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Reason Why Russians Go Forward

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For the peoples of Russia, today’s confrontation is a sacred war of light against darkness.

While Kiev is destroying the ancestral faith of its people, Russian soldiers kiss the cross before the battle.

Today, Moscow, strengthened by the faith of its ancestors, is fighting back against Western globalists.

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Burn 🔥 the stars and stripes!

and america calls itself a christian nation.


america has turned into the soviet union and russia the us

Burn 🔥 the stars and stripes!

worse then the soviet union.

Hamas Took The Bait!

i know my country is evil, but war is never the answer, like what your title suggests! if america was to be burned down to the ground, millions of innocent people would die, its the western elite that starts the choas and the wars that need to be dealt with, and arguably the media that they control. but what this world needs is peace and defiantly not more wars and bloodshed!

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

if you know the internal problem of the usa are your elite, yet you continue to do noting. you are a part of the problem as well. crying in chat is not doing something. rise up within and fix your sheet hole and stop blaming the world for loathing you all…


the bigger internal problem of the usa is that the only people who want to rise up are just other elite factions. it’s nazi germany all over again, but worse.


people are criminals before the law until the power finally changes, if it even changes. people demand others to rise up against regimes, but are you ready to abandon your job, your freedom and become a criminal in the face of an uncertain outcome? and what you can do? they tried in capitol usa. and the end result is still not always better – look at ukraine, look at afghanistan, look at libya, look at every country of the orange revolution.

What It Once Was

the founding fathers of the usa, by today’s us government standards, were all terrorists. so your reasoning for doing nothing is to just sit back, do your 9-5 and watch is all go to hell cause you are skeerd…? wow, usa is beyond fooked.


the soviet union was the result of the same people taking russia over who control now the us.


spit it out…you won’t surprise anyone

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

the heb-a-russkies! almost every office head under bdummy sits a hebus-ashka-nazi! same in jewkraine. thanks to the web, the world knows exactly who is the problem. facts are facts, not being anti-cesspoolmetic. its the hebs and always has been.

John Kesich

yet russia still fails to denounce the zionist genocide of palestinians and demand a crimes against humanity tribunal for the israeli regime. justice for palestine.


maybe you haven’t noticed, but russia has been a little concerned about internal problems for about 10 years, which were arranged for it by the same ones who started the war in the middle east.


bs ussa was bad from the day the anglo trash crawled ashore and genocided the native peoples.

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

true dat! the brainwashed mericants to this very day celebrate this slaughter, every year via “thanksgiving”… sounds to be a pretty ironic term. thanks for giving up your homeland, we’s needed it, as they carve up a symbolic turkey to honor their forefathers indigenous slaughter.


you wish or they wish! in ussr you didn´t have all that misery spread on the streets in tent´s..


after ww2 usa got deeply infected by zionists and russia liberated itself from zionists, today they are the good guys and usa worship evil.


the soviet union did nothing wrong. they were doing great until the moment they were having external issues due to saudi arabia selling oil in dollars, allowing the us to reign over eurasia. they dissolved peacefully. us has is going the way of nazi germany, but worse.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu



russia is the most christian a nation ever can be:

killing in the name of god.


indeed, they are fighting the forces of satan at the moment.

Gneaus stapo

lol u dumb subhuman flatheads are truly living in the dark ages… fighting satan? why stop there, burn witches and sorcerer, while ur at it

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
Georgeous George

seems most are of the opinion that you are the flathead. a remarkable i might add

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

this maverick’s brain is bouncing around in their head like a bb in a box car! go easy on them, lol. they still think merica landed on the moon too.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ameri Cant Do Sheet
Hamas Took The Bait!

well thats because the united-states did land on the moon! let me guess you also believe that the earth is not round but flat! your hatred towards my country i believe is frying your brain cells and making you not able to think properly and believe foolish nonesense!

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

lmao, your country is it… are you an oligarch? seems like someone is living the debt slave hebcard lie. i used to think so too until i traveled outside sodom and saw the real world beyond the iron curtain. wakeup sheep, usa is the problem.

Burn 🔥 the stars and stripes!

russia has no other choice.

Hamas Took The Bait!

lets stop painting russia as a saint and any other country for that matter! there is bad in every country, admittedly how far the united-states declined morally, russia is leap and bounds ahead of us morally and spiritually, but that does not make the russians saints either!

