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MARCH 2025

Putin’s Winter Offensive

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Putin’s Winter Offensive

Source: The Unz Review

“Every dead Russian and Ukrainian in this war, every family anywhere in the world that suffers the consequences of this war, every business that shuts down because of the economic damage this war is causing and the increased risk of nuclear annihilation, it’s all US Govt made.” Twitter @KimDotcom

Proxy War (def)– a war instigated by a major power which does not itself become involved.

Written by Mike Whitney. Originally published by The Unz Review

Ukrainian gains on the battlefield have been met by a widely-anticipated Russian escalation. On September 21, in a rare national address, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the mobilsation of 300,000 reservists who would be called to serve in the war in Ukraine.

In recent weeks, the Russian army has suffered a number of setbacks due to its lack of sufficient manpower in the battlespace. Simply put, the Russians did not have enough combat troops to carry out their mission or to defend the vast area that has recently been annexed by Moscow. Russia’s Special Military Operation was never designed to seize and occupy great swaths of Ukrainian territory. In essence, the SMO was a police operation aimed at locating and eliminating the Ukrainian forces that had been bombarding and killing ethnic Russians living in east Ukraine.

After numerous clashes with advancing NATO-trained battalions, it’s clear that Russia needs significant reinforcements to roll back Ukrainian forces and impose a security buffer around its new provinces. Russia’s critics see the under-staffing as an indication of military incompetence but, in fact, Moscow is merely adapting to a fluid situation in which both parties continue to raise the stakes. Here is an excerpt from a post by Big Serge at Substack that helps to clarify what’s going on:

Of all the phantasmagorical claims that have been made about the Russo-Ukrainian War, few are as difficult to believe as the claim that Russia intended to conquer Ukraine with fewer than 200,000 men. Indeed, a central truth of the war that observers simply must come to grasp with is the fact that the Russian army has been badly outnumbered from day one…. On paper, Russia has committed an expeditionary force of less than 200,000 men, though of course that full amount has not been on the frontline in active combat lately.

The light force deployment is related to Russia’s rather unique service model, which has combined “contract soldiers” – the professional core of the army – with a reservist pool that is generated with an annual conscription wave….The transition from a Soviet mobilization scheme to a smaller, leaner, professional ready force was part and parcel of Russia’s neoliberal austerity regime throughout much of the Putin years.

…. This Russian contract force can still accomplish a great deal, militarily speaking – it can destroy Ukrainian military installations, wreak havoc with artillery, bash its way into urban agglomerations in the Donbas, and destroy much of Ukraine’s indigenous war-making potential. It cannot, however, wage a multi-year continental war against an enemy which outnumbers it by at least four to one, and which is sustained with intelligence, command and control, and material which are beyond its immediate reach…

More force deployment is needed. Russia must transcend the neoliberal austerity army. It has the material capacity to mobilize the needed forces – it has many millions in its reservist pool, enormous inventories of equipment, and indigenous production capacity undergirded by the natural resources and production potential of the Eurasian bloc that has closed ranks around it. But remember – military mobilization is also political mobilization.” (“Politics By Other Means; Putin and Clausewitz”, Big Serge Thoughts, Substack)

Russia’s critics, of course, will dismiss this explanation as nonsense, even so, the calling up of 300,000 reservists shows that Putin’s generals realize they cannot achieve their strategic objectives with merely an “expeditionary force” but must adjust to changes on the ground. And that is precisely what they are doing; they are beefing up their forces at a time when Putin’s public approval rating is at an eye-watering 77%. So, while an earlier mobilization would have undoubtedly been met with widespread condemnation and rejection, the great majority of Russians now fully support the policy. Simply put, Putin has won the hearts and minds of the Russian people. He has convinced them that their country, traditions, culture and lives face an unprecedented existential threat. Here’s more from Big Serge:

Putin and those around him conceived of the Russo-Ukrainian War in existential terms from the very beginning. It is unlikely, however, that most Russians understood this….

