A Russian Su-24 takes off on a combat mission at Hemeimeem airbase, Syria, on Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015. IMAGE: AP PHOTO/VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV
The target of the recent Russian airstrikes on the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib was a training camp of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), RusVesna.SU revealed on April 7.
Su-24 fighter bombers of the Russian Aerospace Forces targeted the camp, which was located a kilometer to the south of the town of Bsanqul in western Idlib, on April 7 morning.
According to RusVesna, the airstrikes wiped out the camp and destroyed several armored vehicles. The Russian outlet didn’t report any human losses.
On April 6, a similar wave of airstrikes targeted the outskirts of Bsanqul. A unit of HTS which was escorting a Turkish military convoy was targeted. A pickup was reportedly destroyed and several militants were killed or injured.
The recent Russian airstrikes on Greater Idlib were a response to the repeated violations of the ceasefire in the region, where the situation remains unstable.
In the last few days, HTS and its allies shelled a number of settlements in the government-held parts of southern Idlib and northwestern Hama. No human losses were reported.
Turkey, which is a key guarantor of the ceasefire in Greater Idlib, is doing nothing to confront HTS and its allies. In fact, Ankara’s proxies in the region are a part of the al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operations Room that is led by HTS.
Condolences to the fallen wahabimossad and CIAisis operators. May they rest in pieces…
And bits,oh well’
BYE BYE HTS CAMP!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!
Destroying HTS camp cant result in human losses
Every time there is a cease fire violation, Russian Air Force should nail HTS and Turkish proxies at will.
“In the last few days, HTS and its allies shelled a number of settlements in the government-held parts of southern Idlib and northwestern Hama.”
No they didn’t, it was one of HTS’s ex allies and some of the Turkish backed factions who attacked the SAA, and they’re not the only ones, the Turks also used their own artillery to bolster the opposition attacks.
April 1st, “Ansar al-Tawhid opposition group targets gatherings of Syrian government and Russian forces in Dadikh village, southeast Idlib.”
“Turkish military bombards positions of Syrian government forces in Khan al-Sebl town, southeast Idlib.” April
So why didn’t the Russians also bomb the offending Turkish artillery that attacked Khan al-Sebl, a retaliatory response would’ve been totally justifiable, the good old SAA attacked 3 different locations in response to the Turkish artillery strikes, but Russia took out the HTS camp instead. And what the hell does this mean,
“Turkey, which is a key guarantor of the ceasefire in Greater Idlib, is doing nothing to confront HTS and its allies. In fact, Ankara’s proxies in the region are a part of the al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operations Room that is led by HTS.”
LOL, what hypocrisy. They’re accusing Erdogan of not separating the terrorists from the moderate opposition forces as ascribed by all the Astana agreements, but at the same time the Russians are failing to bring Erdogan to accounts for his failure to comply to all their conditions according to the Astana agreements [and resolution 2254]. The National Front for Liberation [NFL], and Jaysh al-Izza, a member group of the Free Syrian Army [FSA,] are the proxy groups the article is talking about, they’re both designated as a moderate opposition force according to the Russian/Iranian/Turkish Astana agreements, and they both obey the Turkish backed Syrian Interim Government [SIG]. Russia, Iran, and the US all recognize the SIG as the legitimate opposition force in Syria, which means the FSA and NFL are both included in the political solution pursuant to resolution 2254, but at the moment they’re allied to HTS, which is a problem for everyone. Erdogan is definitely not keeping up his side of the bargain, so the Russians do have something to complain about, but it’s nothing compared to what Assad is always complaining about. Poor old Assad has been forced to accept Russia, Iran, and Turkeys resolution 2254, and is now unhappily rewriting the Syrian constitution that he didn’t and still doesn’t want to rewrite, and he’s only doing it because the Russians and Iranians promised him that they’d be able to persuade Erdogan into complying to all the Astana agreement stipulations. And in return for accepting the Russian, Turkish, Iranian proposal, Assad was expecting all these things to happen, A separation of terrorist and moderate opposition forces, The removal of heavy weapons from a 30km buffer zone near the front lines, A standing ceasefire, Humanitarian corridors for refugees wanting to enter Government territory, And most importantly the right to eliminate all terrorist forces in Syria. And what has Assad got in return for rewriting the constitution and promising to allow the enemy to join the Syrian government, nothing really, a few ceasefires that are broken soon after they’re established, a few humanitarian corridors that only lasted a few days and only saw a trickle of people use them [fear of terrorist snipers + mines], and no separation of forces or removal of heavy weapons, so in fact he’s got nothing for all his troubles. So it’s pure hypocrisy for the Russians to complain about Erdogan when Assad has a lot more to complain about to the Russians. You all know what Putin should do, he should ‘man up’, he should confront Erdogan and give him an ultimatum, either comply to Astana stipulations or retract all the previous agreements, just end the process of implementing resolution 2254 and start again. Why are they always complaining to us about Erdogan’s infringements and intractable behavior, we can’t do anything about it, they’re always crying about Erdogan not playing ball fairly but seem to forget it’s their equipment that Erdogan’s playing with, they [Russia and Iran] should just pick up their bat and ball and go home, just leave Erdogan sitting in the playground all by himself, just simply tear up resolution 2254 and be done with it.
