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MARCH 2025

Putin Warns Of ‘Far Greater Shocks’ Than Financial Crisis Of 2008–2009 As Number Of Convirmed COVID-19 Cases Surpasses 510,000 Globally

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Putin Warns Of 'Far Greater Shocks' Than Financial Crisis Of 2008–2009 As Number Of Convirmed COVID-19 Cases Surpasses 510,000 Globally

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The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will result in far greater shocks than the financial crisis of 2008–2009, and the trade conflicts and sanctions are worsening the recession, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned during the extraordinary G20 summit as a video conference on March 26. The summit focused on fighting the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the global economy.

The summit was held as the number of COVID-19 cases around the world reached 519,899 and continues growing. Italy, Spain, Germany and the United States are currently the main hot points of the outbreak. The COVID-19 crisis became a visual demonstration of the real state of the health care system and the governance in the European Union and the United States, as well as destroyed the mainstream propagnada about some mysterious ‘Euro-Atlantic unity’. At the same time, the global economic crisis, which is developing amid the COVID-19 outbreak, became a key factor damaging economies of key global and regional players and contributing to the increase of the instability around the world.

Putin Warns Of 'Far Greater Shocks' Than Financial Crisis Of 2008–2009 As Number Of Convirmed COVID-19 Cases Surpasses 510,000 Globally

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The Kremlin published the full text of the Russian president’s remarks (source):

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Your Majesty, colleagues,

It appears to me that the current problems caused by the new coronavirus pandemic will result in far greater shocks than the financial crisis of 2008–2009, and the trade conflicts and sanctions are worsening the recession.

From our point of view, the key risk lies in long-term unemployment which, regardless of the future scenario, will peak much higher than in 2009. Unemployment dynamics will also serve as a key efficiency indicator for our anti-crisis measures.

The current crisis will inevitably take its toll on global development, and for the long term. Therefore, certainly, we cannot afford to act with an every-man-for-himself approach, our colleagues have said a lot about it already. I absolutely agree with that.

I will start with the top-priority tasks in healthcare.

First. As has been said, of course it is necessary to continue a regular exchange of credible information about the pandemic’s progress in our countries and about the actions being taken. It was also brought up that it is necessary to provide aid to the African countries. I believe that overall today, the World Health Organisation should channel its efforts to detecting hidden coronavirus epidemics in the countries that are not able to organise testing. Also, joint research by our countries could significantly expedite the development of vaccines and medications.

Now, a few words about the economy. The Russian Government is allocating 1.2 percent of Russia’s GDP to fight this crisis. Russia’s Central Bank is providing approximately the same amount of support. But all of us, the Group of 20, need a common action plan to stabilise the situation, support our economies and restore trust across global markets.

Of course, national budgets should play a key role in increasing global demand. However, due to the high volatility of global markets that we see every day, borrowing options are limited for many countries – and we must also take this into account.

The situation is getting complicated. In this respect, it is very important, it is extremely important now to ensure access to financing for countries that are suffering from resource shortages, I mean especially countries that have been affected by the crisis and pandemic. In this regard, we could consider creating a special fund under the auspices of the IMF, financed primarily by the central banks that issue currencies included in the IMF basket, and then granting the right to any IMF member to borrow money from this fund in proportion to his share in the world economy at a zero rate for the long term.

A lot has also been said about the need to ensure supply chains. This is certainly important. But it is equally important to create so-called green corridors for the duration of the crisis, free from trade wars and sanctions, for the mutual supply of medicines, food, equipment and technology.

Ideally, we should impose a moratorium, a joint moratorium on restrictions on essentials, as well as on financial transactions for their procurement. And first of all, I am talking about countries that are suffering the most from this pandemic. In the end, this is a question of life and death of people, it is a purely humanitarian issue. We need to cleanse these issues from all kinds of political husk.

When keeping the G20’s traditional cooperation between the ministries of finance, the central banks and Sherpas, we could strengthen our cooperation at the economic adviser level during this crisis. They have direct access to state leaders and can make decisions urgently, informally and quickly.

And in conclusion, I would like to say a few words about global international organisations. Obviously, they lack mechanisms for automatic stabilisation in the event of a crisis. And so, it is necessary to efficiently and as quickly as possible, work through and resolve all the issues related to their reorganisation.

Thank you for your attention.


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Lone Ranger

Well the U.S. Empire going belly up will have a few negative consequences, but on the long term it will be better for everybody, Americans included.


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Luke Hemmming

Jake no one wants to see your ugly as micro peenus dik pics disguised as a female posting a link to a Trojan/ransomware/virus Laden website.




If the US goes belly up, Putz Putin’s RF will go six feet under to join your glorious past Soviet and Czarist Empires in the dustbin of history, Igor.

Lone Ranger

Wishful thinking. Russia is doing fine. You? Not so much.


Come back and crow later next month, Igor. Your hero, Putz Putin, seems to disagree with you. Guess your Kremlin talking points haven’t caught up with those of the Boss yet.

Lone Ranger

You are getting delusional… U.S. lost $12trillion in a matter of days, half the economy is shut down and half of the U.S. is under lockdown. Like I said, Russia is doing fine. ;)

Raptar Driver

The money doesn’t matter when you can just print more?

Lone Ranger

Ever heard of hyperinflation? The more you print the higher the risk it gets worthless.

Raptar Driver

Not when you have the reserve currency supported by the entire world.

Ricky Miller

But it’s now a speculative reserve currency, so bubbled up it’s begging for a pin. Growing numbers of people and institutions are trading in national currencies and each time they do that’s one less pylon of support for the Bretton Woods system that underpins the dollar as reserve currency.

Raptar Driver

Until most nations break from the Dollar system the U.S is unassailable . China is a major contributor to the system.

Ricky Miller

That’s true.

Jens Holm

I had to look up the “Bretton Woods” system.

So far I think its a very good system. Its very reliable and You can change currency in it as You wish and by that has no tradeproblems.

Its true USA sometimes is too much first.

I only see some here and some countries here support that system should collapse.

I can only see thats a political oppinon because they for good or bad reasons dont like USA and Westerns dominate and maybee as You will enjoy them and us collapse.

My best proposal anytime will be making Your own succes by changing Your own way to the better. I see the most muslims as well as Russia well. Youcreate Your own low life. I dont. Jews dont. Americans dont. EU dont.

In the Arabistany sektor I cant even debate about those needed changes because they are forbidden by Your Goverments as well as Religion.

Russia is kind of same thing. No good advices are followed and the problems are exact the same asunder the Tzars. There are some few in the top and some few top top scientist making incredible good Armata tanks by hand not even themselves can effort to buy.

And thats we have the well educated middle class. You cant build good aircraft carriers, cars, electronics and like that by workers having not the rest, we more or less have.

You not even understand our tax. We have had income tax for many many years. Therefore we have no problems in taking in enough tax to share with all. Thats whyy the cartoon version of rich grabbing Jews is not here. People being very innovative alsop creating jobs are taxed hard and people working for them has to be paid so well, so they will do it even they pay high tax as well.

Thats why Jews are hated so much in Arabistan, Russia, Poland, Lituania and a few more countries.

They educated themselves and did well in the gab of no tax and by that also was a scapegoet for people digged deep in religion and upperclass feudal leadership.

Jews were trhe only cosmoplites and Yiu could rely on them in trade as well as marrige contract.

Danes has tryed to make co´mpanies in Russia. When they try to pay tax every month as they do here, they cant even get acces to the taxcollecters and finally says arrh never mind. Suddenly with no notice the taxcollectors come with many politices confiscating everything and will put You in jail for cheating. Therefore danish companies hardly ever invest in Russia anymore.

I wrote all that because we today has very reliable systems and therefore can trade realativly free, because we can rely in the dollar systems and all the contracts about it in them.

Therefore we also can control much more, then most other think. I dont say its perfect and do remeber 2008 as well as 1973 about OPEC oil and gas.

