Originally appeared at ZeroHedge
Russia thinks war between the US and Iran is on the horizon, and is proposing steps to stop it:
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday proposed a video summit with the United States, Britain, France, China, Germany and Iran in a bid to avoid “confrontation and escalation” at the United Nations, where Washington is trying to extend an arms embargo on Tehran, reports Reuters.
But it’s hard to know what could be done at this point. Not only did the Trump administration void the 2015 nuclear deal (JCPOA), but long-standing hawks like Pompeo have sought to ramp up sanctions at every turn.
The situation has been stalemated, with Tehran demanding easing of sanctions or erasure altogether as a condition for fresh talks, but with the White House alternately saying Iran has to first abandon all development related to nuclear power (which the US says is actually for nuclear weapons) and its ballistic missile program.
But if Gaddafi’s fate is anything to go by (who abandoned his WMD program in the early 2000s and was “brought in from the cold” as they say – only to be overthrown by US-NATO military intervention and summarily executed in the street years later), the view from Tehran is that any ‘deal-making’ with the United States is impossible.
“The issue is urgent,” Putin said of his plan in Friday comments. He explained the alternative remains “only further escalation of tensions, increasing risk of conflict – such a scenario must be avoided.”

When asked about Putin’s proposal and a press briefing on Friday, President Trump responded: “I hear there’s something, but I haven’t been told of it yet.”
However, given Iran essentially sees the US as in a state of war with the Islamic Republic – especially given the January assassination of IRGC Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani, it will likely less than optimistic for any UN deconfliction meeting to succeed.
The Zionist lobby with Elliot Abrams, the convicted war criminal may be pushing the US into a swan song war, but hopefully cooler heads at Pentagon will prevail. US is already mired in global defeats and isolation.
I read an article about this on sputnik website yesterday. With Elliott Abrams in charge war is sure at let s say 80-90%. With that in mind we understand Putin s call. Elliott was put in charge of us policy for Iran last week. It did not take long to russia to understand the danger and react. Talks are good but talking with the US administration is a big waste of time and putin is right the issue is urgent. Anyway russia is trying to do something so it s better than nothing I guess.
Russia set to provide missiles to ‘close the entire sky’ over Iran. President Putin
Given the recent escalation in tension between Tehran and Washington, Moscow is examining ways to possibly beef up Iranian military capabilities.
I did not know about putin s statement about providing Iran with air dedense systems. Putin must be talking about Tor-M3 and S400 systems. A few month ago I read that Iran was interested in upgrating its MiG-29 and buying new SU-30.
Russian media is reporting $10 billion in sales, which include S-400, SU-35 and bastian coastal defence systems, among other weapons. Russia perceives Iran as its frontine defence in the vulnerable southern belly. Russia is also arming Armenia with latest weapons and Armenia is a historic ally of Iran.
Ok thank you for the informations!
Bastion are extremely effective costal defense systems the best russia currently produces. The system is armed with P800 Onyx anti ship missiles. The missiles can fly at Mach 3 and have an effective rage of 800 kms. Enough to counter aircraft carriers. The range of export missiles will be shorter. The SU-35 can be armed with R37M Vympel air to air missiles. They fly at Mach 5 and have a maximum range of 400 kms. Highly effective weapons. But I don’t think those missiles can be used on downgraded export variant of the SU-35.
Armenian media which has close ties to both are Russian and Iranian allies is reporting similar:
Iran confirms possible purchase of Russian S-400, Su-35 and possibly Su-57 along with T-90 tanks and YAK 130 light attack trainers.
I think you are exaggerating.
Iran doesn’t have that much money to buy all that in the same time. S-400 are very expensive, SU-57 also and SU-35 doesn’t come cheap either. The best option for Iran would be license production of SU-30MK2 (similar to India ) and to produce few hundred of those heavy multi role air superiority fighters. If they want to boost their quality thae can put SU-35 engines and its hybrid Irbis radar with the 400km range and that can “see” stealth airplane on 90km distance and lock the missile on it.
800km for “Bastion-M”, it’s new and not in the army yet. Basic model has 300 km range. Iran already signed a contract to buy Su-30. Indian Su-30 can use “BraMos” – indian version of “Onyx”. So it’s a possibility to every Su-30.
