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Putin: “The Liberal Idea Has Become Obsolete”

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Putin: "The Liberal Idea Has Become Obsolete"

Russian President Vladimir Putin

In a wide-ranging interview with the Financial Times published on June 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin described “the liberal idea” as “obsolete” and that it had “outlived its purpose”.

“So, the liberal idea has become obsolete. It has come into conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population.”

Hommenting on the US President’s idea to build a wall on the US-Mexico, Putin said that one agrees with Trump’s plan or not, “he is at least looking for a solution”. In comparison, the Russian President added, the proponents of the so-called liberal values are “not doing anything,” insisting that everything is just fine even as unprecedented numbers of migrants come across their borders.

He further described German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to allow more than one million refugees into Germany as a “cardinal mistake”.

“This liberal idea presupposes that nothing needs to be done. That migrants can kill, plunder and rape with impunity because their rights as migrants have to be protected.”

Every crime must have its punishment.

Putin added that even the failed liberal idea “has the right to exist and it should even be supported in some things. But you should not think that it has the right to be the absolute dominating factor. That is the point.”

“Various ideas and various opinions should have a chance to exist and manifest themselves,” while keeping in mind the interests of the general public. “Then, it seems to me, we would be able to avoid major political upheavals and troubles.”

Putin’s interview with the Financial Times caused fire and fury in mainstream media outlets that rushed to defend so-called liberal values (in fact, the consumerist neoliberal world view), but it was not the end.

During a final press conference at the G20 summit in Japan, the Russian President strengthened his remarks causing a new wave of media histeria.

Putin repeated that while the modern liberal idea is attractive in general, it has overreached on multiple issues, such as immigration, and is now “eating itself”. He recalled that representatives of ‘liberal idea’ is imposing their point of view by force, in particular in schools.

“In some European countries, parents are told that girls should not wear skirts at schools” because of security concerns, he said, adding that “people are living in their own country … why has it come to that?”

Putin also adressed the situation with LGBT rights in Russia. According to Putin, authorities had a “relaxed and unprejudiced” attitude towards LGBT people, but decisions about gender identity should be made by adults and therefore minors need to be “left alone.” Russian law bans “propaganda of homosexuality among minors.”

It’s interesting to note that while the general Russian population supports remarks of the President, the ‘liberal part’ of the elites and the so-called creative community oppose interests of the general population and the state. Often, it looks like they make every posssible effort to promote ideals of the consumerist neoliberal world order and denounce the Russian nation (like in the case with new mascots of the Russian Olympic Team).

The most recent scandal related to the so-called creative community happened during the forum of patriotic youth ‘Tavrida’ in Crimea, where it appeared that the ‘creative’ version of patriotism include perfomances propaganding homosexuality among patriotic youth.

The perfomance was held by a team from the organization “Gogol School”, which is know for its links with liberal stage and film director Kirill Serebrennikov. In 2017, Serebrennikov appeared to be suspected of masterminding a fraud scheme involving a state subsidy the Seventh Studio received from the government of Russia from 2011 to 2014. He and his counterparts are being ivestigated over the alleged theft of budget funds.

Gogol School declares that its goal is to allow its sutdents to change, dream and create. In the current situation, it’s an open secret what kind of changes this organization promotes. The key question is how did they appear in the patirotic youth forum?


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Jews are disproportionately represented in a lot of these liberal positions eating away at the moral, ethical and legal standards of society. It’s part of how they debase and take over a society.

Which shouldn’t be surprising coming from an evil cult with thousands of years of experience at this type of thing. That rapes 1,000 children worldwide every week with vile blood sucking Jew prostitutes that take the newborn’s virginity and infects some of them with venereal disease, brain damages and murders them.

These are some of the reasons that they’re so reviled. And have been persecuted, expelled and genocided so many times


Outlaw Judaism? That will never happen, and you know it. You keep ranting about it, but it’s never going to happen.


