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MARCH 2025

Ramzan Kadyrov On Strange Behaviour Of Part Of Russian Elite

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Ramzan Kadyrov On Strange Behaviour Of Part Of Russian Elite

Screenshot. Ramzan Kadyrov

Recently, Ramzan Kadyrov, the Head of the Chechen Republic, Lieutenant General of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who is actively involved in Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, has been consistently criticizing actions and statements of part of the Kremlin establishment.

On April 3, Ramzan Kadyrov published another statement criticizing the actions of the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. Dmitry Peskov is known for his links with the liberal part of the Russian establishment, as well as Western and Turkish elites.

“I had no idea, but it turns out that in order to become a patriot of your country, you have to criticise Russia’s actions loudly and grandiloquently, go abroad, creating hype around yourself, and then, when the political standoff has subsided, come back as if nothing had happened.

This scheme works, use it. This is roughly what Ivan Urgant (Russian showman who fled Russia after the start of the military operation in Ukraine) did, for which he was recently rated a “big patriot” by Dmitry Peskov.

It’s so easy to be a patriot, isn’t it? It’s not like running between brick piles and concrete walls in uniforms. And not to sit in a freezing trenches for days. Apparently, we have not noticed how the very notion of patriotism has been re-evaluated.

I was actually surprised when Peskov did not comment on my elevation to the rank of Lieutenant General, as he allegedly “had not seen the decree yet”. We are here with all the security forces and volunteers to conduct a special operation day and night. He could somehow cheer us up or comment more delicately, but not saying his “I have not seen the decree”. But the coward who ran away in a moment of instability allegedly on his holiday (speaking about Ivan Urgant), and came back in a moment of calm on the political scene supposedly from holiday, is a true patriot.

Strange way of thinking nowadays. Heroes cannot be called heroes, generals are not called generals, cowardly fugitives are called patriots and even big ones. Peskov’s scale of priorities is somehow immature. Something needs to be done about it…”


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Your daddy

Take your meds schizo


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Last edited 2 years ago by Theresa

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He is right behind you and pumping. Enjoy.


Certainly not yours pukehead,easy with the bullsht,you got serious bad taste in wording and diet! Downvotes indeed number don’t lie,no! lgbtq,sodomised,heels weareth limp wristed wishfull stinker!



Nato is laughing at you

Hahahahaha where is Bagdad “Bob” Clyde when you need him?


He will probably be the next leader of Russia after this the sun is setting on the Putin/Moscow era and rising on the Ramzan/Grozny era.

Probably pivot away from European relations to deeper integration with the middle east too.

Racism is good in Croatia

Middle east is Salafist and Kadirov has a blood feud with them so I doubt on the pivot to middle east. Islam practiced by Chechens is considered heretical in almost all of middle east.

Ken Underwood

How do the Syrians see them?

Racism is good in Croatia

Alevite sect likes them, others don’t


Iz kje si?


Wishful thinking.

Racism is good in Croatia

no, remove the spaces to have link ww w.refwo rld.or g/docid/56ceb38 64.ht ml


Russian imports account for roughly 85% of all Slovakian gas supplies, so the country’s authorities will remain pragmatic: FIXED:

Yamil Perez

I don’t think so. Only CIAisis and Wahabimossad dislike them.


Dumb croat blot!No wonder you assflogged orthy traitors got a serious rascism problem child!