I am sure that any modernized Russian version of SU-30SM can do the same what was implemented as upgrade on SU-30MKI with Brahmos.
Onyx missiles will be capable to do the same air to ground and air to ship launch attack since all Bramos capabilities are copy pasted to standard Onyx (Yakhont ) and modernized SU-30SM as launching platform.
The range of all export missiles is always shorter. The 200km shorter range is not small difference it should be emphasized. P800 Onyx fore export is 600 km the other with 800 km are built only for Russia R37M Vympel with 400km range are built for destruction’s of AWACS and fuel tankers (slower targets) that accompany enemy fighter jets to supply them with fuel and radar intel.
I don’t think those missiles can not be used on SU-35S (export version) It is just usual limitation of range …that they will have 350km or even 300 km range instead of 400km.
I hope the deal includes a sizable number of Su-30SMs (with TOT, and local production) with a smaller number of Su-35s for air-superiority.
More importantly Iran needs more AWACS planes as well as AD systems as a stop-gap measure. Since Iran is producing its own advanced AD systems, it will need more S-300PMU2s, TORS (Iran is producing its own SHORAD) or even S-400s to act as a in-between system to help close some of the gaps in Iranian air-space whilst Iran produces and fields more of its own indigenously made SAMS.
If ZeroHedges reporting is accurate then this development is quite concerning. Putin is a powerful individual in the know, so when he thinks that a war is coming we should definitely take heed.
SU-30 can be “air superiority” almost as SU-35.
Example; India has their modernization program called “Super Sukhoi” where they upgrade (together with Russia) their standard export SU-30MKI to “Super Sukhoi” standard in simple words they turn their SU-30 in SU-35 as much as they can (new engines and new radars taken all from SU-35) limited only with cost-effectiveness. With 3D thrust vectoring on those engines every jet becomes “air superiority” because it becomes very maneuverable jet, good for dog fights
I was always under the impression that the SU-30SM was meant for multi-purpose roles and the Su-35 was tailored for air superiority due to the Strong Ibris-E radar, better flight kinematics, larger fuel reserves etc…
Not saying you’re wrong though.
You were thinking right. I will try to elaborate what I have already explained to you.. Your confusion is only because of engines (radar is important but not critical, while only engines are critical for “air superiority”) 3D thrust vectoring engines = bring far superior maneuverability
Yes SU-30 is “multi-purpose”2 seater by definition and single seater SU-35 is above all built for “air superiority” since it is somewhat lighter, stealthier, has much better radar, better avionics s and above all that jet is MUCH more agile and maneuverable because of 3D thrust vectoring engines (for comparison F-22 has 2Dthrust vectoring)! Every multi purpose jet is to some limited extent built for the dog fights (air superiority) as well, that’s why they are called “multi-purpose” (jack of all trades). All “air superiority” jets are not only air superiority but also have that “multi purpose” side (some more, some less). So nothing is strictly compartmentalized (like it was before) with modern jets today.
So it takes only to replace usual SU-30 engines and put SU-35 engines with 3D thrust vectoring to make SU-30 much more “air superiority” than it usually is because of more power of thrust, better weight to thrust ratio and its advanced maneuvering because of 3D thrust vectoring. Indian “Super Sukhoi” will have SU-35 engines and even their SU-30MKI the 2 seaters will become “air superiority” multi purpose jets capable to fight dog fights like any other air “air superiority” very agile fighters .. M= modernization K= export I= India
Ah I see, thank you for the clarification.
So fundamentally both jets are more or less “interchangeable” if need be then?
“interchangeable”?! It is not as simple and as straight forward as that
That program of modernization “Super Sukhoi” was paid by India since they have almost 300 SU-30MKI. The SU-35 engines, radars fit in size so it was feasible to put them, but I do not think that SU-30 was deigned in the way that they can easily put new SU-35 engines or radars in SU-30. That was not part of the designers plan at the time
The Russians had to make some adaptations to connect and install those engines and radars properly. So India had to pay for that program of the modernization.
Also Russia has made another adaptation (on Indian demand) of reinforcing SU-30 to be able to launch “Brahmos”(Russian P-800 Oniks) anti ship and air to ground missiles. Because of that now Iran also can buy Oniks or Brahmos anti-ship missiles for their future SU-30 jets.