It’s happened many times. There are dozens of nations that don’t even recognize Israel’s right to exist and have no diplomatic relations with the blood sucking baby raping Jews. Half of the planet is Jew free. They only infest Christian nations where 99% of them live. The rest of the world has gotten rid of them. As Christian nations should. And often times have.


Will NEVER happen Richard. Never. I don’t care how many graphics you put up. You know this. You’re insane.


Same something will never happen that has happened many times makes you the one who is insane, not me.


I’m seriously wondering if you were the one who was raped to explain your mental derangement. So I’m insane because I know the world will never outlaw Judaism? I’ll make you a deal, when the world outlaws Judaism I will be the first one to look you up and give you credit. That’s a promise. And that’s not part of my “lies, crime and evil” lmao you fucking paranoid weirdo.


I’m weirdo for wanting the law enforced against the Jew pedophile criminal syndicate?

I guess that makes you a blood sucking Jew pedophile mass rape cult supporter.


Jew population decline in Europe, the near east and north Africa 1945 to 2010. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8f/Europe_Jewish_%25_change_1945_2010.png


Jew decline in Europe and North Africa hmmmmmm you think that has anything to do with emmigration because of the creation of Israel ?? You ranting idiot! Judaism isn’t even “outlawed” in Iran, israels sworn enemy!! and you expect the whole world is going to outlaw it? Lmfao! You can send me all the anti-Jewish bs you want. There is no shortage of it in this world, and it’s well deserved in my opinion, but to my original point, you ranting about worldwide outlawing of Judaism is downright stupid. And you’re going to die with that delusion in your head.


It’s outlawed in China, and as a practical matter in most of the rest of the non Christian world. Dejudification didn’t happen in Russia and Europe because they went to Israel. It happened because of anti Judaism. Many didn’t go to Israel. They went to Christian nations where the anti Judaism was less severe. If Israel was such a draw, they would have left the US. Few did.

You support this evil Jew cult and criminal organization. I don’t.


do you know what outlaw even means? It’s not population shifting. It’s not severing diplomatic ties with Israel. It’s making Judaism illegal. It’s eliminating an entire culture by persecution, prison or death. Hitler did that. It’s NEVER going to happen again in this “civilized” world. Never Richard. It’s all good. You believe whatever you wish. You’ve obviously got a few screws loose upstairs, and I’m no better for arguing with you and calling you names. We will move on.


It’s already been done on half of the planet. Your ignoring that doesn’t make it false. I’m well aware of what outlawing an evil cult like Judaism consists of. You make it’s practice illegal and close the synagogues and yeshivas.

“as with any right, the freedom of religion can be abridged if its exercise would infringe on the rights of others.

As a result, several groups have been made into recognized criminal organizations. … typically after a cult group has been involved with a criminal enterprise. These cults have generally been involved with activities like murder, abduction, statutory rape, or other serious crimes. Often, they hold an illegal activity to be a primary focus of their religious teachings, making adherence to the group’s beliefs a virtual guarantee of grossly illegal activity directly harming others.”

– Are Cults Legal? –


In NYC alone:

“metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis. …

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”

– New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision –


if the victim is under 16 AND the defendant is over 21, oral copulation with a minor must be charged as a felony …

Oral copulation is defined as any contact—no matter how slight—between the mouth of one person, and the sexual organ or anus of another. Neither penetration nor ejaculation/orgasm is required.”

– Oral Copulation with a Minor –


You’re obviously an evil Jew pedophile mass rape cult supporter. Miscreants like you are part of the problem.


LMAO!! There’s your obsession with the pedophilia again. Why on earth do I need links for herpes and oral copulation? That’s not remotely on topic. You have deep issues. The only question is if you’re aware of it. In other words if you have friends and family anymore who tell you, or if you are solo. Anyway, we’ve come full circle. My original statement stands. Judaism will NEVER be outlawed worldwide. Jews will live freely in this civilized world just like they do in Iran. That is a FACT. You are a ranting fool who should get over that delusion.


