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Putin: New Hypersonic ICBM Is “Breakthrough” For Russian Missile Program

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Putin: New Hypersonic ICBM Is "Breakthrough" For Russian Missile Program

A screenshot from the video

A new hypersonic intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), Sarmat, is a “breakthrough” for the Russian missile program, the country’s president Vladimir Putin said during an annual address to the Federal Assembly. The missile has entered an active testing phase.

The president added that Russia had begun working on ways to counter US anti-missile capabilities as early as 2004 – but that Washington had ignored warnings.

“You will listen to us now,” Putin said.

Capable of carrying a wide range of nuclear weapons, the Sarmat system has virtually no range limit and will be able to attack across both the South and North Poles, Putin said.

He further added that if Russia is attacked with nuclear weapons, it would not hesitate to respond in kind.

“We are greatly concerned by some parts of the new nuclear posture, which reduces the benchmark for the use of nuclear weapons. Whatever soothing words one may try to use behind closed doors, we can read what was written. And it says that these weapons can be used in response to a conventional attack or even a cyber-threat,” he said.

It is my duty to state this: Any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, be it small-scale, medium-scale or any other scale, will be treated as a nuclear attack on our country. The response will be instant and with all the relevant consequences.

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Claire Langoulant

God bless you Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin ! You’re the noble czar of Russia !

Tudor Miron

There is no czar in Russia. There is democratically elected president, a leader that is supported by nation because of the tangible results achieved while he’s doing his job.

jerry hamilton

It was not actually said to be taken literally.


not democratically.


DNC = Democrats.


tszr! it is true. not leader, not president, but dirty dictator, who sucks the blood of citizens of russia.

Claire Langoulant

You’re speaking of the jews and the yankees I guess ! Puppet of Soros !


“Any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, be it small-scale, medium-scale or any other scale, will be treated as a nuclear attack on our country”

Now this is interesting. Note the word “allies”. Who are they? I know for Armenia, Belarus,Kazakhstan and so on. I hope Syria and Iran are on that list too.

Ray Douglas

Plus China and North Korea. I hope Ireland is included.

You can call me Al

I hope the UK as well.


Only if we rid ourselves of 80% of politicians and other government heads,including the military.

You can call me Al

OK, when do we start?.


Tomorrow OK ? :)


Yeah me too. We really should try harder to rid this crazy psychotic oligarchs. Syrians paid a very heavy prices to resist. Now or never our own turn to try at least a fraction as hard.


Italy too, i hope.




I would think so,yes.


stupid dumbasses, China & Iran ARE NOT allies of Russia. These countries may share similar interests or strategic goals with the Russian Federation but the Kremlin will never get involved in a war where Russian troops are fighting side-by-side with the armed forces of those nations (specially the Iranians, who have the reputation of being flip-floppers).


Both Iran and China are central to the integrity of Russia and Russian trade.


He left it vague on purpose. A lot of crazy behavior from Israhell and co. of late. We’ve all heard about the Americanium canister recently found in Beirut I hope. Someone threatening to use nuclear bullets? As long as USIS is pissing on treaties left and right, maybe we might find some nuclear mines along the Israeli/Lebanese/Syrian boarder. Just the lightest kilotonage possible mind you.

Feudalism Victory

It certainly doesnt include iran syria or china. Russia is not getting nuked on their behalf because they wouldnt lift a finger if/when russia is attacked.


“they wouldnt lift a finger if/when russia is attacked.”

And you know that how exactly?

Feudalism Victory

Call it a hunch

Sassan Sadeghian

Iran is a emerging super power, they can volley back few in response


It’s all very simple.

US do A preemptive nuclear attack at Russian allies such as Iran Russia : what are they planning ? We must be next after Iran ! Quickly Nuke USA ! ‘Preemptive strike’ now !

See ?

Feudalism Victory

I see how you might think that but iran and russia dont have a great history their mutual interests in syria notwithstanding(not much coordinated action there from what I saw) so allies is stretching it.

Sorry but you syria fan boys are a little naive and trusting. Real world is rough and dirty.


Lol no I’m not being naive here let’s stop for a moment and think ourselves.

How many allies Russia have right now excluding Iran and Syria ?

How the Russians treated by the western audience lately ? Sanctions ? The Olympics ? Cheers for their murders ?

I would say they’re very naive if they don’t think after the elimination of it’s key allies there’s no chances they’re next in line.