You think Iran can get a sizable acquisition of Su-30s and Su-35s from Russia with some form of TOT on the former?
How possibly could I know that? I have seen Anton’s (he is Russian) comment that Iran has bought SU-30 (how many I don’t know)
Cheapest and best option for Iran is to license produce SU-30 since they obviously have know how of building planes. They can also upgrade them to SU-35 standard later on (that would be cheaper solution)
That would improve also their ability to build the jets and give them opportunity to maybe soon build completely new Iranian designed jet. I don’t know about TOT. Iran’s know how is based around American tech mostly The reverse engineered F-5 was used in building first Iranian jet and they just might prefer to continue in that direction. It was great success what they did without outside help.
But they would need much better engines than those they make now. Maybe TOT for engines for some future Iranian jet?
That’s more or less what I was thinking.
Iran will acquire some number of Su-30s with possibly domestic production and TOT. But getting better engines is a must given Iran’s current J-85 (OWJ) engines are just not good and can’t compete with Russian or Western ones.
I’m also hoping Iran can get an order in for some AWACS planes and more aerial refuel tankers if possible.
We’ll see….First SU-30 they are needed urgently …And AWACS would be great, …refuel tankers are not needed so much since SU-30 has decent range (unless they want to attack IsraHell : )
Yeah fair enough lol, the aerial refueling tankers are for long-range deep strike missions (amongst other purposes) and I don’t think Iran has that in mind for the near-future as far as I know. Iran’s military is still heavily reliant on an asymmetrical approach relying on unconventional methods to establish deterrence and its conventional military capabilities will take years to rebuild and reorganize in order to compete with Israel and other regional armed forces from a more traditional counter-force stand point.
The prospect of Iran acquiring Su-30s and Su-35s is quite enticing honestly. It would provide such a healthy operational capability uplift in IRIAF operations that the difference would be more or less night-and-day.
Nothing to add….Well rounded conclusion !
Was there any talk of potential TOT for the Su-30s or Su-35s?
Any links? this sounds interesting.
“Iran needs powerful and reliable air defense systems, and it is
obvious that the only choice of this country will fall on the Russian
S-400s. As for military aviation, Iran may be interested in buying Su-35
and Su-57 fighters, and given the partnership between our country and
Iran, it is obvious that Iran will be given a special price,” a Russian analyst said.
Some military experts expect Iran to buy Chinese fighter jets, not Russian ones
Iran can count on lighter and cheaper aircraft – the Russian MiG-35
and Chinese J-10C are considered the main contenders for this role. Both
fighters belong to the 4 ++ generation and began to be operated in
recent years.
Thanks, hopefully Russia is truly willing to counter the scourge of Ziocorporatism and the evils it’s brought upon the world.
It says the Al-Masdar Arabic version has an interview with the Iranian ambassador in Moscow, SF should report on that.
SF is a bit slow on the uptake of fast moving news. The Chinese media is really going after the Americans and even US media like Newsweek is embarrassed by UNSC humiliation of US.
First Russia doesn’t sell the SU-57 they only have 1 squadron of them 12 I believe, they are still not in mass production, Russia as first doesn’t have them for their air-force and you want them to sell SU-57, what will they sell? What ever it is first go to the russian air force in the right number supplied, then maybe can sell, and mass production of su-57 still haven’t started even if it starts tomorrow will need years to produce few squadrons. Leave the Su-57 for now, but there are lot of Su-35 for selling, bombers Su-30s Su-34 Su-29s modernized.
First Russia does offer and SELL SU-57 (export version) to whomever is interested as we spaek. I have seen that official announcement and repeated offer to India if they reconsider to buy SU-57 (and they just might ) !
Small batch of only 12 SU-57 is only pre-production because they are waiting new second stage engines “Article 30” (NEXT YEAR) to start full production. That is the ONLY reason why these jets are in pre*production and not full-production This is FULL FINAL VERSION of the SU-57 but with the 1st stage engines (that’s why they have taken only 12 jets) So this SU-57 has only difference in engines from next year built full production SU-57 and nothing else.