“That’s not remotely on topic.”

You’re a bald face liar. Any rational person reading this thread is doing a roll eyes at your deliberately ignoring the obvious. Jews have been saying for thousands of years that they’re not going to get kicked out of someplace or outlawed before it happens over and over again.

You’re also a strong Jew pedophile rape cult supporter. It wouldn’t surprise if you’re a vermin Jew yourself.

Civilized societies don’t allow an evil pedophile rape cult like Judaism to infest their societies, rape their children with blood sucking Jew cannibal prostitutes, infect them with venereal disease, brain damage and murder them.


Richard, if I spent 5 seconds worried about who rolls their eyes at me it would be too long. The only things I ignore are those that having nothing to do with my point. It doesn’t matter what happened in past millennia and how maligned the Jews are. There are entire books written about their expulsions. I live in THIS world now and civilized countries do not and will not outlaw Judaism. A handful (or more) Muslim countries will, but Worldwide?? Not a fucking chance!

“Civilized societies don’t allow evil pedophile……..”. Are you living under a rock? Yes they do. Open your eyes and see that they are living freely Everywhere. Even Iran (ignore that). They’re not going anywhere. Whether you like it or not. No matter how many names you call them.

Cannibals huh, that might be a new one haha. See now I’m off topic.

Ok let me change my offer to something more achievable. Instead of me giving you credit only after Worldwide outlawing of Judaism how about you give me a list of the next 5 nations that will outlaw it. If any 1 of those 5 actually outlaw it I come back here and give you full credit! If 100’s of nations are going to outlaw Judaism, as you say, surely you can predict the next couple, right? And they better hurry! Let me have your list!


People like you who supported slavery argued for thousands of years that they lived in civilised nations and didn’t care what others thought about the vile practice that they supported and that it would never be outlawed.

Judaism is illegal in China, so Hong Kong, if hasn’t been outlawed already, is on the list, as is Taiwan.

If I’m not mistaken Jewish oral copulation statutory rape was outlawed in Russia prior to the fall of the Soviet Union. And they just outlawed Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The UN passed a resolution declaring Zionism a form of racism before it was rescinded under a lot of pressure by the US back when it had the power to do that. Which has waned considerably since then as evidenced by recent losses. And Judaism and Zionism are essentially synonymous. So there’s clearly strong anti judaic sentiment at the UN, as there should be.

But if what others think about the vile blood sucking Jew pedophile mass rape cult that you shill for doesn’t matter. Then I guess that all of these facts are immaterial to you. And that trying to conduct a rational fact and evidence based debate with you is a waste of time.


China? They’re about to ban Islam too. Being against aid to Israel doesn’t mean banning Judaism! We’re going back to Abraham Lincoln? Lmao! Who gives a shit if there’s anti Judaic sentiment, there is anti-everything in this world. Doesn’t mean it’s going to be outlawed.

So here it is you weirdo. Nearly 200 nations in this planet and you’re guaranteeing they will all ban Judaism. You’re out of touch with reality. But here’s your chance to prove me wrong. Name 5 countries that will be the next to outlaw Judaism.


The UN declared Zionism a racist organization. Israel loses everybody to 1 or 2. That’s one step away from declaring Judaism a criminal organization and outlawing it. Just like terrorist organizations have been. The state, national and international laws against statutory rape and declaring those who use it criminal organizations and outlawing them are already on the books. They need to be applied to Judaism and enforced by the remaining nations that haven’t outlawed Judaism in one way or another yet.

Just like slavery was outlawed in the British empire and then the League of Nations. The number of nations that have ended recognition of Israel has doubled from 15 to 30 since it’s admission to the UN. Since Israel’s admission to the UN most of the regional governments have effectively outlawed Judaism and dejudified their nations one way or another. Hundreds of synagogues and yeshivas have been demolished or closed. Half of the nations on the planet don’t have or allow synagogues or yeshivas. This needs to be expanded on until Israel, Judaism and Jews are extinct.

