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MARCH 2025

Qalamun Militants Hand Over Dozens Of ATGMs, Other Weapons To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

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Qalamun Militants Hand Over Dozens Of ATGMs, Other Weapons To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

By SANA, Click to see the full-size image

On April 21, the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the Eastern Qalamun region handed over dozens of anti-tank guided misses (ATGMs) to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) under the evacuation deal that was reached on April 19.

Most of the ATGMs that handed over to the SAA were supplied to the FSA in Eastern Qalamun by the US in 2013 and 2014. These are missiles like the US-made TOW and the Chinese-made HJ-8. Along with the missiles, the US-backed fighters handed over at least three TOW launchers.

Qalamun Militants Hand Over Dozens Of ATGMs, Other Weapons To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

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Qalamun Militants Hand Over Dozens Of ATGMs, Other Weapons To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

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The SAA also recovered more heavy weapons from the US-backed FSA groups in Eastern Qalamun, including several BMP-1 armored vehicles, Shilka vehicles, T-72 tanks and a single BREM-2 armored maintenance-recovery vehicle. FSA fighters handed over 37 tanks and more than 15 Syrian-made Maysalun unguided artillery rocket to the SAA on April 20.

Photos released by the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) also showed that the SAA had recovered dozens of mortars, rocket launchers, heavy machineguns and recoilless rifles along with loads of ammunition.

Earlier, FSA fighters began their withdrawal towards northern Syria after handing over the last batches of their weapons, according to Syrian pro-government sources. The evacuation process is expected to end within a day or two.

Photos of the weapons handed over to the SAA:

Qalamun Militants Hand Over Dozens Of ATGMs, Other Weapons To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

By SANA, Click to see the full-size image

Qalamun Militants Hand Over Dozens Of ATGMs, Other Weapons To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

By SANA, Click to see the full-size image

Qalamun Militants Hand Over Dozens Of ATGMs, Other Weapons To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

By SANA, Click to see the full-size image

Qalamun Militants Hand Over Dozens Of ATGMs, Other Weapons To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

By SANA, Click to see the full-size image

Qalamun Militants Hand Over Dozens Of ATGMs, Other Weapons To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

By SANA, Click to see the full-size image

Qalamun Militants Hand Over Dozens Of ATGMs, Other Weapons To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

By SANA, Click to see the full-size image

Qalamun Militants Hand Over Dozens Of ATGMs, Other Weapons To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

By SANA, Click to see the full-size image


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Law Se

The road to peace…

Daniel Miller

wow…..those tanks are very well maintained they look like new tho it might just be cuz they never used them since they captured htem form the SAA deports years ago.


This area has been under peaceful truce for many years, until E ghouta started to fall. Probably this equipment has not seen much use.


Yep, thats right. Most SAA tanks were in storage when this all started.

And still are.

The biggest problem the SAA had was not material but human: finding guys that were loyal and good enough to fight for syria, not saudi/israeli/us money.


Hezbollah, Shia/Alevi, Christians and Druze operated most of the armor, especially since major Sunni defections from SAA in 2013/14 and that is why Hezbollah and Iran intervened on the ground and Russia provided the air muscle. Now the SAA recruitment is back to normal and high quality tank and armored crews are being trained by Russians and Iranians. Most of Republican Guards armored units now have the most extensive combat experience in the region and have been fighting since 2012.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why do many believe that there were defections in 2013/14 as that was only myth propagated by the west. Many of them were killed and buried in mass graves as they still continue to find them till this day. The Myth of the defections was to cover up the horrific fact that they were being executed and beheaded. Thousands are being found in mass graves recently and the numbers continue to grow the dark secret of the west was CIA had ordered the death and execution of all SAA prisoners.

jerry hamilton

There you go America. Your tax dollars at work.


They’ll definitely invade using their own boots in the grounds soon.

jerry hamilton

Are you aware that many people think what happened was choreographed? It is thought that Putin told Trump what he could and couldn’t do. That does strongly go along with Russia’s very laid back behaviour over it. Where were the Russian planes that had been in the air all day on full alert? They would have monitored all the planes taking off in Cyprus. Many important Americans think that too. Food for thought.


I think it most obviously was, you don’t spend a quarter of a billion dollars to attack without inflicting any deaths. My only question is why?

jerry hamilton

To save face. Russia are allowing America to do that. They do not have the malicious mentality that America have. There was a Russian ship that offered help to the Liberty. As expected it was refused but if needed, it was there. It was something the Russians did not make a big deal about.


Around midnight, They signalled the Russians no thank you, the Russian ship responded in English light signals, I will standby in case you need me.

jerry hamilton

Spot on.

