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Rain Of Rockets Hits US Forces In Iraq. Israeli-UAE Peace Deal Crumbles Days After Its Announcement

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As it was expected, the ‘historic’ UAE-Israeli peace deal did not contribute to the stability in the Middle East. Instead, the situation has been slowly, but steadily moving towards a larger confrontation in the region.

Immediately after the announcement of the US-sponsored peace deal, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that his country is not going to fulfill one of its key provisions – the suspension of the annexation of West Bank territories. The prime minister emphasized that the annexation plan was just delayed, but not suspended.

“There is no change to my plan to extend sovereignty, our sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, in full coordination with the United States,” Netanyahu said adding that “Israel will have comprehensive peace agreements with other Arab countries without returning to the 1967 borders.”

This unfortunate, but expected statement goes fully in the framework of the Israeli regional policy and contradicts position of the US-sponsored deal reached with the UAE. In particular, Crown Prince Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed emphasized that “it was agreed to stop Israel’s annexation of the Palestinian lands.”

The Israeli actions strengthened the already existing controversy over the deal and on August 15-16, the situation escalated in the Gaza Strip. According to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), Palestinian protesters with explosives tried to approach the security fence and then Palestinian forces launched at least 2 rockets at southern Israel. In its own turn, IDF aircraft conducted a series of airstrikes on what Tel Aviv described as Hamas targets.

If the Israeli leadership keeps its course on the annexation of the West Bank areas, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will expectedly escalate, and even possibly expand further. For example, in this scenario, an escalation could be expected in the area of the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights and on the Lebanese-Israeli contact line.

On August 14, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah already declared that the movement “will not remain silent on the crime of the bombing the Port of Beirut if it is proven that Israel is behind it.” According to Nasrallah, Hezbollah would wait for results of an investigation into the Beirut port explosion and if it turns out to be an act of sabotage by Israel then it would “pay an equal price”.

The August 4 blast in the port of Beirut is still surrounded by mystery and uncertainties, and many sources, including the top US leadership, still consider the possibility that the tragedy was caused by some kind of ‘attack’. In this event, the main suspect is Israel, which has always been interested in the destabilization of neighboring Arab states to secure own dominance in the region.

Tensions are also growing between the United States and Iran. On August 14, the Department of Justice announced that US forces have seized some 1.116m barrels of Iranian fuel aboard 4 ships headed for Venezuela. The seizure came amid increasing attacks on US forces and facilities from pro-Iranian and anti-US armed groups in Iraq.

On the evening of August 16, a rocket targeted the Green Zone of Iraq’s capital Baghdad, which houses government buildings and foreign missions. The strike led to no casualties. Just a few hours earlier, the pro-Iranian armed group Ashab al-Kahf released a video showing an improvised explosive device attack on a US equipment convoy in the Anbar area. The group claimed that the convoy was fully destroyed. On August 15, two rockets targeted the biggest US military base in Iraq – Camp Taji. The base is located north of Baghdad. On the same day, a convoy carrying logistical supplies for the U.S.-led coalition was targeted on the highway between Dhi Qar and Basrah in southern Iraq. The attack was conducted by another pro-Iranian group, Usbat al-Tha’ireen. Pro-US sources denied any casualties as a result of the attack. These were just the most recent in about two dozen various attacks on US-affiliated targets in Iraq during the past few weeks.

If the US and Iran continue the current confrontational course, it is expected that the number and intensity of attacks in Iraq will increase boosting the chances of an open confrontation between the US and Iranian-led forces.

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King Cliff

No one respect these Arabs leaders,they have earned no respect,no one respect puppets or those who willing to sell they people believe for wealth.


Yes indeed,what never ceases to amaze me is how cheap some scumbags will sell their own Country.

Servet Köseoğlu

respect has to be earned…just give them us citizenship,money they will quit from their principles in a second https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3f62f94fd2ecbb7b092b6788ec3e8d251d71ffa9922bbd73e523aec496d92251.jpg


You only respect Arab leaders that are dictators who oppress their people and their family controls all the big companies but want to destroy Israel?


Get out of iraq abonimnated curse/whore of babylon,for your times running out,incests!


We don’t want to be in Iraq. We don’t want to be in any Arab or Muslim country. Their are destined to be dictatorships and corrupt for generations to come. Let the Arab and Muslim world kill each other. We don’t give a crap.


So what are you still doing there then?



If you take them out for us we will then immediately leave.


Iran has been there for 6000 years, and there is no reason whatsoever to to “take them out”. They are part of the region, unlike the OUTLAW, psychopath-run, blackmailing, sanctioning, belligerent, rogue AngloZionist, kakistocratic Mafia-state-of-insanity-in-decline and its Middle East master, which have no business there and should clear out, because between them they are the biggest threat to peace and stability in the region, and indeed the world.

So, time to get your behind into gear and clear out of the place where you don’t belong.


No … Israel is in the region and will remain so going forward

It’s either going to be War or Peace … It’s not my call but if it was the next bombs would be falling on Iran’s Hidden Nuke sites but … all in good time … eh?


Well, the Greeks and Arabs took out the Persians from Asia Minor and Middle East.

How come Persians can go invade other places but we can’t?

The British won WWII and take over the losing enemy’s land and that’s the same way Persians did it so you are not any better?

So yes, Iran needs to be taken out like they were over 6000 years.


Repeating nonsense does not turn it into fact. There is no reason they need to be taken out.


I guess you failed your history class. Everything I said is fact.

Nothing has changed. Persians like Arabs and Muslims are close minded people that hate liberty. It was the Persian dictator that attacked the Greeks and tried to impose tyrant rules on people that started democracy. They fought back and won. Iran wants to impose its tyranny on others and they need to be taken out.

Democratic people always win against dictatorship. Read history.


You need to read history about the great Muslim culture.

As for democratic people winning against dictatorship, you are right, and that is why the OUTLAW, psychopath-run, blackmailing, sanctioning, belligerent, rogue AngloZionist, kakistocratic Mafia-state-of-insanity-in-decline and its European lackeys are losing.

The sow death and destruction around the world, esp. in the Middle East, but they are failing. Why? Because, as per your claim, they are not democratic. You cannot bomb people into freedom and democracy, esp. if you have no democracy to give.


It is typical of anti-Iran whiners that they are unable to even give fact-based reasons why Iran should be “taken out”.

cechas vodobenikov

your lies r tiresome—USA has 1000 military installations in non amerikan nations—expected in a decaying empire predicted to collapse in less than 10 years


If we didn’t, there would be German and Japanese 1000 military installation in non American nations.

You attack us then you will lose and get installation. Tell your friends to think twice before they try.


That’s what defines a SUPERPOWER …


And I care little for your ilk in the USA.



Good, that’s one less person that wants to come to US. Thank you.


conspiracy theory bs

Why not the Flintstones? That’s at lease your level … eh?



I would think that the only Hole in One you experience is when you butt fuck your LGBT pals.