You asked for 5, I’ve given you double or triple that number that recently have been, not that are going to be, not that might be, but already have been with more in the pipeline.

Being against an evil pedophile mass rape cult doesn’t make me a weirdo. Supporting and defending these perverted blood sucking Jew cultists makes you a weirdo and degenerate.


Declaring Zionism racist is no where near outlawing Judaism!! Not even close to “one step away”.

Non Recognition of Israel or breaking diplomatic ties with Israel is not outlawing Judaism!

We know the regional countries that you listed, I asked you to predict the next few. Which ones are “in the pipeline”? Will Iran do it?

Don’t cry about what needs to happen , or what you hope will happen, or dwell on perverted sexual practices (you’re leaving out cannibalism lately), face your stupid prediction of worldwide outlawing of Judaism.

Arguably the country most fucked over by Israel is Iran, so I’ll ask again since you don’t have the guts to answer….Will Iran make a Judaism illegal and expel their Jews?

And after that you think 150+ nations will follow suit?


You can start with the UN members that approved the racism resolution. That’s not 5, that’s many many more. You can also look at the resolution Hamas recently won. And the open proceedings to override the US veto. The laws are on the books. Any competent international law attorney like Putin, Medvedev or many others could easily write the resolution. And there’s a lot of support at the UN against the evil Jew pedophile mass rape cult that you shill for.


Again, you’re equating a racism resolution with “the end of Jews”. Absolutely ridiculous.

A whole lot of “if the UN does this” and “if Putin does that”. Lmfao!! They’re not going to outlaw Judaism! Not those guys!!! You’re a coward. You weave a tapestry of bullshit to avoid my question on Iran. Very typical of your kind.

I asked for the next 5 nations to outlaw Judaism and expel their Jews. You only need to get one right out of those 5. Who are they?


You are ignoring the amount of anti Judaism on this planet. Which is only increasing as Israel’s and Jew’s crimes are exposed on the internet and in the media. You’re also either ignorant of how law and UN resolutions work. Or are ignoring that any competent international attorney can draft a resolution based on statutory rape to outlaw Judaism just like they did on slavery and racism. You dismiss this as everybody is anti this or anti that. While that’s true. Only Israel and Jews have risen to the level where every government on the planet is voting against them at the pinnacle of the planets political, legal and security structure.

You’re an ardent supporter of this evil pedophile rape cult opposed to getting humanity’s vermin Jew problem corrected. And are probably a lying Jew pedophile rape cultist yourself brainwashed from from birth to lie, cheat and steal for your evil cult. You’re a real freak and a weirdo defending evil baby rapers raping 1,000 children worldwide every week. Infecting them with venereal disease, brain damaging and murdering them. Not everyone is a sick and perverted degenerate like you.

Miscreants like you denied that slavery would ever be abolished. Because “civilized” nations allowed it. Doing the ostrich thing as you are doesn’t change the reality that humanity is moving against Israel and Judaism. Which I’ve illustrated in great depth. To which I can add the UN Secretary General’s call for a UN mandated protection force that can be used to clear the evil blood sucking Jew baby rapers that you’re defending out of the occupied territories and implement all of the resolutions that they’re violating. Including one outlawing Judaism to dejudify Palestine and the planet once it’s passed and ratified worldwide.

Any rational person can see that admitting Israel to the UN was the biggest mistake that the UN ever made. And that Jews have been the organization’s biggest problem for it’s entire 75 year history. And one that a great deal of effort is going into to get corrected. Which needs to include outlawing Judaism, like terrorism and slavery, as the vile perverse criminal organization that it is. Israel and Judaism belong in the trash can of history along with slavery, terrorism and other crimes against humanity.