Sure the the Russians are more of a kin to Europeans than Arabic or Asian but who was it really keep burning the bridge for mutual cooperative relationship here ?

Feudalism Victory

All true but irrelevant. The csto defines russias military allies.


About 6 post soviet states no russia china syria or iran at least not yet. But as of right now id say no.


So six small states. Were they militarily capable or ? How capable than Iran or Syria ?

And you really need to start to learn what’s really is the consequences of prompting a ‘preemptive nuclear strike’

Feudalism Victory

Just be wary of propaganda its comes from every side not just the usa.


As if i don’t know. Here China nine ridiculous dash line. Well they learned from somewhere that a country can lay claims to a territory far far away and much closer to local country territories as theirs. Can’t really say it’s wrong since there’s a multiple example it’s done.


Disagree most vehemently. Russia is completly dependent on China for its economic future. Iran’s fall would open up the Caspian to yet more NATO incursions. So weather it’s practical or not, Russia’s red lines have moved outward in all directions, certainly past the central asian partners.

Feudalism Victory

Time will tell and may also evolve relations to that point if its not already there. Well agree to disagree for now though.


Russian Federation- by legal treaty. NOT Iran. NOT Syria. Not any where you may hope- and certainly not China.

It gets worse. Putin sits on his hands while the Deep State uses ‘non-violent’ methods to subvert members of the Russian Federation. Rotting them from within. Much of the terrorism recently witnessed in Russia is down to Putin inviting Saudi Arabia to import its foul wahhabi extremist imams into Russia itself.

The Deep State uses FULL SPECTRUM methods. Learn what the term means!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Wow your such an insufferable anti Putinist and yet you pretend not to be a deep state puppet you warn everybody about, just make a person go … Hrmm …. catch the meaning.


Lol wrong anyone start an initiative Nuclear attacks will open the clearance for anyone else who posses nuclear weapons to start their own ‘initiative attacks’. Dogs of war they said.

Raptar Driver

I hope Serbia is on that list, I know most Serbs like or love Russians but the Westernized elites running the country, that is another story.

Maisara Mualil

Agreed with my freind i wish Iran is inside Russia protection.

jade villaceran

No wonder why lavrov open the topic about the use of tactical nuke by eu


Ahhhh, late by about a year, but otherwise- perfect!

jerry hamilton

This made me smile and I would be on the receiving end.

Tudor Miron

Todays Putin’s annual address to the federal Assembly was much more than what the above article is mentioning. Wait for response in western MSM -makes me smile ianticipating their predictable response.


Think they have started. Just go to the Yahoo homepage. The perverts of that website assemble every propaganda article that vilifies Russia, iran, Syria and NK

Tudor Miron

Indeed. Yahoo news is going crazy right now :)



The man with orange hair :)

Nigel Maund

You mean the Zionist puppet in the White House who reports to Bibi via his loyal lieutenant Jared Kuschner. US foreign policy comes from Tel Aviv. Nice cartoon FG!


Yes, there are rumours that Trumps hair hides a lobotomy :) There are also rumours that a lobotomy would have no impact on Trumps thought processes .


The empire of Evil should take note!

Vince Dhimos

Is this the response to the murder of 100s of Russians in Syria? “It is my duty to state this: Any use of nuclear weapons against Russia OR ITS ALLIES, be it small-scale, medium-scale or any other scale, will be treated as a nuclear attack on our country. The response will be instant and with all the relevant consequences.“

Tudor Miron

Vince, if you swallowed that lie about mythical 100’s of murdered Russian that’s your problem but don’t expect others to buy into it.

Vince Dhimos

I hope you are right, but the RUSSIAN media are reporting 200 or more. If you read Russian, here is a report: https://24tv.ua/ru/unichtozhenie_rossijskih_naemnikov_vagnera_v_sirii_general_sirijskih_kurdov_rasskazal_detali_ataki_n925606

Tudor Miron

Vince, I do read Russian, but the link you gave is Ukrainian – anti Russian propoganda is their full time job. Many Russian (better say ruzionic) media outlets were trying to spread the same BS but that doesn’t make it true :) BTW, 80 to 90% of Russian media is in 5th column hands – same owners that got it in 90’s. That’s only western MSM’s fantasies that media is under total state control here, in fact it is mostly “ruzionic”.


vince nicely kicked your ass, fsb-whistler!

jamali hamilton

Lol haha more BS from the Kremlin???