So YES Iran can place the order but since it is the case about serious amount of money… whole process of negotiating ,will take the time before agreed delivery! Can’t be before starting next year anyways.
needs time, Russia will not sell su57 first and after deliver to their air force. It needs years to produce many batches of these jets too, and Russia will mass production FIRST for them, then they can make a deal and give to someone that wants it, but if I want it I am India example I will pay and wait some 5 years minimum to get a batch of 12-24 jets do you understood me what I wanted to point out mate.
Not true. It was already officially announced that it SU-57 is for sale. Exported version has reduced capabilities always. Not 5 years. Negotiation time + 1 or 2 years for producing them (depending on the number of course) …2022 or 2023 delivery at the latest
It was offered to India again with NEW second stage (production) engines (entering production next year) So in theory production could even start next year. Russia has full confidence in India her traditional customer.
There is no Russia “first” (like it was with S-400 because S-400 was top secret at the time so Russia wanted to have enough time to advance S-500 knowing that China will start the attempt copying S-400 the moment they buy them.) SU-57 has another problem for Russia. They want to lower the price of SU-57 that’s why they eagerly offer it for sale. They want to buy 76 of SU-57 all in all for the time being ….but they would like to lower the price
So we agree to disagree.
“a special price,” is still not for free, it is just discount.
I also think that Iran might buy mixed bag with Chinese and some Russian stuff. If they buy S-400 they will have to go for “lighter and cheaper” medium heavy multi-role “air superiority” MIG-35 4++ generation. They can even get license production much cheaper than for SU-35 And they will buy plenty of J-10C 4++gen. light aircraft to fill up the numbers (quantity needed for such big country)
Putin will never allow such.. His isreali handlers wont let him.. Just like they did in syria.. With the lamedock… Activeless S-300 he supplied to syria. IRAN shound not bank their fully hope on putin now.. As their russian made air defence software might see american jet fighters as “Friends”
You are right Putin’s action have been suspect.
Your link is awful. Look at actual actions rather than who was photographed with who where.
fuck of… you retarded “faggot of war”
or they can show your mommy as “friendly” for free sex (while your mommy asks always 3$ for sex) She would do it for free only to the whole Jewish army and nobody else.
Can you give the link about 10 billion?
There is no “Tor-M3″as far as I know, you probably wanted to say “BUK-M3” the “Viking”. Iran is interested in license production of SU-30 (the way India is doing it with 300 SU-30 jets built for India) The problem is price I suppose.
Is this similar to how Russia ” closed the skies ” over Syria. In fact, they closed them so well that only ZioAmerican and Israhelli planes fly there now. Great job Putin !
FAGgot of war
Russian support for Iran has steadily increased and Mr. Putin now looks at Iran as a key strategic partner and asset. Russia and China have delivered a humiliating UNSC resounding defeat to US plans.President Putin has doubled down on his criticism of US policies and outlined Russian plan for the security of the Persian with Iran as the dominant power.
“We strongly believe that these problems can be overcome if we treat each other’s positions with due attention and responsibility, while acting respectfully and in a collective spirit,” Putin said.
“Like anywhere else in the world, there is no place for blackmail or dictate in this region, no matter the source. Unilateral approaches will not help bring about solutions,” he added. “It is essential that the positive experience gained earlier through intensive effort is maintained when building an inclusive security architecture in the Persian Gulf.”
Yeah, bait and switch, and good old fascion knee capping if you dont do was the Yankikes tells you to do, thats been the hall mark of Trump the ConDon, like the road side highjacking of Chines corps, to even think the ISISraeli bitch Trumsptein is about to make any CONsensus is not only an pipe dream, its an bloody ilution, because, the UssA Gov is run from their senate witch is in Tel-aviv, and remeber even the so called DemonCrauts whines about Trump, because he is an drooling idiot, “destroyed” their actions against Venezuela, and to even be so naive to think this foreign policy is going to change if Creepy Joe the Bideet manages to find the door into the white house, is even more dangerous, because it have been the DemonCrauts whom have instigated most of the present wars and instabilitys to sactions, with their bitches hanging in their skirts, the despecable corrupt EU and the even worse UN.