In a nutshell turkey is far more relevant than cia/soros/lgbtq teorrists,yet as if turkey really gives a rats arse about the lgbtq/cia or the utterly failed empire akin to gulen+co like drr.
What the hell are you talking about, Assad doesn’t want either, he doesn’t want the cia/soros/lgbtq terrorists or the Turkish backed Muslim Brotherhood to have any say in Syria’s future. But thanks to Russia, Turkey, and Iran’s unhelpful resolution 2254, both the cia/soros/lgbtq terrorists and the Turkish backed Muslim Brotherhood are currently sitting down with the Syrian Government and rewriting the Syrian constitution, which will sadly let all those foreign NGO’s [that you seem to hate so much], get a legitimate voice in Syria’s political future. If I had to choose between the AK Party and the Gulenist movement I’d choose the Gulenists movement every time, they’re pretty religious and don’t like the LGBTQI movement either, but at least the Gulenists don’t want to chop the LGBTQI sinners heads off, or force me to convert to Islam, or create an Islamic Caliphate, or fight with half their neighbors.
The AK Party doesn’t want to chop off your head. LOL. What a paranoia you have about the MB. If you should fear the Muslim Brotherhood, fear them for one thing: Their efforts towards reinstating Sharia throughout the Muslim world. And they want to do this the smart way – through democracy. I’m inviting you to a bet on the future of Syria. We can place money in escrow with the condition that if a Sunni wins presidential election in Syria, I take all the money. If Assad or his ally wins, you take all the money. But this bet would be placed when the refugees return and conditions for elections are free and fair. What do you think?
No the AK party just don’t admit they want to chop my head off, but I can tell by the way they let their FSA fighters in Syria chop off a 10 year old Lebanese boys head, just because they suspect he was spying on them, that they really do want to chop my head off, that’s if they ever get the chance to. If they wanted to install Sharia Law in Syria they should’ve used the existing democratic system, not taken up arms with the existing rabble that started the uprising. And I feel confident I could take on your bet and have a good chance of winning it, and I’ve already explained to you why on many occasions, so I won’t go into them again.
I know your past explanation. But one thing I’m sure about is that the Sunnis will vote their. You’ll remember this if and when it happens. Democracy in Syria will bring a Sunni to power whether immediately (very likely) or over the course of time (most definitely). The MB will always ally with any Sunni president and try to win him back to the Sunni fold. Considering the kind of public support that the MB commands, it’ll be foolish for any Sunni president not to become allies even if that president is secular. Because the MB can destroy his votes simply by having their scholars preach to the masses about how badly and anti-Islamic the president is. People like Sisi will not have a chance in any true democracy. And I’d love to have a bet with you when the time comes. Have you ever wondered why the Arab monarchies and dictators fear the MB and Salafists so much despite these dictators being Sunni? the answer is that the MB has an overwhelming majority public support in the Muslim world. I think Arab polls should convince anyone just how popular Erdogan is despite not being an Arab and despite all the propaganda to paint his as an imperialistic leader using Islam for his hegemonic goals. They love Erdogan more than all other Arab leaders. In fact, no Arab leader even comes second. Putin was a distant second to Erdogan, and I used to like Putin too until he started attacking Muslims in Syria and Libya. Putin and Erdogan have one thing in common though: They are both anti-American. On the other hand, no Arab leader dares do that. The Arab public consider America their enemy number one for invading Iraq, Somalia, and for its support for Israel and other regimes giving the Arabs trouble – like Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen. If the greater majority of Arabs will support a non-Arab leader over their own leaders, how much more would they support an Arab leader with similar qualities to Erdogan? It is that kind of Arab leader that we want now. but unfortunately, no Arab country is strong enough to attempt what Turkey is doing and survive. We Muslims don’t care who wins in Syria provided there’s democracy.