What has happened in the months since February 24 is rather remarkable. The existential war for the Russian nation has been incarnated and made real for Russian citizens. Sanctions and anti-Russian propaganda – demonizing the entire nation as “orcs” – has rallied even initially skeptical Russians behind the war, and Putin’s approval rating has soared. A core western assumption, that Russians would turn on the government, has reversed. Videos showing the torture of Russian POWs by frothing Ukrainians, of Ukrainian soldiers calling Russian mothers to mockingly tell them their sons are dead, of Russian children killed by shelling in Donetsk, have served to validate Putin’s implicit claim that Ukraine is a demon possessed state that must be exorcised with high explosives… The government of Ukraine (in now deleted tweets) publicly claimed that Russians are prone to barbarism because they are a mongrel race with Asiatic blood mixing.” (Big Serge, Substack)

In short, the establishment media and political class have made Putin’s job easier for him by persuading even left-leaning Russians that the western nations –led by the US– despise all-things Russian and are determined to destroy their country and subjugate their people. Here’s Putin:

I want to underscore again that their insatiability and determination to preserve their unfettered dominance are the real causes of the hybrid war that the collective West is waging against Russia. They do not want us to be free; they want us to be a colony. They do not want equal cooperation; they want to loot. They do not want to see us a free society, but a mass of soulless slaves….I would like to remind you that in the past, ambitions of world domination have repeatedly shattered against the courage and resilience of our people. Russia will always be Russia. We will continue to defend our values and our Motherland.

We have never agreed to and will never agree to such political nationalism and racism. What else, if not racism, is the Russophobia being spread around the world? What, if not racism, is the West’s dogmatic conviction that its civilisation and neoliberal culture is an indisputable model for the entire world to follow?…

Today, we are fighting so that it would never occur to anyone that Russia, our people, our language, or our culture can be erased from history. Today, we need a united society, and this unification can only be based on sovereignty, freedom, creation, and justice. Our values ​​are humanity, mercy and compassion.” (Speech on the Accession of the New Regions to Russia, Vladimir Putin, Unz Review)

According to Putin, the collective west wants to plunder Russia, enslave its people, and create a colony whose wealth can be siphoned off by tyrannical bigots and foreign profiteers. The media’s relentless attack on Russian athletes, scholars, scientists, musicians and even businessmen has only reinforced the view among ordinary Russians that they have entered the crosshairs of a violent and out-of-control western coalition that intends to deliver the same lethal death-blow to Russia that they did to Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and countless other nations. Putin’s soaring public approval ratings underscore the fact that most Russians think the threat is real and that the battle must be joined. Here’s more from Big Serge:

“Putin has … achieved his project of formal annexation of Ukraine’s old eastern rim. This has also legally transformed the war into an existential struggle. Further Ukrainian advances in the east are now, in the eyes of the Russian state, an assault on sovereign Russian territory and an attempt to destroy the integrity of the Russian state. Recent polling shows that a supermajority of Russians support defending these new territories at any cost.” (Substack)

The speed at which Putin annexed the four regions in Ukraine suggests that the real purpose of the action goes far beyond the expansion of Russia’s western border. The real reason Putin rushed through the measure was to fundamentally change the rules of engagement. Needless to say, a Special Military Operation is worlds apart from the defense of one’s own sovereign territory. In other words, the real purpose of the referendum was to indicate that “the gloves are off” and that Russia is going to respond to Ukraine’s attacks with unexpected ferocity. Here’s Serge again:

A political consensus for higher mobilization and greater intensity has been achieved. Now all that remains is the implementation of this consensus in the material world of fist and boot, bullet and shell, blood and iron.”

….. Russia is massing for a winter escalation and offensive, and is currently engaged in a calculated trade wherein they give up space in exchange for time and Ukrainian casualties.Russia continues to retreat where positions are either operationally compromised or faced with overwhelming Ukrainian numbers, but they are very careful to extract forces out of operational danger….

Russia will likely continue to pull back over the coming weeks, withdrawing units intact under their artillery and air umbrella, grinding down Ukrainian heavy equipment stocks and wearing away their manpower. Meanwhile, new equipment continues to congregate in Belgorod, Zaporizhia, and Crimea. My expectation remains the same: episodic Russian withdrawal until the front stabilizes roughly at the end of October, followed by an operational pause until the ground freezes, followed by escalation and a winter offensive by Russia once they have finished amassing sufficient units.

There is an eerie calm radiating from the Kremlin….. The disconnect between the Kremlin’s stoicism and the deterioration of the front are striking. Perhaps Putin and the entire Russian general staff really are criminally incompetent – perhaps the Russian reserves really are nothing but a bunch of drunks. Perhaps there is no plan.