I agrees with Putin on this, wars take years to prepare, but it always starts with years of hate propaganda, and lies, forgerys etc to smear the so called enemy of the UssA. I wouldnt trust Trumpstein for an split second, even the RepubliCONs, its infact, based upon persiving some decades back in time no difference what so ever, despite the frantic drivel we have to endure reading the retardians explain how eh….. what good Trump have done, because, its after all, never been an issue, its about domestic politics regarding wars, all americans have no problems with that, never had and never will, what country, they dont give an f…. because they are God chousen people on this earth, ask anyone of them, its their god given right to do whatever they want, never forget that.
I know they will do something, either China or Iran, because regarding Iran, ISISrael is the one holding Trump by the balls, and owns the Gov and their propaganda machine, the MSM. China, is slightly different but again the hate propaganda have increased by the weeks. While the UssA disintigrades, sooner or later, the have to start something, to ralie the masses, and an highe war is their standard prosedyre, they have started almost 250 wars in their 270 years of existence, and what on earth would be the difference now, nothing. I also know about E. Abrams, whom failed in Venezuela, but this evil creep is now on Iran, etc, evil scums, all of them, no excseptions, and now their pudles MaCrony and the idiot clown Bozo is always there, never trust them, because like the Turds, they do what the UssA and ISISrael tells them to do, the punch and judy show in Lebanon and in the Grece is just an phony kabuki, because the Turds would never be able to do what they are doing right now without the full suport of France/EU and the Imperial banana republic Moronike, with the Knuckledragging orangutan in charge, whipped forward by the people and ISISrael. And I infact laughed when I read about Trumps is going to clean the swamp, muhahaha, jesus the Yankikes are douped, the most brainwashed sheeps on this planet, he is just another NWO bitch, nothing else.
President Putin’s main concern is that the failed empire goes off with a bang, so he makes any attempt in his power to avoid the most destructive scenario, he can sometimes seem condescending to the americunts, but he’s not, he cares about the species human as a whole, in this he is supported by his colleague and personal friend President Xi.
The US has made enemies of literally the whole world, the Slavs, Muslims, Chinese, Africans, you name it. For such a hated country to survive in the new Eurasian dominated world is not possible.
The US and Iran are obviously on a collision course. No matter who wins the next US presidency. The interests of US and Iran in the region are completely antagoniostic. Should US provoke a war, it will surely lose it. Iran is too far from the US, Iran has direct links to Russia (through the Caspian see), which the US cannot cut, and therefore constant supplies are guaranteed. The Iran army is not an inapt Arab army. Iran has a lot of natural values, which in an event of war will use to pay for Chinese and Russian direct or indirect help. And China and Russia will be more than happy to help (with weapoins, intel and more if necessary) to undermine US hegemony. In an event of a war, the US will lose its foothold in the Middle East, will be kicked out not only from Iraq and Syria, but also from Saudia Arabia and Qatar. Still there is a high chance that the US will go into another war that it cannot win, but may easily loose. I do not think Putin can do a lot here.
Russia and China have drawn a line in Iran and will defeat the US on Iranian soil, like they did in Vietnam, both are adjacent to Iran and have uninterrupted land and sea supply lines via Caspian and Armenia.
I hope you’re right…
For the sake of peace itself, I hope the prospect of Russia or China coming to the direct defense/aid of Iran will deter ZIO controlled America from launching what could very well be its last war of primacy.
I just don’t see how the U.S. can get into a kinetic conflict with Iran and not end up severely hurt itself. Regional interests and assets will be decimated within a week or at the most, months after the first missiles start flying. Then the long war of attrition will begin wherein over 100,000 Shia militias under direct IRGC command will enact region wide operations against any and all American assets that they can reliably get at. This is on top of the constant accurate missile barrage attacks which will cripple U.S. military operations that fall under Iran’s missile umbrella.
Ports, Air-bases, barracks, ammo depots, ships; all will be subject to near-constant bombardment. This is something the U.S. hasn’t faced in a long, long time.
This photo says it all. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javid Zarif announced in Moscow that he was seeking the renewal of a 20-year deal with Russia, with which his country coordinates in the war in Syria and joint defence arrangements.
” “Iran has also shown interest in acquiring S-400 air defense systems and Bastian coastal defense systems from Russia,” the report added. ”
Did Iran ever get the previous defense systems it paid for from Russia ?
Yes you dickhead.
