US………………………………..LOL.


dollars ARE toilet paper

you misguided fool


Hello Putin: Don’t you know that 26 years ago how the Armenians committed brutal crimes against Azeris.

Black Waters

Nice propaganda, here, 10 shekels.


The Khojaly genocide is the gravest crime of genocide committed against peaceful Azerbaijani people in the course of Armenia’s aggressive war against Azerbaijan. The town of Khojaly is located in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. The strategic importance of Khojaly is related with its location at the crossroads of the main highways of the region, as well as, the only airport in the Nagorno-Karabakh region is also located here. In the second half of February 1992, Khojaly was under total siege by Armenian military units and any attempts by local civilians to break the siege were prevented.

On the night of 25-26 February 1992, in violation of all international legal norms, Armenian armed forces attacked the civilian population of the sieged town of Khojaly with heavy military equipment, killing them with unprecedented brutality and razing the town to the ground. As a result of crime against not only the people of Azerbaijan, but against humanity, 613 civilians, including 63 children, 106 women and 70 elders were brutally murdered on grounds of national identity.

Khojaly villagers were beheaded, had their eyes gouged out, skinned, and burned alive. Those trying to flee were killed with a particular brutality by Armenian troops who ambushed them on roads and forests.


More Azeri bullshit even their own journalists say so. But they don’t even have the nerve to talk about what really happened. No matter how many lies they tell the world knows the truth! They spent billions and the truth is still the truth.

The turkoAzeri scumbag combo only know how to murder unarmed people, and only when they have 100 against you. These fake people without a true homeland, fake histories and made up facts. The only ones who half believe it is themselves, and this only at half.





Once a Turk, always a filthy Turk.





















May Jesus condemn and cursing the Armenians for killing civilians.


You mean to tell me they spent all that Azeri oil money, Turk money lobbying talking shit, using bots and trash talk fake pictures from Syria and the world still knows the truth?

Just wow!

Stupid Ottoman’s and Azeri scum. No Culture, no brains, have given zilch to humanity besides barbarism.


Ironic to see Russia doing the real peace making, after all, it was both Armenia and Azerbaijan that wanted to be with the West.

The Objective

This war is likely to break up the CSTO. Four of the 6 members are purely Muslim countries. Their governments siding with Christian Armenia in open conflict won’t go down well with Muslim citizens of this country, especially because the world considers NK as Azerbaijan’s territory. If Russia joins this fight against Azerbaijan, Turkey will joint the fight against Armenia. This means the war will drag on for long. The longer the war and especially if Russia commits the kind of bombing crimes it’s doing in Syria, it’ll put a strain on these hypocritical Muslim presidents of the CSTO. Already they are struggling with the resurgence of Islamic patriotism among their citizens. It isn’t like the Soviet era anymore. And this Armenia-Azerbaijan war might just be the trigger that collapses the CSTO, like Afghanistan collapsed the Soviet Union. I wonder if this is the real aim of the war – to topple the pro-Russian regimes of CSTO Muslim countries. Either way, the more Russia is contained, the better for the Muslim world.

Proud Hindu

Your analysis is perfect.Do you think theres a plan by the Usa and turkey to teach china a lesson for their crimes against muslims?

The Objective

Maybe, but USA won’t be doing that just to help Muslims. It’ll take advantage of such problems to advance its own goals. But if that helps Muslims, then it’s fine to cooperate with the U.S temporarily. If they turn on us, we turn on them. Hope that answers your question. Or was it really a question?

Proud Hindu

Yup it was a question.Hindus and Muslims are always fighting each other in the indian subcontinent.Ofcourse we have our differences.But the Chinese take advantage of this and implement their agenda.Tjats what ive observed.

The Objective

Maybe that’s what the Chinese does. I do hope some sanity returns to this world in our generation.

Tudor Miron

“Bombing crimes its doing in Syria”(c) – another one. You should stick to MSM forums. Blatant lies wre more welcomed there.

The Objective

yeah, this is a Russian propaganda outlet, so I expected such reactions from one of the admins which I think you are. Any slight criticism of Russia won’t go unchallenged. I’m used to that already. I’m just saying it so you know many of your readers know much of what you guys try to hide.

Arman Melkonyan

Artsakh is not Azeri land even according to the UN’s own rules and principles.

