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MARCH 2025

Putin Says Lasers & Hypersonic Missiles In Service Are ‘Not All’. More Advanced Weapons To Be Announced Soon

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Putin Says Lasers & Hypersonic Missiles In Service Are 'Not All’. More Advanced Weapons To Be Announced Soon

Russia’s MiG-31 with a Kinzhal hypersonic missile. Photo: Aleksandr Shukhov

On June 7, Russian President Vladimir Putin announce that all the recently unveiled state-of-the-art Russian weapons will be put into service in time addign that some are already adopted. The announcement was made during his annual Q&A session in Moscow.

“The hypersonic air-deployed Kinzhal system – the missile which can travel at 10 Mach speed – is already used by our troops in the South Federal District,” the president said. “A laser combat system is in service as well.”

The hypersonic system Avangard and Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) will be put into service in 2019 and 2020 respectively.

“I don’t think that any other country will develop such weapon [as Avangard]. Naturally, it will emerge at some point, but, as I’ve said already, it won’t bother us, since we already have it,” Putin added.

He also revealed that an nuclear unmanned underwater vehicle and cruise missile of global range will be put into service “on schedule”.

Furthermore, Putin said that more cutting-edge weaponry can be unveiled “soon”, but provided no  details on the topic.

“That’s not all that we are planning to produce and adopt,” Putin said. “We’ll talk about it soon.”

According to the Russian president, the Syrian campaign “helped to fine tune the modern weaponry, namely the high-precision missile systems. It’s two completely different things – to have them in stock and to test them in reality, in combat.”

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This is fantastic. Russia really needs the Avangard now as NATO has been stepping up it’s ABM encirclement lately.

Eskandar Black

possibly operational by 2020

Tudor Miron

Avangard (serial production already started) is deployed in 2019 and Sarmat is deployed in 2020. Nothing “possibly” about it.

Eskandar Black

You are dreaming, I get that you are patriotic, but I don’t want to argue with you. You got it backward by the way.

Tudor Miron

Really? I got it backwards? Can you prove it? I can at list prove that Putin said that Avangard is already in serial production and to be deployed in 2019 and Sarmat in 2020.

Eskandar Black

Thats not what putin said to megyn kelly, and go fuck yourself.


“but I don’t want to argue with you. ”

yet cursing is a better option is it ?

Wise Gandalf

with fanatics has no sense to argue. tudor miron is an fsb agent.


NATO ABM defenses are useless against Avangard, SM3 might be theoretically able to engage it, although its chances are minimal, THAAD is useless.


I know this. That’s why the Avangard needs to be ready fast.

Tudor Miron

Off (missiles) topic. I liked this years Q&A session of Putin. I previous sessions he was answering questiions along but this time they set online cameras at each governor and minister office. He made them all participate in that Q&A when questions were relevant for their particular position. That was a very good move.


So the russian government responds directly to the russian people’s questions, and somehow russia isn’t “democratic”. the so-called “free world” never ceases to amuse me.

Gary Sellars

I don’t find it amusing at all… the arrogant compromised circle-jerkers that rule us (but privately serve elite capital) will be death of all of us…


I’m not sure what you mean, but yes this site’s comment section is controlled by a cybergang of egomaniacs.


There you go again Smaug but at least you describe your self this time. :)

Daniel Castro

Many of them describe themselves in their own names!

Wanklord (…), Smaug(Tolkien’s evil Dragon), Joe Dirt (come on!).

Feudalism Victory

Yes a guy named after a giant evil dragon isnt an egomaniac ;)


Well your own critical comment is here, so I would disagree.


and how does this control manifest pray tell. I have not been censored once on this site. Even for words like Fuck. While pretty much every other site disguis takes me to will censor me for calling a moron a moron or posting 911 fact.

The Filipino sites are the most censored that I visit. They see my name, they block my posts..


And themselves also if the citizens are organised :)


that wont happen in a million years…

on purpose…sady to say


citizens drink fluoride FFS. They cannot organize their own feeble brains.


spot on


Russia is no more ‘democratic’ than the rest of the nations. Just as ‘organised religion’ is opium for the people, so are all forms of FAKE democracy. The truth today is the same as 4 thousand years ago. Ordinary people are the pawns of their masters. If your master is ‘decent’ you are in luck- and that’s it.