In 1973 we started burning all our garbage making most of into electricity and heat for winter, kitchen and shower. People only can copy that if they have educated people for systems for towns and cities and can keep them in good shape.

We also sell for bilions of cleaning all kinds of water and smog building those facilities as well. We like if people can do most of it themselves.

Now we try to recycle much better.

Later in 1973 the first windturbine making electricity was made. No scientist did that. I was well educated teachers in a projekt for youngsters between 16 and 18 years old. Most of them wasnt even in the clever part.

But the school made it as a learning projekt expecting it could work. It was projekt education and Youngsters here are the base for the middle class and work hard for it, because they gets rewarded by learning,skills, hard work and later one paid for their qualifications and payd pr hour.

Thats why I am not worried for the future even we will have problems for some time and maybee years. I will give my hands and head for it too.

And Yes. I am a little åroud about windturbines now just as Lego is all over the world partly replacing oil, gas and coal. in 2018 43% of all electricity here was cowered by wind, but we will need more, because we will have to use more and more cars using electricity.

That keeps us less dependent according to inflation as well.

Jens Holm

Yes we do have that. I hope it does it. I expect a higher interest in loans from states and banks. Its extremely low now.

Payin for my first house was loand of 8 and 10%. Now You can have loans with only 3%.

Raptar Driver

Higher Rates are the way to go.It is the low interest rates that is destroying this economy by inflating bubbles.


True,as long as the petrodolla exists,however it sure ain’t like yesteryears:

Jens Holm

Inflation often is a good thing as long as its controlled well. EU is doing that quite well. Apart from the Corona we have had low inflation and well controlled by EU because we has added demands for it having many tools and well represented by the “Merkel Konservatisme”.

But I think You should add that recession has a high rish as well and we therefore has to make a good balance.

My worries are for IMF, China and Trump.

My Goverment ows me money. I will get them a little by a litlle when I soon will retire. Those are money takes from my salery, when the inflation was too high here and are frozen until then.

The money has grown a lot and I can choose having them all or have some extra money above my normal pension for the rest of my life whatever I die as 70 years old or 110.

By that I had no money for inflation support buying things for empty money.

Ricky Miller

That’s exactly what they do every night. The banks have been getting these repo market bundles of printed cash deposited every night because they don’t have enough money to safely lend between banks each night. That’s how close the banking system is to Bear Stearns levels of fail. And now Congress is going to spend another $2 trillion on an initial stimulus package. The U.S. National debt clock will suddenly leap past $25 trillion here in a few nights from the 23.5 trillion it’s at right now. Meanwhile, Russia has savings, and a lot of it.

Raptar Driver

All true, but Russia is still part of the Dollar system and as such contributes to our ability to print without penalty.

Ricky Miller

That’s true but with mitigating circumstances. Russia’s exposure to a collapsed dollar is shorted, in a de facto way by Russia’s selling off $100 billion in treasury bonds. Russia still props up the dollar by selling much of it’s hydrocarbons in dollars, with the Ruble low to the dollar Russia pays for oil operations in Rubles but sells in dollars before buying gold and other reserve currencies. It’s brilliant, while it lasts but Russia isn’t going to play that game forever. At some point in the future they will ditch the dollar, timed to hurt it the most. That’s the pin, or one of them. It’s a matter of time.

Raptar Driver

I agree but if they want the system to collapse as it should then the ditching is overdue.

Ricky Miller

Not sure about that. It gives some elements of the Russian economy and society an enormous amount of buying power, internationally. The government could force the issue but engaging in this practice has led Russia to both simultaneously rebuild her military forces and create a huge rainy day fund. I think they’re waiting for some other inertial event to begin the avalanche before they jump too.

Raptar Driver

The Russian elites are knee deep in the Dollar system, that’s why they don’t ditch it years ago.

Ricky Miller

Bring back the old communist elites any day. All they did was set themselves up with a car and a better apartment. Russia’s new elites try to steal anything not nailed down in their bid to make themselves beyond rich while tearing their own country down and then moving to London. Vultures.


That is the best weapon they have,along with their crudes,far more effective than any nuke,hyper,whatever the thrill?

Jens Holm

They dont have the tools for it. They dont create a well educated middle class for it.

Russia should not wait but educate a lot of people much more.

Ricky Miller

Fuck off troll. As usual you’re factually deficient. Russians, at a rate between one quarter to one third of the population have university degrees and the literacy rate is above 97%. On top of that, during the President Putin/Medvedev Era in Russia, 70% of Russians were lifted into Russia’s middle class.


Their lower class lead healthier and more versatile lives than middle class usa! Education Russia ranks far higher than usa (period) So you lied again ke’weir

Jens Holm

Russia is nothing in the world economy of today. According to this random list Russia is number 11. Other lists is same thing.


Better then Spain…

Jens Holm

I hope You are right for Russia, but You are wrong. Soon there will be no buyers for treasure bonds. Most people do know that. If we should buy them, we would like to take the risk if we get much more in % interet.

Besides that You also forget, the dollar wil decline at least some for a period and therefor dont give the income, You hope for.


You don’t have thev inteligence to concieve of the ethics of power play and timing using their own weapon to inflict serious irriversable damage fo you? Oh well.


Time is near infinite. And that is about the time it would take for Russia to ever effect the value of the dollar. Russia is in the minor leagues when it comes to international finance and currencies and still falling. If you missed it, Russia doing all those things you mentioned has actually cost it tens of billions. The US bonds have gone up significantly in value, most other reserve currencies have fallen in value relative to the Dollar. And even gold is lower than before this all hit. Natural gas is being sold at belie cost of production and oil is about half what Russia needs on a fiscal price basis and falling to not much above production cost with projections that it will soon fall below production costs. Their economy will be grinding to a halt by later next month due to the Pandemic hitting home and Putz Putin’s stupid economic policies. And while most other countries are allocating an amount about 10% of their GDP to support the impact of the Pandemic, the Putz thinks he can take care of the economic impacts of the Virus PLUS the impacts of his bad economic choices with an amount only about 2% of the RF’s GDP. But because his stupid economic policies mean he can ill afford much more, the Russian People will be facing especially hard times. Bad enough that the RF could collapse.

Ricky Miller

The Russian Federation isn’t going to collapse. They still have more than half a trillion worth of reserves and will be paying everyone during their eight day stay at home, no Nancy Pelosi games required to do what’s needed for their people. It’s not Russia who is fast becoming the epicenter of this crisis; that’s the United States and Western Europe. That’s not just my opinion, those are facts as related by both the CDC and the WHO. And it’s not Russia who has to borrow another two trillion to keep things afloat, that’s America. You’re confused about who is the most vulnerable here.


Russia will destroy the petrodolla,not china,chinese are generally too lame!


Yes,but they are utilising us treasury bonds not their own,to make lots more oil + cheaper bthen the sauds,a fitting end towards this outdated blackmail, Amazes me how ponzi traders assume the 25 trillion debtors can outwit Putin:

Jens Holm

All try to do some damage control. If USA gets in trouble it will be helped By EU as well as China.

The Russain savings are lower then symbolic. If they cant sell cheep oil and gas, because we have lowered need for it, they are in the same boat or worse, because the primitive Russian economy almost only has that string.

AM Hants

Until nobody buys the bonds and want to see the gold.

Jens Holm

Thats right. But this is not like that. After the virus is gone and 2% of the population as maximum are dead within fx 4 month, we will regain and the 2% dead one will save us money as well.

2% of 7 billion is max worst and thats 140 millions only.


Well, most all of this is NOT with bonds to foreigners but bonds from one part of the US Government to another as a way to get the freshly printed Dollars out. And people from around the world want those new Dollars way more than gold. That’s why the Fed and the Treasury can put out trillions of new Dollars and our interest and inflation rates stay near zero. What would happen to the price of gold if say two trillion dollars of it was newly mined and put on the market overnight? That’s right. It’s price would collapse. The value of our bonds and Dollar have just gotten better. And the gold price is lower than when this all hit the fan. Try to keep up.

