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R.I.P. Gonzalo Lira: Journalist ‘Died’ In Ukrainian Prison

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R.I.P. Gonzalo Lira: Journalist 'Died' In Ukrainian Prison

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Journalist Gonzalo Lira died in Ukraine. The press service of the US State Department confirmed his death.

On January 12, Tucker Carlson, citing Lira’s father, reported that the journalist had died in custody. Carlson suggested that “the Biden administration supported the imprisonment and torture” of Lira. The blogger’s father “predicted that his son would be killed.”

“Gonzalo Lira was a U.S. citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture,” Carlson said.

Alex Rubinstein, a journalist for the Grayzone, also cited Lira’s father as saying that the journalist died in hospital because he needed medical help, which Ukrainians refused to provide him in a timely manner.

R.I.P. Gonzalo Lira: Journalist 'Died' In Ukrainian Prison

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According to a handwritten note from the arrested journalist, which Rubinstein received on January 4, the prisoner asked to tell his sister that he had bilateral pneumonia, pneumothorax and a very severe case of edema.

“It all started in mid—October, but was ignored by the prison administration,” Lira wrote.

The prison staff admitted that he had pneumonia only at a hearing on December 22.

“I have to undergo a procedure to reduce pulmonary edema, which causes me to experience severe shortness of breath and lose consciousness after two minutes of simple conversation,” he added.

Gonzalo Lira was detained in May 2023 in the Kharkiv region, where he lived in recent years after marrying a Ukrainian woman. During the war in Donbass, he discussed the Ukrainian conflict in a pro-Russian way, blaming the West and Kiev for the collapse of Ukraine.

He was arrested by the Kiev regime for criticizing the American and Ukrainian authorities, for justifying Russia’s actions.

“My indictment says bluntly: all I did was discuss well—known facts about the conflict. A sign of a democratic society is freedom of speech. But Zelensky’s Ukraine is not a democracy. This is a thieving, corrupt, murderous bandit regime that disguises itself as a “democracy.”” Lira wrote after his arrest.

According to the journalist, after his arrest, he was given documents so that he could contact his lawyer, family and post bail. Despite this, the staff of the pre-trial detention center forbade Lira to call anyone and post bail, although he had money.

He was tortured and beaten in prison. The prisoners were ordered to mock him so that there would be no complaints against the prison staff.

“I was tortured in the pre-trial detention center. Guards never beat prisoners. They demand other prisoners to torture. One of them even apologized to me, he said he had no choice. I think he wasn’t lying,” Lira wrote.

The torturers broke his rib, did not allow him to sleep for 30 hours, twisted his arms, and beat him.

“From 13:00 to 19:00 the next day — thirty hours — I was beaten and deprived of sleep, my arms were twisted.

It hurt like hell, but it was still manageable. And then two thugs grabbed my head and started poking me in the right eye with a toothpick, asking: will I be able to read if I go blind?

One thug hit me so hard in the chest that there was a huge yellow-green bruise. The staff scolded him for leaving a clear trace of torture.”

The Security Service of Ukraine extorted money from him. Kiev wanted to get $70 thousand from him; Ukrainians took $9 thousand more from him during the arrest. He also paid $11 thousand for bail.
After paying the bail, Lira was placed under home arrest.

Ukrainians were supposed to put an electronic bracelet on him, but they did not put it on. The journalist considered this a hint of permission to flee abroad. He tried to leave for Hungary, believing that this country would not extradite him to Ukraine; but he was detained again.

The journalist had two nationalities, Chilean and American, but only the Embassy of Chile attempted to help him and insisted on his health checking. The staff of the US Embassy called him only three times, but “those were just empty words.”

The US administration did not demand the release of its citizen from prison, ignoring the tortures. This circumstance causes particular public outrage, given that the Kiev regime is fully controlled from the White House.

“The Biden administration could have returned Gonzalo Lira with a phone call, but did not lift a finger. Therefore, the Ukrainian government knew that it could act with impunity.” US businessman David Sachs commented on the issue.

