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MARCH 2025

Putin: Ukraine Tried To Strike Kursk Nuclear Power Plant

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Putin: Ukraine Tried To Strike Kursk Nuclear Power Plant

Kursk NPP

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have made an attempt to strike Russia’s Kursk Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), President Vladimir Putin said during a cabinet meeting on August 22.

 “Last night, the enemy attempted to strike the atomic power plant,” Putin said. “The International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA] has been informed. They promised to come themselves and send specialists to assess the situation. I hope they actually do so.”

The IAEA already has observers working at the Zaporozhye NPP, Europe’s largest such facility. The mission was deployed in the summer of 2023 amid regular attempts of Kyiv’s forces to attack and damage the plant. In one of the most recent cases, in August, a Ukrainian drone attack set one of the cooling towers at the plant on fire.

Reports claim that Rosatom CEO Alexey Likhachev has discussed the situation at both power plants with IAEA director Rafael Grossi, and invited him to visit Kursk to personally assess the situation.

Grossi has accepted the invitation and is planning to visit Kursk next week, an IAEA spokesman told AFP. However, the posture of IAEA regarding the situation in Kursk will not likely be very different from that regarding Zaporozhye NPP. To be clear, IAEA tries to pretend that it does not know what side regularly shells and attacks Zaporozhye NPP.

Moreover, the Russian side recently reported Ukraine was preparing a “dirty bomb” for a false flag attack on either the Kursk or Zaporozhye NPP. Moscow said it was taking these reports seriously and warned that any such attack would be met immediately with “tough military and military-technical countermeasures.”

In August, the Ukrainian leadership ordered a large-scale attack on Russia’s Kursk Region deploying thousands of troops and hundreds of pieces of military equipment for this.

The town of Kurchatov, where the nuclear facility is located, was likely among the targets of the attack. Kyiv’s forces were not able to develop any large success and reach it. However, an intense fighting is still ongoing in the region. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have been trying to keep control of a group of border villages that they captured in the first days of the attack.


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no wei bro. maybe if we were nicer while they did it then they would stop. be adults and don’t escalate by doing something about the evil clowns! stopping evil is escalating. everyone should let it fester and then come up with ridiculous excuses for themselves.

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers

what is your meth recipe?


maybe you should tell everyone yours? is your opinion supposed to mean something to me, because only people who care about the truth and have a grasp of what is going on matter to me. dipshits who think everything is okey-dokey rank up there with people telling me about their pokemon cards.


great non sequitur. thanks for derping.


the unfortunate thing with psychos is that when you put them in their place, they simply lack the emotional depth to understand. it is also why they do so many evil and demented things, but think highly of themselves regardless of how stupid they should feel.


null is one and up is down , sorry i don’t check the mystic.

Conan M

(sic) if this is indeed “fact”, which we are most certain that it is… why doesn’t the russian federation shut it down until it reinforces it’s troops and the security perimeter to the commercial nuclear facility?… if russia knows and understands the desperation of the north atlantic terrorist organization than why give them an invitation to “finish” wwiii forcing russia to use their “firecrackers”?… nothing like the continent of western europe going out with a “bang”!

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

the afu is completely mad and if they succeed then the whole of europe will be bathing in radioactive air.


the afu is owned by murika, which took on full ukr governance + ownership in 2014. ukr is an outlying investment, 100% expendable (short term) to help the (distant + safe) usa take over the eu.

eu leaders (military too) are us-puppets facilitating the upcoming mess.

20 years on, look past the devastation and see the opportunities for the new us-owned zio-roman fascist-woke protectorate.

radiation leaks are just the cancerous entrée!


the us has owned the eu since its inception. it built the eu to manage the european region of the empire it acquired during ww2. the issue facing the us empire now is their inabilty to produce the strategic outcomes required to maintain their empire. the us empire grew out of industrial capitalism, and that socio-economic model is on the way out. the issue is what the new surveillance capitalist society will look like and who will rule it.

Conan M

this is why suicide for them is not only probable as we witness each and every day in awe, but a priority. as they will never remove themselves from the head of the table at “club” un or in relinquishing the petro $dollars hegemony over the rest of the subordinate vassals in that “club” they terrorize that includes russia… nuclear chicken is their only way out before they completely default financially which is inevitable given their short reign as empire!

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

and this “ukrainian missile sets fuel-laden ferry on fire at key russian port” just in… think it might be very wise for russia to turn off those nuclear commercial reactors as the himar$ keep finding their way to ukraine! boy will i be pi$$ed if we find out that china and india are not only ensuring a harris/walz victory but in addition to pledging donations are writing checks under the table for more ordnance to ukraine and i$rael!!!