The sad truth is even now, the vast majority of Russians would push a magic button and have been born American if they could. America is a power and attraction like nothing witnessed before in Human History, and this is why we are in so much trouble. Only dribblers and zionist trolls downplay the true nature of the USA empire.

Today, because the USA still yet has to project the FANTASY of its inherent ‘morality’, Russia could stand up to America and back the monster down. But Putin is but a jewish puppet, so he never misses an opportunity to FAIL in this one task.

Once America drops its veil of pretence re:morality, it is game over for Humanity- for after that day there is no method except WORLD WAR to take the USA on. And once America begins its nuking of Iran, America becomes a pure “might is right” power- the same transformation Adolf Hitler eventually gave his Germany in the years before WW2.

Putin has failed Humanity, as recent events prove over and over again.


“But Putin is but a jewish puppet, so he never misses an opportunity to FAIL in this one task.”

irrational, speculative, opinionated bullshit…Just sayin….

Wise Gandalf

Tis is dictatorship with nice face. Gorbechev intruduced this megalomanic narcistic show. Mentally hinderd people live through extatic orgasm when can put question to beloved half god. And the dictator plays the theathric role, shows, he is one of them. Hahaha, of ocurse, he lives from median salary of russians. :DD

this is gadget and only primitve people can applauze for direct brainwashig with lies.


Stalin did the same- are you suggesting he was a ‘good guy’? It is NOT appearances that matter but results. Putin has improved the post-USSR collapse situation in Russia, but 99% in order to be better able to fight against the USA in WW3- a ‘gain’ that anticipates the ultimate loss for the whole of Humanity.

Few people know that it was Tony Blair who mentored Putin to ultimate power at the beginning- without Blair’s protection Putin would have fallen at the first hurdle (Russia was MUCH more vulnerable back then, and foreign sponsors were essential for any truly ambitious Russian).

Today Putin has moved Russia to the ultimate isolationist position. Look how TheSaker and other zionist trolls keep repeating that Russian has no duty to be a good ally to anyone- when the whole point of being a super power is building alliances 100% on trust and reliability.

Russia sold Cuba down the river. Russia sold Sebia down the river. Russia sold Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Gaza, and Libya down the river. Russia is now selling Syria and Iran down the river, and zionist trolls like Thesaker tell you this is a “GOOD THING”.

Meanwhile Putin offers the s-400 to every wahhabi terror state- and trolls like TheSaker make up endless excuses to explain this away.

Since the revolution (and before, for it is an old system), USELESS people’s councils have offered the ILLUSION of democracy in Russia. But Russia is a nation ruled ruthlessly by a strongman, and so Russia’s fate is down to the whims of the strongman. Relatively speaking, Putin is good for most Russians- at least until the zionist appeaser ends up allowing WW3 to happen, at which moment things get VERY bad for Russians (and the rest of us).

Russia’s mid-term prospects are BAD, as the ever ramping anti-russian sanctions bite harder and harder. After the genocide in Iran, Russia is at the top of the list for nations to be destroyed. If you think Putin/Russia are demonised to an extreme extent by the jew machine now, just wait a couple of years.

Tudor Miron

Get lost zio.


sorry check history….reading is difficult ey donky??? russia was takenover by the jews in 1917….lol…..start reading and stop with that ZIONIST bullshit. one cannot be a zionist without being a jew and believing in the talmud.the word zionist was invented by them satanic jews as a scapegoat for such donks as u r.period. ps. start to readdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd…..hope u can


Russia was taken over bz sionists in 1917 and Stalin kicked them out somewhere between 1924 – 1937. That is why all the sio-sources claim Stalin killed 20 or 60 or 80 or 100 milion people…….


Fuck off you fucking idiot ! Sick and tired of you Americans and your endless “zionist” CRAP !!! “Zionist” is something that exist mainly in U.S. among your protestant jerk offs and has nothing to do with Russian Orthodox culture and tradition!