The Syrians would vote for a Sunni leader, but that Sunni leader won’t be a sectarian leader, they’ll be a leader for all the Syrian people, not just for the devout Sunnis. And the only people that really want to go to Idlib, are the people who think they know the will of God, and they want to impose their beliefs on everyone else, that’s why they flocked to Idlib. Syria’s had a working democracy for many decades, and the person you admire most never complained about the lack of democracy in Syria before this war started. As I told you before Erdogan invited Bashir and his wife to holiday with Erdogan in his family home, he wouldn’t have done that if he was concerned that Assad was fudging the elections.
I know that much of what you say is true concerning Syria. But your weakness in knowledge seems to be about the Sharia and what Islam says about governing the non-Muslims. Allah says in the Qur’an “Laa ikraha fiddeen”. Which translates as, “There’s no compulsion in religion”. Allah again said, “Lakum dinukum wal yadeen”. which translates as, “do your religion and let them do theirs” The problem is that the Kuffaar, hypocrites, and other Muslim sects don’t want us to have Sharia even when it applies to ONLY us. They want us to abandon Shariah and never return to it. This is IMPOSSIBLE. There’ll always be war because this. You are a very paranoid person who also happens to be very ignorant about how the Shariah works. you take Shariah to mean what ISIS, Al-qaeda, etc are doing – which is the opposite of Shariah. Shariah gives everyone peace and a right to live in peace regardless of their religion. It does clamp down on all forms of morality and injustice whether done by an individual or a group, or whether it affects just the individual or the society. And I think this is what the kuffar, hypocrites, and deviant sects don’t like.
Erdogan never had any plans to overthrow Assad even though they were and still are ideological opposites. Turkey had a reason for having good relations with Syria. But when America hatched this plot to overthrow Assad, what did you expect Erdogan to do? Protect Assad? That’d be asking for too much. Why would Turkey support a dictator that is hostile to true Muslims? Turkey cooperated with America to train the rebels in Syria and even ISIS. Turkey did this because it shared the interest with American of wanting a democracy in Syria. But America went too far when it decided that Erdogan too must go and not just Assad. However, the coup failed and Erdogan got really mad at the U.S. He largely dumped the U.S and began talking to Russia in 2017. That same year, the U.S began training and arming the Kurds in what Turkey considers a major national security threat. Erdogan didn’t want to let Assad deal with the Kurdish threat alone, because Assad and Russia simply didn’t have the nerve to go after the Kurds due to U.S support for them. But Erdogan wasn’t going to be deterred by the U.S – so it invaded parts of Syria occupied by the Kurds. That was how the original mission of Syria changed for Turkey from helping overthrow Assad to fighting the Kurdish threat. America made a major foreign policy mistake with the failed coup of 2016. There’s zero trust now between the U.S and Turkey and Erdogan will certainly be on his guard now more than before. And even as Biden is threatening Turkey with economic consequences for human rights abuses, Erdogan is still throwing more and more pro-West Turks into jail.
