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Putin Wins New Presidential Term. MSM Is In Rage

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Putin Wins New Presidential Term. MSM Is In Rage

The mainstream media (MSM) is in rage as Vladimir Putin has de-facto secured a new presidential term with 76.66% of votes [voter turnout is currently 67.98%] after 99.84% of ballots have been processed.

The Washington Post (source):

Vladi­mir Putin cruised to victory Sunday for another six-year presidential term after an election that was long on spectacle and short on suspense. 

From the Arctic to the International Space Station, Russia rolled out an elaborate election-day display designed to show the breadth of Putin’s public support as he extended his tenure for a fourth term to 2024.

The New York Times (source):

State employees, pensioners and residents of rural areas, all of whom depend heavily on the government, tend to vote for Mr. Putin out of a combination of enthusiasm, habit and blackmail.

There were scattered reports of the usual election irregularities, with a few observers harassed or beaten and video cameras catching some ballot-box stuffing.

Mr. Putin, a former Soviet intelligence officer, barely bothered to campaign, except to stress his constant theme that Russia was a besieged fortress and that he was the only man to keep it safe by rebuilding its arsenal and projecting power beyond its borders, especially in challenging the United States.

CNN, in an article entitled “Voting underway in Russia as Putin seeks tighter grip“, writes:

Opposition activists as well as the non-governmental election monitoring group Golos were reporting voting irregularities on Sunday afternoon.

By early evening, Golos had counted 2,000 incidents, including observers prevented from carrying out their work.

A wave of anti-government protests in the past year suggests growing fatigue with corruption scandals seeping through the Kremlin and Putin’s inner circle of oligarchs.

Nonetheless, Putin is genuinely a popular figure among many Russians, who see him as a strongman who lifted the country out of post-Soviet chaos to stability.

Reuters (source):

Russian President Vladimir Putin basked in his biggest ever election victory on Monday, extending his rule over the world’s largest country for another six years at a time when his ties with the West are on a hostile trajectory.

Putin’s victory will take his political dominance of Russia to nearly a quarter of a century, until 2024, making him the longest ruler since Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. Putin, who will be 71 at the end of his term, has promised to beef up Russia’s defenses against the West and raise living standards.

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jerry hamilton

Will you please tell it how it is… MSM IS IN RAGE. You mean THE JEWS ARE IN RAGE.

Nou toe nou


Hisham Saber

actually, MSM = bitter, miserable Talmudic Kabbalistic whiners. They know that as soon as Syria is fully liberated, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hezbollah will role up the acres all the way to the satanic capital of the Zionist entity Tel Aviv.

Hisham Saber

also, modern day Judaism is essentially a mutiny against God, the almighty.

the writing is on the wall for the Zionist entity occupying Palestine. With the battle hardened Hezbollah, SAA and Iraqi militias, the pathetic Jewish squatters in Palestine better have an exit plan, as Israels days are numbered in a few years.

good riddance to these Talmudic kabbalistic child killers. present day IDF stand no chance in the coming conflict.

Ariel Cohen

New York Times, Washington Post and CNN . . . all a bunch of Zio-Bolshevik propaganda outlets. Well we’ve got news for all you shitsheets…. we are all becoming more and more aware of your dirty filthy tactics, lies, distortions and smears. It doesn’t work anymore, at least on us Southfront readers and other astute citizens. We’re not swallowing your shit anymore . . .go to HELL and roast there!


Nicely put Ariel :)


Ariel is jewish provocator. Who push like, will be hunted by Mossad.

Langaniso Mhlobo

It is true.


Are you advocating for that outcome? If so, that would be targeted harassment and online threatening behavior.

Claire Langoulant

Now Kadyrov prime minister and all these jewry will die !


kadyrov, the chronic raper should be burn.

Claire Langoulant

You should be hanged ! Fucking jewish puppet !


death for all islamists!

kadyrov torture to death!




They are brushing the creature’s hair, how nice of them!


I thought that as well :)


This is how they reacted to Putin getting re-elected! -) https://i.imgur.com/0Aqybym.jpg


The usual stuff from the MSM. No imagination, no originality. It’s long on innuendo, short on proof, but that’s what we expect from them.

So, Russia’s presidential election isn’t particularly representative or democratic. Just like the USA, UK, Germany, France…


Well, in those countries any presidential election will usually see a result closer to slightly above 50%. Anything bigger then 55% is usually called a massive landslide. So in that sense getting 3/4 of the votes probably seems suspect.


In the global context, it’s irrelevant. Why should we hold Russia to a higher standard than we do countries like the USA, UK, France and Germany?

Is Russia a fine example of a democracy? No, but people who live in glass houses should change clothes in the basement.


because in last election putin got also 54%. now was changed the law in his favour and senteced all really challengers. THIS IS DICTATORSHIP!


From what I could gather he got 69% of the votes last time. And comparable votes before. And how is it less of a dictatorship then the US where you can become president and not even win the popular vote? Where political parties basically pick up voters and deliver them to poling stations? And law suits are fought over whether or not certain groups of voters should be excluded or not? Jerrymandering? Every time I watch a US election I’m utterly dumbfounded that a nation that put a man on the moon can’t organize a decently working election system.


Look, in usa, france, uk there is majority election system. This is also legal part. in usa are defendend the interests of smaller states, therefore there weight is higher themn their real participation on whole population. Can have 3% population and have 5% votes. this is very correct. therefore automatically come presidents, who have less then 50% of whole population. superdemocratic! everybody knows the rules, the rules are not changed every 4 years.

thos is not in russia. in russia was the election law several times changed and fit oon putin. this IS NOT democracy. this is manipulation!

Boris Kazlov

You want more manipulation than in USAIPAC, where AIpac puts its money on candidates and engineers scandals to discredit, superdemocratic, AIPAC always wins.