Again, equating racism with the end of Jews. Thinking that condemnation of Israels actions means the world is about to eradicate the Jews. What a ridiculous conclusion.

I’m the ostrich? You have lost touch with reality. The world is not going to eradicate the Jews. You’re living in the past. Caught up in your delusion.

Writing endlessly about why the Jews are reviled, so simple, probably the whole purpose of your life right now. You call it “answering in great depth” lmao!! Yet thinking the next step is to eradicate Jews worldwide. That is where your mental illness kicks in. If it’s not mental illness then you’re simply a fool.

Richard the coward, talking in circles, focusing on pedophilia, dodging the simple question…when will Iran expel its Jews? no other nation on the planet has more right to do so. So if your prophecy is true it should start there right? Then after that 150+ countries will have to do the same. But if they all do the same eventually someone will have to kill them all. Sounds logical…..to Richard the weirdo.


You’re repeating yourself over and over again with the same old tired arguments. I’ve explained to you how outlawing an evil pedophile mass rape cult like Judaism engaged in institutional statutory rape works. I understand that you don’t think that it should, can or will be done. Not wanting 1,000 children to be raped every week, and all of the other and evil that Jews are engaged in doesn’t make me the head case. Supporting the blood sucking Jew bay rapers their massive crimes against humanity as defined by the relevant ICC statutes makes you the head case. Miscreants like you are part of the problem.

As far as killing Jews goes. Neither the Chinese or the Arabs did when they got rid of them. If they bring it on themselves. They’l have nobody to blame but themselves. They’re not god’s chosen people. They’re perverts and criminals.


I’m repeating myself??? No ones arguments are more tired than yours!! “explaining to me in great detail” about your twisted obsession with pedophilia proves absolutely nothing. Is pedophilia legal in Iran? Yet there the Jews are living freely and happily. Is pedophilia legal anywhere? Yet there they are. Stupid obsession, stupid conclusion to make that this is the reason the world will outlaw Judaism.

The Chinese and arabs didn’t kill the Jews when they got rid of them because the Jews had a place to go. Do you not see that WORLDWIDE BANNING OF JUDAISM implies they will have nowhere to go? So how do you get rid of all Jews to accomplish this WORLDWIDE ban? Some “smart lawyer” who takes the pedophilia angle that you are so obsessed with? You will have to imprison or kill them all and you think this is going to happen? Yes, Richard, you are going to die with that delusion.

A tiny drop in the bucket would be for Iran to expel their Jews. Tell me coward, when will this happen?


The reasons for outlawing Judaism go far beyond institutional statutory rape. As Judaism’s 3,000 year history to the present day of expulsions, extinguishments, and perennial UN disciplinary actions clearly illustrate.

The only place that Jews are likely to get killed in any significant numbers as part of planetary dejudification is Israel. Most former Jews will stay where they are. And leave Judaism behind as they have throughout history. Whether the Israelis exercise their so called Samson option is unknown. Obviously it has to be planned for with disaster relief and environmental reclamation preparations in case they decide to go that route.


Israeli emigration. Ok. So the countries they emigrate to will have to outlaw their religion for your prophecy to come true. Are the Iranian Jews assimilated? When will this expulsion take place?


It’s not a prophecy. You’re the one who keeps putting it in that category using your interpretation of what I’ve written. I’m saying what needs to be done and how it should be done. To create a better future on a Jew free planet. Whether it happens and how it occurs will be determined by whether the work is done to bring it about and how the Jews react to it. You’re saying that the work won’t be done. I’m looking at all of the work that has been done and is being done. If you’re a Jew and you want to ignore it. That’s your decision.

The Iranians obviously outlawed slavery despite Koran references to it. I’m assuming that they’l do the same thing with Judaism.

There’s a difference between expulsion and assimilation. Jews have been forcibly expelled whether they’ve discontinued Judaism or not. And they’ve been allowed to stay as long as they discontinue Judaism. If they chose to leave rather than discontinuing illegal activity. That’s not an expulsion. And if it’s been outlawed where they chose to go. There’s not much sense in going there.