Jens Holm

I can one as well. Why gop to work, when You go home again in the evening. What a waste:)


Yep. That’s what’s so nice in being an actual superpower like the US. You can print lots of money and people from around the world still want lots of it especially in a global crisis. Now let that fake want-to-be superpower, Russia, try that with the Ruble and see what happens. Weimar here they go.


Logical however,there are now different events,changes for the better,

dimply put,It will when the other knocks of the vast majority of them zombie corporations,best thing Russia don’t need to war either,all true class(period)

Usa has overblown the levy,eventually somethings gonna give,end petrodolla?

Jens Holm

That has to be compared with, that most of the rest of us has done same thing.

Your comment is oneyed or worse.


Lone Ranger

CNN? Please….

Jens Holm






Lone Ranger

All globalist sources… Moscow Times is a CIA/siris outlet…

Ricky Miller

And has been known as such for a long time. Anyone citing them still now is either a globalist propagandist or stupid about source bias.


Then check with your boss, the Putz. You just haven’t gotten the new Kremlin talking points. If you missed it, the Putz begged the Western powers and the US especially to help save the RF by lifting sanctions, going along with his oil price war and using our international financial, trade and currency institutions to support the RF in this time of need. And then check with the Mayor of Moscow, a butt buddy of the Putz, who told him to his face he is not doing near enough, But you know better. You guys are so pathetically funny.

Lone Ranger

Another CNN inspired Disney story… U.S. is going belly up while Russia and China are going strong.


See who you point your finger,the thumb faces you ok:

Ricky Miller

The Wall Street Journal has an article out today about Russia doing better in the oil War than the two other major producers, the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. The hydrocarbon news outlets all have articles about the immense pain in shale and those banks and investors who were stupid enough to leverage billions into an extraction method that cost a nickel more than a dollar in cost for every dollar extracted. Meanwhile, Russia has been hit but is exporting to China by rail and pipelines as the Chinese economy picks up. Not a dumb move at all. Russia is going to beat this virus, emerge better off than her neoliberal competitors, and she’ll win the oil price war.

Ricky Miller

Russia is still doing way better than nearly all Western neoliberal paradises. Face it, Russia is just plain better governed.

Jens Holm

I see no signs of that… I am blind aaarrrrtgh ….

It wasnt like that yesterday. We even get a lot of cheep oil from there to support us warming up the planet.

Soon even muslims and hindus will deny to wear clothe. We were born without it, they say.

But we all will wear sunglasses, so we cant see who is who…


No future in lies and debts,thats only for they who don’t have the essentials:


How is living under house arrest and martial law in a bankrupt state waiting for the democratic economic suicide lockdown governors to bankrupt the US government working out for you?

Ricky Miller

Blind Russia hatred. You are blinding yourself to the fact that Russia is weathering the storm far better than nearly everyone else.

Ricky Miller

We, and Russia will still be here next month. And the month after that. Again next year. Russia will be fine.


You can’t reverse,your going down either way,russia said in your own poison:


Jake, you are nuts man.


Nahhhhhhhh…just tell it as it is.


Far, far from that. You are just plan old nuts. None of the things you say even come close. The only thing consistent about you, is that usually whatever you post is outer space ridiculous. The rest is just plain old crazy. You can play and joke if you want to but, nobody takes you seriously at all. Be careful out there, you can have whatever ideas you want in your head but, the virus is real. Stay safe,


You don’t have that hard earn’t reputation,fake snake,I DO!

Ricky Miller

Russia will be fine. The neoliberal capitalist west is going down in flames right before our eyes. Seriously, let’s throw another 2 trillion dollars onto the fire to try and make a failing system work.

Jens Holm

The whole world will be hit. And Russia:


Ricky Miller

CNN is a propaganda mouthpiece of the wasteful and polluting neoliberal globalist cabal. Not worth a second of my time. Russia is doing better than most, including Denmark.




Damn, stop reading from the old Kremlin handouts from back in the day just before the Russian Soviet Empire went down the tubes. Do try to keep up. And do come back later next month and crow as Putz Putin’s RF goes down the tubes as well.

Ricky Miller

It was two weeks, now it’s continually a month. Russia is still doing better than most. The WSJ today: Saudi oil exports have nearly dropped to zero because Europe, the U.S. and India have stopped buying. Russia is mitigating the impact of the crisis by using land corridors to export to China as the Chinese economy picks up. Again, that’s the Wall Street Journal. Russia is still realitively better off and Russians are way more hardened to crisis than people elsewhere. Raise your nose and sniff reality.


Soviet union was not in even in debt then,now lets see how usa will cope then!


This ain’t gorbachev this time,usa is rotted to rhe core with debt like nwo aids economy! God bless Russia:

Jens Holm

Acccording to You we probatly should have killed at least 6% of the old people long time ago.

Lone Ranger

You already did.

Jens Holm

Danes live 10 more years then the Russians. In Syria the Regime not even know if people are alive as old and as old.

Lone Ranger

On paper…. In the UK tens of thousends of old people freeze ti death every winter. The advanced west…

Jens Holm

Those freezing to death are in the statistics too.

Lone Ranger


Ricky Miller

Not anymore. Russia’s life expectancy is 72 years now, but when the actuary tables are considered for Russians younger than 50 it’s now projected to 75 years. Danes have ten more years more than that? Ten more years to Americanize themselves into permanent mass over consumption, create vast masses of waste including millions of tons of microplastic waste into the oceans all while helping America bomb small countries into life expectancies below 55 years because so many children die from bombing?


73.5 yrs,4-5 years ago: Obviously higher todays:

Ricky Miller

I’m not sure about Denmark but here in the United States once you remove the baby boomers, who set themselves up with sweetheart retirement plans and Cadillac insurance, and who get two hip replacements, three new knees, three heart bypasses and so on; when they are excluded from actuary statistics the current life expectancy in the U.S. for those younger than 65 is now estimated to be somewhere between 68 and 69 years, with ongoing negative trends which may yet force it lower.


No proof,Me thinks nowadays is more the realm,too many kweers get aidz!

Ricky Miller

That’s not what he said. But you are a one man troll superpower. NATOspam, that’s my nickname for you Jens.


“There are two main organizations behind the global coronavirus panic.

** One was World Health Organization’s Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who claimed in a press conference in early March that the fatality rate for the coronavirus was many multiples that of the fatality rate of the common flu. Ghebreyesus claimed the coronavirus had a 3.4% mortality rate and incorrectly compared this inaccurate number to the annual estimated flu mortality rate of 0.1%. ** And the second organization was the Imperial College study from London that claimed half a million Brits would die in the pandemic and 2 million Americans would perish from COVID-19.

They were both wrong.

And on Thursday Neil Ferguson, who was behind the Imperial College coronavirus study, backtracked and now says 20,000 Brits may die from the coronavirus and half of those would have died by the end of the year anyway.

The estimated average of flu deaths each year in the UK is 29,000. So the experts are now expecting less deaths than the flu! This is quite a swing from the original study that set off a global panic. So when will these jerks get sued?”

– HUGE! Author of Ridiculous Imperial College Coronavirus Study Backtracks – Says UK can Now Expect Under 20,000 Deaths Not Half a Million and LESS THAN ANNUAL FLU DEATHS! –



I live and work at the former epicenter of the virus here in the US. It’s been here in the tri county area as long as China. Over the past 3 months 10,000 people have died here from various causes. 100 of them of the virus. That’s 1% of the total deaths. It doesn’t even come close to making the top 10 leading causes of death.

There’s been no mass death here and no overrun health care system. They didn’t begin containment until 2 weeks ago. So whatever these doomsday coronavirus death spiral models are projecting. They’re not supported by real life examples like here. The only thing that’s surged here is the unemployment and economic depression from the governor committing economic suicide.