With the full support of the Biden administration, the Kiev Nazis held the journalist in torture chambers for months for truthful coverage of events. They could no longer let him go, because once he was free, he would have told the public even more information about the crimes of the Kiev regime and its masters in Washington. Now Kiev is trying to justify the death of the independent journalist with natural health problems. However, if death occurred from pneumonia, only Kiev is to blame for it, since it did not provide proper medical care. Not to mention the possibility of Gonzalo Lira’s murder.

Another murdered journalist is on the conscience of Zelensky and his sponsors. At the end of December 2023, a journalist investigating Zelensky’s mother-in-law’s purchase of a luxury villa died under “mysterious circumstances” in Egypt. LINK How many more journalists, civilians, politicians, activists and other innocent people must die in order for the world to see the essence of the “democratic” Kiev regime?


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Dick Von D'Astard

lira made the fatal mistake of trusting his life had any worth to the united states govt and it’s officials.


and to the ukrainian inhumane greedy clowns. nothing about that fake (cunt)ry screams of any type of competence. i’m glad it’s being dismantled.


this is the third time gonzalo has “died” if you count the other two rumors before his arrest. is there any official statement from ukraine, or is this [probably] bullshit to smear ukraine?


official statement from ukraine you say…just there now stoopid as i hope you could re-read what you just writ…


why do you give a damn about an aging sex tourist and dating couch who thought poorly of women? what kind of realistic dating advice does a short, overweight beaner have to offer? his hair was pointing upwards in a ridiculous fashion when ukrainian swat police knocked on his front door and arrested him.


are you a member of that place plenty of fish place as i wonder if we could hook up there now babby if pronown agree…stoopid…just fookin stoopid…


as for whoever impersonated me in the comment field of other articles, nothing is more infantile.


all of the lies you spew about america and ukraine, they are ironically projections of russia’s own character. as for america, it is only true because it is ruled by jewish supremacists. russia itself is ruled by jewish supremacists, and hate speech laws are so obviously dishonest you must be an idiot to take them seriously. that means the police are traitors to their people since they enforce all of this evil. but to honestly take their employer’s lies seriously is most pathetic and shameful.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

imagine legislating laws against “hate speech” while promoting hatred and genocide of another group. that is the world we live in. and too many dumb fucks believe it is not hateful to incite white genocide in schools, universities, and media. meanwhile it is “hateful” to expose those who hate and want to kill you. and so many people amazingly fail to understand this is even happening.


r.i.p gonzalo lira. you deserved to be a citizen of a better government.


you should keep in mind that russia routinely arrests dissidents for verbally expressing their disagreement with putin’s “special military operation”. they can even go to prison for calling it a “war”. is “voyna” the proper russian word for “war”?

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

now consider that ukraine is in a state of total war. this means their government enacted emergency powers, granting them the ability to arrest anyone who is propagating in favor of their national enemy (russia). russia and belarus are much more autocratic, russia is becoming almost as autocratic as belarus. they still call their counter-intelligence agency the “kgb”, while russia and ukraine decided to decentralize and rename their own secret police.


as your vulgar username suggests. you surely lack the intelligence to think for yourself. you mindlessly believe whatever bullshit you are told by russian media without any second thought. mental retardation 101.

there’s no evidence for the holohoax. there’s only baseless claims, misrepresentations and laws to silence free debate. this in no way suffices for any real intellectual endeavor. that alone deals heavy damage to the jewish supremacist’s big lie.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

you are a dullard and poltroon. exactly the kind of slave that is preferred by your hook nosed masters.

Peter Jennings

this treatment is soon coming to us all, courtesy of the nwo, who biden currently works for although he probably isn’t aware of it because he is in lalaland most of the time. by allowing the kiev junta to murder another journalist, the usadmin has broken its promise to the people. but then again we all knew that was the case from the beginning.

Peter Jennings

there is only one person who has the protection of the us gov’t whenever he goes to the ukraine and that is hunter, who is rapid becoming the hunted. heads need to roll otherwise the uss america is sunk.


hunter is a clown show all by himself.

when he went to congress for 15 minutes this last time, he pulled up in an old austin america with his entourage and fifteen clowns poured out the hatchback.