Daniel Miller

how is it BS? The Russians are very well known for their very powerful ICBM’s why wold they lie?

jerry hamilton

Way to go MSM.


Go and fap more to anime-fantasys, you dont know anything about the real world, i guess. Russians are not the same type of people in the west, there words are HONEST! Better try to learn that from somewhere else then your typical media.Do not post on sites who want the TRUTH behind things, not fantasys.

Grow up


The US brutal regime is holding Syrian land and Syrian nation as hostage in the North, South and East of Syria, according to international law this is a war crime for which US regime is compulsory accountable.

US regime have conscripted Syrian nation as SDF, YPG and using them in combat operations against Turkish and Syrian government army which is further a heinous crime of this century. I think US regime either needs international pressure to end occupation of Syrian land or they need parents to instruct them properly that this is not good and they should not do this.

jerry hamilton

America like israel is immune to international law, moral judgement and accountability. Their function on this planet is that of a terror regime. They are very very good at it too.


Yes, you are right they had immunity like devil but not anymore. Now the world has changed. Now this is a digital world. If anybody do a little crime will be punished more than a thief. Now US have no that kind of glorious status as before. Now US is trillion US dollar in debt due to their corrupt politicians. Now they are losers. Day by day the US economy going down and the Russian economy going up. The Russian defense technology is also nowadays the center of the world discussions.

jerry hamilton

I hope you’re right. I always have that nagging feeling that they will summon the devil himself to get their way. I don’t believe in the devil but you know what I mean.


The money wasted by Saudia in Yemen war could brought progress and prosperity in Yemen if it was utilised for peace and development of the Yemeni people. Same for US regimes that they have wasted money on Syrian war could brought progress and prosperity in Syria if it was utilised for peace and development of the Syrian people.

chris chuba

He had to do this but I can now hear the howling of the crazies in my country about how this proves that our nuclear arsenal is too small, doesn’t have enough tactical nukes, etc. In short, they will call for an all out arms race. I don’t think Putin had a choice because that is where my country was going anyway.

This was Putin’s way of saying, ‘you are not going to win this arms race’. Unfortunately, it’s in the DNA of my country to believe that we can win any challenge, it doesn’t matter if it is a stupid challenge. BTW my country does need a modern, capable nuclear force but I know that the knuckleheads in the driver’s seat have a hidden agenda. I don’t trust them. Beefing up tactical nukes has nothing whatsoever to do with nuclear deterrence, that is just one example of their duplicity.

martin clarke

I’m so pleased about Putin’s statement over nuclear strikes. The recent posturing of the USA and their threats of limited nuclear strikes during conventional combat sickened me. For too long they have been the ‘Playground Bully’ with superior weapons in their attacks on less well armed sovereign nations. I am British but I am disgusted with the lying propaganda from the USA and the UK and their continued Colonialist policies towards indigenous populations throughout the world. They are both totally responsible for the thousands of deaths in the Middle East. the Ukraine, Africa and South America where they have conspired with Neocon Settlers to overthrow democratically elected governments to install their ‘Puppet Regimes’. The answer is for nations to totally dismantle the UN which is completely controlled by the USA the UK, Israel’ and Saudi Arabia. To set up a new version consisting only of countries who abide by International Laws and accept the authority of a reconstituted ICC. All well out of the evil influence of the USA and Israel in New York. If the bubble bursts accidentally I visualise Russia demonstrating their capabilities by taking one country right out. Hopefully Israel but I think it would be the UK centred on Greenham Common or the Sub base in Scotland. I do not think the USA would respond to any such action, not wanting their major centres devastating. No they would ditch us like they will the Kurds. Remember they murdered and ethnically cleansed the Native tribes of the Americas, they stole Texas and Calafornia from the Mexicans, invaded and stole Hawaai along with many other offshore Islands. They slaughtered thousands in Korea and Vietnam, Libya and Iraq and along with the UK aided and abetted in the Jewish theft of Palestine. Those two governments represent ‘The Colonialist Scum Of The Earth’. t


Very nice !!

Robert P. Garding

Seems every comment I have seen here *the first five at least* have missed the point here. This is not good. Think it is? He will bomb you just as fast as the next guy…

You can call me Al

He is defending his County in the face of deranged and ludicrous aggression by Nato forces.


