According to a Syrian Kurdish senior official, Raqqa will be joined to the Kurdish-run region in Syria.

Syrian Kurdish officials decided to add Arab-dominated regions, which were taken by the Kurdish forces, to their semi-autonomous “federalized” region, whose creation has never been negotiated with the Syrian government, the AntiWar information portal reported, citing a statement of co-chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), Saleh Muslim.
On Monday, Muslim said that the continued expansion of the Kurdish region in Syria would include the Syrian capital of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group of Raqqa, which is currently surrounded by the Kurdish forces with an eye toward a full-scale offensive.
He also noted that the efforts on expanding of the federalized region is important for the entire Syrian Arab Republic, as well as stressed that Kurds want Raqqa to stay in friendly hands” in the future.
The website noted that it is still unclear what exactly Raqqa’s residents think about these plans of Syrian Kurds.
At the same time, as AntiWar noted, many of the Raqqa’s local resistance forces, which previously concluded an alliance with the People’s Protection Units (YPG) in order to expel the IS from the city, have cut their ties with Kurds, saying that the YPG was trying to dictate terms to them. That might put a crimp into their plans to adjoin Raqqa to the autonomous region.
YPG is a communist puppet of the US, the faster people acknowledge it the faster Syria will go back to normal after they are done with ISIS and FSA.
Yes normal like keep everything the same like before and don’t attempt change mentality wow great idea. Treat Syrian Kurds as they don’t exist. Neglect Eastern Syria in favor of Western Syria. For example Raqqa and Deir ezor were neglected prior to the terrorists uprising. Many jobless and illiterate people then joined the groups so who’s fault is it really?
I won’t be trying to play the little politician here :) Being jobless doesn’t mean you’re going to gun down people or become a stupid militant. My view is purely on a military base and based on that, US interference in Syria is guaranteed trouble for every Syrian, be it Kurds or Arabs. Lastly, Communism is certainly not the answer to prosperity either ;)
What do you expect from highly religious people who have no job and can’t read? I expect militants or jihadists or pirates.
I wasn’t aware that Syria took in refugees during those wars thanks for the insight.
Actually my estimates were wrong about a million escaped into Syria from Iraq.
Mate you imply that all “highly religious people” are violent in nature because they are religious. First of all that’s absolute generalization motivated by ignorance perhaps selective one. Whether somebody is violent or not is not determined by him being merely religious but by ideology that drives that particular religion. Not very far from demonizing all religious people and their religions. It smacks on Zionist brain child Bolshevism.
Zionists are highly religious also, they just do it in a sneaky shaded way. Islamic on the other hand has to be out and about.
Kurds displaced by Turks from farther North will have to settle in Raqqa, thus displacing Arabs, hopefully to Saudi Arabia.
Kurdish home lands are in Turkey where Stalin helped to invent them. They can take half of Turkey away and make a new nation of they like. But people are tired of Kurdish-car bombs and suicide-Kurdish-bombers. They also just massacred a bunch of Iranians inside of Iran. ISIS is less violent then Kurd’s are. Kurd’s are Arabs by ethnicity. Sunni religiously. Communist politically. Zionist socially. This equals the Kurdish social construct.
Are you a Turk by any chance or read turkish news sites? Kurds are arabs, no there not. Kurds are more related to Iranians. So Kurds and Iranians are cousins who kill each other how nice.
The Kurd’s are worse then the Turks are. The only reason everyone does not see this, is they have never seen the Kurd’s command a huge state such as Turkey. The Kurd’s are ruthless car and suicide bombers. I’ve seen what they do to Iranians, and Iraqi’s and so forth. Stalin invented the Kurd’s as his paramilitary force to fight against Iran (yes Communism was an arch nemesis of Iran). The Kurd’s today fight for Israel and Zionism in general. At the end of each day, their loyalty is always to Israels Mossad.