I’m not opposed to Sharia law in itself, if someone want to voluntarily adhere to the laws of Sharia good on them, the only problem I have with Sharia law is it should never be compulsory, it should never be imposed on anyone who doesn’t want to obey the Laws. For me that means Muslims who follow the Islamic faith but don’t want adhere the very strict religious laws, and young Muslim children under the age of 18 who haven’t decided what they want to do yet, they shouldn’t be forced to adhere to Sharia law. So if you suggested a voluntary option whereby individual Muslims could switch to adhere to Sharia Law I’d say great, but only if there is a choice. So I’d be happy to see a 2 tiered system whereby all Muslims started off under a legislated system of law, but then at the age of 18 or over, they could opt to switch to following Sharia law if they wanted to, and once committed they could be judged and punished according to Sharia Law. So all Muslims + others start off on the legislative system of laws, and at 18 or over, possibly opt to adhere to Sharia family law, or opt to adhere to both family and Sharia criminal Laws. Of course that would mean Muslim women [if the legislative laws permitted] could wear a bikini or immodest clothing anywhere she liked, and the Muslim men who faithfully adhere to Sharia Law would just have put up with it. But I know you wouldn’t be happy with that sort of system, you’d claim the immodest women were too much of a temptation to the pious men, who would then have trouble being pure minded because of the women’s immoral activities. And I know you’d also claim that living in that sort of system is harmful to children because of the contradictory messages the children receive. On one hand they have Mum and Dad and the Mosque teaching them to be modest, pious, and good citizens, but on the other hand they have nightclubs and bars, dancing, dating boys or girls, and other novelties tempting them to stray from the path their own faith promotes. And I know that’s a tough dilemma for righteous minded people like you, western countries like mine that promote LGBTQI materiel to little school children are more than enough reason for you to say no way, we don’t want that sort of crap going on in our societies, we don’t want any part of it. And again I’ll say good on you, our system is pretty crap in that regard, but you don’t have to copy our system, you could create an even better one for Islamic nations. There are many Islamic nations who opt to follow legislative Laws instead of Sharia law, Turkey used to be a shining example, [but maybe not for much longer if Erdogan gets his way], and there are quite a few countries who use a mixed system of Sharia and legislative laws, so it’s not like it hasn’t been done before. The bottom line is I don’t believe any faith has got it perfect yet, not Judaism, not Buddhism, not Hinduism not Christianity, nor Islam, all have some excellent qualities but none are perfect, so I don’t want any particular religion placed above any of the others, we should all have the right to choose whatever faith we think is best, or choose none at all if we want to.
And I think it’s despicable what Erdogan’s doing, last year the total number of people he locked up was over 80,000, and I’ll bet 79,000 of them had nothing whatsoever to do with the coup, they’re just political prisoners Erdogan’s unlawfully locking up for political convenience, very sad indeed from my perspective.
If Shariah law is not made compulsory, then it’s not a law. You claiming not to oppose Shariah is likely false because you can’t choose to obey or disobey a country’s legal system. There are Muslims in Australia and they have to abide by the Australian legal system. They will not be allowed to have a different legal system that applies to Muslims alone because that will conflict with the Australian law and lead to problems.
If Sharia prohibits alcohol, prostitution, adultery/fornication, etc, you either obey or leave that country. Nobody will force you to stay, and nobody will force you to accept Islam because Allah forbids compulsion in several places. In fact, the government can even help those who can’t live by Sharia to migrate to other countries where they fornicate, drink, prostitute, or have as much adultery as they want to.
But I want you to understand just how unfair you are being to Muslims who want to live by the Shariah. These Muslims belief in Heaven and hell just like you believe that the sun will rise from the east tomorrow. Because of this, such Muslims are afraid of leading a life of sin. They are afraid both for themselves and their families. But with so much temptation around (clothed-but-naked women, pornography, alcohol, prostitutes, legalizing fornication or at least not prohibiting it, not prohibiting interest loans, etc) these Muslims find it difficult to navigate these temptations without falling into some – or at least their children (male and female) becoming sinners. Shariah helps to remove or severely limit these temptations so that Muslims can more easily avoid them. But some Muslim sinners don’t like this because it’ll make it difficult for them to lead a life of sin. However, a majority of Muslims sinners would want the Shariah to help them fight the devil in their lives. Such is the situation of the Muslim world today.