David Price

Wall street and the Military industry certainly want to be in Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Estonia, and the 1000 plus Military bases around World. Although the US is Oil and Gas self sufficient it still steals Syrian Oil,they set up a Company Delaware Oil with the Kurds as its Front for a legitimate Business. But it would need a licence from the Sovereign Syrian government to do that.So as that didn’t happen why is the US illegally in Syria? Piracy US special forces are dying to protect a sleazy op. US are in Syria to fight ISIS? No they where there when IslamState freely butchered Syrians.John Kerry admits they watched IS from afar and Obama told the World that he had sought & received funding to train more ISIL members (ouch) in Syria. For nearly four years the West funded and trained Terrorism. But that all changed in 5 months on invitation frthe Syrian Government to Russia. Air strikes flying sorties Day and night non stop, stopped these extremists at the gates to Damascus. Zionism continued to supply and arm Terrorism but the Syrian Army, Hezbollah and Iran smashed freeing up large cities,like Aleppo. Agents of the US Israel Saudi where captured like rats hiding as the SAA cornered them. The Military advisers where named along with Nationality by Syrian UN speaker Dr.Ja Afari to the world. Obviously abandoned they are in Syrian Jails. Today multi ethnic and there Sovereign elected president Dr Bashar Assad have begun to rebuild the Synagogues Mosque Churches.Syria is a beautiful patchwork of Jews, Muslims, Christians, Druze, kurds, Yazidis and Atheists all fought for each other again over whelming odds. The Zionists are angry, imagine what would have become of Syria. A New Israel instead of paying the Turkish to sail Syrian oil stolen by the US Special forces Piracy and Terrorism brigade Israel could have annexed the Golan along the Jordan border stopping for Haram Tea in Al Tanf US Concentration camp to Deir al Zour Oil and Gas Fields. Zionism hasn’t forgotten that the brave Syrians upset there plans so they target Damascus every weekend for Airstrikes.

Jens Holm

No american would ever write crap like that.


You got only the Arabs, Persians, Turks, and Muslims in general to blame for their stupidity and 1400 of theocratic tyrannical rule where freedoms of thought, speech, religion, invention patents, and entrepreneur ownership of large enterprises didn’t exist.

If not for the British, Europeans, and American investing money and taking risks, Muslims would not have been able to prospect and produce oil.

The dumb Ottomans went with the the dictatorship of Germany instead of the democracies of the Allies and they lost so Allies took over and the oil is theirS to do as they please.

You should thanks the Allies everyday for getting rid of the Ottomans and building all the oil installation and making Arabs rich.


UAE is a dictatorship and so r Saudis and they bend the knee to apartheid Israel and the global Zionist agenda


Yes, every Arab country is a dictatorship so you can’t say you are better.


Wrong. There are several Arab countries with secular forms of government / elections, etc.


Yes, Iraq , Egypt, Tunisia, etc do have elections but not real freedoms like western democracies that allow people the freedom to speak and think which is what is needed to thrive and grow. So some of the dictatorships are institutional rather than one person or one family in control.


yes real freedom like men pretending to be a she or an “it” and forcing others to go along with that lie.

Freedom, or the western style anyways, is not a precursor to economic growth and prosperity. 30 years ago China and India were on par economically. Now China is a global powerhouse with the entire country connected by cheap and affordable high speed rail. Their infrastructure is decades ahead of the US. India on the other hand, they barely have enough food to eat and surely not enough toilets or sanitation.

The US is surely not a deal democracy. Sorry but choosing between Trump or Hillary is not democracy. It’s a joke. It’s corporate elitist bankers, mostly zionists, running the show. No matter who you vote for, the general policies will stay the same. The unholy trinity of corporate interests, zionist banksters and the military industrial complex run the show.


China became a powerhouse by having American companies move their manufacturing to have cheap labor with $500B surplus trade every year. China has not invented any new device or creates new technology or platform. They only copy or make what America invents and forces American and European companies to share their intellectual property.

Liberty means giving people the freedom to think and create and if decide who should and should not then I can apply that to you as well for any reason. That’s why having religious people in power always fails.


China invented paper, gunpowder and much more. They’re actually really intelligent the way they’ve exploited the west. Why waste money and resources and time on new technology when the west can do that and they can just take that technology, perfect it and sell it back to the west for profit ? But realistically the Chinese have just finished modernizing their country, give them some time and I’m sure they’ll come out up with some new inventions.

Realistically China used the resources at their disposal in a very efficient and pragmatic manner. They were ideally placed with their geographic position and large population to start mass producing and manufacturing consumer products for the entire world.

The truth is that China is about to become the worlds largest economy. They’re ahead of the curb in 5G and competitive in AI. The west, especially America, is envious. The Chinese have made strategic investments in resource rich Africa, while Trump handed over the entire continent to China on a silver platter with his “shithole” remark. The US is drowning in debt, while China is flourishing. The infrastructure in the US is crumbling while all of China is connected by high speed rail. The standard of living in better in China. Universal healthcare and education while in the USA, tens of millions have no healthcare and languish in ghettos.

This is why we see so much animosity towards China recently. It’s a combination of jealousy and spite. However the Chinese are a few steps ahead and have carefully crafted contingency plans. Therefore by trying to hurt China, the US is only shooting itself in the foot.


Ok, you love communism, dictatorship, tyranny, and no liberty. Got it.


In the west, you think of human rights and liberty as being able to choose your gender on a daily basis.

In China, they consider human rights as people having food on the table, healthcare and education. Face it the west is degenerating fast. This century belongs to the east. The harder you fight against the inevitable the harsher your reality will become.


When you pick or focus on .00001% example of population to represent 99.999999% then that tells me you are not a serious person.

Democratic principles of freedom and governance have been around since the Greeks 300BC. If you think dictatorship is the solution then you are an ignorant fool.


Yes 300BC the Greeks were so democratic. Only landlords and men could vote, not to mention they were hardcore slave owners. How demokratic.


When you say that it tells me you are so desperate to come back with dumb rebuttal because you have nothing positive to say about Arabs governance for 1400 years.

I said Democratic principals and not 100% equivalent rules and laws to today’s democratic states.. The US did not have woman or blacks vote but we have the system in place to correct things. To make things better, just, and equal for everyone. It took hundred of years to adjust and adapt. It’s a system of the people, by the people, for the people. No one person or group is better or higher than other.


You know what’s funny, during the dark ages in Europe, if the scholars from the middle east had not preserved Greek texts you wouldn’t know about them today. The system of governance in the US today is a system for the rich elite by the rich elite. Slavery was forced out in the US by means of war, not by the democratic means. The US is not a democracy but rather an oligarchy. However as we can see people are in the streets are rebelling and burning down your oligarchy which is on its last legs now.


You don’t know US history and you are not in position to make comments.

First, study how the constitution was written and by whom. Slavery was not in the constitution. We are a republic form of gov’t of the people, by the people for the people.

It is the greatest nation in all of mankind. We used western civilization experience to influence our founding fathers ideas on governance based on why they escaped Europe and the tyrannical control of the American colonies by those European nations.


It’s an oligarchy made by slave owners and your own people have had enough of your garbage. They’re tearing down the statues of the slavers. They’re burning it down. Down with the oligarchy of elitist zionist banksters.


We don’t have any slave owners you moron. That ended in 1865. The North was so much wealthier than the South. Slave owners descendants have no billionaires.

As I said, you are clueless and ignorant.


The privatized jail system in the US is modern day slavery. Using racial discrimination, profiling to target minorities, put them in prison, force them to do labor for pennies on the dollar. What do you call that ? Slavery never ended in the US. The people are tired of your oligarchy run by the elite zionist bankers and their collaborators. The statues of your founding fathers are being torn down and burned as we speak. Trump vs Hillary is not democracy. People are fed up and are going to burn your oligarchy down.


You must be part BLM, ANTIFA, or some other radical left wing group. You are talking out of your ass.

David Price

You would be surprised where certain things came from. Stop using the we and them, Its a shared Planet and its ours for a short time.Nationialism can create borders beyond the physical, We are born and life travels quickly. Most of the World we see through the prism of TV, which we notice spins us Lies and Fake news.

David Price

I’m a Western European and I really dont see the US as the same Country it was before, every Election is funded by Zionism and US administration is just a Corporation for big business. Look how well the so called administration does on Covid19, and the erosion of civil society, nothing! While civil liberties erode, Senator’s concentrate on self enrichment. John McCain Hillary Clinton Marco Rubio, all involved in the Arming, killing of innocent Men Women & Children in Syria, Libya and Venezuela. Sanctioned for daring to live independent and Sovereign laid down by the UN charter.And Russia meddling in US elections. Killary was a liar cheat and vacant of Respect. Let Arabs, Estonia, Venezuela, China, etc live free from America the Regime

Jens Holm

No real american would ever write something like that.


