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Ray Dalio Warns: United States Is “On The Brink Of A Terrible Civil War”

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Ray Dalio Warns: United States Is "On The Brink Of A Terrible Civil War"


Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

It was over a decade ago that we first warned the Fed’s unconstrained monetary lunacy will eventually result in civil war, a prediction for which Time magazine, which back then was still somewhat relevant, mocked us. This is what Time’s Stephen Gendel said in October 2010:

What is the most likely cause of civil unrest today? Immigration. Gay marriage. Abortion. The results of Election Day. The mosque at Ground Zero. Nope.

Try the Federal Reserve. Nov. 3 is when the Federal Reserve’s next policy committee meeting ends, and if you thought this was just another boring money meeting you would be wrong. It could be the most important meeting in the Fed’s history, maybe. The U.S. central bank is expected to announce its next move to boost the faltering economic recovery. To say there has been considerable debate and anxiety among Fed watchers about what the central bank should do would be an understatement. Chairman Ben Bernanke has indicated in recent speeches that the central bank plans to try to drive down already low interest rates by buying up long-term bonds. A number of people both inside the Fed and out believe this is the wrong move. But one website seems to indicate that Ben’s plan might actually lead to armed conflict. Last week, a post on the blog Zero Hedge said … that the Fed’s plan is not only moronic, but “positions US society one step closer to civil war if not worse.”

* * * * *

The problem is that the Fed directly sets only short-term interest rates. And they are already about as close to zero as you can go. That’s why Bernanke has been talking about something called “quantitative easing.” That’s when the Fed basically creates money to buy the long-term bonds that it doesn’t directly control and drives down those interest rates as well. That should further reduce the cost of borrowing for large companies and homeowners. Some people are calling this “QE2” because the Fed made a similar move during the height of the financial crisis when it bought mortgage bonds. (See photos of the Tea Party movement)

Not everyone agrees this is a good move. In fact, a number of presidents of regional Fed banks, not all of which get to vote at Fed policy meetings, have recently come out against Bernanke’s plan. Some say it sets bad policy. Others think it will stoke inflation, which might be the point. Few, though, have warned of armed conflict. Here’s how Zero Hedge justifies its prediction of why the Fed’s Nov. 3 meeting will lead to violence:

In a very real sense, Bernanke is throwing Granny and Grandpa down the stairs – on purpose. He is literally threatening those at the lower end of the economic strata, along with all who are retired, with starvation and death, and in a just nation where the rule of law controlled instead of being abused by the kleptocrats he would be facing charges of Seditious Conspiracy, as his policies will inevitably lead to the destruction of our republic.

O.K. The idea that Bernanke might kill large swaths of low-income neighborhoods or Florida by his plan to further lower interest rates is a little ridiculous. But there is a point in Zero Hedge’s crazy. Lower rates do tend to favor borrowers over savers. And the largest borrowers in the country are banks, speculators and large corporations. The largest spenders in the U.S., though, tend to be individuals. Consumer spending makes up 70% of the economy. And the vast majority of consumers are on the low end of the income scale. So I think it is a valid question to ask whether the Fed’s desire to drive down interest rates at all costs is working. Companies are already borrowing at low rates. They are just not spending. (Read a special report on the financial crisis blame game)

That being said, civil war, probably not. “It is a gross exaggeration,” says Allan Meltzer, who is a top Fed historian at Carnegie Mellon. “I cannot recall ever learning about riots or civil war even when the Fed made other mistakes.”

All this happened more than a decade ago – since then we have seen not only QE2, but “Twist”, QE3, “NOT QE”, and eventually QEternity last March which mutated into outright and unlimited helicopter money to pay for universal basic income – and while at the time it merely added to our “reputation” of a tinfoil conspiracy blog, it appears we were (sadly) correct again based not only on the increasing tears within the US social fabric which culminated in unprecedented riots and looting last summer and continued social upheavals in recent months, but also in terms of what one of the biggest investing minds of this generation just tweeted. We are referring to Bridgewater founder and billionaire Ray Dalio, who moments ago tweeted that we are “on the brink of a terrible civil war”.

Here is what Dalio just said:

Back in February, I said I wanted a president who could “bring together our country to face our challenges in a more united and less divisive way.”

I wanted someone who would unite people – i.e. who does not view themselves as the leader of the winning side imposing policies the other side would find intolerable.

I believe we are on the brink of a terrible civil war (as I described in The Changing World Order series), where we are at an inflection point between entering a type of hell of fighting or pulling back to work together for peace and prosperity that addresses the big wealth, values, and opportunity gaps we’re now seeing. For that reason I was thrilled to hear what President Biden said at his inauguration. It is consistent with the direction history has shown the country needs to move in.

Now the question is whether the president and both parties will bring that about. Good words and spirit aren’t enough. People will have to agree on both how to grow the pie and how to divide it well. That will require revolutionary change.

Doing it peacefully requires both bipartisanship and skill. It won’t be easy. Our country is still in a terrible financial state and terribly divided.

While Dalio correctly points out the extremely precarious spot where splintered US society stands right now, it is again disappointing that instead of admitting the true poison eating away at the heart of US society, Dalio once again refers to the symptom – the presidency – and not the underlying diseases that brought it on. We are confident that it has to do with the fact that the well-being of Dalio’s own fortune is heavily reliant on not kicking the hornets’ nest of catastrophic monetary policy, but merely diverting attention to whatever is the media taking point bulletin du jour, in this case the ongoing Trump vs Biden narrative clash.

We can only hope that one day Dalio will have the guts to tell the truth about why we are indeed “on the brink of a terrible civil war” and expose the real criminals behind the deadly divisions tearing apart US society.