Ricky Miller

Yes, I’ve been working the numbers today. I tripled Italy’s infection rate to take in account the undiagnosed and divided by 60 million, which is Italy’s population. The infection or contagion rate for those assumed inputs work out to something close to one fifth of one percent of the population, some 88% of those infected who have progressed to an outcome recovered. In the worst hit country in the world that means that one in five hundred people are being infected. As far as pandemics go, this one is a lightweight. A featherweight. Others like smallpox, AIDS, the 1918 flu and the Black Death must all be laughing from the sidelines. This is a low percentage pandemic mostly based on hysteria.


There are probably a lot more than 1 in 500 infected. Most of the infected have no symptoms. And 80% of those who do have symptoms can’t be differentiated from the cold and flu.


The typical growth rate for Pandemic deaths in the US as most other major places is at least 15% to 20% a day. This typically lasts from two weeks to a month. If we are very lucky and this does not take root in rural America, we can at best expect a low of 10,000 to 15,000 additional deaths before this Pandemic dissipates in the US. But more likely, it will spread both geographical and in duration with additional deaths over 250,000. Pollyannas like you should test your claims by licking a lot of public doorknobs and handrails.

Ricky Miller

No, I’ve not advocated for people to be stupid and test fate. But deaths in the U.S. won’t add up to anything close to 250,000. Maybe, at most 30,000 with a fair percentage of those people who were at risk of dying soon anyway. These extreme and wide societal measures will kill too, it’s opportunity cost. People who need contact with health professionals will avoid the doctor. Some might need their stomach scoped, yet the endoscopy center is closed until say, mid April. Perforations from ulcers can lead to death, conditions that would have been caught without extreme lock downs and fears. There will be thousands of opportunity cost deaths like that, maybe more than the so called pandemic culls. We’ll know in future commission reports but I can assure you it had better be reflected in the numbers, this hyped up threat. Otherwise there will be blowback, a lot of it legal.


Guess you should now tell Putin and the Mayor of Moscow that. Try to keep up. And check back later next month about what a comparative paradise on Earth Russia is as it goes down the tubes from the Pandemic and stupid economic moves by Putin.


Idiots like you is why usa cases have now exceeded chinas,overconfidence!


Hey Richard. You have a week or less and ……… NYC runs out of hospital space and there is no way they will be able to create 5k new beds, fully staffed and properly supplied, each day to keep up. The other thing I see is the number of critical cases keeps climbing, it never goes down. This is a system overload occurrence. If this thing is taken lightly …… well, that is what all aggressors wish to happen. It also runs in waves. When it looks like it has peaked, it beats you on the head the following day or the next.

Further, when I started watching the outbreak a couple of weeks ago, the death rate from infection was about 10% and this is when China was the main show. Now it is 16% and climbing. Something looks like it will pop soon. I hope I am wrong. Take care out there.


Check back with me in a week with an update.


27,000 people per square mile live in NYC proper. 30 million live in the tristate NYC metropolitan area. Only Tokyo is that big. The next is 20 million people.


New York has said they only have about 50k beds for this thing. That is their view. They are coming up very fast on that number. A few weeks ago they had a handful of patients. They had over 6,000 new cases yesterday. Soon it could be 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 per day. The math at this time is on the side of the virus.


I don’t know where you’re getting your numbers from. But when you post things like 10% to 16% death rates. I question the accuracy of them.


Here ya go Richard. it’s been more reliable than the nightly news.


It’s 17% now, of all closed cases result in mortality. Be careful over there.


30,000 deaths for 650,000 CONFIRMED cases is a death rate of 4.5%, not 17%. And confirmed cases are only a small fraction of the number of people who’ve been infected. 7% of the population here is testing positive. And less than 1% of the population has been tested.

The flu estimated death rate is less than 1% and uses 100% of the population as the control control group, not less than 1% of the population.


Your looking at the wrong number, I have pointed out repeatedly. This number was 16%, it is now 18%. It is in a graph on the report.


I don’t see it, which graph are you referring to, can you post a copy or screenshot of it?


Np Richard. Here is the link. Scroll down just a little, it is on the right side in the area entitle “Closed Cases”. The number on the right is the one I have been talking about. You will be looking for the number of “Deaths”. That is what has gotten my attention, not all of the other numbers from the web in general. Pretty shocking stuff and for me, a much clearer picture of what is happening.


This page is the same one SouthFront uses for it’s numbers on the Covid-19 pandemic. I have followed it for weeks and it is very accurate in my book. Good luck and be safe.


That’s the smallest of all control groups. Deaths per closed cases. Which is a small fraction of the number of people who’ve been infected. You’re comparing apples with oranges. If you use the estimated number of cases per 100% of the population like the flu. You get comparable death rates to the flu. Which 2 years ago killed 80,000 in the US alone. Wirh no press coverage or hysterical fear mongering.


I tried to help, never mind Richard. go back to sleep.


Why do you think that it’s an important statistic when it’s comparable to the flu?


1.7 million died of TB in 2017. And we’re supposed to destroy the global economy over 30,000 deaths and models that are consistently vastly overstated?

20,000 people in Washington state have died since January 1st. 175 from the virus. How many will die this year from it in the state, 1,000 or less. Compared to 80,000 other deaths. Will it even make the top 10 causes of death? You want society destroyed over a virus that only killed 1% of the people who died?


We are done here Richard. good luck out there.


Why do you have a problem with truth and run from it?

“TB is one of the top 10 causes of death and the leading cause from a single infectious agent (above HIV/AIDS). Millions of people continue to fall sick with TB each year. In 2017, TB caused an estimated 1.3 million deaths (range, 1.2–1.4 million) among HIV-negative people and there were an additional 300 000 deaths from TB (range, 266 000–335 000) among HIV-positive people.”

– Global Health Observatory (GHO) data Tuberculosis (TB) –



Well, prove your point already. Go lick those public doorknobs and handrails in Downtown Seattle, AH. And if you are so smart and know so much more than most everyone else, why oh why has it never shown up in your income? 45 years since you dropped out of high school and look what a world class success you are. But at being sickly entertaining, you’re pretty good.


“TB is one of the top 10 causes of death and the leading cause from a single infectious agent (above HIV/AIDS). Millions of people continue to fall sick with TB each year. In 2017, TB caused an estimated 1.3 million deaths (range, 1.2–1.4 million) among HIV-negative people and there were an additional 300 000 deaths from TB (range, 266 000–335 000) among HIV-positive people.”

– Global Health Observatory (GHO) data Tuberculosis (TB) –



So? Another of your irrelevancies? Those public doorknobs and handrails await your erudite licking, AH.


How is comparing an infectious respiratory disease that killed 1.7 million people in 1 year recently, irrelevant to an infectious respiratory disease that has killed 30,000 people irrelevant?


But you said this is a hoax and no one is dying from this non-existing Pandemic. They die from something totally unrelated and are just a bunch of old folk who should be dead anyway. Less than two weeks ago you said Italy proved your case that this is a nothing burger. Prove your hoax point by licking those Seattle public doorknobs and handrails, AH.


I’m simply quoting the Italian government. You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve posted.

“I want to stress that they have died having coronavirus, not because of it”, the head of the country’s Civil Protection Department, Angelo Borrelli said at a briefing.”

– Italy’s COVID-19 Death Toll Surges by 627 to 4,032 Over Past 24 Hours – Health Official –


https://twitter.com/andrewbostom/status/1241537942159536128?s=20 6


Then prove your point. Go lick some public doorknobs and handrails in Seattle and report back in two weeks. If you can. Since you are too stupid to realize it, let me help you out. It is NOT the Italian Government that says that or they would not be issuing these stats as the official Government stats. Is that too difficult for you to understand? And since they have significantly more deaths than normal, the Pandemic obviously is killing a lot of people who would not have died at this time without the Virus. You truly are an arrogant, ignorant fool.


2,000 people die every day in Italy. The 88% who die of comorbidities are dying of the leading causes of death in Italy. Only a habitually lying fool like you would claim that the head of the country’s Civil Protection Department and the health ministry’s science advisor, both of whom are civil servants, who are explaining the stats that you don’t want to hear. Don’t represent the Italian government.