I see now all along the Musilm and Arab world that they start to put differences away and see the things that bound them, not the ones that take them apart. Also Arab World stands with Russia, or most of it, with Cuba, with Iran, with China, with many other nations. People understood that they need to be united based on common interest and mutual respect above all, equal opportunities and good relationships with the neighbors. The world has changed. US usually created many false flag opperations to keep countries appart, hating each other while US was governing upon them all. Now they all saw it clear also it is the moment to drift away as they can support each other now. A multipolar world without sensless wars is about to emerge. Middle East was ravished by US and NATO that created problems and then under pretext of solving them depleted nations. Thanks God iran was saved, they tried, but failed as other countries stepped in, not because it is iran, but because they cannot stand to let another Arab country destroyed!!! It is too much, for a while people thought ok, maybe terrorist maybe this maybe that but at one point it become obvious that too much all lies and that some take advantage of some local prejudice to destroy them all. As Christians and Musilms can coexist and respect each others and in many areas they done it for centuries without problems, unless somebody created chaos with false flag things, to put them one against each other using inflcted fear, but now people know better so no problem with Chechens and other Musilms. Also Sufi were in many Musilm countries, they are very high regarded and there are even today in many countries, many Sufi monasteries in Egypt as well. I know Chechens have a special Islam, but as I said: as long as Musilm countries can be friends with Atheist countries, Christian countries and so on, they can be with other Islam practicioneers, no matter the branch. people evolve. In Christianity, at one point, they fighted each other, Protestants with Catholics, others were declared heretics and today all Christian religions are ok with each other, this will happen in Musilm world as well, of course


An enormous amount of work has gone into weaponizing Islam by the British and Americans. The British became experts in stoking divide-and-rule sectarian chaos in India and Ireland. They did the same in Palestine, and in Iraq. The Americans have exhibited some skill with their Saudi stooges in the same field of endeavour, and in Iran, but I think the sand has just about run through the glass on the Anglo-American 100 years of mayhem in the Islamic world.


And in Egypt, the nasty Brits were cofounders of the muslim brotherhood.


Power of Salafists are already broken in the Middle East.

War junkie

I hope so.

A Fellow

If the sun sets on Putin and rises on Kadyrov, as OP suggests, then such a transition would mark the end of Slavic & Eastern Orthodox hegemony in Russia. Russia ends up going the same way as the West, becoming a multiracial & multicultural parking garage, only with a hazy pan-conservatism as a foil to Western neoliberalism. Basically, the fulfillment of Duginism, and the decay of the historic Russian nation.

At that point, you would see the spread of the ideas promulgated by Azov & co. tap into Russians (real Russians) upset with this decline, just as Ukraine already hosts some dissident Russian ultranationalists. There will be an identity conflict as real Russians, for all their decades since Lenin of seeing themselves as outside of Europe, have to indeed choose between rejuvenating their identity from the direction of Kyiv or going along with Asia’s hordes undoing the conquests of the Tsars (so long as that keeps out transgender bathrooms).


The Russian federation is already a multi ethnic multi racial state. And is becoming more divers, with the emigration of many educated Russians and the really low birthrate among Russians.

Which make the deaths of all these Russian soldiers so much more tragic. The birthrate isn’t high enough to replace the parents let alone a population losses from war.

A Fellow

What is needed is a Russian leadership committed to engaging in demographic reconquista. Russia was also an Asiatic patchwork when the Varangian Guard first came down from Scandinavia.

That won’t come from Putinism, and honestly, the richer possible source would be from the ideological sphere of Azov. The big question, to me, is whether this conflict will reinvigorate or instead enervate the Nuland-Zelenskyy clique. Will Azov & co. eventually step out from under the neoliberals to inaugurate the Reich they dream of, or continue to soften their tone & image as the neoliberals become happier to integrate them out of desperation.

It’s an important question for Ukrainians & Russians alike. Whether Europe will once again extend to the Pacific Ocean and down to the Caucasus & Pamir mountains (and free from Washington D.C.), or if Russia is willing to be cannibalized by a new Golden Horde in its struggle against Washington globalism.


We are going to kill all Russian solider we are not taking anymore prisoners we are going to execute the Russians on the spot. After what they did in Ukraine this is not an normal army. What we discovered after liberating the Ukraine is horrific kid women pregnant womens elderly people with tied hand and executed torture rooms execution rooms. We are going to make you pay you filthy disgusting Russian Orcs. We will hit Russia. You mother fucker you are not humans you are russian animals you mother fuckers. No official in Russia will be safe from now on. Slava Ukraine Death to Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ukraine
Gorgeous George

1) You sound like comical Ali 2) You are proof that Ukraine has a huge Nazi problem 3) I am against Europe letting in White Trash like you as refugee

Last edited 2 years ago by Gorgeous George
kurcina ukrajini

Brainwashed idiot. Try thinking with your own head, for once in life


That seems rich as you likely believe everything posted on this propaganda site!