I can’t stand your comments you ignorant peace of shit !


“”Zionist” is something that exist mainly in U.S. among your protestant jerk offs “”

And hence the BILLIONS in blood money…

Pot cracker is clearly anti semetic and superstitious. And he cannot tell the difference between politics and religions. He cannot see the difference between guilty and innocent.

Americans beLIEve it is OK to blame a large group of people, for the actions of a few people, and murder them.. Even if we are blaming the wrong people, , we dont care. This is how we justify doing mass murder on Muslims, for the actions (lies) of 19 Muslims on “911 was an inside job”. . This is a war crime according to the Geneva, convention but we don’t have to care, because our boom boom Obama puppet told us we were exceptional.

And truth is, you cannot fix his brain. He drinks the class 4 neuro toxin called fluoride. Most of the herd does. Permanent brain damage, from when he was a baby, up until the brain is done developing at about 25.

Some of us DID grow up drinking non fluoridated well water though.


You really do think your opinion is knowledge :P You American or educated in America ?

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’”

― Isaac Asimov


“Starlight” is not appropriate name for cow.


“t least until the zionist appeaser ends up allowing WW3 to happen,”

THis is really funny. You put Putin in the position of a God, allowing, or denying world wars at his whim. While we know for fact, that it is financier controlled Americans been doing the imperialism, bombing, invading, and all around war mongering. Not Russia.It will be financiers that start a world war, not Putin.

Most of us, are too intelligent to suck back your hate based opinion as knowledge. Wrong venue for this silliness.

The dumb fucks, are watching CNN and calling it news. You should apply there for a job, you would have a very eager audience for your irrational babbling.

FAct is….

“”We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme AlliedCommander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia .

“You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They [the Bush administration] lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction [in Iraq]; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.” ……….. “We spent $2 trillion, thousands of lives. Obviously, it was a mistake. George Bush made a mistake. We can make mistakes. But that one was a beauty. We should have never been in Iraq. We have destabilized the Middle East.”” Trump

“That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!” John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks.


What’s not they unveiled yet is their advanced AI automatons which have been pursued by most superpowers silently for a while.

Harold Smith

Russia’s problem is that all the advanced weaponry in the world is useless without the will to use it.


Oh, but Russia will use it’s advanced weaponry. To defend Russia that is.

Then again, personally i would love to drop an Avangard on Israel, but that’s just me.

neil barron

I’d like to shove one up your dupa!!


Low iq post.

Gary Sellars

Begone, lowly yid goblin.

j. jaxson

me too!


“Zionist occupation of Palestine”, if you puhleease. ;O)


My bad :)


Eythenkew! ;O) ;O)


Drop two just to be sure :)

Daniel Castro

How about twenty?


Can we share them with Saudi Arabia Daniel ?

Harold Smith

If Russia waits until the barbarians are attacking Russia itself, it might as well not even bother with anything but nukes at that point, right?


Not at all, the US invades Russia, Russia nukes the US, then the US nukes its own troops in Russia.

Harold Smith

Isn’t that what I said? By failing to respond, and failing to respond, and failing to respond, etc., the only weapons that will matter when Russia itself is attacked are nukes.


How about this scenario, destroy the US, the airports and ports in israel, then let the Palestinians clean up their country the way they want. There are still Palestinians with the title deeds to the homes the israelis stole


I heard that Putin went into space and wrestled a protomolecule hybrid; they will fly the hyper-missiles and take on anything not destroyed when the missiles have gone off. Belter Loader!


A laser, really? Russia doesn’t have the money for a new project and even in America the idea is still a bit ahead of the tech. Putin is trying to elevate allegations that the quantity and quality of Russian rockets is less than proclaimed by created a different myth that can believed or debunked at will. A similar situation existed in the 60’s when the Soviets pretended to be miles ahead in rocket development, but later it would turn out that there were only 200 nuclear capable rockets in the whole USSR and they needed to hide it.