Tell me when I see see Iraq or Syrian kurds using car bombs or are you a liar? WTF communism is arch nemesis of Iran haahahahahhahaahah what are you on? I though it was capitalism Christianity Zionism etc Alright I love the people who proclaim everything is Zionist also. ISIS is Zionist FSA is Zionist now kurds are Zionists hahhahahahaahahhah explain why all three fighting each other? Can’t have all three being Zionists. Is Turkey Zionist also I though Turkey was Zionist ally, so why fellow Zionists kill each other?
Even Israel is zionist. :)
Brothers will fight. Even Italian mafias will fight. They may all be pro-Italian, but still have internal disagreements. This is simple logic, and most people understand this.
Yes PKK, I didn’t know PKK is in Syria you sound like a Turk on livemap.
Stalin had the power to teach a language and a culture to millions of people he don’t rule and to rewrite western history books :D Stupid example: Saladin (first Sultan of Egypt and Syria) was Kurdish
He forgets that Syria trained PKK in Syria does that make Syria Zionist also? I destroyed his faulty poorly logic.
Actually, freedom of information act. All the video of PKK being trained has been public knowledge for many years.
The relationship between the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), under the leadership of Abdallah Ocalan, and the Syrian regime goes back to the early 1980s. Yet even before Ocalan left Syria on 10 October 1998, Hafez al-Assad’s regime categorically denied having any relationship with the PKK. Syria denied the presence of the PKK’s bases and its leader on Syrian territory, despite the fact that after the closure of the party’s Bekaa Valley base in 1992, the regime opened three more outside Damascus (in Sahnaya, Shebaa and Al-Nashabiya.) Tens of thousands of fighters were trained at these bases under the protection and observation of the Syrian intelligence services, just like the bases Hezbollah and the armed Palestinian factions ran in Syria. So you are admitting Syria trained Israeli backed terrorists? WOW Don’t sound like a Turk!!!
What’s poorly? You claim you’ve destroyed his “poorly” logic with your poor English, right. At what age did you drop your primary school mate? Keep it up nice entertainment.
You have a lot of arguments i see :D
Not wrong, nothing worse than a back stabbing, two faced traitor such as the Kurds. An insult to the Syrian people who welcomed them as fellow citizens and Assad gave them the citizenship, and this is the reward for that generosity, inviting invaders into Syria, US, allowing US to use the air base near Raqqa and attempting to partition Syria and become a proxy for the US. Kurds have no honour or shame and one can’t blame Assad if he annihilates them. Worthless trash, putting it mildly. No wonder they are so disliked and are outcasts.
Backstab really? You insulted them first you welcomed them as second class aliens more likely. You treated them like African Americans in America during the sergation period. Even though Kurds have a long history in Syria, the government has used the fact that many Kurds fled to Syria during the 1920s to claim that Kurds are not indigenous to the country and to justify the government’s discriminatory policies against them Syrian policies in the 1970s led to Arabs resettling in majority Kurdish areas.[61] In 1965, the Syrian government decided to create an Arab cordon (Hizam Arabi) in the Jazira region along the Turkish border. The cordon was 300 kilometers long and 10-15 kilometers wide, stretched from the Iraqi border in the east to Ras Al-Ain in the west. The implementation of the Arab cordon plan began in 1973 and Bedouin Arabs were brought in and resettled in Kurdish areas. The toponymy of the area such as village names were Arabized. According to the original plan, some 140,000 Kurds had to be deported to the southern desert near Al-Raad. Although Kurdish farmers were dispossessed of their lands, they refused to move and give up their houses. Among these Kurdish villagers, those who were designated as alien were not allowed to own property, to repair a crumbling house or to build a new one. In March 1986, a few thousand Kurds wearing Kurdish costume gathered in the Kurdish part of Damascus to celebrate the spring festival of Newroz. Police warned them that Kurdish dress was prohibited and they fired on the crowd leaving one person dead. Around 40,000 Kurds took part in his funeral in Qamishli. Also in Afrin, three Kurds were killed during the Newroz demonstrations Admitting wrong doings in the past and apologize and move on would be the best idea for YPG/SAA.
makes no difference about their past, at the present thay are aiding and abetting with the enemy, US and that makes them traitors. period.
Kinda funny Syria betrayed PKK, to get along with Turkey and then turkey betrays them later on.