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

your sick cia, nsa, fbi narrative is what the argument is about. no one ever said russia is without faults. combating the empire of lies is what the battle is for and over. i guess you believe russia invaded ukraine as well, lol. step back from the tv and study.


a nation is strong when its leader, elite and people work in the same interest. usa has christian people permanently deceived by jewish elite permanently betrayed by shabbat goy leaders. it’s an empire of lies.

Gneaus stapo

still it is the country god choose and who is the destiny of dreams. somehow noone in niggerstan/ hindu slump/ etc dreams about living/ going to russia 🇷🇺/ fuckisplascov or diemyvolgasov or whatever else nonsense shithole names russian countryside is named like

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

lmao… hey forest gump many mericants with the cash to do so are selling all their sheet and running to russia. what rock you living under, in the cia beach? russia is even building an english speaking area just outside moscow for this very purpose, get clued in tweedle dee.

Hamas Took The Bait!

the west used to be the destiny of dreams, decades ago, but now the paradigm is shifting towards the east! for anyone that wants a better quality of life, everyone is going to have to immigrate from the west to the east! also, i !as contemplating moving to russia, but those guys there have no homes, the entire country is made of ugly concrete apartments, and they actually consider that success! in america you spend your entire life with the hope of owning your own home!

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

dream on loser! there are houses all over russia. usa is a sheet hole drug infested nuggie nest run by the heb’s everything they touch in the world turns to sheet. like it or not you are responsible to change it, left undone and all is lost. rise up if you still got it!

Hamas Took The Bait!

yeah and the houses that are available what the russians refer to as dachas or vacation homes, or so poorly maintained that most of them are up for sale and no one wants to own. in russia you also have to build your own homes because the government has zero experience with building homes: only apartments! literally your only choice when living in russia is an ugly, old and plain soviet style apartment!

Last edited 1 year ago by Hamas Took The Bait!
Hamas Took The Bait!

ask me how do i know this!

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

wake up sleepy head there are homes built in russia that even the combined income of your entire family could not afford. you are lost in your canned msm tv dinner world. when the reaper comes calling, tell it you tried, lol what a fool.

Twisted Sister

“poorly maintained” homes are very often “trashed” by their residents. “ugly, old and plain soviet style apartment?” there are many “street” residences everywhere in the us which may be a better “option” for you. plenty of daily sandwiches, drugs and free entertainment. see your realtor.


мне нравится, когда о моей стране говорит человек, который ничего о ней не знает)))


откуда вы это знаете? вам так в телевизоре сказали?


вы удивитесь, но в россию переезжает едва ли не больше людей, чем в сша. в т.ч. из европы и сша.


the usa has not been christian, constitutional, or economically sustainable for over 50 years. the occupying power of the west does not represent its people, and is exporting a poisonous, evil ideology to the world. russia is absolutely justified in taking a stand, and seems to understand well that this battle is spiritual as well as temporal. i may have been born & raised american, but i look forward to the triumph of brics.

Hamas Took The Bait!

im american and i do agree with russia winning, but the only promblem with russia winning is that they would turn this entire nation into a nuclear wasteland and the majority of americans would be exterminated like how the israelis are doing to the palestinians! so although its a good thing for the western order to be abolished and the brics to triumph as you said. i just hope that i am out of this country before the deck of cards collapses!

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

drop the msm narratives, turn off your boob tube and study the real reason the world is wrecked. usa runs around the world conducting coups in countries that do not agree with their hegemony agenda. your brain is encrusted with bs, decalcify and spit that sheet out.

Exactly That!

hamas took the bait… lmao at your dumb ass. cia, fbi, ngo sponsored coup in serbia… anyone??? spot on man, great observation on the coup / color revolutions used by the usa thugs to over throw every elected official they do not like. bravo…!


это неправда. нам надо, чтобы вы убрались в свое полушарие и не лезли к нам. у вас большая страна, наведите там порядок, а не устраивайте шабаш у наших границ.


вы плохо знаете историю российских войн. наполеон был побит, но франция не пострадала. и после второй мировой войны германия с лица земли не стерта. почему же вы делаете выводы о кровожадности русских?

Hamas Took The Bait!

hi can someone help me answer a personal dilemma im facing? i want to know as an american that is trying to leave this country because i know this country is like sailing on the titanic, with an impending iceberg on the horizon that is unavoidable. would it be better to store up emergency gear and supplies along with food and water or is it smarter to just leave for another country, to avoid the impending collapse and war that is coming to this country?