Accurate except for the misunderstanding of the electoral system. While it’d be hard to state the last time there was an honest election in the US, the electoral system was put in place, I think wisely so, so that no one area of the country would ride roughshod over the rest. In this case, the urban centers in say California and New York benefiting from plundering the country’s wealth (finance centers, IT etc.) over the heartland which provides the agricultural base and used to provide manufacturing as well. In other words, the electoral process was setup so that one region of the country wouldn’t dominate all others.


I hear that a lot from Americans. And yet somehow the system STILL seems to be all about who wins the big states. And the urban centers of New York and California STILL run roughshot over the countryside parts of those states. The electoral system currently gives above normal influence to big states and swing states. You might as well do away with it altogether. After all, every other country on Earth has the same problems, and they seem to do alright with their systems, only the US electoral system is at worst the laughing stock of the world and at best something that bewilders the rest of humanity.


” You might as well do away with it altogether. After all, every other country on Earth has the same problems, and they seem to do alright..”

Funny, all I see of the EU states system’s of governance is a big mess, what with the leaders of those countries refusing to follow the will of their populations, so I don’t see any advantages there in their voting systems, Russia being the exception. There I think the difference is that the Russian citizens are comparing where they are today vs where they were in the ’90s; that and the vicious attacks from the ‘west’ to attempt to overthrow their government and steal their resources, otherwise they’d reap the same results as the Europeans. Now, back to the electoral system. Clinton would’ve won the election and we would already be in a world war with Russia and who knows who else without it. This is not to say that the Deep State won’t cause it to happen, but it has been delayed…. for now. Trump received the vote intended for Sanders from people like me. The assault on him for over a 1.5 years is exactly because he wasn’t the choice of the Deep State and he wasn’t supposed to win; so the electoral system worked as intended and California and New York were denied their Deep State queen. He stated things like no foreign interventions, getting along with Russia and bringing jobs to the US. What he didn’t count on was the huge Deep State apparatus which governs the country and which was responsible for murdering JFK when he sought to govern as intended by the Founders of the country. I suspect he’s being lied to by his advisors and/or has had his life threatened if he doesn’t do as he’s told. I hear that Trump prefers his own security detail to the Secret Service and chooses where he’s going to eat impromptu. I get the feeling he’s concerned about the Deep State too. To get a feel for the chief member agency of the Deep State, I suggest you read ‘The Devil’s Chessboard’ by David Talbot.

Boris Kazlov

Your only problem is that moon landing is a hoax to counter Russian successes in space

jerry hamilton

I have often wondered about that. The pictures don’t add up. I can’t help thinking the Russians would have said if it was fake.

Boris Kazlov

Nyet, the Russians are also aware that 911 is a false flag but, to what purpose say it? this was a trillion dollar operation and they would find themselves engaging in a war of words that nobody hears or believes, Murikans are completely dumbed down, imagine Russians using a chemical that can be traced down to them, yet people believe such absurdities. Have you met many people who know about building 7, that’s because they don’t show it, only show towers, but building 7 fell in freefall without being touched by a plane, how about that? I expect velociraptor to counter me with carefully prepared objections by the CIA.

jerry hamilton

Oh the Americans think they are the worlds Police force. They think they are incredibly important people. All Superman and Wonder Woman. Not many Brit’s believe their government about the poisoning. I know many in America don’t believe.

Yes I knew about building 7, infact I studied 9/11. There was nothing that I found to support any of the official story. There is one thing that I have wondered about. There is video footage of a plane going into the building and it doesn’t even slow down as it hits the steel wall. Impossible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgXOUHuHCtM


A colorful flag floating on the Moon where there is none wind and water(none color) !


I find your believe in that nonsense an insult to the human spirit. If human beings set their mind to something there is nothing we cannot accomplish.


In the UK a voter only needs to state their name and address at the polling station with NO identity proof required. This of course is abused as is the postal vote system.

It would be a simple thing to enforce if every voter had to show an official photo ID , that was then checked on a database to prevent voter fraud. Britain does not wish to do this, ergo Britain is not concerned about voter fraud, ergo the government in power likely corrupts the system.

Russia demands personal ID to vote ,plus there are now video cameras recording in real time the events in polling stations and as we witnessed yesterday the few infractions that did occur were spotted and dealt with.

I find it odd that a handful of voting officials were willing to ‘stuff ‘ a few votes in ballot boxes when they were fully aware they were being filmed in real time. It is my opinion that they did this in an attempt to discredit the system for their own political reasons or were given bribes.

jerry hamilton

I can confirm that no ID is required. If you go to your local polling station and give your name, they will look it up. As long as you are registered to vote at that particular polling station. You can.


It seems completely barmy doesn’t it Jerry. :) They all look the same too me :)


In the UK, that’s my impression at least as an outsider, voter fraud is harder to organize nationally. With all those districts the system seems more decentralized. Instead of hacking one organization you’d have to hack hundreds. On the plus side you’d only have to target the marginal seats, where even a small shift can make a difference.

>>I find it odd that a handful of voting officials were willing to ‘stuff ‘ a few votes in ballot boxes when they were fully aware they were being filmed in real time.<<

Hmm, never underestimate human stupidity I'd say. There's not much point though in doing this as Putin was always slated to have a huge win. Stuffing additional ballots would only serve to add a few percentages at best to Putin's win. Not much to be gained for Putin, at the risk for the allegations taking away from his election victory.


The Russian Polling Station cameras were also freely available to watch in real time on the internet and banks of these monitors were displayed in public places as well. It is my opinion that the ‘stuffers’ who were well aware of the cameras , broke the election laws to purposely give ammunition to the US/EU media.