Bring abortion rights to Damascus! since they already have a Kurdish neighborhood. Dress is not worth fighting over like abortion rights!
Assad didn’t give them abortion rights in Raqqa; it will take Trump to do that! I hope he brings abortion rights to Mecca next!
The Kurds did take part in the genocide against the Armenians. Israel wants to use the Kurds now to help carve up the Middle East and Turkey for greater Israel. Israel has promised the Kurds eastern Turkey, Israel wants south west Turkey and Lebanon,as part of the Yilon plan, Turkey knows it, which is why they are making up with Russia. Turkey will side with Russia, Iran, and Syria against Israel for Syria not to be partitioned and Turkey will attack any attempted Kurdish state along with any USA troops that try to block them from doing so, you can bet on it.
Russia won’t attack Rojava and Turkey won’t dare attack US defenders.
The Kurds fight for abortion rights in Raqqa and beyond! Hooray!
I dislike selective reporting so PYD leader expects Raqqa will join Kurdish-led federal system, but decision to be made by the people of Raqqa
That’s no good! abortion rights trump local opinion any day!
This is a dangerous intention – possible “apple of discord” for the future…
The Kurds would be foolish to think the US is backing them for any reasons but it’s own or that the Syrian, Hezbollah, Iranian, Russian allowance will allow partition and the perpetual unrest and violence that will follow. What makes the US think that the Iraqi Kurds won’t demand a similar deal in Iraq complicating their renewed/terminally stupid military involvement their. Syria was partitioned already before Russia jumped in fall of 2015. Erdogans open grab of His Safe zone was disturbing,…the Rand partition map, Or Brookings Thinktank version sees Syria reduced to occupied zones. Brookings says no Power to Assad in Damascus. ..yet some Alawite zone in the west. Israel does not have its Safe Zone under Rand or Brookings as yet,…so,…will Israhell invade Syria/Daraa region to claim it’s safe zone?. Will Putin walk away as after Erdogan or US Occupier put their boots on the ground In Syria officially?.
It appears to be the Long game turn for Putin and Iran. We may see Syria continue in safe zone occupation. ….possibly some UN gambit Of Water rights might see an international something control the Euphrates. The Kurdish issue could create the needed tensions Washington and Israhell Want between the Kurds and Iran….giving the US an opportunity to directly attack Iran via its age old CIA Negroponte Iran/Contra death squad racket…now morphed Into ISUS and who knows where Evil goes next.
Turkey, Syria and Iran will never allow the creation of a Kurdistan carved from their nation states. There is a lot of history here.
If they can afford it. There is no unified front between those three. There is not much glue if any that might keep them together. I mean Turkey is pursuing its own agenda constantly providing support to “moderate opposition” which has been grinding down SAA capacities to defend its country from US NATO aggression.Turkey is unworthy ally. I’ll repeat what somebody has already stated “Erdoghan has 100 faces and all of them are ugly”. It would be nice to see those three countries working together creating unified front against US meddling in ME. Is it going to happen? It’s hard to believe knowing Turkey’s ties with Moslem Brotherhood and GCC countries which are all US NATO and Israhell’s allies by virtue of $US Gulf oil partnership. All what I can see is that Turkey will find itself in similar situation in which it was in 1820s. Here I would agree with you that there is a lot of history behind.
Turkey has abortion rights already and so they don’t need to, and Trump’s nukes say the others can’t do squat. There’s enough room for all the Kurds in Syria, Iran and Iraq so they don’t need Turkey.
Unfortunately Putin and Iran stand no chance unless they can somehow stop FRB money printing machine from running. So far nobody has succeeded. As long as crude oil is sold in $US the dollar will remain strong no matter how high the US debt ceiling might get.
Russia and China can print their own money no problem. Racist supremacist and their DNA test for racial superiority have abused their money printing power with their private federal reserve in the USA, so it won’ last much longer, if Russia and China start to print their own money backed by their economies and gold. China had their own criminals scamming their country by money printing fraud as organized racist supremacist Jewry does today over 2,000 years ago. This is probably where Jews learned it from. It’s one of the main reasons for the fall of China and why China did not reach the level of technology we have today over 2,000 years ago. The Chinese know exactly how it works and what to do. They are making ready so they are sure their economy will be as independent of the Zionist global empire as possible when they pull the trigger on the Federal Reserve Zionist dollar and the Zionist empire.