You guys forget we have our US Space Command Centre armed with photonic radar and laser systems, who cant take out any Yak-oxe on the planet in a precision strike in a split second.
Tell us all more about the super duper weapons Tommy, you’re a cracker!
” Regional interests and assets will be decimated within a week or at the most, months after the first missiles start flying. ”
Of course, this includes most of the oil producing competion of the US. There’s a reason why the ZioAmericans have capped many of their oil fields, they’re just waiting for the time when ” the price is right “.
Will they stop buying Russian oil then also?
The price will never be right for fracked oil ffs.
Why the fuck would Russia “stockpiling supplies in Armenia”if Iran is on the other side of Kaspian sea and having practically common border with Russia?!!!? Why would they need fucking Armenia country that is practically in state of war against Azebaijan to “stock military supply” Where the fuck do you get such idiotic information’s?!?
I would draw your attention to the fact taht Armenia and Russia have no shared borders. Georgia is anti-Russian. Azerbaijan is kind of unpredictable. They hate the Armenians most, and are essentially Eastern Turkey in many ways. I think the only reliable supply route is through the Caspan sea.
I suspect Iran will not be baited into any reaction from US provocations or false flags. They know theres a chance Trump will be voted out come November & Biden may re engage with the JCPOA assuming it still exists if the snapback strategy of US fails.
Persians by nature are very cool and strategic thinkers. They will wait out Trump and in any case, things are going their way from Lebanon to Yemen. Iran will not initiate a war, but keep on increasing its economy, defence and footprint. It is on home ground, while US is 10,000 kms away and mired in domestic strife, losing wars and collapsing economy.
1). IMHO US presidents have little influence to start wars. It is the “deep-state” that makes this kinds of decisions. Even if Biden wins (likely), I do not think a lot will happen. The only thing that could change the situation is a major shift in Israeli policy, which I do not see coming, despite Netanjahu being on its way out. 2). Based on this I am not so sure that JCPOA will be reenacted. Also IMHO in the current situation it is not the interest of Iran to continue with JCPOA, unless it gets some major apology (for Suleimani) and compensation (caused by sanctions).
” IMHO US presidents have little influence to start wars. It is the “deep-state” that makes this kinds of decisions. ”
You are correct these plans are years and decades in the making. Anyone, who assumes a measley ” Presdient ” would derail them is a geopoltical novice.
But I agree with you that before the US elections there will be no decision on going to war. And I do not think Iran is stupid to give US a pretext.
” And China and Russia will be more than happy to help (with weapoins, intel and more if necessary) to undermine US hegemony. ”
I doubt it, Russia and China havent helped Iran much as it is. Dont forget how much denying Russia did when the ZioAmericans acussed it of supplying the Taliban against US troops , the US never denied supplying weapons that were used against Russian troops however. That alone tells me whose afraid of who. Also, if the US found out that Russia and China were supplying Iran during the war there would be massive ramifications.
“Also, if the US found out that Russia and China were supplying Iran during the war there would be massive ramifications.”
What kind of ramifications? They would close MacDonalds in Russia, and withdraW Coca Cola from the Russian market? What additional measures could be put into place with respect to these countries, which would not be met with appropriate countermeasures that would also hurt US. The propaganda is close to the max already. IMHO sanctions may work with small countries, they are not really working with countries like Iran, and surely they will not work with resource rich Russia or China. The only thing US could do is to buy Russia with USD and disengage it from China. However, I do not see this coming, a drastic shift in US policy toward Russia would be needed. It is more likely that the Syria model would be used by Russia, in which Russia provides weapons, intel, technology in exchange for natural resources, ability to test and market its weapon systems and sell it to the world.
” What kind of ramifications? ”
The posters here seem to have short memories. Isnt the popular consensus on here that the US is desperate to start a war, any war with anyone ? Isnt Putin lauded for not falling for the ” trap ” and doing everything possible not to give ZioAmerica a casus belli ? Supplying Iran with weapons while those same weapons are being used to kill ZioAmerican troops seems like the ultimate casus belli .