Hey, dodo, they maybe in the Government but they sure have no power in the Government and have no say since the Government puts out official stats that are in no way adjusted by those guys in the Government. They can spout but have no power or say. They can have a minority opinion but it carries no weight over the official position of the Government. You know, like a minority opinion on the SCOTUS which can be interesting but carries no weight in law. But I’m sure like most things that is over your head. You did drop out of high school didn’t you? And when you did you thought all those teachers were just stupid and you knew way better than any of them. So you thought who needs them. And look where you are 45 years later. But you still have the same belief that you are smarter than everyone. Pathetic.


You’re the prisoner living under house arrest that you continuously shill for. So who’s the idiot idiot?

What don’t you understand about:

“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three,”


You can say the same for the seasonal flu, HIV, cancer, diabetes and other illnesses. And on the other hand, near no one dies from this virus in Russia since they only list the immediate cause of death such as pneumonia. They have found similar places like this in Italy where they have a much higher than typical number of deaths and lots of folk testing positive for this virus but very few listed as dying from the virus. You truly are arrogantly ignorant as befits a high school dropout who thought he knew more than all his teachers. And there he is after 45 years proving his superiority as a part time rideshare driver. Quite funny in a sad way.


You’re a habitual liar and false accuser. I’ve proven my points with quality evidence continuously. In addition to providing no proof. You’ve spammed these threads with lies, false accusations and stupidity for months.

You’re the prisoner under house arrest, not me.


There are supply chain shortages here at the former epicenter of the US coronavirus outbreak. Shelves at Walmart aren’t being restocked and are remaining empty.

One of my rideshare customers told me last the week that he was laid off as a port worker because the terminal closed due to no work. That is caused by ships loaded with goods waiting off of the coast to unload. That the economic suicide governor here is blocking from entering the ports.


“For the week ending March 21, the state received 133,464 claims for unemployment insurance benefits – an increase of 119,310 new claims over the previous week, according to newly released data from the state Department of Employment Security.

That represents an 843 percent increase in the number of claims filed, officials said.

“This data shows the enormity of the situation unfolding in our state,” said Employment Security Department Commissioner Suzi LeVine. “The velocity and volume of the impact of COVID-19 has created a crisis that is unprecedented in the history of the program – going back to the 1930s when it was established.””

– Virus shutdowns fuel huge spike in Wash. state jobless claims –


Alberto Garza

here in mexico walmarts and other stores like heb are very well stocked only alcohol and antibacterial gel cannot be found anywhere

cechas vodobenikov

que pena–los gringos quieran papel de bano—me pareceellos son lleno de mierda…


Because mexico ain’t anything near as liable,unlike 25 trillion debted underperformers!

cechas vodobenikov

not to worry the US dept of education most recently found that 69% of US university grad r not English proficient—Asians and blacks the most at 54/33% and improving and caucasians/latinos the least and declining in English proficiency—obvious…ask an amerikan w a graduate school education (I attend graduate school in the USA) to define the subjunctive form, a gerund, distinguish a simile from a metaphor, an allegory from an analogy–of course they r unable—they mix up private/public, impact/influence, etc—-“amerika is a culture of stupidity”. Arthur Schlesinger jr jackie is one more proof


Your English is so bad you couldn’t even get a job in one of Putz Putin’s Troll Houses, Igor. And with English like this what worthwhile university the the US would ever admit you? Maybe that is why you are so down on the US. All those rejections.


Is that off shore California or Washington ? What they think the cargo is carona’d ?


Washington. I didn’t ask what the reason was.


Strikes me as true as I’ve heard the same from BC. What possible rational would there be ? Starve the population into submission, Islam wouldn’t work but food would !


Every state here that is under lockdown has a democratic governor. Most of whom in addition to taking away people’s jobs, human and civil rights also want to take away their gun rights. So it’s fair to assume that party politics is part of the problem.


Because usa,unlike most nations whom are not in such high debts,reposseions take place! Incase these suckrz think or expects the rest of the world to pay off their debt? Won’t happen (period) Usa must audit the phaed,thats the only way to counter their control!


The 2008 financial crisis was blamed on subprime mortgage defaults and derivative counterparty risk defaults. What is going to happen when most people in democratic governor controlled lockdown states stop paying their mortgages because they’re unemployed and need what money they have to pay for food, utilities and transportation?


It is all engineered to make the economy fall down. Action, reaction. I hate to think what the solution is – perhaps the Mark of the Beast is finally here.


That’s when they try to bring in “vaccination” with a micro-chip make it mandatory.


I see it more the zombie stock exchange apocolypse,usa is not the world,nor leader, but a dudded corporation enslavement cia reform nazi/nwo sect like nazism due to fail!


The Dems will push a moratorium that the Republicans will have to agree to given the current atmosphere in the Country and DC. And the Banks will be bailed out again for the loses. Should have been done last time by the Dems and we won’t have Trump as Prez today. As an aside, Louisiana is not a Dem state and other Republican states are going on lock down. Try to keep up after licking those public doorknobs and handrails to prove this is all a hoax, AH.


Do you use Italian voodoo math to make this all work out economically? How many of the economic suicide lockdown governors are democrats? How long before the lockdown states bankrupt the US like they’ve bankrupted themselves?


Ask that great Dem state of Louisiana, AH. Oh, and ask that great Dem Mayor of Moscow now. Or Putz Putin himself who has finally seen the light. But you, the Einstein part-time rideshare driver, high school drop out, knows better. You still are so entertaining as fools often are.


The governor of Louisiana is a democrat, like all of the other ones collapsing their economy. There is no lockdown in Russia at this time. Putin is giving Russians a 1 week paid holiday and Moscow closed restaurants and social events.

This is the economic suicide that a Zionist like you shills for as a prisoner under house arrest and martial law in a bankrupt state begging the federal government for help.


Lone Ranger

Better luck next time…


Have you gotten Putz Putin’s revived talking points yet, Igor?

Lone Ranger

Im not a Hasbarat…sorry.

cechas vodobenikov

dimwit jackie lies again—it is in NY that the amerikan virus is advancing most–in the US oligarchy some r so stupid to believe biden now charged w sexual assault by tera Reade is less senile than trump—of course the US dept of education ranks calif educational performance amongst the worst in the USA


What does any of this mean and what is its relevancy? You do need to work on your English. As an aside, Tara Reade worked to get Warren the nomination and has been doing that for Sanders. Just another desperate dirty trick by the Bernie Bro sore losers. Lenin referred to folk like these as Infantile Leftists.


No leader of any nation at the moment speaks – or leads – like Putin.


LOL…yep, right over the cliff. Enjoy.

Jens Holm

4 sheeo are confirming, You are right. It might be Baah thists.


Get Thee Behind Me Satan: You got a severe case of fear paranoia,why don’t you prepare for the exodus?


A recent survey found that almost half of Russian Millennials wanted to get out of Dodge and move to another country. And that was before the coming economic collapse of Putz Putin’s RF due to his mishandling of the Pandemic and stupid economic policies, Igor,


What the “F” is that supposed to mean in English? And you claim to be Canadian and not from a French speaking area. You are so full of crap it is shooting out your ears, likely Igor.

Jens Holm

I read Jake321 as making an ironi joke about Vitex.


I wish Vitex was being ironic. But no. He does his job as a likely Putz Putin Troll. But not a very good one. He better get better or they will pull his draft deferment.


All trolls are liars,you accuse yet again the more consistent person,how sad!


You do need to work on your English, Igor…before you get drafted…


Well goody for you. And so what? And why can’t a Canadian write proper English? You claim it is your native language. Not likely.


LOL…if so, why can’t you write proper English? You claim it’s your native language, which is unlikely. Or are all Preppers just ignorant and uneducated? That’s generally the case down here in the 48.