A laser isn’t that far fetched is it? They have set out and achieved many things not possible by other nations. Why does the US feel so threatened by the S-400? Or Caliber cruise missiles? RD-180 rocket engines are used for US rockets because they haven’t developed their own. Technology advances so rapidly these days that almost anything is possible, and they don’t necessarily tell us about it, obviously because of their own national security.

Tudor Miron

Smaugy, do you even realize that US is not even capable to produce a rocket engine (RD-180) and is still purchasing it from Russia? That’s an open information, why don’t you notice it?


Seems he does not know which country initially developed laser tech to a practical level.


The SpaceX rocket engines are 100% US made. The Merlin 1D engine which has proven itself over many successful launches has a 150:1 thrust to weight ratio, which is the highest ever achieved for a rocket engine. The Falcon rocket has flown scores of successful space missions, and SpaceX is landing its boosters on floating barges and has begun re-using boosters, a first in the history of space flight.

SpaceX is making the best rockets in the world these days, it is the lowest cost deliverer to orbit. And its new rocket engine tech that is well along in the R&D pipeline is even more advanced. SpaceX is a pioneering rocket company that is very much made in America including some of the very best rocket engines in the world.

The RD-180 is a great tocket engine by the way, but it just is not true to say that the US doesn’t have its own rocket tech. The Merlin series of rocket engines, the Raptor series of engines (380,000lbs thrust and utiluzing pioneering LNG/LOX propellent) are being designed for reuse.

The Blue Origin BE-4 engines, which is also designed to be re-usable are also well along the development trajectory and have been test fired successfully. These monsters produce 550,000 lbs of thrust.

This is also open information, why do you ignore it? By doing so you paint a very innacurate picture of the state of rocketry in the US. There is a rocket engine rennaiscance going on in America fueled by the private sector competition heating up between the upstart rocket companies that are challenging the traditional aereospace oligopoly that monopolized (and still largely monopolizes) the government space sector. These are the firms using the RD-180.


The injector at the heart of Merlin is of the pintle type that was first used in the Apollo program for the lunar module landing engine.

Most of the design work on the Apollo program was done by German scientists, the US kidnapped and put into forced labour at the end of WWII.

No matter which way you cut it, in aerospace the US has always relied on smarter foreigners. The only part 100% American, is the cheesy names they are given.


No matter which way you cut it… when a chauvinist believes something to be true, no amount of evidence can sway them in their beliefs. The injector is just one part of a very complex machine. So what if the Merlin uses that particular, efficient nozzle & baffle system for the task of mixing thefinal spray of fuel-oxidizer mix into the combustion chamber? It is a good design, also used in garden hoses.

The fact remains that the Merlin 1D rocket engines are some of the best rocket engines ever made anywhere on earth. They have a thrust to weight ratio that is unrivaled by any other rocketrngine currently in service.

But haters… will be haters, and chauvinists will continue to see the world through their little piggy eyes.

Joe Dirt

Russia always over-hypes data, “the missile which can travel at 10 Mach speed” …..just Russia saying the AK-47 can shoot out to 1000m LOL


You don’t really expect these hipsters to pay attention to anything that contradicts their agendas, do you? Simple economics, Russia is feuding with people who have larger populations and budgets. They focus on priority projects even to the point of ignoring technical aspects (which is why they’re way behind on armed drones and don’t have a stealth plane that works).


The US only has debt. Trillions of dollars in debt that is now around $70 Trillion along with Trillions in unfunded liabilities. Drones are useless if their coms are compromised.


This is what I like to call a voluntary delusion.


A simple truth, Russia is at least a decade ahead of the US in rocketry and probably 2 decades. The US always relied on Nazi scientists to design their missiles, and those scientists are dead, so the US just puts a new coat of paint on an old design and calls it a new missile.

Also, Russia and China have successfully built hypersonic missiles, but the US simply cannot get one to work.


Get a life.


If you don’t like it you should sod off.


Are you troll or just stupid?


Probably both


I think stupid edges troll.


Well done Mr. Putin. I love you. Give deep strokes to child butchers Netanyahu, Trump and to their supporters. God bless you Mr. Putin. God bless Russia and their allies.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idVY2KumIcA Pentagon Pain: F-35 stealth fighter jet ‘one of the worst planes we’ve ever designed’.