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV), 14 December 1960…

2. All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development…

4. All armed action or repressive measures of all kinds directed against dependent peoples shall cease…

5. Immediate steps shall be taken… to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.

Only administrative control of the *autonomous* enclave of Artsakh was “gifted” to Azerbaijan (itself a non-independent republic of USSR) in 1923 by the dictator Stalin.
 Armenians populated Artsakh thousands of years before Turks invaded the Caucasuses and Armenia.  The population was still 85 percent Armenian even after 70 years of Azeri oppression and attempted ethnic cleansing when the war started in 1991.

Artsakh was *never* part of an independent sovereign country of Azerbaijan.  It was part of the USSR.  Azerbaijan itself only existed between 1918-1920 only to reappear again after the dismantling of the Soviet Union 1991.  Therefore the Azeris have no right to claim it as their own land.

Azeri civilians backed and led by their government institutions raped and tortured to death hundreds of Armenians in Baku and Sumgait between 1988-1990.  Thousands of Armenians were forced to flee from their homes in Baku and Sumgait, that’s genocide.

And what unbelievable chutzpah and hatred on the part of the Jews selling HAROP terror drones and illegal weapons like cluster bombs and LORA ballistic missiles to the Azeris whilst denying the genocide of the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians!

The hatred of the Jews for the Armenians is ancient.  The Khazars tried to invade and subjugate Armenia for centuries but failed, losing instead their own land and infiltrating Eastern Europe after adopting Judaism: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/4279-chazars

The Donmeh Jews organized and committed the Armenian genocide with their Turkish partners: https://russia-insider.com/en/history/real-holocaust-1915-armenian-genocide-and-its-russophobic-origins/ri22877


Even the laws of the Soviet Union gave the right to secede from Azerbaijan to the majority Armenian population of Artsakh:

“Lenin, who viewed Turkey as the main ally, transferred two territories – Nakhichevan, populated in half by Armenians and Azerbaijanis, and Karabakh, inhabited exclusively by Armenians, to Azerbaijan. In fact, there is one detail that fundamentally separates the problem of Karabakh with Crimea and many other problems. The law of the Soviet Union, which was adopted in 1990, provided for a fairly clear rule for the secession of the union republic, and it was clearly stated that the autonomous republics and national groups of compact residence should vote separately. And in the event of this disintegration, they have the right to their own self-determination. This is a very important point that many people ignore now. Therefore, the question of Azerbaijan’s sovereignty is dubious,” Kasparov observed.

The Turks and the Turkic Azeris don’t even need nor want Karabagh for purely economic or nationalistic purposes: they want to genocide the Armenians, conquer what remains of historic Armenia, create a contiguous land corridor between Turkey and Azerbaijan and thus reach all the way to the Caspian Sea and the Turkic states of Central Asia beyond.

The Objective

Who you do expect to red this long bullshit? Especially when you started with a controversial claim?

Arman Melkonyan

You did, Turk.

The Objective

I didn’t. I is too long and I don’t have the time to read such lengthy comments. Learn to squeeze your ideas into just 1 – 4 average paragraphs.


My word is to the owners of this site. Either remain neutral or shed light on the truth! But you are pro-Armenian, you write in their favor. Why? Aren’t you interested in truth and truth? The truth is that Azerbaijan is an ancient Turkic state with a prehistoric history. and had a border and good relations with its neighbors. It has never been an occupier or terrorist state. In the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, Azerbaijan’s riches and men showed the greatest support to Russia in winning! Today, it is a just state that stands by its power and strength and defends its rights within the framework of international law, trying to return the lands occupied by the Armenians for almost 30 years. Who are the Armenians? A tribe with no history, no borders, engaged in theft and immorality! What contribution have they made to the international community? What great support did they show to Russia? Look, all terrorist groups in the world are of Armenian origin. Armenians only support terrorism in the international arena. Which country did they provide humanitarian assistance to? In no way did they show a benevolent position! Only women (like Kim Kardashian) were nominated to steal the traditions, culture and wealth of other countries. Where are their ancient commanders, writers, artists, composers? Fortunately, Russia owns these homeless beggar tribes. However, Russia, knowing their ugly nature and nature, did not give them land in Russia. Instead, in the early 20th century, these savages settled in the lands of ancient Azerbaijan by the Russian Empire. Iravan khanate, Zangazur province, Zangazur lake are the lands and territory of ancient Azerbaijan. Look at the ancient maps of one world and everything will be clear! As soon as they failed, they came to live in Azerbaijan and later, claiming land, abused their treacherous plans on the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and occupied Karabakh, the main motherland of Azerbaijan. That is the truth! You already know that! Those who have a comfortable opinion here … who would agree that someone would come and savagely evict him from his land where he lives? Will you endure this for 30 years? Sooner or later, even if you are not, your children will be held accountable! That is why no one has the right to condemn Azerbaijan today! Azerbaijan is doing the right thing today! Today, the world powers accept this in Russia, Europe and America. It is necessary to be a neighbor of such a strong, well-intentioned country as Azerbaijan. Because Azerbaijan is always ready to be a brother to its neighbors, to help each other in any difficulties. It is an exemplary tolerant country in the world. Representatives of all nationalities live in Azerbaijan.