The UAE is a functioning apartheid state … a few Emirates and a whole bunch of workers without rights of citizenship … who don’t seem to mind … lol

cechas vodobenikov

yet u live in a military dictatorship–inverted totalitarianism, police state, procedural republic worse than N Korea and an oligarchy where election laws only exist in dictatorships like azerbijian LOL


Ok, tell your Russian friends don’t immigrate to US. We don’t like Russians. Got it.

Matthew Hedrick

Actually I am American and I very much like Russians. I have always found them to be courteous and hard working. I would rather see more Russians here than most other nations represented in the U.S.


You can say that about any group of immigrants.

Russians hate America and still think Russia is a superior country yet they came here. They don’t assimilate very well in American society, so tell your friends to go back to Russia otherwise learn English better and assimilate with rest of American people. We hate Russia and old USSR so Russians immigrants need to work extra hard to show their loyalty to the US.


You may not have seen this.It had over one million views on Jewtube before the censors deleted it. It is still viewable elsewhere though :) It explains the control methods of the US tyranny today.



exactly! but for the average hillbilly, they still live in liberty because they can change their gender, have same-sex marriage and adopt children, eat themselves to death, have the world highest rate of private bankruptcy, have the world highest rate of depression and crimes, identify to whatever they want as long as they don’t question their masters….

Jens Holm

You dont know that. You not even know much about Russia as well as Belarus. Ypu only bring filthy lies about everythig.

Jens Holm

Now You have poisioned sober oppositions again, and whats Russia.

Zionism = EVIL

However, at the street level, the Americunt dembass losers are so loved that rockets land on their “embassies” almost every day from Afghanistan to Iraq, while the embassy in Libya was burnt to the ground.

johnny rotten

As Confucius said: Those who act thinking exclusively of profit will succeed in others resentment, this is what israhell means in the world, in the same way as U$A and €U.


Israel is not the issue. Lack of liberty in the Arab world is why the entire Arab world of 300M is only worth 4% of world’s GDP


Speaking of liberty, who was it that blew up the USS Liberty and tried to blame it on “the Arab world”…?


So we should then have then destroyed Israel back then and gave the land to Arabs so they have 24 instead of 23 countries without liberty?

All those Arabs would have loved us and been our best friends ever since, correct?


Israel has no liberty it’s an apartheid state that practices segregation.


You mean apartheid like giving 1 million Arab Muslims and Africans Jewish immigrants citizenship and ability to vote and be included in gov’t?


No I mean apartheid like forcing Palestinians out of their homes at gunpoint and forcefully colonizing Palestinian land, contrary to international law. Apartheid as in schools, buses, entire towns which are Jewish only. Apartheid as in utilities and resources being funneled from Palestinian land for exclusive use on Israeli settlements. Apartheid like blocking Palestinians from traveling from one town to another, forcing them to go through hours of checkpoints. Not allowing Palestinians to leave or acquire vital humanitarian resources. That’s what I mean by apartheid.


Sorry you failed your history class.

Area between and Jordan river and Mediterranean was part of Ottoman Empire which lost WWI to the Allies so it became the Allies land and they can do with as they please since it belongs to them.

Arabs didn’t accept 1937 partition plan, they didn’t accept 1947 partition plan, they didn’t accept 1967 border and setup Palestine, they didn’t accept 2000 offer. They only want to kill all the Jews or kick them all out and that’s only offer they will accept so everything your claim is apartheid’s fake since that is Jews trying to protect themselves since Arabs only offer is to kill them or kick them all out.


Sorry but you failed every class there is

Just because a region is conquered by an occupation force does not give them carte blanc to do as they please. By that logic, the Nazi’s were justified when they conquered territory and then proceeded to ethnically cleanse, commit genocide or impose inhumane apartheid regimes on the local inhabitants.

You can’t say the Nazi’s were wrong but the Israeli’s are right when conducting the same acts. You can’t judge apartheid South Africa one way and then say it’s okay for the Israeli’s to do the same. You have to choose between right and wrong.

Arabs want to be treated as equals and treated with dignity and basic human rights. The Israeli’s never offered that. The entire world aside from the USA and some banana republics agree that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land is illegal and unjust. You can continue to ignore the entire world and live in your little ignorant bubble or accept the facts on the ground and apply morality and human rights across the board.


Sorry to disappoint you but I passed every class and have a 4 year US university degree and had many history classes.

Yes, it does give them carte blanc. Go back and read history. From the victors standpoint they are justified since Allies were attacked first. Nazi attacked first so they don’t have the same justification.

The Muslims (Arabs, Turks, Africans, Persians, etc) over 1400 invaded many non Muslim lands and did as they pleased and had carte blanc. They didn’t give everyone equal citizenship or equal rights and all no Muslims were second class citizens and therefore they had 1400 years of apartheid . Arabs don’t complain about invading other people.


Your education didn’t help you with basic logical deduction. Have you ever heard the term “two wrongs don’t make a right”. You realize that you’re trying to use ancient history to justify modern apartheid, segregation and neo colonialism in the 21st century in Palestine.

Your mentality is basically “the rule of the jungle prevails”. So according to your school of thought, Hitler was justified in what he did in Poland, since he beat the Poles fair and square right ? Also if the Nazi’s would have won WW2, anything they did to the Jews would be justified according to your logic. See how you have a double standard ? I’m surprised you haven’t used the hasbara name games yet. You might as well mix that into your arguments as well while you’re at it.

Jeffrey Wilens

Technically, forcing “palestinians” out by gunpoint is not apartheid. It sounds more like forced expulsions. Like the Jordanians did to Jews living in Judea and Samaria in 1948. There are ZERO towns or cities in Israel that are Jewish only by law. Blocking residents of land under military control is not apartheid. It’s restricting freedom of movement by a hostile people. Sounds like you should support annexation because then civil law would apply. Blockading Gaza is not apartheid either; it is a lawful form of warfare.

Kiev Ukraine

“There are ZERO towns or cities in Israel that are Jewish only by law.”

Plenty of municipal ordinances allow communities in Israel to admit only “board approved” applicants (specifically done by admissions committees). This effectively ensures a para-legal mechanism by which the community CAN EXCLUDE Israeli Arabs, Palestinians, Bedouin, Druze, or Christians as the board sees fit.

“Blocking residents of land under military control is not apartheid.”

It’s pretty close. Israel has a long history of using “firing zones” to commandeer land on which Arabs live (typically land wherein no other legal method for removal of the Arabs has worked). This confiscated land is used only rarely by the military for legitimate training, and the confiscated land is almost always gifted to settler organizations when the military need is resolved. Recent court cases have shown the true agenda of Israel’s use of “firing zones” has been to disenfranchise Israeli Arabs and or Palestinians and separate them from land wanted by Settlers or Jewish ultra-nationalists.

There was a recent case in which Ariel Sharon (as minister of agriculture) had repeatedly requested the military to establish a “firing zone” in a certain area primarily to stop the spread of several Arab communities. The fact that a minister of agriculture initiated the request for a “firing zone” should be indicative that the military had no real need for a training site at that particular location. Thus *effectively* it was apartheid.

Put some ice on that, take two aspirin, and call me in the morning.


Jeffrey Wilens

Name one or two such municipal ordinances. Sorry the term “apartheid” cannot be stretched to cover normal things that happen in war and military occupation. Again, don’t confuse different things. Apartheid is legal system that requires segregation and restrictions based on race. Even if General Sharon wanted to remove Arabs from a part of the West Bank that would not constitute apartheid.