We are currently at war today, between hypocrites (anti-Sharia Muslims) backed by the West through anti-Shariah government (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, etc), and true Muslims backed by Turkey, Qatar, and Pakistan. These western puppet governments are all anti-Shariah. But non-Muslims like you won’t understand. You see their women with burgas and you think that is Shariah. Shariah must first apply to the government before the government can apply it on people. And one of the most important and clear prohibition by Shariah is that NO Muslim government should ally with the Christians or pagans. We can have peace treaties that must be renewed every decade, but we cannot have alliances.
Another important and clear prohibition by Shariah is that ultimate power must not be given to a single individual, family, or group, and neither should the wealth of a Muslim nation be in the hands of their king or dictators to spend as they see fit without consulting the broader Muslim community through their “true” representatives or through what you call plebiscite.
Another very important prohibition by Shariah is that the government must ban any anti-Shariah activities, including giving the Christians or non-Muslims a base for their military, aiding them in their wars, trading with them when they are waging war on other Muslim communities, music and musical instruments. You can see that the Saudi government is in violation of all these. So it cannot be termed a Shariah government. The only government to have truly implemented Shariah was the Taliban government of Afghanistan. Not even Turkey or Qatar has done that. But at least the Turks, Qataris, and Muslim Brotherhood are better in that they are doing their best to turn the situation around. They are not looking to export Sharia to Western or non-Muslim countries. They want the broader Muslim community to “decide” for themselves if they want Shariah or not through the “ballot”. But dictators and monarchies like Assad, El-Sisi, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, and countries like Russia, the U.S, Europe, Australia, stand in the way despite hypocritically claiming to promote democracy (government “of” the people “for” the people “BY” the people) . Because they know the Muslims will overwhelmingly support leaders who advocate for Shariah. If the Muslim don’t do it now due to the hardness of their hearts, they will if the government allow scholars to teach the Muslims the real Islam in their schools (through changes in the curriculum like Turkey, Qatar, and Pakistan have done) or through preaching to the adults the benefits of Shariah and how it’ll help them live the live of a true Muslim and avoid hell fire.
I’m not an advocate of rebellions, but I’m beginning to think that without a rebellion, there’s almost no way for the Muslims to get rid of tyranny in their lands. Democracy and stability is a threat for America, be it in Libya, Syria, Egypt or Turkey for this very reason. All the efforts of Erdogan and his comrades is to help Muslim countries get rid of dictatorship and adopt democracy – because there’s a craving in the Muslim world for this – which is why we had the Arab spring.
It’s more complicated than that. You’re advising Putin to go to war with Turkey to save Assad. he’ll politely decline your advice. War is expensive buddy, and you & I both know Turkey is no pushover.
I don’t want Putin to go to war against Erdogan, I said I want him to rip up resolution 2254, and then I want him to rip up all of the16 useless Astana agreements, and then I want him to shove all that ripped up paper straight up Erdogan’s proverbial. As I’ve said before, you continually misquote me, why do you do that?
I didn’t misquote you here mate. The consequences of your suggest is that Russia and Turkey will be on a slippery slope to war. You must understand that no single country can impose a military solution in Syria, not even the U.S. All parties understand that the way forward is to negotiate a settlement and everyone’s got to comprise towards that.
Syria has every right to impose a military solution on their own country, they shouldn’t have to negotiate with terrorists. Compromise? there is no compromise in Sharia law.
There is compromise in Shariah law. For example, the government can ban alcohol, cigarette, prostitution, interest, and exploitative capitalism. It can also ban isolation of men and women, separate male from female students and workers, prohibit male doctors treating women unless there’s no alternative. On the other hand, the government can waive the death penalty for adultery, apostasy, and similar others that does not involve killing someone else. Additionally, it can punish offenders only through jail or fine or death (for homicide crimes). Even if we have just 20% of Sharia implemented, it’s certainly better than having nothing at all. Besides, it won’t be called Shariah law, but aspects of Sharia can still be incorporated in the new constitution. Syria can hold a what you described to me about Australia. I’ve forgotten the word you used. But it’s like the whole population voting to have or not have certain laws. If an overwhelming majority wants certain aspects of Shariah law, then let them have it. If majority don’t want any aspect of Sharia law, then so be it. It means the scholars and Muslim teachers have to do a better job of teaching the Muslims regarding the virtues of Sharia, and they can repeat the process in the future. Why would a minority stand in the way of the majority and insist on a purely secular law.