Your daddy

You cuck sure sound like you’d enjoy a kalibr missile up your ass like hundreds of US cocksuckers called ukrainians

Hohly = Pidarasy

Taras, get off your computer and go to sleep. There are a lot of Polish toilets to clean tomorrow so have some extra rest. Those zloty’s don’t earn themselves. Prostituting your sister doesn’t make enough money so work Taras!

Dr Al

Please don’t come to Europe or USA , we don’t need your brainwashed nazi scum here. Go fight for Ukraine if your so brave, to be another hidden death statistic by the ukro governemnt. But you are a keyboard warrior, brainwashed gnome, with no morals and views of a hypocrite and narcissist.


Yah we want all the Mexicans, Chinese and African immigrants we can get . No Ukrainians

Yamil Perez

Need a Tampax? Are you on your period?




Nice try desperate medusa,whats with italian strapons these days anyway in ye soros/nazi hideouts? lieing false flag cocksukers,you got another thing coming! Death to your sorry fascist ass more like it and dont the whole real world come to realise that fact too, FIXED:


You’re just a grifter who is mad inside. Clinging onto something you can use to express all the pent up rage and insecurity you have inside.

Carl Bunker

You are right. Russia will suffer.


Ukraine? this territory is since ages called malorossia and belongs to ethnic russians. where did ukrop come from?

Last edited 2 years ago by igor

Die in a fire Nazi scum



Ken Underwood

I find this very worrying – Kadyrov is imo a good guy and so is Peskov.

Yamil Perez

Nothing to worry about. People are stressed. It happens in a war. President Kadirov wants to go in full force. Kremlin is still tip toeing. They don’t want to increase collateral damage.


peskov is an utter loser always going back in his word


Kadyrov is unfortunately right, the incompetence shown is quite evident. The way Russia executed the operation up to making concessions and retreating from Kiev is disappointing period.


I dont view it as retreat so much as repositioning. They have to deal with Donbass.


Of course. They don’t want to destroy Kyiv, if they wanted they would of done it. It is obvious, they want Kyiv as intact as possible. Maripoul couldn’t be saved because of the Azov, but Kyiv they want to take intact. If possible

Lesco Brandon

It is impossible for Russia to take Kiev with so few soldiers.

Yamil Perez

You would be right if you would be right. But kiev was only a distraction to bog down enough forces to advance in Mariupol and in the Donbas. Now they can regroup and deliver the final blow which should happen within 5-6 days.

Gorgeous George

I believe they dont want Kiev at all. In the end it will be the Donbass Republics and the whole shore line to th Black Sea maybe including Odessa.

Dick Von D'Astard

Could you imagine the collective West having to deal with Ramzan as the Kremlin spokesperson? They would all have a collective mental breakdown with petrified fear!

Cyric Vigillius

With Zhirnovsky on his deathbed, he is the only leader in Russia worth a pinch of coon shit. If he was allowed to run a proper military campaign then it would have been all over by now.

Florian Geyer

That would be a joy to see. The Woke LGBT Warriors being driven into a very deep hole of climate change steaming bullshit will cleanse Woke depravity from earth. :)


Disappointed in the news that Putin will lower himself to having direct talks with Zelenskii in Turkey soon. We all know how that will be reported in West, and how the actor is likely to behave. This is beneath Putin and Russia.

Dr Al

You got to understand that Russia wants the quickest resolution with the least casualties. And also it’s all a play to waste time, which russia has a lot and the west is running out. How long before riots start in the west because of surging prices and inflation? It’s getting crazy

Arzt Injektion

You might be right, but I don’t want there to be a defeat for Ukraine purely because of economic pressure. This will be a blow to the Russian Army. All anyone will remember is Russia retreating from Kiev. It is looking ominous though. Offensive has stopped at Izyum. Probably waiting for peace treaty. Meanwhile LPR fights alone. You can’t say “Operational Pause” as they only just got started.