Or perhaps, Russia’s sons will answer the call of the motherland again, as they did in 1709, in 1812, and in 1941.

As the wolves once more prowl at the door, the old bear rises again to fight.” (Big Serge, Substack)

Bottom line: Russia has now laid the groundwork for a broader and more violent conflict. 300,000 reservists have been called up, vast amounts of military hardware are being shipped to the front, and public opinion overwhelmingly supports the war-effort. All the signs point to a significant escalation in the fighting that will leave much of Ukraine in ruins while pushing Washington and Moscow closer to a direct confrontation.

Mearsheimer’s Chilling Prediction: “The Russians are going to turn Ukraine into rubble.” (2 minute video)

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


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What nonsense. The Kremlin is swayed by oligarch interests and worse. This was clear the second week of the operation when negotiations began. The entire operation has been hamstrung by political concerns and intrigues. Russia has literally destroyed a large part of their army following strange rules of engagement that allow the Ukrop to freely supply and reinforce the front while Russia is continually hampered by bureaucratic rules that won’t permit the purchase of supplies and won’t allow the army to fight. Instead of working around these issues the Kremlin has withdrawn into its own world of military exercises, parades, and trade shows. Every time we see a pick up in operations all the West has to do is make a few phone calls and the whole operation is canceled and its back to WWI insanity.

Al Doobie

What nonsense. The West is completely controlled by oligarch interests and worse. They are desperate now as everything is coming back to bite them. Russia didn’t want to do what the West has made them do, but they will do what they have to do, and the country that stopped the NAZIs before will do it again.


They are both controlled by the same clan members. This is more like a inner tribal fight.

jens holm

In those matters they still are USR and just as Russia has kept those bad traditions.

We try to help them but its difficult and its their country. We do have hopes. A sober election has made better reprsentatives for everyone there.

Even so parts of the public elected ones are very corrupt and are voted for.

So many Russian supporters tell we support those people. Russia itself support that kind of people in their own country more then we do in Ours.


Exactly Jens, and people need to focus on who Mr. Putin really is. He’s an ex-KGB boss. He is supported by his jewish childhood friend the billionaire Arcady Rotenberg as well as jewish billionaire Abramovic (who brought Putin into power)and of course jewish moskovite prime-rabbi, Berel Lazar, and all the other kosher dicks above and beside him. He forced more and more laws upon the russians which forbid and strictly punish speaking out the truth about the Jews.

He gave the contract for building the Kerch Bridge to his above mentioned old jewish childhood friend Arcady Rotenberg. And he gave the poor russians the order to go, fight and die in Ukraine – even worse he told them that its not wr but just a “training mission near the ukrainian border” Russian money and safety for the Jews, and dirt, blood, pverty and death for the christian russians, that’s Mr. Putins policy straight away. Camouflaged behind fake patriotism and communism nostalgia.

And he is also part of the NWO resp. JWO (Jewish World Order) and Klaus Schwab already told us that he helped install Putin into Russia too, and that Putin was one of the best absolvents of their globalist Rothschild finances “Young Global Leader programm”. So why anybody in eighter Russia or Europe or elsewhere on earth still trusts this treacherous little jew-worm, Putin, I really don t know. Btw. see what this lady has found, it proves that Putin also belongs to the elites pedophile circle. https://tinyurl.com/dz3xwznj

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
jens holm

We are not like You.


no you are not, you support terrorist actions on civilians. you are a piece of shit. Collectively squeezed from the same ass.


i say to you West is a terrorist state

jens holm

moron americunt vanka tiresome

jens holm

Gagalagarin again


Pretending there will be an offensive is rather super optimistic. The Kremlin imposes so many strange rules and conditions upon its own army they will be lucky to hold what they have.

Al Doobie

Russia will prevail. The USA is cannibalizing itself and the EU.

jens holm

I think You should compare with others. Many are and for the moment has to eat own tails. Make a list for who is not

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

go to the desert and die


All of Ukraine west of Russian-speaking regions must be annihilated. Ther is no such a thing such a brotherhood between Russians and Ukrainians. Bandera pigs have to be killed without mercy everywhere, their cities and settlements flattened as Kadyrov said.