The problem with leftists is they use terms that have real meanings but they don’t understand that they mean.

Kiev Ukraine

“Name one or two such municipal ordinances.”

Sure. From h rw (dot) or g

Israel: New Laws Marginalize Palestinian Arab Citizens

***** The Knesset passed the Admissions Committees Law on March 23, 2011. It gives “admissions committees” –bodies that select applicants for housing units and plots of land –almost full discretion to accept or reject individuals from living in these towns. The committees include a representative from the Jewish Agency or the World Zionist Organization, quasi-governmental entities. The Committees, in practice, filter out Arab Palestinian applicants and others from marginalized groups.

This law officially authorizes “admissions committees” in about 300 Jewish-majority communities to reject applicants for residency who do not meet vague “social suitability” criteria. The measure anchors in law a practice that has been the basis for unjustly rejecting applications by Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel as well as members of socially marginalized groups.

The “admissions committee” law requires anyone seeking to move to any community in the Negev and Galilee regions with fewer than 400 families to obtain approval from committees consisting of town residents, a member of the Jewish Agency or World Zionist Organization, and several others. The law empowers these committees to reject candidates who, among other things, “are ill-suited to the community’s way of life” or “might harm the community’s fabric.”

There are more than 300 such small communities in the Negev and Galilee, either small cooperative “kibbutzes” with some shared property, farming communities called “moshavs,” or small rural “community towns,” on land leased by the state. These communities already have admissions committees established under regulations of the Israel Land Authority, the state agency that leases them their land. But the committees and screening procedures had not been specifically authorized under national laws.

Although Palestinian Arabs are in the majority in the Negev and Galilee, the state has never allocated lands to allow these Israeli citizens to establish small communities there. All of the towns and communities to which the new law applies were established for and have a majority of Jewish residents. *****

From ad al ah (dot) o rg

Israeli Supreme Court upholds “Admissions Committees Law” that allows Israeli Jewish communities to exclude Palestinian Arab citizens

***** Haifa, Israel, 17 September 2014 In a 5 to 4 decision, an expanded panel of the Israeli Supreme Court decided to dismiss a petition brought by Adalah three years ago against the “Admissions Committees Law”. The law allows for hundreds of Israeli Jewish communities in the Naqab (Negev) in the south and in the Galilee in the north to reject applicants for housing based on the criteria of “social suitability” and the “social and cultural fabric” of the town.

The law allows the possibility of rejecting applicants who are Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel, as well as other marginalized groups, solely on the basis of their race, ethnicity, religion, or other identity. The court’s decision effectively legalizes the principle of segregation in housing between Arab and Jewish citizens, and permits the practice of racism against Arab citizens in about 434 communities, or 43% of all towns in Israel. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) also filed a petition against this law.

In response, Adalah stated that the Court’s decision, “gives the green light for 434 communities to exist based on the principle of segregated housing. This law is one of the most racist pieces of legislation enacted in recent years, the primary objective of which is to marginalize Arab citizens and prevent them from accessing housing on ‘state land’ in many communities. The court’s decision upholds one of the most dangerous laws in Israel.” *****

Therefore Jeffrey: You asked for one or two examples. The concept of admissions committees was previously established under regulations of the Israel Land Authority, the state agency that leases them their land. But the committees and screening procedures had not been specifically authorized under national laws. Now with the more recent Knesset vote, they have been nationally authorized. I believe that makes two instances or if you will, two examples.


Kiev Ukraine

2nd attempt.

“Name one or two such municipal ordinances.”

Sure. From Human Rights Watch:

Israel: New Laws Marginalize Palestinian Arab Citizens ***** The Knesset passed the Admissions Committees Law on March 23, 2011. It gives “admissions committees” –bodies that select applicants for housing units and plots of land –almost full discretion to accept or reject individuals from living in these towns. The committees include a representative from the Jewish Agency or the World Zionist Organization, quasi-governmental entities. The Committees, in practice, filter out Arab Palestinian applicants and others from marginalized groups.

This law officially authorizes “admissions committees” in about 300 Jewish-majority communities to reject applicants for residency who do not meet vague “social suitability” criteria. The measure anchors in law a practice that has been the basis for unjustly rejecting applications by Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel as well as members of socially marginalized groups.

The “admissions committee” law requires anyone seeking to move to any community in the Negev and Galilee regions with fewer than 400 families to obtain approval from committees consisting of town residents, a member of the Jewish Agency or World Zionist Organization, and several others. The law empowers these committees to reject candidates who, among other things, “are ill-suited to the community’s way of life” or “might harm the community’s fabric.”

There are more than 300 such small communities in the Negev and Galilee, either small cooperative “kibbutzes” with some shared property, farming communities called “moshavs,” or small rural “community towns,” on land leased by the state. These communities already have admissions committees established under regulations of the Israel Land Authority, the state agency that leases them their land. But the committees and screening procedures had not been specifically authorized under national laws.

Although Palestinian Arabs are in the majority in the Negev and Galilee, the state has never allocated lands to allow these Israeli citizens to establish small communities there. All of the towns and communities to which the new law applies were established for and have a majority of Jewish residents. *****

From adalah:

Israeli Supreme Court upholds “Admissions Committees Law” that allows Israeli Jewish communities to exclude Palestinian Arab citizens

Subhead: Supreme Court’s decision entrenches racial segregation; 434 small communities in Israel, or 43% of all residential areas, will be allowed to close their doors to Arab citizens of the state. ***** Haifa, Israel, 17 September 2014 In a 5 to 4 decision, an expanded panel of the Israeli Supreme Court decided to dismiss a petition brought by Adalah three years ago against the “Admissions Committees Law”. The law allows for hundreds of Israeli Jewish communities in the Naqab (Negev) in the south and in the Galilee in the north to reject applicants for housing based on the criteria of “social suitability” and the “social and cultural fabric” of the town.

The law allows the possibility of rejecting applicants who are Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel, as well as other marginalized groups, solely on the basis of their race, ethnicity, religion, or other identity. The court’s decision effectively legalizes the principle of segregation in housing between Arab and Jewish citizens, and permits the practice of racism against Arab citizens in about 434 communities, or 43% of all towns in Israel. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) also filed a petition against this law.

In response, Adalah stated that the Court’s decision, “gives the green light for 434 communities to exist based on the principle of segregated housing. This law is one of the most racist pieces of legislation enacted in recent years, the primary objective of which is to marginalize Arab citizens and prevent them from accessing housing on ‘state land’ in many communities. The court’s decision upholds one of the most dangerous laws in Israel.” *****

Therefore Jeffrey: You asked for one or two examples. The concept of admissions committees was previously established under regulations of the Israel Land Authority, the state agency that leases them their land. But the committees and screening procedures had not been specifically authorized under national laws. Now with the more recent Knesset vote, they have been nationally authorized. I believe that makes two instances, -or if you will, two examples.

And as for your dismissal of “firing zones” as a necessity of war and occupation, the court case established the primary purpose of the firing zones was not military necessity, but Arab disenfranchisement.


Jeffrey Wilens

You did not respond appropriately. I asked you for one or two examples of municipalities that passed laws discriminating against Arab citizens for housing. You did not even cite one example.

Instead, you cited a law that was enacted and upheld by the Supreme Court. That law does NOT authorize discrimination based on race. It does give the equivalent of homeowner associations some flexibility in establishing standards (things not allowing ownership by people who are not going to actually live there). However, that law specifically states: “The admissions committee will not refuse to accept a candidate for reasons of race, religion, gender, nationality, disability, personal status, age, parenthood, sexual orientation, country of origin, political-party opinion or affiliation.”

So much with your argument about laws that expressly discriminate against Arab citizens.