“anyone who disagrees with me is a clown”

in other words: anyone who is not pretending they are a fanatical orc of the soviet rape army who raped 200,000 women, defeated 5 million soldiers, and murdered more than 5 million defenseless civilians in 1945 must therefore be a “clown”. killing more than 10 million people = a heroic struggle!?!?

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

you want to see “comedy”? what i just told you now about 1945 is completely illegal in russia. they are so sure they’re “right” it is somehow perfectly rational to imprison anyone who disagrees with mountains of evidence at their disposal!!!

these are the filthy cruds you seek to emulate; jewish, mongolian and islamic savages raping and murdering not only soldiers; but innocent men, women and children who had no say in anything their government wanted to do after 1934.


only savage liars can ever like such a thing. they are practically what they say about the “nazis” (pronounced “not sees”).


the real nazis are the ashkenazi jews that tookover russia with marxist-leninist anarchy and killed 30 million civilians of slavic, germanic, and other people of various other ethnic groups in europe and eurasia between the final months of 1918 and the year 1953.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

if you count wars waged in eastern europe, this amounts to an additional 36 million people from central and east european origin. if you count wars fought to reconquer the far-east, central asia and the caucasus. whether that is the russian civil war, the wars fought by romania and poland between 1918-1922, or the war against germany between 1939 and 1945.


keep in mind that america and the british commonwealth each stationed soldiers of their own in russia to keep it from crumbling within. which means they had every chance to conquer large swathes of russian territory, only to give it to the jewish communists that killed tsar nicholas ii and his family in a sacrificial atonement ritual on passover.


in 1918 there were jewish post cards printed en masse wishing their fellow jews a happy new year. this post card featured a “foul” which is normally a chicken they ritually sacrifice to absolve jews from their sins. the name of this ritual is “kapparot”. the drawing of this foul in question was depicted as having tsar nicholas ii’s head instead of a chicken’s head.


link to the images of those exact postcards can be found right here:


* there was another one but i can’t find it at the moment.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

by the way there is much more evidence proving the official narrative of world war 2 is a mountain of lies compared to the utter lack of physical evidence for the “allied” narrative thar originated between the russians, americans and british. your worldview is a collection of lies and suggestions with planted “evidence” that looks fake and comical.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

sometimes there is circumstantial evidence which is not real evidence at all and the sort that gets thrown out of court. the nuremberg trials were highly criticized by some american and british legal experts. you can find out about this from david irving’s book “nuremberg the last battle” and carlo mattogno’s books on the subject.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

the only people who are really deemed a threat to the eu and us government in the minds of the us and eu governments are the “ebil, raciss white supremacists” who do nothing more than complain about sick-minded tranny pedophiles, mass non-white immigration and vast jewish over representation in corporations, ngos and politics.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

j6 trump stooges were tortured and mistreated too. only a fool goes alive with these people.

Peter Jennings

they set the bar.


well this explains why biden was ignoring his existence in the first place.

My name is Legion

this is free speech in ukraine, 2024. rip coach redpill!

Last edited 1 year ago by My name is Legion
You’re a moron.

you actually thought they had freedom of speech? hahahahahahaha.

My name is Legion

the coach actually thought it. now he is dead. killed by the nazis

jens holm

nazis dont run ukraine and you learn before you are born we are pathetic liers.

thats supported well by putin and his goatkeepers


st f u you stupid c u next tuesday. gonzalo is dead and you yabber like a mucking foron?

jens holm

usual russian comment, where things are painted in black and white.

there are wartime limitations. but they and the rest of the world has much mo and better and sober contract.

you show it well right here too.