Stop hiding normal comments you moronic, braindead pile of shit


Ukrotard troll crying! Ol’ Clyde loves when you get shut down by the mod.


daqui um mês veremos os resultados, assim que começar de fato o inverno na Ukrania

P. T.

Nazis têm que usar suas últimas reservas antes das eleições nos EUA, para não perder a cara. mas perderão de qualquer forma.

Assad Defeated Zionists

Long live Generalissimo Vladimiro Putin: Slayer of Sunni-Wahhabis in Syria and Anglo-Saxon Zionist slaves.


Tremendous read. And if I were Russia based on these fact(s)?….

Be prepared to use your arsenal of game changing hypersonic weapons “soon”!… Because the West will do whatever it takes to remove the first strike advantage the Russian Federation has over NATO!…

Speaking as an American that has been prepared for the worst since this LIE https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11 I’d rather see the Eastern half of the World survive and rebuild using that technology before it gets totally exploited.

It’s a well deserved death for the destruction we’ve maintained since the fall of the Soviet Empire and I welcome the worst happening to me and my Country if it in turn saves the rest of the planet as a necessary casualty!

Don’t like your procrastination Russia and the way you use your enemies like I$rael and Turkey on again off again doubling as your allies… Or playing the shell game with the American $USD by maintaining your membership in the UN Ca$in0 that murders your diplomats, soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen as well as sabotaging your infrastructure for decades treating them as business associates in order to bleed the American economy as another “weapon” in your arsenal… But I understand you knew what my Country was capable of and you played for better and for worse.

I’ve finally come to realize that your approach was the only way that you felt you could survive against the worst psychopath mankind has ever produced!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Yeah, Europe doesn’t give shit about NATO, it’s all up to the USA to wage war with Russia. Good luck.

jens holm

Its correct USA is the big one only.

We do help Ukraine a lot from here. Your are just propagandized to split up us. Here Purin has united us more then Biden. So thank You.


with what? Herring shipments? you are a turd squeezed out by nazis in the 40’s and have never changed. Russia will rectify that problem.


Europe may not give a shit about NATO but they sure as hell are a hostage to American conventional and nuclear forces on their turf?… And like Pox Americana aren’t doing $hit to change the tenor of their own government(s) that got them into this mess by “looking the other way” post 9/11 worshiping at the Temple of “Euro” like their American counterparts with the $USD… I wish Russia success. As long as they are willing to create the change to a multipolar world they keep “issuing” with no evidence of that taking place considering they still are “members” to the club at 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA.

And their markets of course are controlled by the Russian Central Bank that keeps allowing the BOE/Federal Reserve to set the price of commodities for them and the rest of the World instead of allowing their markets to set the price instead of their banks.

Until this changes they are as much an absentee landlord as the United $tates!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Florian Geyer

We don’t always agree, Matt, but your post is an honest appraisal of the generation’s of looting by the cabal in Washington and the UK.

I live in the UK, and I too do not want to live in a world under the boots of the cabal.


We have our differences, Matt, but we agree in broad strokes. I’m loyal to the Constitution, and the Founders’ vision for the Republic. But needless to say, the current decadent US empire and its oligarchic elite bear little resemblance to the original intention. Russia & China may not be perfect, but at this point I’d rather let them win and establish a multi-polar world order; at least they don’t rant about hating white ppl, or castrate boys, or tell me to live in a pod and eat insects. This article does a great job in illuminating how false the Western propaganda is, and how the war is generally going according to plan. I look forward to the fall of the Kiev regime.


These people spent 20 yrs on a failed electromagnetic rail gun which once confirmed as a multibillion dollar rip off was redesigned to sink f35’s off aircraft carriers every 9th launch. These peoples? A state that can barely manage to put its own Spacecraft into orbit without hitchhiking. a State that goes broke every October and has to print money to keep the sham going, Yearly? A State 11 Trillion $ in debt to China? We have very little to worry about from the likes of these peoples. they should be busy reflecting on themselves. “Super” power they are not.


Not one mention of enormous Russian casualties, mass emigration from the country, unbelieveable incompetence and staggering corruption in the country and its military forces. Unz is Putinista and too stupid for words.

jens holm

Thats right. Even their oligarcs prefare to invest here and try to be taxfree here as well.


Therefore increasing hits!