Rex drabble

Rubbish,,,the truth is,,,Russias anti missile gar is awesome.


Agreed, but even if only one missile got through someone should have died. The fact that they intercepted is great. It could just be the fourth of July kind of a show. It’s like an alternate reality. In the US they are hi fiving each other over kicking ass, while the rest of the world laughs at them. Something don’t add up.


Even if it’s smear the US military superior potential myth ? It doesn’t cut into their usual pattern. They’re avoiding the Russian red lines i get that but to fail intentionally in weakening Syria and to emboldened Iran ?


Maybe it’s a setup and they are just dumping the tomahawks so they can deploy a better nice new missile. I don’t think the Israelis are making any new friends with the atrocities they keep committing. Maybe all the politicians will just say, enough is enough, yes that’s me in the awful kiddie porn movie but I was drugged. I withdraw my support, send me to jail. Remember the USS Liberty!


Not without Air Superiority they won’t. They are tough I’m sure, but to invade a country that has been fighting off a foreign invasion for 8 years, is now winning on their home ground. I heard the US troops are more concerned with their supplies of energy drinks than ammo. Kinda like ISIS with Captagon. Ask yourself where is the SAA gonna go if they lose? Turkey, Israel, Jordan. Maybe Iraq and Lebanon. I doubt they will ever be offered any bus rides. Hell they killed them instead of exchanging for prisoners with them. No they read the news too and given all the insults and abuse the Syrians have been through I bet they would welcome the Americans, come on in!


Highly unlikely, US has learnt its lessons after the 17 year quagmire in Iraq. They will try to recruit more headchoppers but that will fail too as Arabs are very emotional people and go by perceptions, now the general perception in the region is that President Assad has won and the back of the terrorists is broken. After handing in all that weaponry it is highly unlikely that a credible terrorist force can be recruited by the CIA, Turks, Saudis and Zionists. It also looks like the coward headchoppers never used the T-62 and 72 tanks and Shikla ZSU 23 mm quads as they look in pristine condition. Meanwhile the SAA tanks all have battlefield damage on them and the xenon spotlights and a few ERA tiles are missing on most as they have actually been used in combat, unlike the headchoppers equipment. Iranians have been manufacturing T-72 since the 90″s and can upgrade these tanks very quickly. The next flashpoint is Occupied Golan.

Nigel Maund

Jerry, so true and, sadly, supporting the very terrorists the US is claiming to fight!!!! What a absolute travesty and crime against the US electorate and the Syrian people.


Exactly, besides the Zionist leeches the CIA and its cowardly Wahhabi terrorists are fleecing the deadbeat US taxpayers. All these weapons should be handed over to Hezbollah and other resistance forces in the region.


This is very good sign for Syrian nation but this is very bad sign for US/UK/France and for their terrorists Israel.


SYRIA can use these same USA WEAPONS to KILL Americas if they invade SYRIA

Promitheas Apollonious

If they invade Syria what you think they been doing for 8 years? Having holidays in syria?

jerry hamilton



Was it the B-52’s tune, Holiday in Cambodia! From the killing fields days. Our expression for an isolated awful duty assignment, we called it Bumfuck Egypt, no offense to Egypt. That was the expression. Maybe someone knows what they call getting orders to Syria.

Rancho Deluxe

Yes indeed. A purposeful utilization of our hard earned tax dollars. Thank You Deep State for screwing us over time & again! Soon very soon you’re going to reap the fruits of your efforts!!!!!


This is very positive. The Jihadist don’t seem to have much fight left in them. Are they no longer receiving paychecks? :)


Last cruise missile performance breaks many hearts.


It seems there were hundreds of FUKUS troops in Ghouta, and because the US bombed Russian troops a while back, Russia has bombed the FUKUS troops in Ghouta. Without their commanders, the jihadists are lost.


No doubt there where many FUKUS and IS paid “assets” in E Ghouta. To help with imtel, com, training and support. Perhaps why the west got so angry when the pocket was about to fall. :)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Chinese said hundreds in there were special forces of US, Israel and UK 22nd SAS had 200 there , Satanovsky had that on his talk show.

neil barron

These “Jihadist ” are declared as militants by Syria and Russia they explained early on they mostly fought against the other Jihadist and so the captured war equipment didn’t get used much. They also negotiated that they would rather join the SAA than go to Idlib so that is the relative ease of this capture. This is not all inclusive.