Ex kgb makes him more intelligent,he also knows german and english and a top notch thouroughly educated lawman,far more accute then the packa phoney cia+ kweers!


Maybe. But he ain’t so good with economic policy and public health. I assume he knows English better than you, Igor.


Agree, although I’m worried that he is putting his trust in the IMF, which has been used to destroy nations.


Seems the little shirtless man on the really tiny pony is scared shitless now that the Vodka induced euphoria of he-man Russia is finally not enough to mask reality. But still too little too late. The US for example is committing at least 20% of its GDP, not the totally inadequate 2% to 3% that the Putz mentioned for Russia. But than again since the Putz fucked the Russian economy with his stupid oil price war and loser give-away natural gas deals with China, he can’t afford to commit more. He could help a bit with his own ill begotten wealth but that will never happen.

Liberal guy

Hahahaha u fool


Oh, come on, Igor, you know what I wrote is true.

Liberal guy

Come pal no so true u r speaking


Better improve your English before you get drafted.

Liberal guy

Shut up u fool

Liberal guy

Shut up

cechas vodobenikov

u insult fools…recently an amerikan academic in Moscow described the USA to me as durakistan and described amerikans as “money worshipping hyperactive morons”…the US anthropologist Thomas de Zengodita recently wrote, “busy busy numb–amerikans cannot feel themselves alive unless they feel themselves busy–amerika is a vast goo of meaningless stimulation..” it is expected in a nation of sexually repressed puritans that they r too busy busy numb to comprehend that their empire will collapse in this decade


And you will be even drunker by later next month as the Pandemic hits you hard because of Putz Putin’s weeks of being a he-man Pollyanna and mismanagement. And because of the Putz’s stupid oil price war and giving away Siberia’s natural gas to China at loser prices tied to the falling price of oil. You’te economy will be heading into collapse and you will have to drown your sorrows in more of your Vodka ration while you still have any since the distilleries will be commandeered to switch to making sanitizers.

Lone Ranger

U.S. Empire is going belly up, your saving are getting worthless… I would be angry too lol.


My Dollars are strengthening and your Rubles are tanking. And it will be even worse for you later next month. Way worse. Come back and crow then, Igor.

Lone Ranger

Your Stocks are down tho ;) And your pension fund too. Ruble has the same purchase parity inside Russia. Shale oil is going belly up same as the U.S. economy. On life support forever, hanging on the tits of the FED…lol. Superpower my arse…


Do you have dementia? I’ve noted I have almost all my nest egg in strengthening US Dollars. You have no nest egg and if you did it would be near worthless falling Rubles. The only stock I have is Apple which I got at &1.75 a share. And damn, with this latest sell off it is only now 15,000% higher. Oh, woe is me. You are a funny guy in your sick way, Igor.

Lone Ranger

Cool Disney story. Dollar will go belly up once the stock market goes below 16000 we both know that. And it will happen… Today it was another small crash even the $2.2trill stimulus package is not enough for these banksters. They are a bit greedy aren’t they… :)


If you missed it, dodo, the Dollar didn’t go belly up in the Recession or even the Depression. It sure isn’t doing that this time. That happened to other currencies. And the same is already happening again to the already near worthless Ruble. The amount allocated may not be enough so the Fed will run the printing presses some more to create more which most everyone in the world wants because they see it as a safe haven in a crisis. Strangely, even more than gold at this time. And they will avoid Rubles like the Plague…which you will have plenty off by later next month, Igor.

Lone Ranger

It will happen, don’t worry. Once the DOW falls below 16,000. Ruble is more worth than the Japanese Yen. Unlimited printing will cause hyperinflation, it always did in the past, it will be no exception this time either. Gold gained during recent years, but the elite is manipulating the gold market do they can buy up cheaper, after that it will skyrocket again. Meanwhile the U.S. economy is the walking dead…


LOL…batting a thousand at being wrong as usual, Igor. As an aside, Japanese interest rates which are a reflection of a currency’s value indicate that the Yen is way more valuable than the Ruble. Like your bonds, the Ruble is near junk status. And it and your economy will be way way worse later next month. Enjoy. I do note that you haven’t gotten the new Kremlin Party Line yet.

Lone Ranger

Actually the closer you get to zero interest rate the more junky your bonds are… You simply cant handle the fact that your crony capitalistic economic model was wrong all along. Its socialism for the elite… Unlimited money for them, crony capitalism for avg Joe. Meanwhile the Russian economy is going strong, and its way more healthy than that of the U.S. with in exponentially growing exorbitant debt. Good night. Sweet dreams.


LOL…you sure are ignorant of how the financial markets work. You have a linguist’s Kabbalist sense that if you can put it in words it makes it real. Some non-linguists believe that also. We have lone in the White House right now. LOL…you should talk about cronyism, Igor. You have a Mafia-like government and economic system. LOL…the Russian economy is down about a third from when the US put those mild sanctions on. You will going down the tubes by late next month when the Pandemic and Putz Putin’s stupid economic policies kick in. The RF will be lucky to survive. LOL…why you say that? It’s breakfast time for you. Well, it is my sometimes bedtime.

Lone Ranger

You guys keep saying the same since 2014… All I see is U.S. debt growing, Russian debt decreasing. U.S. reserves decreasing, Russian reserves growing. Russia is mostly self reliant, U.S. shuts down after a week they wont get anymore supplies and goods from China… Its not me who needs an economic lesson or two ;) You are right, Im putting in the oven some mini baguettes, fresh baked, will top it off with some strawberry jam :) Yum yum. Good Night Jake. See you later.


They will use us treasury bonds to make oil cheaper than the saudies ever! I cannot be more gratefull to see how beautifull justice will serve nwo tyrants!


LOL…what’s that gobbledygook mean, Igor?

Liberal guy


Xoli Xoli

Who 8s Pygin warning. We are not Syrian warning tools about Whitc hdlmeg event.Destroy threats before releasing or stop talking.It is Puginz western partners arogants and systems.


Whoops, your Bot comment generator got a bug, Igor.


I hate to do this but I gotta upvote this comment.

Stay safe in San Fagscrisco


Thanks but from across the Bay. So far, even though we are near where this hit early we have been on a low and leveling growth curve with only 1 death per million.

Luke Hemmming

In Australia food production is been maintained. Supermarkets workers are stocking shelves and the major supermarket chains are hiring extra people to restock. We have bought over 3 times what we buy in Christmas. Our government is quite generous in giving handouts to a lot of people unemployed, families etc. And our infection and death rates are quite low. Yes we indeed live in the lucky country.


Because we did not sell out or destroy our vital infastructures toward debt but rather many trillions in surplus in locked superfunds,the nwo phaed could only dream to try to steal,see!

AM Hants

Like the G20, but, not a fan of G7.

The G13 members of the G20, get on with things, whilst the G7 members squabble. Wonder if the Italian leader thanked China and Russia, personally, for the help those two G20 nations have provided Italy in their hour of need? Cuba and Venezuela would not have been part of the conference call.

Could they hold all international summits the same way. A freebie phone call, rather than freebie jolly?

Jens Holm

Russia has a lot of it too.


And it will be up there with the worst of them later next month. He-man Vodka binging and bravado will not save them.

Jens Holm

Thats right. They have to limit their losses as well as they can too.


But they are way less able to do that. And no one wants Rubles. Very few have fond feelings for them. And everyone has way more oil and gas than needed. The Putz and his RF will be in very deep doo doo by the end of next month. It may be beyond the ability of the RF to survive with without a breakup and maybe giving Siberia to China for a bailout. They sure won’t be getting it from the US and OUR international financial, trade and currency institutions…well, without selling their soul to us. Hey, and that’s before the Dems get in and exact deserved vengeance.

Lone Ranger

Take your meds… You are getting delusional…


LOL…stop using my lines and try to be original while you wait for the new Kremlin Party Line, Igor.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt… I was using this line already when you were still running an 56k dial up modem ;)


Well, if you did, it sure as hell wasn’t on a civilian computer since they didn’t have them in your backwards neck of the Soviet woods back then. And the ones I used then were way too expensive for dregs like you to afford. Actually, they wouldn’t have been available for your nursery anyway, junior.