As for the UK, since we have been greatly ‘enriched’ with immigration over the last few decades ,election fraud has become more apparent during that time , particularly with the local elections in our ‘enriched’ cities.

The UK Election process is no longer fit for purpose, except the ‘Common Purpose’ of our Zionist masters.


Probably. So what? It’s the Russian people’s problem. We should not be going about the world seeking to depose dictators, nor should we be responsible for putting dictators in power, which the USA has done on numerous occasions.

That Russia’s elections are a sham is no reason for anyone in the West to feel smug. Our electoral systems are rigged too.

The USA is full of examples where laws have been passed to favour a single party and the Republicans have been playing fast and loose with the voter registration laws in many states for years in order to disqualify Democratic Party voters. In the UK, delimitation of constituencies is a tool used to favour one or other party.

Once we have representative democracy in the West, then only can we criticise Russia.

Boris Kazlov

The only sentenced is Navalny by a Court, not by Putin, all the rest could run.

Tudor Miron

Who are those real challengers?


I wasn’t really trying to defend the MSM, far from it. Just an observation that to a casual observer in the West, used to close Western election results, getting 76% of the votes looks funny.

But you’re completely right of course.


read may answers above and below


In none of by you mentiond western countries change the election law in favour of one candiate. so, yes, in west are free election, in byzantian russia is tyiatr.

Boris Kazlov

How was the election law changed to favor Putin, please explain instead of your usual USAIPAC diarrhes.




In Greek we say let them drink vinegar to calm down their sorrow and anger

MD Ranix

God bless Russia under Mr Putin


Short term, Putin has been great for Russia (especially ensuring Russia can throw nukes better than the rest in the Final Conflict). Mid-term and Putin has fallen for every zionist trick in the book. Long term, and Putin has groomed the US military to become ever more malicious and murderous- ensuring that the Iran War will happen soon, and shortly after WW3.

There were many Putins in the run up to WW1 and WW2. History now regards them as “fools”, since regardless of moral position, they simply acted as “enablers” to the war mongers.

-Putin voted for America’s obscene anti-N-Korea sanctions at the UNSC, even as America was ramping up sanctions on Russia.

-Putin gave explicit permission for NATO (Turkey) to invade Syria- against Assad’s loudly expressed outrage.

-Putin gave explcit permission for the Americans to butcher the Russian irregulars.

Putin has never stood in the way of the Deep State. Syria is actually ruined- set back decades- and that is 99% of what Israel wanted. Putin has explicitly refused to sell s-400 air defense systems to Syria or Iran, but has offered the same to Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Putin is now ending a war in Syria that he allowed to happen in the first place. But so incompetent is Putin, even here the british, french and americans are on the verge of a massive air and missile blitz of all significant facilities in Syria.

As the screws continue to turn on Russia, all Putin the Great will do is move Russia increasingly to the most efficient nuclear weapon economy the planet has ever witnessed. A bear backed into a corner with laser eyes, and claws of adamantium. Just as the demons of the Deep State want and need.

Hisham Saber

spoken like a true Zionist jew blowjob, in fact, if I had your address , I would send you pillows to kneel on while you serviced your Israeli cousins.

pathetic. Russia, under Putin will never offer Israel a damn thing. Pure fantasy.

Vanessa Russ

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HighLord Gaz

“Putin gave explcit permission for the Americans to butcher the Russian irregulars.”

Thanks for confirming that you’re a total icking fudiot. How infected with the hasbarat virus must one be to utter such an outrageous absurdity.


Congratulations from all the sane minds in Britain President Putin.

If you were our Prime Minister Britain would not be in the debt laden crisis we are in. The British national Debt now equates to £36,000 for every subject ( children included) and that debt can be doubled when all the state pension liability’s are taken into account.

We do have a shiny new aircraft carrier ( with a leak ) and one more on the way though. They will be without aircraft for a few years though as the US F35 is late arriving due to ‘ issues’. :)


‘F-35 issues’ -> translation -> Lockheed Martin is trying to extort more money.

Promitheas Apollonious



more, more, traitor of UK! this is not enough, you shoul more lick putins ass. this is for gulag only. :DDDDDD

Boris Kazlov

That is the last straw, to brand somebody who sees through the obvious plot as a traitor to UK, nothing less can be expected from a USAIPAC troll.


what did he say?.. I blocked him weeks ago

jerry hamilton

I would block him too but he makes me laugh.


Me too,

we didn’t need such impertinent unpleasant insects…


‘traitor of UK’ – your usual hyperbolic tosh. What, for having an objective and analytical economic and performance based response to the most expensive piece of conventional military hardware in the short to medium term UK forecast military budget – which is of course purchased from a secondary and foreign nation? Actually, it would be far more traitorous of UK national interests not to look into these matters – and to highlight the glaring shortcomings and profound lack of value for sunk investment.


There’s even a rumor that the F35s may be made capable of flying even when a bird is present. :-)


Britain has many species of birds, so this will be important. Perhaps a picture of a Bird of Prey needs to be painted on the nose of the F35’s to keep the smaller birds away :)



AM Hants

Perhaps they should paint a canary on it, and give it the John McCain curse.


Good idea and very useful as well if it flies through a bit of toxic dust .

AM Hants

LOL and have you seen what they found in Ankara. If only Colin Powell had waited, he could have had it sent to him.





Brilliant photos.


But not so much when it’s when raining – or near its actual its namesake – lightning!




Thanks for the links…….Ahhh, but after they’re retrofitted they’ll continue to move on to the next problem which they may not detect until they attempt to target Russia. Can you imagine NATO being armed with a fleet of these turkeys and finding out how many problems they really have, after they’ve launched an attack on Russia and her allies….

AM Hants

Talking of that, have you heard about the German General who got the sack, because he kept begging Germany to buy the expensive rubbish?