I am relatively neutral here, and write more from an anti-imperailist than pro-russian standpoint. I have never said “zioAmerica” or anything similar, so in this respect I am not the right person to address. I am also moderately pro-Israeli, but dislike their current aggressive (imperial) policies, which I consider near suicidal. As an outside observer, I notice that in most, if not all wars US ended up fighting armies with mostly Russian weaponry. This is kind of logical, as you tend to supply weapons to your friends not your enemies. After October anyone can sell any weapons not specifically prohibited by other treaties to Iran, just as to any other country. I think this is a good thing, as arm sales should only be banned if there is an absolute common understanding that it should be banned. This is not the case, essentially only a handful of countries really back the ban. I think the US should drastically change its pro-Israel only policy, and should also factor in the interests of other ME countries, unless its aim is to get kicked out of the region.
All well and good, however, how does that address the points I raised ?
Well, it’s high time Russia fully assumed its role as a world power with a top notch military, not just playing along and wanting “partnership” with the Ziocorporatist terrorist “new world order” designers and their UN sanctions and embargoes, it’s a shame Russia even voted in favor of them since 2007.
Still don’t see some of the main problems being addressed, those are the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine’s Zioterrorism and aggression and petrodollar-funded terrorist Wahhabism’s expanding influence in the Muslim world.
Putin is only doing this for show, he has no plans in comming to Iran’s defense. Even if Russia vetos the embargo extension, it wont matter as the attack will commence before Iran has a chance to arm up. Putin is crying crocodile tears.
US arrogance and hubris are propelling it towards oblivion. A war with Iran will be its last gasp.
This video can be watched at the link below the screenshot.
Just in case it gets taken down, this is what it looked like while it was up.
Can you give us a summary as to whom comprises this ” shadow government ” ? I’ve wasted to much time on similar documentaries who blame every one but the obvious culprits.
FBI’s Brennan, Gen. Hayden, Gen. Jones, State Departm. Linick, Gen. McChrystal, Manafort, Gates, Stone, Nader. Former generals and state departm officials. Trump call the group “the deep state department”…………….LOL. The video is ok, real stuff.
Jews and Zionists. It describes a classified information theft operation pipe lined directly to the Mossad through Ukraine and other methods. And how it’s being used in the Jew world order’s omnicide project that’s currently being rolled out to create a post human future.
Thank you. If true, it would explain why she was arrested.
This is the JWO omnicide plan, It’s almost exclusively being run by Jews and Zionists. Jones blame shifts away from them to the Chinese, to cover up the Jew’s crimes, I don’t. You can watch the video by clicking on the link below the screenshot. And do your own fact checking to draw your own conclusions.
once the arms embargo lifted . US will not able to do anything to iran . and this US knows very well. iran will get all kinds of defense weopeons. and israeli will keep pissing in pants everyday. bcuz hezbollah and other ressitance will get this defense .
Thats why the war will begin before that ever transpires.
it want US is afraid of any war with iran thats why for 40 years they dint able to do anything . and now they are more afraid bcuz of all this development iran has done in defense weopeons. and plus they dont want to put all thier bases under attack at one time. it will take another 40 years to attack iran directly by the time israel and US will die with thier own axe.
One Jericho III and we will keep your mouth shut.
Iran is a strategic partner for Russia and China…Iran links Indian Ocean and Mediterranean ( through Irak and Syria) with Caspian sea and from there to Russia and China ( kazajistan ports)…other reasons for US hostility vs Iran is that Iran ( second world largest gas reserve) and Venezuela( world largest oil reserve) are using Petroyuan.
Iran is the most dangerous country in the world at the moment.
Not only do Iran possess $42 trillion oil/gas reserves, but Russia/China are investing in nuclear power stations and refined fuel facilities in Iran.
This combined will make Iran a extreme powerful energy gigant, a modern nation and threaten the whole power balance in ME backed by Russia’s weapons and China’s finance.
McKinder’s heartland of the world is united and NOT in our Western usury banksters hands. Sorry guys, but we cant allow that to happen. Usury is what made us rich and everybody else poor……………… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/69e40192bf3b0ae04e984e79f0e851db517ec9245a0c859adb4b009a0d9ce74a.jpg ………………………LOL!
Get rid of the Jewish influence in the USA……and then there’s a good possibility that war in the Middle East will be averted. The “parasites” are embedded in U.S Congress, mainstream media, banking, judiciary, the entertainment industry, think-tanks, NGOs and MIC