Ray Dalio Warns: United States Is "On The Brink Of A Terrible Civil War"


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Tommy Jensen


Ashok Varma

UK could become ‘a failed state’ like US without reform, former UK PM Brown says. Certainly KARMA!


Ever since blair uk went against the Commonwealth,certainly never respect it, atleast untill brexit,however there is still too much bad residue as we see todays.

Captain Freedom

True. Our democracy is strong enough to survive this crisis, all we need is unity and diversity and inclusion and love but also a little barb wire, curfews, expropriation, concentration camps, shoot-on-sight laws…

psil o cybin



I admit that I laughed a lot.

The US Democratic values exported to many countries were on global display during the current election cycle.

Riots, fake ballots, fake news, cyber fraud, murders, big tech and MSM censorship, and much more treasonous acts are on display to the world.

Opponents of the US laughed heartily, and friendly vassal countries of the US sniggered quietly at the clown show in the disunited USA.

Fog of War

Yes, they all laughed and laugh unless , of course, its time to stand up to the Zios and the US then its crickets and silence .

psil o cybin

Lol Hitler’s on speed dial next time them joos play up

Fog of War

I like your name but try posting when you’re not ” on a journey ” , I might understand you better.


It’s fair to say that the vast majority of ALL Americans of all colours have been left behind to a greater or lesser extent.

Unity of these diverse groups is key to defeating the Zionist monsters who demand that people use debt in order to live.

If unity takes hold, the only control tools of the Zionist monsters would be those who are bribed, together with the various violent street gangs.

Unity and a common destiny that is equitable is all that the majority ask for, and the time is coming to FIGHT for freedom from lifetimes of Khazar usury.

Fog of War

The PTB be flooded the US with disparate, competing groups to PREVENT unity as they know the groups are to dissimilar in culture, religion, behavior, and philosophy to ever unify. There will be no Utopian unity, the controllers made sure of that.


Better off forget about their elites democracy and focus constituates with humanity!

Kenny Jones ™


viktor ziv

Dude, Biden is everything but communist. Today, communism is unfortunately, just a phrase used by ignorant people as something bad/evil. And people have tendency to pretend to be smart by using phrases that they don’t understand. Less then 1% of the people abuse word communism to mislead lazy people to think communism=EVIL! Yes, indeed communism is EVIL for those less then 1% that own 90% of global wealth, because there is NO PLACE for those in communism!

Harry Smith

Looks like you are not indoctrinated in neo Marxism

viktor ziv

I wasn’t aware of neo Marxism.

Fog of War

Fascism = The state and Corporations work together . The Khazar has no power. Communism = The state controls the Corporations. The Khazar controls both. Capitalism = The Corporations control the state. The Khazar controls both.

Which one sounds the best ?


leftist is the give up,no wonder usa gone fooked,see cccp paved the way to freedom the usa turned to the dumb whore,turn on her strongest allie,now lgbtq army? Did she warn of such things,fkl no! shes a dumb fascist skank on cia meds(period)

Fog of War

I dont agree with everything this said, however, it does feel like the US is intentionally “committing suicide ” . I wouldn’t be surprised if the PTB have decided to give the Chinese US assets to compensate for the US’s un-payable debt. It seems to me the ” theatrics ” in the South China sea are just for show to misdirect the US public from catching on to whats happening.


Hope for the Best…and that the AmeriCunt shithole of DumbFuckistan Implodes and goes up in flames.

Kenny Jones ™


Black Waters

That’s completely deluded, Russia didn’t support neither of them.


Rubbish. The Saudis would support the Democrats, if anyone at all. Israel would support whoever seems to be winning, Mexico would just want to annex the south west, Iran would never support either American side and the weak EU would stay neutral.

Russia and China would just laugh, as neither side benefits them.

Ashok Varma

By any objective measure US is a failed state that literally shed its thin veneer when it lost control of its society by wrong and misplaced militarization priorities and endless wars for a bloodthirsty Zionist lobby and the corrupt military industrial complex. US is on a dangerous downward trajectory and a wounded snake is very dangerous unless its head is cut off. A civil war is the best outcome for the world and peace for others. Let the US die from internal bleeding and the world will be saved.



Ashok Varma

Millions of Americans are in destitute shape and US economy has crumbled and the Zionist agenda is more wars and control over Russia and this will only backfire as even a dumbed down starving population will eventually rise up.

Harry Smith

Come on Volker. Even French Revolution was made with British money. With modern globalization of elites, 99% can do nothing.


Stanley knife,aimed the other way,has a patent yet?


Well said.

Fog of War

Would the fully operational, not ” failed state ” of India like to take on the ” failed state ” of the US ? Militarily, Financially, or economically for instance ?

Just Me

India will be a bigger economy than the US in 10 years, if not earlier now. Kapish paisano.

Fog of War

The Indian economy is nothing without the US economy to support it.

psil o cybin



hate that global-ist “warming” little bitch !


nah she is good, far better than most other so called environmentalists who are in it solely for the money.


so she is instrumentalized and used … oh I feel better immediately…she is doing for that free… with the army of the paid ones…..how does that advance our lives if she is being-only naive?

psil o cybin



Queer poop is not racist…. this calls for new Gay Pride parade!

psil o cybin

racist noo racism is for racist people I dont care about color religion or if ya wanna jam your schlong in another dudes anuk it dont effect me each to their own bro

Lone Ranger

Told you so…


All Nations have become “|Failed States”, fallen by the UN/WHO covid Military Dictatorship. Germany, the Netherlands and now in America people are beginning to realize the so called “health emergency” is but a cover for this coup, and beginning to try to stop it. Godspeed to them.

Kenny Jones ™

The winners? My pfp


would hope so,not a minute too soon.

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