We Warned You: German Air Force Chief Ousted for Promoting F-35 Acquisition… https://sputniknews.com/military/201803191062705376-luftwaffe-chief-ousted-f-35-acquisition/


Yeah, I saw that. He was warned and whoops…… :-) I guess Von Der Leyen believes if you’re going to buy war planes, they should be able to fly in all kinds of conditions. Leave it to the Germans to be brave enough to defy the Empire’s desires. I can understand why. I love German engineering. My VW has 315,000 miles on it and I’ve never done any engine or transmission work on it, a few sensors, spark plugs, coils, brake pads common wear items. If I’d owned an American automobile, it would’ve been at the junk yard before 100,000 miles on the odometer (from past experience).

Thanks for the link though, I’d seen it earlier.

AM Hants

What is even funnier, is another German politician, wants to share Russian defence systems, in a German/Russian partnership? This is whilst the new Foreign Minister is going around telling everybody that Russia has to hand back Crimea and also adhere to Minsk II?????? Guess, he has not read Minsk II and has not idea if Russia has to adhere to it, then so do France and Germany, as they are also guarantors?

The lunatics have certainly taken over the asylums, over in Europe.


I agree, “The lunatics have certainly taken over the asylums, over in Europe.” And these are supposed to be the representatives and professional leadership…. I wonder if Germany, I think one of only 2 or three EU countries to congratulate Putin on his election win, is starting to think about it’s own needs instead of what the EU bureaucracy desires; things like the Nordstream 2 pipeline, that nuts like Poland and Ukraine want to scuttle in order to buy expensive gas from the US arriving on ships during fair weather, and having planes that fly.

AM Hants

I cannot make out Germany. You have the Foreign Minister, today, going on about Russia, having to give up Crimea and adhere to Minsk II, bearing in mind that Russia is a guarantor, just like Germany and France. No doubt, he will soon get sick of Ukraine.

Then you have Merkel, who is siding with May, with regards Russia.

Followed by a sane one, who wants to get a decent relationship with Russia, back on track. Plus, as you say Nord Stream II, and Merkel could not care less, about it, however, the German Business men/women demand different.

What I could not understand, was why the EU was being so nice to the UK today and just what have we offered them? No doubt, everything they were asking for, but, we will not hear about it.

There again, there is a seriously interesting article on Moon of Alabama, which says that the EU nations, were spinning words and not quite so behind the UK, as originally claimed.

“No Patients Have Experienced Symptoms Of Nerve Agent Poisoning In Salisbury” There have been some interesting developments in the alleged poisoning case of the British-Russian double-agent Sergej Skripal and his daughter.

The British governments standing on the issue is getting worse as more inconsistencies and doubts on its statements come to light. The international support for its claims is weakening… http://www.moonofalabama.org/


Germany is a puzzle alright, look how long it took them to assemble a government after that last election, plus they now have the growing AFD movement; which I suspect will be much stronger next time if they don’t start making some serious changes. I believe the circus environment is due to a combination of the effect of reverse sanctions and the demands to make things worse by the Empire, the influx of refuges and migrants, the dictates of the EU to dump the pipeline and I’m sure that Merkel, in spite of how she acts towards Russia in public, suspects what this bs about poisoning is all about. I think she also has a good understanding of what Russia is about and though Germany is still occupied, doesn’t want to make matters worse between Germany and Russia, though she has to be careful in what she says and does due to the occupation and the herd like environment among EU leaders. At least that’s my take on it.

Re. the EU / Uk words…. I don’t really know what’s going on between the EU and UK only that it sounds like they’re trying to show unity among the member nations by supporting the UK but at the same time wanting to see some real facts. The EU is still requesting that Russia answer UK’s charges which I think is unreasonable at this point. I had heard that Russia states that for the UK to identify the compound, they would have to have a reference to compare it to. Well yeah, that’s just common sense, but at the time that was stated, I didn’t realize that Russia had never developed the toxin therefore, it would be impossible for it to be of Russian origin. The chemists for Uzbekistan working on it moved to the US and the development continued among the countries of the US & UK. So I don’t really understand the point of the EU telling Russia to answer the charges whereby the UK won’t provide a sample or any information about the victims. I do suspect though that the EU wants to be careful and not get itself into some kind of hot intervention. They may also suspect that it’s all just theater for demonzing Russia, but just need to show solidarity until that Colin Powell moment.

As for what the UK offered the EU…. I saw an article regarding Brexit 1 year for deadline and 2year agreement of something or other but haven’t read it yet. Anyway, each day brings new developments or acts of stupidity and I have to admit, Boris is starting to have the same effect on me as Haley, whereby I can’t even stand to see his face much less hear his voice. Meanwhile, the Empire’s navy has Syria in it’s sites and I just don’t know what Russia will do about another act of stupidity from Yosemite Sam.


1998: “RASHA is DONE!! Hahahahaha!” 2018: *Screeching in autistic rage* https://i.imgur.com/0Aqybym.jpg

Hisham Saber

F-35, the worlds first flying garbage truck.

Also the F-16 of the ISraeli Airforce recently shot down by Syrians was hit by a SAM-5, 60’s technology.


Garbage trucks do not need 50 man hours maintenance for every hour of flight though :)

AM Hants

They do if they are American haha.


And a big drivers seat for the Tele Tubby driver :)

AM Hants


A seat for this size Tele Tubby Driver, courtesy the GM Diet?


That’s the one. I am told they come in Black as well. :)

AM Hants

In America. you can only have one colour, anything else is racial. Clue, not white.


If this happen with old soviet technology, you must have a good idea what will happen when S-300, S-400 and S-500 be operating. If for USA fighter the SAM system in North Viet-Nam was a nightmare, these new Russian systems will be a sure suicide hell.

AM Hants

Well said and ditto.

