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Radonjic: Its about time for the great political mobilization against entry into NATO

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Radonjic: Its about time for the great political mobilization against entry into NATO

Originally appeared at IN4S, translated by Igor exclusively for SouthFront

Stoltenberg’s arrival is a clear signal, and maybe the last alarm for a broad social mobilization against NATO entities and individuals. On one side we have the decisive Djukanovic and machine that serves him, on the other, our, real side of history, we have our determined and undecided-commitment. Many times we have heard that one of the fundamental conditions for obtaining invitations is public support. And is therefore an integral part of the anti-NATO peacekeeping mission to raise awareness and increase the number of opponents of the war alliance under the auspices of the United States of America.

In this regard, the decision of those, such as Miodrag Lekic to speak out about everything only after obtaining eventual invitations, this looks like a football players decision not to enter the game in the first half, and even if you’re losing 2:0, but to enter into the second half, and only then announce which jersey he will be wearing. That is, without a doubt, the damage already caused, but every day it be higher if the indecision continues.

I am sure that the engagement of the former diplomat, was significant for the overall, national anti-NATO front, having the capacity to contribute to it and it is high time to choose and engage – if it is against NATO, as had been speculated.

The mission of the politics is not to speculate or look into a crystal ball, to find what is the attitude of political entities that compete for our support. The same is true for all political subjects, particularly new ones, that foreign policy position is not communicated.

If the trend of “withholding” continues, then a bid from the presidents of local community and house advice, who’s stance on foreign policy is not necessary. My grandfather asked me, Many have asked me, who remembered Lekić through engagements in 1999 – Where is he? Where is he to close ranks with us, to fight together against the enemy, as we have done by tradition. To stop and prevent us from old friends, like Russia, to become new enemies.

Yesterday he held another anti-NATO protest organized by the Peace movement “No to war, no to NATO”. With the absence of half of the invited, and the organizer had before and at the meeting, said and repeated that they were invited – all of them. The gathering caught me to wear a sign “This is not a NATO country”. At first, I thought “right in my hands.” But is not for everyone? Like many other banners with anti-war and anti-fascist messages. Were not these messages, the best call?

The geopolitical situation has significantly changed in recent years. Significantly, more unstable, a lot of wars, conflicts, we are witnessing the fall of US influence, the great chaos in the Middle East, the growing tensions between the US and Russia, between the United States and many countries. We read, watch, are informed every day about it. Djukanovic, with so many years of political experience does not really know that this is the worst time to enter a war alliance that has many of our enemies, or e knows perfectly, but must meet the ultimate tasks sent to him from the United States to remain in power?

One thing is certain. We are treated as spoils of other’s interests, and if we alone in our name, with the strength and harmony don’t answer that we do not want it, others will not help us, nor our voice will be heard and respected. We will be suffocated or – decreased to just what those whose interests are to assumed our tradition and our future.

For the dignity, honour and freedom of Montenegro. NO TO NATO.

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