Your second comment about “disenfranchisement” demonstrates you do not know what the word means. Israel has the right to allocate property for some public use, whether it is military or otherwise, in the West Bank. That is unless there is some law that provides otherwise. The power is even a little stronger than eminent domain in Israel. However, again you would have to struggle to come up with actual examples of it being used recently.

Kiev Ukraine

Jeffrey, I’d say you ought to be ashamed, but I know you are incapable of shame because you have no conscience. In fact, you sound a lot like a K^K^K lawyer defending a recent large purchase of rope as a quote “innocent exercise in free market capitalism”.

In this case you are lying through omission. -A classic Zionist tactic of duplicity, misinformation, and manipulation. Lets try the entire section of the text from which you pulled your snippet:

According to the text of the amended law:

*** (1) The designation of land to an individual for the purpose of purchase in communal societies that have admission committees is permitted only after the approval of the aforementioned committees.

(2) The transfer of the right to land that is designated to an individual, or the right to land that was transferred legally in a communal society according to paragraph (1), is permitted after approval is granted by the admission committee to the person who is transferring the land with respect to the person the land is transferred to. The admission committee of a communal society is formed of five members: two representatives of the communal society; a representative of the movement the communal society pertains to or is a member of (in case the society does not belong to any movement, or the movement itself chooses to withdraw its representation, a representative of the communal society is added); a representative of the Jewish Agency for the Land of Israel or the World Zionist Organization; a representative of the regional district the communal society pertains to.

(c) If a candidate is refused admission by the admission committee of the communal society, an explanation of the decision is to be issued. The considerations of the admission committees are:

The admission committee is granted the right to refuse the admission of a certain candidate according to at least one of the following considerations only:

the candidate is below the legal age limit;

the candidate lacks the economic resources to build a house in the communal society during the period of time specified in the land designation agreement (as presented by a professional opinion offered by a qualified person to diagnose such suitability);

The candidate does not match the social fabric of the communal society, if there exists evidence that indicates so; the existence of fixed admission rules in the society’s platform, if it exists and only if approved by the Associations’ Registry.

The admission committees do not refuse a candidate based on race, religion, gender, nationality, disability, personal status, age, parenthood, sexual affiliation, country of origin, political conviction or political-party affiliation. *** As long as a candidate can be refused on the basis “he does not match the social fabric of the communal society”, effective racial discrimination WILL continue to happen.

You’re beat, so stop acting like the Black Knight from Monty Python’s Holy Grail movie.


Jeffrey Wilens

Very strange. All you did was repeat the same things and this time you included the anti-discrimination language, which proves I was right and you were wrong.

You then argue that the vague “social fabric” language could override the anti-discrimination language. However, while anything is possible, you present no proof it actually happened. In the USA there are similar anti-discrimination laws but at the same time, there can be HOA rules that are vague and could possibly run afoul of the anti-discrimination laws. For example there could be a neutral rule about number of occupants per dwelling unit, which so happened to impact one racial gorup more than others. In that case, it would up to the plaintiff to prove a discriminatory intent or perhaps affect depending on the jurisdiction.

So, to return to my point. You did fail and I have no reason to be ashamed at your failure. I give you another chance to prove an example of a municipality that was able to avoid the anti-discrimination part of the statute by means of the “social fabric” language.

Because right now your arm and your leg are both cut off.

Kiev Ukraine

“Because right now your arm and your leg are both cut off.”

Ha. -And right now, you’re smoking some serious Zionist crazy-hash. Put the pipe down and reintroduce yourself to the real world. Your position is diametrically opposed to Human Rights Watch, Breaking The Silence, Amnesty International, Adalah, Middle East Monitor, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, and dozens of other guardians of morality. That doesn’t make you right, it makes you a stereotypical Zionist Jew with an arrogant, stiff neck.

The “anti-discrimination” language you speak of was added to render the law immune to inquiry and condemnation in the courts by adding uncertainty. In practice (of course), there is no uncertainty, and apparently there is no recourse for those Arab families denied residency. It was after all *you* who said Arab citizens have the right to live anywhere in Israel. Apparently a right and an *honored, respected, and fully realized right* are two different things for you.

Quoting Adalah: “The law allows for hundreds of Israeli Jewish communities in the Naqab (Negev) in the south and in the Galilee in the north to reject applicants for housing based on the criteria of “social suitability” and the “social and cultural fabric” of the town. The law allows the possibility of rejecting applicants who are Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel, as well as other marginalized groups, solely on the basis of their race, ethnicity, religion, or other identity. The court’s decision effectively legalizes the principle of segregation in housing between Arab and Jewish citizens, and permits the practice of racism against Arab citizens in about 434 communities, or 43% of all towns in Israel.

Further, if in this modern era there were a similar set of laws that allowed towns and villages in Europe to deny admission or residency to Jews because they were deemed “socially unsuitable” or because they could potentially damage the “social and cultural fabric” of the community (while at the same time including sufficient boiler-plate legalese to provide political cover for those crimes), what would you call that? Unacceptable? NZI policy? Anti-Semitic? -Yes, yes, and yes again? -As I said, you’re a hypocrite.

OTOH, if you would like to show me how this law -which you insist prohibits such discrimination -has been successful in the manner you claim, -IE allowing numerous Israeli Arabs documented to be living in those previously cited towns and villages in Israel, then please have at it. Show me where we’ve all been wrong about you and Zionist Israel.


Jeffrey Wilens

Rather be a strong Zionist than a pussy leftist. Just saying.

“Law allows possibility” means nothing.

You just made up a European law but if there was a law that allowed homeowners associations to consider “social frabric” but prohibited discrimination based on race, religion, etc., I would have NO problem with it. I am not a hypocrite because I don’t ignore the discrimination ban, you do.

You brought this stupid topic up with researching it, relying on leftist and/or Muslim propaganda. So it’s up to you to point to a particular village that did what you said. If you can find one, I will certainly criticize them.

Kiev Ukraine

“Rather be a strong Zionist than a pussy leftist. Just saying.”

Well I’ve had Zionist and I’ve had pu$$y. The latter puts up a much better (and more rewarding) fight. The Zionist OTOH only offers the old mind F. For example, your typical mind F is to pretend what we are talking about are laws on paper (you brought that aspect up) instead of state and municipal sanctioned discrimination in fact -based on race, nationality (what you call the conflict of national narratives), or religion.

So here’s your current position as if it were held by the K^K^K: “No sir, there’s nothing in our charter that says we lynch people based on the color of their skin, their nationality, or their religion. Rather, our by-laws state we reserve the right to lynch some folks because they pose a threat to our “social fabric”. -And of course, sometimes when dey whistles at da white wemmenz…:-)

“You brought this stupid topic up with researching it, relying on leftist and/or Muslim propaganda.”

Pretty sure you brought up the concept that no Israeli village was Jewish-only by law. Perhaps you should check yourself.

At any rate, that’s the best you can do? You’re gonna casually dismiss Human Rights Watch, Breaking The Silence, Amnesty International, Peace Now, Adalah, Middle East Monitor, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, the UN, the EU, the ICJ, and ICC among others? That does not sound like sound, rational thinking, it sounds like an arrogant, empty bluff by a poor, desperate soul who’s got nothing left in his quiver but stonewalling.

Okeee… you go on back to that pipe then. The addiction suits you.



The nation state law allowed for the creation of “jewish only” towns. In reality Jewish only settlements have existed for decades, where Palestinians are not allowed in, except to do hard labor and that’s after going through countless checkpoints where they’re treated like cattle.

If the tables were turned and Arabs were doing the same thing to Jews, I guarantee that the zionist controlled mainstream media in the west would be ranting nonstop about human rights abuses, mistreatment, oppression.

According to international law, even during times of war, regardless of affiliation, every nation must be able to acquire humanitarian goods such as fuel, food, medicine, without hindrance. The apartheid state of israel is depriving Gaza of that right.