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

so the chinese and indians will determine the outcome of the us election? that sounds a lot like the absurd, infantile claims that russia gave the 2016 election to drumpf.

Huckelberry finn

sure, and israel did not invest a dime in any us election ever. should russia also adopt wokism/lgbtq+ and start erecting wind turbine climate change shrines?


isreal does not invest anything. the usa jewish rich who love isreal are investing in every canditate who has chances to make sure everyone of them stands with isreal.

Conan M

…because of their wor”$”t choices.


you really seem convinced, in the era of post-sovereign corporate control of the global economy, that the un has some significance. a strange perception, to be sure.

Conan M

my dear clyde. the un “is” the federal reserve bank, bank of england, institute for the works of religion aka vatican bank and the european central bank all rolled into one. to say that it isn’t is delusional, and reveals the truth of why the russians with all of it’s abuse and torture under the yoke of the “wh0reh0u$e” still feel compelled to be chained to it, or should i say “handcuffed” to it even at the very gates of wwiii!…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

china and india will certainly never leave it because it gives them the information they need to keep russia under their thumb with cheap energy at russia’s expense while they continue to enter and exit western europe and north america gobbling up whatever real estate they want at a buyers price…. especially in these hard times aiding and abetting world war(s) and reaping the profits from them!…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

when they both tell the world in the well of the unsc that an attack on russia is an attack on the prc and india and send 100,000 infantry a piece to moscow -call me!…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

an attack on russia is not an attack on china, nor is it an attack on india. are you in a contest in which the person who makes the most absurd post on sf wins?


they would only send it if the unrealistic case of the russian collapse is imminent just like the usa send their troops in ww2 to prevent the sowjets to take all of europe.


clearly you have no understanding whatsoever of the role of the un. that’s okay. your assertions about the un are consistent with the rest of your posts. and that consistence is some kind of achievement, i suppose.

Conan M

you’re a shill for the j** landlord/money lender who created this mess that talks out of both “hole”!….

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

whatever you say. do you think that the un will send me a cheque? i really wouldn’t mind buying a new couch.


id say the term “rules based order” has been created to emphasis the rules put in place by the ruling bankers pantheon. they started to use is a couple years ago and use it more and more. in the past they talked about international rules and the russians and chinese are still talking about it but the west only uses the words “rules based order” so thats something different.


the whole of europe will have radioactive air whether or not the afu do anything to the plant. the jews and freemasons will not stop until after that has happened. everybody is still living in denial about it, so the jews will carry on right until they can’t.

Huckelberry finn

don’t give me hope, i’ve been praying for the destruction of europe for so long now


putin is such a ridiculous whiner


how are things going on the donbas front today for the failed ukrainian cia project? more reverse winning? glory to those who get to edmonton!

Lance Ripplinger

i was reading that the kursk npp is operating the same reactors type as chernobyl did. like chernobyl, they don’t have the reinforced dome structure like the zaporozhye npp does. kursk is also a very vital power generation station, as it provides power multiple regions. truly disgusting that the u.s. empire is trying to take it out. the fallout would be probably even worse than what happened at chernobyl.


they are not “trying to take it out” or they would use missiles. this is all theatre to provoke a reaction within russia. as the whole ukretardish affair has been, and remains. there is a single goal of the us empire, and that is to break up russia by bringing about their delicious “regime change”. ukretardism has so infected the brains of ukrainians that they cannot discern this simple fact.


what role does the russian ruling class play in the theater? why can’t the russian army defend their own border? why was the ukrop allowed to build up an offensive group and attack a weak section of the front?

AM Hants

why has over 20% of ukraine returned to pre-bolshevik (1917) borders? why has ukraine erased it’s gene pool, because they cannot accept the fact that their people voted to return home to russia?


were the ukrainians going to attack a strong section of the front? perhaps consult with your physician. there’s every indication that you’ve contracted turbo-derp.


the question is why would you make it easy for ukraine to attack such a facility


the question is why you would assert that it was made easy for the failed ukrainian cia project to attack such a facility.


putin is a real clown for ruining the russian army and firing, imprisoning and blowing up all his generals that could win battles. i think medevdev could handle the situation better, at least he didn’t eff around in georgia like putin would have.

