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Radical Militants Move “Toxic Materials” From Jisr al-Shughur To Another Area

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Radical Militants Move “Toxic Materials” From Jisr al-Shughur To Another Area

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On October 25, a local source told the Lebanese al-Mayadeen TV that radical militants and elements of the White Helmets moved “toxic materials” from the city of Jisr al-Shughur in northwestern Idlib to the villages of Khirbat Amud, near it.

Last week, the Sputnik news agency revealed that Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) moved several containers, which contained Chlorine and Sarin, from the town of Maarrat Misrin in northern Idlib to Jisr al-Shughur. According to the Russian news agency, the White Helmets and the al-Qaeda-affailated Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) helped in the transfer of the dangerous materials back then.

HTS and its allies are likely moving their chemical weapons around in order to prevent the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) from locating them. However, the attempts to hide these dangerous weapons have failed so far.

Earlier this month, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) warned that militants are plotting chemical weapons provocations in Idlib. Such provocation could be used by the U.S. and its allies as a pretext to attack Damascus government forces, once again.

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R Trojson

For Heaven’s sake, they know where they are. What is stopping them from destroying them. Take out a city block if necessary.


The British White Helmets embed themselves with civilians to prevent attack. Also this is probably good old fashioned informants on the spot, and it probably takes days for the information to reach Russia, by which time the British White Helmets have moved on.


Would you be saying that if your family lived in the ‘city block’ ?

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