Also according to your logic, Hitler “restricted the freedom of movement by a hostile people” when he imprisoned thousands of Jewish families. Stop trying to justify apartheid and ethnic cleansing.

Palestinians were living on the land, the Jewish migrants came there from Europe. Netanyahu’s real name is Lebanowski. All of Israeli’s founders changed their names from East European to sound more “jewish” Even the name “israel” was decided upon at the last minute. At one point they were going to call the country Judea, while others actually thought Palestine would be the best choice. This is nothing less than modern neo colonialism in the 21st century. It’s repulsive and no matter how much hasbara terminology you try to use with your name games, educated and well informed people know the truth.

Jeffrey Wilens

Shawn, your argument is ridiculous and your analogy is inapt (that means not applicable). Jewish only settlements in the West Bank are perfectly legal since that is not under Israeli civilian law. “Table were turned”? Makes no sense. When Jordan controlled the West Bank it expelled all Jews, not even allowing them to work in Arab village or have their movement restricted. So Arabs don’t lecture Jews about such things.

There is no international law that makes the Gaza blockade illegal and in fact humanitarian goods ARE allowed in every day except where terrorism by Gaza requires a temporary closure of the border checkpoints.

Your analogy to Htler is typical brain-dead leftism. Jews in German did not merely have their freedom of movement restricted and they were hot a “hostile people.” They were German citizens, many of who served loyally in WW1 and were assimilating and trying to be “good Germans.” They were stripped of all their civil rights, subjected to pogroms and then (if they did not flee in time) murdered. What a stupid analogy. I only wish the Germans had ethnically cleansed the Jews and then left them alone but instead they invaded many other countries and murdered the Jews they found there. You are one sick puppy.

The term “Palestinians” did not mean what you think in the 1800s when Jews started to return in significant numbers. There were Arabs and Jews and Palestine was a geographic region not a country. Yes, many Jews came and also many Arabs came as the population in Palestine in the early 1800s was extremely small. Arafat was Egyptian.

The fact remains that MOST Jews and MOST Arabs living in Palestine were not born in Palestine until recent decades. The name Israel is in the Bible and was not decided at the last minute. But Judea would also have been acceptable. And even Palestine would have been considered because Palestine always meant the Jews for 2,000 years. It was only in the 20th century that the idea of a Palestinian Arab national identity was INVENTED.

Bottom line. There are many Arab states and even more Muslim ones. You just stand one Jewish one.


Settlements are legal in the eyes of an apartheid state and the USA ? Come on, the entire world, aside from a few banana republics that are paid off, do not consider them legal. You keep trying to sugarcoat the truth. with hasbara word games.

Also the term “hostile people” is subjected. The Nazi’s considered Jews a hostile people to Germany national security and according to your hypocritical outlook on the world, if the Germans had won WW2 they would have been justified in everything they did. All the human rights abuses would be justified right ? Just like the US sells weapons to the Saudi’s, which they purposely use on civilians and that’s “legal” right ?

Also you’re trying to use ancient history to justify modern apartheid, segregation and neo colonialism. It doesn’t work. Let’s see, the Ottomans controlled lots of territory before WW1. Should they use those former holdings as justification to conquer and commit genocide, forceful displacement of millions ? What about the Persian Empire ? Cyrus the great was even thought of as a prophet of sorts by the Jews in the bible. So I guess by your standards, it would be okay if the Persians occupied every piece of territory they previously held, even in Europe ?

That’s the problem with your zionist worldview. It only works when you’re on the winning side, but any other way, you would be appalled at it. If the Israeli’s are colonizing and forcefully displacing people its good. If the Palestinians did the same thing to the Jews, it would be bad. What the Nazi’s did was wrong but if the Jews are doing it to Palestinians it’s perfectly kosher.

Jeffrey Wilens

The “entire world” does not care at all where Jews live in Judea and Samaria. Who cares are the Palestinian Arabs and a few Muslim nations that would like to see Israel destroyed because they are anti-Semitic. The rest of the Muslim nations don’t care but have to virtue signal to keep their ignorant masses happy and to deflect from failed states. The rest of the non-Muslim world either ignores it entirely or virtue signals to appease the Muslims knowing that Jews aren’t not going to go on rampages slashing throats or blowing up school busses.

The term “hostile people” is not subjective. The germans were not driven by any kind of logic as the Jews could have been loyal and useful, especially in the science and technology front. There was zero evidence of a hostile threat. The germans were driven by insanity or evilness to act against their own best interests. The Ottomans did in fact commit genocide against the Armenians and in fact did conquer much land. I am not sure why you bring them up; they are guilty of sins a million times greater than Israel.

Cyrus the Great was no prophet. It was thought he was used by God to serve God’s purposes. It is even possible you Shawn are being used by God, just as he hardened Pharoah’s heart, your heart has been hardened, although for what purpose I cannot say.

The Arabs already did the same thing to the Jews. This is just the Jews reclaiming their OWN land. Deal with it.


Cyrus was called “the anointed one” I’m sure the Jews he liberated back then would argue that he and his descendants have a rightful claim to all of the territory under his command, if not the entire world.

Anyways the entire world rejects zionist settlements as illegal and u know you’re ideology is flawed when as soon as you turn the tables, it doesn’t work for you to the point where it’s unacceptable.

You also know that you’re worldview is severely flawed when you have to use ancient history to justify modern crimes against humanity.

When your founders have to change their names to sound Jewish rather than east Europeans and they have to debate what the name of their made up country is going to be, you know that it’s a fake colonial entity based on segregation and apartheid.

Jeffrey Wilens

You are confused by the term “anointed one.” it simply means designated for a purpose. It is not carte blanche to do whatever you want. The Persians certainly did believe they had a right to create and hold a huge empire, but it was not ordained by God is the point.

Again, your point about the entire world is just silly. Are you saying billions of individuals? Many of them have no knowledge or concern at all about the West Bank. I reject you Shawn and consider your views to be both immoral, contrary to God and a misstatement of international law (such as it exists at all). But so what? I am not doing anything about you and your misguided views Shawn except by way of this debating forum.

Sure lots of nations will make statements about the settlements. The reason is obvious. Disagree with Arabs and they might blow you up or cut your throat. Disagree with the Jews and they will argue vociferously. Meanwhile, the same nations have excellent relations with Israel and do a lot of business with Israel. So this is not much of a “rejection” is it. That’s why BDS started, to try to turn empty words into tangible actions. And so far there are no tangible results of any significance to show for it.

You also fail to persuade anyone why Israel’s “crimes against humanity” require so much attention in the face of much more grievous “crimes” by pretty much every other nation. Nor do you explain why a Palestinian state or whatever you are advocating would be better (as opposed to even worse crimes against humanity).

The founders of Israel already had Jewish names dummy. David Ben-Gurion was originally David Grun, which is a Jewish name in East Europe. He did not change his last name to a Jewish name (already was), he changed it to a biblical name. Are you suggesting someone is not Jewish if his name is not a stereotypical Jewish name?

I never said all of the founders were Middle Eastern, but they were all Jewish, which is the point. You also ignore the fact millions of Jews who were born or whose parents were born in the Middle East are also citizens of Israel.

The rest of your post is easily rebutted. Israel is a real name of the Jewish homeland. Israel cannot be a “colonial entity” because a colony requires a mother country, which does not exist. Israel is the collective homeland of the Jewish people so it cannot be colony dummy.

However, the geographic region “Palestine” was in fact conquered by imperial powers making it a colony of the Arabs and Turks. So all Arab claims to Israel are in fact based on colonialism. I bet you did not see that coming. That’s what happens when you are steeped in Muslim/leftist propaganda.