Hamas Took The Bait!

i am just feeling like why prepare and live in a country like venezuela when the economy collapses and or live in a country like syria, where everything is destroyed, and civil war is going on. because war everyone is coming its inevitable, and the united-states will be crushed and i don’t want to be here when it does. or i could just stay and have tons of emergency gear and supplies, but then i would i be having to endure what the citizens of the two countries i listed above have to endure

Hamas Took The Bait!

just wondering what is the wisest choice of action for me to commit to ? seriously everyone, what choice would you guys do if you were in my position?

Last edited 1 year ago by Hamas Took The Bait!

at minimum you need to stockpile shelf-stable food and ammunition, along with ki pills and anti-radiation ppe. my plan is to head to northern canada, there are massive areas there that will not be targeted. life will be hard but survival will be possible.

Hamas Took The Bait!

northern canada is described as one of the most remote places in the world! and i have no experience in cold weather survival, nor the ton of resources that it would take to make a life in such a remote area. nor the want to even live in a place that is so cold, i can already foresee myself perishing, if i was foolish enough to actually attempt living in northern canada!

Last edited 1 year ago by Hamas Took The Bait!
Ameri Cant Do Sheet

bug out quick before the masses figure out bdummy and conned-us stole all the billions in cash they sent to jewkraine. you dont want to be the last unicorn taking ur whip to get 500 rolls of tp at walleymart on ur hebcard. better hurry, clock is ticking…

Hamas Took The Bait!

thank you for this advice now i know exactly what to do……. not!

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

dig in 100%. quit your day job, go all in crypto, yolo on btc and hodl to the moon! then move to the mountains, with a ton of gear and food stuffs so you can wait out the zombie apocalypse. the race war is coming to a state near you. colorado may no longer be a good place to stay, better try alaska.

Hamas Took The Bait!

thanks this is solid advice, quit your job and have zero cash flow coming in, and then stick my head into the sand and pray for the best, thanks for this!

Zelenskii's Flaring Nostrils

i’ve had my eye on uruguay since visiting there almost 20 years ago.

Hamas Took The Bait!

burn the stars & stripes and tell me then what? throughout history when one evil nation is destroyed, the other nation that rises after it is more wicked and evil, than one before it! for example communist china would be far worser than the united-states if they became the next superpower after the u.s. collapses!

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

“history” another mericant term used to control and build trust… put your latte down, step back, take a deep breath, clear the fog from your acorn grass hopper. just like “thanksgiving” above how ironic is “his story” pauley snoops little sister said grace, they ate and it was “his story”. get a grip.

Hamas Took The Bait!

ha funny, but my comment still stands, history proves that when one nation, destroys another, the victor is almost always more wicked than the last superpower! look at gang leaders, when one die a far worser one replaces them, even look at yourself, look how much hate you have inside of you! you are just as wicked and hateful as americans that you dislike so much. do you think your people or country could do any better if you were the next superpower?

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

you are a typical ken or karen of the usa. lost in your own little world of lies and deceit. the usa is a sheet hole nignog mess of a drug den all created by the cia, fbi, nsa and others to control the likes of you. look how good of a job they re doing, nuffsaid, lol!


it is in fact the gate to hell and has been since it was cobbled together by the ruling $atanic spawn of urupp, the evil concotion of mutts known as the anglozionazi abomination.

Kiev Warmongers

sadly, the collective west are all scum bag lying pieces of dog shit. anyone who trusts them always lose.

the 500,000 forced conscription has started in kiev, here it is t.me/llordofwar/266615


i’m russian, and i think, that war is a big tragedy for both nation. u can compare names from both sides, it’s same. russians kills russians. if somebody happy, it’s only us government.


needs to be a whole song. oh wait, it is.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu

soviets were strong because they relied on class struggle and dialectical materialism instead of religions. capitalist russia is just a toy.


russia has combined the idealism of lenin with the necessity of capitalism to form a dynamic political system that is consistently improving.

Gneaus stapo

lol flathead, russian flatheads are truly living in dirt and are subhuman assclown soldestka horde scum.

Ameri Cant Do Sheet

americant trailer trash full cucked by a gutter slut crack head just crying cause you slave 70 hours a week to pay that heb taxed mortgage with your hebcard. while living the dream of getting that low wage cia, nsa, fbi desk jockey pay. dont get butt puckered u fent hoe fondling fruit… russia got game!

Last edited 1 year ago by Ameri Cant Do Sheet
Exactly That!

hells yeah i can get down with that shit right there. that speak is straight out of compton or chitown, or la or detroit or upstate or florida or… damn the whole usa is a shit hole skank infested lgbt+ pedo mess like that. time to move east and live with the normies in russia.


amen! nothing to add.