The US and it’s western allies have become Sodom, while Russia has gone back to Jesus, “if God be on our side, who can be against us?”, Great changes are coming


Russia unfortunately accommodates Islam.

The pragatic economist.

Brief political dictionary of the English language – the correct interpretation of words and expressions:

➢ The entire civilized world – all the US colonies (aka collective West which means 40 countries out of 195 countries in the world). ➢ Global civilizational values – conditions of vassalage under US sovereignty and imperialism. ➢ Democracy – the power of the Anglo-Saxons over the demos. ➢ We have democracy – we have all the power belongs to the Anglo-Saxons supported by fake elections (BushxGore, BidenxTrump). ➢ You do not have democracy – you have something that the Anglo-Saxons consider their own. ➢ You have totalitarianism – you have something that the Anglo-Saxons consider their own and you do not want to give it to them. ➢ You violate human rights – you violate the rights of the Anglo-Saxons to take away from you what they liked … ➢ We fight for human rights – we fight for the rights of the Anglo-Saxons to kill those who do not want to give them something. ➢ We have freedom of speech – we can only say what is approved by the US State Department (otherwise you can end like Assange, Snowden). ➢ You do not have freedom of speech – you allow yourself too much of what the US State Department does not approve of. (otherwise you can end like Assange, Snowden). ➢ Russia threatens the entire civilized community – for some reason Russia does not want to be a US colony. ➢ The whole civilized world against Russia – all the 40 US colonies against Russia. ➢ Our actions are not directed against Russia – all our actions are directed against Russia. ➢ We support the fight for human rights in Russia – we support the destruction of Russians by all means available, even terrorism. ➢ We are concerned about human rights in Russia – we are concerned that the extermination of Russians is not proceeding at an adequate pace. ➢ Russian propaganda lies – Anglo-Saxons lie and do not blush. try to expose those lies and you will disappear like Gordon Meek. (otherwise you can end like Assange, Snowden).

Last edited 2 years ago by The pragatic economist.

Thank you for your time and effort. They are all very good definitions.


Southfront should write about how many foreign soldiers are fighting in Ukraine.

jens holm

We already know.


no one cares what happens to scum. it will never leave. If Russians dont kill them first, Ukrainians will on “Pay day”

yamil perez is gay

a multi front attack or a massive single front attack. either way Ukrops are in for a tough winter

jens holm

They know.

We are ready in my country to take in many more refugees there for the winther.


lol you moron, we will see soon mass protests in western citys, when the western goverments must spend more and more money and resources for ukro refugees, while millions in europe are unable to pay now theyr gas, fuel and electricity bills.

yamil perez is gay

1. large 500,000 strong offensive to seal off Poland/Slovakia border

or second option’

2. 500,000 strong offensive to capture Kiev Russia and Belarus do not have enough troops to act on both fronts at the same time. Biggest mistake was not using hundreds of thousands of troops to take Kiev in the first place. Would’ve ended the war quick. If Russia were to mobilize an extra 700,000 troops, they could launch multi front offensive from Lviv, Kiev, Donbass, to Odessa all at once. But full general mobilization is off the table for now.

Last edited 2 years ago by yamil perez is gay
jens holm

Russia nt even have those troops. They only has the Empire leftovers in the whole miitary sector(and in the rest too).

They have prepared at least 2 years to make max 200.000 soldiers and so many are not first class and parts aree simple bad armed and equipped milisias.

If You need a job, I can recommend You as general for the Russian military forces.


Read what I wrote above. Real number of mobilization is around 800.000, But this number will completely reach the frontline units in january-february.

Joseph Day

If Russia keeps bleeding EU stockpiles they can mobilse 5 million and take Europe. They’ll be poor with not many weapons


Ukrain needs 5 billions from EU, US and IMF a month. It has lost the economic war already. Your article does not mention this point.

I believe IMF will not invest in a country in a state of war. Their members from Asia will veto. The USA will lose its interest to pay for an European country they even cannot find on a map by themself. EU has its own economic problems and cannot afford to pay 5 billion €/month to Ukraine. This leads us to the conclusion: Russia has won the war already. Military they only have to stay on the ground. And the media war maybe it is lost but who cares if the Ukraine is on its knees in the economic case? If they do not surrender the markets will destroy them. Congrats to Russia for its successful campaign against EU/USA and Ukraine. You beat them all economic by a wise tactic with less resources.