Ok that’s a much clearer answer, finally. Thank you. Now, what do you think current Jews would have to “give up” in order to assimilate? Their entire belief in God (Judaism in its entirety) just the zio part (the most problematic by far), the pedo parts (illegal activity)?


The practice of Judaism as an outlawed criminal organization so that it goes extinct.


Ok. You point to “all the work that has been done and is being done” against Jews and Judaism as evidence of a continued movement toward the eventual creation of a Jew free planet. To me, UN resolutions again racism, dissolving diplomatic ties with Israel, none of it is even remotely close to the step toward criminalizing an entire practice whose existence isn’t criminal. Past expulsions? The world is a different place. I live in it just like you. A handful of countries, sure. The entire world? You think the Jews are going to give up Judaism for anyone? Of course not.

But that’s where we’ve come full circle Richard. Unlike most people on these forums I do respect everyone’s opinions if they’re based on some sort of logic. I’m comfortable I’ve heard it all so unless there’s something really compelling to reply to, I’m moving on. Take care.


You’re lying through your teeth trying to white wash and ignore massive institutional Jew crime and evil. And as anyone familiar with the Jew problem knows, it goes far beyond pedophile rape. But that’s part of it.

“as with any right, the freedom of religion can be abridged if its exercise would infringe on the rights of others.

As a result, several groups have been made into recognized criminal organizations. This is not a common designation, but it has occurred on occasion, typically after a cult group has been involved with a criminal enterprise. These cults have generally been involved with activities like murder, abduction, statutory rape, or other serious crimes. Often, they hold an illegal activity to be a primary focus of their religious teachings, making adherence to the group’s beliefs a virtual guarantee of grossly illegal activity directly harming others. ”

– Are Cults Legal? –



Whether the IDF, we’re all going to die, Kokhba commanders orchestrate the greatest massacre of Jews in Israel since they had former Jew Jesus Christ publicly tortured to death for truthing about Jew crime and evil 2,000 years ago. Or take a more enlightened approach to resolving humanity’s Jew problem. Will determine how Israeli Jews fair during the dejudifacation process in Palestine.


The Resolution 3379 nations against Judaism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_3379#/media/File:UNGA_3379_Map.png




Outlawing an evil cult the Russian way.



Outlawing an evil pedophile mass rape cult the Jewmerican way.



It will, eventually, end, there can be no doubt. However, the other spirit worshiping, ghost chasing cults will also need to be rejected.


If you study ET/ED creational beliefs from the Meier case and other sources. You’l see a strong coalition between them and the teachings of Jesus Christ based in natural and creational law. If there’s any truth to this. Then some religious systems like Christianity are based in universal law.



???????? ?????

The liberal idea is also known as the jewish idea

Tommy Jensen

Ugly video. If something should be banned it is this kind of public homo promotion deliberately trying to destroy traditional family structures. Russia is somehow on a side track with their wagging tail for Western liberal values. This kind of public homosexual theatre is allowed and funded, but religious minorities like JW who don’t get funded nor promote themselves in public, they get police surveillance, police invasions, properties and assets sized, members imprisoned for years, for coordinating song books, tea and reading of the bible.

National Pride

First was Stonewall, now we have child drag queens. Not an inch should ever be ceded to the gay agenda.


Russia has no Culture, it has copy and nothing more,

Loung Kodak

“Babushka” is culture.

It’s just you who don’t have one.


Readers might enjoy my comments on Putin’s discusiion:



From the article:

“The perfomance was held by a team from the organization “Gogol School”, which is know for its links with liberal stage and film director Kirill Serebrennikov.”

From Wikipedia:

“Serebrennikov was born to a Jewish father”

– Kirill Serebrennikov –



The Gogol School video doesn’t have to be banned, but ridiculed, because it is garbage.

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