“Who are the Armenians? A tribe with no history, no borders, engaged in theft and immorality! “

They came from a mixture of prostitutes and demons as Armenians.


wrong.. armenia is one of the oldest nations in the world.. all historians european and arabs recognize armenia history,, you have been fooled by your terrorist media..

watch idiot the history of armenia and show it to all your trolls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouQJSNYxjLM

Ishyrion Av

I would like to debunk ALL your sentences, but I think your brain is already washed. Armenians exist there for at least 2000 years (documented) and Artsakh was lived by 95% Armenians in 1923 when Soviet Union gave it to Azerbaijan, hoping to catch Turkey in its influence. Today its population is 80% Armenian. So, how can you even think that it belongs to Azerbaijan? Your lack of historical knowledge is awful. Like your amnezia about Armenian genocide, where Azeri were involved too. And if only Armenian you know is Kardashian, then you should definitely turn off your tv and read some books.


Pro armenian? Wth? Go read Almasdar then. They report good news from Armenia every hour. SF looks to me very pro-turkish. At a point I have started to think that this site is just another NATO psyop operation ( like Zerohedge ).


Zero hedge is a psuedo conspiracy site run by the NSA establishment……good observation there bud…..That tyler durden is on the agency payroll.

Tommy Jensen

Whoever it is. Zero Hedge has good articles. Its whether the media has factual info or not. In this view it doesnt matter who bring it, santa claus or harvard.


Asimov wrote great SF too.


good one Zman…lol…gotta love that apocalyptic feeling no? Even if 1 out a million of those stories turned out to be true, we’d both be millionaires today…..lol


While you are right about the ZH, Tyler Durden was the split personality of the protagonist in “Fight Club”. It’s a nick name that many writers write behind. Some of them are under payroll, no doubt.

That’s why I called it a bi-polar author.


you know it garga…..remember Rense back in the day? or the dozens of the pseudo left sites that popped up after 9-11……they are all agency hacks. They deliberately put out that ‘fear mongering’ content on the impending apocalypse, and then, 9 years later the buffoon realizes he got played…..lol….endless conspiracy…..endless fun, and for the gullible, endless fear…..lol


We do not need to read fake news like you! We are a living witness of victory every day, every hour! Go and count the Armenian techniques destroyed on YouTube … Open your eyes and see the truth!


Erdogan is a terrorist.. even americans says this and putin told it.. erdogan is aiding alqaeda and isis in syria , and in lybia too.. and now he sent terrorist to fight armenia.. nobody likes terrorist only terrorist like terrorist. .. islam is ignorance and terrorism and you are terrorist all. this is why alqaeda and isis ,international terror organizations only grow in islamic communities.. they can’t grow in christian communities , nobody will join those monsters like erdogan that you support ,to start a war to remove people from their own houses for generations.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9a321615f86abdbe6ea4419d153f0808909fac7e3fd53919b60079c77918c6ff.jpg These are your oppressed Armenian terrorists! A video was shared yesterday proving that the Armenian armed forces used the labor of a minor for wholesale use during artillery fire due to a shortage of troops. Another photo was spread on social networks showing Armenians arming underage girls to use in the war against the Azerbaijani army.

It should be noted that this image is evidence of Armenia’s violation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UNICEF Paris Convention.

It should be noted that some time ago, the Armenian armed forces sent “volunteers” of the elderly to the occupied Azerbaijani lands. According to the source, the old man in the group taught the children about weapons.

It should be noted that the political and military leadership of Armenia, helpless in the face of the Azerbaijani army, recruited the country’s elderly and women to participate in the war. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8c45f47a1ca9c629d23d486184277fd970e3f190e546abdfe21b6d15798dfc86.jpg

Random Dude

Its called damage control. Like: Dear Armenians, we can’t help you right now, but don’t get upset, we still like you. So don’t you dare go to western integration.

Albert Pike

Its the other way around: The Armenian Soros President went for western integration and got integrated into the Turkey of the west, and he was happy to pay the price meaning the loss of Nagorno-Karabakh. And now the Russians have to fix the corrupt Western dealings of the Aremenian George Soros goverment. I don’t think so…

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