Psionists slaves of America

salmos 23: 1 y 4 jehová es mi pastor; nada me faltará. aunque ande en valle de sombra de muerte, no temeré mal alguno, porque el estará a mi lado…

jens homo

russia eradicates ugly sick dane beer factories—we pay them to humiliate us


u dint dun gone n git ur dun…

Dokkodo SunTzu

that was fucking badass.


yes, everyone with truly open eyes knows that russia, more than defending its own country, is defending humanity against the darkness that wants to take hold in the world. western governments persecute christians and jews all over the world!


“the fallen reward has been paid 240000 times” – ministry of defence of the russian federation. the “three days until kyiv capitulate” special operation is a total failure 😆😆😆 🇷🇺=🤡

Burn 🔥 the stars and stripes!

you sound desperate.


про три дня сказал ваш генерал. никто не собирался брать киев за три дня. тем более тем воинским контингентом, который был туда отправлен. вы почитайте что-то, кроме своих сми, чтобы не звучать так глупо.

R. Ambrose Raven

find a better reason.

Paul Citro

military planners often overlook the importance of spirit. an army dedicated to good and just cause will outperform one with soldiers motivated by personal gain. that good spirit keeps them fighting on in the most dangerous and taxing conditions while those with selfish motivations will have long since given up.

Gneaus stapo

what do u consider a selfish motivation?

ur point sounds good and righthous, but at the same time just terrible vague.


presne ako je to tu popísané. je to čistá pravda. aj za cccp rusi mali vieru v boha. inak by predsa nemohli poraziť antikrista, ktorého predstavoval samotný hitler!!! v súčasnosti rf, ešte len čaká rozhodujúci boj!!! bohu chvála, putin stihol rf na tento boj pripraviť. bolo za tým zhruba 30 rokov ťažkej a úmornej práce, ale podarilo sa!!!

David Rennie

glory to the bear. urraaa


mother russia is the last christian nation on the planet and the $atanic anglozionazi empire of filth is wise to fear it and will be destroyed should it not change its demonic ways. the pedovore demons in the evil eussr, brussels, the natostan sewer and the geriatric perverts in $lumville ussa, have been warned and the rump ukrapper dumpster fire is merely a taste of what is to come should the enslaved tax cattle not manage to rid themselves of their diabolic masters.


“the russian warrior is slow to saddle, but when he does he rides like the wind.” russia’s great statesman tried to explain it to “them” many many times…. “but they would not listen…perhaps they’ll listen now….” onward to the end of fa$cist pentacon occupied urupp aka the evil eussr and america (sic) defanged and peaceful.




i go backward remove my pantie when ever mulatto lgbt bend me over


the reason why russia is moving forward is mainly economic. war requires a lot of resources and west faces many challenges. western governments seem to be waging war on their own citizens and china has taken the place of the world’s most powerful economy (at least in terms of industry and the labor market). wokeness and greta thundberg don’t seem to be winning the war effort, and the abysmal corruption among ukrainian warlords isn’t helping much either.

Daniel Weatherman

whats this about a haemorographic fever going through the trenches? covert biowarfare?


in germland the dumb nazi lick amerikan hillbilly rectum


so now russia is the “christian nation ” but the history of religion in europe is that of paganism

What It Once Was

russia is only trying to protect its own. the usa used to think in these term until they opened the doors to every freak in the world. now it has become a drug riddled cesspool that not even its own citizens are happy in. look at all the major cities, they are doomed, manufacturing is gone, dope heads and hoes everywhere, tent cities… need there be more said?

Last edited 1 year ago by What It Once Was
What It Once Was

what actually needs to happen is the 30,000,000 strong militia in the usa rise up and reclaim that which the forefathers built. before the knuckle heads in washington dc completely kill the whole world and take the usa down with it. there is a way and the militia knows the path, exercise your 2nd amendment right.

Last edited 1 year ago by What It Once Was
Exactly That!

well said, time to get out the semi-auto’s and get down to business. texans are ready to ride!


afraid? we are coming! get ready. russia is returning, and we have a many questions… русские, вперёд!

Last edited 1 year ago by Sam

вряд ли они думают о том, что бы их тут обсудили. правда в том, что они не идут вперёд, а просто идут. идут своим путём. по своим делам. и это раздражает тех, кого они не спросили о том, куда им идти.

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