So you think it is better to lay low and try to play dead? You dont even understand or know, WHAT people are ruling the World you and i are living in, Russia is defending its positions people and heritage, whom he is defending it are people who since at least 10,000 years try to destroy it. You think the WEST is a construct of freedom, prosperity, friendship and mutual/good behaviour?! Better think again and try to grasp WHAT demons, russia has to deal with!


If you knew about the *Plan of the new American Century*, if you had some awareness of the Zionist vision for a *Greater Israel*, if you understood *7 countries in 5 years*. you would understand that the entire world is depending on Russia right now for any semblance of international law and human sanity.

Someone has pan genocide in all caps and with extra exclamation marks circled in their diaries. It isn’t Putin.

Concrete Mike

Indeed, I stumbled on that “plan” in 2014 ,that and the vile council of foreign relations.

The worst is most of this stuff is in the open, nobody gives a crap though.


Unfortunately it seems that human beings are just too aggressive for their own good. Ever since the first nuclear explosion only one thing assured survival of the species – Mutual Assured Destruction – all of the UN carters, peace treaties, Strategic armament treaties and Geneva conventions are not worth the paper they were printed on. From the age of the cave men until today the only way to protect the security of a nation and general peace on Earth – is wielding a big enough stick. And Putin just got one that’s bigger then that of his “western partners”…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fym8DAPbUOI Putin: New Hypersonic ICBM Is “Breakthrough” For Russian Missile Program

A new hypersonic intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), Sarmat, is a “breakthrough” for the Russian missile program, the country’s president Vladimir Putin said during an annual address to the Federal Assembly. The missile has entered an active testing phase.


this is probably the most important news of 2018 so far. Great job Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin. Long live Russia and the slavic brotherhood.

Nigel Maund

This is the only type of threat the arrogant, war mad, US Deep State understands! Well done Mr Putin! you may have stopped the Anglo – American Zionist Bankster – Corporatist Cabals drive for world hegemony at least partially.


this is no threat. over 1000 pieces could be.

Nigel Maund

What the hell are you on about?


“You will listen to us now,” Putin said.

I listened to President Putin,s complete address and I hope the buffoons and criminals of the Nato countries actually DO listen to him, as the fate of the world is in the hands of a totally deranged US leadership and her useful idiots of NATO.

The USA wants to plunder the world. Russia desires to trade with the world.

jerry hamilton

It would be the first time they do listen to anything. Your last two lines are exactly how it is.


nobody will listen to an alcoholic dwarf.

jerry hamilton

If you spend your whole life spewing hate towards something, you are going to end up a bitter twisted old man. What is the problem?


florian geyer is still alive

jerry hamilton

Everyone spends time in life as a child. Most people carry on growing up. Maybe it’s something you should think about doing.


i hate commies

jerry hamilton

Then you are picking on the wrong person. I hate Bolsheviks and FG pretty much thinks the way we do.


Even handsome young commies, with firm round buttocks?

Nigel Maund

You must be talking about yourself of course! Because your comments imply a serious state of alcoholic inebriation (haze).


Billions of people do listen to President Putin and more do every day, whereas Billions laugh at the USA today.


It’s not because you are an alcoholic dwarf, how could anyone here know that you’re a dwarf? I think a lot of people don’t listen to you, because of your posts.


Hyper-Moronic Moron +


In other words don’t f%@k with Russia.


For President Putin to say this publicly shows how close we are to the US maniacs starting WW3.


The Neocons are psychopaths. They have destroyed my country from within. They are a cancer on the American body politic and unfortunately that cancer appears to be terminal.


Let us hope then that the more enlightened American people are able to cut the cancer our before all of you are dead.

Nigel Maund

Pecisely and with the usual cheerleaders that appear weekly foaming at the mouth like John McCain, Nikki Hailey and other Israeli marionettes that choke the Senate and House of Representatives like deadly weeds. The sooner the US financially implodes and self destructs the better for the entire planet. I for one will rejoice for as long as I live!! If the UK did the same thing too I would be ecstactic.


I feel the same and the US deficit for 2017 is 1.2 (One point two) trillion USD. This is enough to build circa 670 of Trumps walls :) and can be added to the existing 20 trillion of US debt :)

Powerful countries like China and Russia are now moving away from trading with the dollar and the US blusters but is impotent . As is the UK government and EU.


Spot on


who wants fuck bear? simply shoot it.