Is it possible they presented themselves to the US as moderates just so they could get all this gear fully intending to eventually give it to Syria. Not that it even begins to compensate the Syrians for their losses. It just seems like an awful lot of gear and why not destroy it before turning it over to the “enemy”? Or actually now that I get it straight, off camera you present as head choppers on camera nice guys then they give you the goodies. They, the US, probably don’t have much use for moderates. So they presented as head choppers but were probably just looking for good weapons. Anyway I have managed to confuse myself perhaps someone else can express this better.

jerry hamilton

I don’t have a clue what you could possibly inferring. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_qf9wgCpL0


So on camera head chopping, oh god now I’m really confused.

jerry hamilton

Look for the jihadi john with 2 Japanese image. Look at it. You missed it already. Look at the shadows on the faces of the two Japanese. They are the wrong angle. That was photographed with studio lighting.


Over budget on my GBs tend to avoid video. A buddy told me that was fake a long time ago. I tend to not watch any of the really violent stuff, freaks me out. Was this more sarcasm? Anyway. I pray the whole Northeastern batch of Khurds just suddenly turn on the US and give their guns to Syria.

jerry hamilton

Sarcasm? No. This is something you can google. Every one of my posts can be googled. I never post maybe. Ever.


Was referring to this line as sarcasm. “I don’t have a clue what you could possibly be inferring.” I get that F.UK.US literally invented terrorism and supports all the various factions. I guess my assertion was that possibly F.uk.us had been duped into supplying a group or groups who meant to give those arms to Syria from the start. 10 AGTMs sent to Syria instead is way better than 10 misses. These are still usable and may wind up in the same lab as the 2 dud tomahawks.

jerry hamilton



Thanks for the video. I always figured ISIS made fake videos somewhere in Saudi Arabia. With technical support from the west.


“Terrorists” with tanks



Not really. Syrian army bases and storage depots were often captured by the jihhadist. SAA did not always have time to move the equipment.


After that, due to the siege, the rebels run out of fuel and could not use the tanks or other battle vehicles.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They lacked the manpower and technical expertise to maintain and operate them. They had plenty of fuel and ammunition.


Grabbing a tank is the easy (!) part…

Then you need trained crews, mechanics and loads of spare parts


What about this ammunition ? Is it also Syrian ? One can easily read country. — 1) https://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/12/30/syria-gate-nato-weaponry-and-personnel-in-east-aleppo/ And this . 2) — https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/04/08/proof-intel-drop-trump-bolton-behind-syria-chemical-attacks-confirmed/

Tudor Miron

Irregular armed forces of UK/US/Israel.

Fred Dozer

I remember the (so called civil war ) uprising in Libya. Their was a day the Libyan government shot down a civilians fighter plane. Civil war, are disgruntle civilians, nothing more. American news stated Gaddafi was killing civilians with no mention of the massive weapons they were using against the government of Libya.

jerry hamilton

I remember that too.

Oscar Silva Martinez

When your enemy loses his will and strength to fight and he starts handing over not only their machine guns, rocket launchers and other medium size weapons but also ARTILLERY AND TANKS and they are surrendering large areas of territory it can only means something: their foreign sponsors have abandoned them without any hope for sure, because they have realized fighting is now useless. But on the other hand these sponsors become more dangerous in their desperate attempts to hurt you from the distance as we saw it last week.

Ethercruiser One

As ISIS & the rebels collapse, I fear that NATO will goad Turkey on to take Damascus or the USA will push up from Jordan towards Damascus. I doubt the globalists will allow Syria & Russia to win. Trump also must stop attacking Syria after each false flag.


“I doubt the globalists will allow Syria & Russia to win. ” Same , Syria and Russia ( do not forget Iran ,Hesbolla ) won’t let dying globalists to win.


They had all this stuff but barely put up a fight…

jihadis and saudi mercs are THE WORST fighters ever…


This area is clearly being recovered by the SAA and allies, it was much larger only a week ago:


– Syrian Civil War Map –



With US/UK/Israeli and Saudi money, weaponry , training … and you call it a civil war ? Stop this bs ! This war was brought to Syria from outside by NATO countries and their mercenaries – ISIS terrorists. Syrian oil ,that’s what they wanted to steal from Syria , and it’s independence .— https://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/12/30/syria-gate-nato-weaponry-and-personnel-in-east-aleppo/


That’s the name of the website that the map came from. If you click on the link it will take you there.


Wrong ! It’s only a picture South Front expropriated from Freewestmedia, NOT a website . That link will bring you to VT (Veterans Today) where South Front posts articles sometimes .


It’s a screen shot of a magnified view of a map from Syria Civil War Map, if you click the link it will take you to the site.


How did they get the Chinese-made HJ-8?

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