Putin biches tears taste like heaven

Hhaha looks like Putin bitchrs are slowly catching up with the reality :)

Truth Hurts

Putin lowered himself years ago by licking Erdogan’s and Bibi’s ass after Russian troops were killed. Today he lowers himself more as he’s spit roasted by in public like a Zionist whore. The only capital that might see roars after this shitshow may just be Moscow. Hopefully patriotic Russians will give Cuck Putinyahoo the boot!


Ramzan Kadirov is one of the greatest leaders of modern time!

Yamil Perez


William White

Go Ramzan! Ya got my vote, nice to hear a real Man talk!

Death angel

Pure barbarism of the Russian forces in Bucha and Irpin: Girls and women were raped over days, then executed. Men were tortured over weeks, then executed. Children were murdered in front of their parents, parents were murdered in front of their children. This cannot be forgiven. Ukraine 45 millions people will bring the same death in Russian territory.


Last edited 2 years ago by Death angel
Yamil Perez

Fake news and crisis actors. Tou have to be more professional…


Сообщение из Вьетнама: Эй, украинцы! У вас есть доказательства пороков русских солдат? Погода ниже 0°C заставляет “репу” сморщиваться, как русские солдаты могут насиловать женщин? Похоже, твоя голова набита землей, а не мозгом.





Die nazi trash


In Ukranian cities, Ukranian Nazis killed many Ukranian civilians on the purpose to blame Russian army.

Arzt Injektion

I understand the retreat from Kiev. There are military reasons why this was necessary and no it was not because they were being routed. People are understandably angry because it is pissing on the graves of the solders who gave their lives to secure this area.

What upsets me is that on day 36, railways are still operating, highways too, power is on, internet is on and military supplies continue to flow to Kiev. This is after Ukraine tortures and kills our soldiers, refuses to abide by Geneva conventions. This is idiocy. After the fourth day when it became apparent that Ukraine was not going to roll over, then it should have turned into a pure military campaign.

At this stage all Russia will get is Donbass and maybe the South. There will be no Denazification. The Kiev Regime will stay in place. War Criminals will go unpunished. Ukraine will rebuild its military and this will have to be repeated again in the future. No agreement signed with Ukraine is worth a pinch of coon shit. Minsk Accords should tell you that. They can sign anything promising to stay neutral and non-nato and meanwhile they will rebuild everything.

Last edited 2 years ago by Arzt Injektion
Lesco Brandon

I agree completely. I think after 3 or 4 weeks I’d see Russia take off their kid gloves. This hasn’t happened. None of this makes any sense from a military perspective. People are saying it’s because Russia doesn’t want to destroy Ukrainian infrastructure. Hello! Those Nazis are killing Russians. There should be no mercy here. Start taking out railway lines, power, internet etc. That’s what the US does when it attacks countries.

Putin biches tears taste like heaven

Lets ask clyde surely he can ” (ir)rationalize” this for 10 rubels lolol

Truth Hurts

It’s looks like idiocy. It is idiocy. But you have to remember it is by design. Putin is a Zionist agent. He’s set up Russia for the fall, all the whilst empowering NATO. Anyone who believes otherwise is an April’s fool.


I guess the Russians do not only want to win the war, but the peace too – so very unamerican of them not smashing everything with plenty of “collateral damage” going with it.


Peskov’s scale of priorities is somehow immature. Something needs to be done about it…” I have mentioned that a couple of days before that Putin needs some overhaul of his cabinet of ministers.


For all those who thought Ukraine liberated Kiev, I have ONE and ONE thing to say, how come you guys had Electricity the ENTIRE battle. Let alone, cellular, wifi, water. Those in a REAL invasion are ALWAYSSS the first things to get attacked after the airfields. So Russia was not there to terrorize anyone except the Ukrop army, who doesn’t exist anymore.. My wife is from Ukraine and won’t talk to me for days because I LOVE Putin


I’m from Romania and I love Rusia! I admire mr. Putin and odiern/modern & Tzarist Rusia too! Excepting the Stalinist/Soviet era …


In this case the whole mobilization of all men between 20 and 55 would be needed in the Russian federation, to go to the front. Russia has too small part of professional army to win this war, but the political regime is afraid to send average conscripts and reservists into the war. Because when a coffin comes home .. no support to Putin anymore. That is a problem of modern Russia, which Soviet union didn`t have.