Lone Ranger

Oy oy. That’s a lot of salty tears paps :) Don’t worry I still like you. ;)


But it did,vodka and rakia prevents corona did the dud health expert tell it all?


Some folk do wash their Vodka down with Corona. But with Rakia it’s not so good. But in a way you are correct. The Islamist Iranians fell for the Kremlin’s line that Vodka cures the Virus to try to have some more export income to make up for the gigantic decrease caused by Putz Putin’s suicidal oil price war. The Islamist Iranians believed them but couldn’t afford the inflated Russian Vodka prices. So they went for their wood alcohol home brew and what industrial wood alcohol they could get at the hardware store. And damn, thanks to the Russians, they found the only sure way to kill the Virus and stop it’s spread. You should join them, AH.

cechas vodobenikov

durak–cnn=corrupt news network—no data provided…apparently u believe any fake news less than 500 cases–all confined to Moscow u r too stupid to bother w–another cartoon like jackie


Come back later next month and crow if you can after all your Vodka binging out of desperation. If we step in doo doo. You will take a grand dive into the latrine.


Times running out flogged,better start packing your boxes,I were you:


Again, you need to improve your English or cut your Vodka ration binging.

cechas vodobenikov

USA most c-19 and increasing USA #1 viruses, mental illness, obesity, rape, sexual repression, wealth/income disparities, stupidity, sexual repression, self loathing narcissism, shallowness, xenophobia, insecurity, anxiety, consumption of illicit substance and legal psychotropics, military spending, incarcerated citizens Koestler compared amerikans to 5th century Romans—“a similarly contactless society populated by automatons…a similarly soulless, politically corrupt (the most corrupt nation on the planet: univ Michigan prof Juan Cole) everybody for themselves society”. the benevolent empire is predicted to collapse in less than 10 years


And you the drunk he-man Russian know a lot about collapsed empires. You have two really big ones to be proud of…the Soviets and the Czars. Your RF is a tinny one in comparison so won’t make as big a splash when you also dive into the cesspool of your history. And then there are all those other things you found at the bottom of your Vodka ration bottles. Come back later next month and crow about your paradise on Earth as it takes it’s dive to join its stinking ancestor empires. Bye bye.

cechas vodobenikov

your feminine insecurity again displayed—“in amerika stupidity is a precious natural resource”. Philip Slater…more self humiliation from the feminized murikan robot


And you do know that the main reason for a falling Russian fertility rate is way too much Vodka binging by you he-man who then can’t get it up? Let’s see if you can even get yourself up off the floor later next month with your over binging to drown your sorrows about the approaching collapse of the RF from the Pandemic and Putz Putin’s mismanagement and economic stupidity.

Lone Ranger

You are projecting… Everything you write about Russia and Putin is true about the U.S. and Trumpstein…


If you missed it, Igor, Putz Putin IS Russia. And thankfully, so far, Moron Trump is NOT the US.

Lone Ranger

Russia is more than one man. It’s the people, the culture the history. It’s a state of mind. Praise Pepe. Aside from that Trump won the election, didn’t he? Yes he did. And will probably win his second term, given there will be elections…


LOL…Praise Pepe says it all, Igor.

Lone Ranger

Indeed ;)


I could be a wee bit nasty and say, yep, the brains of an amphibian with the color of great envy.

Lone Ranger

You could, but that would be projection ;)


Why? You indicated that you and Russia are proud to be frogs, not I. But really time for a little snack and sleep. Bye bye.

Lone Ranger

Pepe stands for patriots. Better than Shekel worshiping zionists ;)


Pepe IS the sickly green, smirking amphibian Alt Right mascot that looks like Moron Trump. And is also used to represent the old Nazi heroes of your neo-Nazi movements. Don’t keep playing stupid even if it comes easy to you, Igor or Gregor as the case case maybe.

Now let’s see. The Shekel is worth 22 times the Ruble. Or 90 times the Forint. Your silliness does come cheap. Me? I’ll stay with the good old USofA Dollar which is 80 times the Ruble and 320 times the Forint. Hey, I’ll stay with my grandpa’s Czarist Rubles which are worth 5 times Putz Putin’s near worthless RF Rubles and much prettier.

Lone Ranger

Im not a neonazi, you are actually hating Russia and China. And please dont tell me you dont… I only hate ziorats. I have nothing against jews. Im part jewish as well. But Im not a traitor ziorat… You forget one thing, purchase parity. 1$ will buy you more in Russia and Hungary. Israeli and U.S. economy are nonexistent at the moment and are both on lifesupport. While Hungary and Russia are going strong along with China. The $ is dead man walking we both know that. Your fav globalists are delivering the final blow to the U.S. Empire and you still think they are your friends. They have moved all their assets to Russia and China. You are a funny guy, same type whom played the violin on the Titanic a few mins before it sunk… Japanese Yen is worth less than the Ruble yet they are fine, even with a debt to GDP ratio of 240%, you know whats the difference? Japan is producing things and has a massive trade surplus, they can afford it, you cant… Russia is also producing and has a massive trade surplus but without the exorbitant debt and loaded with resources… Even small Germany can outproduce thid whole U.S. let alone the EU combined. Like I said the U.S. is broke busted and disgusted. Oh and by the way…I wouldnt hope for an election, Trump is there to stay as the new dear leader ;) Have you noticed the missing Presidental flag and the Seal? Something to think about… Praise Pepe. Bye.


Russia has wealth,usa has debt,you don’t get it do you,hell no! Do the math,if you don’t how to use a simple calculator,go to primary class:


LOL…the US has almost 50 times the NET wealth of the RF. That’s wealth after deducting debt. Are you referring to the elementary school you failed out of, kid?

Lone Ranger

Total U.S. net worth is a $120trillion. Total U.S. debt is a $170trillion. They U.S. is broke, busted and disgusted…


Nahhhhhhhh…estimated unfunded liabilities are NOT Debt. You sure could use an education beyond words.

Lone Ranger

They sure are. Its called hidden debt. And thats why Wall Street has the FED by the balls. Give us unlimited money or else… Maybe you have noticed, as long as the FED talked about unlimited money stocks were growing again, but the stimulus package topped out at $2.2trill, peanuts… Stocks are falling again… Watch for the 16,000mark… thats where you can use your dollars intead of toilet paper…


You mistake the Dollar for the Ruble as fungible with toilet paper, Igor. Estimated unfunded liabilities are NOT debt. Stop with your word incarnations. Anyway, the NET Wealth of the US is well over $100 Trillion, some 30% of the entire world’s net wealth. Russia is lost someplace down the list with well under 1% of the net wealth.again, the net wealth of the US is almost 50 times that of Russia. You are a minor player in terms of global finance and wealth. But I do like Piroshki and Moscow Mules.

Lone Ranger

Nah, everything I said is True and factual. Net worth of the U.S. is a $120trill, that according to the U.S… Net worth of Russia is around $300trill and most of its resources arent even discovered lol. Russia has the 6th largest economy by purchasing power with virtually no debt. Thats puts th in the same league of the most wealthiest nations. U.S. has no wealth, only debt, and its exponentially growing. Sorry… The new fav player of the globalists is China and the EU, and Russia is right behind them ;) But dont worry, even if you are broke Russia will send up U.S. astronauts to the ISS ;)


LMFAO…like most linguists you are numbers challenged. You are off by a factor of 100 in terms of Russia’s Net Wealth. It is only $3 trill NOT $300 trill. But maybe you don’t know the difference between solid US Dollars and near worthless Putz Putin Rubles. Russia does have a net wealth of about 300 trill near worthless Rubles.