Now you can answer a question for me? Why do leftist ally with Muslims against Israel when Muslims’ ideology and actions seem to go against all progressive values? Explain that.



Jeffrey Wilens

No one did that. No one blamed “the Arab world.” A US Spy ship was secretly in a war zone without coordinating with the party at war and was accidentally damaged in an air strike. The US has done the same thing many times by mistake to friendly forces.


The Liberty was a visually distinct US ship and was flying her real flag. The same cannot be said of the unmarked “Israeli” craft…

Jeffrey Wilens

This matter has been thoroughly investigated by both governments and some compensation was paid. The spy ship was in a war zone without advanced disclosure and the flag was not visible to the pilots. You are beating a dead horse. Your original claim was Israel blamed the Arab world, which was a lie.


Sure, clearly the “Iraq has WMDs” people did nothing wrong… [/sarcasm]


Get off the crack parasite,you have no clue on usa economy in massive debt,nazi PARASITES!


Yes, we do have a massive debt. What does that have to do with us having a constitution that provides liberty for all?

Nazis wanted to kill Americans and takeover the world and make the aryan race the master of the world and not early anything to do with me so you have no idea what a Nazi is.

cechas vodobenikov

u r nazis—the US constitution=trash “a ruling class document”. Charles Beard that “contains inherent contradictions that encourages dictatorship” Kurt Godel u r a moron…apparently u have never lived in a civilized nation


I don’t want to live in civilized Russia.

Icarus Tanović

No one cares.


you americans are the eternal useful idiots of the gews aren’t you…


Yeah, the Jews forced us to write the Declaration of Independence, the constitution, help us defeated the British, expand into the West. Defeat Mexico and take over CA. Buy from France LA and Alaska from Russia. The Jews forced us to discover steam engine, combustion engine, nuclear weapons, discover oil, go into WWI, WWII. We do what the Jews tell us for 500 years.


It was Spinoza who layed the groundworks of the usa constitution, only of jewish sephardic descent. The extremistic jews that are ruining the usa today made an attempt to take his life. Don’t insult Baruch Di Spinoza.


Of course, we have his statue in every city and his name is every where. All our American Colonial founding fathers quoted him in every speech and copied everything from him.


I didn’t knew that and am glad to hear this


You are either very slow or an idiot.


I don’t live in the usa. Spinoza is also about mutual respect and sharing opinions without insulting each other (which is sometimes hard for me myself, but I do my best)


I was being sarcastic. No one knows who that person is. There are no statues for him.

You said we are useful idiots of Jews which make no sense. Jews don’t control a 320M Americans and all the gov’t. That shows how ignorant about the US.

People in other countries make bad assumptions about the US.


The USA borrows in $USD … at the lowest rates ever … don’t sweat it

Turkey borrows in $USD and the Turkish lira is dissolving … hello?


I only know one kind of nazi’s, ashkenazi’s


The zioracist garbage dump is very much at the root of the death and destruction in the region, so it IS the issue. That putrefying cancerous boil should not exist in the 1st place.


Laughable … a Hezbollah adherent with a vile pus filled cranium


Lack of liberty ? Like Saudi and UAE monarchies ? Like how the Sunni minority rulers of Bahrain CRUSHED a popular democratic uprising a few years ago ?


Correct, every Arab and majority Muslim nations lack liberty.

Muslims have a 1400 years history of having crushed any ability for people to think or support democracy.

How come you only mentioned Bahrain and not also Syria or Iran crushing “democracy” where minority Sunni vs majority Shia?

People like you that only think about their tribe or sect are why there is no hope for liberty in Arab world.


The conflict in Syria but never a civil war but rather a foreign backed insurgency. From the very start the US began pumping truck loads of weapons into the country, supporting radical militants, terrorists with training, weapons, funding. The US did the same thing in Libya and now the country is a hot mess.

The US does not care about liberty or human rights. If you actually did your research you would realize that there are a few Arab countries which have secular forms of government and/or elections.

In the grand scale of things the US does not want to see any resource rich, middle eastern nation become too developed. This is why the US overthrew the democratically elected liberal government of Iran in 1953, which is why the Iranians became radicalized.


The annexation is cancelled for a peace deal with the UAE, it’s best for both sides. Bibi won’t do anything, and as an Israeli you better take my word rather than other fake platforms like SF.


Bibi just making statement for political reasons no doubt. But do you think the court case against him is really that strong? (As opposed to what you hope will happen)


Sprogs of incest have no idea,not even in their own backyards let alone how to keep!


Yes, he is scared of the verdict. The more the trial continues and new evidence are revealed, the more he is paniced. It’s either a fourth election or he resigns, and I don’t think he will do that.


I sometimes think Modi and Bibi are both useless.Modi compromises on China while Bibi seems to compromise on west bank annexation,Hamas and Hezbollah.


No you and ye pro homosexual orientated fake friend are the utterly useless feminists!


How am I pro homo you british idiot!Go save your country from Muslims if you have the guts.

Zionism = EVIL

You are a homo Paul? I mean Homo Sapien :)


You are weak,thus broken (incests)Truth is you can’t stop the more mundane truth,regardless!

S Melanson

Agreed, I criticize SF in my post above. Barring major changes in circumstances, Bibi will be permitted to spout off his mouth (to a point) but annexation is put in deep freeze.


You may not have seen this as the MSM have ignored it and jewtube ‘ cancelled’ it. It even shocked me.


S Melanson

I am aware of the documentary. I have not yet watched it but plan to. Have you been following Millies arrest which was on the day of release of the documentary? It is a fine example of the Soviet criminal code


It certainly is, yet the majority still think that their Western Governments are working tirelessly to care for them.

Its a form of Stockholme Syndrome. and the majority are being Butt Fucked with debt and the MSM by day and by night.

Jim Allen

Your word isn’t worth a fuck. Bibi is acting right in character we’ve all learned to know, and love.


The deal isn’t CANCELLED … so what are you saying Jim?

Jim Allen

Yet, on paper. Israel is so predictable, and ordinary with it’s two-faced backstabbing,, and false narratives the world knows is shitfuckery. You tell me what I’m saying, you’re the know it all troll. You don’t need me to explain a comment you’re going to attempt to corrupt the content, that shows arrogant sociopath ways.


blah … blah … blah

The deal is cancelled Jim …



Were you the kid with the pimples no one showed any love to ?

You’re a big mouth now …



A peace deal where there was no war. A load of BS. The zioracist garbage dump was already in bed with its b*tch.

I agree that there won’t be an annexation because this deal was the way out of a tight spot Satanyahoo had painted himself into. Like with everything he rambles on about, he does not have the guts to carry it through.


I agree with you, Bibi is a coward. But other Israeli decision makers are not like him and after he’s gone a new era can begin.


A new era that won’t change anything on the ground. The only thing that will bring real change is when the zioracist polity is dismantled and there will be 1 truly democratic state with EQUAL rights for ALL its citizens (incl. the right of return for Palestinians) between the river and the sea.


No Pali will ever return back to Israel, only to the West Bank or Gaza under a peace deal. If they keep using their balloons and shoot rockets then I expect an operation to start even if the traitor is in power, he hates to lose votes.


No Pali will ever return back to Israel ……

Absolutely true. They will return when “israel” is no more, and there will only be 1 state in all of Palestine. It won’t happen tomorrow, but it will happen. The world has shown there is no place for a racist cancer, whether it was your role model Nazi Germany or your junior colleague Apartheid South Africa, both were eventually destroyed.


It’s always good to dream.


For you guys, yes, that’s all that’s real. You zioracist garbage dump is based on lies and pretence, and its 2 predecessors were destroyed by the international community.

So, yeah, keep it up to have those wet dreams.


YOU suggested: “… its 2 predecessors were destroyed by the international community.”

WTF are you talking about?