Nigel Maund

If the Sarmat missiles blew the US to Kingdom come I for one would be completely ecstatic! 320 million brain dangerous morons gone and the rest of the world, could move on to a very much brighter future with 90% less wars and 99% less US and Israel inspired crimes and idiocy.


Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin,man No.1 in the world,by us magazine Forbes ! Trump? Invalide duck,without his own decision!


not anymore. your cited issue is too old.

Brad Isherwood

USA has the largest Prison system on the Planet, …you can even own stock in USA prisons. The State is 20+ Trillion in debt,…technically bankrupt. Over 25% of Americans from age 18- 30 live at home …unable to afford independent living due to poverty. Umpteen Millions Americans are burried in personal debt,from Mortgage, car loan, student loan credit card. A nation of debt slaves who are work to death now to satisfy the Bankers/1%

Enjoy the Mexico, Enjoy the Enslavement : )


your comment: shit on power shit. (SOS category)

Brad Isherwood

Fuck America/Mankind : ) https://youtu.be/xqVvNPJrWvc


Hyper-Moronic Moron of morons

jerry hamilton

Under Trump, Americans are poorer. He has made massive concessions to rich corporations. The American people now have to pay out more to make up for it.




Hyper-Moronic Moron


btw. russian people under putin really are muc more poor.


A “Sun” troll, ’cause you’re too stupid to troll for NYT, WP etc………..


No one doubts the BIGGER stick Russia always holds in reserves. And behind the nukes are Russia’s plague weapons, to be used on continental USA if, by some miracle, the USA comes out on top in a nuclear war.

But here’s the thing. The Deep State doesn’t fear Russia’s weapons, but actually relies on their full-bloodied use in the final war the Deep State is working to trigger.

Here’s a clue for the clueless. The demonic leaders of the Deep State (the most well known of which is Tony Blair) have the soul of the worst serial killers who fully expect to die themselves eventually. Humanity is Team Blair’s intended victim. All of us. Intelligent life on our planet. To be snuffed out. Haven’t you noticed the anti-Human propaganda from the neo-liberal ‘left’ that Tony Blair leads.

Go to any general forum that talks about such isues, and half the posters claim it would be a “good” thing if Humanity was wiped out. The SUICIDAL thoughts of the young and many worthless older males have been carefully inserted into greater society.

No, what matters is the work Putin puts into avoiding WW3- and as we have witnessed again and again, that’s totally missing, as Putin bends over backward to promote zionist agendas. Putin actually grooms the USA into becoming MORE war-like.

You see, the BULLY that encounters alphas that could trivially put the bully down, but constantly refuse to do so- and worse often go along with the bully’s crimes- make the bully think he has a god given right to bully. At the UNSC, Putin does his very best to ALWAYS vote in favour of the bully’s resolutions. He did so this week over Yemen and Syria- Britain and America got exactly what they wanted from Putin for the umpteenth time.

The ONLY thing that stands in the way of the Deep State is the feelings of the people in the nations they control. Humans have an instinct against sucide (tho as I noted above, this is being ‘educated’ out of the young). The jewish controlled media (mainstream and fake indy) has one job- get the people to accept WW3.


1976 … comes wonderweapon SS-20. 1991 … USSR falls 2018 … comes wonderweapon SSatmat. 2043 …. Russia falls

andy l

2040 dollar crashes & loses world reserve status – empire crumbles!


sure not.

inbetween are years 1988 uSSr lose cold war ….. 2030 ruSSia lose war with china. or chia. in kitay yesterdey forbad letter N. another stupid nation.


Moronic Troll


The US dollar will be lucky to last the year, and will be forgotten by 2040.


Think you meant 2020. USA economy still stagnant only growth is in talking up the flagging economy. Serious inflation to take off Nov/Dec winding into hyper inflation by the summer of 2019. You read it here first. Unfortunately, that might be the time when they decide to lash out and attack, Syria, Iran, China and Russia with Nukes. Even if Russia has at that time enough hypersonic defence systems to defend itself the damage will be done to us all.


Hypersonic missiles are a big deal, but the nuclear powered missile is the real game changer.

Concrete Mike

About time someone noticed that detail. Game changer is an understatement. What is incredible is the miniaturization of a SAFE nuclear engine. The soviets were well ahead of the Americans in regards to mini reactors in the 70’s.

Some of us remember a story about caribous and some satellite.

Good to see this research continued


none of these two has russia

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