To destroy the electrical circuits and industry plants in Ukraine will hurry up their decline because Ukraine economy now is at the point they can not produce anything and so they will generate no money to pay their soldiers, officers, doctors, interest rates… The ability of Ukraine to buy weapons on its own or to invest/rebuild destroyed infrastructure has gone. Ukraine people can revolt or they can have a look how everything is breaking down slowly.

My prediction is: first the USA will stop supporting Ukraine because the sick man Ukraine is a too heavy weight on their economy and finances. Then EU will stop to avoid its own collapse. In one or two years the war is over with a glorious Russian victory or a bankrupt EU and an isolated USA.

jens holm

Ukraine has no economic problems. They have us.


well then you better start shitting gold bricks because your freshly printed money wont be worth spit soon. you wont even be able to afford the wrapper the gold we buy comes in.


Correct. And KaKakrainii isn’t Afganisthan. But a much bigger country with an 1.000.000 bigger infrastructure. How fiat toilet paper dollars money muricans will print before they will go into TOTAL irreversible inflation ?

yamil perez is gay

The Ukrainian Army/gov almost collapsed when Russia launched SMO in February using only 160,000 troops along a massive frontline spanning Kherson, Zaporihja, Donbass, Kharkov, Chernigov, Sumy, Kiev and Zhyotomyr. Russia was outnumbered yet still almost brought numerical superior UAF to its knees.

Imagine how Ukrops would react if Russia launched multi front offensive using 500,000 troops or even 1,000,000. Victory would be quick for Russia.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

NATO is massing at the borders. It is not all about numbers but technology and the art of war. We do not know what each side holds and how it might turn sides.

Sum Ting Wong

yea..just look how technology worked out against the Afghans.

jens holm

The Ukraine army did not almost collapse at all. None can jsut deflect such kind of attack.

It seemes You have no idea about moderne defencive warfare as well.

But You are barking mad. Russia dont have half a million of troops for that. Trops are not troops. What we see now is a try to make a lot of second class with old equipment and not even with officers for it.

Those many have no transportation and not even food.

yamil perez is gay

combined airforce of NATO consisting of 1030 fighter jets, 50 warships armed with cruise missiles FAILED to defeat and destroy Serbian Army in 1999.

Serbia armed at the time with only 6 SA-6 KUB batteries and 8 SA-3 Neva batteries. All 1960’s era SAM. Shot down 47 MQ-1 drones, 1 stealth F-117, 1 F-16, 2 Apache helicopters, and damaged beyond repair another stealth F-117 and even scored a direct hit on a stealth bomber B-2 forcing it to return to base severely damaged :)

Modern Ukraine before invasion had 100 SA-11 BUK-M1, 72 KUB SA-6, 300 S-300PT/PS, 100 Tor-M1, 64 SA-3 upgraded Neva systems, 100 SA-8 geko and 50 SA-19 Tunguska shorad. Huge number of capable air defenses especially the S-300PT, Tor-M1 and BUK-M1. If only Serbia had this amount of air defense, NATO would have gotten swatted out of the sky in 1999. Yet still with older and much fewer AD they put up a good fight.

For comparison to NATO in 1999 during Kosovo War, Russia is using less than 10% of their airforce (<100 fighter jets) against Ukraine which has 20x more air defense and much more capable. It’s time Russia unleashes the full might of its air force. Shahed has alot of work to do against URKOP air defenses.

Last edited 2 years ago by yamil perez is gay
USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

It was time from 2014 onwards.

Have you heard of Odessa massacre?


B2 Spirit of Missouri I believe. Serbs also destroyed NATO bases in Tuzla and Tirana by using G4 and MiG 21 planes.


Tuzla ???

jens holm

What kind of captagone do You use?

Peter Jennings

Now that the gloves are off and the Russian people now know they are under attack from the US and its nato poodles, i think Serbia won’t be finding itself alone fighting their next battle with US/nato nazis. The Russian admin wasn’t in a position to support Serbia much last time around, as with many of its allies at the time. However, now that Russia has come of age….?

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Russia is doing mistake after mistake for decades: how did they allow the seize of power by nazis? How they did nothing after the Odessa massacre? How did they allow being attacked for so many years?!