Racist supremacist Jews in their master race arrogance thought they could destroy the west and christiandome by shipping off all their jobs and industry to China. In doing this racist supremacist Jews have sown the seeds of their own destruction as Chinese are not slave donkeys as racist Jews think and Chinese are every bit as smart as the most racist supremacist master race as are all Goyim.
As Abraham Lincoln (the most hated man in history by Jews for destroying the Jewish slave trade in the Americas after the messiah Jesus Christ) said the best way to defeat your enemies is to make them your friends as all Goyim must do coming together to defeat satanic Jewry
Mate I really can’t be bothered by your lack of knowledge of economy. You need to learn it’s basic postulates which are the laws of demand and supply. Once you understand that you’ll be able to grasp what’s been written in my comment.
Mate I am always amazed by people like you who think they know something but know nothing. Answer this oh wise one, where does money come from how is it created, what determines the amount of money in circulation in the economy, do you even know???? Have you even thought to ask such questions? Don’t don’t tell me how they are measured that is not an answer. To make it clear for you, a concrete example for your limited mentality, I am not asking how much a care weighs, how fast it can go etc.? I am asking how it is made? Answer the question, which I know by your comment you can’t. A so called expert in capitalism who knows nothing about capital! Ahh the irony.
There is no supply or demand in a modern economy without a currency a medium of exchange. Barter won’t cut it in 2017. In a hunter and gathering society you would be partially right but it is not 10,000 BC that is how far behind you are incredible. Ha!!!!
I sure hope Israel expands abortion rights from Golan into Daraa! while N. Korea expands them into Seoul.
the US has yet to be successful in any of it’s ‘great game’ plans. It just keeps failing forward. I wouldn’t call game, set and match yet.
I hope they do so they can defend abortion rights in Mosul and Raqqa both! The US is finally starting to do it right!
Most people here do not understand that creating a nation and a new independent state is a process which may last for several decades. Kurds are just creating the nucleus of their future independent and united country which is going to be a significant actor for ballance of local powers in the Middle East. Both America and Russia have interest to support them and I also do not see why the European Union would be against such an outcome. The process is very comparable with liberation and unification of Serbia through most of the 19th century, starting from the first uprising against the Ottoman Turks in 1804. Step by step, the autonomy was provided first (in 1817), then expanded gradually. Each opportunity was used to grab another part of the territory which could not be liberated immediately and expand our borders. Finally, in 1878, we got the full internationally recognized independence, at the Berlin Congress. During two Balkan Wars (1912 and 1913) we succeeded to regain Kosovo, Sandzak and Macedonia. Finally, at the end of the World War I, we created the united kingdom of the South Slavic nations (Serbs, Croats and Slovenians) which was renamed to Yugoslavia in 1929. Do not expect the things in Syria to be solved over a night. Such expectations are very naive.
The past history you narrate did not have the Animus of today’s Lunatic Talmud Jews ..with their Banker and other level extortion. …pushing the US Roman Empire on Steroids around the game board. Kurds are useful dupes to bridge the next game turns as the Talmud Snake moves Against Iran.
with yugoslavia you wrote an excellent example for impossible creature. this kurdish shot royava is like serbian yugoslavia. kurds form 40% of population (inclusive afrin and without new raqqa territories with aeabs). so, impossible creation, sentenced for fall.
This kurdish state is doomed to fail. You can’t control 90% populace with 10% occupier. The more Syrian Arabs they wish to occupy, the sooner the new kurdish state will collapse.
this is the plan of potomc rats. they always create contries, where will be problem. they do not want happy countries, they want chaos.
They can always import more kurds from Turkey and export arabs to Turkey, syria, Iraq or Saudi Arabia.
Abortion rights for Raqqa! Hooray! Then for Gaza, Mecca, and the world! . Certainly pilgrims from pro-choice Kosova have a right to abortions while in Mecca!