LOL…if you missed it, PPP GDP values zucchinis and potatoes as if they were the same as iPhones. In real GDP terms, Russia is down there about 12th, a bit above that other has-been empire Spain. Damn, just the one US State of California has a real GDP almost twice that of all Glorious Mother Russia. Heck, both Texas and New York each have larger economies than all of Russia including its oil and gas. And after the Pandemic and Putz Putin’s stupid oil and gas policies sink you even more in a few months, Florida will be bigger. And the RF will be headed to the level of that other has-been, Portugal. At least way more people speak Portuguese than Russian. Oh, and a little later, Russian won’t even be the national language of Siberia. That will be Mandarin. Try to keep up.

Lone Ranger

U.S. has no GDP. Its cancelled out by their exorbitant debt. Sorry to dissapoint you… Net worth of the Whole U.S. is $120trillion. Russia $300trillion. Its a simple fact, try to process it. Russia is the biggest country on the planet by far also happens to have most the resources… Its the GDP ppp that counts according to most economists, it shows you how much they can really buy and throw around with their GDP, combined with low debt and a Forex Reserve of $570billion Russia is amongst the most well prepared nations to survive the coming global economic reset along with China, maybe Japan and South Korea. Western Europe will be toast same as the U.S. Eastern Europe has a slight chance, we will see. As per usual better luck next time ;)


It is you who will need the luck later next month, Igor. And again, you give the RF’s net wealth in Rubles, NOT US Dollars. And you know you are lying again. And all your Vodka binging won’t save you guys from the Pandemic. Nor will your spewing Kremlin disinformation save you from the economic collapse you face due to Putz Putin’s stupid oil and gas policies on top for the Pandemic about to hit you hard. And your desperate ignorance is shown by you off-setting GDP with debt. And you seem to prefer zucchinis and potatoes to iPhones. Wow, what a great world power you are! But you are entertaining.

Lone Ranger

Nah its in $ or Euros ;) You will need more luck than Russia… Indeed Russia is a World Power. Its economy is fine contrary to yours. while the U.S. Empire is crumbling. Soviets had it better in the late 80s than you now. Buy more toilet paper… Bye.


Pompeo has just asked KSA to stop the oil price war !


Lone Ranger

Pompeo is crying and raging. Shale oil is going belly up…


Maybe. But you should worry more about your RF going belly up with the coming Pandemic and Putz Putin’s stupid economic policies.

Lone Ranger

You have a 100,000 cases, Russia a 1000 cases. I wouldn’t worry that much. Stupid economic policies… U.S. debt to GDP ratio 130% Russian debt to GDP ratio 12% Avg. Debt per capita U.S. $64,000 Avg. Debt per capita Russia $6000 Forex reserves U.S. $124billion Forex reserves Russia $573billion. U.S. runs a trade deficit of $640billion a year. Russia runs a trade surplus of a $160billion per year. Oy…


You are at the level the US was at 10 days ago assuming your Kremlin generates numbers are correct. Folk here didn’t worry much about it 10 days ago either. The oil price war and the natural gas deals with China are way way worse than any US economic policy. Two-thirds of our debt is owed to ourselves, not foreigners. So the comparison is more like $25,000 to $6,000 which means in terms of both average and median income the US is better off than Russia even in terms of debt. Since the US prints the top foreign debt reserve currency at will, we are way way better off than Russia and besides we have more than 4 times the gold reserves of Russia, since you don’t even know for sure Russia even has. Not like the Kremlin has never lied. The trade surplus Russia gas will be falling very fast as Putz Putin’s stupid oil price war kicks in big time by the end of next month. Anyway, I main part of Russia’s trade surplus is due to the fact that the typical Russian is just too poor to buy imports. Some countries in Africa with really poor populations also have trade surpluses. And Russia like those African countries has a very high murder rate. And the people of those countries, especially the younger generation want to get out of Dodge and move to a more advanced country trade deficit or not. Try to keep up, Igor.

Lone Ranger

Thats a lot of salty tears ;) Germany also has a massive trade surplus, so does Japan and China. Its a sign of healthy economy. Russians can buy anything they want, they drive better cars on avg nowdays than Americans. They have a trade surplus because they are producing and exporting more than they import. Again a sign of a healthy economy. Even Germany with a pop of 83million exports more than the whole U.S. lol. Russian gold reserves are public, showed to the press on camera. Russia delivers real gold not funny gold laced with tungsten rods like the U.S. does lol. U.S. gold reserves werent checked since 1974, most of it is probably in Chinese vaults in exchange for the bonds and goods China delivered in the past 20years. FED is privately owned, you dont owe yourself but to elite banksters whom are sucking the U.S. dry. Sorry to dissapoint you. But Russia is virtually debt free, while you are sinking in debt, both the country and avg Joe. As for the pandemic maybe you didn’t look at the map but Russia is right next to China and the EU. They simply handled it better. Thats all. U.S. should have closed its borders already in January like did Russia and Hungary. Murder rate in the U.S. is exploding with around 54,000 per year. Russian murder rates are decreasing. There is also a drug epidemic in the U.S. U.S. has 6% of the worlds population but consumes 80% of the drugs both legal and illegal. Most drugged put nation in history. But to be honest I would probably also take drugs if I had to live there… Who wants to get a Dodge? Not even Americans lol. Everybody wants VW, Toyota, Kia, Hyundai. You are stuck in the 80s cold war logic. Maybe you are the one who should do a lil upgrade… Better luck next time Paps.


You show your ignorance yet again. Russia has a much higher murder rate than the US, almost twice as high. We have less than a third the murders you claim. Russia’s drug of choice is Vodka and it kills Russians, especially men, at such a high rate that your life expectancy is several years less than ours. In fact, Russian life expectancy is less than every major group in the US, and on the level of some African countries. And even your supposed great achievements in science pale in comparison to the US. Damn, public high school system graduates in just New York City have received more than twice the number of Science Nobels than all of Russia and its Soviet and Czarist Empires COMBINED! Russians by a 100 to one have moved to the US compared to Americans who have moved to Russia. You sure have a paradise, Igor.

Lone Ranger

Was true 10 years ago. Not anymore. U.S. is leading now. Life expectancy according to whom? Most Americants I know look like 80 when they are in their early 50s. But I guess GMOs, sodium fluoride and drugs will do that to your body… Not really, only a few million Russians live abroad and most of them are second or third gen. While 10million U.S. expats live abroad. Nobel is political same as Oscars, thats how Obanana got one…while he created isis. Aside from that a big chunk of the winners werent even born in the U.S., so they got their superior education in Europe Russia included, China and India or Japan. Most of Silicon Valley is run by Chinese and Indians nowdays. It was Russians a few years ago but they went home once Putin kicked out the anti Russian oligarchs, now Russia has its own silicon valley. And they are supplying heavy industry and militaries all over the planet. How many reactors does thd U.S. build abroad? 1-2? Russia is building 72… U.S. education is sub par since the 70s. Space program is toast since the paperclip nazis died out. Lolz.

Lone Ranger

Lol I read Dodge wrong… Anyways what I wrote is true. Aside from that 10million U.S. expats are living abroad, I guess they dodged a bullet too ;) Oil war was started by the Saudis. And Russia is winning it. Saudis will collapse, Royal family will fall very soon probably. And U.S. shale oil is dead they already asked for a loan worth $1.5trill. Which they wont be able to repay even if they get it. So yes, the winner takes it all, Russia babby ;) Hurra.


Crow later next month, Igor. Stock up on your Vodka ration and toilet paper while you can. You get ready for your fun, oiled slide down into the dustbin of history to keep your thankfully dead Soviet and Czarist Empires company. Enjoy. Bye bye.

Lone Ranger

Sounds more like the U.S. nowdays. Only have to swap vodka for Whiskey and Igor for Billy Bob :) Good luck. Sleep Good.


Again, when we step in the doo doo, you take a wild dive into the latrine. Just the way it is and has always been, Igor. Enjoy.

Lone Ranger

Facts show the opposite nowdays. What you are saying was true in the 80s, not today.



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