Onno Frowein

The west & its presstitutes are SOUR that President Putin won AGAIN in a landslide, Thank God. President Putin shows the world what democracy is all about & why the Russian people support him. There is NO leader in the West who protects their nation or their people like Putin. On top of that he stands for world peace in contrast to the warmongers in Washington & their vassals in Brussels.

jerry hamilton

That’s sure to piss off velocrapter


i am happy, you voted one loser :D he is not able to reform the russian economy, during putin era declined in will decline. so go on, vote putin 3-4x or forever! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d6ac87d83caeeedcfd838fa944d2ce28e517ed87d03ea84b43116d0cfecf2070.jpg :))

russkie president putin in 2040:


You are mistaken here are some stats. 1999 – GDP $195 billion. 2017 – $1.5 trillion. Inflation in 1999= 36% 2017 -=2.2%. GDP per person in 1999 = $1320. In 2013 $14,800. Yep its all falling apart


GDP is not everything. It does not shop the real income of population. A wrote abot reforms. Putin did nothing. The russian industry is in desolate stage. The innovation capabilities = almost zero. Putin planned russian silicon valley, was not able to realize. Of course, this has its reasons in the cleptocracy what rules in russia. Until he will not destroy all oligarchs, will not destroy corrupcy, will be never better. Until he will not foinish ith russian traddition, thatonly narrow group, close to leaderrs of country can found factories, r&d firms, will be not better. the corruption is so high, that kills everything new in russia.


So it has problems – show me a developed nation that doesnt – the US has 50m on food stamps, homeless on the rise, massive debt, real unemeplyment closer to 20%, 95m Americans not in the labor force.


“PUTIN still DONE!!” https://i.redditmedia.com/BpLiRRjam4v_iI80dPi-mzYhX0QSFzcut48Xv-KZhUM.png?w=597&s=18470efb08503e2e0a9540520170b6bc How delightfully pathetic!

AM Hants

Hahaha, Russian industry is in terrible state.

Number 1 Exporter of wheat. Not forgetting that even the US needed Russian LNG, to keep it’s citizens warm, during the cold weather. Lest not forget just how does the US get it’s satelites into space? Remember those Russian rocket engines? Then you have the fact that Russian industry, well the defence industry, has just made the NATO members, including the US, weapons and systems obsolete. The list goes, on and on and on and on. How many nations tried to use a cyber attack on the Russian Election Information Centre? With zero effect. Wasn’t it around 15?

AM Hants


jerry hamilton

If this is an indicator of your maturity, this would indicate you are about 12 years old. That explains just about everything.

HighLord Gaz

There is something wrong with you… seriously…. seek help.


“Putin gets re-elected again…. God damn it…” https://i.warosu.org/data/biz/img/0049/46/1512941760450.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DPpCl3NXkAAtWRy.png



Some of your pals I believe Lulz ?


“You are the kike, just like Jewtin himself!” So why are the (((medias))) so mad @ Putin getting re-elected! http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/338/649/4fe.png


you know nothing. west WANTs pootin, the loser. he is god read and we know, he is shitman :DDDD zhirinovskij would be worse for us.


If the west wants Putin, why are you so worked up then, if he’s your man, enjoy it quietly, stop running around like a headless chicken all over the site.


i wish better future for russian people

Boris Kazlov

You wish nothing but the pre-Putin chaos


for you sure :DDDDDDDDDDD


right… we’ll manage , thnx

Tudor Miron

Now that was a bold statement :D With such friends as this creature, there’s no need for enemies.


Putin is NOT ENOUGH good. This is my message. You should find among you better leaders. Who are able to ignite the economy. Putin tried. I know lot of about this. But he failed. For this is not good.


Cam you help me with something?

jerry hamilton

To be honest. I think you are beyond help.

Hisham Saber

ya, so long as they let the international jewish criminal syndicate rule Russia.

I am almost certain that Russia has a few SARMAT ICBM’S targeted at Tel Aviv, Haifa and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories. Since ISrahell is the center of global discord. pathetic jews never learn. that’s why the have been expelled from 184 countries and provinces since 250 A.D. Carthage all the way to 1948 Arab countries. sometines exiled and expelled repeatedly. they are a scourge to the human race. these direct descendants of Cain, and agents of Satan. Afterall, Judaism is essentially a mutiny from God almighty. The writing is on the wall for the international jews and their occupation a Palestine.


I believe what I see; Russia is losing territory since 1980’s. Also peace in RF and its neeighbours is being continuously threatened by the uprisings in ex-Soviet Nations which no doubt are organized by the West. Putin is the only leader who have taken a solid stand against the West. (remember -or check- the essential speech Putin gave 2014 at Sochi). He is therefore attacked from left,right and front by the West and its MSM and puppets. Majority of the world population is aloof, ignorant or knocked up by MSM lies and can’t see what is obvious.

Congratulations Putin!


russia loses territories since 1905. that year was the largest the russian empire. this lose of territories will continue. russia will lose caucasus, and later asian parts. already now there are 3-5 million illegal chinese. china can take easily the far east, which tokk russians from china in the 19th century.


It still remains the biggest country on earth with the greatest known natural resources


and? they are nto able to manage that land. only take resources, sell them. if instead of russians were there germans …


The Russians fought long and hard to stop the Germans in 1941-1945, and in Syria, the world is again indebted to Russia for fighting the current Evil Empire.


Gamans had huge losses in 2 wws. But i pointed on differences in menthality. Russian mentality is use something and throw away. germans are creators and builders. I was between russians in tayga. So primitive buildings… laizy people, do the least necessary things. Therefore is no real development. Stalin understood this. He put a gun to their head and told: either you will work normal or die. eventually gulag.


Well, you seem to be a bit of a dinosaur yourself, so perhaps your criticism is misplaced.