Plebiscite is the voting method we use to give everyone in the country a choice when changing the constitution. Now you’re talking my language, choice is the key to changes in any constitution. Many Islamic nations use mixed systems of both Sharia and legislative laws in different degrees.
“Why would a minority stand in the way of the majority and insist on a purely secular law”.
They can’t, that’s why most Islamic nations that enjoy democratic system don’t usually have full on Sharia law, they have mixed systems of both legislative and Sharia law, which means not all Muslims want full on Sharia Law.
Not all Muslims want full Sharia law, or you could rephrase it as “Munafiqoon” Muslims. These Muslims are worse than the disbelievers, because they claim to be with Islam but are far from it by heart. Even the Prophet (SAW) himself suffered at the hands of these Muslims and Allah promised in the Quran that such Muslims will be in the worse parts of hell than anyone else. Nevertheless, for the sake of peace an stability, we can have mixed legal systems provided democracy prevails. Our biggest problem are the monarchies and dictators. Without them, the West can never control our policies – at not for long. Should the Muslim Brotherhood assume power in up to five Muslim countries, they will fight alongside each other to defend each other’s right. For example, Turkey will not stand idly while Qatar or Pakistan gets attacked even by the U.S.A, and vise versa. their ability and willingness to form strong alliances is the main reason America and Russia are afraid of them – not because they’ll ship jihadists to Europe or Russia as is always claimed.
I don’t think they’re all hypocrites, I think some of them are being merciful, let me create a fictional scenario to explain. You and I are both devout Muslims and adhere to Sharia Law, we are then both asked to punish some sinners who’ve broken Sharia law, but the standing punishments are amputation for theft and stoning to death for adultery, what do we do. Now if I was asked to deliver the punishment I’d have to say no, I’d have to tell the people asking me to deliver the punishment that my conscience wouldn’t allow me to, no matter how deserving the guilty were, and then I’d suggest another more merciful punishment. What would you do in that situation, could you deliver the punishment if stoning to death or amputation were the prescribed punishments, and the guilt of the accused was beyond dispute? Let me go one step further with my imagined scenario, lets say that after I refused to deliver the punishment God suddenly appeared in front of me and said this, but this is the prescribed law and it’s your duty as a devout Muslim to carry out the punishment, I would still say no even to God [if God allowed me free will], then I’d apologize for not obeying Gods supreme will and knowledge, and humbly explain why I still couldn’t carry out the punishment. Gods teachings concerning charity, forgiveness, and mercy, have always eased my conscience, but thoughts of violent or oppressive punishments do nothing to ease my conscience. God gave us a conscience so we could understand the difference between good and bad, so that’s what I’d say to God when explaining my refusal, I’d say my conscience that you gave me won’t allow me to carry out the punishment, and then I’d apologize for refusing. But I don’t think God would be mad at me for refusing God’s will, I’d hope God would be proud of me, and happy that I’d learned some of the most important lessons God teaches us.
I’ve told you before that if it wasn’t for the fact the Brotherhood wants to impose Sharia Law in the countries that they win a political elections, and the fact they’ve become involved in the Syrian insurgency trying to violently overthrow Assad, I’d be on their side concerning the fight against Arab Monarchies and western meddling [but not the destruction of Israel], but those 3 points cancel out all the good objectives they have. They won power with about 43% of the vote in Egypt and then tried to impose their political will on the rest of the country, that’s the main reason they were illegally ousted from government. I know foreign support for the illegal ousting was equally as important a reason for what happened, but it couldn’t have happened if most of the population didn’t want it too, they were happy to see the Brotherhood go because a huge chunk of the population began to fear them. And no I don’t think Egypt’s better off now, I might not like the Brotherhood but I think the way they’re treated in Egypt is evil beyond description, and as I’ve pointed out to you, the rest of the world is mostly silent about it.
Mixed systems of both Sharia and legislative Laws seem to work ok in the most part, but it depends on which parts of Sharia Law are enforced strictly.
Okay, we meet again on different topic in the future.