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On September 20th, an explosion was reported in on the highway between the cities of Idlib and Binnish.
A car that reportedly was a Kia Rio was destroyed as a result of the combat drone attack. An American MQ-9 attack UAV was spotted over the area at the time of attack.
According to local sources, the strike resulted in several casualties and the car burned out.

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According to some unconfirmed reports, the drone strike might target two leaders of al-Qaeda-linked Houras al-Din militant group, sheikh Abu al-Bar’a al-Tunisi and military commander Abu Hamzah al-Yamani.
Both of them were previously targeted by failed assassination attempts. Abu al-Bara al-Tunisi survived an assassination attempt in the city of Idlib on Marh 21, 2020. In his turn, Abu Hamzah al-Yamani was allegedly targeted by a US drone in Idlib city on September 14 2020.
If the reports about the assassination of Abu al-Bar’a al-Tunisi and Abu Hamzah al-Yamani turn to be true, this would be a significant success of the US-led international coalition in their attempt to support another Al-Qaeda-affiliated group of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, as Houras al-Din is one of their opponents in Syria’s Idlib.
I do not believe a single word the USA says.
Knowing the Amers they could just report them dead so they could then erase them from the wanted list and give them new identities to serve their interests elsewhere. If some more credible sources could prove their deaths then that would be nice.
Thats the things, as if there are credible sources in idlib. Our millions of western tax dollars are spent to make sure only “approved” sources report from idlib.
movie name please
living in an illusion
Oy vey, another friendly fire incident…
Real shame SouthFront can’t do something about the stupid spammers in the comments section. The links in the spammer comments are malicious malware links.
Agreed, this crap has to stop.
Rare US drone strike???
Someone is taking the piss.
US wetworks mopping up their mistakes before the whole shitshow is exposed and the western public learns just where their gov’t spent their hard earn cash.
Iraq 2.0.
Normally the US cowardly war criminals kill civilians.
HTS’ de facto Air Force in action, in support of NATO’s favored terrorist faction.
The only reason the US would attack it’s own elements is to tie up loose ends and eliminate defectors.