Tudor Miron

Germans tryed :) Didn’t work too well for them. Current Germans cant even defend their own woman.


With the ‘west’ as envious of this and at the same time attempting to steal those anyway they can; only one thing stands in their way, the New revitalized Russia with Putin at the helm.

Boris Kazlov

Russia is recovering from bolshevism and Brest-Litovsk, countries are coming back to Russia, not he other way round.


bolshevism enganced the territory. stalin kisses you.

jerry hamilton

Bolshevism was the most evil thing to be seen on planet Earth.


putin is big bolshevik. what do you think, whom was allowed to be an officer of KGB? moreover, putin is jew, zionist. so, shit yourself!

jerry hamilton

Hmmm… his mother was a devoted Christian and his father was an atheist. Yes I can see where you are heading with this. I had figured your age to be about 12. I think I might have been a bit generous.


no, his mother was jew. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/85fa4ac9e76bed26f5936feaea7a6a748adb575e1e302ccd4df5c182c38d8906.jpg

jerry hamilton

Ha ha ha ha ha. You are funny but not intellectually so. Yes, they said the same about Hitler too. There is some funny stuff about it on the internet but only an idiot would believe it. http://www.dancor.sumy.ua/forum/obshchestvo/160806


Shelom alernative for Kurgan (шелом = курган) or in English, “mound”, although Kurgan a more common word, both Russian not Yiddish in origin. Term applied to burial mound (e.g., Early Bronze Age Kurgan Culture, cf. works of Gimbutas, Telegin, etc.). So mother was family from leso-step region with burial mounds, probably in Middle Ages. Similar to Kurganov.


Shelom can be derived from “Salam”, Is Putin Arabic Muslim? Hahahaha. You are so didiculous, kid.

Shelom from Shlem – the helmet.

And don’t think i can’t read Russian.

Her mother is Maria. That’s just fact that Jesus’s mother is Maria. Jews will never use this name, as long as Jews are antichristian.


Nope. Bolshevism and civil war was caused by the continuation of the war by the (((February Revolution))).

Tudor Miron

Keep typing creature. Work harder :)


He is “enganced” like Pan Gitler.

Hisham Saber

Russia is still the largest country in the world. Russia is not losing territory, but actually the opposite, as in Abkhazia and South Ostia, never mind the Crimea.

Dream on, because through Russia, Syria, Hezbollah, Iraq , Iran are very powerful and more than enough to liberate Palestine. And rid the Middle-East from the nefarious child killing Israel. The IDF attacked Lebanon in 2006, got kicked in the teeth so bad they were begging the U.S, U.N. for cessation of hostilities because their much touted IDF was in essence routed. They even discontinued the Merkava MBT because it proved to be a sad example of a modern MBT. So much for the so-called ‘chariot of god’.


ahah the opposition vlassof is totaly out!!! and their leaders occidentals cry of rage ahaha victory russia!!

Wolfgang Wolf

congrats Mr. President! live well and prosper and kick some western idiot´s asses :)


Only swine can be happy from such fraudfully elections as were in russia. Only swines applaud putin, who eliminated all persons who criticized his person. only swines can hail russia, where the election law is contunuously changed for election of putin. only idiots can be happy, that the russian constitution was raped, for reason, that one megathief, oligarch could be unlawfully again elected. if russia has nobody else, only thief putin, then they have no future. if putin is the best of 140 000 000, then they are less then bantu nigga. poor russian muzhiks, they need dictator/tsar over their heads. russians are asians, mentally do not belong in europe. sorry, the cultural rift between this byzanto-tatar mentality and broad-mindnessed west is too giant. russia should build its asian state, and EU forget russia.

maybe in 24th century ruskies enter the level ov civilized nations. maybe. maybe arabs first.



i wish a happy wodka day for all ruskie fans :)))

jerry hamilton

Every countries ballots are accused of being rigged. This is normal. Putin is still the one man that can make the Earth a safer place.

Nou toe nou

And in the US they don’t even check your ID in many election wards. I saw similar changes in US where thousands of illegals probably voted and using an electronic system that can never be truly audited like a piece of paper. Only a fool can doubt Putin’s popularity. Anyone can see he is a leader unlike the prostitutes, elected by brainwashed sheep in the west that sell out their own populations to “refugees”.


there is no id card

Nou toe nou

So how can you call it a democracy if you don’t even check that the citizenry vote and not illegal foreigners?



The state is here for you, not you for state!

Nou toe nou

I don’t think so that is being dominated and ruled by foreigners.


rachmaninov, tchaikovsky, dostoyevsky, tolstoy, borodin, lenin, gagarin …..dont make a fool of yourself.


lenin is cock.

i wrote in one of my comments, 10% of russians are on high level.


For argument’s sake guess 10% is a lot. Dont think that can be the case for any Nation in the world. Then again, criteria seems to be subjective. I say any ordinary -even low class- Russian is good at least in 1 thing apart from his/her business…eg. balet/piano etc. I had time to check this to satisfy me of my such verdict.

Point is; If the West would let them be, they’ll just mind their own business, Nobody asking you or me to like them, in fact they want to live with themselves. And Putin has only one option; be strict, authoritarian to keep the country intact, otherwise greedy West will eat RF up in a blink.

Lenin; everyone knows his cock, not yours, nor mine.


10% is not lot, if the rest is stupid. while in western antions the intelligence is according to gaussian curve, in russia is the L-type curve. few intelligents, terrible amount of primitives.


