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Qatar To Kick Hamas Leadership Out After U.S. Request – Reports

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Qatar To Kick Hamas Leadership Out After U.S. Request - Reports

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Qatar has agreed to kick the leadership of the Palestinian Hamas Movement out of its country following a request from the United States to do so, CNN reported on November 8, citing American and Qatari officials.

The officials told the news network that U.S. officials informed their Qatari counterparts about two weeks ago that they must stop giving Hamas refuge in their capital; Qatar agreed and gave Hamas notice about a week ago.

“Hamas is a terrorist group that has killed Americans and continues to hold Americans hostage,” a senior administration official told CNN. “After rejecting repeated proposals to release hostages, its leaders should no longer be welcome in the capitals of any American partner.”

The Qatari decision to expel the leadership of Hamas from was also reported by The Times of Israel on November 9. A U.S. official told the Israeli news outlets that alleged execution of American-Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin along with five other captives in the Gaza Strip last August and subsequent rejection of more ceasefire proposals are what led Washington to change its approach regarding the terror group’s continued presence in Doha, deeming it “no longer viable or acceptable.”

The U.S. decision also coincided with its unsealing of indictments against Hamas officials, including one of its top leaders Khaled Meshaal, who is known to reside in Doha, the official said.

Details regarding when the expulsion of Hamas officials will actually take place and where they will be ordered to go are still being worked out, the official added.

The Times of Israel said that Hamas leadership could relocate to Turkey, Iran, Oman, Lebanon and Algeria. However, CNN reported that the U.S. will not likely approve a move to Turkey.

Hamas leadership has maintained that it wont accept any ceasefire deal and release the remaining hostages unless Israel commits to a full withdrawal from Gaza. The government of Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly refused this demand, adding more obstacles to the talks every time an advance was reported.

While the U.S. is increasing the pressure on Hamas, it has been doing nothing whatsoever to pressure Netanyahu into accepting a ceasefire in Gaza, where more than 43,000 Palestinians have been killed so far.


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qatar, a spit licking dagger in your back ..


if it is not qatar, it is saudi. if it is not sudi, it is emirates. if it is not emirates, it is jordan. and so on. sorry, but average muslim iq<90 can't calculate anything. average jeew with iq =110 can calculate who is the weakest muslim and bribe him. not mentioning the jeewish elites with iq>140, they can fck with the whole world.

Last edited 4 months ago by snow_den
snow_den 2

look what the muslim assholes did in gaza. fighting tanks with kalashnikovs. they scored lucky hits and killed couple hundreds of soldiers. but what about costs ? gaza will be depopulated. israel will kill half of the citizens and the second half will be starved to death. they are claiming it is not a genocide, but right to self defense. russia, eu, turkey, sar etc. condemn it but that’s all. u.s. are giving jeews all weapons they want despite they are killing americans. you see?


thats smart thinking


perhaps he’s the sharpest tool in the hasbara shed.


all non muslim will enter hellfire. all of your deeds will not be accepted if you don’t worship allah taala the creator of the universe


you are doing your people by saying such a thing a disservice no matter what you believe. everytime some of you says something like that the nonmuslims care less about your brothers in palestine.


ur a zionist douchebad


so, the jewish elites are in level with einstein level of iq he was 142 best brain that existed, the intelligence quotient and the coefficient of average jew is below 80


he’s so intelligent that he slipped and betrayed his hasbara made mind frame:

the fake jews deeply believe that they are superior to the rest of mankind, in fact they believe that the rest of us are just animals compared to them.

snow_den * iq = hasbarat troll


well cause they are smarter on average. its the result of every jew in the last centurys who wasnt smart and cunning beeing eliminated from the gene pool by pogrom after pogrom and finaly the holocaust. those who were smart and cunning were no longer there when it happened.


e=mc2 is fraud… no such thing as a constant speed of light, cause gravity and the huge range of light wave speeds. it’s elementary fraud dear watson…

Last edited 4 months ago by Kibosh

albert einstein plagiarized that “e=mc2” equation from olinto de pretto (published in 1903 science magazine) and never credited both henri poincare and hendrik lorentz for key concepts of the special theory of relativity.


thanks, it figures he was a thief!


c’mon man, dude’s comment was horrendous, knowing how to lie, cheat, steal and manipulate better than anybody else is a question of how satanic you are, not iq 😂


does iq mean smart? no. it means you have an ability to process information at a high level. it doesn’t mean you’re smart in everything you do. einstein [may have] had a high iq, but it doesn’t mean he was able to, for example, make good decisions about his financial life.”