Pentagon has also declared that our Tomato (Tomahawk) cruise missiles are disgusting, useless and have stopped its production and will soon dismantle it. There is no place for subsonic cruise missiles nowadays.


Definitely not much penetrating power on a nation with effective air defence.


The lack of penetrating power is the reason American women find the company of the soul brothers more fulfilling.

John Mason

Very witty comment there Sinbad…


Geno toxic mutagenic EPA designated class 4 neuro toxin called fluoride affects that ability too. And the dumb ass yanks willingly drink it. Because their masters tell them it is yummy for their tummy.

Joe Dirt

Russia always over-hypes data, “the missile which can travel at 10 Mach speed” …..just Russia saying the AK-47 can shoot out to 1000m :D

Russki defensive strategy “if we says it, maybe they will fear us” :D


Meaningless opinion. Just an opinion but I’d have more confidence in Russian tech working than the crap the US peddles to its allies, sorry, vassal states.

Joe Dirt

Not saying russki tech don’t work, but it’s over hyped and most of the time overrated on it’s capabilities.



folks still dont get…..there is no good russia or bad russia there is no good usa or bad usa

its the same agenda, two sides of th same coin.idiotsssssssssssssssssssssssssss. all r controlled by the jews.idiotssssssssssssssssss u are all behaving here like small children. stop that nonsense talk about who has the better weapons..idiotsssssssss its all a scam for the jews to get to their one world government with jerusalem as its capital under jewish satanic ledership. idiotssss


Maybe but you should lay of the pot.


why should he do that? Weed is a mind enhancer. It does not diminish intellect, quite the contrary. Science says. I got high honors in law school,(no pun intended) and wrote every paper while stoned. Insights are improved, mind is OPENED, and it is freed from the mental chains called prejudice, and beLIEf.

Perhaps some folks should smoke more pot, and drink less IQ killers like fluoride and alcohol.

Canadian Government Commission – Cannabis 1972

“Psychological, effects which are typically reported by users include: happiness, increased conviviality, a feeling of enhanced interpersonal rapport and communication, heightened sensitivity to humour, free play of the imagination, unusual cognitive and ideational associations, a sense of extra-ordinary reality, a tendency to notice aspects of the environment of which one is normally unaware, enhanced visual imagery, an altered sense of time in which minutes may seem like hours, changes in visually perceived spatial relations, enrichment of sensory experiences (subjective aspects of sound and taste perception are often particularly enhanced), increased personal understanding and religious insight, mild excitement and energy, (or just the opposite), increased or decreased behavioural activity, increased or decreased verbal fluency and talkativeness, lessening of inhibitions, and at higher doses, a tendency to lose or digress from one’s train of thought. Feelings of enhanced spontaneity and creativity are, often described, although an actual increase in creativity is difficult to establish scientifically. While most experts agree that cannabis has little specific aphrodisiac (sex stimulating) effect, many users report increased enjoyment of sex and other intimate human contact while under the influence of the drug.”

Whole world needs to get high.


Francois Rabelais, the Renaissance wonderful Doctor and Major “Humanist” used to call it “Panatgruelion” and intake it before meals. Even wrote “Pantagruel” a famous book… Cannabis also produced an excellent fiber used to dress humans and do ropes since the Cave-Ages ! Nearby Stonehenge a very fine Néolithique( 2’800BC)robe out Cannabis was found…

This until 1935 when Du Pont discovered Nylon and his lobbys managed to banned it World wide to promote Nylon producing money, but awful cloth !

NB: Before that sinister day, RP was South-East Asia Best for his extraordinary textiles, a Museum quality for today Collectors ! RP Textiles industry vanished, to be replaced by rubbish !

Today Rami production is export to Italy for “Italian linen” production, it’s known to be the “Best” Rami Barong is the best ever I wear in Tropical Countries and in Europe during canicule !


you are correct but for your nonsense about how the Jews did it. Money power does it. Inequality does it. Religion and patriotism are simply irrelevant bullshit to confuse the dimwits with.

Wise Gandalf

Neverending tale…

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