AM Hants

are you mistaking the world’s leading statesman to the dictator who runs ukraine?


so would you say that the failed ukrainian cia project is enjoying a successful run in donbas? finally completing the goals of the ato, at long last?


it really looks like the ukrop might capture the kursk nuclear power plant, the russians refuse to defend their territory from invasion they keep talking about it like it is some small scale terrorism instead of the full blown invasion that it really is


if the russians aren’t defending their territory, then why haven’t the ukrainians driven to moscow? do you perhaps have that ziptie around your neck a bit too tight today?


the ukrainians are steadily capturing territory in kursk every day, at a faster rate then the russians are capturing territory in donbass.

AM Hants

the cemetries, do you mean? why are the ukrainians so happy to become the secret ingredient in beyer-monsanto compost? why are so many nafo trolls/bots flocking to southfront? is it monthly bonus time?

Retirement Party Organizer

president putin retire and let someone who actually can and will protect the country and its people who are under attack from 50 countries take your job. enough of the talking, red lines, puffed cheeks and frowns. western ukraine needs to be nuked or at the very least carpet bombed.

AM Hants

remember what russia was like in the 90s? before president putin first came to power? 80% of the world is behind russia, the same 80% that owns 20% world debt. the west, make up 20% of the world’s population, yet own 80% of world debt. do believe dr vladimir putin, with a phd in economics, is doing a fine job running his nation. can any western leader, with under 30% approval, say the same?


but putin! the economist and rachel maddow told me he is bad!

AM Hants

bbc, the home to the national treasure jimmy saville, who are also funded by gates and friends, told me he was bad. just in case i never got the message, the nafo trolls/bots, looking for their monthly bonus, tried to confirm the fact. they must be so proud of themselves, supporting genocide and ethnic cleansing projects in places like ukraine.


derpster, russia has been under a direct assault by the most powerful empire the world has ever known for twenty-five years. it defies belief that the american hybrid war did not produce the overthrow of the russian state and achieve their goal of shattering the state along ethno-religious lines, but nevertheless, here we sit with the us puppet in ukraine going from failure to failure.

AM Hants

resulting in the end of the eu and nato. the idiots trying to run the show, have no idea just how stupid and bad they are.


putin is truly pathetic, he has shown on too many occasions that he is overwhelmed by events. his false red lines are a green light for nato. i don’t know what more disasters russia needs to change leadership.


the change of leadership is imminent – in the usa

AM Hants

think you are mistaking the democratically elected president putin, with dictator zelinsky. remind me, how many hundreds of thousands has zelinsky fed to the meat grinder, so far? remind me, how much territory has returned to russia?




it happens after people make too many good points about the conflict being a scripted slaughter.

Skip 59

total clown war..!


right? lol


russia crying again.


ukraine isn’t “trying” anything, ukraine is kicking russia around in kursk.

AM Hants

yeah, if you are stupid enough to believe that. in the meantime, 159 nations are in the process of joining the brics payment system, whilst ukraine erases their gene pool.


brics is laughable. what do they even do, a hodge poge of isolated countries around the world. even india and china at each other throats over some territory, south africa is almost a failed state with failing water and enegy services and very strict monetary controls. they have been talking about a brics currency for years now and it will probably never be implemented.

AM Hants

brics is laughable, according to you. what is the population of brazil, russia, india, china and south africa – compared to the population of the west? can the west compete with the natural resources of just those 5 brics nations? not forgetting the industrial and administrative industries they generate and that is forgetting what their purchasing power parity is, compared to the west.


russia was a nuclear power that nato feared. thanks to putin, russia is de facto no longer a nuclear power. nato then lost all caution and is raising the stakes every day, increasing russia’s losses and global discredit.

AM Hants

how do you work that out? under president putin russia has more nuclear warheads than the us, uk and france combined. or in other words, all the nato member states combined have less nuclear warheads than russia. plus, russia has the best air defence system on the planet and unlike nato, hypersonics in active service. funnily enough, owing to president putin focusing on defence, after russia refused to sign start ii.

AM Hants

2) remember 2010, when president medvedev refused to sign the start ii treaty? owing to obama wanting to place missile defence systems on russia’s borders. obama removed the clause and then smirked that nato would use them instead. russia, realising what was at risk devoted her time to making sure they could defend themselves against the defence systems as well as the stupidity and lies of the west.

Volodof Zelensky

vadold zelensky : ” ukraina called yesterday, atomic energy agency director general rafael mariano grossi and as soon as possible he will chech the plant. “ war encyclopedia 2024.

Last edited 6 months ago by Volodof Zelensky
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