“… make good decisions about his financial life.”

good point, strangely enough isaac newton ended up in bankruptcy.


newton, knew he couldn’t take it with him, and was smart enough to be the first brit to dodge inheritance taxes… he truly was brilliant…


jews as dumb as poles, i e iq less than 60!


talk about low iq: qatar, emirates, saudi and jordanians are arabs, and arabs invented algebra.

not all arabs are muslims, there is arab jews and also arab christians. in fact, judaism, christianity and islam (abrahamic religions) all come from west asia.

not all muslims are arabs, there is asian, african, european and even american muslims.


captain obvious wins, can’t troll reality…


arabs did conquer those who intenved stuff and at the beginning they were smart enough to let them continue to work there magic. later they radicalized and forced them to follow their ideology. loosing the incentive for invention in the process. katholics did the same but they were lucky the eastern romans kept the knowledge and fled from the ottomans to italy resulting in the renaissance.

Last edited 4 months ago by kotromanic

if they don’t quit then gaza will be occupied permanently with idf soldiers on every streetcorner and bunkers redoubts tanks helicopters guard towers etc. and life will only get worse for the palestinians. hamas needs to surrender and be no more.


if the idf smashes your door down and rapes your wife, kills your kids. all you have to do is surrender and everything will get better for you

Last edited 4 months ago by hasbarats

bitdeer interview with ex-us col. douglas mcgregor regarding the coming usa policies under trump, and what it means for europe, russia and the middle east. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omnmnmydgpo

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

sorry we dont talk to ai here


the jews won’t win no war in their illegal settlement. it’s clear as a day that the relentless attacks from lebanon, from iraq, from jemen and that iran has the keybto penetrate the iron dome and wipe the illegal settlement off the map (hurry hurry). these attacks habåve depleted any defense material the jews once had in the plenty but now they have been supplied with f15s and 1 or two thaad-systems to strengthen their hollow defences.


conclusion: the jews are circling the drain! yippie when they’re all gine to meet their maker!


israel will need to occupy the whole world before people stop resisting it. after they are done crying and writhing on the ground about anti-semitism


no kidding, fake semites, genociding real semites, while crying about antisemitism… can’t make this level of delusion go away with therapy.. they need khinzal pizza…


they already do. washington, london, brussels, ottawa and canberra are all the real occupied territories. it’s all laid out in a manual called the protocols. the defeated candidate for leader of the uk tory party actually wanted to replace the union jack with the star of david.


i’m going to have to take a break from trolling, go lick a few toilets clean so i can resupply my mouth with more shit talk and expletives to address this profoundly idiotic comment. ciao bitches…


you cannot surrender to rabid zio kiddie killer psychopaths. the zio tik tok army has tried to occupy permanently lebanon and gaza for years and decades in the past. all it ever achieved was to stir up hornets nests until it gave up and bugged out from both places with its tail between its legs. the same will happen again. if it tries to stay in one square inch of gaza and lebanon it will pay a steep rent in body bags for every day it remains there.


the resistance drove shlomo out of both places when it had nothing more than a few rifles and home made bombs. in lebanon it took 18 years before shlomo threw in the towel, 1982-2000. the zio occupation guarantees perpetual resistance. it is no different in character from nazi rule in occupied poland, which made constant uprisings inevitable, warsaw ghetto 1943, warsaw 1944.


iraqi resistence should divert a few of its heavier missiles to the airbase in qatar where the poofs from over there are holding the b52s which they apparently intend to frighten iran with – what a friggin larf!!!


these museum pieces have a range of about 8,000 miles but they put them in qatar just a stone’s throw from iran. hilarious.


they cannot make hamas bend to their will. qatar will damage its reputation if this is true. its probably bullshit, given than israelis and americans tend to bark loud when they are failing at something.


this is reported by a zionist lying media rag quoting unnamed officials who probably don’t exist.


uuuaaauuu cnn it must be true very truthful source by the way tho

Zionist child killers

qatar is a corrupt us and zionist lapdog. they are occupied by us masters.


if it’s true, then it speaks to qatar having never been a neutral party or credible mediator. but the us is foolish to have positioned these deceivers and then just expose its own agents by making them pledge allegiance to the us’s evil


qatar, a place where oil industry profits go to sleep in tax havens…

The Crunge

new american election, same zog.

Uncle Sam

it’s a hamaz crisis. not quatar crisis. not every muslim country is a terrorist state.


qatar were under arab and usa sanction and pressure but were bail out by iran.know their kick out brothers but cant kick out weremonger usa military base.killing brothers with enemies who steal arab oil.


good ,and elon.said yesterday that in effect thd mic can pack their bags and get outta town their times up .


the suggestion that the us “requested” qatar kick hamas leadership out of its country is asinine. the us happily “demands” things and then adds “or else.” the powers-that-be in dc never ask or request politely that something be done by another country. their “method” is to use blatantly direct threats or “veiled” threats. i’m tempted to ask why qatar is so dumb, but it is high on the list of us “puppets.”


the contemptible little postage stamp of qatar is just a us air base. in the event of war qatar and the us bases it hosts will be destroyed. all these petty quisling sheikhdoms, qatar, kuwait, bahrain, dubal will be swept aside. the western installed petty satraps who rule over them will be strung up from the first convenient lamp post.

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