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MARCH 2025

Radioactive Cloud From Ukraine Heading To Western Europe – Secretary Of Russian Security Council

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Radioactive Cloud From Ukraine Heading To Western Europe - Secretary Of Russian Security Council

Explosion In Khmelnitsky

On May 19, Secretary of the Russian Security Council of the Russian federation Nikolai Patrushev held a meeting in the Republic of Komi. Russian officials discussed strengthening of anti-terrorist security in the region. In his speech, Secretary of the Russian Security Council reminded that the Kiev regime has committed and is committing terrorist acts with the support of Western countries. According to him, all the crimes committed by Ukrainian saboteurs in Russia were planned and coordinated by the US special services.

At the same time, NATO countries continue arming the Kiev regime, including with the weapons, dangerous for the West itself. Washington put pressure on its satellites and assured the supply of ammunition with depleted uranium to the war-torn country. Patrushev warned that the supply of this ammunition could turn into a catastrophe for Europe comparable to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In his speech, Patrushev confirmed that the recent Russian strikes in Khmelnitsky destroyed the dangerous cargo in Ukrainian warehouse. LINK

“Their destruction led to the fact that the radioactive cloud headed towards western Europe. And an increase in radiation has already been recorded in Poland,” Patrushev said.

Patrushev also reminded, the United States is developing and is already using chemical and biological weapons, including on the territory of Ukraine.

“This is what it is – American aid and democracy,” the Secretary of the Security Council summed up.

The US president arrived in Japan in Hiroshima to participate in the summit of the G7, including to defend their “common democratic values.”

Patrushev recalled the US “help” to various countries, including to Japan in August 1945. Then, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were subjected to atomic bombing, which caused catastrophic consequences and the death of a huge number of civilians without any military necessity.

“They didn’t apologize. And they are not going to apologize for what they have done, because they assure the Japanese that the Soviet Union used atomic weapons against them, not the States,” the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation stated.

Despite the steadily increasing military assistance to Ukraine, goals of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine will certainly be achieved.


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zummie cloud arrives in europe as poopy pants arrives in hiroshima 🈵🈹🈲


$erves them “right”…

and worst of all… they don’t care about their own or themselves which is why depleted uranium shells were made in the first place with iraq in the gulf war… then yugoslavia… then the iraq war after the lie of (3 buildings 2 planes) that “$”ealed the deal…

you have to be one group of the sickest motherfuckers to violate every international treaty to have invented them in the first place!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

i just wish russia, china and india hadn’t turned a blind eye to what was coming which will be celebrating it’s 22nd anniversary in september when they could have used it to collectively announcing their departure from the un $hith0u$e if there was no investigation by the international community into what happened at ground zero.

and because they did not chart a course for those kinds of reforms when it was most critically required as they knew what was coming… here we are!???

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

i second that 👍

i am from former yugoslavia. serbia.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana

yugoslavia was the jewel in the iron curtains crown.

say whatever you like about joseph tito but he held all of those divided ethnic factions together and was responsible for the most important and productive economy behind that “iron curtain”, which is why russia left it alone.

and once he died that “c” from hell they called the “iron maiden” in the u.k. along with the ciafaggot pedophile g.h.w. bush had it within their sights to ruin it at all costs “succeeding”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

i loved so much josip broz tito. i was child when he died, but he had iron power country keeping us all together. people had normal lives. when tito died all went to sh!!!!!t. his wife jovanka broz was kept in house arrest for many years since tito died. she was not allowed after released to speak in public for many years.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana

tito was talking that autonomous province of kosovo and metohija need economic building, few years after he died. he was separated from his wife, politicians saying lies about tito and his wife. whole world admired comrade tito when he was president.


there is a saying apart from talk we had, that when people are bad there must be war, so most of countries need cleaning from evil, there must be war to clean people.


tito’s speech from 1975 about kosovo : https://youtu.be/dvuvvxf5-a0 .


my dad was a u.s. naval academy graduate who was very studied in his post-wwii era. even in the u.s. military he was thoughtful enough to know better the propaganda of his own government never telling the whole story. tito was one of his favorites because the yugoslav economy spoke for itself -which it did!

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

critical thought is no longer permitted as it was in my father’s era of the 50s and 60s… they will thump their chest disregarding the evidence of their fate and proclaim that they are the winner before they are turned into “ash”!..

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

i don’t know how tito managed to keep country so strong, but he was so much loved, when he died whole country cried that speaks volumes.


as a post 9-11 survivor that toxic depleted uranium cloud of u.$./natos design is a prelude to a visit from mr. sarmat and mrs. bulava!… what will be will be for what that farmer has “$0wed” in the $eed$ of it’$ 0wn de$truction!

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

i didn’t knew there was du during 9/11. i followed up updates, all i know it was demolition just looking at it it is simple to guess it.


erdrotation bewirkt ströhmung nach eu und wir kriegen diesen atomstaub gratis

Psionists slaves of America

the forecast calls for more mushroom clouds coming to nato provided ukrainian weapon depots and a deluge of missiles on ukraine’s cities this weekend.

Just me

without this system, where politicians impose their useless will on everyone else, we would have a real civilization on this planet. but because this planet has politicians, this world is embarrassing.

Lance Ripplinger

ukraine is fast becoming the most toxic, poisoned land on earth. just removing all of the land mines will take potentially generations.


this is really bad. some of the most fertile with rain land on the planet, in ukraine.

Gneaus stapo

part of endlösung der russenfrage, useless ivan povs will clear the minefelds, jedem das seine, jeder kriegt was er verdient, drecksrussen verdienen nichts besseres, horrido johoo dran drauf drüber und ab ins minenfeld mit dem ivan zecken dreck. sieg

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo

ok, i have to prepare for it in brittany.


som zvedavý čo budú rozprávať ak ruské vojská pristúpia k použitiu takejto munície pri hraniciach z poľskom a slovenskom. či nezmenia náhodou potom názor na to, že aké je to len nebezpečné!!! a myslím, že k takémuto scenáru ozaj môže nakoniec prísť. nič sa nedá predsa vylúčiť, či nie?


to je pro usa vlhky sen rozsirit konflikt do naraznikoveho pasma. jsme jako slovani podradna rasa v jejich ocich. jediny moment kdy nas zapad zacal brat vazne bylo po roce 2015 kdy se visegradska ctyrka tvrde postavila proti kvotam na migranty. bohuzel polsko se svou totalni rusofobii, caputova a ted ten nas jeneral pepa se postarali ze visegradska ctyrka je minulosti.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ukr_pussy
John Kesich

“they assure the japanese that the soviet union used atomic weapons against them, not the states”?!

how strange. first time i have ever heard this nonsensical claim, and i’m nearly 70.



real time radiation monitoring says that is a lie.

Buford T Justice

if true , they are getting just what they deserve.


in kladovo (eastern serbia) yesterday the radiation level was 140 nsv/h. today is 99 nsv/h.

Last edited 1 year ago by Slobodan

vetar raznosi radioaktivnu prasinu. mislim da je sada ima svuda u srbiji. pozdrav zemljace.


нема свуда, за сада. рецимо у врању је стално тај ниво радијације (око 130-140), због осиромашеног уранијума из 99. овде можеш да пратиш: srbatom gov rs/srbatom/zracenje/index htm

Last edited 1 year ago by Slobodan
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