No its a ukraine problem,not russian they die as saviours where as fascist all die in vain,wisen up! Many older men of east ukranian origin along with chechnyan urban fighters are kicking fascists ass! The fact that you ignore how difficult it is to deal with high storey snipers then deal with them and comb each and every building moreso than any western building inspector for sure, only proves you know nothing about urban combat,like them fascists over there who now know they are not so invincible despite 8 years head start alkong with a packa modern westy weapons,communications and jammers are still getting walloped all over the joint (period) asides from the fact for each and every russian life lost,spared tens if not hundreds maybe even thousands of innocent civilians most indeed, mr perfecto!

Last edited 2 years ago by ZELENSKY TRUE MIDGET
Yamil Perez

Kadirov for President. He will finish ukronazisistan in 24hours. I like him. True Warrior. No compromise.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

The Chechen murdering freak doesn’t understand why the Russians in Kremlin don’t want to suck his dick like Mikhail Mizintsev the white haired general faggot does when he comes visit him at his cabin.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot
Putin biches tears taste like heaven

Love how all Putin bitches are now screaming at each other and slowly waking up and have to face reality checks. No more 6d mongloid chess. All those cheerleaders have being gang raped but just realized now with the pregnant test. Who s the Father?


“Russians have a disturbing effect on peoples of the west; the unexpected is always to be expected from them.” Nicolai Berdayaev


Urgant & Peskov need to have a very keen eye kept on them both. Kadyrov, you have a big fan here in the tiny island where we are cold and paying through the nose for our fuel bills, all because our govt and deepstate hate their people and hate Russia too. God Bless Kadyrov, he is a goodie!


https://twitter.com/AntonDykyi/status/1510623012952887301?t=kalbr2zqH3EZvz-X7XyjHQ&s=19 Yet another rapist.

Tommy Jensen

I always liked Kadyrov. He is a man in every sense of the word. Thumbs up Ramzan!

Black Migrant

The Chechen blocking detachment will ensure the death of the Russian kuffar on the front line. Subhanallah.


I beleef this man, he is a friend from Russia et Putin, en his connection with Putin is exelent, thats why he can say this ? you know and understand !


He’s right.

Lesco Brandon

Looks like a number of people in the fight are starting to get pissed off with the decisions being made by the Kremlin.

I don’t know what the tactical/strategical play here is from Putin and his Generals. None of this makes sense. Parking a huge convoy outside Kiev only to pull these troops back has made Russia a laughing stock. It was an embarrassing ploy passed off as a feint but I’m not buying it. The West claims Russia lost 300 tanks, 1000+ other vehicles and 16 thousand dead. I don’t believe this number at all but I still believe Russian losses have been high enough in this campaign to be so far called a disaster.

Let’s face the truth here, Russia has committed a large number of forces to try and capture Mariupol and as of yet have still not been able to do it. The Nazis there are still holding out. This is sucking in men, equipment and time and giving the Nazis an opportunity to regroup. Mariupol has been completely obliterated due to street fighting. This is not what the Russians wanted.

Also the much vaunted cauldrons that were promised early in the campaign have not materialized. Kharkov has still not been surrounded. I feel Russia has simply insufficient manpower to be carrying out a campaign of this magnitude. You can’t capture territory the size of eastern Ukraine and hold on to it with only 200k soldiers.

Don’t get me wrong here. I fully support Russia with the right to defend ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine who were being slaughtered by the Nazis. I believe Russia is doing the right thing by trying to de-Nazify Ukraine but as of today this campaign has been a disaster. I don’t know what Russia can do to turn things around. I hope they have a plan.

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