Dont forget the millions of illegal unregistered voters who voted for Hillary lol


You’ll notice that it was caught on camera, reported by RT, results thrown out and people arrested. Such things would never happen in the ‘west’ where such skull duggery always passes as a fair election, no one get’s prosecuted, and results are worked over by computer programs that don’t leave a trail. Another thing one notices about Russian elections is that they use paper ballots read by machines thus allowing for any tallies to be verified as needed, unlike in the ‘west’ and especially the US. Another thing to notice is that while there’s no limit to spying among the citizens of the ‘west’, especially the US, you won’t find cameras protecting the vote centers.

Congratulations Putin on a fair election observed by 1500 foreign observers.

paul ( original )

Ihave certainly not read everything about this election. Putin stood as an independent candidate rather that a candidate of United Russia. I could certainly use some understanding of the ramification of this decision. Could it be that it increased Putin’s popularity? Does this foretell some future change of emphasis ?

Tudor Miron

What it actually means is that now he is not tied with the elites (United Russia) and there are no obligations to them. This is simbolic but important.

paul ( original )

This is what I suspect. These things can be more complicated that someone far away can properly understand.

Michał Hunicz

The last one (Reuters) is actually pretty funny and more accurate. I don’t see too much propaganda here.


Too much being the operating word. They had to throw in ‘dictator’.


Propaganda from Reuters and the BBC(in the past) is more subtle..Always keep that in mind

Nou toe nou

Why are the Zionist MSM never complaining about the dictatorships that are allied to the USA for example Saudi Arabia ? Pathetic double standards. The US should sort out it’s own problems and leave the Russians to determine their own destiny.

jerry hamilton

That would mean the US not interfering. That will never happen.

jade villaceran

as long as saudi royals is kissing american ass, usa not bothered bringing freedom bomb in saudi arabia


6 more years of western foaming at the mouth derangement!


In Washington the majority of politicians are corrupt and that is why the voters turnout is so low. To be honest if I was eligible for Russian election then definitely I would cast vote for Mr. Putin. He is so kind and genius president. He is successful because Mr. Putin is not corrupt. While the politicians in Washington, UK, France etc. are corrupt and can be defeated and humaliated easily.

Promitheas Apollonious

It happens to all paid whores, at the end my friend and they are the biggest ones, in the globe.


Now Putin has six years to fix the world. I’m backing you Putin. Start with Ukraine. Good luck. Slava Russia.


Jealousy and envy from the lame stream media non-entities who long ago forgot what fact based reporting was all about. The Russian people’s pride of their nation with the man who resuscitated their country after the US plundered it in the ’90s, was on display throughout Russia. 1500 foreign observers took part in observing the election process. Cameras were put in place to observe no skull-duggery took place. Locations where ballot stuffing took place even appeared on RT along with the electoral body stating that such locations would be disqualified and people arrested. Compare that with the skull-duggery of the past elections in the US and especially the last one where an overwhelmingly popular candidate (Sanders) of a political party was shafted during it’s primary in favor of the most Deep State supported candidate. Look at too the overwhelming support of leadership in the ‘west’ especially the extremely low ratings of the US Congress and President, as well as the leadership throughout the EU; the British and German governments don’t seem to have done too well in their last elections either. So you really can’t blame the media controlled by the losers in the ‘west’ for crying about Putin’s win. Putin’s numbers reflect what he’s done for his people in numbers that the so-called leaders in the ‘west’ can only dream about. Putin’s numbers displays the difference between what working for the benefit of the people and one’s country can achieve vs what’s is done in the ‘west’ where the leadership goes to the highest bidder.

jerry hamilton

Good post.



Lena Jones

The jew media can stfu!

Many congratulations to Mr. Putin and to the Russian people from this American. A sane vote for a sane leader.

A leader who won’t bow and kiss the global jew ring.


Well, just another shining example of the writers of this site. The site claims to be neutral, but is far from it. I do not see “rage” in any of those western articles. Everyone in the MSM knew Putin was going to win. Yet Southfront writers will lead you to believe that the west is in shock and rage over this. As an American I can confirm that most people in America do not dislike Putin. But according to most of the people on this site, as an American I basically have a picture of Putin up by my bed and I shoot it with my gun every morning when I wake up. If you do not believe me that this site is very anti-westerm and not nuetral, read the articles. These articles quote TASS and RT like they are the bible, but discount every single western media source as biased. The Russian press is just as biased in the other direction.

Southfront writers, I like your maps and you have great updates, just please be neutral, and report things as if you dont support either side. :)


Every media source is biased. Rothschild owns Reuters and the Associated Press, Murdock owns most of the rest in the west, so yes they are biased. RT , Sputnik , BBC , CBC etc., having government funding are yes biased. Neutrality is difficult to achieve, but you can look at both views and achieve some sort of balanced understanding. Reliability is the key in judging witnesses. SF does make an effort at presenting different sides that have some reliability, from around the world, and that is why they have a large American following. Enjoy your day.


Oh I agree that every news source is biased and that you have to read both. What bothers me is that at least a good portion of the contributors on this site are biased against one side or the other. I’ on this site because I just want one place were people look at things as objectively as possible. There have been some great pieces on here, but in my opinion, more than half of these pieces are written against one side or the other. This piece being a prime example. Saying that the MSM is in a rage is completely false, and the purpose of this article is to 1. get clicks (fair enough) and 2. to give off the impression that the west has this massive vendetta against Putin (which is only partially true imho). I just feel frustrated when this site feels so biased, the potential here is amazing!

Thanks for the well thought out reply, that is rare and very welcomed :)


You will find that the Russian press is actually far more adversarial that the Western press today. Humans learn from experience, for a generation or so anyway.

Russia from 1917 to 1991 had a state controlled media that for years had used ‘ state propaganda and silence ‘ to crush any opposition. Enforcement against alternative ideas and opinions were punished severely and ‘ political correctness ‘ was often the chosen weapon on the state. The Russian people are better able to recognise bullshit when they see it now

The West today is in many ways similar to the USSR . There are no gulags in the West apart from the ghetto’s BUT it is almost impossible to have a career unless one bows to the views of the establishment. Especially in the media, military,finance, medical care, police,jewdiciary, charities, etc.