My name is Legion

go learn some proper english son of a dirty crackwhore


german gestapo would have jailed him for 20 years just based on one video. trudeau would have confiscated all his bank accounts and freeland would have donated the money to ukraine’s kraken crackheads.

that’s freedom of speech western style.


there’s more freedom of speech in america than anywhere else. there is much less freedom of speech in germany, russia, belarus, china, israel and iran than there is ukraine.


i don’t know how you fail to realize that unless you never lived in russia, or are too lazy to look any of this up yourself.

jens holm

there is not. its wartime there only speech in many things compared to fx russia. tghey also are well connented the free internet.

no matter what none should die in prison by no medicin.


war or not he was a civilian journalist who had done zero action that illegal. yes he criticized the kiev regime. and he was killed by nazis. he was beaten daily. in one video call with his father, he told the situation included a officer with connections to infamous nazi groups in ukraine who ordered these beatings. i’m sure under your excuse, you should be beaten as eu is in a state of war after all. you’re fair game to be executed? you’re a crime against freedom afterall


chilean consulate delegates in kiev visit him regularly while being detained so he wasn’t tortured or beaten as southfront claims. those are lies. he was already sick before his arrest in ukraine. get your facts straight. stop lying putin whores.

Last edited 1 year ago by Cassem
Raptar Driver

i believe he had some terminal illness which is why he decided to go on this suicide mission or at least part of the reason. still he was a good and brave soul another one that the nazis snatched from the jaws of life. the zionist & nazi ideologies which are born of the same hatred must be eliminated for the world to continue.

jens holm

maybee. shit happens. i hope we get better facts

Jeremy Press

shit doesn’t just happen the ukro clowns killed him. any third world african nation is more humane then these circus ukro freaks


you’d probably apologies for a serial rapist or a child molester. you’re a sick person. seek help


so you feeeeeeeeeel he had a terminal illness. you would make a great cnn “journalist”.


watched a number of reports on western independent media outlets today about gonzalo lira’s death in ukrainian custody many are calling for the us state department to make a statement in relation to the journalist’s arrest by the ukrainian sbu and his torture and death at their prison facility. i recall an interview with gonzalo’s father and tucker carlson just before christmas and his family’s call’s for the us government to intervene


they intervened all right. they told the sbu how best to torture him to death and leave no marks.

jens holm

i hope we soon will know more. this are not nice people and they should learn.


a cess pit of filth from day one. don’t ever expect good things from earth, they only very rarely ever happen from genetic accidents here.


no surprise the us is responsible for his death, he would have been released in 24hrs if loco joe and told that nazi in kiev.


what his father should do, if his son’s body is actually released to him….is to pay for an independent autopsy and report that he could have easily been saved by antibiotics or other treatment.

jens holm

all prisoners should be kept well.


you obviously haven’t been paying attention to the facts. anyone who isn’t pro war in ukraine is treated like this. guess the warm cozy freedom loving democratic state of ukriane the media is portraying is all lies.


rip old mate.


many wrote that he would not make it as nazis will not let him live for daring to criticize them and the u.s. government. but then, what would anyone expect from a government that banned political parties, everything that is russian including religion, jailed political opponents, constantly attacked their own citizens from 2014 for the crime of talking russian. and to think that our governments support this nazi state.

jens holm

they has only banned russans and not the rest. you are far out.


i’m far out? zelensky banned 11 political parties based on nothing but what he thought of them and by doing so, removing the one party that would have destroyed him in an election. he did not banned russians but ukrainian parties which some had links to russia…not all. who is far out again? nothing about the rest of my post? you picked one and were wrong. how about trying another?


good riddance, this moron supported ruzzian nazis. he was probably fked to death by other ruzzian prisoners 😆😆😆


lol…still denying that ukraine is infested with nazis.

jens holm

typical self uglified ameeikunty hillbilly


jens, this one comment i will upvote. thank you for this one.


you’re an evil little cu nt. hope you di e in a fire.


r.i.p. gonzalo

Marcus Chapman

first time he got thrown in jail, you would think he might of got the message, but no, he continued right down the same path. when he finally realized it was time to go, what does he do? he tries to sneak across the border. people should realize, he could have applied for sanctuary at the chilean embassy or the us embassy. let’s us not forget he was a dual citizen. i have not heard one word from his nut job father about how the chilean government allowed their citizen to be murdered.