And then all Russia did was this joke of “special military operation” against a massive terrorist organization prepared for war by NATO since 2014!? They had no idea what is going on there?!

jens holm

According to the plans it never was expected t take the whole sountry. It makes no sense to write like that.

It was expected the Ukraine soon would be defeated and the rest fell as a house of card(kind of what Hitler expected for USSR).

Next step of cource was to repace the Kiev Governess with Russian loyal mainly Russians, so some 17,8% Krustjov Russians could take over again.


The angloZionaZi empire of shit and its Natostan hoodlums controlled by the neocohen filth in Washing town and Pentacon Kill Industries will simply have to be destroyed. This is already happening even without Putin’s help as the fiat filth Saudi Mercan toilet paper dollah evaporates (Mudman Bin Salami openly ridiculing the USSAN Cadaver In Chief and turning to the BRICS) and the ongoing collapse of the Potemkin Village idiot “economy” of USSA and the gender mutant retard meltdown as sodomite Gomorrah exposes its depravity and pathological sickness to the rest of humanity. USSA will be chopped into Mad Max bite siZe bits and will be its own worst enemy in the years ahead. Karma is a bitc#.

Meanwhile Odessa awaits liberation, a Russian city since Catherine The Great liberated it from the infidel Turk in the 18th century.

Because history does indeed matter even if you are a resident of Slumville.


jens holm

But Kherson never has had Russian majority.


Still took it from you weak faggots.


All south Ukropizdan were russian ethnic majority. The bandera shithole was only present in Galicia ruthenian polski dipshit zone of Lvov. Anyway, Kukcraine is a fake state, Lvov was a 100% polish for a thousand year before and more. And will be again a Poland zone after KaKakrainii will be partitioned into international lead buffer zones. I wait the days when banderists will start again killing polish civilians who ‘betrayed’ ukropizdan.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sandokan
Sum Ting Wong

Just nuke the entire natostan already and be done with it.

Player Unknown

are you jewish or anglo?

jens holm

Are ou unknown because You are nothing?


its a pathetic herring fisherman & full time wanker from denmark with a multiple personality disorder called “Billy no mates” where he has to fantasize new friends every thirty seconds to agree with him because no one else is that fucking stupid.


I don’t know exactly but I highly anticipate what the hell Shoigu frightened the hell out of the kikejoo’s with the day before yesterday ‘telephone conversation’ with the anglo-zionazi shit but from that point I can tell you that almost ALL bullshit channels from Ro started to speak about the NEED of PEACE TALKS, which 1 day before was unthinkable. Even Ro defense minister resigned just hours after those ‘conversations’. Last night, all the imbeciles fucking shit TV moderators and shithole Soros trumpets switched tracks and suddenly adopted the ‘negociations path’. Mostly of them pointed the JUSA 30 democrats open-letter list; off course, for the well informed subjects many of those 30 signers are well known kikejoo’s That’s the real deal of the last 2 days. Now, I think the faith of banderastan is sealed. Now, you can fuck Slava KUcKrainii, Putin already WON !


maybe, but may be not. dont trust these snakes and pathological satanic liars. and dont let them waste time, bring in the reservists asap to the front lines, arm them up and start a massive winter offensiv on all frontlines, after the ground is frozen in few weeks.


Absolutely correct. Don’t be afraid, now russians didn’t make the same errors like in the beginning. In fact they adopt the ukroshit deliberately tactics of misreporting facts and events. I assure you there isn’t only 300.000 mobilized but much more, aprox. 800.000. But because they don’t have enough logistic to equip, train, etc such numbers (hey, again the errors of the russians like I told you from march), they are on a stand-by status, in batches waiting the previous batch to be properly equipped and trained (max. 1 month) after which another batch enters. So, totally will be some 800.000 mobilized in january-february next year. So, banderastan will not have a chance to do something further.

Mexican Overlord

The worst conflicts between world powers throughout the ages have always began with one side FORCING the other to fight. War has always been a method of the greedy to preserve their mental disease of superiority.

Iron Zion 🦾🇮🇱

Russian terror understands that once our leaders make the decision to supply our brothers with Iron Dome, there is only one outcome.

Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

Juden Raus!


only one outcome? to anihillate the zionist terror state? ok, im sure 90% worldwide would support that. apart from that, if you send your iron dome, than what will protect you against 200.000 iranian and hisbollah missiles in future???

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