Being a trucker, a burger flipper, construction worker ,prisoner etc are careers a dissident can have :)

You should google ‘ The Frankfurt School ‘ of thought from the 1920’s to date . It makes informed reading for an open mind.


Will look into, thanks!


Although is all to obvious to state that all negative propaganda is designed to put blame on others whilst erecting a smoke screen around the the broadcaster to prevent the target audience looking at what the broadcaster is actually doing.

It is logical for a any nation with great problems to erect a smoke screen and blame another but it does not solve or better the living conditions of the general public who are not embedded with the nations regime.

Bullshit all to often does baffle brains. That is the power of propaganda but the propaganda of today does seem as emotive infantile as that of yesterday. Apart from a few enlightened citizens of the world , some of whom congregate here who have learned to see through the smoke..


Sour grapes by the usual suspects. What else could have been expected?

Langaniso Mhlobo

Congratulations to my friend Vladimir V. Putin.The great nation of pride have speak through ballot boxes.Russia will eventually become the most powerful rich and only strong democratic nation on earth.NATO,May and Stoldenberg criticisms have failed.Russia and Iran has converted all sanctions in success.Putin you are slow but very alertfull and intelligent.Trump is so stupid like Boris, Stoldenberg,May,Niki and Satanyahu.

Their failed to be associated with the least brilliant people like Putin and allies.


There is really not much to congratulation him on hence The Russians properties and livelihood is being stolen in Ukraine he put his country on a dengerous path and humiliation plus into a war they can’t win even tho I agree they could technically if he chose his people before himself.

Yesterday the Russian embassy said that the ukrains were even denying russian citizens even entering the Russian embassy areas. Ukraine army is mobilizing to rid them of Europe and they can’t move and these russian men in Donbass are literally forced to be there because if they leave many of them will lose their houses and they are literally in another Ghouta pocket and Putin has abandoned them.

Putin has done literally nothing to prove himself and if I were him I this issues would not have happened because I would have defended the rights of the russians who are stranded in Ukraine like that


US/Israel/NATO arrogant bravado selfishness is tiring, Europe should prise Putin and left the NATO with the Cow-Boys boots and Torah …

One of the best action taken by the French General Charles de Gaulle was to left the NATO, but Niclas Sarkozy, a French Jew traitor did the opposite !

Operation Sarkozy : how the CIA placed one of its agents at the presidency of the French Republic http://www.voltairenet.org/article157821.html ==================================


Putin’s warning: The new Russian nuclear weapons

by Manlio Dinucci

The President Putin’s speech on the State of the Nation [1], dedicated to domestic and international issues, aroused little political-media interest and some ironic remarks in Italy. Yet it should be listened to with great attention.

Avoiding diplomatic roundabout expressions, Putin lays his cards on the table. He denounces the fact that in the past 15 years the United States fueled the nuclear arms race, trying to acquire a strategic advantage over Russia.

This is confirmed by the Federation of American Scientists: through revolutionary technologies, the US has tripled the destructive capability of their nuclear attack ballistic missiles.

At the same time – Putin underlines – the US withdrew from the ABM Treaty and deployed a global system of “missile defense” to neutralize the Russian ability to retaliate against a nuclear first strike.

In the wake of NATO’s expansion to the East, they installed missile sites in Romania and Poland, while other launching systems (not only of interceptor missiles but also of attack missiles) are on 18 warships dislocated in areas close to the Russian territory.

Russia had many times warned the United States and European NATO member states that reciprocal measures would be taken in response to the deployment of the US global missile defense system.

Russia has many times warned the United States and European NATO member states that, in response to this deployment, it would have taken counter-measures. “But no one was listening to us, so listen now,” warned Putin. He then passes to the language of force, the only one evidently understood in Washington.

After recalling that after the fall of the USSR, 44.6% of its military potential and that the US and its allies were convinced that it would no longer be able to rebuild it, Putin shows up, on two large screens, the new types of strategic weapons developed by Russia:

– A cruise missile launched from the air armed with a nuclear warhead, with practically unlimited range being powered by nuclear energy, an unpredictable course and the ability to penetrate through any anti-missile defense.

– Kinzhal and Avangard missiles with hypersonic speed (over 10 times that of sound).

– The 200-ton Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile on a mobile platform, with a range of 18,000 km, armed with more than 10 nuclear warheads maneuvering at hypersonic speed to escape interceptor missiles.

– A submarine drone faster than a torpedo that, powered by nuclear energy, covers intercontinental distances at great depths, hitting coastal ports and fortifications with a large-scale nuclear warhead.

Putin reveals the characteristics of these weapons because he knows that the United States is developing similar weapons and wants to warn them that Russia is now at their level or at a higher level.

This confirms that the nuclear arms race takes place not on quantity but, increasingly, on the quality of weapons, that is on the type of vectors and on the offensive capabilities of nuclear warheads.

At the same time, it confirms the growing danger we are running, because of U.S. nuclear weapons and strategic stations, such as the MUOS and the JTAGS in Sicily, deployed on our territory.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, denounces that “non-nuclear European NATO member states, in grave violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, are trained by the U.S. in the use of tactical nuclear weapons against Russia”.

The warning is clear, for Italy too. But none of the main parties took note of this, erasing any reference to NATO and nuclear weapons from the electoral campaign, with a sort of tacit agreement. As if this had nothing to do with our future and our life itself.

Manlio Dinucci


Il Manifesto (Italy)

[1] “Vladimir Putin Address to the Russian Federal Assembly”, by Vladimir Putin, Voltaire Network, 1 March 2018.

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