Dream … Dream … Dream …Dream

The Everly Brothers hit … eh?


Israel already is a liberal democratic state … the Pals will have a demilitarized autonomous entity of part of the WB … that’s it!

The Jordan Valley and Area C will remain Israel with offsets offered


you’re a great troll promoting anti-semitism. I admire you:)


Rain of rockets… Not clickbait at all


It worked on me, this was the first article I clicked on! :)


At least the rain didn’t we you/us

S Melanson

The headline is not accurate. I wrote this comment when the deal was announced – this is an excerpt with minor edit in square brackets to clarify: ——- …As for the Abraham Accord, they reflect what has been in the background for some time, what is significant is that the UAE is not just acknowledging their growing relationship with Israel, but have [signed an accord towards] formaliz[ing] it…

The delay in annexation was a face saving addition for Netanyahu as the decision was made in June to at the very least delay and this was forced on Netanyahu by elites that recognized the reckless path Netanyahu was walking…

So the accord represents a path to formalizing what has already been taking place for years behind the scenes – the headline ‘crumbles’ is a diservice to the truth and SF is suppose to be a go-to alternative news source, not alternative fake-news source.

As for Bibi, he is obviously speaking to his political base just as UAE Crown Prince is speaking to his domestic audience (SF should know better) – according to Council on Foreign Relations:

According to the Emirati government, the accord “immediately stops” Israeli plans to annex parts of the West Bank and provides an opportunity for Israel and the Palestinians to renew negotiations to end their conflict. Israeli officials use the word “suspend.”

The difference in language represents the politics that each country’s leader confronts. In the case of the UAE, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed clearly felt compelled to demonstrate that normal relations with the UAE were not cost-free for the Israelis. For Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, use of the term “suspend” is an effort to mollify pro-annexation political groups and faction

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabi crown prince of hell isn’t trustworthy. What do you sugest is that Sf readers go elsewhere for real news and not fake news source? Well, that isn’t stupid advice. Thanks!

S Melanson

My comment was actually directed to SF which I think has improved significantly in the past year and I do not want to see SF slide backwards.


According to Iranian, officials Iran has already received parent for the oil onboard the ships.

The oil was transfered from the ships without military intervention. No doubt a combination of threats and bribery plated a role in acquiring the oil.

Trump has to try and save face after his bid to extend the UN arms embargo against Iran failed miserably at the UN security council.

Only the Dominican (banana) Republic voted with the US. What a crushing and embarrassing defeat for Trump.


‘ According to iranian officers’ LOL.

Anyone who deals with shipping knows that BIK ( Bandar Imam Khomeini) and BA ( Bandar Abbas ) are restricted ports as well as all Venezuellan ports and vessels calling these places are not ander PANDI and H+M insurance cover

No shipowner will send his vessel there before getting relevant guarantees from a state actor , especially when we are speaking about highly expensive VLCC s.

These vessels are most likely former IRSL vessels flying Panamian or Liberian flags operated from Greece , because that what yr iranian people always do.

There is also no such possibility for payment of oil value as well , as such large funds will definitely stopped by OFAC especially considering that both countries are banned from banking system.

LOL both vessels and oil is gone.

So yr small propaganda abv seems completely BS as usual.


Thanks for the information …


The world is much bigger than your tiny torkesh brain can conceive. There are countless ways to pay and receive payment in countless forms in this day and age.

How did Iran send millions of barrels of oil to Venezuela and receive full payment last time ? How is Iran selling over 1 million barrels of oil as we speak if it’s impossible ? LOL

What happened when the British seized those Iranian ships ? Iran seized several British ships and you know how that ended.

Isn’t it strange how a few months ago when Iran claimed the ships that were going to Venezuela as belonging to Iran, the US didn’t dare make a move ?

Now when the Iran humiliated the US at the UN security council, they suddenly had to save face so this happens.

Interesting how oil from those ships was recently transferred without military intervention. Last year Brian Hook offered the captain of one Iranian ship tens of millions of dollars. No doubt this time the Americans used a combination of threats and bribery.

It’s funny how you torks consider yourselves inferior to Americans and therefore bow down to their every wish and whim. Despite allowing them to host bases on your soil they still treat u like disposable g@rbage. They’re backing your worse enemy, PKK and they wouldn’t even sell you F-35 after you paid for it. LOL


Shawnie , my dear iranian friend with an Anglo saxon nick , why you are so upset and aggressive ? Is it because I spoiled yr propaganda attempt for the gullible ?

I gave you a lot of information above , why you can reply any of these ?

Dear , Iran can only sell oil legally if/when approved by the UN , and income must be used for buying urgent needs of the country ( like medicine and food ) That’s how Iran sells oil. Other sales without permission have a high risk of confiscation just like this one – On the contrary to what you claim , the world is not so big anymore . It is very small when it comes to tracing ships and big money. The payment methods for such a high amount , it is cash , gold or barter – You can not use bank transfers or crypto for such big amounts. These are not options in yr case here.

Plus there is no evidence proving that ‘’Iran got the full payment’’ last time. LOL. How do you know that Iran did not sell with credit just like they had done with North Korea ?

Yanks confiscated the vessel this or that way – your incompetent boys lost the vessels and the Cargo , how this is a humiliation for US but not for Iran especially considering that most probably the vessels also belonged to Iran as well.

If you check, you will see that they all fly Liberian flags and managed from same district in Piraeus , Greece. Most probably a curtained operation of IRSL.

And what Iran did in return ? Tried to seize M/T Willa in Gulf, but had to leave her after 5 hours. LOL.

One thing else , if Iran is a piece from heaven , why you Iranians are the largest groups of immigrants here in TR applying for Turkish citizenship ? Something wrong in ‘heaven’’ ? LOL:

It always amuses me to see Iranians like you living in EU or US trying to promote Iran and trash US / England while you pay taxes to the government that blew yr top general to smithereens. But what else we can expect from loudmouth ME weasels like your kind..


LOL according to your logic Iran should not be able to sell any oil to anyone and the US should have already seized every Iranian tanker.

However according to analysts Iran. Is exporting over 1 million barrels every month. Care to explain how that’s possible ?

What can we expect from the same person who tries to deny the Watiya airstrikes which wiped out those torkesh air defenses.

There’s verified satellite imagery but in your mind anything that hurts your feelings can’t possibly be true.


Shawnie , Iran can only sell oil after getting aproval from the UN. UN checks the receivers , final destination, where money will be used and approves if appropriate Most probably , just like Libya example , UN holds the money and uses it under instructions from Iran for UN approved urgent humanitarian needs of the country , such as food , medicine and others.

So , there goes your small propaganda , sorry.

Meantime , I never refused or denied Watiya attack – I just told you that while the base came under full TR control and now became a major TR base over there , all you had in hand was some air attacks which destroyed 2-3 air defence systems and you were wanking on them . And you could not say a word about it . Remember ?

Anyhow I have to tell you that I also find your kind quite interesting . While you Iranians are facing explosions , bombings , deaths everyday regularly , you are trying to rant from 2-3 destroyed air defence systems of a newly conquered base. Strange little propagandists you are , LOL


HAHAHHAHAHAHAH. First of all, there are no UN sanctions preventing Iran from selling oil. Only US unilateral sanctions. Do you think UN is GOD or something ? According to UN, torkeye cannot send weapons to Libya. Is torkeye obeying the UN or acting like a rogue state ? How is torkeye sending weapons despite the UN ? Dude, UN is can only do so much. It really can’t enforce anything without a security council mandate and even then individual nations have to have the political will to act militarily.


American way of doing deals, meaning that only the other party is required to stick to it, and even then ..!


Einmal wird unsere Geduld zu Ende sein, und dann wird den Juden das freche Lügenmaul gestopft werden.

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