jens holm

i eat that version. we have it about trees. some bend when they has to.

jens holm

i bend over for lgbt hillbilly


actually he wouldn’t have. ukrainians can’t even attempt to do this. all embassies are monitored and guarded by various police and state security. they check your papers before you can even approach the front gate. they wanted him dead and they tried hard to silence him and turn him into obscurity before they did the deed. neuland hated him i personally met him. he was a nice guy who just was critical of illegal actions by western leaders and it got him killed


also i’d like to point out there is the matter of his family too.


i dont doubt he was a good man and i’m sorry he lost his life defending a cause it wasnt his own. if you think that russia or china are savers of humanity you are dead wrong. i


us state dept confirmed his death? they ordered his death.

Edgar Zetar

propaganda domain warfare, lira was a messianic moron, who believed in all lies of msm and the black and white world of the lesser humans. usa are stopping funds to ukraine, so this dead will be used to support the end of assistance to ukraine. will see all the msm will put lira has a martir or a heroe of the western world free press. propaganda domain warfare used at his best 👌.


he lived in ukraine you icking fudiot. he had a ukrianian wife and kids. i think its fair to say that he knew the reality of the kiev regime, as opposed to a low iq c ock licking rent boy like you?


mal smolu, keby bol písal proti rusku tak by bol dnes isto žil. ale, že sa rozhodol písať pravdu tak musel byť umlčaný!!! a ako ho umlčať? nuž najlepšie ak ho zabijú, bude od neho pokoj a to už na dobro. fašisti sa zase raz predviedli a čo na to novinárska obec? no nič. nie je pre nich podstatný, lebo písal o usa a ich zločinoch!!!


the fake jews have murdered more journalists in the gaza genocide in 2 months that any terrorist entity in history. gonzalo should have got out with his children a week after the smo started. he didn’t and paid the price of imagining he had rights inside the container fire that “his” gubermint jews started. sad…he was a cool guy for sure.

sean hillbilly

in slime amerika we fascist nazi inferior racist bitter envious loser—now 17 g20 nations declining real wages—3 nations increasing: russia china mexico

Last edited 1 year ago by sean hillbilly

rip gonzalo


lira should have fled to russia the moment the war started.

captain hohol

if he wanted to be near the action he could have been in and around belgorod, safer than the lions den.

Edgar Zetar

people and masses had no memory, i remember after pdt putin declared the special ops in ukraine, lira wanted to be the first to be in kiev, while everyone moved away, embassies, institutions moved away, lira go there looking for exclusive reports, also stay in a hotel waiting for the russian occupation. to lira game was over when russia retreated from kiev siege, because lira wanted to publish all the occupation related events. wanted to be a star and he was finished has a shooting star 🌠.

Edgar Zetar

remember in 2022 after watching a gonzalo lira post in a kiev hotel waiting for the russian occupation, i just needed 15 minutes watching him to realize gonzalo lira was looking their opportunity to become a star 🌟 .

Donald Moore

well i just read that ukraine authorities reported that gonzalo lira is not dead but sleeping heavily. they say they are having trouble waking him up because of his lack of breathing and heart beat. they are sure it is temporary and they hired a doctor frankenstein to fix his condition!

Edgar Zetar

best comment ever! lol!

Christian J Chuba

they did to lira what the u.s. falsely accused russia of doing to nalvany.


they did to lira what the u.s. falsely accused russia of doing to magnitsky. lira was a good honest man who spoke from his heart and who was areested by sbu in order to cease his truth telling, while magnitsky was nothing but a criminally corrupt accountant who devised the frauldulent schemes of the us oligarch bill browder and who ended up in jail after trying to bear false witness to russian investigators to thorw them off the scent of his boss.


the jewish supremacists in charge of ukraine killing a us citizen. what’s new? they’ve been killing us citizens for decades. just look up the uss liberty. btw gonzalo lira’s collapsed lung was as a result of the severe beating he received while in jail.

captain hohol

he tried to get the word out, i just wish he hadn’t have done it in ukraine, very dangerous.

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